Sentences with word permanent

1. There is nothing permanent except change. 

2. Her boss recommended a permanent transfer overseas.

3. He was in a state of permanent depression.

4. Don’t make a permanent decision for your temporary emotion.

5. Heavy drinking can cause permanent damage to the brain.

6. She is looking for a permanent place to stay.

7. Any limitation to the king’s power could be permanent.

8. They are now living together on a permanent basis.

9. They established their permanent abode here.

10. He wore a permanent scowl on his face.

11. The gallery hosts various exhibitions and a permanent collection.

12. She is looking for permanent employment.

13. The coat gives permanent protection against heavy rain.

14. I have a permanent job here.

15. The accident has not done any permanent damage.

16. She is tall and blonde, with a permanent tan.

17. His face was set in a permanent scowl.

18. He gave up a permanent job in order to freelance.

19. Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council have a veto over any proposal.

20. He wanted to put their relationship on a permanent footing.

21. Wealth is a friend, but a friend is permanent wealth; the honor is a glory, life is a permanent root; degree is a knowledge, learning is the eternal wisdom!

22. Blessing a new love, similar to a permanent! Congratulations on your wedding day!

23. Jeff has permanent residence in Canada, but is still a US citizen.

23. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

24. Between heaven and earth there is a thing called snow, drop from the clouds, the ground; the friend is a man who is you, know in the accident, stop at the permanent.

25. In stories the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune, but almost always his sense of values is changed. he becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It hasoften been noted that those who live, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do.

26. Hostels are usually provided as a stopgap until the families can be housed in permanent accommodation.

27. Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

28. They had entered the country and had applied for permanent residence.

29. Researchers have determined that heading a football can cause permanent injury.

30. This policy could isolate the country from the other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.

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It was also important to guarantee specialized bodies‘ permanent status as well as their independence.

Также важно гарантировать постоянный статус специализированных органов, а также их независимость.

Next PostNext New drugs put cancer cells into ‘permanent sleep’

Новые соединения «вводят раковые клетки в постоянный сон»

Ms. de Leeuw (Netherlands) said that none of the Netherlands‘ Permanent Representations was headed by a woman.

Г-жа де Леу (Нидерланды) говорит, что ни одно из постоянных представительств Нидерландов не возглавляется женщиной.

NATO nations‘ Permanent Representatives then discussed this paper and gave their views on the Declaration’s desired structure and content.

Затем документ обсудили постоянные представители стран НАТО и высказали свои мнения о том, какими бы им хотелось видеть структуру и содержание заявления.

With regard to the preparation of meeting agendas and documents, it was recommended that the member States‘ permanent missions in New York should be involved.

Кроме того, государствам-членам было рекомендовано привлекать к процессу разработки программ и документов совещаний постоянные представительства в Нью-Йорке.

States‘ permanent sovereignty over their natural resources should be the subject of a separate article, because it was a fundamental, well-established principle of international law.

Постоянный суверенитет государств в отношении их природных ресурсов должен быть предметом отдельной статьи, поскольку он является основополагающим, прочно установившимся принципом международного права.

‘Permanent‘ cookies can be manually removed by the user.

Постоянные файлы cookie Пользователь может удалить вручную.

Recommends that the member States‘ permanent missions in New York should be involved in the preparation of meeting agendas and documents

Рекомендует привлекать постоянные представительства государств-членов в Нью-Йорке к разработке программ и документов совещаний

Perm just means ‘permanent‘.

Another such poem is ‘Permanent Address’.

И вот этот самый забор имеет «постоянный адрес».

The word originates from two words ‘permanent‘ and ‘agriculture’.

Термин образован от двух английских слов: permanent — «постоянный» и agriculture — «сельское хозяйство».

Any kind of chronic swelling in this area could cause ‘permanent‘ damage.

Любой хронический воспалительный процесс в этой области может давать ненужный «выхлоп».

I would be careful of the word ‘permanent‘.

I would be careful of the word ‘permanent‘.

The second aspect of the ‘permanent‘ theory has to do with the socialist revolution as such.

Во-вторых, «перманентная теория» характеризует уже социалистическую революцию, как таковую.

‘Permanent joints’ means joints which cannot be disconnected except by destructive methods.

«Неразъёмные соединения» означают соединения, которые не могут быть разъединены иначе, кроме как разрушающими методами.

Nothing justifies certain countries‘ permanent possession of nuclear weapons while almost all other countries remain committed to not acquiring them.

Ничто не оправдывает постоянного обладания ядерным оружием со стороны определенных стран, в то время как почти все страны сохраняют приверженность отказу от его приобретения.

The last day of the course was dedicated mainly to inspectors‘ permanent training.

In class the children feel confident and secure that became possible with the development of students‘ permanent feeling of success.

В школе ребенок должен чувствовать себя уверенно и защищено, это становится возможным при формировании у учащихся постоянного ощущения успеха.

The data processing is necessary to enable the website visit and to guarantee our systems‘ permanent functionality and security.

Обработка данных доступа необходима для обеспечения возможности посещения веб-сайта и обеспечения долговременной функциональности и безопасности наших систем.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат ‘ permanent

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Permanent (mathematics) is a concept in linear algebra. Permanent may also refer to: (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

About SIS According to SIS’s informative website, a formal and permanent British intelligence service was first established in 1909; but the history of British intelligence organizations engaged in foreign intelligence goes back at least to the 15th century (Thomas Cromwell ran secret agents in Europe on behalf of Henry VIII and Sir Francis Walsingham, Elizabeth I’s «spymaster», maintained a network of 50 secret agents abroad and a substantial network in Britain.


Lee closed Place 8 Healing earlier this year; she’s looking for a new permanent space to work from.


Or convert to a permanent policy and build cash value.


6) The Film’s title, running time, and contact information, must be on the face of your disc, in permanent marker.


# 10 — Paleo doesn’t need to feel super restrictive or even permanent to be helpful.


Also putting Canada at the bottom of the list for impatient and hotly sought-after immigrants are policies that force the holders of temporary work visas (immigrants who have entered the country legally and are currently working) to leave the country in order to apply for permanent residency status.


However, since permanent insurance is much more expensive, getting that much coverage often ends up being much more expensive than clients think it’ll be.


Frantic gameplay, twitch controls and an arcade-style feel meet randomly generated dungeons, a complete skill tree, permanent death and 9 classes with different traits.


In the lone interview Klein has given since the elections, he told the Buffalo News that he believes his group will be a «permanent third conference» in the Senate.


A seemingly permanent return to the LA Convention Center marked a big year for the big three.


Moreover, the Mayor’s historic $ 2.6 billion commitment to fund 15,000 units of permanent supportive housing will give our homeless neighbors struggling with mental illness and other disabilities a proven pathway off the streets.


Mallorca wanted to include an option allowing them to make the transfer permanent at the end of the season.


There was one occasion when he wanted Welbeck on loan and Gadzidis decided it was a better deal to sign him on a permanent contract rather than pay the loan fee Utd wanted.


Even the the old-style «hold-to-maturity» bonds would get marked down if there was a «permanent impairment of capital.»


Paired with an eight-speed «Steptronic» automatic transmission and permanent all-wheel-drive system it offers a rewarding driving experience on the open road, yet is frugal around town with a stated combined fuel consumption figure of just 6.0 L/100km.


Secrets to The Best Teeth Whitening Experience Are you aware that using the wrong teeth whitening products and methods could result in the permanent damage of your teeth?


One exception is the adoption of a new slower-growing inflation measure to adjust tax brackets, a change that effectively raises taxes over time and helps pay for the permanent corporate rate cut.


Tearfund said they were one of the first agencies to start building permanent, earthquake-resilient shelters in the Makwanpur region of Nepal.


This allows teachers to demonstrate their skills within the classroom and a permanent recording is produced.


Ensuring that all women, men, and young people have equal access to the full array of short-term, long-acting, permanent, and emergency method choices for delaying, spacing, and limiting pregnancies.


I am also aware that nothing is permanent, and we may very well move back to the city or somewhere completely different one day.


RISING TEACHER VACANCIES Figures published by the Department for Education (DfE) over the summer showed that teacher vacancies have risen sharply by 26 per cent in the past year, with 920 vacancies for full‑time permanent teachers in state‑funded schools, up from 730 the year before.


Theresa May is fortunate in that the Labour official opposition is in permanent turmoil and the rebellious Eurosceptic right of UKIP and the Conservative Party are, at present, both sated and quiet.


«The stylists at Nine Zero One salon mixed Olaplex in with perm lotion to create looser, beachier, permanent waves,» according to Glamour.


The mayor and his liberal allies hoped to make MCI charges a one-time fee to a tenant, rather than a permanent add-on to the rent, and also wanted to abolish the «vacancy bonus» — which permits a landlord to raise the rent of a stabilized unit by 20 percent if death or relocation leaves it empty.


There are several types of permanent life insurance: whole, universal, variable, and variable universal.


How you can use the internal rate of return to compare and purchase a permanent life insurance policy.


To qualify for the program, buyers must have lived in B.C. for at least a year (and been a Canadian citizen or permanent resident for at least five years).


Bill Lucia, president of Sacramento-based advocacy group EdVoice, suggests various options might be considered that «include elements of a seniority system but with exceptions made for excellent teachers or permanent teachers willing to serve in hard-to-staff schools.»


Further support is drawn from the population-mixing theory that an excess of childhood leukemia has been found in rural, potentially immunologically naive, populations that have undergone an influx of permanent residents.8-12


The results of permanent weight loss also means that your emotional eating, yo-yo dieting, self-sabotage, low self-esteem, self doubts, body hate, body shame, and any other unhealthy behaviors are healed.


Menopause is the permanent end to a woman’s menstruation and fertility and begins twelve months after a woman’s last period.


Being a Christian means not only having a belief that Jesus is the Messiah that God promised to save us from our sins but actually accepting that free gift of salvation with humility and thankfulnness and entering into permanent fellowship with God through Jesus Christ.


Interim chief Karen Vick (Kirsten Nelson) has her career on her mind as well as she strives for a more permanent position in the department while also navigating her role as a new mom.


Having made the permanent move to Serie A champions Juventus last year, Troisi has failed to make an appearance for the Turin giants, spending a successful spell on loan in Belgium last season with Zulte Waregem.


The city closed several blocks of Broadway in 2009 to create a pedestrian plaza around Times Square — a much-publicized experiment that in February became permanent policy, even though it did not improve traffic flow as much as hoped.


Thousands of international students have been rejected for permanent residency because the program favours prospective skilled workers from abroad.


Term insurance is significantly less expensive than permanent policies but does get more expensive over time.


We have some clients that need our services seasonally, while for others, we are a permanent fixture of their sales strategy.


Term insurance is less costly than permanent insurance at first, although the payments increase each year.


Since neurons don’t regenerate, the damage is often permanent.


Trotsky’s ideal of «permanent revolution,» in the hands of his nemesis Stalin, resulted in decades of «omeletmaking.»


The England international has revived his career with the French champions this season, where he is currently on loan, and Anfield representatives are set to meet with the Ligue 1 side in the coming weeks to discuss his permanent transfer.


This would be the first permanent national income tax — and there was no good past evidence to reason from.


The legislation will result in substantive tax reform for corporations, with the elimination of the AMT and consolidation down to a single 21 % tax rate, all of which are permanent.


The standard G-Class permanent all-wheel drive system continually sends power to all four wheels.


— Emotional price: There is no scientific evidence that protest crying at bedtime will cause permanent psychological or emotional problems.


This would counter a push in the opposite direction from Assembly Democrats under Speaker Carl Heastie, echoing teacher-unions» demands for a higher, permanent millionaire tax to fund much larger, budget-busting school-aid hikes.


The late photographer’s possessions — including that iconic blue jacket — have found a permanent home.


From Real Life Rooms for dogs to roomy, modern Cat Condos for felines, to Medical Treatment areas — compassionate people invested in our campus and secured permanent honorariums for themselves and loved ones.


Phrases with «permanent»:

  • permanent
  • permanent life insurance
  • permanent life insurance policy
  • permanent collection
  • permanent basis
  • total and permanent disability
  • to make something permanent
  • to make the move permanent
  • to make the deal permanent
  • to make one’s move permanent
  • (see

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word permanent, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use permanent in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «permanent». In addition, we also show how different variations of permanent can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are permanently, permanently—much and permanent—writing. If you click on the variation of permanent that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Permanent in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word permanent in a sentence.

  1. The permanent detachment of No.

  2. This time, the breakup was permanent.

  3. Mars has two permanent polar ice caps.

  4. Such «divorces» were not always permanent.

  5. There was no permanent bobsleigh run in Norway.

  6. Ono, meanwhile, was granted permanent residence.

  7. It has no leader with genuine permanent authority.

  8. They are monogamous, forming permanent pair-bonds.

  9. This flag is now on permanent display at the castle.

  10. It renders permanent what was meant to be temporary.

  11. Superliner assignments became permanent in the 1990s.

  12. It is only right that we have a permanent memorial.».

  13. Al-Kateb was granted a permanent visa in October 2007.

  14. This did not make any allowance for maintenance and renewal of the permanent way.

  15. The ship was sent to Bremerton for permanent repairs, arriving there on 16 March.

  16. Hawaii was the only overseas station staffed with the WAVES on a permanent basis.

  17. She had to sail to Malta for permanent repairs which lasted until September 1931.

  18. Each point can only be allocated once and is a permanent upgrade to the character.

  19. For the rest of his life, he walked with a permanent limp, and on occasion he wore a prosthetic foot.

  20. The organization also made a permanent memorial of the press-box seat that Feller used in later life.

  21. He also argued for a large and permanent secretariat to carry out the League’s administrative duties.

  22. Not until 1961 did the Hockey Hall of Fame establish a permanent home at Exhibition Place in Toronto.

  23. Its permanent establishment increased from a steady 15,000 or so in the 1950s to over 18,000 by 1966.

  24. Sporting events became a permanent feature at Belle Vue after an athletics stadium was built in 1887.

  25. On 8 April the Mahler family and a permanent nurse left New York on board SS Amerika bound for Europe.

  26. Once the record was completed, the band started to hold auditions for Newsted’s permanent replacement.

  27. It was replaced by three dedicated armoured cavalry regiments assigned to provide a permanent defence.

  28. It is now part of the permanent display in London, along with other items laid out more traditionally.

  29. When a serpin inhibits a target protease, it forms a permanent complex, which needs to be disposed of.

  30. Although he frequently returned to Paris between 1729 and 1733, his permanent residence was in London.

  31. The Advisory Board was reconstituted in part as a permanent Natural Sciences Advisory Board to the NPS.

  32. In 2020, Paste described it as having a «mythic, permanent pop cultural status reserved for few films».

  33. According to Edward Gibbon, Manuel’s victories were not productive of any permanent or useful conquest.

  34. He aided Buffalo in becoming the third American city to have a permanent art gallery, with the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy.

  35. Following his discharge, Newland retained the rank of captain and returned to service with the permanent military forces.

  36. The current trophy was created for the 1999 championships, and was the first permanent prize in the tournament’s history.

  37. Walters’ rank was made permanent in January 1954, when he succeeded Air Vice Marshal McCauley to become AOC Home Command.

  38. The family moved again in 1809, settling on Bayou Teche in Louisiana before finding a permanent home in Opelousas in 1812.

  39. The former aircraft were carried «…as a permanent deck park…» and they shot down a CANT Z.501 seaplane two days later.

  40. Several scholars point out that unlike the preceding Mongols, the Ming dynasty did not garrison permanent troops in Tibet.

  41. On 15 December, Kaiser Barbarossa was decommissioned for permanent repairs to her rudder, which lasted until January 1905.

  42. He took up permanent residence in England from 1656, and served as court painter before and after the English Restoration.

  43. It is a mainly agricultural region, typically with open fields of permanent grass surrounded by ditches with willow trees.

  44. Since 1904, the RBFA, 24 permanent managers and two caretaker managers have officially been in charge of the national team; this includes one national footballer selector.

  45. Despite Bell’s recommendation in July 1940 that women be enlisted into the WAAAF as permanent staff, they were at first enrolled only for renewable twelve-month contracts.

  46. When the Spanish arrived, Postclassic cities in the highlands had markets in permanent plazas, with officials on hand to settle disputes, enforce rules, and collect taxes.

  47. Everything is in God’s hands.» The next day, LST-861 moved them and their belongings 128 miles (206 km) east to the uninhabited Rongerik Atoll, to begin a permanent exile.

  48. Mill notes that Morrell’s description of this island’s physical features fails to mention its most singular characteristic—the permanent ice sheet that covers its surface.

Permanently in a sentence

Permanently is a variation of permanent, below you can find example sentences for permanently.

  1. Many fled permanently to the East Bay.

  2. André and his wife were permanently damaged.

  3. Some of these are kept permanently on patrol.

  4. Brown was permanently transferred by the U.S.

  5. Thereafter, she returned to Tucson permanently.

  6. Friedrich settled permanently in Dresden in 1798.

  7. At some point, Cabral left the court permanently.

  8. M-28 permanently and marked on state maps until 1958.

  9. Following that, the writers permanently dropped them.

  10. This permanently dimmed Pat Nixon’s view of politics.

  11. This finger was permanently deformed and unable to flex.

  12. In the autumn of 1940, it moved permanently to Scotland.

  13. The deposits permanently altered the course of the river.

  14. Putnam permanently severed his ties with the PLP in 1972.

  15. RKO General exited the media business permanently in 1991.

  16. He returned from the expedition permanently in February 1917.

  17. However, the hatchery was closed permanently in October 2010.

  18. By the end of 1970, Venture had ceased publication permanently.

  19. Central Manchester has been permanently settled since this time.

  20. This new trophy is not awarded to the winning nation permanently.

Permanently—much in a sentence

Permanently—much is a variation of permanent, below you can find example sentences for permanently—much.

  1. In early 1841, he successfully removed the nursery from Lehzen’s pervasive control, and in September 1842, Lehzen left Britain permanently—much to Albert’s relief.

Permanent—writing in a sentence

Permanent—writing is a variation of permanent, below you can find example sentences for permanent—writing.

  1. In 1901, with the help of a former Dulwich master, William Beach Thomas, Wodehouse secured an appointment—at first temporary and later permanent—writing for The Globe’s popular «By the Way» column.

Synonyms for permanent

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word permanent has the following synonyms: irreversible, lasting, abiding, enduring, imperishable, ageless, aeonian, eonian, eternal, everlasting, perpetual, unending, unceasing, indissoluble, standing, ineradicable, stable, unchangeable, permanent wave and perm.

General information about «permanent» example sentences

The example sentences for the word permanent that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «permanent» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «permanent».

постоянный, перманентный, бессменный, неизменный, долговременный, необратимый


- постоянный, неизменный; долговременный, перманентный

- мед. необратимый
- в грам. знач. сущ. амер. разг. перманент (завивка)

Мои примеры


permanent filling — постоянная пломба  
permanent address — постоянный адрес, постоянное место жительства  
permanent injunction — бессрочный судебный запрет  
permanent injunction, perpetual injunction — бессрочный судебный запрет  
indelible / permanent ink — несмываемые чернила  
permanent job — постоянная работа  
permanent position — постоянная должность  
permanent residence — постоянное местожительство  
permanent scar — остаточный шрам  
permanent capital — эк. основной капитал, недвижимый капитал  

Примеры с переводом

She made a permanent home in this country.

Она стала постоянно проживать в этой стране.

Africa is a permanent outlet for our goods.

Африка является постоянным рынком сбыта для наших товаров.

He has a permanent knit of the brow.

Он постоянно хмурит брови.

I’m on a permanent high these days.

В последнее время я всегда нахожусь в радостно-приподнятом настроении.

It’s a temporary job, but I’m hoping it will be made permanent.

Это пока что временная работа, но я надеюсь, что она станет постоянной.

I was a drug addict for two years. I was in an almost permanent state of high.

Я употреблял наркотики два года. Я был практически постоянно под кайфом.

Human institutions perish, but nature is permanent.

Общественные институты исчезают, а природа постоянна.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

There may be permanent brain damage .

Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause permanent skin damage.

…there are permanent glaciers in the cool, humid highlands of the Pacific Northwest…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

impermanent  — непостоянный, временный, мимолетный, неустойчивый, непродолжительный
permanently  — постоянно, надолго, перманентно, непрерывно, неизменно
unpermanent  — непостоянный, временный

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): permanent
мн. ч.(plural): permanents

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