Sentences with word nevertheless

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Also unofficial, naturally, but stalwart nevertheless.

Естественно, эта помощь тоже будет неофициальной, но, тем не менее, весьма существенной.

Such marriages nevertheless occurred quite frequently.

Но, тем не менее, такие браки встречаются довольно часто.

It may nevertheless be good to acknowledge their work as independent related work.

Однако он может быть хорошим, чтобы признать их работу как независимые, связанных с работой.

Sub-projects can nevertheless still be implemented.

Вместе с тем сохраняется возможность для осуществления субпроектов.

The mission nevertheless needs constant monitoring, as the region remains potentially volatile.

Вместе с тем эта миссия нуждается в постоянном наблюдении, поскольку обстановка в регионе по-прежнему потенциально взрывоопасна.

Important constraints and areas of weaknesses nevertheless remain.

Тем не менее в этой области все еще существуют серьезные препятствия и слабые места.

Another fact is not obvious, but nevertheless important.

Есть и еще одно не совсем очевидное, но, тем не менее, существенное обстоятельство.

They mostly sink, but nevertheless.

Правда, оно в основном растаскивалось, но тем не менее.

Prior to starting, many sought information from various sources including health practitioners but nevertheless went ahead.

До начала многочисленная искала информацию из различных ресурсов, состоящих из экспертов в области здравоохранения, однако, тем не менее продолжалась.

Assessments of the police nevertheless varied among the observers whom we met.

Тем не менее наблюдатели, с которыми мы встречались, давали разные оценки полиции.

The obstacles to cross-border education would nevertheless persist.

Тем не менее, препятствия на пути трансграничного образования сохранятся.

But nevertheless I will write about money.

Ukraine nevertheless faces a moment of opportunity.

Украина, тем не менее, сталкивается с моментом возможностей.

Earlier there was little emission but nevertheless high temperature.

Раньше были незначительные выбросы, но тем не менее была высокая температура.

These green perspectives nevertheless pose questions that are fundamental for the future of monitory democracy.

Эти зеленые перспективы, тем не менее, ставят вопросы, которые имеют основополагающее значение для будущего контрольной демократии.

But nevertheless, these eighteen factors are not the self.

Но, тем не менее, эти восемнадцать факторов не являются собственной сущностью.

He may have been incompetent, but he was democratically elected nevertheless.

Он может быть некомпетентным, но, тем не менее, он был демократически избран.

However, their advice to focus on healthy growth is nevertheless good.

Однако, их советы, чтобы сосредоточиться на здоровый рост, тем не менее хорошо.

But, nevertheless, these decisions cause us very big questions.

Но, тем не менее, эти решения вызывают у нас очень большие вопросы.

But, nevertheless, many aquarists still get it for their waters.

Но, тем не менее, многие аквариумисты все же ее приобретают для своих водоемов.

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«Nevertheless» is one of the most misused words in the English language, this is a result of people not having a detailed understanding of the word. You are ready to learn everything there is to know about this word so you can use it correctly. You are probably thinking, what is the meaning and correct use for «nevertheless.»

The word «nevertheless» plays the role of an adverb in a sentence and it makes the reader know that something occurred though something else might have stopped it from happening. A clear example of the usage of the word is: Felicia never liked reading novels, but she enjoyed that book nevertheless.

Now, we guess you are wondering why a lot of people misuse the word despite how easy it looks. You have nothing to worry about, in this article, we will discuss and clear up all the misconceptions and obscurities you may have about the usage of this word.

What Does The Word «Nevertheless» Mean?

One vital thing you must understand before you can use a word effectively and correctly is the meaning of that word. As long as you do not understand what a particular word means, you will continuously misuse it.

Before we dive into how to use the word «nevertheless,» we will take a look at the origin, the meaning, nature (part of speech), the antonyms, and the synonyms. This is to ensure we lay the basic foundation.

Right now, we will look into the origin of the word «nevertheless.»

The word «nevertheless» originates from the Middle English word «nevertheless,» (variances of the word include «neuerþelesse,» «neverþeles,» «neuerþeles,» and «nevereþelesse»). These words are similar to the word «never.»

We have established the origin of the word «nevertheless,» we will look into the meaning of the word.

The word «nevertheless» is made up of three words joined together, «Never,» «The,» and «Less.» And it means «notwithstanding,» «despite a fact mentioned,» «however,» and «nonetheless.»

middle english nevertheless

The word can also mean «all the same,» «even so,» «despite anything», «to the contrary» (usually comes after a concession), also meaning «despite what has been referred to» or «just been said.»

You will notice from the several meanings given, the word «nevertheless» is used to show the relationship between a sentence, word, or phrase and what has been said or previously stated.

Next, we will see what the nature of the word is, the role it can play when you use it in a sentence, the form that the word «nevertheless» can take. This usually refers to the part of speech the word is categorized under.

The word «nevertheless» is an adverb. It qualifies or modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb. It is a conjunctive adverb, meaning it connects two clauses by changing the clause introduced into an adverbial modifier of the verb in the main clause.

And the word can be used at the beginning, middle, or end of a single independent clause which is one of the features of a conjunctive adverb.

Some of the synonyms of the word «nevertheless» are:

  • Nonetheless
  • However
  • Still
  • Yet
  • Though
  • But
  • Anyway
  • Regardless
  • Notwithstanding
  • Despite
  • In spite of
  • All the same
  • Withal
  • Even so
  • Having said that
  • Be that as it may
  • That said
  • Come what may
  • Howbeit
  • Still and all
  • After all

You will observe that not all synonyms are words, some phrases can also be used in place of the word «nevertheless.»

nevertheless synonyms

The antonyms of the word are:

  • Therefore
  • Consequently
  • Hence
  • Thus
  • Accordingly
  • As a result of
  • For this reason
  • Due to this
  • Ergo
  • In that case
  • Subsequently
  • Thereupon
  • Then
  • Due to the fact that
  • By doing so
  • As a consequence

The same thing you must have observed in the synonyms is also in the antonyms, they can be used as an opposing word to «nevertheless».

With that been said, we can now properly look into how you can use the word in a sentence.

How to Properly Use «Nevertheless» In A Sentence

We use the word «nevertheless» to contrast the first point with a second point. You are talking about an event that has occurred and the next sentence contrasts the previous one.

You can use the conjunction «But» before using «nevertheless» in a sentence. It is not an established rule but you can use it. Though some people say using «but» and «nevertheless» together is redundant because they perform the same function, others claim it is not redundant because «but» is a conjunction and «nevertheless» is an adverb playing a different role.

The word «nevertheless» can also be used to start a new sentence, so rather than using a comma you can use a full stop and start a new sentence with it. You can also use a semi-colon before using «nevertheless.»

Although the words «however» and «nevertheless» are close synonyms, they cannot be used interchangeably every time. There are situations where you must not replace «however» with «nevertheless» and vice-versa. Some usage guides claim that «nevertheless» cannot be replaced with «however.»

Another thing you need to know is the word «nevertheless» is used more frequently in the active voice (when the subject acts) rather than passive voice, «nonetheless» can be used for passive voice (when the subject is the recipient of the action).

You should only use the word «nevertheless» when referring to a situation or an event which «has,» «is» or «may occur.» The event must have either occurred, it is in occurrence or it may likely occur.

Following these simple procedures will guarantee you a correct usage of the word «nevertheless.»

Illustrative Examples on how to use the word «Nevertheless»

For better clarity of all the explanations we have given, we will look at some examples of how the word «nevertheless» can be used in a sentence.


  1. It is great to know you have good notices; nevertheless even if you do not read them.
  2. Without a doubt, the middle class seems to be indecisive, but we need to leverage its positive side and unite with them, nevertheless.
  3. Nevertheless, a lot of marriages fail after between five and ten years, people still plan on getting married.
  4. Under such conditions of the soil, the land. Nevertheless, produces plants of wheat and other grains.
  5. David’s sister was recommended for the job position, the boss’s distant cousin received the position; nevertheless.
  6. Ham has a bad record of misbehaving and he has missed football practice, nevertheless he is an outstanding player.
  7. There is little chance we will succeed in changing the laws, it is vital we give it a shot nevertheless.
  8. Nevertheless, having managed somehow to skip going to college, John has made a fortune as a very young man.
  9. It is the set of attitudes displayed that eventuated in the development of modern capitalism, nevertheless.

correct use nevertheless


  1. Nevertheless, it is great to know you have good notices, even if you do not read them.
  2. Without a doubt, the middle class seems to be indecisive, but we need to, nevertheless, leverage its positive side and unite with them.
  3. A lot of marriages fail after between five and ten years; nevertheless, people still plan on getting married.
  4. Under such conditions of the soil, the land, nevertheless, produces plants of wheat and other grains.
  5. David’s sister was recommended for the job position, the boss’s distant cousin received the position nevertheless.
  6. Ham has a bad record of misbehaving and has missed football practice, but he is an outstanding player nevertheless.
  7. There is little chance we will succeed in changing the laws. Nevertheless, it is vital we give it a shot.
  8. Having managed somehow to skip going to college, John has nevertheless made a fortune as a very young man.
  9. It is nevertheless the set of attitudes displayed that eventuated in the development of modern capitalism.

Here are some vital things to take note of from the examples.

  • In example 1, the word «nevertheless» is used in the middle of the sentence making it difficult to understand. It is supposed to be at the beginning in that context.
  • In examples 2, 7, and 9, the word «nevertheless» is used at the end of the sentence. It is meant to be used in the middle of the sentence.
  • In examples 3 and 8, the word «nevertheless» is used at the beginning of the sentence. The accurate place is the middle of the sentence.
  • In example 6, the word «nevertheless» is used in the middle of the sentence, it is supposed to be at the end of the sentence.
  • In examples 4 and 5, the punctuation mark used before the word «nevertheless» is incorrect. A full stop is used instead of a comma in example 5 and a semi-colon is used when there should be no punctuation mark in example 6.

Final Thoughts

You have no reason to struggle with the use of the word «nevertheless.» We have given all the rules guiding the usage in this article. A comprehensive understanding of the word is available for you.

You are now more knowledgeable and use this word with expertise or any of its synonyms to your liking in your next writing.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

1, He was very tired; nevertheless he went on walking.

2, Nevertheless, we will do everything.

3, We are going nevertheless we shall return.

4, What you said was true but nevertheless unkind.

5, She was very tired, nevertheless she kept on working.

6, Though very intelligent, she is nevertheless rather modest.

7, The news may be unexpected;nevertheless it is true.

8, There was no news; nevertheless we went on hoping.

9, Our defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless.

10, He’s stupid,[] but I like him nevertheless.

11, The two rivals were nevertheless united by the freemasonry of the acting profession.

12, Nevertheless, it’s good to know you’ve had good notices, even if you don’t read them.

13, What you said was true. It was, nevertheless, a little unkind.

14, He found the test difficult but nevertheless made a good stab at it.

15, His clothes are old and unfashionable, but nevertheless he has a real touch of class.

16, The cop told them to clear out,nevertheless they seemed not to hear.

17, Much-maligned for their derivative style, the band are nevertheless enduringly popular.

18, The old system had its flaws, but nevertheless it was preferable to the new one.

19, Nevertheless, she is always optimistic about the possibilities and can work her charm on the disenchanted.

20, A false belief may nevertheless be justified.

21, Nevertheless, we never had to budge from our seats.

22, Nevertheless, the arms race went on.

23, Nevertheless, the article provoked an avalanche of reaction.

24, Nevertheless, Toyota was swamped with job applications.

25, Without doubt, the national bourgeoisie tends to vacillate, but we should, nevertheless, make use of its positive side, uniting with it as well as struggling against it.

26, I knew a lot about the subject already, but her talk was interesting nevertheless.

27, Without doubt , the national bourgeoisie tends to vacillate , but we should , nevertheless, make use of its positive side, uniting with it as well as struggling against …

28, He is often rude to me, but I like him nevertheless.

29, Most marriages fail after between five and nine years. Nevertheless, people continue to get married.

30, There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law. Nevertheless, it is important that we try.

nevertheless — перевод на русский


Nevertheless, Mr. Hammer, it was very nice of you to call on me.

Тем не менее, г-н Хаммер, было очень приятно получить от вас приглашение.


Говорят, что я получил их незаконным путём, но, тем не менее, я хочу их сохранить.

Nevertheless, I’m warning you. If you interfere with her, you’ll get into trouble. Oh, I see then.

Тем не менее, предупреждаю вас, если вы не уймётесь, у вас будут неприятности.

Nevertheless, her eyes are blue and they’ll stay blue.

Тем не менее, они голубые и такими останутся.

Nevertheless, the people are overworked.

Тем не менее, настроения становятся опасными.

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Nevertheless, astrology survived and flourished. Why?

В любом случае, астрология жила и расцветала.

Nevertheless, they arrived too late.

— В любом случае, офицер, Вы опоздали.

Nevertheless you’re very happy for us, aren’t you, Brother?

В любом случае ты очень счастлив за нас, правда, братец?

Nevertheless, it was a futile act.

В любом случае, это было бессмысленно.

A subject can sue the Crown, nevertheless, by Petition of Right.

Субъект в любом случае может предъявить иск, с ходатайством или без.

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I would like a hat like that. Nevertheless, we’re not going to let you two out of our sights, are we Kirsty? Umm.

Неважно, мы же не оставим вас двоих без присмотра, не так ли Кирсти?

Nevertheless, you have 24 hours.

Неважно, у вас на все — 24 часа.

Nevertheless, this writ gives us permission… to destroy all your black-market tapes by the end of the day… and all of these assets in the store… are hereby seized to pay these penalties to the studios.

Неважно. Мы уполномочены уничтожить сегодня все пиратские копии. Все имущество магазина будет изъято в счет уплаты долга.

Nevertheless… we… we pushed on towards the Ogowe River… plagued by mandrake flies.

Неважно… мы мы поплыли к реке Огове зачумлённой мандрагоровыми мухами.

Nevertheless, we are gathered here today to celebrate the reemployment of Jessica F. Day.

Неважно, мы собрались сегодня здесь, чтоб отметить возобновление рабочих будней Джессики Ф. Дэй.

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Nevertheless it is closely watched.
Тем не менее, за ней ведется тщательное наблюдение.

Nevertheless, better late than never.
Однако, лучше поздно, чем никогда.

Nevertheless, I certainly hope that they try.
И все же я, конечно, надеюсь, что они хотя бы попытаются.

Nevertheless, electricity usage has reached near-record levels.
Несмотря на это, потребление электроэнергии достигло почти рекордного уровня.

Nevertheless, the benefits are real:
Тем не менее, выгоды реальны:

Nevertheless, there are ways to pressure Zenawi:
Однако, есть способы оказать давление на Зенави:

Nevertheless, Karzai is hoping for a positive decision by the time he arrives in Washington.
И всё же Карзай надеется, что к моменту его прибытия в Вашингтон будет принято положительное решение.

But these regions are nevertheless mired in recession.
Несмотря на это, указанные районы также погрязли в экономическом спаде.

Nevertheless, there is cause for concern.
Тем не менее, причины для беспокойства есть.

Nevertheless, innovation is only half the battle.
Однако инновации это лишь полдела.

But, while things are not developing as American neo-conservatives had intended, they are nevertheless developing.
Однако, несмотря на то, что события не развиваются по плану американских неоконсерваторов, определенным образом они все же развиваются.

Nevertheless, you seem to have the matter well in hand.
Несмотря на это, дело, кажется, у вас в руках.

Nevertheless, the historical pattern is clear.
Тем не менее, исторические стереотипы ясны.

But something very valuable in that idea, nevertheless.
Но в ней есть что-то очень ценное, однако.

Nevertheless, gold has fared well of late despite the stronger dollar and the still-buoyant equity markets.
Все же золото в последнее время неплохо преуспевало, несмотря на рост курса доллара и по-прежнему привлекательные фондовые рынки.

Nevertheless, copper rose sufficiently to curtail demand and attract new supply.
Несмотря на это, цены поднялись, вызвав сокращение спроса и стимулировав дополнительное предложение.

Nevertheless, it was a poor investment.
Тем не менее инвестирование в нее было плохим вложением средств.

It is nevertheless possible to proceed by deduction.
Можно, однако, действовать методом дедукции.

If the European Union and its members nevertheless want to confront Russia over Ukraine, they should do so.
Но если Евросоюз и его члены все же хотят выступить против России в связи с украинскими событиями, они должны это сделать.

Nevertheless, many water uses would respond well to more efficient prices.
Но, несмотря на это, многие области применения водных ресурсов выиграют от введения более рациональных цен.


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