Sentences with word organize

organize — перевод на русский


We’ll need to organize our surgeries so the wait time for each recipient is as soon as possible.

Нам надо организовать операции согласно листу ожидания каждого пациента как можно быстрее.

Such a day destroys me, what with organizing a party, outfitting the stratospheric gondola, perfecting pieces of equipment, growing a tree, and to top it all, my child is just about to be born.

Этот день меня доконает. Организовать вечеринку, снарядить стратостат, наладить оборудование, посадить дерево, и, мало того, у меня вот-вот родится ребенок.

Just trying to get things organized.

Хочу все организовать.

I could organize my own supermarket, get a bunch of neighborhood merchants together.

Можно организовать свой собственный супермаркет с ребятами по соседству.

Yes, that’ll take a bit of organizing.

Да, но это нужно организовать.

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He’s turning into something called «organized labor. »

Иди домой. Он стал организованной силой.

And make lifelong connections to the world of organized crime.

И установить долгосрочные отношения с миром организованной преступности.

Organized crime.

Организованной преступности…

That organized crime guy, he says I gotta see it from their point of view.

Тот парень из отдела по борьбе с организованной преступностью говорит, я должен взглянуть на это с их точки зрения.

with Mickey Cohen in prison, Los Angeles is organized crime-free.

Когда Микки Коэн в тюрьме, Л.А. свободен от организованной преступности.

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And if it comes to that, I’d rather organize first flights for big families or Sunday excursions in the country.

А если так, то я лучше буду организовывать семейные поездки или воскресные экскурсии по сельской местности.

No It is… It is therefore the rule of European culture the rule of European culture to organize the death of the art of living, which was still flourishing at our feet.

Это правило для культурной Европы… правило для культурной Европы — организовывать смерть искусства жизни, которое все еще процветает.

Need place. Place to gather, to fight, to organize.

Место чтобы собираться, сражаться, организовывать.

Need place place to gather, to fight, to organize.

Нужно место место, чтобы собраться, сражаться, организовывать.

They contact other mafias to get someone to shift the stuff and to organize things so they can launder the money.

Они контактируют с мафией, чтобы сбывать порошок и организовывать отмывание денег.

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Jean Charrot, lnspector General on special assignment, presided over a special meeting convened to organize the fight against rebel activity.

Жан Шарро, главный инспектор по специальным миссиям, председательствовал на собрании, созывающим к организации борьбы с повстанческой активностью.

You start talking, pretty soon you’ll be trying to organize… a farewell party with punch and cupcakes.

Сначала разговоры, потом эти хлопоты по организации прощальной вечеринки с пуншем и кексами.

Don Barzini, I want to thank you for helping me organize this meeting, and the other heads of the five families from New York and New Jersey.

Дон Барзини, я хотел бы поблагодарить вас… за помощь в организации сегодняшней встречи. А также глав других семей… из Нью-Йорка и Нью-Джерси.

In light of the law ofJuly 7, 1900, on organizing a colonial army… and the decree of February 7, 1912, and subsequent dates… on recruiting an army… and in light of certain indications of the existence of a state of war… between France and Germany… and in light of the responsibility vested in me… I, Sergeant Auguste Bosselet… hereby call upon every man of French nationality… with permanent or temporary residence… at Fort Coulais in French Equatorial Africa… to place himself at my command.

В свете закона от 7 июля 1900 года «Об организации колониальной армии и декрета от 7 февраля 1912 года «О наборе в армию что началась война проживающих даже временно подчиняться моим приказам.

The rest depends on how the work’s organized.

Остальное зависит от организации.

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If we wanted, we could organize another night.. before.

Если подойти с умом, ребята, можно устроить себе еще один спектакль, не хуже прежнего.

I hope that now you will leave him and let me think about the future, about organizing our life.

Я надеюсь, что теперь ть оставишь его и позволишь мне устроить и обдумать нашу жизнь.

Ah, Francois, we’re organizing an outing by the river.

А, Франсуа, мы задумали устроить пикник на реке.

We could organize something if you want in the coming days, but

Мы могли бы устроить что-нибудь в ближайшие дни, если ты хочешь, но…

I propose… in Wasiukach… organize an international Chess Tournament.

Я предлагаю: в Васюках надо устроить международный шахматный турнир! На турнир съедутся любители шахмат со всего мира.

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We need to clean house first, organize the country.

Сначала нам следует привести в порядок страну.

Look, I’ve gotta get organized.

Послушай, мне нужно привести все в порядок.

You have to organize.

Вы все должны привести в порядок.

All I know is I go to all the trouble putting nails up all over the place to keep things organized and now I can’t find my god damned shirt.

Я знаю только то, что потратил кучу времени, забивая гвозди по всему дому, чтобы был порядок, а теперь не могу найти эту чёртову футболку.

I gotta get these tapes organized. You seen my jacket?

Надо привести в порядок записи.

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Much more than just a series of small, isolated incidents… it’s apparent an organized criminal element is at work.

Ёто нечто большее, чем просто р€д мелких, несв€занных происшествий. «еперь, это работа организованной преступности.

— Yeah? That’s why there was no real organized street stuff in Vegas before I came here.

Вот почему до меня не было никакой организованной преступности в Вегасе.

Hungary is the nest of organized crime and porn industry.

Венгрия — рассадник организованной преступности и европейской порнографии.

Made the leap from organized crime to legitimate businessman while no one was looking.

Перешел от организованной преступности к легальному бизнесу, пока никто не смотрел.

This is gonna tell the real story, the real story of Las Vegas and organized crime, warts and all.

Он расскажет реальную историю, реальную историю Лас Вегаса и организованной преступности, о неприятных типах, обо всем.

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First, we need to get organized and secure our hideouts.

В первую очередь нам следует организоваться и обезопасить наши убежища.

we have to be organized or we would quarrell all the time..

Нам необходимо само организоваться, либо мы будем ссориться все время.

— We’ll be there when the ship comes in… and we’ll catch them in the act of sedition before they can organize.

— Когда корабль придёт, мы там будем и мы схватим их за измену прежде, чем они смогут организоваться.

I think it’s time to organize.

Думаю, пора организоваться.

He plans to organize.

Он хочет организоваться.

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Then Leary organized them for the first time into a model for other therapists to use for diagnosis.

Затем Лири собрал это всё в методичку, которую другие врачи могли бы использовать при диагностировании.

¶ oh, who organized all of my ex-girlfriends ¶ ¶ into a choir and got them to sing? ¶

Кто собрал всех моих бывших петь в хоре, кто и зачем?

When debbi lubin went missing,Tim organized the volunteer search parties.

Когда пропала Дебби Люпин, Тим собрал добровольцев для поиска.

He organized a workgroup on its dangers.

Он собрал рабочую группу для изучения опасностей ядерных утечек.

No flags yet, but… I organized everything into that master spreadsheet.

Пока никаких зацепок, но… я все собрал в сводную таблицу.

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The celebrated Anna Pavlovna Scherer, most intimate lady-in-waiting of the Empress Maria Fedorovna, gave at her home the receptions which she alone had a gift for organizing.

Известная Анна Павловна Шерер, Фрейлина и приближенная императрицы Марии федоровны , давала у себя такие вечера, какие она одна имела дар устраивать

I need someone who’s good at organizing weddings.

Мне нужен кто-то, кто умеет устраивать свадьбы.

We have neither the time nor the urge to organize recitals.

У нас нет ни времени, ни желания устраивать концерты .

One really shouldn’t have to organize one’s own shower.

Но нельзя же устраивать самой себе свой собственный девичник.

We should be organizing a parade.

Ему парад надо устраивать.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word organize, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use organize in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «organize».

Organize in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word organize in a sentence.

  1. Sherman, who helped organize the trip.

  2. Logan began to organize delegates in Grant’s favor.

  3. Ultimately, the depression failed to organize significantly.

  4. As it moved across the Atlantic Ocean, it failed to organize.

  5. Following the 1918 test, Brown helped organize the first U.S.

  6. The depression failed to organize significantly as it turned westward.

  7. However, McKenzie’s first efforts to organize an Indian conference in 1909 failed.

  8. Farnham proceeds to organize Civil War veterans, and purchases weapons to arm them.

  9. In conquering such wide territories he had little time to organize them internally.

  10. If staying with Nadege Rinot, he can easily organize the entire hike on your behalf.

  11. Tropical Storm Blas continued to organize as it moved parallel to the Mexican coast.

  12. Convection steadily increased, though it was not until August 4 that the convection began to organize.

  13. Johnson helped organize a mechanics’ (working men’s) ticket in the 1829 Greeneville municipal election.

  14. McGivers agrees to help Khan revive the other supermen, allowing him to organize an attempted takeover.

  15. To organize these activities, Veitch and Albee founded JC’s Girls, with «JC» standing for Jesus Christ.

  16. They may have disorganized speech and their ability to organize their thoughts may change during the day.

  17. Fermi’s knowledge of quantum physics was such that Puccianti asked him to organize seminars on the topic.

  18. Embedded within an elongated trough, the weak system struggled to organize and convection soon diminished.

  19. Prescriptive technologies organize work as a sequence of steps requiring supervision by bosses or managers.

  20. The system moved southwestward over warmer waters, and deep convection continued to organize over the center.

  21. Piłsudski anticipated a coming European war with the need to organize the leadership of a future Polish Army.

  22. Veshch will champion constructive art, whose mission is not, after all, to embellish life, but to organize it.

  23. Weaver returned to Congress for the lame-duck session and once more pushed to organize the Oklahoma Territory.

  24. In 1892, the Trade Union Congress of Halberstadt was held to organize the many local unions under the committee.

  25. Lichtenstein once said of his technique: «I take a cliche and try to organize its forms to make it monumental.».

  26. Douglas and his allies planned to organize the territory and let local settlers decide whether to allow slavery.

  27. He also made efforts to organize a coast watcher network to report enemy ships and to protect German shipping in the area.

  28. The Russian Volleyball Federation announced that it would organize a children’s tournament in memory of Sergei Ovchinnikov.

  29. Developments in library science in the eighteenth century led to increased efforts to organize and protect the manuscripts.

  30. The Gullwings organize a concert to which everyone in Spira is invited, supporters of the Youth League and New Yevon alike.

  31. In 1968, King asked her to organize a march, but he too was assassinated on April 4, which also happened to be her birthday.

  32. Immediately, the Democrats attempted to organize the Senate, knowing that the vacancies would soon be filled by Republicans.

  33. He argued that labor had a right to organize, but not boycott, and that corporations and the wealthy must also obey the law.

  34. After the replacement cycle, the cyclone continued to organize, developing a well-defined eye surrounded by cold cloud tops.

  35. On 6 September 1853, Pedro II called Paraná to the Imperial Palace in São Cristóvão and asked him to organize a new cabinet.

  36. Benjamin Franklin, who had helped organize the militia, negotiated with the Paxton leaders and brought an end to the crisis.

  37. As the remains of the regiment were en route back to Boston in October 1864, the officers met to form a regimental association to organize annual reunions of the officers.

  38. The group also works with the park staff to maintain the park lands, serve as campground hosts, survey the eastern bluebird population, and organize conservation projects.

  39. Seeing his opportunity, Andreas attempted to organize an expedition in southern Italy during the summer of 1481 to cross the Adriatic Sea and restore the Byzantine Empire.

  40. In the state Senate, an anti-Hanna Republican did not initially attend, allowing the Democrats to organize the chamber and elect one of their own as president of the body.

  41. Pierce had wanted to organize the Nebraska Territory without explicitly addressing the matter of slavery, but Douglas could not get enough Southern votes to accomplish this.

Synonyms for organize

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word organize has the following synonyms: form, organise, mastermind, engineer, direct, orchestrate, coordinate, prepare, devise, get up, machinate, unionize and unionise.

General information about «organize» example sentences

The example sentences for the word organize that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «organize» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «organize».

Synonym: arrange, categorize, classify, establish, group, orient, set up, sort, systematize. Antonym: disorganize. Similar words: organized, organization, organizational, organic, organism, organ, gang, for good. Meaning: [‘ɔrgənaɪz /’ɔːg-]  v. 1. create (as an entity) 2. cause to be structured or ordered or operating according to some principle or idea 3. plan and direct (a complex undertaking) 4. bring order and organization to 5. arrange by systematic planning and united effort 6. form or join a union. 

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1. They will organize a Bridge Club.

2. She helped organize the party.

3. Organize a fundraiser for your church.

4. He has the ability to organize.

5. She loves to organize people.

6. In the end, we all decided to organize a concert for Easter.

7. These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work.

8. A committee has been set up to organize social events in the college.

9. They have been roped in to help organize the event.

10. I’ll invite people if you can organize food and drinks.

11. We ought to organize more social events.

12. Sarah has been enlisted to organize the party.

12. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

13. We’ll organize this business into two separate companies.

14. It was difficult to organize the men into teams.

15. It’s the first time farmers have decided to organize.

16. You should try and organize your time better.

17. He began to organize his materials.

18. They are now trying to organize a boycott .

19. Most British schools organize social events for the students.

20. Students need to learn how to organize their work.

21. She has been designated to organize the meeting.

22. You get the drink, and I’ll organize the eats.

23. This technique will help people mentally organize information.

24. They organize parties for singles.

25. They began to organize a mass trespass.

26. I wish they’d organize themselves more systematically.

27. Organize yourself to arrive at places on time.

28. I’m sure you don’t need me to organize you.

29. I’d like to see you organize a conference!

30. Nora decided to take the bull by the horns and organize things for herself.

More similar words: organized, organization, organizational, organic, organism, organ, gang, for good, elegant, forget about, arrogance, panic, vanish, prize, Spanish, Hispanic, size up, companion, mechanic, citizen, realize, utilize, mechanism, emphasize, minimize, mechanical, meaningful, manipulate, authorize, criticize. 

All sentences (with pause)

Used with verbs:

«I tried to organize a boycott.«
(tried, helped, failed, sought)

«He learned how to organize his time.«
(learned how to, was able to)

«He managed to organize a successful team.«
(managed to, failed to, be + able to, tried to)

Used with nouns:

«I need to organize my closet.«

«They are organizing a show.«
(show, tournament trip, boycott)

«I organized a competition.«
(competition, coalition, event, excursion)

«She has to learn how to organize her finances.«
(finances, time, space)

«He organized an exhibit last year.«
(exhibit, exhibition, meeting, strike)

Used with adverbs:

«She neatly organized the pictures on her wall.«
(neatly, carefully)

«He successfully organized a great event.«
(successfully, properly)

«She is known to organize her events well.«
(well, badly, poorly)

Used with prepositions:

«We are organizing the books according to size.«
(according to)

«We’re organizing the event around his arrival.«

«We organized the class into four groups.«

Examples of how to use the word “organize” in a sentence. How to connect “organize” with other words to make correct English sentences.

organize (v): to make arrangements for something to happen

Use “organize” in a sentence

They want me to organize the party.
You need to organize your time better.
Her job is to organize social events.

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