Sentences with word performance

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Such a report would be in line with those on the subject of programme performance and programme budget performance.

Такой доклад согласовывался бы с докладами об осуществлении программ и исполнении бюджета по программам.

Companies universally agree that business performance relies on application performance.

At the core of a performance monitoring system should be the capability to compare the actual performance to a valid reference value.

В основе системы мониторинга производительности должна быть возможность сравнить фактическую производительность с действительным эталонным значением.

However, since these agreements create constant performance debts, their written performance is important for proof and trust.

Однако, поскольку эти соглашения создают постоянные долги производительности, их письменное исполнение важно для доказательства и доверия.

Unfortunately, many of the performance enhanceming features which make personal computers so fast also make it difficult to predict their performance accurately.

К сожалению, многие из особенности производительности, которые делают персональные компьютеры такими быстрыми, также затрудняют точно прогнозировать их эффективность.

EMC’s lab tests have demonstrated aggregate performance delivered to multiple clients to match the performance of the back-end storage infrastructure.

Лабораторные тесты ЕМС показали, что производительность, предлагаемая множеству клиентов, сопоставима с производительностью серверной инфраструктуры хранения.

Performance Management-Monitor and measure various aspects of performance so that overall performance can be maintained at an acceptable level.

CrossFire efficiency was improved and shows performance approaching the theoretical maximum of twice the performance of a single card.

Эффективность CrossFire была значительно улучшена и демонстрирует производительность, близкую к теоретическому максимуму двукратной производительности одиночной карты.

Women leaders correlate with better financial performance.

Участие женщин в руководстве компаний вполне коррелирует с более высокими показателями финансовой результативности.

We advocate an international support structure that rewards performance and genuine reforms.

Мы настоятельно призываем к созданию международной вспомогательной структуры, которая будет вознаграждать те страны, которые добились высоких показателей и осуществляют подлинные реформы.

Because then salvation still depends upon your performance.

Потому что, в таком случае, спасение всё ещё зависит от Ваших дел.

His delegation also supported efforts to improve performance reporting.

Кроме того, делегация Соединенных Штатов поддерживает усилия, направленные на совершенствование системы представления докладов об исполнении бюджетов.

This function nurtures integrity, efficiency and continuous performance improvement throughout UN-Women.

Данная функция ориентирована на обеспечение добросовестности, эффективности и непрерывного повышения качества служебной деятельности в рамках всей Структуры «ООН — женщины».

Actual performance in achieving outcomes is measured by pre-determined, time-bound performance indicators.

Фактическая деятельность по достижению результатов оценивается на основе заранее установленных и определенных по срокам показателей деятельности.

Partner performance is monitored through verification visits to check both financial performance and progress against objectives.

Контроль за деятельностью партнеров-исполнителей осуществляется посредством проведения посещений для целей проверки как финансовых показателей, так и прогресса в достижении поставленных целей.

These performance measures cascade through to employee performance contracting and evaluation.

Some important performance parameters were being investigated for possible inclusion in future performance standards.

Through improving the performance of our factories and suppliers through continuously measuring quality performance and delivery performance.

За счет улучшения работы наших производственных предприятий и поставщиков путем постоянного измерения показателей качества и своевременности поставок.

They feel responsible for their performance, for others performance and for team performance.

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Suggestions that contain performance

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

The Performance is an album by Welsh singer Shirley Bassey, released on 9 November 2009. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

We loved the taste and performance of this crust.


The consistent valuation and performance of SolarCity’s solar installations and contracts allow these projects to receive excellent terms from financing partners.


Given the average performance by this guy in the last 2 seasons!


NEM’s price performance over the past week has been very impressive too!


A successful mindset for one set of tasks may hinder our performance in another.


The Company’s technology platform assists employers in the hiring, on-boarding, learning management (including new and on-going training), and performance management processes.


Rather than pulling an employee aside to have a talk about a recent performance issue, this type of boss is more likely to make a passive-aggressive comment or a sarcastic aside.


This is a big negative and severely limits the system performance.


The more rigorous you are about tracking cash flow, the more empowered you’ll be to track dips and spikes in performance.


His signature strength and fluid movements shine through his performances, especially at Rolland-Garros.


In 1984, they convinced the Quebec government to give them a grant for $ 1.5 million to stage a performance to mark the 450th anniversary of the arrival of Jacques Cartier to New France.


Thanks to its new facility, TOMRA Sorting Solutions is now able to test the performance of its sorting machines for all individually quick frozen (IQF) products in a true-to life environment.


The CNGC’s independent compensation consultant regularly analyzes our performance goals and has consistently found them to be challenging — a conclusion that is supported by our recent history of below-target incentive payouts shown on page 45 above.


Attempting to ban some sources of distraction, such as social media, may not only hinder performance by preventing employees from enjoying their occasional breaks, but may also cause morale issues.


About Food Service Technology Center The FSTC is the industry leader in commercial kitchen energy efficiency and appliance performance testing.


His recent performances, and particularly a pair of sensational goals, have certainly made other clubs stand up and take notice, and as noted by ESPN FC, there were reports earlier this week that United and Arsenal would be keen on prising him away from Leicester.


Paul Kaczor led the team with 17 points but everyone had a good performance last Tuesday to pull their record to.500.


Canadian Western Bank (TSX: CWB)(CWB) today announced strong third quarter financial performance from core banking, trust and wealth management operations, along with divestiture gains of $ 1.33 per diluted common share.


When you can’t convince or work with the players that you’re setting them up to win, you’re going to get performances like this regularly.


You’ve probably already heard the sentence: «Past performance is no guarantee for future results».


Though Wall Street’s estimates of forward operating margins imply soaring earnings in the next couple of years, it’s useful to understand that in available data since the early 1980’s, the higher Wall Street’s expectations of profit margins have been, the weaker the subsequent performance of the S&P 500 has been over the following 3-year horizon.


The rankings are based on everything from business performance to company culture to diversity.


Alexander Aigner, Managing Partner of Supervac, speaks to FoodIngredientsFirst at the show about the performance potential of the new machine.


It’s entirely possible, perhaps even likely, that you could chat to two Greenbelt attendees who spent the weekend in the same field but saw none of the same talks, performances or discussions (but they probably drank in the same pub).


Earlier this year, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia released a set of strategic objectives and key performance indicators aimed at expanding the non-oil economy.


The largest flour mill in the UK has upgraded its control system to improve performance, productivity and reporting with support from OAL.


Of course, you don’t have to make major changes 3 times a day or week, but keeping close tabs on your account will give you the insight you need to really get great performance.


We do not believe the ECB will contemplate a major change in direction, since in the continued absence of a significant fiscal stimulus, the region’s economic performance is too weak for the central bank to risk measures that could create, however inadvertently, a degree of tightening in monetary policy.


Perry: This one was easy for me because I’d already done the show 125 times on the road in live performances.


The headline highlights the poor performance of the football team (INCOMPLETE PASS; FOOTBALL TEAM EARNS 2.05 GPA), but men’s basketball has done well, with an average of 2.86, good for fifth place behind women’s volleyball, women’s track, women’s golf and men’s tennis.


But does a Jewishness anchored in gestures of self-respect rather than in religious obedience amount to anything more than a magnificent aesthetic performance?


Management uses certain of these non-GAAP measures, including Adjusted EBITDA and segment Adjusted EBITDA, as key metrics in the evaluation of underlying Company and segment performance, in making financial, operating and planning decisions and, in part, in the determination of cash bonuses for its executive officers and employees.


If GE had merely matched the S&P 500 during his tenure, which would still have beaten GE’s average performance under the post-war CEOs before and after him, then you’d have only $ 43,098.


Sports and performance lines have created rising demand for protein products, particularly whey and dairy proteins, while a wide range of other ingredients are used in energy products, led by caffeine, taurine and guarana.


Forty-five years later, this internationally renowned event has expanded to include much more than just a few musicians and is revered for its signature festival cuisine almost as much as its legendary performances.


Both American Eagle (AEO) and Lululemon Athletica (LULU) are now sitting at 52-week highs after fantastic performances last week.


Ishida is launching a new series of mid-range multihead weighers for the high performance weighing of free-flowing and semi-sticky products for a large number of dry, fresh and frozen food applications.


Third party services for NDC performance tests and supplementary tests concerning independent power producers representing 14 power plants.


Think of the implications: First, most employee performance reviews are based on individual productivity and don’t take into consideration how group productivity can grow through more interaction.


Long-term bonds are up almost 9.5 % a year over the past 30 years, an amazing run of performance (stocks are at 11.2 % annually).


While the absolute performance of the currency carry trade products is unattractive, they may still be performing as planned with respect to their benchmark indexes.


«Earnings, earnings per share and earnings growth are misleading measures of corporate performance


Our disciplined approach to choosing the best managers for a particular investment objective, whether it’s our in-house talent or a carefully selected external advisor, has produced industry-leading performance over time.


«VisiBroker has been a key infrastructure component allowing for the ever-growing performance needs of our customers.


James Dondero, NexPoint President and Portfolio Manager to the Fund, stated, «We are pleased with the material over subscription and investor support consistent with top decile performance we… Read More… Read More


And this in spite of the fact that I do not by any means doubt that you have completely understood and assented to the newest philosophy, which like the modern age generally seems to suffer from a curious distraction, confusing promise with performance, the superscription with the execution; for what age and what philosophy was ever so wonderful and wonderfully great as our own — in superscriptions!


Pop star dedicates his performance of his 1980 hit to victims and families of the Parkland shootings during his concert, Feb. 21, 2018, at Hard Rock Live in Hollywood.


Musical and folkloristic performances gave a glimpse of the rich cultural tradition of Calabria.


With the data and analytics, automation also help businesses manage their workflow and, potentially, improve performance and customer satisfaction by alerting them to tickets that remain unresolved and need to be escalated.


But the crises have started affecting its financial performance because of concerns it will result in heightened regulations, and CBA shares are down about 7 percent so far this year while the broader market is up.


Company performance indicators for 2015
Показатели деятельности компании за 2015 год

Performance and budget estimates reports
Отчеты об исполнении бюджетов и бюджетные сметы

PowerPoint crashes and slow performance
PowerPoint завершает работу с ошибкой или работает медленно

General stability and performance improvements.
Повышение производительности и общие улучшения стабильности работы.

Workload standards and performance measures
Нормы выработки и показатели выполнения работы

Sales performance by retail channel
Эффективность продаж по каналам розничной торговли

Good Governance and Economic Performance
Хорошее управление и результаты в экономике

Performance characteristics for spring brakes
Эксплуатационные характеристики пружинных тормозов

If you run into performance problems, try one of the following:
При возникновении проблем с производительностью попробуйте выполнить следующие действия.

Enjoy Julia Lipnitskaya’s Performance?
Вам понравилось выступление Юлии Липницкой?

Performance under normal operating conditions
эксплуатационные качества в нормальных условиях функционирования

A summary measure of the project’s performance in the cost-benefit analysis.
Сводный показатель эффективности проекта в анализе затрат и выгод. См.

The five performance goals to track organizational effectiveness are presented in the organizational effectiveness matrix approved by the Executive Board.
Пять поставленных задач для оценки организационной эффективности представлены в матрице эффективности деятельности организации, утвержденной Исполнительным советом.

Well, look, film, performance can always stop at some good moment, yes?
Ну, смотрите, фильм, спектакль всегда можно остановить в какой-то хороший момент, да?

One of my colleagues called your performance «frigid».
Одна из моих коллег считает вашу игру «фригидной».

In accordance with Article 2 of this Law, religious communities, i.e. religious groups are free in the performance of religious activities and religious rites.
В соответствии со статьей 2 этого Закона, религиозные общины и религиозные группы свободны в своей религиозной деятельности и отправлении религиозных обрядов.

And the offered them, for performance, three levels of rewards:
Студенты знали, что по итогам продуктивности их ждут три уровня вознаграждения.

— «It was erotic performance art».
— «Это было эротическим перфомансом».

Unfortunately, the recycled products currently available do not improve on performance and are costlier.
К сожалению, имеющиеся в настоящее время продукты рециркуляции не повышают эксплуатационных качеств и стоят дороже.


Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

В этом разделе вы можете посмотреть, как употребляются слова и выражения в разных контекстах на реальных примерах.
Все примеры собраны из уже переведенных текстов: официальных документов, сайтов, журналов и диалогов из фильмов.
Раздел Контексты поможет в изучении английского, немецкого, испанского, русского и других языков. Здесь вы сможете найти примеры
с фразовыми глаголами, устойчивыми выражениями и многозначными словами в разнообразных по стилю и тематикам текстах
Примеры можно отсортировать по переводам и тематикам, а также сделать уточняющий поиск по найденным примерам.

Изучайте иностранные языки, смотрите перевод миллионов слов и выражений, проверяйте их употребление на реальных примерах благодаря нашей технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных!

производительность, исполнение, эффективность, выполнение, деятельность


- выполнение, исполнение

in the performance of a task [of an experiment] — при решении задачи [при проведении опыта]
to be faithful in the performance of one’s duty — честно выполнять свои обязанности
specific performance — юр. исполнение (обязательства) в натуре; реальное исполнение

- исполнение, выступление, концерт

musical performance — концерт

- игра, исполнение (роли и т. п.)

best performance — лучшее исполнение
a very creditable performance — очень хорошее исполнение
public performance — публичное исполнение [выступление]
the play has had a run of one hundred performances — пьеса шла сто раз
to give a performance — а) исполнять; to give a performance of an oratorio
without the least air of giving a performance — без всякой рисовки; нисколько не рисуясь

- представление, спектакль

first performance — первое представление, премьера
farewell performance — прощальное выступление, прощальный спектакль
evening [afternoon] performance — вечерний [дневной] спектакль
no performance tonight — сегодня спектакля нет

- мед. деятельность

cardiac performance — деятельность сердца

- действие, поступок; поведение

to be modest about one’s own performances — не хвалиться своими поступками
to put up a good performance — хорошо вести /проявлять/ себя
to give a performance as — действовать в качестве (кого-л.)
he gives a pleasant performance as a teacher — как преподаватель он производит приятное впечатление
I was shocked at his performance in the restaurant — я был возмущён его поведением в ресторане
the address for the defence was an excellent performance — защитник выступил прекрасно
even some of her own Cabinet members are beginning to grumble about her performance — даже некоторые члены её собственного кабинета начинают выражать недовольство её действиями

- характеристика работы машины; эксплуатационные качества
- трюки, фокусы

the conjurer’s performance kept the children spell-bound — дети как зачарованные смотрели на фокусы

- лингв. реальное исполнение; практическое применение языковых законов; речь
- киносеанс

continuance performance — показ кинофильма без перерыва между сеансами ; показ кинофильма без перерыва

- разг. возня, волокита

it’s too much of a performance to cook this dish — готовить это блюдо

- разг. безобразие

what a performance! — какое безобразие!

- работа (машины)
- интенсивность труда, работы
- pl. воен. тактико-технические данные
- pl. ав. лётные качества

Мои примеры


an increased level of performance — повышенный уровень производительности  
a nervy performance in the play-offs — смелая игра в матчах на выбывание  
a real stinker of a performance — не выступление, а какая-то гадость  
listless performance — вялое исполнение  
uneven performance — неровное исполнение, с погрешностями  
performance for performance — одновременное исполнение  
a solo performance — сольное выступление  
network performance — производительность сети  
performance-based model — модель на основе анализа выполняемых операций  
performance bond — гарантия выполнения контракта  
negative performance — несовершение действия  
performance period — период работы  

Примеры с переводом

When is the next performance?

Когда будет следующее представление?

His performance was outstanding.

Его выступление было выдающимся.

A new performance scored a great success.

Новая постановка имела большой успех.

This evening’s performance will start at 8 o’clock.

Сегодняшнее выступление начнётся в восемь часов вечера.

He flubbed the performance.

Он провалил представление.

The performance was spotty.

Выступление было неровным.

To reward high performance, use bonuses.

Чтобы должным образом вознаградить высокие результаты работы, используйте премии.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Managers should set specific performance objectives for their teams.

…his performance as a pitcher is as calculable as the daily tides…

His performance in the film was a caricature of a hard-boiled detective.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): performance
мн. ч.(plural): performances

Synonym: carrying into action, carrying out, execution, functioning, operation, public presentation. Similar words: perform, performer, romance, answer for, formal, format, normally, informal. Meaning: [pər’fɔrməns /pə’fɔː-]  n. 1. a dramatic or musical entertainment 2. the act of performing; of doing something successfully; using knowledge as distinguished from merely possessing it 3. the act of presenting a play or a piece of music or other entertainment 4. process or manner of functioning or operating 5. any recognized accomplishment. 

Random good picture Not show

1. He failed completely in the performance of his duty.

2. The critics tore his performance to shreds.

3. Most mothers are insecure about their performance as mothers.

4. The audience was clearly enchanted by her performance.

5. Here we reward performance, not face time.

6. The chart shows our performance over the past year.

7. These tennis shoes are designed for comfort and performance.

8. His performance was absolutely superb.

9. The New York critics had praised her performance.

10. Congratulations on a superb performance!

11. The comedian’s performance was the pits!

12. The children were spellbound by the circus performance.

13. A retrospective influence pervaded the whole performance.

13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

14. It’s perfectly normal to be nervous before a performance.

15. The dancers gave a very slick performance.

16. Further investment is contingent upon the company’s profit performance.

17. The performance fell far short of our expectations.

18. The performance improved as their confidence grew.

19. This is possibly their worst performance ever.

20. His performance was full of maturity and poise.

21. The violinist gave a masterful performance.

22. It was a disappointing performance which lacked finesse.

23. The evening was crowned by her dazzling performance.

24. That was a quite outstanding performance!

25. When the performance was over,( the people crowded out.

26. Stevenson’s deeply felt performance is a tour-de-force.

27. He put his whole self into the performance.

28. The performance finally started half an hour late.

29. The pianist gave a fine performance.

30. Please refrain from talking during the performance.

More similar words: perform, performer, romance, answer for, formal, format, normally, informal, formation, German, fisherman, information, chairman, transformation, cancer, cancel, glance, chance, stance, dancer, enhance, finance, penance, balance, alliance, guidance, parlance, instance, substance, ancestor. 

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