Sentences with word plants

Мои примеры


the plants and animals of the forest — растения и животные данного леса  
the decay of dead plants and leaves — разложение мёртвых растений и листьев  
to shower plants — полить растения  
crop plants — хлебные злаки  
additions to existing plants — расширение существующих заводов  
grassy plants — травянистые растения  
marine plants / animals — морские растения / животные  
marine plants [animals] — морские растения [животные]  
drug plants — лекарственные растения  
citrus plants — цитрусовые  
cover plants with straw — прикрыть растения соломой  
indoor plants — комнатные растения  

Примеры с переводом

Plants produce oxygen.

Растения выделяют кислород.

Plants shoot out buds.

На растениях появляются почки.

These plants travel badly.

Эти растения плохо переносят транспортировку.

The plants withered and died.

Растения засохли и погибли.

Earth up the plants frequently.

Растения надо регулярно окучивать.

Poor light produces weak plants.

Из-за плохого освещения растения становятся слабыми.

The plants are regularly spaced.

Растения расположены на одинаковом расстоянии.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The plants failed to propagate.

Propagate your plants in fresh soil.

The plants were collected from the wild.

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Фразовые глаголы

plant on — подсовывать, всучивать
plant out — рассаживать, высаживать в грунт

Возможные однокоренные слова

plant  — завод, растение, установка, фабрика, сажать, насаждать, садить, подсадить
planted  — посаженный, засаженный, насаженный, подосланный
planter  — плантатор, сажалка, сажальщик, ящик для комнатных растений, кадка для пальмы
planting  — насаждение

Plants are mainly multicellular, predominantly photosynthetic eukaryotes of the kingdom Plantae. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

But the company said it’s focusing on quality and plant efficiency, not just meeting volume targets.


I would repot the affected plants and prune them back.


Refrigerated & Frozen Foods zeroed in on five refrigerated and frozen foods producers who exemplify food safety, environmental initiatives, plant expansions, new product development, packaging optimization and more.


I have been hinting for years about starting our own garden, we always had an excuse, no time, too much work and the best of all with all the veggies my mother-in-law plants she could feed half the town.


OF COURSE the RNC is emailing reporters behind the scenes to try to plant stories and, in this case, doubts about an opponent they seem to be beginning to fear.


Australian canned fruit and fruit drinks company Golden Circle is planning to install a larger boiler to take better advantage of biogas produced from the anaerobic processing of wastewater from the factory’s food processing plant in Northgate, Queensland.


And because the food is made directly from plants, they have no cholesterol, hormones, antibiotics and no chance of being contaminated by bacteria from a slaughterhouse.


Lentils fall into the pulse category — nutritionally-dense edible seeds of plants in the legume family, which also includes dried beans, chickpeas and split peas.


1/2 cup sprouted rolled oats 1 teaspoon chia seeds 1 teaspoon ground flaxseed 1/2 teaspoon moringa powder 3/4 cup homemade plant milk (I used cashew) 1 teaspoon coconut oil 1 teaspoon pure maple syrup coconut shavings


The Environmental Protection Agency released a new proposal on Monday to cut carbon pollution from power plants.


It would set labeling rules to prevent anyone from slipping lab-created material or plant substances into… Continue Reading


And now, we learn that of those 730 workers saved, many will eventually lose their jobs to automation once the plant is upgraded.


Studies have shown that one of the main Maca root powder benefits is that the plant can work to balance hormones by directly working with the body’s endocrine system.


i am lovin beets so much i just bought my own plant.


Utilizing stevia, a leafy green plant native to South America, as a sweetening agent, ONE Basix Bars offer a new, simplified take on ONE Bars.


Westland, a farmer-owned co-operative, recently finished its first manufacturing run of infant formula for export to China after investing $ 30 million in a new nutritionals processing plant.


The closure of the Indian Point nuclear power plant is three years away, but already the local school district is preparing for the possibility of teacher layoffs, higher taxes and even shutting down a school.


A federal jury found Joe Percoco, Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s former top aide, guilty in March 2018 of taking more than $ 300,000 in illicit payments in exchange for official favors doled out to COR Development in Syracuse and Competitive Power Ventures, which has been developing a controversial gas-fired power plant in Orange County.


What we really need to do is focus on the big purchases — like cars and power plants — and provide the information and financing to help people make better choices.


The kids» mother says the 11 — and 6-year-old are afraid of the mean old lady next door, who has been angry with them for smashing plants with soccer balls before.


Particularly when it comes to phytonutrients, plants distribute nutrients differently in their different anatomical parts.


Here is what I do know: If I «plant a church» it probably won’t be what most people would traditionally consider «church.»


Guano contains about 10 percent nitrogen, 3 percent phosphorous and 1 percent potassium, together with all the minor trace elements necessary for a plant‘s overall health.


Our cucumber plant didn’t do much for the first couple of months.


CLOUGH Engineering has been named preferred tenderer to build the Minerva Gas Field Development flowlines and gas plant near Port Campbell in Western Victoria.


Medical research demonstrating of a plant based diet is our salvation.


Not the 25-35 peppers per plant you’d normally expect, but that’s fine.


Lentils are also a great source of plant based iron (non-heme iron).


Our vertical integration and global sourcing secure our access to the very best raw materials, such as fruits, vegetables, cereals, plants and milk, and guarantee top delivery reliability for you.


When we are done playing with water beads and aren’t going to store them, I crumble them up and add them to the soil of our potted plants.


Rawazing started as a raw food site and is growing to include all whole food, plant based, unprocessed recipes.


Local and Long-lasting The processing plant for the milk is only four miles from the farm where 100 percent of the cows the company obtains its milk from are kept.


Nasdaq has given listings to three biotech companies that use the cannabis plant, including GW Pharmaceuticals, which extracts CBD from cannabis to create anti-seizure medication.


«Through the worst of the recession, we made thousands of agreements to save jobs and keep plants open.


Robbins said the plant‘s reactors are encased in six feet of steel-reinforced concrete and sit 20 feet above sea level.


Even plants, in a more rudimentary way, make some sort of selection of the circumstances in which they will develop.


Aeorponics is the process of growing plants in an air or mist environment also without soil.


Since going dairy free and moving to a plant based diet, I’ve had to come up with some significant substitutions for meals.


But as we wait for the global energy market to rebound, and for the Petronas-lead consortium to come to a decision regarding its LNG processing plant in Prince Rupert, we need to ask ourselves: What should Canada be doing to fill the gap?


Equally, Ishida’s customer base has increased dramatically, ranging from individual multiheads or checkweighers for small contracts packers to complete packing plants for multinational blue-chip companies.


Since I am new at eating a plant based diet I have never made a sauce like this but it sounds intriguing.


Production lines at the new plant will also feature additional chicken processing facilities.


The company has two plants in China and is opening one in India, and recently added a majority stake in a German manufacturer.


Murray Goulburn, which has a number of major contracts with Coles for chilled milk, also introduced the first automated plants for pasteurised milk in Australia.


If I tell you that the Met Office predict an unusually long, dry period and a total hosepipe ban, and that I’m digging until I reach water, for the sake of my garden plants, then knowing «why» I’m digging begins to make the «what» engaging.


Apparently the plants she grew in her flower bed produced wildly this year and she’s been inundated with all manner of the ruby red produce (thank you again mom).


Considering your comments about meditation and plants, have you heard of or read «Gardening at the Dragon’s Gate» by Wendy Johnson


FullCycle Energy Fund’s purpose is to provide above average returns by investing in the emerging market of converting traditional electric generation plants from high cost,…


In addition to being high in fiber, corn is also a rich source of the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, plant pigments that act as antioxidants (35).


Jute is an old world plant that has been used to make rope for centuries.


April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

The walls were filled with books while plants added to the warm and homey atmosphere.

F ae thought that the sky was a goddess Nut, whom the god cepi w held aloof from her husband Keb the earth, on whose back At 1 plants and trees grew.

This type of structure, which is extremely various in its details, is found especially, as we should expect, in plants which have to economize their water supply.

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The bast fibres of Cannabis are the hemp of commerce, but, unfortunately, the products from many totally different plants are often included under the general name of hemp. In some cases the fibre is obtained from the stem, while in others it comes from the leaf.

The leaves are glaucous and smooth like those of a swede turnip. For a seed-crop rape is sown in July or early August in order that the plants may be strong enough to pass the winter uninjured.

Leaves of planes are abundant, and among the plants recorded are two figs, a laurel, a Robinia, a Grevillea and a palm.

When these plants were examined they had small swellings or nodules on their roots, while those grown in sterile sand without soil-extract had no nodules.

The bacteria, which are present in almost all soils, enter the root-hairs of their host plants and ultimately stimulate the production of an excrescent nodule, in which they live.

Cope, Origin of the Fittest (London, 1887); C. Darwin, Origin of Species (London), Variation of Plants and Animals (London); E.

Along the shore of Lake Champlain are a few species of maritime plants that remain from the time when portions of western Vermont were covered by the sea, and on the upper slopes of some of the higher mountains are a few Alpine species; these, however, are much less numerous on the Green Mountains of Vermont than on the White Mountains of New Hampshire.

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Plants and animals meet their needs.

Таким образом, условия жизни растений, животных соответствуют их потребностям.

Plants have lives that you’re probably totally unaware of.

У растений есть жизнь, о которой вы, скорее всего, ничего не знаете.

Plants require nutrients just like us.

Ведь растения требуют питания так же, как и мы с вами.

But he’s not like other Plants.

Да, он не такой, как остальные растения.

Plants in their tissues it turns colloidal minerals.

Именно растения в своих тканях преобразуют горные минералы в коллоидные.

Plants underpin and provide key resources to entire ecosystems worldwide.

«Растения поддерживают и обеспечивают ключевые ресурсы для целых экосистем во всем мире.

Plants are smart-they’ll compensate and do something different if they need to.

Растения умные — они будут компенсировать и делать что-то другое, если им это нужно».

Plants are not only food sources but also environmentally friendly energy sources.

Как видно, растения являются не только источником пищи, но и экологически чистыми неисчерпаемыми источниками энергии.

Plants grown in larger containers have frequently relatively poor flowers.

Более того растения, выращенные в больших контейнерах, часто цветут хуже.

Plants generate cellulose from water and carbon dioxide during photosynthesis.

Растения производят целлюлозу из воды и углекислого газа в ходе процесса фотосинтеза.

Plants may flower up to three times a year.

Как правило, растения этой группы могут поочередно развивать до трех цветоносов в год.

Plants require 12 hours daylight and a corresponding period of darkness.

Растения нуждаются в свете 12 часов в сутки и столько же времени им нужна темнота.

Plants harvest sunlight converting solar into chemical energy.

Растения поглощают солнечный свет, преобразуя солнечную энергию в химическую.

Plants that grow in places where they interfere can be removed quickly.

Растения, которые растут в местах, где они мешают, могут быть быстро удалены.

Plants used as medicines offer synergistic interactions between ingredients both known and unknown.

Растения, используемые как лекарства, предлагают синергетическое взаимодействие между всеми ингредиентами, как известными, так и неизвестными.

Plants and animals are thought to emit and perceive energy we cannot.

Считается, что растения и животные испускают и воспринимают энергию, которую мы не видим.

Plants can be both regional and exotic.

Растения могут быть как региональными, так и экзотическими.

Plants grown from seeds generally will not bloom until their second year.

Как правило, растения, выращенные из семян, не цветут до двух лет.

Plants with different root lengths benefit your soil structure.

Растения с разной длиной корней приносят очень большую пользу вашей структуре почвы.

Plants also require oxygen and water to survive and grow.

Растения также нуждаются в кислороде и воде, чтобы выжить и расти.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Plants

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Sentences with the word Plant?



  • «the plant needs a firm anchorage»; «the mother provides emotional anchorage for the entire family»
  • «The apple tree bore delicious apples this year»; «The unidentified plant bore gorgeous flowers»
  • «the plant is working at 80 per cent capacity»
  • «girdle the plant«
  • «combustion products are exhausted in the engine»; «the plant releases a gas»
  • «A rash erupted on her arms after she had touched the exotic plant«
  • «the assembly plant is an enormous facility»
  • «a flowering plant«
  • «We can’t generate enough power for the entire city»; «The hydroelectric plant needs to generate more electricity»
  • «a good time to plant tomatoes»; «the right time to act»; «the time is ripe for great sociological changes»
  • «it stands hard by the railroad tracks»; «they were hard on his heels»; «a strike followed hard upon the plant‘s opening»
  • «plant a thought in the students’ minds»
  • «they built a large plant to manufacture automobiles»
  • «the Kudzu plant infests much of the South and is spreading to the North»
  • «early peoples passed on plant and animal lore through legend»
  • «macrame a plant holder»
  • «the workers in the plant were unorganized»
  • «the common buttercup is a popular perennial plant«
  • «the tendrils of the plant exhibited perversion»; «perversion also shows up in kinky telephone cords»
  • «the police used a plant to trick the thieves»; «he claimed that the evidence against him was a plant«
  • «plant fish»
  • «plant a spy in Moscow»; «plant bugs in the dissident’s apartment»
  • «Let’s plant flowers in the garden»
  • «this proverbially bitter plant, wormwood»
  • «This plant can be referred to a known species»
  • «the plant is tolerant of saltwater»; «these fish are quite tolerant as long as extremes of pH are avoided»; «the new hybrid is more resistant to drought»
  • «this plant roots quickly»
  • «The sewage plant served the neighboring communities»; «The garage served to shelter his horses»
  • «the plant sprouted early this year»
  • «mosquitos are vectors of malaria and yellow fever»; «fleas are vectors of the plague»; «aphids are transmitters of plant diseases»; «when medical scientists talk about vectors they are usually talking about insects»
  • «We don’t allow people to come into our plant and try to unionize the workers»
  • «the power plant received a new upgrade»

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