Sentences with word moon

Sentences with the word Moon?



  • «from the plane we saw the city below agleam with lights»; «the gleaming brass on the altar»; «Nereids beneath the nitid moon«
  • «a house aglow with lights»; «glowing embers»; «lambent tongues of flame»; «the lucent moon«; «a sky luminous with stars»
  • «bare rocky hills»; «barren lands»; «the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes»; «the desolate surface of the moon«; «a stark landscape»
  • «something that happens once in blue moon almost never happens»
  • «the canescent moon«
  • «he plotted the orbit of the moon«
  • «the moon‘s disk hung in a cloudless sky»
  • «lay face down»; «the moon is down»; «our team is down by a run»; «down by a pawn»; «the stock market is down today»
  • «drenched in moonlight»; «moon-drenched meadows»
  • «The Sun eclipses the moon today»; «Planets and stars often are occulted by other celestial bodies»
  • «thunderbolts quivered with elfin flares of heat lightning»; «the fey quality was there, the ability to see the moon at midday»- John Mason Brown
  • «the moon is at the full»
  • «the moon is waxing»
  • «The moon glared back at itself from the lake’s surface»
  • «glistening bodies of swimmers»; «the horse’s glossy coat»; «lustrous auburn hair»; «saw the moon like a shiny dime on a deep blue velvet carpet»; «shining white enamel»
  • «horns at the ends of a new moon«; «the horn of an anvil»; «the cleat had two horns»
  • «inconstant affections»; «an inconstant lover»; «swear not by…the inconstant moon«- Shakespeare
  • «there is no life on the moon«
  • «the average distance to the moon is 384,400 kilometers»; «men first stepped on the moon in 1969″
  • «he made a moon lamp that he used as a night light»; «the clock had a moon that showed various phases»
  • «moonlight is the smuggler’s enemy»; «the moon was bright enough to read by»
  • «moon the audience»
  • «the theatrical notion of disguise is associated with disaster in his stories»; «he had a whimsy about flying to the moon«; «whimsy can be humorous to someone with time to enjoy it»
  • «The moon orbits around the Earth»; «The planets are orbiting the sun»; «electrons orbit the nucleus»
  • «the pale light of a half moon«; «a pale sun»; «the late afternoon light coming through the el tracks fell in pale oblongs on the street»; «a pallid sky»; «the pale (or wan) stars»; «the wan light of dawn»
  • «the new moon peeped through the tree tops»
  • «the full phase of the moon«
  • «in the Ptolemaic system of planetary motion the earth is fixed as the center of the universe with the sun and moon and planets revolving around it»
  • «the pull of the moon«; «the pull of the current»
  • «The moon rode high in the night sky»
  • «the moon is set»
  • «the moon cast soft shadows»; «soft pastel colors»; «subdued lighting»
  • «subsurface materials of the moon«
  • «surface materials of the moon«
  • «the moon is waning»
  • «after full moon comes the waning moon«
  • «the waning of his enthusiasm was obvious»; «the waxing and waning of the moon«
  • «the waxing moon passes from new to full»
  • «the waxing of the moon«

Synonym: Moon, Sun Myung Moon, daydream, lunar month, lunation, moon around, moon on, moonlight, moonshine, synodic month. Similar words: a blue moon, moonlight, mood, moot, moody, smooth, smooth out, smooth down. Meaning: [muːn]  n. 1. the natural satellite of the Earth 2. any object resembling a moon 3. the period between successive new moons (29.531 days) 4. the light of the moon 5. United States religious leader (born in Korea) who founded the Unification Church in 1954; was found guilty of conspiracy to evade taxes (born in 1920) 6. any natural satellite of a planet. v. 1. have dreamlike musings or fantasies while awake 2. be idle in a listless or dreamy way 3. expose one’s buttocks to. 

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1. The moon does not heed the barking of dogs. 

2. The moon is not seen where the sun shines. 

3. Love is like the moon; when it does not increase it decreases. 

4. The moon is a moon whether it shines or not. 

5. He will shoot higher who shoots at the moon [sun] than he who aims at a tree. 

6. What does the moon care if the dogs bark at her? 

7. The fog cleared away and the full moon appeared.

8. A full moon hovered in the sky.

9. June always rhymes with moon in old love songs.

10. The moon peeped out from behind the clouds.

11. The Americans landed on the moon in 1969.

12. The moon yields less light than the sun.

13. The moon waxes and wanes every month.

14. The moon has risen above the horizon.

15. l love you to the moon and back.

16. The moon was a brightly shining crescent.

17. The spaceship orbited the moon.

18. The moon rose slowly above the horizon.

19. The moon is a satellite of the earth.

20. Dark clouds floated across the moon.

21. People have travelled through space to the moon.

22. The moon eclipsed the sun and blotted it out.

23. A lone wolf howled under the full moon.

24. The moon blotted out the sun.

25. Can you fancy yourself on the moon?

26. An eclipse of the moon is a rare phenomenon.

27. The moon was obscured by clouds.

28. It’s quite dark outside[], there’s no moon.

29. The moon glimmered faintly through the mists.

30. A cloud swam slowly across the moon.

More similar words: a blue moon, moonlight, mood, moot, moody, smooth, smooth out, smooth down, smooth over, no one, soon, go on, boon, noon, spoon, baboon, and so on, soonest, maroon, balloon, cartoon, dragoon, lampoon, teaspoon, as soon as, afternoon, tablespoon, sooner or later, good afternoon, as soon as possible. 

moon — перевод на русский


When’s full moon again?

Когда полная луна?

Tomorrow is the full moon.

Завтра полная луна.

Just think, tonight… tonight… when the moon is sneaking around the clouds, I’ll be sneaking around you.

Только подумайте — вечер… когда луна ходит вокруг облачков, а я буду ходить вокруг вас.

When you get to Havana you can have the sun, the moon, the stars, the whole world.

В Гаване у вас будет солнце, луна, звезды, весь мир.

Only there was a tremendously large yellow moon up in the sky.

В небе светила огромная желтая луна.

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Do you think our «Mu Jwe Ja Ji Ok Ark Wi Chook Saeng Soo Ra Moon Jeon Dang Dang Too Seok Seo» is a joke?

что наш «Му Цзвэ Цза Цзи Ок Арк Ви Чук Саэн Су Ра Мун Цзэон Дан Дан Ту Сэок Сэо» — выдумка?

I take you to Moon Lake.

Доставлю вас на Мун Лэйк.

Say, what kind of a motor is the New Moon?

Слышали про машину Нью Мун?

-The New Moon’s fine.

Нью Мун неплох.

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The full moon isn’t upon us yet.

Полнолуние еще не скоро.

With the full moon, we kill fewer than usual.

В полнолуние мы убиваем меньше, чем обычно.

I know now that it was a fatality as inescapable as daybreak… and as mysterious as the rising of the moon.

Теперь я знаю, что это был рок, неумолимый, словно восход солнца, — и таинственный, словно полнолуние.

There was a full moon, and I sat by the window because I thought it would show off my new nightie to advantage.

Было полнолуние. Я села возле окна, чтобы лунный свет подчеркнул достоинства моей лучшей рубашки.

You were sitting by the window because it was a full moon and you’d worked yourself up to a certain enthusiasm.

Вы сидели у окна, потому что было полнолуние, и старались настроить себя на нужный лад.

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Moon rock?

Лунный камень?

Now let’s see our champs in a spotlight dance. — Blue moon

А теперь, давайте посмотрим на лунный танец наших чемпионов.

The sun and the moon, day and night

Солнечный, но и лунный, ночь и день!

That Moon Pie thing was pretty original.

Этот «Лунный Пирожок» был довольно оригинален.

Greetings, Moon Man.

Приветствую тебя, лунный человек.

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I am Crassus of the Red Planet and I will devour your entrails by the light of Utare and its 7 moons.

Я — Красс с красной планеты и я съем вас при свете Утары и семи спутников.

After many alarms and close calls they successfully arrived months apart at the Jupiter system where they worked brilliantly providing the first close-up views of mighty Jupiter and its four large and mysterious moons:

После множества тревожных и опасных ситуаций они успешно прибыли к системе Юпитера с разницей в месяц, где отработали безупречно, предоставив первые крупные снимки могучего Юпитера и его четырёх больших и загадочных спутников:

Voyager 1 got very good pictures of the other three big moons Galilean satellites of Jupiter, but not of Europa.

«Вояджер-1» получил отличные снимки трех других галилеевых спутников Юпитера, но не Европы.

There are many other gaps each produced by the periodic gravitational tugs of one of the larger outer moons.

Есть много и других промежутков, возникших в результате регулярного действия гравитации одного из больших внешних спутников.

From just beneath the ring plane we see a sky full of moons.

Находясь под плоскостью колец, мы видим небо, полное спутников.

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So she’s dead, we must presume, That is, if my friend, the Moon,

Знать ее в живых уж нет. Разве месяц, мой сосед,

Why the moon changes shape.

Почему месяц меняет форму?

— The seventh moon went by.

— Седьмой месяц прошел.

— Which seventh moon?

— Какой седьмой месяц?

Now the fleeting moon no planet is of mine.

И ничего нет женского во мне. И не моя теперь планета — месяц изменчивый.

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The moon has risen.

Луна взошла.

Safe for no one, the moon is it.

Опасно, или нет, луна взошла.

The moon is out.

Луна взошла.

Immortal… Be quick, the moon has come out

Бессмертная, быстрее, Луна взошла.

And as a harvest moon rose over CyberIand we reared back, we sprang into a gallop Ieaping out of orbit. I awoke, singing…

И, когда полная луна взошла над Киберлендом, мы разогнались и взмыли в небеса, мы вышли за орбиту, и я проснулась, повторяя:

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— Like a half moon.

— В форме полумесяца.

From then on the bells of all the churches.. ..always rang at noon to remember the victory.. ..Christendom saved from the threat of the Crescent Moon.

С тех пор колокола всех церквей звонят ровно в полдень, в память о славной победе, которая спасла христианский мир от угрозы Полумесяца.

This book contained a map, a map with no names, precise directions from the unknown city to the secret Canyon of the Crescent Moon.

В этой книге была карта. Карта без названий. Путь в Каньон Полумесяца из неизвестного города.

The Canyon of the Crescent Moon.

Каньон Полумесяца.

You will recognize this man by the symbol of the star and of the moon.

Ты узнаешь его по изображению звезды и полумесяца.

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He had small moons.

У него были маленькие лунки.

You know, small moons on the fingernails.

Ну, знаешь, маленькие лунки ногтей.

Now, you, for instance, you got big moons.

Вот у тебя, например, большие лунки.

He’s got small moons.

У него маленькие лунки.

If you’ve got small moons on your nails… you’re a gentleman and a scholar.

Если у вас маленькие лунки ногтей, то вы джентльмен или ученый.

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If you ask it for something before going to sleep or during the new moon, everything will come true.

Если перед сном или в новолуние попросишь его о чем-нибудь, все исполнится.

I think tonight is the new moon.

Я думаю, сегодня ночью — новолуние.

The new moon of decision.

Новолуние для принятия решения.

Space is distorted on the days of the New Moon.

В новолуние будут атмосферные помехи.

And on the following new moon…

А в ближайшее новолуние Урсула Стенхоп наконец-то стала женой своего избранника.

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Отправить комментарий

луна, месяц, лунный месяц, лунный свет, бродить как во сне


- луна

- спутник (планеты)

the planet Jupiter has nine moons — у планеты Юпитер девять спутников

- лунный месяц
- поэт. месяц
- поэт. лунный свет
- лунка (на ногте)

to cry /to ask/ for the moon — желать /требовать/ невозможного
to promise smb. the moon — давать несбыточные обещания, обещать невозможное
to shoot the moon — ночью съехать с квартиры, не заплатив (за неё)
believe that the moon is made of green cheese — верить небылицам
the man in the moon — а) лунный лик; б) вымышленное лицо; в) ≅ не от мира сего
once in a blue moon — очень редко; ≅ после дождичка в четверг; когда рак на горе свистнет


- разг. бродить, двигаться как во сне; болтаться (тж. moon about, moon along, moon around)

to moon up and down the street — бродить взад и вперёд по улице
stop mooning around the house! — перестаньте слоняться по дому!

- (over) страдать по кому-л.; мечтать о ком-л., чём-л.

she moons over this actor — она влюблена в этого актёра

- охотиться при свете луны

Мои примеры


the light of the moon — свет луны  
the soft glow of the moon — мягкое свечение Луны  
The fey quality was there, the ability to see the moon at midday. — Чудинка и впрямь была: умение видеть луну посреди белого дня.  
the full phase of the moon — полная фаза Луны  
to cry for the moon — желать невозможного  
full-faced moon — полная луна  
half moon — половина луны, полумесяц  
quarter moon — четверть луны  
on the moon — на луне  
harvest moon — полнолуние, ближайшее к дню осеннего равноденствия  
to aim / level at the moon — иметь слишком большие претензии, метить высоко  
to be over the moon — быть наверху блаженства, на седьмом небе  
jump over the moon — быть в возбуждённом состоянии  

Примеры с переводом

The moon comes out.

Луна выходит.

The moon wanes.

Луна убывает.

The moon waxes.

Луна растёт, прибывает.

Far ran the naked moon.

Высоко плыла беззащитная луна.

The moon is at the full.

Луна находится в полной фазе. / Луна полная.

The moon is fulling now.

Луна приближается к полнолунию.

She’s over the moon about her new job.

Она просто без ума от своей новой работы.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

One of the boys mooned the crowd.

Dark clouds floated across the moon.

One of the boys mooned at the crowd.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

moon away — проводить время в мечтаниях, вздыхать

Возможные однокоренные слова

moonship  — космический корабль на Луну
mooned  — в форме полумесяца или луны, с изображением полумесяца или луны, при луне
moonless  — безлунный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: moon
he/she/it: moons
ing ф. (present participle): mooning
2-я ф. (past tense): mooned
3-я ф. (past participle): mooned

ед. ч.(singular): moon
мн. ч.(plural): moons

The Moon is an astronomical body that orbits planet Earth and is Earth’s only permanent natural satellite. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Researchers sliced off some of the eight arms in young moon jellies to see how the animals heal.


A total solar eclipse will be visible across parts of the United States Aug. 21, treating amateur and professional astronomers alike to sights similar to this NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory ultraviolet image of the moon eclipsing the sun on Jan. 31, 2014.


Then Thanos, in the heat of battle with the Infinity Gauntlet on his hand, uses the power of the two stones he has (Purple and Blue, I think) to grab a moon.


As he tries to execute a fiendish plot to steal the moon, a supervillain meets his match in three little orphan girls who want to make him their dad.


Learn how he discovered the importance of the ocean in climate systems, and why it is easier to go to the moon than to investigate the ocean.


How about putting him on one of the moons instead?


Makes sense considering you’re in space on a moon, but what happens for players who pick Fragtrap, a robot who, obviously, doesn’t need oxygen.


The different properties of the Medicean moons — from Io’s volcanism and Europa’s ocean to Ganymede’s magnetism — can all be traced to their relative nearness to Jupiter and the strength of the tidal stresses they endure as they orbit the planet.


The inside of the moon is usually fun but it can be a lonely life for a Moondog… especially when no one wants to play games with you


Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano, who also declared his endorsement of Trump, drew loud cheers as he reminded the crowd the rally’s Grumman site «is where they put a man on the moon.


All your childhood favorites are here: twinkies, Hostess cupcakes, powdered donettes, caramel corn, fig newtons, goldfish, moon pies, sugar wafers, pop tarts, thin mints, cheez-its… The mindboggles!!


SpaceX is looking to fly two people around the moon and back late next year, Handle is Boston Dynamics» newest robot, Pocket is Mozilla’s first acquisition, Uber fires exec for undisclosed harassment


Trim, peel, and halve the onion; slice it into half moons.


Let’s say you are a school teacher and one day you decided that we never landed on the moon and no longer accepted the codes of conduct you signed on the day of your hiring and just say heck with that I’m going to do my own thing.


Fifth grade students will learn fractions and decimals while engaged in reading high-interest content on dinosaurs, the moon landing, models, roller coasters, bacteria, and more.


A full moon casts shadows over the city of Yharnam’s streets; light rises from the flickering flames of burning monsters hoisted onto crosses in the town centre.


A Southwest Research Institute-led team has discovered an elusive, dark moon orbiting Makemake, one of the «big four» dwarf planets populating the Kuiper Belt region at the edge of our solar system.


Your target audiences have access to more computing power than what the astronauts had when they went to the moon — in their pocket.


According to a report in The Mirror, a source from the Catalan club has revealed that everyone at Barcelona was over the moon when they heard that they would be facing Arsenal in the two-legged knockout phase in a couple of months.


This was probably the worst harvest moon game I own, and I’m only missing a few from my collection.


After Jupiter formed, it likely had no nearby material to build moons.


It is low in fuel, so NASA wants to avoid the spacecraft from crashing into and contaminating one of Saturn’s potentially life-giving moons — Titan or Enceladus.


(One of them featured an XQ «astronaut,» played by The Daily Show correspondent Jessica Williams, striding toward the camera, Right Stuff — style, then talking to viewers from the middle of a busy New York City sidewalk, reminding them of the 1960s moon race and asserting, «We need to talk about high school.»)


After swallowing the elixir of immortality, she decided to live on the moon so she could continue to be near to and watch over her husband, Hou Yi.


The deep sea blue back and dark moon front look great.


There is no need to make wild promises to distract your child: the sun or the moon, or even new toys/chocolate bars are all surplus to requirements.


She is the connection with the cycles of the moon and the feminine rhythm that reveals wisdom from within.


A NASA lunar mission scheduled to launch in September, the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL), may help settle the question of whether the moon once had a smaller companion.


Many credit card companies offer the moon to consumers such as free gifts or reward spending programs, but those perks seemed to be missing in the world of Cryptocurrency, that is, until now.


To borrow from The Waterboys, the Owners had promised us «the whole of the moon» but have, so far, we have only seen «the crescent».


There were guards still awake and probably others who would have been there during the twilight and full moon.


There’s certainly nothing conformist about the Preston, Idaho high school student with the curly red Afro, oversized glasses and moon boot footwear.


For NASA’s science office, perhaps the biggest surprise is an official embrace of a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa that would launch in the mid-2020s.


Playing it is like doing your taxes on the moon — both in that numbers bombard you constantly while you float and spin helplessly in zero gravity, and in the slightly pathetic feeling that you’ve come to some fantastic, far-off place to sit in the pod and think about your life back on earth while the rest of the astronauts take a spin on the lunar rover.


I am curious about moon phases and look forward to learning about them.


The lunar nodes are determined by the points where the moon‘s orbit crosses the «ecliptic» — the apparent path the sun makes around the earth.


So go ahead — prove it — or show a standard derivation in the literature for a box on the moon.


«It was $ 5 million dollars, one of the most expensive works in the show,» he said, the moon shining down on the canal.


Sarah had to pray with her mother every morning but she had her own eccentric versions of prayer including imaginary animals, the moon and stars, and music, horses, and dogs.


On our way home, we dropped by Clareville Beach to check out the moon.


Knowles says that «The work attempts to make visible the invisible, be it the movement of the wind traced out onto paper by a pen suspended from a buoyant helium balloon, the path drawn by the moons reflection on undulating water.»


Fly me to the moon indeed, though there’s a method to Lanthimos’s portrait of madness, as it serves as a surreal portrait of corrupting power, of the malleability of the young and the authoritarianism of their elders, of the incestuousness of familial bonds (here epitomized by the son’s eventual coupling with his sister), and finally, of the rotten underbelly of the middle-class unit.


F. de C. — By treaty the moon is set aside for international use — no state can claim it, or part of it.


Lunar Abundance ® shows you HOW to work with the rhythms of the moon to create an abundant life.


Purdue Connections: Gus Grissom we don’t get to the moon in the 60’s without him.


The average speed of the moon crossing the USA is about 1,651 mph (two times faster than a supersonic jet).


Each boulder looks unique and many of them have additional bonuses/advantages — such as the Angel Boulder being able to double jump, whereas the Globe Boulder has a moon spinning around it, so it can damage nearby obstacles without receiving any damage.


To paraphrase Cyrano de Bergerac, * shoot for the moon, but don’t be disappointed when you find that you’ve fallen among the stars.


Story: Back in the early»60s, an Autobot ark escaped from Cybertron and crashlanded on the dark side of the moon.


— over the moon about how they turned out.


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