Sentences with word pilot

Sentences with the word Pilot?



  • «she went about her chores on automatic pilot«; «too much of the writing seems to have been done on automatic pilot«; «she talked and he dozed and my mind went on autopilot»
  • «The pilot flew to Cuba»
  • «the pilot had to bank the aircraft»
  • «the pilot managed to land the airplane safely»
  • «they made a check of their equipment»; «the pilot ran through the check-out procedure»
  • «the pilot made contact with the base»; «he got in touch with his colleagues»
  • «a daredevil test pilot having the right stuff»
  • «an egg with a double yolk»; «a double (binary) star»; «double doors»; «dual controls for pilot and copilot»; «duple (or double) time consists of two (or a multiple of two) beats to a measure»
  • «The pilot drew in the landing gear»; «The cat retracted his claws»
  • «After the accident, they grounded the plane and the pilot«
  • «headed bolts»; «three-headed Cerberus»; «a cool-headed fighter pilot«
  • «the pilot reported two kills during the mission»
  • «The pilot kited for a long time over the mountains»
  • «the stunt pilot looped his plane»
  • «they funded a pilot project in six states»
  • «suicidal impulses»; «a suicidal corporate takeover strategy»; «a kamikaze pilot«
  • «the control tower talked down the plane whose pilot fell ill»
  • «This pilot works the controls»; «Can you work an electric drill?»

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.








In June 2014, China Cargo Airlines successfully launched the pilot e-AWB pilot at Shanghai Pudong Airport.

В июне 2014 года авиакомпания China Cargo запустила пилотный проект по использованию электронных грузовых авианакладных (e-AWB) в шанхайском аэропорту Пудун.

The pilot case management project continued, with mainly United States technical assistance.

Этот экспериментальный проект в сфере управления продолжает осуществляться в основном при техническом содействии со стороны Соединенных Штатов.

Others involve building national-level institutions and pilot action in income generation.

Поддержкой пользовалось также создание национальных институтов и проведение экспериментальных мероприятий, связанных с образованием дохода.

From 2010-2012, Cambodia focused on reading skills in pilot schools.

В 2010-2012 годах Камбоджа сосредоточила особое внимание на развитии навыков чтения в экспериментальных школах.

The pilot plants can be managed and monitored from separate quiet workspaces or directly in front of the pilot plant via computer, tablet or smartphone.

Экспериментальным оборудованием можно управлять, а также контролировать его как с отдельных тихих рабочих мест, так и непосредственно перед самой пилотной установкой через компьютер, планшет или смартфон.

Technology is now at the final stage of pilot testing in the company’s pilot plant.

Эта технология проходит завершающий этап пилотных испытаний в опытном цехе компании.

To implement a negative list of foreign investment in the pilot free trade pilot zone in China as soon as possible.

Внедрение негативного списка иностранных инвестиций в пилотную зону пилотной свободной торговли в Китае как можно скорее.

Serbia presented information about a pilot Post Enumeration Survey conducted after their pilot census.

Сербия представила информацию о пилотном послепереписном обследовании, проведенном после пилотной переписи.

The four pilot cities Sanya, Shaoxing, Tonglin and Xuzhou shared their experience in pilot construction.

Четыре пилотных города Санья, Шаосин, Тунлин и Сюйчжоу поделились своим опытом работы в пилотном строительстве.

The pilot… was very rough.

Во всяком случае, пилот был очень жесткий.

I guess a lot depends on the pilot skills.

Но, как вы убедились, многое зависит от умелого пиара.

Your pilot is likely thinking the same thing.

Ваш пилот, вероятнее всего, думает о том же.

As a pilot you need to make sure you have control.

В качестве пилота вы должны быть уверены, что у вас есть контроль.

I want this pilot to succeed.

Я хочу, чтобы этот пилот добился успеха.

This would take two to four years including pilot testing in some countries.

Для осуществления этой работы потребуется 2-4 года, включая проведение тестирования на экспериментальной основе в некоторых странах.

Income-generating projects targeted at rural women’s groups have been initiated as pilot schemes.

В рамках экспериментальных программ было начато осуществление ориентированных на женские группы в сельских районах проектов по организации приносящей доход деятельности.

This pilot exercise was conducted during 1979 and 1980.

Эта практическая проверка была проведена в течение 1979 и 1980 годов.

To design and develop agency-specific programme components for each of the pilot countries.

Спроектировать и разработать по каждой из охваченных экспериментом стран компоненты программы, за которые отвечают конкретные учреждения.

The pilot would immediately have his career ended.

[На этом] Пилот сразу бы закончил свою карьеру».

The accident occurred after the pilot broke up with his girlfriend.

«Эта катастрофа случилась после того, как пилот расстался со своей девушкой.

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Results: 37013. Exact: 37013. Elapsed time: 140 ms.


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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Pilot most commonly refers to:
Aircraft pilot, a person who flies or navigates an aircraft
Maritime pilot, a person who guides ships through hazardous waters
Television pilot, a trial episode made to sell a TV series
Pilot or The Pilot may also refer to: (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Achievement school districts may be reporting mixed numbers in other states, but the controversial reform model — which could effectively turn over management of low-performing public schools, including hiring and firing powers, to for-profit charter operators — seems bound for a pilot program in North Carolina.


«Those wondering how much it costs to be the kind of awesome country that can scramble a permanent elite squadron of jets and square-jawed pilots in case of emergency international demand for an aerobatics display were out of luck.»


A United Airlines pilot allegedly gave a strange warning before taking off from Chicago on a Newark-bound flight Tuesday night.


But the pilot project revealed and proved serious challenges that hinder Peace education in the region:


Their study focused on Thaumarchaeota, one of the many phyla of archaea, as little evidence of the others was found in the pilot study.


Lena fills us in on the kind of person she is and admits she’s not shy about pointing out negative aspects — this probably makes her a good test pilot.


Both districts launched pilot programs and then formed an alliance to compete for state grant funding.


I was doing pilots, but they weren’t getting picked up.


Effects of a probiotic (SLAB51 ™) on clinical and histologic variables and microbiota of cats with chronic constipation/megacolon: a pilot study — G. Rossi — Beneficial Microbes


We are focused on proactively addressing the issue and ensuring we continue to provide exceptional pilot careers.»


By launching many such pilot projects you both hedge your bets and create a myriad of small learning experiences for yourself, which helps you course correct and figure out what you really want and the right path to get you there.


From Amazon’s perspective, it’s a way a quick way to grab a larger share of the grocery sector, which they’d begun with AmazonFresh and pilot stores.


Now a call for proposals of pilot facilities at Uppsala University has opened.


We also knew the program worked, because we already had a number of successful students from the pilots and first launch.


During her tenure in this role, Louisiana adopted landmark teacher preparation and licensure policies arising from the nationally recognized Believe and Prepare teacher preparation pilot program.


She also meets Feliks, a shy Polish pilot who has an unexpected effect on her.


… Why are there so many pilot projects specific to computers, while so many other things go unfunded?


Torea Rodriguez: And that was really, really hard to do as a pilot.


Haven’t you heard of situations where one pilot goes to the toilet and the other locks himself up?


Though many attribute his penchant for speed to a stint as an Air Force pilot in World War II, it actually seems to have emerged long before.


The first is between Snoopy, his nemesis The Red Baron and Fifi, a poodle pilot who wields a mean plane before becoming a damsel in distress.


The thin, sitcom pilot of a plot follows Marty as he becomes embroiled in a dognapping scheme, courtesy of his short-fused best friend, Billy (Sam Rockwell), and his debonair partner in crime, Hans.


Five months ago, Amazon unveiled its pilot Dash program in which a select group of users could order an array of household products via the push of a button.


Chinese authorities have told pilots who fly to Beijing they must be qualified to land their aircraft in the low visibility bought about by smog, state media said on Thursday, as the government tries to reduce flight delays due to pollution.


In Cambodia, a pilot project to help children with low vision is currently being supported by GPE and other partners.


«It could help California develop a learning system that helps evaluate local innovations, pilot projects and policy experiments as a means of informing initiatives across the state and making wiser decisions at the state and local levels,» she said.


Yet we do fly because of the existence of aircraft, pilots, fuel production, radios — all the products of social organization.


Timothy Revell got on board to find out whether pilots are getting the ejector seat


mHITs is not worried about their competition since BitMoby is just a «pilot service» as it looks to explore and possibly incorporate crypto-currency into more of its businesses.


Airline pilots were once the heroes of the skies.


When nobody knew my name or who I was, there were a few guest shots but dozens of TV shows and pilots I didn’t get.


The 2000’s have also seen the introduction of PDA’s and mobile devices such as cell phones, blackberrys, palm pilots and others.


Climb into the pilot‘s seat of an otherworldly war machine and take down a genocidal alien race bent on eradicating humanity to preserve their own civilization.


The Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s one-year pilot for the new position of Customer Service Ambassador was unable to fill all 75 open spots, with 33 posts empty.


Maine’s plan also includes partnering with the Maine Education Policy Research Institute to identify successful longevity pay approaches in other rural states, approaching the state legislature to fund a pilot, and encouraging districts to partner with local business leaders and community organizations to fund this additional pay.


On the verge of defeat, the forces defending mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes — a washed up former pilot (Charlie Hunnam) and an untested trainee (Rinko Kikuchi)— who are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the past.


The elementary, middle and high schools are participating in a pilot program called BYOD, or Bring Your Own Device, that will be rolled out over the next couple of months.


By Phil ScullionFollow @PhilScullion Two RAF Chinook pilots blamed for a tragic crash on the Mull of Kintyre in 1994 have today been cleared by an inquiry.


Lea Michele is saying goodbye to Scream Queens as she joins an untitled comedy on ABC while Dylan McDermott and Austin Stowell both board pilots at Fox.


An experienced pilot for over 40 years, Sully had only 208 seconds to react when both engines on his plane went out following a collision with a flock of birds.


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From the innovative water filtration system providing clean, free and pure water for guests to actively participated in the first composting pilot program in Concourse C, Root Down stands firmly behind its vision — entrenched in value, actively engaged in sustainable practice.


He mentioned some of the immediate responses the district has made regarding the initial petition, including changing the principal seven months ago, creating a new reading pilot reading program and getting a grant to keep the school open on Saturdays and allow more parents to be trained and involved.


In 2010, Thomas Grace, Anne Lee and I published the study, «Gluten contamination of grains, seeds, and flours in the United States: a pilot study.»


As reported by Coming Soon, the e-commerce giant-turned-TV studio has announced that its Casanova and Sneaky Pete pilots will premiere August 7 on Prime Instant Video, with viewers once again weighing in on which show (s) move on to a…


The company was founded in 1989 when his father, John Gillespie, a pilot, decided to buy a four-person plane painting shop in Kingston, Ont.


Those universities and colleges taking part in the pilot scheme for subject-level TEF are working with the sector in academic years 2017/18 and 2018/19, with the intention that the first full year of subject-level TEF will take place in 2019/20.


The match across designs is not as good for pilot high schools, where the observational analysis for lottery schools produces substantial and significant positive estimates, while the lottery results for ELA and math are small and not significantly different from 0 (though the match for writing is good).


(It follows a pilot test called I-SPY 1.)


Another booster is Tom Shiflet, the unpaid test pilot for the entire recreational vehicle industry, who plans to make an expedition to the South Pole in November, thus adding another chapter to an impressive personal saga.


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word pilot, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use pilot in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «pilot».

Pilot in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word pilot in a sentence.

  1. As a fighter pilot with No.

  2. The pilot was directed by P.

  3. Irwin as Lunar Module pilot.

  4. The pilot introduces Mick St.

  5. He served as a pilot with No.

  6. Stafford chosen as his pilot.

  7. Cernan as lunar module pilot.

  8. Schmitt as lunar module pilot.

  9. Posted as a bomber pilot to No.

  10. Its pilot ejected and survived.

  11. The pilot placed 31st, while «Tempest» placed 15th.

  12. He gained his commission as a pilot officer in 1947.

  13. The pilot episode was filmed in southern California.

  14. He was also an influential tactician and test pilot.

  15. Following these, USN test pilot Lieutenant Melvin C.

  16. Boam said, «In the two-hour pilot Brisco doesn’t even once have to shoot his gun.

  17. By March 24, 2007, the pilot reached #6 on the Video Marketplace’s top downloads.

  18. The pilot Paul Rizzo opened the privately-operated Barren Island Airport in 1927.

  19. In the pilot episode, Brisco tracks John Bly’s second-in-command, Big Smith (M.C.

  20. The Gemini 3 backup commander was Wally Schirra and Stafford was the backup pilot.

  21. He flew in Gemini 8 in 1966 alongside Neil Armstrong and as command module pilot of Apollo 9 in 1969.

  22. Raw’s brother Norman also served as a RAAF pilot, and was deployed to New Guinea as of February 1945.

  23. At the outbreak of war Richardson joined the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve as a sub-lieutenant pilot.

  24. An Army Air Forces pilot flying in the area reported that the fireball was 3 mi (4.8 km) in diameter.

  25. The National Public Observatory picked it «as the pilot for the Stars-n-Parks program» in April 2001.

  26. The pilot episode introduces several characters who make recurring appearances throughout the series.

  27. The girl later learns from her father Dan Blake (George Eldredge) that the pilot has died in a crash.

  28. In 1988, Jeremy Stafford-Deitsch reported seeing an individual accompanied by a shortfin pilot whale.

  29. He sat in the right-hand pilot seat while the left-hand seat commander, Stan Butchart, flew the B-29.

  30. In 1704, French pilot engineer Jean Feuilley explained how the birds were caught by humans and cats:.

  31. Now without a pilot, the group is informed that evacuation is impossible because of an oncoming storm.

  32. He transferred to the AFC as a mechanic in January 1917, and was subsequently commissioned as a pilot.

  33. On 27 March 1918, again near Tul Karem, Drummond and another pilot scrambled to attack a German scout.

  34. A Hawker Sea Fury crashed while landing on 15 May, killing the pilot and two members of the deck crew.

  35. Filming for the television pilot began on location in Los Angeles in February 1999 and took six weeks.

  36. Preston believed that this situation was unfair and later said that he stole the helicopter to show his skill as a pilot.

  37. Mom and Dad tells the story of Joan Blake (June Carlson), a young girl who falls for the pilot Jack Griffin (Bob Lowell).

  38. The red rail was first mentioned as «Indian river woodcocks» by the Dutch ships’ pilot Heyndrick Dircksz Jolinck in 1598.

  39. George Harris plays Simon Katanga, captain of the Bantu Wind tramp steamer, and Fred Sorenson portrays Jones’ pilot Jock.

  40. Richard Cresswell, DFC (27 July 1920 12 December 2006) was an officer and pilot in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF).

  41. The pilot and first series was made available as streaming media on ITV plc’s revamped website from 2007 to 2009.

  42. With the cancellation of Phase II, writers rushed to adapt its planned pilot episode, «In Thy Image», into a film script.

  43. Smith was fascinated by the idea of being a fighter pilot, and particularly excited by the prospect of flying a Spitfire.

  44. The project was greenlit in May 2000, with the originally planned reunion episode serving as the pilot to the new series.

  45. Similar pilot viewing angles as the 767 result from a downward sloped cockpit floor and the same forward cockpit windows.

  46. In late June 1965, Collins received his first crew assignment: the backup pilot for Gemini 7, with his West Point classmate Ed White named as the backup mission commander.

  47. Cathode ray tube (CRT) color displays and new electronics replaced the role of the flight engineer by enabling the pilot and co-pilot to monitor aircraft systems directly.

  48. In the pilot episode, a seduction scene with a doctor and a young woman ends when she is revealed to be a corpse, and several women die after being admitted for treatment.

  49. In 1910 the Aero Club was granted the Royal prefix, took responsibility for controlling all private flying in the UK, and started issuing the first British pilot licences.

  50. After the mission, Young was assigned as the Apollo 17 backup commander, along with Duke as the backup lunar module pilot and Stu Roosa as the backup command module pilot.

Synonyms for pilot

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word pilot has the following synonyms: airplane pilot, fender, buffer, cowcatcher, original, archetype, pilot burner, pilot light, pilot program, pilot film, fly, aviate and navigate.

General information about «pilot» example sentences

The example sentences for the word pilot that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «pilot» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «pilot».

пилот, летчик, лоцман, контрольный, пробный, пилотировать, вести


- мор. лоцман

coast(ing) /inshore, hobbling, branch/ pilot — прибрежный лоцман
dock /harbour, mud/ pilot — портовый лоцман
to take on a pilot — взять лоцмана
to drop the pilot — ≅ отказаться от верного и ценного советчика

- лётчик, пилот; штурман

airline pilot — лётчик гражданской авиации
fighter pilot — лётчик-истребитель
test pilot — лётчик-испытатель
licensed /qualified, certified/ pilot — лётчик, допущенный к полётам /имеющий соответствующее удостоверение/
pilot on alert, alert pilot — дежурный лётчик

- (the Pilot) разг. командир штурманской боевой части
- проводник, вожак

to travel without a pilot — путешествовать без проводника

- поэт. кормчий

ещё 10 вариантов


- опытный, пробный; экспериментальный

pilot launch — пробный /опытный/ (за)пуск
pilot project — опытная /экспериментальная/ разработка
pilot lot — пробная партия
on a pilot basis — в виде опыта, в порядке эксперимента, для пробы
pilot system — вчт. экспериментальная версия системы; прототип

- предварительный

pilot survey — предварительное обследование, предварительный сбор информации, предварительная выборка
pilot scheme — намётки плана; ≅ в порядке (предварительного) обсуждения

- натурный (об эксперименте)
- регулирующий, направляющий

pilot star — путеводная звезда

- тех. вспомогательный

pilot switch — переключатель /кнопка/ управления, вспомогательный /концевой/ выключатель

- лоцманский; штурманский

pilot wheel — штурвал


- вести, пилотировать

to pilot a plane — пилотировать самолёт; управлять самолётом
to pilot a vessel through a strait — провести судно через пролив
to pilot a bill — амер. провести законопроект через палату

- направлять; прокладывать путь

to pilot a ship — прокладывать курс корабля
to pilot one’s way — прокладывать себе дорогу

- вести, быть проводником; направлять

to pilot smb. across the street — помочь кому-л. перейти улицу
he piloted us to the caves — он показал нам дорогу /проводил нас/ к пещерам
the manager piloted us through the factory — управляющий показал нам фабрику /провёл нас по фабрике/

Мои примеры


a pilot for a new sitcom — пилотная серия нового ситкома  
a pilot grounded by health problems — пилот, отстранённый от полётов из-за проблем со здоровьем  
a student pilot’s first solo flight — первый самостоятельный полёт пилота-курсанта  
co-pilot — второй пилот  
pilot of the expedition — руководитель экспедиции  
pilot data — предварительные данные  
hot pilot / амер. rock/ — ав. лихач, сорвиголова (о летчике)  
pilot-flame ignition — факельное зажигание  
pilot inquiry — пробное обследование  
to pilot by reference to instruments — пилотировать по приборам  
pilot lamp — контрольная лампа  
pilot ability level — уровень квалификации пилота  

Примеры с переводом

Our pilot was taken prisoner.

Наш летчик был взят в плен.

The pilot was wearing a parachute.

На пилоте был надет парашют.

The pilot flew to Cuba

Летчик вылетел на Кубу

He served as a pilot during the war.

Во время войны он служил лётчиком.

This pilot works the controls.

Этот пилот работает рычагами управления.

The pilot got clearance to land.

Пилот получил разрешение на посадку.

The pilot managed to land the aircraft safely.

Летчику удалось благополучно посадить самолёт.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The pilot misjudged the landing.

The pilot’s radio wasn’t working.

The pilot taxied out to the runway.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

pilotage  — пилотаж, пилотирование, проводка судов, лоцманское дело, лоцманский сбор
piloting  — пилотирование, пилотаж, вождение
piloted  — пилотируемый
pilotless  — беспилотный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: pilot
he/she/it: pilots
ing ф. (present participle): piloting
2-я ф. (past tense): piloted
3-я ф. (past participle): piloted

ед. ч.(singular): pilot
мн. ч.(plural): pilots

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