Sentences with word resident

резидент, постоянный житель, постоялец, проживающий, постоянно живущий


- постоянный житель

the residents of the suburbs — жители предместий
resident of Russia [of the USA] — лицо, постоянно проживающее в России [в США]

- резидент
- ист. министр-резидент
- лицо, проживающее по месту службы
- ординатор, прикомандированный к клинике для специализации
- зоол. обитатель
- вчт. резидент


- постоянно живущий, проживающий

the resident population — постоянное население
resident representative — постоянный представитель
to be resident in a place — проживать где-л.

- служащий, живущий при учреждении и т. п.

resident physician — врач, живущий при больнице
resident master — преподаватель, живущий при учебном заведении
resident tutor — гувернёр, домашний учитель

- (in) присущий; свойственный

difficulties resident in the situation — трудности данного положения
privileges resident in a class — классовые привилегии
certain force resident in us — некая таящаяся в нас сила

- зоол. немигрирующий, неперелётный (о птице)
- вчт. резидентный

resident software — резидентная программа

Мои примеры


a morose and tetchy resident of a nursing home — мрачный и раздражительный обитатель дома престарелых  
resident surgeon — врач, живущий при больнице  
resident correspondent — постоянный корреспондент  
resident program — резидентная программа  
resident macrophage — гистиоцит, оседлый (тканевый) макрофаг  
resident buyer — амер. маклер на центральном рынке  
resident compiler — резидентный компилятор  
resident diagnostics — резидентные диагностические средства  
resident editor — резидентный редактор  
resident account — резидентский счет  
non-resident alien — иностранец, не живущий постоянно в данной стране; нерезидент  

Примеры с переводом

The hotel bar was only open to residents.

Бар при гостинице был открыт только для лиц, проживающих в гостинице.

Kindness is resident in his nature.

Доброта присуща его характеру.

She became a British resident by virtue of her marriage.

Она стала жительницей Британии благодаря своему браку.

Several tribes are resident in this part of the country.

В этой части страны постоянно проживают несколько племён.

He’s our resident expert on computer games.

Он наш постоянный эксперт по компьютерным играм.

The resident population of mental hospitals has fallen by 20%.

Численность постоянного контингента психиатрических больниц сократилась на двадцать процентов.

Many retired British people are now resident in Spain.

Сейчас многие английские пенсионеры проживают в Испании.

The resident was receiving special clinical training at the hospital.

Врач-ординатор проходил специальное клиническое обучение в больнице.

One resident pestered the condo board about every little thing.

Один из жильцов дома донимал домоуправление из-за каждой мелочи.

Mr. Smith claims special tax exemptions because he is a foreign resident.

Мистер Смит требует специальных налоговых льгот, потому что он является иностранным резидентом.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I throw away all mail addressed to ‘resident’

A resident was fighting for his life yesterday, having escaped the blaze.

…as the office’s resident tattler, she can be counted on to report any unauthorized use of the photocopiers…

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): resident
мн. ч.(plural): residents

The Residents are an American art collective best known for avant-garde music and multimedia works. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The Roll of Honor consists of five black polished granite slabs, etched with the names of residents who perished in every American conflict.


Over 100 residents of Lalupon community in Lagelu Local Government Area of Oyo state, on Thursday protested against the Federal Government, the Minister of Works, Power…


We have to make sure our residents have resources, proper tax credits and access to small business loans.»


The metro mayor will need to set the agenda on this, convening the business community, universities and skills providers, and highlighting the importance of high quality apprenticeships for residents and businesses, as well as matching apprenticeships with businesses from different areas of the city region.


Another bonus that residents get in this area is open space.


Waymo is already giving a select number of residents in Chandler, Arizona, rides in self-driving Chrysler Pacifica minivans.


In order to provide residents with the opportunity to dispose of unused hazardous household materials, Erie County provides multiple Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days each year.


This giveaway is open to Canadian & US residents, 18 +, and closes on June 30th, 2017.


And the majority of Utah residents are Mormons, a group with the highest average church attendance level of any major religious group in the country.


The Park District of Highland Park provides all current military personnel and immediate family resident rates plus an additional 15 % discount for programs, memberships, and daily admissions, excluding select contractual programs.


Together, he said, these have led to new coverage for 200,000 of the 460,000 residents who were previously uninsured.


«I’m concerned about our community, which is why I opened my restaurant 11 years ago,» Guiliano said, adding he believes the reopening of the Nevele would be a positive thing for both area residents and business owners.


Because compared to the other residents of Sodom, he was still relatively pious, and G-d extended mercy to him in his current state at that time and that Lot had the potential to do good.


Kurt Van de Wetering speaks to residents at the Greater Calverton Civic Association Wednesday


Only residents who live in a district may score political action points.


Governor Andrew Cuomo says that approximately 53 percent of full-time SUNY and CUNY in-state students, more than 210,000 New York residents, are going to school tuition-free thanks to the addition of students receiving the Excelsior Scholarship.


Similarly, city folks are more likely than country residents to rate convenient trading hours as very important when choosing a supermarket.


Angry residents started a slow handclap.


Villa Charlotte Bronte residents on Palisades Avenue had to be evacuated after a wall collapsed.


An unknown man with a «large waist and glasses» duped a North Side resident into signing an objection to Walsh’s candidacy, according to an affidavit filed with the Onondaga County Board of Elections.


Also at 11 a.m., Queens Borough President Melinda Katz, state Sen. Leroy Comrie, Assembly members Alicia Hyndman and Clyde Vanel and others announce a town hall on city-issued summonses and bringing the hearing process directly to residents, Community Bridge Home, 12050 Springfield Blvd., Queens.


As city residents continue to file complaints about rowdy college students in their neighborhoods, members of the Common Council are struggling to find solutions.


In terms of ethnic composition White Irish remains the largest group, accounting for more than 80 % of residents.


Whether you’re a Dubai resident or just in town for a few days, our childcare nurses go beyond the call of duty to ensure you and your child have a fun and fulfilling time.


Town of Lloyd Supervisor Paul Hansut and the Lloyd Town Board proclaimed August as National Senior Citizens Month and recognized the senior residents of the town with a continental breakfast at the Tony Williams Park on Monday, Aug. 19.


You must be a US resident and winner is picked randomly with a random number generator.


The table below shows the payout schedule for a jackpot of $ 143,000,000 would be for a resident of Nebraska, including taxes withheld.


The West River Connector Trail project, which had languished for several years as the Grand Island Town Board and residents debated various options, is moving forward, according to Mark W. Thomas, the director of the western district for New York State Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation.


As an Italian and Brazilian citizen, as well as an Indian and U.S. resident, Aschidamini is a bona fide global citizen — and a master at building overnight talent units for blue-chip companies.


«This is a pattern we’ve seen in the state of New York, and under this governor, where there’s a lot of talk about helping public housing residents, but we don’t see real resources,» the mayor said on WNYC radio.


The California resident was left with only a single photo of her son.


The advantaged are living in small areas concentrated in the downtown core, around subway and transit stations, or in affluent suburban areas, surrounded by much large spans of concentrated disadvantaged residents.


A few residents questioned the size of the park and whether it would be large enough during peak hours, while others said they use dog parks in surrounding towns that aren’t that busy even during peak hours.


With hard work, we will make a difference in the lives of many, especially, the local shelter residents.


Just look at what some of the current residents had to say about the prospect of living with people from Grenfell: «It’s so unfair.


Some 50,000 4-year-olds in New York City would get the opportunity to enroll in the «life changing» prekindergarten program by hiking the income tax on city residents earning at least $ 500,000, Klein said.


MANHATTAN — More than a quarter-million rent-regulated tenants may receive refunds following a court ruling Tuesday that found the city illegally hiked rents for lower-income residents.


Franklin Square residents Brian Sebber with his son Christopher, 9, with Cub Scout Pack 372 doing their part along with other volunteers at Hempstead Lake State Park, Saturday, May 5, 2018.


We need to modernize state worker benefits to be in line with what is available to other Connecticut residents in the private sector.


The Moreland Commission appointed by the governor will not only review the actions taken by the power companies before and after hurricanes Sandy and Irene and Tropical Storm Lee, but will also be able to make specific recommendations about how to reform and modernize the way New York delivers power to its residents.


(While U.S. citizens and permanent residents can now open accounts at many institutions online, that option may not be available to newly arrived foreign nationals.)


The continued safety of our residents could depend on it.»


The company also plans to hire around 100 farm workers, which means residents of Malekula Island will be able to enjoy employment and income.


Mississippi residents have an enormous amount of pride in themselves and their state, and we can see why.


Despite the election of Latimer over former County Executive Rob Astornio last November, Westchester residents still pay the highest property taxes in the nation, and under Latimer and a Democratic supermajority on the county board, our county taxes will certainly rise in the future.


If residents aren’t satisfied with their waterfront views, they can always borrow a boat to get a different perspective: the Rothesay Yacht Club sits at the community’s northern tip, though it costs $ 710 a year for a family to stay on the membership rolls.


It was disappointing that Thornberry made no attempt to query the premise of the question (where Robinson also suggested illegal migrants «take» jobs and houses from legal residents) or defend the principle that all should be able to access healthcare as a human right.


He commended residents of the state for conducting themselves in an orderly manner and for complying with rules and regulations during the exercise.


Their visit was hosted by Rabbi Michael Miller who is the CEO of the Jewish Community Relations Council and a Bronx resident.


It does not prevent the ability to transmit the bitcoins,» said Aaron, a Tokyo resident who asked that his last name not be used.


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Almost every local resident claims that he knows nothing.

Практически каждый местный житель утверждает, что он ничего не знает.

A local base resident gave us this.

Местный житель, проживающий на базе, дал нам вот это.

Paul was a senior neurosurgical resident.

Пол был старшим нейрохирургическим резидентом [З].

He was only 14 and became its youngest resident.

Ему было всего 14 лет, и он стал самым молодым резидентом.

Wooden houses are dream of any urban resident.

Деревянные дома, как и прежде — мечта любого городского жителя.

Voters who registered their residence abroad, including foreign resident in the electoral roll.

(З) избирателей, зарегистрированных их проживания за рубежом, в том числе иностранных резидентов в избирательный список.

I want to talk about chief resident.

Я хочу поговорить с тобой по повду главного резидента.

Almost every second resident of the city is jobless.

Мы дожили до того, что практически каждый второй житель города — безработный.

Every city resident can offer ideas for urban development.

Причем каждый житель области может предложить свои идеи для развития городов.

In 2014, every resident got paid $1,884.

В 2014 году каждый законопослушный житель штата получил 1884 тысячи долларов.

He can be tax resident but not domiciled in Cyprus.

Физическое лицо может быть налоговым резидентом, но не иметь домицилий на Кипре.

Local resident Tinoff still can not believe what I saw.

Местный житель Тинофф, все еще не может поверить в то что увидел.

I also have a Schengen visa and am currently a Spanish resident.

У меня также есть шенгенская виза, и в настоящее время я являюсь испанским жителем.

Another resident was reportedly injured in the West Bank.

На Западном берегу, согласно сообщениям, получил травмы еще один житель.

They now have more tourists per resident than London and Barcelona.

Теперь у них больше туристов на одного жителя, чем в Лондоне и Барселоне.

Detroit-area resident Shamayim Harris bought more than 10 properties on her block.

Житель Детройтского района Шамайим Харрис купил на своем блоке больше, чем объекты 10.

And this urban legend spreads from resident to resident.

Это место живёт легендами, которые передаются от жителя к жителю.

As a resident of Great Britain, you can keep using your existing license for a year after becoming a resident.

Как резидент Великобритании вы можете продолжать использовать существующую лицензию в течение года после того, как вы стали резидентом.

One resident said she heard her neighbor’s knocking.

Женщина рассказала о том, что она слышит крики своей соседки.

It’s tradition, said another resident.

Всегда очень вежливые , — отметил еще один местный житель.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат resident

Результатов: 27405. Точных совпадений: 27405. Затраченное время: 103 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Antonym: migratory. Similar words: president, residential, presidential, residence, presidency, beside, besides, on the side. Meaning: [‘rezɪdənt]  n. 1. someone who lives at a particular place for a prolonged period or who was born there 2. a physician (especially an intern) who lives in a hospital and cares for hospitalized patients under the supervision of the medical staff of the hospital. adj. 1. living in a particular place 2. used of animals that do not migrate. 

Random good picture Not show

1. She is resident at his house.

2. Many retired British people are now resident in Spain.

3. Local resident groups have united in opposition to the plan.

4. Some of the royal family of Spain are resident in Portugal.

5. This block of flats has a non — resident caretaker.

6. Immigrant workers were classed as resident aliens.

7. They engaged a resident tutor.

7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.

8. She applied for resident status but was turned down.

9. Stanley is our resident crossword fanatic.

10. I’ve been resident in this place for five years.

11. Tom’s our resident expert on foreign movies.

12. He’s our resident expert on computer games.

13. She is the university’s resident expert on Italian literature.

14. The resident population of mental hospitals has fallen by 20%.

15. She’s resident abroad/in Moscow.

16. This design of resident buildings is becoming / getting fashionable.

17. For tax purposes they were treated as ordinarily resident in the UK.

18. A resident was fighting for his life yesterday, having escaped the blaze.

19. A resident of his neighbourhood had let off fireworks to celebrate the Revolution.

20. This is your resident DJ signing off for another week with our signature tune.

21. She became a British resident by virtue of her marriage.

22. She’s a first-year resident in oncology at Boston General Hospital.

23. Police took a burglary report from a bewildered resident.

24. Polreath, David, elderly resident of Lanrean.

25. Layton, a Kensington resident, was born in Hanover, Va.

26. Parvis, elderly resident in the village of Lanrean.

27. Resident proprietors welcome guests back year after year.

28. He moved to Belgium in 1990 to live with his son, who had been resident in Brussels since 1967.

29. The morning after your arrival, you meet with the resident physician for a private consultation.

30. He entered the United States in 1988 as a permanent resident because of his marriage to a U.S. citizen.

More similar words: president, residential, presidential, residence, presidency, beside, besides, on the side, incident, evident, identity, identify, diffident, confident, identical, side by side, by accident, respondent, correspondent, identification, side, aside, resist, resign, outsider, lay aside, set aside, put aside, sidewalk, consider. 

  • Use the word RESIDENT in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Every resident, every landlord, every property owner must be forced to consent to meticulous searches of his property for the slightest of clues.

I’ve only been to town once and that was to operate on the resident.

Mrs. Haviland will go tonight to the ball given by the resident.

Madame has forgotten the ball at the resident‘s.


Two young people from home wanna see the resident.

Dr. Weeks, it is my unhappy duty to inform you that the Surgical Committee considers your work as unbecoming a resident surgeon of this hospital. And they demand your immediate dismissal.

You’re a resident of Los ├üngeles, aren’t you?

Am I a resident of Los Ángeles!

Miss Langtry’s coming soon to play a night in Fort Davis, and I want every legal resident of Langtry, Texas, to go over and see the godmother of this here town, a town of cattlemen, for cattlemen, and by gobs, run by cattlemen!

-You know I┬┤m a resident of the Philippines.






I am Dr. Franticek Svoboda… resident surgeon at St. Pancrazio hospital .

Excuse us, kind resident of the second floor.

Look at Caligula, our resident sadist.

What did our resident sadist want?

After all she is a registered resident, not a figure out of a fairy tale

He’s now a resident in Sing-Sing prison.

I want a routine check on a Samuel Masterson, non-resident… registered Gable Hotel.

Who also happens to be a resident of Bay City.

This is the resident‘s bar, you know.

«Please ascertain information about resident, your city.

There’s not even a registered resident of Livorno with that name.

A resident babysitter. Oh, you’re crazy.

[ resident ] Come on, Virginia.

A Bell-Air resident .. a Vice President of a furniture plant out in Burnham .. Was pulling out of his driveway last night when your car, driven by a woman ..

«Formal statement given by Ann Sutton, resident of Westwood, California.» «Witnessed by Lieutenant James Colton…» «Sergeant Robert Jeffreys and Dr. Peter Devall, psychiatrist…»

I’m Dr. Wharton, chief medical resident of this hospital.

As chief resident, I have no more right to wax sentimental… over a bad doctor because he happens to be a Negro… than I have to discriminate against a good doctor… because he’s white, Protestant and independently wealthy.

He’s also our resident poet.

You’re about to have a new resident in your house.

About my new resident… It’s Avis.

Practically a permanent resident there.

Do you think you could forego being a pioneer resident of the guardhouse long enough to assist him?

But resident aliens are required to sign a change of address form.

James Monroe, president of these United States, resident in Washington DC.

I’m now a resident doctor here at the Victoria Hospital.

With me now is Mr. Hugh Bentley a resident of Phenix City whose life was constantly threatened and whose home was dynamited because of his determination to fight the criminal syndicate.

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