Sentences with word nation

Synonym: community, country, land, society. Similar words: donation, national, zonation, inclination, nomination, nationwide, combination, nationalism. Meaning: [‘neɪʃn]  n. 1. a politically organized body of people under a single government 2. the people who live in a nation or country 3. a federation of tribes (especially native American tribes) 4. United States prohibitionist who raided saloons and destroyed bottles of liquor with a hatchet (1846-1911). 

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1. Better one suffer, than a nation grieve. 

2. Only a nation of educated people could remain free. 

3. A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces but also by the men it honors, the men it remembers. 

4. Class differences can divide a nation.

5. He represented the nation on ceremonial occasions.

6. We need to reassess our values as a nation.

7. The Chinese are a nation of.

8. The destiny of our nation depends on this vote!

9. The Chinese are an industrious nation.

10. The war brought infinite harm to the nation.

11. The entire nation mourned her death.

12. She spoke of a new beginning for the nation.

13. Strong support for the war has unified the nation.

14. The nation is in disarray following rioting led by the military.

15. May the people of the nation live happily and wealthily this upcoming year.

16. The nation as a whole was thoroughly polarized into left-and right-wing groups.

17. Commerce enriches a nation.

18. The nation was urged to pull together to avoid a slide into complete chaos.

19. For years the nation had been under the heel of a dictatorial regime.

20. In international custom,(sentencedict .com) a nation that unilaterally breaks contracts must make good the damage.

21. The state has paced the whole nation in the economical reform.

22. The President gave an address to the nation over the radio.

23. The New York gay action group «Queer Nation» recently outed an American Congressman.

24. The nation lamented the death of its great war leader.

25. Gone are the days when a big nation could lord it over small ones.

26. The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downwad tendency. 

27. The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downward tendency. 

28. That freedom and order are not incompatible ;that reverence is the maid of knowledge; that free discussion is the life of truth, and of true unity in a nation

29. Youth is the season of hope, enterprise, and energy, to a nation as well as an individual. 

30. He helped energize and mobilize millions of people around the nation.

More similar words: donation, national, zonation, inclination, nomination, nationwide, combination, nationalism, explanation, international, discrimination, formation, location, operation, relation, education, equation, sensation, variation, isolation, summation, allegation, migration, situation, inflation, violation, radiation, negotiation, accusation, evaluation. 

A nation is a stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, ethnicity or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

You’ll also have full access to the Cougar MBA community throughout the nation and around the world.


Below, we have rounded up the latest mortgage rate predictions for California and the nation, provided by two expert…


And why, in a nation claiming to be one of the world’s best dairy producers, would we import ice cream?


With Super Bowl Sunday just days away, fans across the nation are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to kick back with friends, enjoy some tasty snacks, down a few libations and watch the world’s best athletes…


That’s probably why the nation raked in $ 912 million in revenues for wine exports in 2009.


Mecole Hardman, the nation‘s top athlete in the 2016 class, announced Wednesday that he’ll play his college football at the University of Georgia.


So in what sense does my vacation count as «contributing to the economic wellbeing of a developing nation»?


Lion One Metals Limited is set to become the premier high grade gold producer in the South Pacific island nation of Fiji at its 100 % owned and fully permitted Tuvatu Gold Project.


The Volunteers, ranked fifth in the nation (to the Gators» ninth) going into the game, slowly sank in Florida Field, a brackish place that Spurrier christened the Swamp.


Yep, not too many surprises in this data; this is two of the best teams in the nation going up against each other.


São Tomé and Príncipe, an island nation off the west coast of Africa, decided last month to cut diplomatic ties with the island — an act Taiwan condemned as an «abrupt and unfriendly decision.»


Markets continued to be roiled by uncertainty, from the U.S. trade wars with China to potential conflicts with rogue nations.


«The highest rated presenter at our Fortune Small Business Summit — in front of hundreds of our nation‘s top mid-market CEOs and executives — David cut through the jargon and provided a practical and example-filled presentation on how executives can actually utilize the Web 2.0 revolution to drive business to their companies.»


Last week, the OECD released the latest edition of its «Taxing Wages» report which focuses on the net personal average tax rate in different nations.


Brand design consultancy Webb deVlam were approached to come up with a brand identity for the beer that embodies the passion, spirit and optimism of the Southern African nation.


As the measure now moves to the U.S. Senate for further consideration, perhaps the upper chamber would be wise to remember that this nation was founded as a democracy — and that its actions would be by, for, and of the people.


It was the dawn of the space age, forcing nations to rethink their technical education programs and inspiring a generation of scientists and engineers.


A shirt exported from Bangladesh with only 20 per cent Bangladeshi content is fine, providing another 20 per cent of the product also comes from a developing nation.


John G. Richardson is a driven, hands-on business owner who has built one of the nation‘s most successful private food industry operations.


In the end, Mission Viejo may not be No. 1 in the state and No. 1 in the nation.


The assertion of God’s sovereignty over the nations is intended to rouse the people from their stupor of lamentation and reestablish their faith.


Membership is limited to the highest ranking menu developer from the multi-unit foodservice operations in the nation ranking 201-400 in annual sales.


Other nations with territorial systems have tried to prevent companies from wriggling out of paying taxes, while tax experts have suggested proposals ranging from a minimum global tax to tighter rules to prevent companies from relocating their patents and copyrights to tax havens like Bermuda and the Cayman Islands.


preventing families from praying over graves at nation parks… «Government Property» 3) Forcing evangelists into so-called «Free speech zones» i.e. you can’t preach the gospel in public, only in government approved locations Basically the idea is that..


That was more than 30 years ago — and now that so many more nations have passed laws bent on distorting the family’s «genome» (to quote the word used by Archbishop Paglia, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family), knowledge of the content and purpose of the charter is even more urgent.


Many of these countries — 72 of 129 nations — even came close to meeting their Millennium Development Goals (MDG) established by the U.N. in 2000.


Mexico and other countries where illicit capital flight has occurred have asked foreign nations to confiscate it under the law of unexplained enrichment.


He has stated that the government (as in some European nations) should only grant civil unions (to gay * and * straight couples) and that marriage should be left up to the churches.


While the U.S. is now pumping more than 10 million barrels a day, surpassing a record set in 1970, that boom is being accompanied by a surge in overseas shipments, helping drain stockpiles at the nation‘s largest storage hub.


This set of universal medical codes is meant to make it easier to identify specific health disorders on a consistent basis across nations; the current version, ICD-10, is being updated.


Bringing HPCL into its fold will make ONGC the nation‘s third biggest refiner after Indian Oil Corp. and Reliance Industries Ltd..


Mr. Xi may be China’s most powerful leader in decades, but he faces a test of that strength as he tries to advance the nation‘s economy and avert a trade war with the U.S.


For the faith includes the truth about the human person and human communities, which nations ignore at their peril.


Carles Puigdemont’s comments followed a television address by Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy who ruled out independence and accused separatists of trying to «blackmail… the whole nation».


But as we see from Genesis 11, nations being united do not lead to righteousness, but to greater rebellion against God.


This comes more than two years since oil prices were kneecapped, wreaking havoc on several OPEC member nations» economies.


Trump could eventually address the nation from the Oval Office on tax reform, but no such speech is yet planned, administration officials said.


The slide in competition reflects multiple factors that are beginning to erode sellers» market dominance across the nation:


Since 2013 ecoATM’s have popped up in multiple locations across the nation and have recycled over three million devices.


A leader in food processing — LiDestri is the No. 1 tomato processor in the nation, making sauces, dips and salsas — the company entered the beverage market in 2011 with the acquisition of Zieglers, a fresh apple cider manufacturer.


Make our churches a house of prayer for all nations; help us to be filled with your spirit and to reach out with the love and compassion of Christ.


Once you understand the full scope of its effects, you’ll need to determine what additional costs or other hurdles your company would face in each scenario: the continuation of NAFTA, trade under the CPTPP or a bilateral Canada-U.S. free trade agreement, trade under the WTO most favoured nation status, or any additional tariffs or regulations that may be implemented.


Africa and Muslim nations are overpopulating to the point of collapse and exporting its over population problems to the developed world.


He is a wanted man in Belize, the tiny Central American nation to which he retired in 2008.


As of Monday morning, more than 2.3 million barrels of daily refining capacity was knocked offline, according to Reuters, or about 13 percent of the nation‘s total.


Koch Industries companies are among the nation‘s biggest polluters, but Koch says they are addressing this problem by running plants better.


Canada’s response to the recently concluded free-trade agreement (FTA) with South Korea will say much about the kind of nation we are.


Questex’s Nightclub & Bar Show is the nation‘s most influential gathering of bar and nightlife professionals.


In May 2012, all eyes were on Kansas as its former governor, Republican Sam Brownback, signed into law «the nation‘s most aggressive experiment in conservative economic policy,» as Russell Berman wrote in The Atlantic.


He was most recently named the nation‘s «Most Inspired Bartender,» by the USBG at the 2011 Bombay Sapphire cocktail competition in Las Vegas.


Sentences with the word Nation?



  • «an absolute guarantee to respect the nation‘s authority»
  • «the average income in New England is below that of the nation«; «of average height for his age»; «the mean annual rainfall»
  • «a nation‘s balance of trade is favorable when its exports exceed its imports»
  • «diminutive in stature»; «a lilliputian chest of drawers»; «her petite figure»; «tiny feet»; «the flyspeck nation of Bahrain moved toward democracy»
  • «the state has elected a new president»; «African nations»; «students who had come to the nation‘s capitol»; «the country’s largest manufacturer»; «an industrialized land»
  • «build a modern nation«; «build a million-dollar business»
  • «racism is a pestilence at the heart of the nation«; «according to him, I was the canker in their midst»
  • «a capitalist nation«; «capitalistic methods and incentives»
  • «each nation sent a contingent of athletes to the Olympics»
  • «a statement that sums up the nation‘s mood»; «the news was announced to the nation«; «the whole country worshipped him»
  • «if you persist in that course you will surely fail»; «once a nation is embarked on a course of action it becomes extremely difficult for any retraction to take place»
  • «He was hampered in his efforts by the bad weather»; «the imperialist nation wanted to strangle the free trade between the two small countries»
  • «a selfish and designing nation obsessed with the dark schemes of European intrigue»- W.Churchill; «a scheming wife»; «a scheming gold digger»
  • «even numbers are divisible by two»; «the Americans fought a bloody war to prove that their nation is not divisible»
  • «the docile masses of an enslaved nation«
  • «the embryonic government staffed by survivors of the massacre»; «an embryonic nation, not yet self-governing»
  • «our forefathers brought forth a great nation«
  • «the British Home Office has broader responsibilities than the United States Department of the Interior»; «the nation‘s internal politics»
  • «a hostile nation«; «a hostile remark»; «hostile actions»
  • «an indivisible union of states»; «one nation indivisible»
  • «the industrial revolution»; «an industrial nation«
  • «the irony of Ireland’s copying the nation she most hated»
  • «the new nation is a testing ground for socioeconomic theories»; «Pakistan is a laboratory for studying the use of American troops to combat terrorism»
  • «The nation‘s pediatrician laureate is preparing to lay down his black bag»- James Traub
  • «what maladies afflict our nation
  • «a multilingual translator»; «a multilingual nation«
  • «the Shawnee nation«
  • «Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord»—Romans 12:19; «For vengeance I would do nothing. This nation is too great to look for mere revenge»—James Garfield; «he swore vengeance on the man who betrayed him»; «the swiftness of divine retribution»
  • «a peaceful nation«; «peaceful times»; «a far from peaceful Christmas»; «peaceful sleep»
  • «The nation reposed its confidence in the King»
  • «baseball rightfully is the nation‘s pastime»
  • «no section of the nation is more ardent than the South»; «there are three synagogues in the Jewish section»
  • «They styled their nation `The Confederate States'»
  • «unquiet days of riots»; «following the assassination of Martin Luter King ours was an unquiet nation«; «spent an unquiet night tossing and turning»

нация, народ, страна, государство, народность, землячество


- народ, нация; народность
- (the nation) амер. американцы, граждане США
- страна, государство, нация

peace-loving nations — миролюбивые государства
smaller nations — малые державы
most favoured nation — страна, пользующаяся статусом наибольшего благоприятствования
law of nations — юр. международное право
the biggest port in the nation — крупнейший порт страны
across the nation — по всей стране
across the nation labour demanded … — рабочие всей страны требовали …

- (the nation, this nation) амер. наша страна, США

the nation’s economically distressed areas — районы США, терпящие экономическое бедствие
Democratic victory in the nation — победа демократов на президентских выборах в США

- (the nations) pl поэт. народы (мира)
- (the nations) pl библ. язычники (о неевреях)
- племя или группа племён

Five Nations — конфедерация пяти (ирокезских) племён
Indians of several nations — индейцы нескольких племён

- территория индейского племени

one of the towns in the Cherokee nation — один из городов на территории племени чероки

- арх. группа, слой

a nation of newspaper readers — люди, читающие газеты; ≅ читающий народ

- ист. землячество (в средневековом университете)

nation of shopkeepers — нация лавочников (об англичанах)

- эвф. вм. damnation

Мои примеры


the largest state in the nation — крупнейший штат в стране  
the nation’s air and ground defenses — воздушная и наземная оборона страны  
an oath to defend the nation — клятва защищать страну  
divided nation — разобщённая нация  
independent nation — независимое государство  
sovereign nation — суверенное, независимое государство  
civilized nation — цивилизованное государство  
to build / establish a nation — создать, основать государство  
peace-loving nation — миролюбивая нация  
powerful nation — могущественное государство  
to take the pulse of the nation — узнавать общественные настроения  
uncommitted nation — неприсоединившееся государство  

Примеры с переводом

African nations

африканские народы

Doom hung over the nation.

Злой рок навис над страной.

Their nation is an oligarchy.

Их государство является олигархией.

The war has polarized the nation.

Война расколола нацию.

They were unified into one nation.

Они объединились в одну нацию.

There were strikes across the nation.

По всей стране прокатились забастовки.

The news was announced to the nation.

Эта новость была объявлена народу.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The nation was at fever pitch in the days leading up to the election.

…grainy sand kept it off the rankings as one of the nation’s best beaches…

…presents an inconsequent argument for a major reversal in the nation’s policy on narcotics…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

national  — национальный, государственный, народный, гражданин, соотечественник, согражданин
nationhood  — государственность, статус нации, статус государства

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): nation
мн. ч.(plural): nations

nation — перевод на русский


If President Boon remains healthy and in office our nation is secure.

Пока президент Бун пребывает в добром здравии нашей нации ничего не угрожает.

From this day forward it can be said that this is the birth of a 1000-year nation.

С этого дня можно говорить, что это рождение 1000-летней нации.

Then drum will join drum… flag will join flag… group will join group, Gau to Gau… and after that, this earlier divided people… will follow these sacred columns of the Nation.

Барабаный бой сольется с барабанным боем… флаг примкнет к флагу… группа объединится с группой, Гау(Губерния) с Гау… и после этого, этот, ранее разрозненный народ… в дальнейшем станет священной опорой для Нации.

So it is our vow this evening… that each hour, on every day… to think only of Germany of the People and Reich… and of our German nation. !

Поэтому этим вечером мы даем клятву… каждый час, каждый день… думать только о Германском Народе и Рейхе… и о нашей Германской Нации!

We had to remain in the minority, because we mobilized… the most valuable elements of struggle and sacrifice in the Nation… which have always been not in the majority, but rather in the minority.

Мы одержали победу в меньшинстве, потому что мы мобилизировали… самые ценные элементы борьбы и самопожертвования в Нации… которые всегда были не в большинстве, а скорее в меньшинстве.

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You see, other nations, besides ours, are forming expeditions.

Видите ли, все страны, кроме нашей, снаряжают туда экспедиции.

On behalf of the U.S. Army, I am proud to present to you the flag of our nation… which your son defended so gallantly.

От лица армии США я с гордостью вручаю вам флаг нашей страны, которую так храбро защищал ваш сын.

Putting the interests of the nation above sordid self-interest and Assembly shenanigans, in a generous impulse, to which I pay tribute today,

«Поставив интересы страны выше мелких расчетов и парламентских интриг, проявив образцовое великодушие, котому я отдаю дань,

! Never forget, Milleran, that when dirty deeds are done… they’re always being done to save the nation.

Запомните, любое грязное дело делается во имя спасения страны.

I am United States Senator John Yerkes Iselin, and I have a question so serious that the safety of our nation may well depend on your answer.

Сенатор Соединенных Штатов Америки Джон Йеркис Айзлин, и мой вопрос настолько важен, что от вашего ответа будет зависеть свобода и безопасность всей нашей страны.

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~ Joyful, all ye nations rise ~

Ликуй, народ.

Theres your nation, your people.

Там твой народ, твои люди.

Oh happy, there see my nation, my people.

Счастье. Вижу там свой народ.

No nation can withstand her.

Ни один народ.

A decision must be made in the life of every nation. At the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat, then it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient,

Каждый народ однажды должен принять такое решение в тот самый момент, когда его душит враг, потому что именно тогда очевидно, что единственный способ выжить — это ответить врагу тем же и положиться на то, что именно так и надо,

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All them schmoes think about is coal strikes, flood control, United Nations.

Размечтался! У этих раззяв на уме только забастовки, наводнения и ООН.

Palestine.» «On May 14th 1948.» «The state of Israel, sanctioned by The United Nations, was declared.»

14-го мая 1948 года решением ООН было создано государство Израиль

There it is now, attacking the United Nations building.

Вот она, напала на здание ООН.

Don’t worry, Captain. I’m merely what the United Nations would call an observer.

По терминологии ООН я буду только наблюдателем.

Yes. The United Nations.

Конечно, в ООН.

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The two nations must cooperate.

ќба государства должны сотрудничать.

Many nations understand why whale murder is monstrous but the traffic continues chiefly by Japan and Norway and the Soviet Union.

Многие государства осознают всю чудовищность убийства китов, однако торговля мёртвыми китами продолжается; главным образом этим занимаются Япония, Норвегия и СССР.

Here we sit, gentlemen… leaders of the most… powerful and advanced nation… on the face of the earth…

Вот господа. Мы заседаем. Лидеры самого … могущественного … и прогрессивного государства на этой планете.

The bleachers gave way to doctors and researchers, the best brains in the nation and the most perfect technology.

И отбельщиков сменили врачи и ученые, лучшие умы государства и самые передовые технологии.

The bleachers gave way to doctors, researchers, the best brains in the nation and the most perfect technology.

И отбельщиков сменили врачи и ученые, лучшие умы государства и самые передовые технологии.

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I intend to request a full investigation under the auspices of the United Nations.

Я намерен просить полного расследования при содействии Организации Объединенных Наций.

-Job at the United Nations? -No.

Ну, работа в Организации Объединенных Наций?

The United Nations.

Организации Объединённых Наций.

My name is Arthur Coleman Winters, President Elect of the United States of America, and Designated Representative of the United Nations.

Я Артур Коулман Уинтерс, избранный президент Соединённых штатов Америки и назначенный представитель Организации Объединённых Наций.

former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

— Ричард Холбрук, бывший Посол США в Организации Объединённых Наций.

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Those are military uniforms from one of the old nation states.

Это военная форма одного из старых национальных государств.

Last time I saw her, she was beating the will to live out of our nation’s representatives.

когда в последний раз я ее видела, она переживала о наших национальных представителях.

Yet one company can now own stations in 199 of the nation’s 210 media markets.

Тем не менее одна компания может владеть станциями в 199 из национальных 210 рынков СМИ.

So… what the hell am I going to say is the reason for me summoning all the nation’s major news organisations to a school in Wiltshire?

Так.. Какую, черт побери, я должен назвать причину для приглашения всех национальных новостных служб в школу в Уилтшире?

The globalists were now ready to start their final phase of world government takeover, the destruction of the Western nation’s economies.

Глобалисты были теперь готовы начать их заключительную фазу захвата власти во всем мире — разрушение национальных экономических систем Запада.

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This is the father of the nation.

Вот Отец Родины!

As soon as we hear the call of our nation…

Как только мы услышим зов родины…

— «The sake of my nation»?

«Ради родины»? Да!

«Darling, I go to fight f or the sake of my nation.

«Омия-сан, я сражаюсь ради родины!

«I don’t mind dying, f or the sake of my nation.

Ради родины я готов даже умереть!

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There is my nation, my country!

Там мое племя, моя земля!

The curse never fell upon our nation till now.

До сих пор проклятие еще не обрушивалось так тяжко на наше племя.

By 1890, the last Indian nation had been defeated by the C.S. Cavalry.

В 1890 году последнее свободное индейское племя было разбито кавалерией Конфедерации.

The Fire Nation doesn’t wish to live by the Spirits.

Племя Огня не желало следовать наставлениям духов.

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There is nothing worth trading in Go-San Nation.

Ко Сан не подходящее место для торговли.

But…how did you know about Go-San Nation’s salt production?

Но откуда вы знаете, что в горах Ко Сан добывают соль?

It’s too dangerous for So Seo-No to travel to Go-San Nation.

Дорога в Ко Сан очень далекая и опасная для Со Со Но.

Although my skills are quite adequate the bandits near Go-San Nation may put the caravan in danger.

Как бы вы не укрепляли охрану, враги в горах Ко Сан очень опасны.

Thanks to you guys for finding people from Go-San Nation. That has made me more confident on this journey.

То, что вы нашли человека, прибывшего с Ко Сан, большая помощь нашему походу.

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