Sentences with word perhaps

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Focus on relaxing and perhaps even meditating.

Это говорит о еще более глубоком расслаблении и, возможно, о медитации.

The above story is perhaps legend.

К слову сказать, версия, приведенная выше, возможно, является легендой.

Then perhaps they have another child.

И тогда, может быть, у вас появится еще один ребенок.

It started perhaps 20 years ago.

Это началось, может быть, двадцать лет назад.

Piracy is perhaps as old as commerce.

Конкуренция — явление, пожалуй, такое же старое, как и торговля.

This is perhaps the best keeping potato.

На сегодняшний день это, пожалуй, самое идеальное место для хранения картофеля.

This is perhaps the most powerful choice we make everyday.

А это, пожалуй, наиболее важная задача, которую мы решаем ежедневно.

I would probably be irresponsible and perhaps wicked.

Вы, без сомнения, назвали бы нас безответственными и, возможно злонамеренными.

But this one is perhaps less obvious.

Хотя этот аспект, возможно, и менее очевиден.

These results are perhaps not too surprising.

Эти результаты, возможно, нельзя назвать слишком удивительными.

Divers stumbled upon perhaps the world’s largest underwater cave.

Дайверы наткнулись на, возможно, самую большую в мире подводную пещеру.

But it is perhaps the most inefficient.

И он, пожалуй, является одним из самых неэффективных.

Or even perhaps morality at all.

И, возможно, даже с какой-то моралью.

They looked cold and perhaps a bit sad.

По настроению они спокойны и, может быть, немного грустны.

I thought that perhaps beauty wasn’t so beautiful.

Подумалось, что, возможно, красота не должна быть так уж на виду.

Who knows, perhaps she sees them.

Кто знает, может быть, они своего дождутся.

But there is something perhaps more universal to it.

Но возможно, что за всем этим стоит нечто более глобальное.

This is perhaps the most difficult step for beginners.

Это, пожалуй, является самым проблемным шагом для начинающих бизнесменов.

This is perhaps another reason why it has become very popular.

Это, пожалуй, еще одна причина, почему он стал очень популярным.

Except perhaps that we love what we do.

А возможно это только в том случае, если мы будем любить то, что делаем.

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возможно, может быть, пожалуй, авось


- может быть, возможно; пожалуй

a little too broad perhaps — возможно, немного широко
«Will he come?» «Yes, I suppose so.» — — Он придёт? — Думаю, что да.

- пожалуйста, будьте добры (в просьбах)

perhaps you would be good enough to read this — будьте добры, прочтите это

- в грам. знач. сущ. предположение

his uncomfortable perhapses — его неуклюжие отговорки

- в грам. знач. глагола
- подвергать сомнению

I perhapsed everything — я всё ставил под сомнение

- говорить неуверенно

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Perhaps it will snow tomorrow.

Возможно, завтра будет снег.

Perhaps 200 people were there.

Там было, наверное, человек двести.

This is perhaps her finest novel yet.

Пожалуй, пока это её лучший роман.

Perhaps she’s next door.

Возможно, она где-то по соседству.

I thought perhaps we’d have lunch in the garden.

Я подумал, что, возможно, нам лучше было бы пообедать в саду.

‘I don’t think you understand.’ ‘Well, perhaps not.’

— По-моему, вы не понимаете. — Может быть, и не понимаю.

It won’t take so long next time, perhaps.

Может быть, в следующий раз это не займёт столько времени.

Perhaps we will not have to take this exam, but I doubt it.

Может быть, нам и не придётся сдавать этот экзамен, но я в этом сомневаюсь.

The room was large, perhaps twenty feet square.

Комната была большая, — может быть, двадцати квадратных футов.

The industrial revolution was, perhaps, the most important event in history.

Промышленная революция была, пожалуй, самым важным событием в истории.


pronoun местоимение

  1. что ли

conjunction союз



  1. разве

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений perhaps на 1 миллион слов: 65.

Примеры предложений

Perhaps you should tell Tom.
Наверное, тебе стоит сказать Тому.

Mosquitoes are perhaps one of the most dangerous animals in the world.
Комары, наверное, одни из самых опасных животных в мире.

It was unbelievably quiet there; perhaps that’s why he liked the place so much.
Там было невероятно тихо; может, поэтому он и любил так это место.

It’s the police, perhaps we should get out of their way.
Это полиция, пожалуй, нам лучше убраться с их пути.

Records are particularly scarce for this era, perhaps owing to a long series of natural disasters which befell the capital.
Записи, относящиеся к этой эпохе, особенно редки, вероятно, из-за серии стихийных бедствий, обрушившихся на столицу.

Tom makes way too many snide remarks. That’s perhaps why he doesn’t have very many friends.
Том отпускает слишком много ехидных замечаний. Возможно, поэтому у него и не очень много друзей.

I’m not sure, but perhaps Tom is already dead.
Я не уверен, но возможно, Том уже мёртв.

October is Tom’s favorite month, and perhaps mine, too.
Октябрь — самый любимый месяц Тома и, возможно, мой тоже.

I think perhaps I can help you.
Я думаю, что, возможно, могу помочь тебе.

I studied for perhaps two hours.
Я занимался, наверное, часа два.

It is hard, perhaps even impossible, to define normal sensory perception.
Тяжело, может быть даже невозможно, определить образцовое чувственное восприятие.

The concept of natural numbers is perhaps the most fundamental mathematical concept.
Понятие натурального числа — вероятно, самое базовое понятие в математике.

They have left here, perhaps for good.
Они отсюда уехали, возможно, навсегда.

I think perhaps Tom can help Mary.
Я думаю, что Том, возможно, сможет помочь Мэри.

Perhaps it’ll snow tomorrow.
Возможно, завтра будет снежная погода.

I think perhaps you should call Tom.
Думаю, тебе, возможно, следует позвонить Тому.

Perhaps you are mistaken.
Возможно, Вы ошибаетесь.

I thought perhaps you’d join us.
Я подумал, что вы, возможно, к нам присоединитесь.

Sometimes I wonder if this world is just in someone’s head, and he dreams us all into existence. Perhaps it’s even me.
Иногда мне интересно, находится ли этот мир только в чьей-то голове, и снится ли ему что мы существуем. Возможно, это — даже я.

Perhaps he missed the train.
Возможно, он опоздал на поезд.

Perhaps Tom is guilty.
Возможно, Том виновен.

Perhaps not.
Может быть, нет.

Perhaps it was coincidence.
Возможно, это было совпадение.

Perhaps it can be repaired.
Может быть, это можно починить.

Perhaps Tom is married.
Возможно, Том женат.

Perhaps we’ll meet again.
Возможно, мы ещё встретимся.

Perhaps we should take a short break.
Возможно, нам следует сделать небольшой перерыв.

Perhaps Tom was wrong.
Возможно, Том был не прав.

Perhaps it would be best if you left.
Возможно, было бы лучше, если бы вы уехали.

Perhaps I’ll write a book.
Возможно, я напишу книгу.

 What does the word perhaps mean?

According to the oxford dictionary, in the adverb form, the Definition of perhaps /pərˈ(h)aps/ is used to express uncertainty or possibility, used when one does not wish to be too definite or assertive in the expression of an opinion, used when making a polite request, offer, or suggestion.

Here are 24 examples of sentences with the word perhaps, If you have any questions, please write them in the comments below.

  1. I don’t know if your friend is asleep; perhaps he is playing online games at home.
  2. Perhaps this teacher needs to teach math today.
  3. Try asking question number six. Perhaps the teacher asked the wrong question.
  4. Perhaps Zain is late for our event because his motorbike needs to be serviced first.
  5. Please check your stones with the doctor. Perhaps you have tuberculosis.
  6. It’s better for you to stay here, perhaps heavy rain is flushing the northern area.
  7. Perhaps this book belonged to Fatimah’s teacher.
  8. Immediately return this hoe. Perhaps he needs it in the fields.
  9. We will follow the lottery. Perhaps we will win the competition.
  10. I tried to get Aisyah’s phone number. Perhaps I could contact her at any time.
  11. Abdillah tried to take herbal medicine. Perhaps it could cure his long-standing internal ailment.
  12. Perhaps this book can cure your loneliness when you are alone in a boarding room.
  13. Please check the site. Perhaps you get help from the government.
  14. Perhaps in the library, there is an answer to your anxiety.
  15. Perhaps the study-from-home policy is very appropriate for the current pandemic conditions.
  16. Perhaps it was this music that sparked Bambang’s anger at you.
  17. Say something politely. Perhaps that could be your best method.
  18. We’re going to bind this book. Perhaps we can make it last longer.
  19. Please stay at our house first. Perhaps you will be confused when crossing the highway tonight.
  20. Perhaps this letter can express our hearts to you.
  21. Please give this food to him. Perhaps he is hungry.
  22. Yes, he continues to apply for jobs; perhaps he will be accepted at the company.
  23. Perhaps today’s heart can be the most beautiful memory for you.
  24. Please check the application. Perhaps your December incentive allowance has been disbursed.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word perhaps, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use perhaps in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «perhaps».

Perhaps in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word perhaps in a sentence.

  1. In this, perhaps, lay its value.

  2. He loved his music and perhaps himself.

  3. There were perhaps 50,000 troops in total.

  4. There were still perhaps 250 persons on board.

  5. Teleost fish, and perhaps lizards also radiated.

  6. St Donat’s perhaps satisfactory at proper price.

  7. Then came perhaps the most pivotal play of the game.

  8. Augustine, with perhaps an overnight trip on the St.

  9. At its peak, perhaps 200 people lived in this pueblo.

  10. Edward had several daughters, perhaps as many as nine.

  11. It had bright grey plumage, perhaps flecked with white.

  12. Allison Guyot began as a volcanic island with a relief of perhaps 1.3 kilometres.

  13. Cartooning itself sometimes resembles other periods in art perhaps unknowingly ..

  14. Helens, perhaps because of its reawakening, has regained its appeal for tourists.

  15. Cotton seeds were in the process of being ground, perhaps to produce cooking oil.

  16. Among the portrayed saints and biblical figures are Charalampus and perhaps Joel.

  17. Diocletian curtailed his Eastern province tour soon after, perhaps on learning of Maximian’s failure.

  18. First, the book, or perhaps just the text, may have been created at Iona and then completed in Kells.

  19. The «Mound C» church, perhaps the oldest of the churches of Soba, was around 13.5 m (44 ft) in length.

  20. The song may end with a bubbling trill and wing-clapping, perhaps indicating the approach of a female.

  21. Particles are coarser when they are deposited during the wet season, perhaps due to wet-season storms.

  22. The reason may be ecological instead of biomechanical, and perhaps related to reproduction strategies.

  23. Officially he was to tour the continent, and perhaps America too, to raise support for the Boer cause.

  24. Trivikrama’s Sanskrit writing, Nalachampu, is perhaps the earliest in the champu style from the Deccan.

  25. In 1675, he resigned as Windsor Herald, perhaps because of factional strife within the College of Arms.

  26. I discovered he was very ambitious, perhaps more than his abilities warranted, and also very excitable.

  27. A monstrous winged devil sits upon a rock and writes a book, perhaps a book of fate, or a book of evil.

  28. Newton had tried to find a more descriptive name, perhaps based on colouration, but found it difficult.

  29. In a 2011 interview, Carpenter remarked that it was perhaps his favorite film from his own filmography.

  30. The woman is separated from the group; she is perhaps a postulant about to be initiated into the coven.

  31. Newton saw himself a sinner like David who had been chosen, perhaps undeservedly, and was humbled by it.

  32. By the time she began The Wrongs of Woman however, she had a small daughter and perhaps a larger experience of womanhood.

  33. In 853 Æthelwulf sent his younger sons to Rome, perhaps accompanying envoys in connection with his own forthcoming visit.

  34. This led to marshes and open water areas which may have been difficult to settle on—except perhaps for seasonal activity.

  35. Hardrada invaded northern England in early September, leading a fleet of more than 300 ships carrying perhaps 15,000 men.

  36. Other members of the Holarctic clade arrived later in a separate migration from Asia, perhaps at the same time as humans.

  37. This was considered direct evidence of the existence of perhaps the largest stationary gravity waves in the solar system.

  38. The animal died in 1258, possibly because it was given red wine, but also perhaps because of the cold climate of England.

  39. Its headquarters was initially perhaps at Samos, with a subordinate command under a droungarios at Cibyrrha in Pamphylia.

  40. One of Wilfrid’s protégés, Willibrord, became a missionary to the Frisians in 695, perhaps inspired by Wilfrid’s example.

  41. This painting was executed in oils and perhaps tempera on a small, 44.7 cm × 32 cm (17.6 in × 12.6 in) walnut wood panel.

  42. Scholars believe she may have started writing The Tale of Genji before her husband’s death; it is known she was writing after she was widowed, perhaps in a state of grief.

  43. Alternately, the Seminole name may derive from walaka (from wi-alaka, «water» and «coming»), perhaps a reference to the river’s slow discharge and the tidal effects on it.

  44. Arthur acknowledged that the Grant men had rejected Senator Hoar as the temporary convention chairman the day before, but said that the Grant men might perhaps reconsider.

  45. Æthelbald, who might have been allied with Óengus, the king of the Picts, took advantage of Eadberht’s absence from Northumbria to ravage his lands, and perhaps burn York.

  46. Positive symptoms generally respond well to medication, and become reduced over the course of the illness, perhaps related to the age-related decline in dopamine activity.

Synonyms for perhaps

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word perhaps has the following synonyms: possibly, perchance, maybe, mayhap and peradventure.

General information about «perhaps» example sentences

The example sentences for the word perhaps that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «perhaps» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «perhaps».

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