Sentences with word mystery

The Mysteries is a version of the medieval English mystery plays first presented at London’s National Theatre in 1977. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

It’s a mystery how some movies stand the test of time and others fade away.


It had it ups and downs but the mystery kept the viewers coming back to see what is this egg, an Alien from space or What?


It’s kind of like the Highlander movies (for those who don’t like the previous Zombie analogy) The first one was a good story, full of action, mystery and suspense and it wrapped up nicely at the end.


The sexual exclusivity of marriage, itself a mystery in several senses, for example.


Like Owen, I believe in the good news that Jesus Christ is Lord and would gladly join him in proclaiming the great mystery of the faith — that Christ has died, Christ has risen, and Christ will come again.


We may have all wanted to know the story behind those famed horns, but the mystery was far preferable to having Maleficent defanged and declawed in the process.


The actress may not be the physical equal of some of the others, but she compellingly conveys Lena’s fierce determination to both figure out what happened to her husband and solve the mystery of this colorful but terrifying unknown force of nature.


Why adults cry has been a mystery to scientists for centuries, as TIME recently reported.


And he works that imagery through more completely in his letter to the Ephesians, chapter 5, when he speaks of the mystery of the marriage between Christ and the Church providing the pattern for human marriage.


It felt like a crossbreed between a Guy Ritchie mystery and a Quentin Tarantino crime flick, just without the gratuitous violence.


Although its no surprise the mysteries of the universe are not unraveled here, The Shaggy D.A. does offer some silly fun, a positive family example, the opportunity for good to triumph over evil, and an underdog worth rooting for.


The characters are good, no question it’s a nice mystery and a good script of Franklin’s adaptation of Mosley’s novel, but the story is also a bit difficult to follow, and if you can’t keep up with all the characters you’ll end up not knowing or caring what happens for the last half of the film.


It’s been a fantastic month of mysteries and thrillers during Private Eye July, but fall is right around the corner, bringing with it a list of hotly anticipated new crime fiction.


Bosch-like chimera spring upon and devour members of the team, and the mystery‘s… not solution, but definition… takes place on a Dali beach of baleful skies and crystal trees.


I’ve been using it for the last few years, and not only did it get me into audiobooks, but I am much, much happier to sit on a train for an hour and a half when I’m listening to a mystery.


Headhunters (R for nudity, graphic sexuality and gruesome violence) Multi-layered mystery, set in Norway, about a corporate headhunter (Aksel Hennie) who risks his career to steal a priceless painting by Rubens from a well-heeled client (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau).


A bold and outrageous explorer in the world of neurological experimentation, Dr. Jekyll seeks to solve the mysteries of the brain that turn ordinary people into madmen.


The text deftly reveals how Proust’s artistic talents enabled him to fathom the mysteries of memory, revealing not only how memory recalls the past but how in rare and luminous moments it transforms that past into living meaning.


If you’re like most men, online dating comes across as something of a mystery, a game whose rules seem arbitrary and often unfair.


Ten seasons into a certain Hall of Fame career, Kobe Bryant remains, to teammates and opponents, admirers and haters, as big a mystery as ever


is the guilt-free erotic place for you to get naughty and kinky with hot romance, mystery, nudity, and tons of action!


His eighth Roy Grace mystery, Not Dead Yet, has been met with rave reviews, shooting to # 1 on the UK Sunday Times best seller list, beating James Patterson’s latest novel in hardback and ending 50 Shades of Grey’s 25-week run in the # 1 spot with its paperback release.


But the mystery is a pungent one, and the images and ideas stay with you after the lights go up.»


«Harriman, to me, is a huge mystery.


The fun is in asking and getting to know… Let’s unfold each other’s mysteries together… So, chat me up to know me before you go.


The Hollywood Reporter — Jake Gyllenhaal is ready to bring a little mystery to the Spider-Man universe.


Perhaps flattering polls like today’s will rekindle Kelly’s interest in a mayoral run one more time, but for now, his thoughts on 2013 remain a mystery.


But their demise remains a mystery, one that gets curiouser and curiouser


Release: Friday, September 15, 1995 → YouTube Written by: Christopher McQuarrie Directed by: Bryan Singer Before the X-Men made Bryan Singer a household name in the early 2000s, he had already achieved what the vast majority do not by directing an Oscar winner on his second try, the 1995 neo-noir mystery The Usual Suspects.


Directed by Bill Condon (who first collaborated with McKellan on Gods and Monsters), this post-Doyle Holmes mystery is ostensibly the secret of the forgotten last case that prompted the great detective’s retirement, but it’s really about all those human experiences Holmes is least equipped to confront: friendship, compassion, human connection, the reasons to continue living as his sharp intellect loses its edge.


So, if you are looking towards defining the demographics for your mystery shopping business, then you should make it all-encompassing.


Their goal was to explain the mystery of South Korea’s successful and smooth transition from authoritarianism and poverty to an affluent stable democracy.


Life Without Leaders One of the enduring mysteries of Çatalhöyük is how this early society was organized: The hundreds of homes excavated thus far exhibit remarkable unity in how they were built, arranged and decorated, with no sign of any distinctive structure that could have served as an administrative or religious center.


God uses mysteries and parables to see how you will respond.


Hope your August is full of spicy mystery and sultry sideways glances.


«In order to solve the 30-year mystery of what causes gamma-ray bursts, we need to know what kind of galaxies give rise to them,» Frail said.


Sounds romantic, but this is a horror film, and it looks like this mystery girl has some sort of dark secret.


Filed Under: Bargain Books Under $ 3, Buyer’s Guides, Heat Level 3 — PG-13, Mystery/Suspense, Print Books Tagged With: detective, detective series, George A Bernstein, medical suspense, mystery, police, serial killer, suspense, thriller


But how reconnection transforms magnetic energy into explosive particle energy has been a major mystery.


It helps solve a key mystery about C. diff: What triggers it to germinate, or break its dormancy, from its hard spore form when it reaches the gut.


What if you could solve a dino mystery?


2017: On Her Majesty’s Frightfully Secret Service Audie Award nominee, best mystery audiobook (Katherine Kellgren, Narrator)


Why do this, that remains a mystery


One God in Three persons, that is the mystery of the Holy Trinity.


It was a night animal, and it had a night animal’s mystery.


Like practically everything else in Dark Souls, creating weapons remains a mystery until you figure out the mechanics behind the process yourself.


That’s clever: The Hangover is a mystery tale, the guys following up on the few clues they have at hand.


When it comes to the mysteries of motherhood, scientists don’t have many answers.


The apple definitely made up for the & #x22; mystery mush & #x22; #ThanksMichelleObama


A Ghost Story By Imogen Sara Smith Time is malleable and love is a mystery in David Lowery’s entrancing twist on the haunted house movie


mystery — перевод на русский


The mystery’s all gone.

Тайна исчезла.

Mystery surrounds the shooting…

Тайна, которой окутан выстрел…

Mystery and discretion are your trump cards.

Тайна — вот ваш козырь.

And when you say, «old maid,» he says: «Eyes that sparkle with fire and mystery…

А где вы говорите «старая дева» , он говорит: «в ваших глазах сверкает огонь и тайна» .

It’s a mystery, a sinister one, believe me.

Это тайна, и зловещая, поверьте.

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a complete mystery.

абсолютная загадка.

— Hold on, Cassidy. I still can’t believe… It must be some kind of a mystery.

— Спокойно, Кэссиди, до сих пор не могу поверить, это какая-то загадка, я не могу…

All right for one mystery, but not two!

Загадка — ладно. Две — уже слишком!

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I doubt our mystery friend could manage anything that size on his own.

Сомневаюсь, что наш таинственный друг сможет в одиночку организовать что-то такого масштаба.

Mr Mystery Guest,… .. are you still there?

Мистер таинственный гость ты все еще там?

City of mystery Of enchantment.

Таинственный и чарующий город.

— It’s your mystery man on two.

Хелен, это твой таинственный мужчина на второй линии.

Ladies and gentlemen of the un-United Nations and our mystery bidder may I present Antonio Diego serial murderer, serving life in prison and sole surviving volunteer.

Дамы и господа из тех, кто не примкнул к ООН а также наш таинственный клиент разрешите представить Антонио Диего серийный убийца, отбывавший пожизненное заключение и единственный выживший подопытный.

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«Mystery fires on board unlucky ship.

«Загадочный пожар на борту корабля-неудачника.

A man of mystery!

— О, загадочный незнакомец.

Will the mystery guest please sign in?

Наш загадочный гость здесь.

A man of mystery.

Загадочный тип.

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The Mystery of Picasso

Таинство Пикассо.

«The mystery of the Cross commands you!

«Таинство Креста повелевает тебе!

Everything led me to this act, even the mystery of Redemption.

Все вело меня к этому поступку, даже таинство искупления.

— That’s a mystery.

Это таинство.

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I read a lot of mysteries and I just figure out the endings half way…

Я читаю много детективов и обычно всегда угадываю развязку ещё на середине.

Are you forgetting Item 1 from Top Truths for Teen Sleuths, A Crane Boys Mysteries Workbook?

Ты забыл первый пункт наших «Десяти наставлений для юных детективов»?

You read too many mystery novels as a student?

Ты, наверное, перечитала детективов, когда была студенткой?

A mystery film club…

Клуб любителей детективов?

No mystery novels, no symbols, no Oxford.

Никаких детективов, никаких символов, никакого Оксфорда.

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Yes, its secret, the mystery.

— Да, секрет.

There is no mystery as to who was stealing… most of the objects from number 26 Hickory Road, or why.

Больше не секрет, кто украл вещи из дома 26 по Гикори Роуд. И зачем.

— A fascinating mystery

Такой секрет!

So, guys, what’s the big mystery?

Итак.. в чем заключается этот большой секрет?

So that’s it? Mystery solved?

Секрет раскрыт?

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A little mystery sugarcoating.

чуточка притягательной таинственности.

Roly’s no mystery, Mr Farnon.

В Роли нет никакой таинственности, мистер Фарнон.

His social position had an air of mystery, even of crime about it.

Его положение в свете окружал ореол таинственности, быть может, даже преступности.

My last six drawings will be redolent of the mystery.

Оставшиеся шесть рисунков будут полны таинственности.

Silent, And full of mystery, as always

Тихий, и как всегда полный таинственности

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You know, the one that our hote l-room-torching mystery man

Ты знаешь, этот который наш отельный взрыватель мистический человек использовал?

then maybe the mystery partner went with him

Возможно, мистический сообщник был с ним.

Maybe it’s the ambiguously Supernatural mystery uncle.

Может это будет амбициозный, мистический супер-дядя?

And mystery monster jumps in,

И мистический монстр скачет,

I know what happens in mystery pictures.

знаю что происходит в мистических фильмах.

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You’re a sort of mystery man even to your friends.

Вы — своего рода человек-загадка даже для своих друзей.

He’s every bit an international man of mystery.

Он человек-загадка международного масштаба.

The mystery man.


Clark Kent, man of mystery.

Кларк Кент. Человек-загадка.

I’m her man of mystery.

Я — её человек-загадка.

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Synonym: closed book, enigma, mystery story, secret, whodunit. Similar words: mysterious, oyster, hysteria, hysterical, step by step, system, ecosystem, solar system. Meaning: [‘mɪstərɪ]  n. 1. something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained 2. a story about a crime (usually murder) presented as a novel or play or movie. 

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1. There needs a long apprenticeship to understand the mystery of the world’s trade. 

2. Nobody clued us to this mystery.

3. He often tells stories full of mystery.

4. The woods have an aura of mystery.

5. Nobody has ever solved the mystery.

6. The play is a murder mystery.

7. The source of the gunshots still remains a mystery.

8. Who had taken the book? It was a mystery.

9. The mystery has not yet been completely solved.

10. The creation of life remains a mystery.

11. Her latest book’s a murder mystery.

12. Their motives remain a mystery.

13. The story alluded to a mystery in her past.

14. Yesterday is history .Tomorrow is a mystery .But today is a gift.

15. Detectives are still trying to unravel the mystery surrounding his death.

16. It’s a mystery to me why they didn’t choose him.

17. It’s a complete mystery to me why they chose him.

18. They never cleared up the mystery of the missing money.

18. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

19. The whole incident was shrouded in mystery.

20. He happened on a clue to the mystery.

21. Her main reading seems to be mystery novels.

22. Air travel has lost much of its mystery.

23. Wearing dark glasses gives him an air of mystery.

24. There’s a bit of a mystery about this child.

25. The dark glasses give her an air of mystery.

26. What happened to them remains somewhat of a mystery.

27. How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of miles away is/remains a mystery.

28. Tell you that I reach the goal of the mystery, I only power is my persistence spirit.

29. Twenty years after the event, his death remains a mystery .

30. Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.Yesterday is history,Tomorrow is a Mystery and Today is a giftthat’s why we call it The Present.

More similar words: mysterious, oyster, hysteria, hysterical, step by step, system, ecosystem, solar system, unitary system, battery, adultery, cemetery, foster, poster, austere, western, cluster, monster, eastern, bolster, yesterday, disaster, register, youngster, sinister, minister, filibuster, stereotype, boisterous, interested. 

тайна, таинство, мистерия, таинственный


- тайна

unsolved mystery — неразрешённая /неразгаданная/ тайна
wrapped in mystery — окутанный тайной; покрытый мраком неизвестности
to make a mystery of smth. — делать из чего-л. тайну /секрет/
it is a mystery to me how he managed to do it — мне непонятно /для меня остаётся тайной/, как ему удалось это сделать

- таинственность

I see no mystery about it — я в этом не вижу ничего таинственного

- церк. таинство
- pl. тайные обряды (особ. у древних народов)
- театр. мистерия (тж. mystery play)
- разг. детективный роман или рассказ (тж. mystery book)
- уст. ремесло
- ист. гильдия

Мои примеры


clarify the mystery surrounding her death — прояснить загадку её смерти  
The mystery has been heightened by many embellishments in subsequent retellings. — При последующих пересказах эта история стала ещё более загадочной за счёт многократного приукрашивания.  
a faint clue to the origin of the mystery — слабый намёк на разгадку этой тайны / маленький ключик к разгадке этой тайны  
to expound the mystery — объяснить тайну  
to hold the key to a mystery — знать разгадку тайны  
murder mystery — тайна убийства  
shrouded / wrapped in mystery — окутанный тайной  
to clear up / fathom / solve / unravel a mystery — открыть, разгадать тайну  
mystery play — театр.; ист. мистерия  
bag of mystery — уст.; шутл. сосиска, колбаса  
deep mystery — непостижимая загадка  
mystery shopper — тайный покупатель  
mystery shopping — виртуальная покупка  

Примеры с переводом

It was a mystery to me.

Это было для меня тайной.

The mystery has been solved.

Тайна раскрыта.

The reason why she did it is a mystery.

По какой причине она это сделала, остаётся загадкой.

She reads a lot of mystery novels.

Она читает много детективных романов.

The book gives the reader plenty of clues to solve the mystery.

Книга даёт читателю множество подсказок, помогающих раскрыть эту тайну.

The affair is wrapped up in mystery.

Это дело окутано тайной.

How it got out is a mystery.

Как это выплыло наружу — остаётся загадкой.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Her dark glasses gave her an air of mystery.

The origins of this civilization are shrouded in mystery

…the cloak of mystery that surrounds the royal family…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): mystery
мн. ч.(plural): mysteries

Examples of how to use the word “mystery” in a sentence. How to connect “mystery” with other words to make correct English sentences.

mystery (n): something strange or not known that has not yet been explained or understood

Use “mystery” in a sentence

Life is full of mysteries.
His identity remains a mystery.
That mystery has never been solved.

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