Sentences with word publisher

How to use in-sentence of “publisher”:

+ She was the owner and publisher of the “New York Post” for almost 40 years.

+ I didn’t do an A4 is ” Launched his own private publisher for Andrimo in November 2018″ seems to be a claim.

+ The rules of the competition meant that the copyright of the music would belong to the “Saturday Advertiser”, which gave the manuscript to the Dunedin-based Charles Begg Co to publish, but a nine-month delay in sending it to a publisher was followed by two months of waiting for it to be printed.

+ Josef Skvorecky was CzechsCzech writer and publisher based in Canada.

+ Kieviet found it difficult at first to find a publisher for his book, because the main character was naughty.

Use the word publisher

Use the word publisher

Example sentences of “publisher”:

+ In UK, her publisher is Walker Books.

+ Japanese publisher Shueisha announced that it will be republished all volumes in Japan starting in March 2008.

+ She has an admiring love for her neighbor, publisher Shep Henderson.

+ The opera in three acts, based on the life of David Rizzio and Mary Stuart, was performed for the first time at the Teatro Carcano in November of the following year and then bought by the publisher Lucca, who took her on stage in many Italian cities and Barcelona.

+ Since 1 January 2007, the Globi Publisher AG has been owned by Orell Füssli Publisher.

+ He wrote it to try to scare the publisher even more for not publishing his book.

+ News report at, publisher National Geographic.

+ Today Globi Publisher employs 4 permanent employee, 2 exponents, 3-4 graphic artsgraphic artists and bookkeepers and about 10-12 illustrators and writers.

+ In the 1980s, book publisher Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich bought the park along with SeaWorld, Circus World and Stars Hall of Fame, but sold most of the businesses to Anheuser-Busch in 1989.

+ Kerouac spent the next six years making changes and improvements to the manuscript, until a publisher agreed to print it as a book.

+ Further expansions of the company’s publishing business include the purchase of how-to publisher Sterling Publishing in 2003 and the launch of Quamut in 2008.

+ Milan Asadurov was a Bulgarian author, publisher and translator.

+ Jose Manuel “Babe” del Gallego Romualdez is a Filipino journalist, publisher and business executive who is the current Ambassador of the Philippines to the United States.

+ She was signed to publisher Faber and Faber at the time of death.

+ Then Siegel and Schuster sold the company’s rights to $130 and a contract to supply to the publisher of Action Comics.

+ In UK, her publisher is Walker Books.

+ Japanese publisher Shueisha announced that it will be republished all volumes in Japan starting in March 2008.
+ She has an admiring love for her neighbor, publisher Shep Henderson.

More in-sentence examples of “publisher”:

+ She became a Flamenco dancer and met the founding publisher of “Clarín Clarín”, Roberto Noble, around 1950.

+ The Council on Foreign Relations is a United States independent nonpartisan nonprofit organization, think tank, and publisher that was founded in 1921 and that is meant to help educate people about foreign affairs.

+ He was an early publisher of LGBT magazines in the late 1960s and the 1970s.

+ Publishers varied over the years, but the original publisher was John Putnam.

+ Wyn and began as a genre publisher of mysteries and westerns.

+ The national ISBN agency assigns the publisher number cf.

+ People know the company best for being the publisher of the “Who’s Who Who’s Who”, printed every year since 1897 and also, since 2002, the Whitaker’s Almanack.

+ The publisher dropped the idea of a series.

+ In August 1985, Jackson bought music publisher ATV Music for $47.5 million.

+ He was the first book publisher to print lots of books for children such as “A Little Pretty Pocket Book” and “The History Of Little Goody Two-Shoes”.

+ While PageMaker’s pasteboard metaphor closely simulated the process of creating layouts manually, Ventura Publisher automated the layout process through its use of style sheets.

+ Microsoft Publisher is a desktop publishing application.

+ Josep Maria Castellet Díaz de Cossío, also known as José María Castellet, was an Spanish peopleSpanish writer, poet, critic, publisher and editor.

+ UMG owns the largest Music publisher music publishing business in the world, BMG Music Publishing in May 2007.

+ The British author and researcher Mark Kobayashi-Hillary wrote a book in 2007 titled ‘Building a Future with BRICs’ for European publisher Springer Verlag that examines the growth of the BRICs region and its effect on global sourcing.

+ Among other things, Sleutelaar worked as a junior copywriter at Unilever, as a freelance copywriter, as a Haagse Post employee and as editor-in-chief of publisher Boelen.

+ Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others.

+ But the publisher has many different things to sell, and they may not want to sell the work the author made.

+ Stratemeyer was an American publisher and a writer of children’s stories.

+ It uses to produce the output, and passes the publisher to that template automatically.

+ Thompson said publisher Jann Wenner had “liked the first 20 or so jangled pages enough to take it seriously on its own terms and tentatively scheduled it for publication — which gave me the push I needed to keep working on it”.

+ The precursor to Marvel Comics was founded in 1939 by pulp magazine publisher Martin Goodman.

+ His publisher called him as “one of America’s leading and most controversial historians”.

+ In conversation with the Viennese regional leader of publisher Arovell, Ebner talked about the hidden meanings of his characters’ names.

+ One Japanese publisher has made a 15-year collection of their English tests.

+ Recently, Viz has begun re-releasing the series in the form of “The Best of Pokémon Adventures: Red” and “The Best of Pokémon Adventures: Yellow”, respectively, this time for $7.95 each, $6 less than nearly a decade ago when the publisher first began to publish the manga.

+ Flaubert and his publisher were charged with immorality, but were acquitted.

+ A publisher liked the stories and offered her a contract for her first novel.

+ The publisher of reference book Franz Koehler was not the author or the illustrator of this work.

+ The publisher parameter should be the named person who publishes the magazine.

+ The publisher choose the subtitle “Pathétique”.

+ Behind the Clues: 10 Years of Blue medium = Documentary publisher = Nickelodeon date = 27 July 2006}} Beginning in September 2000, Burns trained Patton to take over the host spot and advised him not to “think of as children’s TV”, but rather as “acting and telling the truth”.

+ At first the publisher planned to print 7,500 copies.

+ The University of Nebraska Press, also known as UNP, is an academic publisher of scholarly and general-interest books.

+ Also, this License means the author and publisher get credit for their work, even if other people change the document texts.

+ Joseph “Joe” Pulitzer was an American publisher of Jewish descent.

+ Just a year after the founding of Zeon Properties, Leon successfully negotiated with the publisher of the largest English daily in Malaysia – Star Media Group Berhad – and became the event partner of the corporation’s long-running property fair, Fair.

+ In 2005 the publisher Lentera Depantara started to publish it again in Indonesia.

+ He became owner and publisher of the “Chicago Tribune” newspaper.

+ He was not only an artist, but also Engravingengraver, colorist, and publisher in a time when most artists were only employed to make small drawings.

+ Because of this, the publisher almost did not release the second edition.

+ If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number.

+ She also became engaged to her publisher Norman Warne.

+ Komori thought the publisher of the story showed disrespect for the Imperial House of Japan.

+ With the “Examiner having success by the early 1890s, Hearst began looking for a New York newspaper to buy, and bought the “New York Journal” in 1895, a newspaper that sold for one penny which Pulitzer’s brother Albert had sold to a Cincinnati publisher the year before.

+ The shortest correspondence in history is between Hugo and his publisher Hurst Blackett in 1862.

+ She became a Flamenco dancer and met the founding publisher of "Clarín Clarín", Roberto Noble, around 1950.

+ The Council on Foreign Relations is a United States independent nonpartisan nonprofit organization, think tank, and publisher that was founded in 1921 and that is meant to help educate people about foreign affairs.
+ He was an early publisher of LGBT magazines in the late 1960s and the 1970s.

издатель, владелец газеты


- издатель

publishers, publisher’s house — издательство
publisher’s rights — права издателя

- амер. владелец газеты

Мои примеры


the publisher’s reticence to make content available online for free — нежелание издателя сделать контент доступным онлайн бесплатно  
major magazine publisher’s press — специализированная журнальная печатная машина  
music publisher — издатель музыкальной литературы и нот; издатель музыкальной литературы  
not-for-profit publisher — издатель некоммерческой литературы  
open publisher — открыть источник  
original publisher — издательство, осуществившее первое издание произведения  
paperback publisher — издатель литературы в мягкой обложке  
publisher binding — издательская твёрдая переплётная крышка  
publisher database — первичная база данных; БД-издатель  
publisher identifier — идентификатор издателя  
publisher’s agent — агент издателя  

Примеры с переводом

He sent the manuscript to his publisher.

Он отправил рукопись издателю.

The publisher paid them royalties on their dictionaries.

Издатель заплатил им гонорар за их словари.

The publisher wants to distribute the book in Asia.

Издатель хочет распространять эту книгу в Азии.

The publisher remaindered the books.

Издатель распродал остатки этих книг по низкой цене.

She avoids ever producing her ambisextrous young publisher.

Она старается никогда никому не представлять своего юного издателя-бисексуала.

When the book was first written no publisher would print it.

Когда эта книга была написана, ни один издатель не хотел её печатать.

The bishop made his views clear in a letter to the publisher.

Епископ разъяснил свои взгляды в письме к издателю.

ещё 8 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He submitted the manuscript to publishers of children’s books.

The company’s new publisher just moved over from Villard Books.

Pages should not be copied without the permission of the publisher.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

publish  — публиковать, издавать, опубликовывать, напечатать, выпускать, печататься, оглашать
publishing  — издательский, издательское дело
published  — опубликованный, изданный, вышедший
publishable  — могущий быть напечатанным или изданным, пригодный для печати

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): publisher
мн. ч.(plural): publishers

  • Dictionary
  • P
  • Publisher


    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • UK Pronunciation
    • UK IPA
    • [puhb-li-sher]
    • /ˈpʌb lɪ ʃər/
    • /ˈpʌb.lɪ.ʃər/
    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [puhb-li-sher]
    • /ˈpʌb lɪ ʃər/

Definitions of publisher word

  • noun publisher a person or company whose business is the publishing of books, periodicals, engravings, computer software, etc. 1
  • noun publisher the business head of a newspaper organization or publishing house, commonly the owner or the representative of the owner. 1
  • noun publisher publishing house 1
  • noun publisher who publishes 1
  • noun publisher record label 1
  • noun publisher newspaper owner 1

Information block about the term

Origin of publisher

First appearance:

before 1425

One of the 25% oldest English words

1425-75; late Middle English: one who proclaims publicly; see publish, -er1

Historical Comparancy

Parts of speech for Publisher

publisher popularity

A common word. It’s meaning is known to most children of preschool age. About 94% of English native speakers know the meaning and use the word.

Most Europeans know this English word. The frequency of it’s usage is somewhere between «mom» and «screwdriver».

Synonyms for publisher

noun publisher

  • compositor — A compositor is a person who arranges the text and pictures of a book, magazine, or newspaper before it is printed.
  • initiator — SCSI initiator
  • introducer — to present (a person) to another so as to make acquainted.
  • mover — a person or thing that moves.
  • encourager — One who gives encouragement.

Top questions with publisher

  • what is microsoft publisher?
  • what is a publisher?
  • how to make a picture transparent in publisher?
  • how to find the publisher of a website?
  • what is publisher?
  • how to become a publisher?
  • what does a publisher do?
  • how to use microsoft publisher?
  • what does publisher mean?
  • how to use publisher?
  • how much does a publisher make?
  • how to find publisher of website?
  • how to find a publisher?
  • what is microsoft publisher used for?
  • how to find the publisher of a book?

See also

  • All definitions of publisher
  • Synonyms for publisher
  • Related words to publisher
  • Sentences with the word publisher
  • publisher pronunciation
  • The plural of publisher

Matching words

  • Words starting with p
  • Words starting with pu
  • Words starting with pub
  • Words starting with publ
  • Words starting with publi
  • Words starting with publis
  • Words starting with publish
  • Words starting with publishe
  • Words starting with publisher
  • Words ending with r
  • Words ending with er
  • Words ending with her
  • Words ending with sher
  • Words containing the letters p
  • Words containing the letters p,u
  • Words containing the letters p,u,b
  • Words containing the letters p,u,b,l
  • Words containing the letters p,u,b,l,i
  • Words containing the letters p,u,b,l,i,s
  • Words containing p
  • Words containing pu
  • Words containing pub
  • Words containing publ
  • Words containing publi
  • Words containing publis

Предложения со словом «publisher’s»

The first analysis of Lecter will be a publisher’s wet dream.

Первая книга с психоанализом Лектера — голубая мечта любого издателя .

He filled out a Publisher’s Clearing House entry.

Он заполнил Банковскую расчётную карточку Издательства .

That means when someone shares an Instant Article by email or on Twitter, they also share a link to the publisher’s website.

Это означает, что когда человек делится моментальной статьей по электронной почте или в Twitter, он также делится ссылкой на сайт издателя .

Instant Articles is optimized for automated publication via Graph API or an RSS feed from a publisher’s content management system.

Моментальные статьи оптимизированы для автоматической публикации через API Graph или ленту RSS из системы управления материалами.

Every article published as an Instant Article must be published on a news publisher’s website as well.

Каждая статья, опубликованная в данном формате, должна быть опубликована также на сайте издателя новостей.

After you find the game publisher’s support link, click it for contact and support information.

Найдите ссылку на службу поддержки пользователей издателя и щелкните ее, чтобы связаться с издателем и получить сведения о поддержке.

I wonder what Publisher’s Weekly said.

Хочу узнать, что написал Publisher’s Weekly.

My publisher’s dropped me.

Издатель меня бортанул.

What, you just won Publisher’s Clearing House?

Что, ты неожиданно выиграл в лотерею?

He drove to the publisher’s office in the Press Building, and was greeted by a grave and almost despondent man.

Он приехал в редакцию газеты, помещавшуюся в Доме прессы, и прошел в кабинет к Хейгенину, где был встречен угрюмым, суровым и глубоко уязвленным человеком.

If it’s publisher’s clearing house, Tell them i won the sweepstakes last year.

Если это из расчётной палаты, скажи им, что у меня пусто, как на тотализаторе в прошлом году после моего крупного выигрыша.

I think I finally won the Publisher’s Clearing House million dollar sweepstakes!

Я думаю, я наконец выиграл миллион долларов в лотерее.

I got a call to tell me to come to this publisher’s apartment to meet some journalist who wanted to do a cover story on my NASA top-secret project.

мне позвонили. чтобы встретиться с каким то журналистом который хочет написать статью о моём саттелитном проекте в НАСА.

You could never have printed your version of the book without the publisher’s password, so I pretended to betray you.

Вы бы никогда не смогли распечатать свою версию книги без пароля издателя , так что я притворилась предательницей.

Notice about the claims is in your newspaper publisher’s hands.

Я передал уведомление об участках издателю местной газеты.

This is the first edition in America, with, look… The publisher’s misattribution on the title page to Charlotte Bronte.

Это первое издание в Америке с… с припиской издателя на титульной странице.

A guy at the publisher’s came clean. Eastland’s name was used to sell all these titles, but he never wrote them.

В издательстве нам признались, что фамилию Истленда использовали, чтобы эти книги продавались, но он их не писал.

I’ve just been informed that the manuscript of my memoirs, which I thought had been lost, has arrived at my publisher’s office.

Мне только что сообщили, что моя рукопись,.. которую я считал пропавшей, попала к издателю .

Some publishers would copy another publisher’s work to produce an encyclopedia faster and cheaper so consumers did not have to pay a lot and they would sell more.

Некоторые издатели копировали работу другого издателя , чтобы создать энциклопедию быстрее и дешевле, так что потребители не должны были платить много, и они продавали бы больше.

Moman still had to deal with the publisher’s staff on site, whose song suggestions he regarded as unacceptable.

Моману все еще приходилось иметь дело с персоналом издательства на месте, чьи песенные предложения он считал неприемлемыми.

With full content, the entire content—which might be text, audio, video, applications/widgets or user-generated content—appears unaltered on the publisher’s site.

При полном содержании весь контент — текст, аудио, видео, приложения / виджеты или пользовательский контент—отображается на сайте издателя без изменений.

The magazine folded after issue 23 in 1993 when the publisher’s contract with Granada Studios Tour expired and Granada wanted to produce their own magazine.

Журнал закрылся после выпуска 23 в 1993 году, когда истек контракт издателя с Granada Studios Tour и Granada захотела выпускать свой собственный журнал.

His arguments caused so much anger that his publisher’s office in Hamburg was firebombed.

Его аргументы вызвали такой гнев, что офис его издателя в Гамбурге был взорван.

The relative strength of the two effects determines whether the publisher’s revenue is positively or negatively affected.

Относительная сила этих двух эффектов определяет, положительно или отрицательно влияет на доход издателя .

It was initially slated for a circa 1998 release, but legal issues meant that the publisher’s lawyers delayed the publication.

Первоначально он должен был выйти примерно в 1998 году, но из — за юридических проблем юристы издательства задержали публикацию.

The delivery of online ads does not need to be linked to the publisher’s publication schedule.

Доставка объявлений в Интернете не обязательно должна быть привязана к графику публикации издателя .

On his publisher’s advice, he decided to assume a pen name to avoid being declared persona non grata in the People’s Republic of China.

По совету своего издателя он решил взять псевдоним, чтобы избежать объявления персоной нон грата в Китайской Народной Республике.

This service is unusual in that it tries to find a non-paywalled version of a title and redirects you to that instead of the publisher’s version.

Эта служба необычна тем, что она пытается найти неплатежеспособную версию заголовка и перенаправляет вас на нее вместо версии издателя .

It was the publisher’s policy in any novel involving lesbianism that the characters would never receive any satisfaction from the relationship.

В любом романе, посвященном лесбиянству, издатель придерживался такой политики, что герои никогда не получали никакого удовлетворения от отношений.

” No wonder one publisher’s rallying cry to his illustrators was “more blood – much more blood!

Неудивительно, что один издатель призывал своих иллюстраторов: больше крови — гораздо больше крови!

Publisher’s Weekly may or may not have a review, but it requires a subscription.

Еженедельник издателя может иметь или не иметь рецензию, но он требует подписки.

The Flood begins with the Iceland Publisher’s Association distributing Bokatidindi, a catalog of all new publications, free to each Icelandic home.

Наводнение начинается с того, что Ассоциация издателей Исландии распространяет Bokatidindi, каталог всех новых изданий, бесплатно в каждом исландском доме.

In 1996, Bereano won the Publisher’s Service Award from the Lambda Literary Foundation.

В 1996 году Береано получил премию издательского сервиса от литературного фонда лямбда.

The whole idea that the publisher’s numbers are less than one quarter of the government numbers is worrisome.

Сама идея о том, что номера издательства составляют менее одной четверти правительственных номеров, вызывает беспокойство.

While a commercial publisher’s market is the book-buying public at large, the vanity publisher’s market is the author himself or herself.

В то время как рынок коммерческого издательства — это покупающая книги публика в целом, рынок тщеславного издателя — это сам автор.

His first children’s book, Angry River, published in the 1970s, had its writing toned down on a publisher’s request for a children’s story.

Его первая детская книга сердитая река, вышедшая в 1970 — х годах, была написана по просьбе издателя для детского рассказа.

In Universal’s 1943 adaptation, he is disfigured when the publisher’s assistant throws etching acid in his face.

В адаптации Universal 1943 года он обезображен, когда помощник издателя бросает ему в лицо травильную кислоту.

Georgette, the publisher’s assistant, throws etching acid in Claudin’s face, horribly scarring him.

Жоржетта, ассистентка издателя , швыряет в лицо Клодена травильную кислоту, оставляя на нем ужасные шрамы.

The suggestion of a priest being perceived as a ‘young lover’ was a bold move on both Williams and the publisher’s part.

Предположение о том, что священник воспринимается как молодой любовник, было смелым шагом как со стороны Уильямса, так и со стороны издателя .

depending on the publisher’s submission guidelines.

в зависимости от правил подачи материалов издателем .

According to the Publisher’s Summary on Audible.

Согласно резюме издателя на сайте Audible.

Some textbook companies have countered this by encouraging teachers to assign homework that must be done on the publisher’s website.

Некоторые компании, выпускающие учебники, противодействуют этому, поощряя учителей назначать домашние задания, которые должны быть сделаны на веб — сайте издателя .

Until 2018, all the English translations were missing the original publisher’s introduction.

До 2018 года во всех английских переводах отсутствовало оригинальное введение издателя .

First, how well something is known has nothing to do with whether a publisher’s house style applies to you.

Во — первых, насколько хорошо что — то известно, не имеет никакого отношения к тому, применим ли к вам стиль издательского дома.

If we are to stop the steady creap of publisher’s spam, then we have to be firm about insisting on guidelines that discourage synthesis.

Если мы хотим остановить постоянный спам издателя , то мы должны твердо настаивать на рекомендациях, которые препятствуют синтезу.

The binding for the Appleton Alice was identical to the 1866 Macmillan Alice, except for the publisher’s name at the foot of the spine.

Переплет Эпплтон Элис был идентичен Макмиллан Элис 1866 года, за исключением имени издателя в нижней части корешка.

I propose using a part of HarperCollins- the publisher’s — description.

Ссылка, которую я предоставляю здесь, является полной противоположностью тому, что вы здесь имеете.

The American publisher’s expectation was that the book would sell between 900 and 3,000 copies.

Американское издательство рассчитывало, что книга будет продана тиражом от 900 до 3000 экземпляров.

Editorials often were accompanied by editorial cartoons, which lampooned the publisher’s opponents.

Передовицы часто сопровождались редакционными карикатурами, которые высмеивали оппонентов издателя .

Editorials might also be accompanied by an editorial cartoon, which would frequently lampoon the publisher’s opponents.

Передовицы также могут сопровождаться редакционной карикатурой, которая часто высмеивает оппонентов издателя .

Examples of how to use the word “publishing” in a sentence. How to connect “publishing” with other words to make correct English sentences.

publishing (n): the profession or business of producing and selling a book, magazine, or newspaper

Use “publishing” in a sentence

She is in the publishing business.
Her sister works for a well-known publishing company.
Hana works for a publishing firm.

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