Sentences with word responsible

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No responsible motorist would drink and drive.

Ни один ответственный водитель не станет пить перед тем, как сесть за руль.

A socially responsible business cannot evade taxes.

Однако мне представляется, что социально ответственный человек не должен уходить от налогов.

We may never know who was responsible.

Возможно, мы так и не узнаем, кто виноват.

Unfortunately, not everyone is a prudent and responsible driver.

Но, как известно, не все являются добросовестными и ответственными водителями.

You said the elderly are responsible.

And no one knows who’s responsible.

We can affirm their proactive nature and treat them as responsible people.

Мы можем способствовать укреплению их проактивной натуры и относиться к ним, как к людям ответственным.

They love trustworthy and responsible persons who will never deceive them.

Они любят заслуживающих доверия и ответственных людей, которые никогда их не обманут.

They should be more responsible themselves before demanding this from others.

Им следует быть более ответственными самим, прежде чем требовать этого от других.

Businesses have no choice but to become responsible global citizens.

У субъектов бизнеса нет иного выбора, кроме как становиться ответственными глобальными гражданами.

And last but not least, responsible companies that make this possible.

И, наконец, что не менее важно, ответственные компании, которые делают это возможным.

It comes with strings no responsible government should accept.

Они хотят того, что ни одно ответственное правительство не разрешит.

Uruguay was chosen because it meets all the credentials for responsible forest industry.

Уругвай был выбран потому, что он отвечает всем требованиям, предъявляемым к ответственной лесной промышленности.

Nevertheless we believe that a responsible approach to water is crucial.

Тем не менее мы полагаем, что ответственный подход к водопользованию является критически важным.

Development of draft regulations is our most responsible practice.

Разработка и подготовка проектов нормативных актов является нашей наиболее ответственной практикой.

Ukraine needs responsible people with state thinking.

Украине нужны ответственные политики, с твердой государственной позицией.

She often performs difficult and responsible tasks during which she risks her life.

Ей нередко приходится браться за выполнение сложных и ответственных заданий, в ходе которых она постоянно подвергает собственную жизнь немыслимой опасности.

Governments do not socialize youngsters into responsible citizens.

Правительства не делают из подростков граждан, ответственно относящихся к жизни.

Free and responsible communications media are essential for effective democratization.

Свободные и ответственные средства массовой информации имеют важное значение для эффективной демократизации.

No responsible Congress would seek to put the president in that position.

Ни один ответственный Конгресс не пойдет на то, чтобы поставить президента в подобное положение.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат responsible

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

The commissioner of the federal agency responsible for electricity supply in the U.S. explains the ongoing transformation of the energy sector


A new variant of FOC, tropical race 4 (TR4), is responsible for the Southeast Asian outbreaks (24,25).


Evgeny Lebedev, who runs several newspapers, including the Independent, has said phone hacking is neither responsible nor ethical in journalism.


In exchange you spend a little time lifting weights and trying to be somewhat responsible on the days that you are eating.


They see that engaged fathers and father figures can truly change the culture, because many of society’s issues will be helped when caring, responsible men step up and care for children.


But what if I told you that the strategy responsible for…


Patent attorneys are required to have a J.D. or equivalent degree and are responsible for drafting patent applications, negotiating patent licenses and proving their ability to think strategically.


Pumpkins are high in Beta Carotene — Beta carotene is responsible for «Orange Babies»; if your baby’s nose, cheeks or even the soles of his feet are taking on an orange tinge, chock it up to the beta carotene!


The manager responsible, Nigel Adkins, may have suspected the fixtures computer of having Pompey sympathies when it pitched them against Man City, Man Utd and Arsenal in their first four games — all ended in defeat (valiant defeat against the two Manchester clubs, it should be stressed), and ludicrous rumours suggested his position might be under threat.


If your class is not progressing as expected, which could be due to the students» own circumstances, you will be held responsible.


Sørensen also benefited from factors that don’t show up in financial data: Novo Nordisk offers insulin at a steep discount to consumers in developing countries, it has transparent and limited political lobbying practices, and it abides by a what Sustainalytics deems a «responsible» policy on animal testing.


For realizing that the USDA is responsible both for setting nutrition guidelines * and * subsidizing agricultural commodities?


US special forces raided the compound of an Islamic State leader in eastern Syria in May… The target… was an Isis official responsible for oil smuggling, named Abu Sayyaf.


Coverage ranges from the age of each bill and the credit-security arrangement that backs up its payment, to a summary of the collection activities, and the initials of the staff person responsible.


Regardless how that baby came out, whomever grew that child — and endured the postpartum recovery afterward — is the one responsible for that birth.


I hired and work with our technical director, Laura Paglione, who is responsible for developing use cases for implementing the ORCID registry.


«And we’re meeting that obligation in a responsible, methodical way.»


«To the extent that Greece is only responsible and decides what is to happen, and we will not know exactly what Greek leaders are performing, we are unable to exclude it,» explained Mr Schaeuble.


Reinvent Albany recommends that one state agency be responsible for all contract decisions, and that it be totally transparent, instead of what Kaehny calls the present «shadow government» that’s been caught up in the federal bid rigging scandal.


Finally, the charter harked back to a golden age for the English people and was responsible for it.


The AWWG is made up of representatives from CSIRO, Animal Health Australia, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry — Australia, and from each of the State Departments responsible for agriculture.


Kids are responsible for funding their own projects, which, if they involve livestock, can require a substantial investment.


One Sassy Geek is not responsible for lost or damage prizes.


Ospina is being held responsible for his national team’s loss to Paraguay as two late errors saw Colombia beaten after leading 1-0 with just minutes to go.


Our Knight Life is not responsible for prize distribution, lost, or stolen prizes.


Smokey baba ganoush, which I think is responsible for keeping me fed the entire weekend, and a white bean and kale salad dressed with a preserved lemon vinaigrette, recipe courtesy of our friends at Picnic.


So, why do I believe God is responsible for the destruction of human souls?


One needs to ask when will responsible Repubs finally get the nerve to go to this despicable traitor and insist he do what is right for our nation and resign?


C. «The Methodist Church believes that responsible contraception is a welcome means towards fulfillment in marriage».


Generally, holding someone responsible for his or her actions takes the form of a reprimand.


Skip Schweiss is responsible for all TD Ameritrade Trust Company (TDATC) functions, including retirement solutions and services for independent registered investment advisors and third-party administrators using TD Ameritrade’s trust platform.


She is responsible for daily financial functions related to fund operation and monitoring the firm’s portfolio companies.


We believe in fiscal responsibility but we also believe in the teachings of Jesus that we are all God’s children and all responsible for one another.


HACCP has since become the de facto food safety system worldwide and is directly responsible for preventing an untold of number of deaths and illnesses.


is responsible for scheduling what comes to the floor in the Senate.


There’s not even a close second side dish, unless it’s the very responsible choice of a «side salad.»


Sponsors are responsible for prize fulfillment.


We had a lot of trepidation early on around Facebook Live and wanting that to be a responsible channel — where it wasn’t a channel being used to just broadcast violent things or things that we found don’t align with the values of our brand.


WeatherCurrents will not be held responsible for any objectionable content posted by another user.


My comment had nothing to do with the Russian national team, even in Russia they are slating him as they believe that he is a spent force, but I think how he has been deployed has been just as responsible


«Our budget is fiscally responsible, progressive and honest.


Ultimately, Wenger is responsible for the tactics and picking these players.


This process could help scientists and governments comply with the European Council Directive 2011/70/EURATOM on the «responsible and safe management of spent fuel and radioactive waste» which requires EU Member States to establish a dedicated policy, including the implementation of national programmes for the management of spent fuel and radioactive waste.


It is little wonder that the industry is responsible for making many instant millionaires in the United States of America, as well as the rest of the world.


For starters, there have been no bet signals triggered on Carolina which indicates that public money is solely responsible for this 1-point line move.


They are assessing investability, scalability and protectability, while relating these to monetary enterprise value and legal and business exposure you may be held responsible for post transaction — if the deal crosses the finish line.


We are now unmistakably aware that we alone are responsible for the character of our own lives and the well-being of others.


Diaper need shouldn’t be responsible for parental depression, child abuse, and adverse health affects.


The fertility center’s physicians have been at the forefront of this specialized field of medicine for over three decades and are responsible for creating some of the world’s first IVF babies.


A spouse could also be held responsible for the debt if you lived in a community property state.


ответственный, несущий ответственность, надежный, сознательный, важный


- ответственный; несущий ответственность

responsible to smb. — ответственный перед кем-л.
to be responsible for smth. — а) быть ответственным за что-л.; б) быть автором или инициатором чего-л.
to be jointly and severally responsible — юр. нести солидарную и индивидуальную ответственность
he is responsible for these verses — эти стихи принадлежат ему
they are responsible for the reorganization — из-за них /благодаря им/ была проведена реорганизация

- отвечающий за свои действия

he is not responsible for his actions — он не отвечает за свои поступки, он ненормален

- надёжный, достойный доверия

a very responsible tenant — очень надёжный арендатор
a situation for a responsible man — место для надёжного человека
from responsible sources — из надёжных источников
in responsible quarters — в авторитетных кругах
there was about him a responsible look — в его внешности было что-то внушавшее доверие

- амер. платёжеспособный
- ответственный, важный

responsible post — ответственный пост

- арх. приличный, респектабельный (о виде и т. п.)

he had quite responsible clothes — он был одет вполне прилично


- театр. жарг. дублёр

Мои примеры


determined who was the responsible party — определили, кто же был виновной стороной  
responsible for the highness of the rates — ответственный за высокие показатели  
responsible government — ответственное правительство  
to hold smb. responsible — считать кого-л. ответственным  
responsible official — ответственное лицо  
key / responsible position — ключевая, ответственная должность  
responsible authority — ответственный орган  
to hold responsible in damages — считать ответственным за убытки  
hold responsible — быть ответственным  
responsible ministry — ответственное правительство  
person responsible for his acts — лицо, ответственное за свои действия  
administratively responsible — несущий административную ответственность  

Примеры с переводом

She is a very responsible worker.

Она — очень ответственный работник.

He is responsible enough for this job.

Он достаточно ответственный человек для этой работы.

She behaved in a very responsible way.

Она вела себя очень ответственно.

Is he responsible enough to have a car?

Достаточно ли он ответственный чтобы иметь машину?

Who is responsible for this terrible mess?

Кто в ответе за эту ужасную путаницу?

The town is responsible for snow removal.

За уборку снега отвечают городские власти.

They are in no small way responsible for it.

Они в немалой степени несут за это ответственность.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Who is responsible for the upkeep of these buildings?

I’m holding you personally responsible for this mess!

Angry workers were responsible for the sabotage of the machines.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

irresponsible  — безответственный, несознательный, невменяемый, неответственный
responsibly  — ответственно

Sentences with the word Responsible?



  • «a commission is responsible for the accreditation of medical schools»
  • «he claims that the present administration is corrupt»; «the governance of an association is responsible to its members»; «he quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment»
  • «the publisher was responsible for all the artwork in the book»
  • «he was responsible for the beginning of negotiations»
  • «the storm was responsible for many blocked roads and bridges»; «the drain was plugged»
  • «a responsible borrower»
  • «take for granted»; «view as important»; «hold these truths to be self-evident»; «I hold him personally responsible«
  • «he felt responsible for her lowness of spirits»
  • «war left many cities destroyed»; «Alzheimer’s is responsible for her destroyed mind»
  • «these two factors are directly related»; «he was directly responsible«; «measured the physical properties directly»
  • «he regretted the disappearance of Greek from school curricula»; «what was responsible for the disappearance of the rainforest?»; «the disappearance of resistance at very low temperatures»
  • «the DOE is responsible for maintaining the energy policy»
  • «her enhanced beauty was the result of a good night’s sleep rather than makeup»; «careful cleaning was responsible for the enhanced value of the painting»
  • «the more remote the body the less the gravity»; «the gravitation between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them»; «gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love»—Albert Einstein
  • «physicians should be held responsible for the health of their patients»
  • «responsible for the highness of the rates»
  • «in 1972 the Japanese Red Army was responsible for a massacre at an airport in Israel»
  • «the artists and repertoire department of a recording label is responsible for finding new talent»
  • «an officer is responsible for the lives of his men»
  • «a poem by an unknown author»; «corporations responsible to nameless owners»; «an unnamed donor»
  • «officially, he is in charge»; «officially responsible«
  • «he is responsible for the precipitation of his own demise»
  • «he was responsible for the procurement of materials and supplies»
  • «a responsible adult»; «responsible journalism»; «a responsible position»; «the captain is responsible for the ship’s safety»; «the cabinet is responsible to the parliament»
  • «determined who was the responsible party»; «termites were responsible for the damage»
  • «Shining Path has been responsible for 30,000 deaths»
  • «the town is responsible for snow removal»
  • «who is responsible for these variations in taxation?»

About 56099 results found using ‘RESPONSIBLE’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • We’re each responsible for taking charge and making things happen for ourselves.  (open, save, copy)

  • The person responsible for leaving the ammunition on school property is unknown.  (open, save, copy)

  • They need to halt all services and let people become responsible for themselves.  (open, save, copy)

  • Selling 30-round clips to the mentally deranged is not being responsible adults.  (open, save, copy)

  • Who would be responsible for ensuring it is operating when the utility needs it?  (open, save, copy)

  • It was this later impact, Keller says, that is responsible for the K-T boundary.  (open, save, copy)

  • They do good for shareholders and employees while being ethical and responsible.  (open, save, copy)

  • In 1997, it hired Mays, the former Audi designer responsible for the New Beetle.  (open, save, copy)

  • Philip K. Wrigley was responsible for bringing the organ into baseball stadiums.  (open, save, copy)

Web Definitions for ‘responsible’:

  1. Worthy of or requiring responsibility or trust; or held accountable; «a responsible adult»; «responsible journalism»; «a responsible position»; «the captain is responsible for the ship’s safety»; «the cabinet is responsible to the parliament» [source]
  2. Creditworthy: having an acceptable credit rating; «a responsible borrower» [source]
  3. (responsibility) duty: the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force; «we must instill a sense of duty in our children»; «every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty»- John D.Rockefeller Jr [source]
  4. (responsibility) province: the proper sphere or extent of your activities; «it was his province to take care of himself» [source]
  5. (Responsibility (novel)) Responsibility is a novel by New Zealand author Nigel Cox, published by Victoria University Press in 2005. [source]
  6. (Responsibility (song)) «Responsibility» is a song by pop punk band MxPx. It was released in 2000 and appeared on their sixth album The Ever Passing Moment and was a minor radio hit, peaking at #24 on the Billboard Modern Rock chart. … [source]
  7. Answerable for an act performed or for its consequences; accountable; amenable, especially legally or politically; Capable of responding to any reasonable claim; able to answer reasonably for one’s conduct and obligations; capable of rational conduct; Involving responsibility; involving a degree … [source]
  8. (responsibility) The state of being responsible, accountable, or answerable; A duty, obligation or liability for which someone is held accountable; The obligation to carry forward an assigned task to a successful conclusion. … [source]
  9. (Responsibility) You are solely responsible for your information, and We act as a passive conduit for your online distribution and publication. … [source]

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