Sentences with word region

регион, область, район, край, участок, зона, округ, округа, место, страна, сфера, полость


- область, район, зона; край, страна

the Arctic Region — Арктика, арктический регион
few unknown regions are left on the Earth — на земле осталось мало неизученных мест

- пространство

the aquatic regions of the Earth — водные пространства земли

- сфера, область

every region of science — каждая область науки
the region of mythology [of metaphysics] — сфера /область/ мифологии [метафизики]
in the region of — а) в сфере, в области; б) поблизости

- округ, район (страны, города)

Moscow [Tver] Region — Московская [Тверская] область
the city was divided into seven regions — город делился на семь районов

- воен. округ, район (дислокации войск)
- слой (атмосферы и т. п.)

in the upper regions — в верхних слоях атмосферы

- анат. область, часть тела

the abdominal region — область живота, абдоминальная область
a pain in the region of the heart — боль в области сердца

- место, места (тж. перен.)

the region is indicated on the diagram — это место указано /обозначено/ в диаграмме
the back regions (of a house) — кухня; подсобное помещение
the upper regions — небо
the nether /the lower/ regions — ад, преисподняя
the region beyond the grave — загробное царство
celestial regions — небесные сферы

Мои примеры


efforts to bring peace to the region — попытки принести мир в этот регион  
the commercial hub of the region — коммерческий центр региона  
a delimited frontier through the disputed region — делимитированная граница, проходящая через спорный регион  
region impoverished by drought — регион, истощённый засухой  
complete itinerary of the region — подробная карта местности  
conflict-prone region / area — взрывоопасный регион, пороховая бочка  
border region — пограничная область  
outlying / remote region — отдалённая область  
pain in the region of stomach — боль в области желудка  
natural region — географическая зона  
contact region — область контакта  
admitted region — область допустимых значений  
plane region — плоская область  

Примеры с переводом

Moscow Region

Московская область

Each region has its own customs.

В каждом регионе — свои обычаи.

The river cuts the whole region in two.

Река разрезает /делит/ весь этот регион на две части.

They have called a temporary ceasefire in the region.

Они заявили о временном прекращении огня в данном регионе.

Heavy rains deluged the region.

Область затопили ливневые дожди.

Here we enter the region of opinion.

Здесь мы вступаем в область мнений.

It is unusual to see snow in this region.

Снег в этом районе — явление необычное.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The dispute involves one of the region’s most contentious leaders.

Prejudice is never far beneath the surface (=often appears) in the region.

…inhabitants of the war-ravaged region are experiencing the utmost misery imaginable…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

regional  — региональный, областной, районный, краевой, местный
reg  — заказной, положение, регистр
regionary  — районный, относящийся к району

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): region
мн. ч.(plural): regions

Sentences with the word Region?



  • «blood was drawn from the antecubital region«
  • «in the abdominal region«
  • «their military is the largest in the region«; «the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker»
  • «a delimited frontier through the disputed region«
  • «pottery of this cast was found throughout the region«
  • «The region centers on Charleston»
  • «the view from the peak was magnificent»; «they clambered to the tip of Monadnock»; «the region is a few molecules wide at the summit»
  • «The Bordeaux region produces great red wines»; «They produce good ham in Parma»; «We grow wheat here»; «We raise hogs here»
  • «it was going to take in the region of two or three months to finish the job»; «the price is in the neighborhood of $100»
  • «it was a limited realm of discourse»; «here we enter the region of opinion»; «the realm of the occult»
  • «restore law and order»; «reestablish peace in the region«; «restore the emperor to the throne»
  • «a temperate region«; «the temperate zones»; «temperate plants»

In geography, regions are areas that are broadly divided by physical characteristics (physical geography), human impact characteristics (human geography), and the interaction of humanity and the environment (environmental geography). (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Chelsea announced that a deal had been agreed with Basel to bring Salah to London for a fee reported to be in the region of # 11 million in January 2014.


In Europe, extensive public transportation options and the political strength of auto and parts manufacturers are obstacles to shared vehicle adoption, but electric vehicles bode well for the region‘s strengthening emissions standards.


After seeing what sort of region Buffalo Niagara could become under each scenario, citizens can help shape a new way to move One Region Forward.


THE END of the wet in the Kimberley region has signalled the start of a most significant phase in the resurgence of diamond exploration in WA’s far north.


From Asia to Africa to the Middle East and Latin America, every region is represented at the top of the ranking, so rest assured that whatever corner of the globe you’re hoping to explore, there are locals happy to show you the sites and share their world with you.


Companies like tech giant Alibaba and Internet company Tencent are bringing their investments and technology to the region, Santitarn Sathirathai explained.


The plant, which is being built in the city of Carlsbad, is the newest effort to address the region‘s pressing water needs.


An Asia Farmers» Conference against Golden Rice was subsequently held in 2014 with more than 70 farmers, people’s organizations from the region echoing their stand against Golden Rice.


Going forward we will expand the research to report data by company size and region, but we hope this set of information will provide value to our members as well as the import community at large.»


The work undertaken by Mark and graphic designer Michael O’Neill, whether for individual brands, wine companies or larger regions of production, is underpinned by this tenet.


The machine made 100 liters of water that will be used to make, naturally, beer, but the scientists also see the project as a way to aid regions where water is in short supply.


The panel — which is composed of Law, former New York City Comptroller Bill Thompson, Paul Francis, Dennis Glazer and Hofstra University President Stuart Rabinowitz — has heard presentations over the last several months from developers who want to build resort-style casinos in three regions of the state north New York City: The Catskills/Hudson Valley, the Capital Region and the Finger Lakes/Southern Tier.


That state’s average effective property tax rate is the highest in the region and sixth highest in the country.


Shortly after last year’s election, he spent nearly a week based out of a state emergency operations center in Cheektowaga after the region was hit by a November blizzard.


This reflects the regions» divergent histories: while Islam spread from Sudan to northern Nigeria in the ninth century and was cemented as the dominant faith with the establishment of the Sokoto Caliphate in the early 1800s, Christianity arrived with European explorers in the 17th century and expanded with the colonial reach, from the southern coast northward.


I want a Ghana which is a leader in technological innovation and scientific research in the region, the continent and the world.


Growth improved in most regions as Y/Y compares begin to ease, a promising sign heading into the rest of the year when compares get even easier.


She seeks to control a vast region of online pornography by writing and directing and starring in films that fuse the storytelling and prop-filled premises of the»70s long form with the contortionist extremes and necessary visual tropes of the contemporary short form.


In 2015, Asia’s fintech startups attracted US$ 4.5 billion in venture capital funding through 130 deals, making the region the second biggest player in terms of venture capital following North America with US$ 7.7 billion through 378 deals.


A full conference program features thought leaders from across the MENA region discussing the latest market drivers, such as customization and consumer demands, and technological developments from pre-press and printing, through to finishing.


If you forget, don’t worry at all: Cafes and restaurants have many hand-written signs about how to compost, like that one activist roommate made signs for the entire region.


Under the deal announced on Wednesday, Xerox, of Norwalk, Conn., will become part of an existing Fuji Xerox joint venture, which sells office products and services in the Asia-Pacific region.


The urge for pastures new in Spain proved too tempting for him and his family who had ties to the region thus forcing his move.


Fancy Premium Hualalai Kona Peaberry Coffee Beans, or is it a Kona bean blended with coffee beans from several countries, regions or varieties?


On the heels of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, PetSmart rushed to the aid of four-legged furry friends impacted by the storms in various regions across Texas and Florida.


And we also introduced the cocoa roads improvement programme of which we take 150 million dollars every year from the cocoa floatation and we dedicate it to improving roads in the six cocoa growing regions.


Jesus did this, and because of it, news of Him went out through all the surrounding region.


It is home to 72 constituencies, of which 28 are marginal — the joint highest (with the South West) of any English region.


If the Lib Dems are to push back the blue tide that overran their former South-West heartland, George must take back the party’s number one target in the region.


The Asia Pacific is in the midst of internal transitions that will see the region become an increasingly significant player on the global economic and political stage.


Eating seasonally and within the character of a particular region is not something Italians exclaim about — it’s just the way it is.


Today, the Blacks Harbour, New Brunswick-based company is called Cooke Aquaculture and employs over 1,600 people in the region: including Nicholls, who is now the chief operating officer.


There are different versions of arepas throughout Colombia, every region having its own variation.


— Delivering ground breaking research into the benefits of using Football to improve social cohesion in urban regions.


Miners in the anthracite region will return to work tomorrow.


General Hassan Firouzabadi stated Iran’s intentions plainly in early April: «If America presents Iran with a serious threat and undertakes any measure against Iran, none of the American soldiers who are currently in the region would go back to America alive.»


Biggest losers: The Lib Dems did badly, losing their only MEP in the region, but the largest slip in vote share goes to the BNP.


This line-up, for instance, includes Lukas Krauß, a young winemaker from the Pfalz region, who in tune with his trademark headgear divides his wines into «hat categories» and who has hit the headlines with his Pornfelder wine (a cuvée of Portuguese and Dornfelder).


It includes information about the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth, what is trying to be achieved by environmental watering, past Commonwealth environmental water use in the region and responses to environmental demands, depending on water availability.


It has a religion which, like most religion, is bad — an idolatrous faith which brings with it a train of moral consequences, destructive of the lives of its devotees and damning them to a hell of dissatisfaction, inner conflict, war and barbarism as lurid as any nether region which the imagination of the past conceived.


Drivers deliver products to stores throughout the region after picking them up from one of Herr Foods» 23 distribution centers.


Gov. Andrew Cuomo and state policy makers looking to revive long-lagging upstate regions are relying on big bets in high-tech sectors.


Following the simmering crisis in the All Progressives Congress, the National Leader of the party, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, has started reaching out to his former political foes in the South-West in order to consolidate his influence in the region.


Experience Mission has made an immediate commitment to help families in this region clear the rubble left by the earthquakes impact.


Further devolution to England may be concentrated on cities or regions that did not previously have it, so that London might lose out.


Harrison Ford reprised his role as the notorious Han Solo and is believed to have earned somewhere in the region of $ 10-20 million.


Mark Haefele, the global chief investment officer for UBS Wealth Management, has offered a game plan focused on stock sectors and regions.


Loftin is a soon-to-be-retired millionaire academic who has lived many of his years in the College Station region.


The geographic areas that CFs serve vary in size from entire states or regions of a state (e.g. Southeastern Texas) to major metropolitan cities like New York City to rural counties with populations less than 2,500.


With all your North-eastern connections, you must have thoughts on the region‘s football, past and present.


  • Use the word REGION in a sentences

Sentence Examples

But encave yourself and note the gibes, the jeers and notable scorns that dwell in every region of his face, for I will make him tell the tale anew:

A young primatologist. In an unstable region falls for. A different kind of guerilla… a warlord.

Ladies and gentlemen. Although we are all devastated by this accident we must not let grief make us lose sight of our common goal of giving this region a better future.

Where does this region then stand, with regards to employment?

Even if people deny it in public, everyone knows this line is the beginning of their next project to build a hydro-electric plant in this region.

So at ecosystems design, we create designs for greenhouses and passive solar buildings and homes as well as outdoor landscaping perennials and annuals for organic agriculture in the rocky mountain region.

Small penetrating injury to the left lumbar region, three centimetres from the lumbar spine.

A GSW in the lumbar region.

The Baron von Chanterelle does not wish for his lineage to die out and therefore invites all of the region‘s maidens to gather in the marketplace so that his nephew, the sole heir, may choose a fitting maiden to take as his wife.

Who knows what may happen in this region?

The region‘s interests make me put aside that I’m your brother-in-law.

Top secret. To Moscow War region

Top secret. To Moscov War region.

I am embarrassed of Samuel Sweetland, offering in sale for the whole region

Paris- the Poltava region

In the region of North Verdun, the enemy has bombed our front from the Meuse to Fromezey.

When Bram Stoker wrote Dracula, the region around the Borgo Pass was part of Transylvanian Hungary.

In reality it’s a lushly forested region, but both the novelist and the filmmakers wanted something more atmospheric.

An account from Hungary tells of a village doctor who, having sold his soul to the Evil One, became a vampire’s henchman and thus an accessory to a series of horrid crimes in that region.

The region we are going to visit is called Las Hurdes. It’s barren and inhospitable and man is forced to fight for subsistence.

In this coal-rich region, there is no coal for the proletariat.

Her pride as the top beauty of the Hokuriku region was now shattered.

Crimson tears shed for love that was not to be, On snowy nights when the gales blow hard, people in the Hokuriku region still tell the sad tale of Taki no Shiraito and Kinya Murakoshi.

The mayor advises you to leave the region.

In the hell to which all journalists must descend when they die we shall sit at red-hot desks with quills of fire in our hand and spend eternity writing about the salubrious weather of that region.

You know how the officers of the law are in this region:

Before leaving Poitiers for Monaco, I decided to have a good lunch at the most famous inn in the region.

We’re scouting this region now to see how things are.

But he has an empty house in the region of Essex.

So in the end the interest of the aristocrat who owns half of the region and that of Paul Giraud, former Master Chief on her Majesty’s vessel, should go hand in hand?

For example, in a region called…

Considerable osteodermia in the frontal region.

Today we reached ‘Chicago’ A well-populated region inhabited by A thick chested bumptious tribe. Who introduced us to the ancient African custom of Honga…

«this region of savages and wild beasts…

«Considering exhaustive records concerning the area, we cannot ignore…» «… the anthropological characteristics of the inhabitants of this region…»

That is the most dangerous region in the whole of Egypt.

Not to mention some pulmonary congestion, and, neuralgic pains in the temporal region.

There is possibly a slight rosiness in the laryngeal region.

We have to voluntarily hand over the whole gold region!

Hand over the entire gold region?

He bought goods there every 2 months, and took them to his region.

Will Mr. Norton concede human life is in constant peril in this wild region from which this child was rescued?

«Brother Wolf, you’ve done great harm in this region. «Destroying God’s creatures «without His permission.

Captain Stone will bring his right hand to the point which we have already established as the region of the appendix.

What was once a happy, productive region is today barren waste.

But, during this trip… I thought we could listen to folk songs of this region

With this important source of power knocked out… the war industries of the entire region… will come to a standstill.

Examples of how to use the word “region” in a sentence. How to connect “region” with other words to make correct English sentences.

region (n): a particular area or part of the world, or any of the large official areas into which a country is divided

Use “region” in a sentence

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