Sentences with word quote

Quotation is the repetition of someone else’s statement or thoughts. Quotation marks are punctuation marks used in text to indicate a quotation. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

«… We know that [ISIS] has threatened Christians by saying that it will, quote, «conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women.


Still, the OP didn’t provide an actual quote to the claim made (because it doesn’t exist).


Specifically, Frankl’s quote: «in the space between stimulus and response we have the power to choose.»


The book is rich in details, quotes and empirical evidence that illustrate the different perspectives.


One easy option is to get quotes from the banks listed in our private student loan marketplace — we’ve already vetted these lenders, which include Citizens Bank, Sallie Mae, and Visit LendKey — and know they offer some of the best interest rates and terms to borrowers.


Dutifully, he shopped around and gathered quotes from other agencies as well.


But, what does this quote by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos in the earnings release tell us?


Jamal Murray had some interesting quotes after his commitment to the Wildcats on Wednesday evening.


OAKLAND TECH ALUMS In your Aug. 24 issue, THEY SAID IT contained quotes from John Brodie and Rickey Henderson.


I recently conducted a Sports Business Survey and here are just a few quotes from some of the 1,000 + sports executives who answered the question: «What is the # 1 reason you work in the sports industry?»


Typical of his great writing and thinking is the quote from this week’s Outside the Box…


If you would like a quote or information on the Eilersen digital load cells and robust weighing solutions, please send a request using our contact form


As you read books and Bible commentaries, add further notes, quotes, or insights from these commentaries to your manuscript.


I’ll conclude my entreaty with a quote from a woman who sums up my argument best:


Killian denounced the comments after Parkland survivor David Hogg retweeted the quote from Ward and added, «Hey, Julie Killian, so who’s your opponent?


The Sun quote sources close to the club as saying: «Mesut loves it here.


Waldorf educators, whether they work in independent schools (AWSNA) or in public/charter schools (Alliance), hold Rudolf Steiner’s goal for education to be eloquently expressed in the following quotes:


We all know Sebastian Vettel can be pretty vocal over team radio but how many of his best quotes do you know?


Auto insurance quotes will vary significantly depending on the age of the driver or applicant.


Lots of quotes and charts to hammer home the point that trying to beat the market by any number of methods is almost certainly doomed to failure, albeit with occasional winning streaks — but the chance of sustaining a «special method» — no matter how smart you think you are — is very small.


There is Paul Ryan’s screed at the Republican national convention and President Obama’s taking a quote about fact-checking out of context, of course.


Labour provided quotes from both Ed Miliband and shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander — both following a similar structure and format.


cue the Dr. Evil air quotes) off of that reflector dealio we have up there on the moon, and measure the return signal.


One of my favorite quotes from Richard Rohr is «the real is in the actual».


The only rebuttal to this that I have found from anti-bedsharers comes from a quote in an article on SIDS and weather, done by researchers in Taiwan, and it is as follows:


The most telling quote to my mind comes at the very end of the piece when Cuomo is trying to explain how he will not be the sort of governor that Eliot «Steamroller» Spitzer was and will be able to work with state lawmakers — even after he spent the entire campaign slamming them and promising to clean up Albany.


These barrels are available for self pick-up, or we can get you a shipping quote to your place of business.


I just love this quote because it reveals the FACT that the way you perceive things quite literally change the way you experience them.


«Instead of accusing the government of trying to harm him and his reputation by quote «choosing to focus its spotlight on him,» he could’ve admitted he himself is to blame for the investigation and the conviction and the prosecution that revealed the truth and resulted in his downfall,» said Assistant US Attorney Howard Master.


I felt like they were more concerned with getting me in and out quickly so they could free up the beds (quote article 19).


Highlights for me include a chapter on sea monsters that invites the reader to confront the untamed forces in our lives, a reflection on the apostle Paul’s meal on his threatened sea vessel as Eucharist, and this quote on presence — «If we will attend to this moment, God will attend to us.»


Mortgage rates are low, and it’s an ideal time to get a rate quote.


The release included the following quote from NYS Assembly Member Micah Kellner: «The time for a taxi for all has arrived.


«This is not a cute quote — I honestly just can’t stop drinking it.


She also shared a quote from Tate that appeared in a recent district communications piece:


Followed by more quotes attributed to the LA Times, St. Louis Post Dispatch and U.S. News and World Report.


This means the fans and the press will get more stressed and will analyze the body language and behavior and press quotes of these two players until the season is over.


Now before I bring up why I have issues with this, there are two other quotes that I want to bring address.


Provides brokers and dealers with price quotes on securities.


Such perfect quotes and prints for a fashion influencer like yourself.


Politicians in and around Albany say that if they cross Cuomo, even a stray quote in the newspaper, they can expect an almost immediate spittle-flicked phone call from his office.


I found myself laughing and sending certain quotes to my friends, and then feeling my heart break with her goodbyes and breakups.


I don’t think Kundera is a college football fan — though he’d probably appreciate Bobby Petrino — but I hear that quote and I wonder if the reason I was so drawn to college football in the first place was because of these conundrums: because it has, for so long, trafficked in an almost literary sense of ambiguity.


You know the quote: «Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing perfectly.»


If the answer to any of the questions asked above interests you, then please read on as I share with you 37 quotes and business advice on team work and team building from successful entrepreneurs.


Wow… way to go and just so totally destroy the meaning of that quote.


Meat and Livestock Weekly Stats — statisticalsummary which encompasses the domestic market, including saleyard prices, over-the-hook prices, feeder and live export quotes as well as co-products, slaughter and throughput information across the cattle and sheep markets.


I saw a quote on Facebook from I’m not sure who saying «In the midst of winter, I found within me, an invincible summer.»


Find out what kids really think about school and learning with these charming and/or hilarious kid quotes:


From Brett’s quotes on the subject, it certainly does not appear that such an undertaking was suggested, desired, or thought wise.


Phrases with «quote»:

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  • to quote someone
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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Nice quote and it probably applies to most people who find this page.

Хорошая цитата, и это, вероятно, относится к большинству людей, которые находят эту страницу.

Here’s another quote I thoroughly agree with.

Вот вам еще одна цитата, с которой я полностью солидарна.

When I feel scared I often think of this quote.

И когда у меня возникают проблемы, я часто вспоминаю эту фразу.

«well underground at appropriate depths,» end quote.

«глубоко под землей, на соответствующих глубинах», конец цитаты.

Remember this quote when other people don’t understand you.

Вспомните эту цитату, когда вам покажется, что другие люди вас не понимают.

Remember this quote when you are dreaming big.

Вспомните эту цитату, когда будете мечтать о чем-то действительно большом.

Reflect on the quote you just read.

Ответ — в цитате, которую вы только что прочли.

This quote speaks so clearly to me.

Для меня эта цитата говорит об этом самым ясным образом.

This classic quote is where it all began.

«Эта классическая цитата — то, с чего всё началось.

Wonderful Heine quote you presented to me is many-valued.

Замечательная цитата Гейне, которую ты мне подарила, она многозначна.

Please kindly send us 2D&3D files for quote.

Пожалуйста, пришлите нам 2D и 3D файлы для цитаты.

And this quote was like how Freddie was.

И эта цитата была похожа на то, как был Фредди.

More often quote is chosen to express feelings or experience; quote tattoo has particular message and that’s why it is very difficult to choose suitable quote.

Чаще цитаты выбираются для выражения чувств и опыта, цитата татуировка имеет особое сообщение, и именно поэтому очень трудно выбрать подходящую цитату.

Pay attention to the quote — the five-digit quote is considered optimal.

Обратите внимание на котировку — оптимальным считается пятизначная котировка.

Together, quote generation and tracking form one cluster because they share related functions within quote management software.

Вместе цитатой поколения и отслеживания формы одного кластера, так как они имеют соответствующие функции в рамках программного обеспечения для управления цитатой.

It is not recommended to start paragraphs with a quote and also to place one quote immediately after another.

Не рекомендуется начинать абзац с цитаты, равно как нельзя помещать одну цитату за другой.

Once those magical quote chars appears, we must do our outmost to reproduce the exact content of the quote and this includes any misspellings and errors of the quote.

После того, как эти магические цитата символы появляется, мы должны сделать все возможное, чтобы воспроизвести точное содержание цитаты и к ним относятся все опечатки и ошибки в цитате.

Contact us today for an insurance quote on your car.

Свяжитесь с нами, чтобы рассчитать примерный страховой взнос на вашу машину.

I won’t name or quote them.

Конечно, я не буду их называть или перечислять.

The local reporter has a direct quote.

Сообщается, что у местного жителя есть особая примета.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат quote

Результатов: 11119. Точных совпадений: 11119. Затраченное время: 131 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

цитата, кавычки, назначенная цена, цитировать, ссылаться, котировать


- разг. цитата
- pl. кавычки


- цитировать, приводить чьи-л. слова

to quote from a book — приводить цитату из книги

- делать ссылку, ссылаться (на автора)

to quote an instance — привести пример (откуда-л.)
may I quote you on that? — можно при этом сослаться на вас?

- открывать кавычки, брать в кавычки
- ком. назначать цену, ставку и т. п., расценивать

to quote a price on a house — назначить цену за дом

- бирж. котировать

to be quoted at 500 dollars per ton — котироваться (по цене) 500 долларов за тонну

Мои примеры


a quote from the minister’s speech — цитата из речи министра  
to quote an excerpt — цитировать  
to quote a price — назначать цену  
to charge a price, to quote a price — назначать цену, запросить цену  
to quote price for smth. — назначить цену на что-л.  
single quote — одинарная кавычка  
forward quote — открывающая кавычка  
to cite / give / quote chapter and verse — точно указать источник цитирования  
firm quote — твердая котировка (без условий)  
quote a price — котировать цену  
quote the price — назначать цену  

Примеры с переводом

He quoted the Bible to her.

Он процитировал ей Библию.

He began his speech by quoting Shakespeare.

Свое выступление он начал c цитирования Шекспира.

Can I quote you on that?

Могу я сослаться на вас по этому вопросу? / Я могу при случае процитировать ваши слова по данному вопросу?

They quoted a price of £15,000.

Они выставили цену в пятнадцать тысяч фунтов стерлингов.

Many people quote from the Bible without knowing that they are doing so.

Многие люди цитируют Библию, не сознавая этого.

He quoted a short passage from the Bible.

Он процитировал короткий отрывок из Библии.

Please do not cite, quote, or distribute without the author’s permission.

Просьба не цитировать и не распространять без разрешения автора.

ещё 21 пример свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She included quotes from the poem in her essay.

The pound was quoted this morning at just under $1.46.

This is just a paraphrase of what he said, not an exact quote.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

misquote  — переврать, неправильно цитировать
quotable  — допускающий цитирование, заслуживающий цитирования
underquote  — предлагать по более низкой цене
unquote  — закрывать кавычки
quotes  — кавычки
quoted  — цитировать, ссылаться, котировать, брать в кавычки, назначать цену
quoter  — любитель цитировать, представитель

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: quote
he/she/it: quotes
ing ф. (present participle): quoting
2-я ф. (past tense): quoted
3-я ф. (past participle): quoted

ед. ч.(singular): quote
мн. ч.(plural): quotes

1, My quotation is taken from «Hamlet».

2, You’ll find the quotation on page 35.

3, The book began with a quotation from Goethe.

4, What was today’s market quotation on wheat?

5, The following quotation is taken from a nineteenth century travel diary.

6, It’s a quotation from a poem by Keats.

7, Each chapter is prefaced by a quotation from Shakespeare.

8, I can’t grasp the meaning of this quotation.

9, Where does that quotation come from?

10, He weighed in with a Latin quotation.

11, She concluded her speech with a quotation from Shakespeare.

12, This quotation has been taken out of context .

13, His quotation for painting my house was too high.

14, He weighed in a quotation.

15, Each chapter begins with a quotation.

16, She finished her speech with a quotation from Shakespeare.

17, Most builders will give you a free quotation.

18, He finished his speech with a quotation from Shakespeare.

19, The book is prefaced by a quotation from Faulkner.

20, Support your argument by quotation.

21, The writer illustrates his point by quotation from a number of sources.

22, We’ll give you a free quotation for replacing your windows.

23, How can we ever find the quotation if you don’t even know what part of the book it comes from? It’ll be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

24, At the beginning of the book there’s a quotation from Abraham Lincoln.

25, You need to get a written quotation before they start work.

26, I seem to recognize the quotation,[][] but I cannot pin it down to its author.

27, Ask the builder to give you a written quotation for the job.

28, The critic padded out the review with quotation from the author.

29, The raconteur mentioned that the quotation was from the Bible.

30, Cut and paste this quotation from the first paragraph into the middle of our essay.

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∙ 12y ago

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He used the quote in his essay.

The insurance agent quoted the family for a policy.

She loves quoting Shakespeare in her books.

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Wiki User

∙ 12y ago

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