Sentences with word responsibility

They seriously lack in the responsibility and problem-solving areas.


We also recognize our responsibility to play a positive role in addressing this discussion, and in promoting and advocating for the appropriate consumption of these products.


Felder joined the firm last May to launch Fundamental Strategies and later assumed responsibility for Citadel’s Global Credit business, Citadel said.


True inspiration for any mother-to-be, this group of women trusted their bodies and intuitions, taking responsibility for their birth decisions even when things didn’t go according to plan.


From this faculty of synderesis, or «conscience,» stems all of Western law, freedom, and responsibility.


He said at the time that he admired the «fiscal responsibility that Europeans have, because they’re so used to building their companies with relatively little money or knowing they might not get another round.»


As part of our commitment to responsible marketing and the Global Beer, Wine and Spirits Producers» Commitments we have committed to reviewing all our products to ensure they will carry at least one responsible drinking symbol and a responsibility website by the end of 2017.


people just want an excuse to be f@g5 and wh0r3s without having to take responsibility for their actions.


And what responsibility and accountability does Labour have with regards to our current situation?


Richard C. Shapiro was appointed VP of sales and marketing at Compton «s Learning Co…. Colleen A. Bajjalieh, whose responsibilities at Northern Trust Co. include sales promotion, was named a second VP at the bank….


For every parent that does their best to maintain their child despite the fact that, well, flights are just plain awful, there are those parents that seem to have the attitude that they shouldn’t have to take responsibility for their child’s behaviour.


According to a Pew Research Center survey conducted before the election, about two-thirds of white evangelicals (67 %) and mainline Protestants (65 %) believe that America does not have a moral responsibility to accept Syrian refugees.


«We have a responsibility to protect your data,» Zuckerberg says instead, «if we can’t then we don’t deserve to serve you.»


And someone has to take responsibility for that and that person has and always been Wenger.


Accountability, responsibility, persistence, fortitude, strength, compassion, work ethic, ingenuity, determination, integrity, honesty, focus, diligence, and resolve.


But I still think all this back-and-forth does is use dozens of debatable facts to cloud the main issue: Both Tony and Julie need help, and all the arguing does is give them a distraction from addressing their own responsibilities in the mess they have created together.


Because the popularity of the BlackBerry exploded, the company didn’t have the ability to set up a rigorous management structure in which everyone had clear responsibilities.


It’s a big responsibility, but the Beaver is just the man to shoulder it.


The Compensation Committee has the authority to engage its own advisors to assist in carrying out its responsibilities.


Additional responsibilities include child’s laundry, meal prep for children and keeping children’s rooms tidy.


Particularly among the well-educated, marriages are increasingly acting as «commitment devices» facilitating what we have elsewhere labeled High Investment Parenting, with parents sharing the responsibilities of teaching and caring for their children.


As a mom, your life full of responsibilities, and there is no room for friends you can’t depend on.


«We need to work on some other legislative issues that are important to counties in terms of social services, in terms of the balance of funding and responsibilities between the state and the counties in those costs,» Picente said.


The error of such free market economics is that it substitutes an automatic social mechanism for moral responsibility and thereby permits grave social injustices to occur.


«I take full responsibility for the defeat,» Renzi said in a televised address to the nation, saying he would hand in his formal resignation to President Sergio Mattarella on Monday.


It is your responsibility to update the school staff with any changes that are occurring with your child’s dietary needs.


I asked the mayor whether he plans on any significant changes in the allocation of disaster response responsibilities among City agencies or on the structure of those agencies with respect to disaster response: Press Q&A:


Scicchitano has been with Corner Bakery Cafe through different ownerships and took on more responsibilities beyond his culinary and baking worlds as the years went by.


And networks like Citymothers and Cityfathers show how many more parents are choosing to both earn and share their childcare responsibilities between them.


As a father, I believe all children should have access to real foods; and as a company, we believe we have a responsibility to the millions of families with food allergies to make the safe food choice the easy and affordable choice.»


You’ve tried to give him feedback, but he always manages to avoid responsibility.


20 % think his resignation would do more harm than good for the state, 14 % report he’s doing a good job under the circumstances, and 13 % think Paterson has a responsibility to fulfill his commitment.


He added that he «accepted full responsibility» for his actions and «was and remain very remorseful for the incident and deeply regret the pain I caused her and her family, as well as the pain I caused the church and God’s Kingdom».


One of the most striking experiences that I’ve had in writing this book is the fact that when I describe what a StrongBlackWoman is, nearly everyone I talk to, regardless of their own race and gender, can identify some woman in their life who lives into the role — a family member, friend, co-worker, or congregation member who constantly sacrifices herself on behalf of others, who carries an inordinately heavy load of responsibility, and who rarely asks for help.


Any trading decisions that you make are solely your responsibility.


In such cases, parents share in the everyday responsibilities of raising the child, including financial obligations.


It can also include grandparents and other relatives in clear parenting roles (typically those who have primary or legal responsibility for children).


Philippe Coutinho and Adam Lallana are likely to be held back, with Sheyi Ojo and Jordon Ibe a pair of flying young wingers entrusted with creative responsibilities in the absence of more established names.


Because you trust us with your gifts, we consider it our chief responsibility to ensure that we are operating ethically, effectively and transparently.


International shipping charges, plus all local governmental fees, duties, taxes, or tariffs are the responsibility of the purchaser and may be need to be paid to courier upon delivery.


Pediatric and perinatal pathology would be terribly hard work, and I’m amazed by people who are able to take on that responsibility and the emotional weight that comes with it.


District Leaders are unpaid volunteer elected officials and each district has two District Leaders, one male and one female, with the same responsibilities.


The Ministry will integrate responsibility for trade strategy, trade missions and promotion among all ministry partners to increase Ontario’s exports and identify new markets.


I’ve argued before that no entrepreneur or manager has the obligation to be a therapist — people can change, but your responsibility is in teaching and developing your best employees, not in coddling your worst.


Organization: A successful, sustainable, digital effort needs responsibility and accountability across departments.


We will also explore, sympathetically I hope, why theonomy so appeals to many religious conservatives who have in the last decade discovered the responsibilities and excitements of political engagement.


The ability to cut your losses where necessary and re-direct your efforts when you see a dead end was deemed important to succeeding and avoiding burnout as was having a solid, diverse and driven team so that responsibilities can be shared.


Your stroller is the perfect place to ensure that your children remain safe with you when you are out and about conducting daily responsibilities.


And those who wish to think about the government’s responsibility and actions in the hurricane-damaged parts of Florida or Texas or Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico or Cuba or elsewhere in the Caribbean, this program is for you.


Nestlé’s UN Global Compact cover up: How Nestlé’s Shared Value reports cover up malpractice and bring the UN voluntary initiative for corporate responsibility into disrepute.


Sentences with the word Responsibility?



  • «I absolve you from this responsibility«
  • «I’ll accept the charges»; «She agreed to bear the responsibility«
  • «an ingenuous admission of responsibility«
  • «averting danger was his responsibility«
  • «block grants reduce federal responsibility for social welfare»
  • «the burden of responsibility«; «that’s a load off my mind»
  • «it is a center’s responsibility to get the football to the quarterback»
  • «testimony consistent with the known facts»; «I have decided that the course of conduct which I am following is consistent with my sense of responsibility as president in time of war»- FDR
  • «a decadent life of excessive money and no sense of responsibility«; «a group of effete self-professed intellectuals»
  • «He disclaimed any responsibility«
  • «These events dramatize the lack of social responsibility among today’s youth»
  • «responsibility turned the spoiled playboy into a driving young executive»
  • «we must instill a sense of duty in our children»; «every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty»- John D.Rockefeller Jr
  • «he enjoyed his relief from responsibility«; «getting it off his conscience gave him some ease»
  • «fiscal responsibility«
  • «to face a problem squarely»; «the responsibility lies squarely with them»; «spoke forthright (or forthrightly) and to the point»
  • «lay a responsibility on someone»
  • «The fate of Bosnia lies in the hands of the West»; «The responsibility rests with the Allies»
  • «oblivious of the mounting pressures for political reform»; «oblivious to the risks she ran»; «not unmindful of the heavy responsibility«
  • «he holds a position of great responsibility«
  • «he has responsibility for the running of two companies at the same time»
  • «he saddled me with that heavy responsibility«
  • «left me saddled with the bill»; «found himself saddled with more responsibility than power»
  • «instructional designers are trained in something that might be called tradecraft»; «the CIA chief of station accepted responsibility for his agents’ failures of tradecraft»
  • «undivided responsibility«
  • «bowed down by the weight of responsibility«

Synonym: duty, obligation, province, responsibleness. Similar words: sensibility, be responsible for, possibility, responsive, response, credibility, flexibility, compatibility. Meaning: [rɪ‚spɑnsə’bɪlətɪ /-pɒn-]  n. 1. the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force 2. the proper sphere or extent of your activities 3. a form of trustworthiness; the trait of being answerable to someone for something or being responsible for one’s conduct. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Power invariably means both responsibility and danger. 

2. Responsibility must be shouldered; you cannot carry it under your arms. 

3. Managementmust take ultimate responsibility for the strike.

4. Protecting the environment is every man’s responsibility.

5. Each manager had responsibility for just under 600 properties.

6. We will accept ultimate responsibility for whatever happens.

7. The chief cadre in charge should bear greater responsibility.

8. The manager carries the greatest burden of responsibility.

9. He has no sense of responsibility.

10. He did the good deed on his responsibility.

11. We in the Congress can’t shirk our responsibility.

12. She disclaimed responsibility for the accident.

12. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

13. Adulthood and responsibility seemed impossibly remote.

14. The Trans-Canada highway is a federal responsibility.

15. Kelly’s promotion means more money and more responsibility.

16. He has no responsibility for that accident.

17. I want you to undertake all the responsibility.

18. I disavow all responsibility for you.

19. Her father carried a heavy burden of responsibility.

20. I did it on my own responsibility .

21. We have made a conscious effort to devolve responsibility.

22. I was numbed by the enormity of the responsibility.

23. With a smile the speaker, to bear the responsibility.

24. Bill refused to take responsibility for the accident.

25. She had shared responsibility for her brother since girlhood.

26. The safety of the ship is the captain’s responsibility.

27. She wanted to disburden herself of the responsibility.

28. The new law rightly emphasizes parental responsibility.

29. Are you prepared to acknowledge your responsibility?

30. If you want your children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shouldres. 

More similar words: sensibility, be responsible for, possibility, responsive, response, credibility, flexibility, compatibility, respond, ability, respondent, correspond, liability, stability, disability, capability, correspondent, reliability, probability, corresponding to, availability, accountability, sponsor, agility, utility, facility, rehabilitation, espouse, bespoke, on the spot. 

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


However more men than women assume this responsibility.

Вместе с тем мужчины в большей степени, чем женщины, берут на себя такую ответственность.

It must become willing to assume greater responsibility.

И она должна быть готова к тому, что будет брать на себя значительно большую ответственность.

The responsibilities it outlines are threefold: the responsibility to prevent, the responsibility to react and the responsibility to rebuild.

The responsibility to protect necessarily encompasses the responsibility to prevent.

Обязанность по защите в обязательном порядке предусматривает обязанность по предотвращению.

We have a large responsibility as citizens.

В связи с этим, на нас, как на гражданах, лежит большая ответственность.

This places an enormous responsibility upon pastoral leadership.

Но, с другой стороны, на вас ложится очень большая ответственность по пастырскому руководству.

Fighting intolerance takes both state action and individual responsibility.

«Борьба с нетерпимостью требует неотлагательных действий, как со стороны государств, так и личной ответственности.

One approach has been to derive corporate responsibility from individual responsibility under international criminal law.

Один из подходов заключается в том, чтобы установить корпоративную ответственность на основе индивидуальной ответственности в соответствии с международным уголовным правом.

The axiological foundations of social responsibility are defined by international and national standards of social responsibility, revealing the characteristics of civil and legal social responsibility.

Аксеологические основы социальной ответственности определены международными и национальными стандартами социальной ответственности, раскрывающими характеристику гражданской и юридической социальной ответственности.

Keywords: international responsibility, grounds of responsibility, obligations of a state, internationallywrongful act, invocation of responsibility.

The responsibility of a politician is comparable to the responsibility of a doctor.

These and other factors form the context for social responsibility and contribute to the call for organizations to demonstrate their social responsibility.

Эти и другие факторы составляют контекст социальной ответственности и вносят вклад в призыв к организациям демонстрировать свою социальную ответственность.

Communism seeks to replace individual responsibility with collective responsibility, which is a complete denial of individual spiritual growth.

Коммунизм стремится заменить индивидуальную ответственность коллективной, которая является полным отрицанием индивидуального духовного роста.

If responsibility as the accountability and attribution can be divorced thus, seemingly, we deal with two different concepts of responsibility.

Если ответственность как подотчетность и атрибуция могут быть разведены таким образом, то, похоже, мы имеем дело с двумя разными понятиями ответственности.

Transforming increased civic responsibility into political responsibility can be achieved through facilitating citizen’s interaction with the authorities.

Трансформации повышенной гражданской ответственности в политическую ответственность можно достичь с помощью облегчения взаимодействия граждан с органами власти.

Prisoners should be given opportunities to exercise personal responsibility in daily prison life (responsibility principle).

Заключенным должна быть предоставлена возможность нести личную ответственность в повседневной тюремной жизни (принцип ответственности).

Ordinary staff members who continue to work for an undesirable group despite being brought to administrative responsibility twice within 12 months with face similar criminal responsibility.

Обычные сотрудники, которые продолжают работать в нежелательной группе, несмотря на то, что привлечены к административной ответственности, дважды в течение 12 месяцев будут сталкиваться с аналогичной уголовной ответственностью.

Each one bears its share of responsibility, but it does not mean that someone is given priority and the corresponding responsibility.

Каждый несет свою долю ответственности, но это не означает, что кто-то получает приоритет и соответствующую ответственность.

But the civil responsibility is more connected with moral responsibility.

Hence the amnesty law provided exclusively for exemption from criminal responsibility and did not in any circumstances affect civil or administrative responsibility.

Поэтому закон об амнистии обеспечивает только освобождение от уголовной ответственности и ни при каких обстоятельствах не затрагивает гражданской или административной ответственности.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат responsibility

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

All sentences (with pause)

Used with verbs:

«He’s having a hard time handling his responsibilities.«
(handling, fulfilling, meeting)

«We have many responsibilities at home.«
(have, share)

«He is trying to avoid responsibility.«
(avoid, deny, escape)

«You must accept your responsibility.«
(accept, admit, face, acknowledge)

«He claimed responsibility for the accident.«

«He couldn’t take the responsibility.«
(take, shoulder, bear, take over, take on)

Used with adjectives:

«Having children is a big responsibility.«
(big, enormous, shared, huge, tremendous, major, added, additional, increased)

«She has a legal responsibility to her children.«
(legal, parental)

«What is your main responsibility at work?«
(main, primary, direct, particular, specific, special, daily)

«I take full responsibility of the project’s failure.«
(full, complete, total, overall, sole)

«We have joint responsibilities with the children.«
(joint, mutual, shared)

Used with prepositions:

«The teacher has a responsibility to her students.«
(to, toward, for)

«The hospital has a responsibility for quality care.«

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