Sentences with word monitor

Synonym: adviser, announcer, assistant, clerk, counselor, helper, informant, recorder, reporter. Similar words: editor, visitor, competitor, territory, onion, chronic, laconic, sit on. Meaning: [‘mɑnɪtər /’mɒ-]  n. 1. display produced by a device that takes signals and displays them on a television screen or a computer monitor 2. someone who supervises (an examination) 3. someone who gives a warning so that a mistake can be avoided 4. an ironclad vessel built by Federal forces to do battle with the Merrimac 5. electronic equipment that is used to check the quality or content of electronic transmissions 6. a piece of electronic equipment that keeps track of the operation of a system continuously and warns of trouble 7. any of various large tropical carnivorous lizards of Africa and Asia and Australia; fabled to warn of crocodiles. v. keep tabs on; keep an eye on; keep under surveillance. 

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1 Jimmy has been made dinner money monitor.

2 The new monitor apparatus is automatically controlled.

3 Instruments constantly monitor temperature and humidity.

4 You must monitor the old man’s illness.

5 Jimmy has been made monitor.

6 Doctors watched the old man’s heartbeat on a monitor.

7 Your doctor will monitor your blood pressure.

8 Officials had not been allowed to monitor the voting.

9 Watch the monitor and tell me if the level goes above forty decibels.

10 The police use electronic tags to monitor the whereabouts of young offenders on probation.

11 The classmates wanted to make her the monitor,( she demurred.

12 The monitor was assigned to take notes for the meeting.

13 Independent observers will monitor the elections.

14 We monitor the enemy’s radio broadcasts for the information.

15 The heart monitor shows the strength of your pulse.

16 As a matter of course, he was elected monitor.

17 Many students were absent, notably the monitor.

18 Finish off by cleaning the monitor and the keyboard.

19 He will make a good monitor for them.

20 Fund managers are poorly placed to monitor firms.

21 You need feedback to monitor progress.

22 Our monitor kept singing flat.

23 The authorities will continue to monitor the situation.

24 They chose their monitor by a show of hands.

25 We selected him as our monitor.

26 We elected him ( to be ) monitor.

27 You must monitor the latest intelligence on armaments.

28 Did you mention this to the monitor?

29 A 1200-strong military force will be on hand to monitor the ceasefire.

30 Patients who are given the new drug will be asked to monitor their progress.

More similar words: editor, visitor, competitor, territory, onion, chronic, laconic, sit on, colonial, wait on, a bit of, ironically, a bit of a, antagonist, electronic, chitosan, unit, money, electronics, unity, lemon, unite, month, among, ubiquitous, salmon, in common, monkey, hormone, meritocracy. 

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


We could also monitor each patrol that was made.

Мы можем также контролировать любые работы, которые были бы выполнены.

They measure, identify and monitor gripped components and the ongoing production process in real-time.

«Умные» захваты SCHUNK измеряют, идентифицируют и контролируют захватываемые детали и текущий производственный процесс в режиме реального времени.

But we will monitor it closely.

Но, конечно же, мы будем пристально следить за ним».

Your healthcare team will closely monitor your response to the medication.

На протяжении всего лечения ваша медицинская команда будет следить за вашей реакцией на лекарства.

We may monitor these currencies for some time and then see how it progresses.

«Мы можем отслеживать эти валюты в течение некоторого времени, а затем видеть, как они прогрессируют.

Trimble guidance displays help you accurately monitor and map field information in real-time.

Дисплеи навигации Trimble помогут вам точно отслеживать и отображать информацию о полях в режиме реального времени.

Everyone should monitor their health and be examined during the year.

Каждый гражданин в течение года должен следить за своим здоровьем и проходить обследование.

You and your doctor should monitor certain health issues.

Вы и ваш врач должны следить за определенными проблемами со здоровьем.

Nevertheless, international networks should monitor the situation closely and join efforts to act.

Тем не менее, международные сети должны внимательно следить за ситуацией и объединять усилия в своих действиях.

Many said they would stay off the streets and monitor reactions.

Многие говорили, что они останутся на улицах и будут следить за реакциями.

Most importantly, individuals should monitor their weight and be active physically.

Что еще более важно, люди должны следить за своим весом и быть физически активными».

Regional Councils will then monitor compliance.

Региональные власти будут следить за соблюдением требований ч.

However, Facebook will also need to carefully monitor reaction from its users.

Тем не менее, от Facebook также потребуется тщательно следить за реакцией со стороны своих пользователей.

While Navteq True can monitor images within 360 degrees.

Тогда как Navteq True может отслеживать образы в пределах 360 градусов.

But, nevertheless, a group of experts should be established, which will monitor the work of hospital and monitor the results.

Но, тем не менее, должна быть создана группа экспертов, которая будет контролировать работу госпиталя и отслеживать результаты.

Three workers check and monitor each production line and there are other employees who monitor a computer control system.

Трое рабочих проверяют и контролируют каждую производственную линию, другие сотрудники следят за работой компьютерной системы управления.

Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the status of babies, and monitor the emergence of new signs.

Поэтому нужно очень внимательно следить за состоянием малышей, и контролировать появление новых признаков.

A future mother should be monitored by a gynecologist, monitor the condition of the fetus and monitor her own feelings.

Будущая мама должна наблюдаться у гинеколога, контролировать состояние плода и отслеживать собственные ощущения.

Through a securely secured connection, you can monitor transactions, make purchases at any time of the day, monitor the account status.

Через надежно защищенную связь можно контролировать сделки, совершать покупки в любое время суток, следить за состоянием счета.

Patients should constantly monitor the glucose content in the body, take sugar-reducing medications, and monitor their carbohydrate metabolism.

Пациенты должны постоянно контролировать содержание глюкозы в организме, принимать сахаропонижающие медикаментозные препараты, и следить за своим углеводным обменом.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат monitor

Результатов: 42823. Точных совпадений: 42823. Затраченное время: 417 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

монитор, дисплей, наставник, варан, контролировать, проверять, наставлять


- старший ученик, наблюдающий за порядком в младшем классе; староста (класса)
- ученик, помогающий учителю (в чём-л.)

Jimmy has been made dinner money monitor — Джимми собирает с учеников деньги на обеды

- уст. советник, наставник
- радиоперехватчик
- установка для радиоперехвата

- радио, тлв. контролёр передачи
- тлв. видеоконтрольное устройство
- кино микшер, звукооператор
- спец. монитор; управляющее или стабилизующее устройство; контрольный аппарат; следящее устройство
- тех. датчик
- мор. монитор
- тех. гидромонитор, водобой, брызгало
- тех. револьверная головка
- стр. световой фонарь (тж. monitor roof)
- физ. дозиметр, дозиметрический прибор
- зоол. варан (Varanus gen.)

ещё 11 вариантов


- наставлять, советовать
- контролировать, следить (постоянно или время от времени), мониторировать
- вести радиоперехват
- наводить самолёт с помощью радиолокационной станции
- ав. передавать полётные данные
- физ. вести дозиметрический контроль

Мои примеры


the police monitor the suspect’s moves — полиция контролирует / отслеживает передвижения подозреваемого  
the green glow of the computer monitor — зелёное свечение монитора компьютера  
to monitor / proctor / supervise an examination — наблюдать за проведением экзамена  
monitor the bug — управлять устройством подслушивания; контролировать работу устройств подслушивания  
monitor copy — контрольная копия  
monitor counter — контрольный счетчик  
monitor display — контрольный дисплей, монитор  
monitor entry — контрольный вход  
conversation monitor — подслушивание разговоров  
vibration monitor test button — кнопка контроля вибрационного монитора  
monitor closely — внимательно контролировать; контролировать тщательно  
combine monitor — система устройств дистанционного контроля аппаратов комбайна  

Примеры с переводом

We are monitoring the air quality.

Мы контролируем качество воздуха.

The temperature is carefully monitored.

Температура тщательно отслеживается.

Nurses constantly monitored the patient’s heart rate.

Медсёстры постоянно контролировали пульс пациента.

She was staring at her computer monitor.

Она пристально смотрела на монитор своего компьютера.

The monitor has excellent resolution.

У этого монитора великолепное разрешение.

The government is monitoring the situation closely.

Правительство внимательно следит за развитием ситуации.

We could watch what was happening on the TV monitor.

Мы могли наблюдать за происходящим на экране телевизора.

ещё 14 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Set the monitor to 256 colour mode.

U.N. weapons monitors and inspectors.

The noise monitor recorded 98 decibels.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

monitory  — предостерегающий, увещевательное послание
monitoring  — контроль, подслушивание, радиоперехват

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: monitor
he/she/it: monitors
ing ф. (present participle): monitoring
2-я ф. (past tense): monitored
3-я ф. (past participle): monitored

ед. ч.(singular): monitor
мн. ч.(plural): monitors

The Monitor is the name of several publications worldwide
The Monitor (Kirksville, MO), an alternative newspaper at Truman State University
The Monitor (Montenegro), a news magazine published in Podgorica
The Monitor (Sydney), a former biweekly newspaper in Sydney, New South Wales
The Monitor (Texas), a newspaper covering the Rio Grande Valley
The Monitor (Uganda), a national newspaper with its sister «Sunday Monitor»
The Monitor (CUGS), newsletter of the Commodore Users Group of Saskatchewan
The Monitor (Virginia), the journal/magazine of the Association of Clinical Research Professionals
The Monitor (Washington, D.C.), The Federal Drug Discount and Compliance Monitor
The Monitor (Montreal), a former community weekly paper in Montreal, now online only
The Monitor is also sometimes used as shorthand for the Christian Science Monitor
It may also refer to:
USS Monitor, the United States Navy’s first ironclad warship
The Monitor (comics), a DC Comics character from Crisis on Infinite Earths
The Monitor (album), an album by the band Titus Andronicus
The Monitor (film), is the current title for the 2011 film originally named Babycall (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Rather, Adups intentionally designed the software to help a Chinese phone manufacturer monitor user behavior, according to a document that Adups provided to explain the problem to BLU executives.


I felt the expectation and excitement coming from the stadium even through my TV monitor.


The payload: FalconSat-2, a 43-pound space-plasma monitor built by Air Force Academy cadets.


Roughly 109 million of these EPEAT-certified computers and monitors were sold globally last year (just over 22 percent of total worldwide sales), according to the program’s report.


All other species of monitor lizard are protected by the convention.


Environmental specialists are in charge of keeping things clean, and monitor and minimise the impacts of operations on wildlife (see Case study: Explosions at sea).


Inside the box is a fitness bands, a smart scale and a heart-rate monitor.


Police Commissioner Ray Kelly tonight blasted the Obama administration for recommending a monitor to oversee the NYPD’s stop and frisk program.


Pros: No wires involved, good sound-quality, HearThrough technology lets ambient sound in when needed, in-ear heart-rate monitor, fitness tracking, personalized workouts


The country’s ageing population is creating lots of demand in healthcare, including for those who dispense medication and monitor patient health


The baby monitor also has a socket for earbuds or an audio cable connection to a computer.


In 2014, Time warned parents not to rely on baby monitors to reduce the risk of SIDS, but technology is always changing and it is important for parents to know what products are on the market today that could potentially help them protect their babies.


Because many of our readers asked us whether purchasing a baby monitor is a good decision, we decided to try and answer this question by taking a close look at all the aspects that need to be taken into account before buying one.


Therefore, once the monitor detects this Cue Peak, it will then predict out your fertile window, turning your calendar varying shades of blue (from light to dark blue) over a range of days, and predicting a peak fertility day (darkest blue).


In addition to reviewing print and online media, Media Matters monitors at least 150 hours of television and radio each week.


They were asked to perform a one hour high-intensity workout three times a week wearing a heart rate monitor.


This is a basic heart rate monitor by one of the oldest (if not oldest) HRM companies.


Then I watch the monitor to see when baby is in that REM (rapid eye movement) part of sleep.


I’ll be looking into getting a heart rate monitor anyway, as I feel sometimes I may have the tendency to be a little lenient when I’m close to the end of a workout.


But Cal Lepore, the replay official, saw on his monitor what the rest of the world saw on TV: The edge of Monk’s right foot was on the thick white end line — out of the end zone (above).


If the batteries do not make efficient contact, it is possible that the monitor unit will not charge properly.


They risk a hit to their cancellation rating, which Uber monitors, if they decline rides.


Check Out the Return Policy Before buying or registering for a baby monitor (or any wireless product), be sure you can return or exchange it in case you can’t get rid of interference or other problems.


I don’t think that any parent, of young or older children should go without the best baby monitor that makes their job easier than ever before.


Bray says the falling cost of genome sequencing, plus portable monitors (such as Fitbit) to track in real time people’s behavior and environment, mean that scientists already have the ability to collect the kinds of data they need to do the fundamental research behind precision weight loss.


It provides for disclosure of outside income by lawmakers, creates a true independent monitor to investigate corruption, and spells out tough, new rules that lobbyists must follow,» said Cuomo, who campaigned on a platform last fall that called for sweeping ethics reform.


The results are visible on a TV-type monitor so that everyone present can see where people stand.


A Russian website has been discovered streaming live footage from thousands of private webcams, CCTV systems and even baby monitors from around the globe.


You don’t have to be a helicopter parent to like the idea of remote surveillance of the nursery; that’s why old-fangled audio and video monitors remain popular.


If you are out on the hunt for the best audio baby monitor, it can be a really overwhelming experience, considering the different brands and features available.


this resulted in many trips across the house because i was picking up a neighbor’s phone or monitor or had a, «bad feeling».


One night, we watched on the video baby monitor as she pushed pacifiers through the holes in her crib onto the floor and even stood up to chuck one pacifier against the wall in her bedroom.


This audio monitor is perfect for parents who need a simple way to ensure their baby is safe and sound.


Cloud baby monitors are one of the latest advancements.


The executive order calls for the City Council and the President of the NYCHA Citywide Council of Presidents (CCOP) to unanimously select an independent monitor within 60 days.


Invest in an activity monitor to give daily steps and an estimate of daily calorie burn.


An infant is not developmentally capable of understanding that the parent (s) is/are downstairs listening to the monitor.


Jammeh seized power in a coup in 1994 when he was an army lieutenant and has ruled ever since, wining four elections, that were criticised by rights monitors, and surviving several coup attempts.


I even have a video monitor so I watch and he doesn’t get up.


Angelcare has been the leader in movement baby monitors for 15 years, providing optimal peace of mind for millions of parents around the world.


This baby monitor will allow you to pan, tilt, and zoom remotely from wherever you are in your house, without having to disturb your peacefully sleeping little ones.


Without their fetal monitors and medical supplies.


A heart-rate monitor is simply the most effective way to gauge your intensity level.


From then on I could put her through our going-to-bed routine as soon as she gets cranky in the evening, stay for a few minutes and then leave with the baby monitor.


In addition to talk-back features, this monitor allows you to play a lullaby or emit a soft glow via the night light option in order to help your baby fall asleep comfortably.


Also, «my daughter had a bad cut on her scalp from the in-utero heart monitor that was attached to her head.


«I was admitted too early, then they left me on the fetal monitor for hours.


Offering excellent resolution and great contrast, the LG UltraWide 34UM57 is one of the top cheap monitors for gaming.


Once a week on her TBS show Full Frontal, she stands before a wall of video monitors, feet planted shoulder-width apart, neck muscles tensed, leaning forward like a panther getting ready to pounce.


If you want a video monitor but can’t spring for the Motorola, this is the way to go.


Monitor your time

There is so much information out there but just monitor where you are

I’m the guy from the monitor,” Ackers pointed unnecessarily at the view screen where they had been looking at him as the elevator traveled down, and which was still showing a large image of his face as he spoke

He could even see the connecting pieces where the electrical circuit was able to monitor the status of the door

“Boo,” she said, as she skipped on ahead to monitor the area

Scar peered intently at the gibberish on the monitor, trying to make sense of the words and numbers appearing and disappearing in rapid procession

“But I would have had a much easier job of it if you hadn’t opted to change the mission parameters by staying upstairs to monitor the team that I was already monitoring

The team not only makes a study of the market but also is in a position to closely monitor the chosen companies to assess their present and future prospects

signal on the monitor went up and down, reacting on the traumas in

cording to the readings on monitor he was suffering unbearable pain

She could monitor those and all the recordings of the data that had been sent for a century and a half



television monitor that shows the courtroom, John situated in the middle of the picture

Teekra watches the monitor, which frames Ricci, who is on the witness stand now

Teekra watches Ricci on the monitor as he testifies against her

She had opened a special secret channel into it and could now monitor and control its activity directly

He was sitting on the ground in back of the Boston Monitor building, holding a gun to his head

If supervisor McManus hadn’t been asleep in the locker room for the whole of that night, resting his bum leg, he would have seen the upright corpse seated at the Boston Monitor rear entrance

He nodded his head and slunk away, his bad leg disappearing through the Monitor back entrance

Turning south, he headed towards the Boston Monitor

Will he be able to save them from the impending disaster that looms in the corridors of the Boston Monitor newspaper?

Will this be enough to protect him from the hatred of those he has disappointed? Will he be able to prevent the terrible disaster that looms in the corridors of the Boston Monitor? Will he run and hide or will he match brave words with brave actions? Sometimes knowing what’s coming next just isn’t enough

Measurable: By measuring a goal one can stay on course and monitor progress

“They disappeared into the population my dear,” Thom said, there was still an interstellar channel open with the Brazilian expedition at 61 Cygni and Gordon’s Lamp was able to monitor all the traffic on it

In the living room he installed a fifty-six inch television monitor and was able to interact with online services in super-sized mode, which he found particularly useful when inspecting the assets and attributes of various potential brides from far flung lands such as the Czech Republic, the Ukraine and the Philippines

Kelvin knew she preferred to model her screens as an old fashioned monitor, but she preferred to keep her screens in the air to making the old plastic case appear when she was out of her office

The heart rate monitor beeped fast

He turned his gaze down and played with the heart rate monitor wire attached on his

The nurse agreed and took off the drips and monitor cords attached to

Both men watched the monitor intently

In the living room he installed a fifty-six inch television monitor

A monitor pings regularly

The trace on the monitor is showing all of the tell tale signs of ventricular tachycardia

The secret tells of a short lived moment of peace, a brief interlude, a space between the blip and slide of the monitor soundtrack that pervades every spare inch of the intensive care unit

‘To monitor our investigations, of course

Two years ago the government started to monitor the aptitude tests that schools

The reason they monitor these tests is to discover children with exceptional

The monitor sprang to life, and it showed on it a man with blonde curly hair and glasses

“You are correct, ma’am!” The face on the monitor said

“You chauvinist pig!” Amelia said, raising her fist to the monitor

edged towards the door and beckoned the others to come with her as the monitor and

‘The market council are supposed to monitor such

‘We’ll contact you as soon as we have some information Mrs … er… Richards … but you can monitor this website

certain patterns, and that if they record and monitor those

He entered a dark room and came upon an enormous monitor ten times his size

The monitor came to life, and Jack was momentarily

The Monitor then showed off the following message in big, bold type:

Jack slowly began to back away from the monitor, trying to wrap his head around what he had just seen

Ava watched him put Glayet on as Alan’s monitor

‘It’s too hard to accurately monitor what they sell

A plastic vitals monitor was placed on one

screams came over the monitor, some of them in English and some in Arabic

Johnson looked at the GPS monitor in his hand

Rapheal stared down the monitor as he roared, “THE UNIVERSE IS DEAD!”

The owners monitor each other, they can’t conceive of being allowed to think their own thoughts

«I’ll keep my probe in the classroom, this session has all new teachers and subjects in the room I can monitor

We will continue to have our scopes monitor them of course, and we will publicize any anomalies in the path of any asteroids they pass by to the best of our ability

Resolution of the monitor, how they compared

You can monitor your campaigns,

DeeDee quickly taps out a search, turns her computer monitor to Nikki as Patrice walks in

She motions toward the monitor as she sits back

She indicates the monitor as she shakes her head

Isin, at the science station continued to monitor the long range scanners for even a blip of indication that they might need to drop from wrinkle and investigate further clues of their prey’s presence in the region

The Elf strode over to her station and followed Isin’s gaze at the monitor in front of her

The Directorate sent an entire graduating class from the Selective Service on a final training mission—sort of a graduation exercise—to monitor freight; that was it

Over time, children learn to monitor and control their feelings of frustration, anger and fear – it’s a lifelong process that begins with an intimate, caring connection to our parents

My own task during this operation is to continuously monitor the Elf personally, as well as Senta who shall be with her on the dominate ship in this particular pack of thieves

And its not just alligators — crocodiles, monitor lizards and even snakes all experience an upturn in their fortunes

She looked up from her chair arm monitor to see that Senta’s mouth was frozen forming her next word

The monitor appeared from behind a

He had the Moon site on the large monitor

monitor was on and Osama was smiling

The Leader turned to the computer monitor

She looked at her monitor

He noticed a button to the side of the monitor which read “visual”

Martin looked away from the monitor at the old lady, who stood with her hands on her desk with, a look of fear in her eyes as he said, “I thought you told me that all you could get was an outline? That was GPS video concept

He activated the monitor to Earth base to reveal a small, brightly lit conference room

The woman looked down to her monitor, shook her head, got up from her chair, and walked back into the inner offices

Zorandi turned away from the monitor

The bank of consoles before him could project a monitor for every room inside the complex, except for two, one of which was the sleeping quarters of Torbin Lyndau

We will monitor you and advise you on the necessary refinements

“Look at the monitor, McDonald, then over at three o’clock

That’s the Yough Lake according to the monitor

The Captain seemed to warm up a bit and said she would take them to Sector Intelligence whose mission it was to monitor all movement of people within a hundred miles

Most countries have allowed the UN to monitor and enforce water disputes

In the clinical white-greyness of the observation room Torbin once again poured over the monitor logs, despite the b’tari technician’s insistence that if any anomaly had occurred it would have been detected

In normal flight the hugely powerful main processor would be shut down and pairs of cores would work three month shifts to handle the vessel’s hugely precise navigation and monitor the various systems

“I monitor and analyse Species 7

each with a keyboard and flat monitor

Her door was the only one with a comm system and a security monitor

The oxygen mask hissed, a heart monitor

Torbin activated his prototype, linked to a monitor array

unit, the sound of the heart monitor beeping and making

The room was still dark, the heart monitor still made

«We are being monitored,» Vic said

If they were being monitored he shouldn’t talk about the possibility of a sister, or many other trusts Ava had given him over the years

I tried staring into my surroundings without focusing on anything in particular and that helped a distant crumbling ruin to emerge from its orange terraced soil but the stillness made me feel I was being monitored or that something nasty was about to happen

Alcock was simply watching impassively the scene before them, puffing his pipe and keeping an eye on the conductor as he monitored the ingress and egress of passengers and luggage on and off his train

Every room, every conversation, almost every thought may be monitored by an owner

» Politically the record was the fellow officer, but Ava was a friend and told him that all conversations were monitored

Kurt also knew that the major farms and generating systems were monitored by Security, but so far he had not heard or seen any patrols in the air and on the water

I monitored Weather Central

When we saw your Security Skimmer, we were surprised because your presence had not been monitored

‘Not that I can can say for certain we’re not being monitored, there may be remote observation drones hovering outside

Of course, his b’tari supervisor had this lab closely monitored

Normally – even at this hour – his every move would be monitored

But what could he get away with if he was being monitored?

After all, this part of her office was closely monitored

But here – a Elusiver roaming about, a traitor in a world that’s been monitored and targeted

The chip monitored every activity; it absorbed every bit of information he took in

For almost two centuries people’s communications had been monitored for key words and phrases, for the sake of national security

There was no alternative to avoid detection, a dimensional phase-shift left a detectable quantum echo – and it was not beyond reason that other dimensional realms were being monitored

He approached the device in the knowledge that his actions were being monitored

be monitored carefully, especially around your events and competitions

This means that everything that happens on your computer is monitored and analyzed by your anti-virus

If not constantly monitored it means nothing except to be a nice coloured line on a general’s map and of as much use in practise too

Stealing spoor from the Army became something of an art form and they always monitored the Army radio frequencies for just that

Log barges were selected for several reasons: they carried no crew who might otherwise stumble across the drug and, bound for Costa Rica, not the US or Europe, they would not arouse undue suspicion in the tightly monitored canal

The Carter Center has monitored 95 elections in 37 nations

In order to get there, Colling would need a vehicle, and the ambulance mileage was closely monitored

Brett monitored the systems as he carefully navigated the course at the ludicrously slow speed of one-hundred-fifty miles per hour

Chris Harden had all of this on his mind as he monitored the team’s performance

Trevor’s finger’s punched the computer keys and his keen eyes monitored and interpreted a confusion of readings

She wanted me to be monitored by a colleague who was making a study of the progress of this disease on individuals

In addition, the Druids monitored the religion of ordinary Gauls and were in charge of educating the aristocracy

“I want all her calls monitored and surveillance on her house for the next month

available for use, entry to the Plate was now strictly monitored by

He was warning me that our conversation was being monitored

“This route is probably one of the few not still monitored by

operated and monitored by Shinra, Inc

After spending the night in the Emergency Room, Cory was taken to a Med/Surg floor to be monitored

of roads, then there is 10,000 cameras, monitored by the each district Police

Risks and their actions are evaluated on frequent basis (weekly/bi weekly) and the effectiveness of actions and trend of the risks are monitored

Customer Satisfaction should be monitored and top management to be committed for this

Service management system shall be monitored by internal audit program and by management review

The acceptance criteria and procedures shall be monitored for the changed services

Results shall be monitored and as required causal analysis is performed to improve the delivery

Availability levels to be monitored and reviewed and actions to be planned

Baseline should be done for the CI’s and the electronic and physical storage of CI’s and back up to be monitored

Installing software on your computer so that your work can be monitored is not

person using the keyboard is unaware that their actions are being monitored

He claims Uronians are watchers who have monitored this planet throughout history

“By what means, what technologies have Uronians monitored our planet?

I should have monitored her more closely, as I should have suspected that she may still be suicidal

She will be monitored every month to

In addition, many of the old land leases, which had not been properly negotiated or monitored, were expiring or coming up for renewal

bear farms legal within Korea, but they are rarely inspected or monitored for adherence

Ten minutes passed while the doctor cleaned up the baby, and listened to her breathing and monitored her heart rate

Borja issued a memo this afternoon to have all my calls screened and monitored for the mean time

Shit hot,» Parker was shouting over the UHF to them as he monitored Travers’s running conversation with the Troop’s tank commander on FM

Nuke always monitored our movements, channeling at frequent intervals during our journeys

Nuke constantly monitored Marjie’s condition, as it was his prime directive to protect her

She didn’t realize that the computer monitor she was using had a special sensor connected to the camera, which monitored her brain activity and breathing

The Revenue Marine rescued imperiled mariners, enforced maritime law, and monitored aids to navigation and lighthouses

Recreational Boating Safety is monitored by active-duty regular and reserve personnel, and the trained civilian personnel of the Coast Guard Auxiliary who also assist in search and rescue and security patrols

Marine oil pollution was monitored by the USRS as early as 1885, and by the Coast Guard with the Oil Pollution Act of 1924

Admiral Stillman described the mission and asset coordination plans with the Navy which is monitored by the Nav-Guard (Navy-Coast Guard) Board

Vessels are monitored and tracked and U

01 Great Lakes ports are more thoroughly monitored

Exceptions were made for revenue cutters, but the number and size of naval war vessels was limited, monitored and periodically re-negotiated, with exceptions made during the Civil War, World War I, and World War II

1980 The Coast Guard monitored the high seas flight of 200,000 Cuban refugees

they need to weigh their options with their doctor and be monitored closely for serotonin syndrome

First, despite Kinnard’s intimate familiarity with it—his conception and design, and he’d monitored it’s manufacture—organizing a construction crew wasn’t foremost among his abilities

If a quantum system is monitored continuously, we could say vigilantly, it will do practically anything

Many of them formed casual relationships which were allowed, but carefully monitored

Each incubator was closely monitored by a complex series of wires and tubes leading to several large computer consoles

It was piped through a specially constructed system of tubing to the incubator and was constantly being circulated to a large filtration and cleansing machine not unlike a kidney dialysis machine where the levels of every component were monitored

All of this activity was monitored by a bank of computers and analysers, in the main control room, which was located above the incubator room

Mark was put on the drug for a period of two weeks and monitored constantly for adverse effects

Please leave the intercom open so that our conversation can be monitored

Imagine a strategy session broadcast live over the Internet where customers could engage (perhaps in chat, initially, monitored and verbally reported by someone present in the meeting)

monitored to reduce corruption and crime

Bill: I monitored Michael‘s Yahoo account infrequently and I did not forward every email message that he received—a lot of it was spam and pleas from desperate females seeking to strike up a postal relationship with Michael

front of security cameras monitored by guards was the ultimate

pastime she had that wasn’t monitored by Tobias

These causal relationships are monitored and

“What the hell are you lookin’ at?!” you ask them and laugh, not caring if your one-sided conversation is being monitored by the old wench in the control station/security booth

In Forex, the standard indicators monitored by traders are the unemployment rate, manufacturing payrolls, nonfarm payrolls,

systems? Until they became a threat, we never even bothered with them or monitored their

Not in the harem, where every word is monitored, every action scrutinized; where the principle emotions are fear and shame and hate and helplessness

Brian Bell shuffled uncomfortably in his seat as Gary continued, “The various flows of materials into the reaction vessel are monitored from a control room located in the centre of the plant

One of the controls monitored the amount of the ammonia coolant being pulled into the system didn’t balance with the amount being pumped back into bulk storage

A faster elevator was added to the back of the lab and the entrance to Ta prohm temple and both entrances could be monitored, and operated, from the monitors scattered about within the citadel

The scientists had monitored this process all the way through and glared at a transparent body with all the organs in perfect condition, blood started to flow through the body, being pumped by a healthy heart with the lungs being ventilated through a small ventilator

Getting to this level usually requires specific and carefully monitored variations in sodium and fluid intakes

They last surfaced in Argentina where both the CIA and the British MI6 monitored their dealings and waited for a slip or mistake to be made

Why would they not be monitored

«Because they are not one of them and not one of us meaning they are not being monitored by the cookie cutters

To add, the entire community was monitored twenty-four hours a day and most days he didn’t even bother to lock his front door

Such agents, properly accredited are known as «legals» but their movements are constantly monitored

“But I would have had a much easier job of it if you hadn’t opted to change the mission parameters by staying upstairs to monitor the team that I was already monitoring

“It is most likely giving me a thirty second delay to enter the proper code to let the computer and the alarm monitoring station know that I have returned home to the house that I live in

Monitoring is when you regularly inspect the lawn for signs of harmful and beneficial lawn pests

«Interpol is already monitoring him

«That God damned mother fucking God damn bishop!» he bellowed, not caring that there could be monitoring for all he knew

The welder-bot hardware recorder log had to be re-written with all that edited out, then the current monitoring tracks those actions made had to be fixed up

The current monitoring logs of all the logic all his programs ran in had to be edited, then he had to edit out the current traces that process took manually, before he could close

We need the burner lit to move the ship and enable better monitoring of the Al-Harron

Let them get a billion miles away, then the monitoring would not be so close

The only duties Biology had left were the studies of the real data that Alan had shunted aside, and monitoring the enforcement of Alan’s sentence

monitoring the white blood cells in our veins and the

Deep space probes were continuous with two technicians always on duty monitoring activity

“Captain to the monitoring room!” came the over the intercom almost immediately

Captain Andrid made his way to the monitoring room

Two hours later Captain Andrid returned to the monitoring room for an update

“He was the supervisor of the guy who should have been monitoring me,” Ava said

Some kind of monitoring station or something, I don‘t know

Richard had been carefully monitoring the road behind

Hardly anyone lives here – just research staff monitoring the local birds and turtles

We’ve been monitoring him for some time, truth be told

Galley in fifteen!” Yula and Mim scampered from the bridge while she set the com to reroute activity to the remote and had the other stations set to stations-keeping, also ready for remote monitoring

Dena, Elenir and Ravena set themselves for the long chore of constant monitoring

‘Shouldn’t we check no-one’s monitoring us first?’ chimed the Orb

I froze for a few seconds, monitoring Doug’s behavior

It would also be in the news and monitoring networks

‘I’ll check the police monitoring grid

’ As the institute’s security officer Jannson had direct access to all surveillance monitoring systems

His primary job was to do instant surveys on the populace by monitoring various broadcasts to get public reaction to the news

That’s why they gave him this house, with it’s bright May morning English countryside vista shining onto white-washed walls; a security monitoring system to warn of any approaching threat

Did anyone really know exactly what they intended? Was the human species to be wiped out completely, or just taken back to a primitive state in order to be managed? Elusivers were the self-appointed gods, monitoring all sentient life

Somehow he knew the B’tari would not be aware of their presence, in spite of having installed a monitoring device for every conceivable disturbance in the space- time continuum

The only option now was to undergo a total monitoring of his brain activity, whereby his dreams could be inferred

Bring whatever monitoring equipment you need

Jannson said a few words about his monitoring equipment, but she certainly sensed a tension between them

One of the stipulations she’d insisted on for her office was for no monitoring equipment

So Roidon had become crucial in overriding their monitoring systems and providing them with false feeds

By monitoring the state of the particle it was possible to receive messages over any distance with no time delay at all

As she entered the parking bay, Raiya imagined this would be the time for something bad to happen, when only AI systems were monitoring

In theory he could go anywhere, but in reality he knew the B’tari were monitoring his every move

The man was lying in a translucent casket amongst the usual mysterious array of monitoring equipment, with its reconfiguring symbols

When he turned he could see other people, some monitoring equipment,

He thrashed his grey servo mechanical arm, knocking over some bleeping monitoring equipment

‘I have been monitoring transmissions from planet 5538

The control room possessed what he thought must be the finest monitoring equipment the B’tari could muster

Do not look at it as eavesdropping either, more as a cautious friend monitoring the content of your discussions

When on shift, monitoring alone, he’d simply claimed the system had misidentified a piece of space debris

4, altitude twenty thousand metres, away from terrestrial monitoring systems

Randal’s remit extended beyond that of monitoring their success and coordinating the campaign

Any amount of chaos could be taking place within that uncharted environment; he was supposed to be in there keeping a check on it, since monitoring from the outside could not extend beyond basic diagnostics

The lack of monitoring equipment surprised Jimmy: one monitor – on a stand next to the stasis bed-casket, similar to those he’d observed underground

The medical team had connected up just about every imaginable monitoring device to unconscious Jimmy

Monitoring machines, not of the electronic variety, but with flickering dials, and adjacent cylinders with pumps pushing air – and fluid – through connecting tubes

To the side, on table tops, were mounted high-tech monitoring equipment; a machine with cables protruding and numerous dials, numbers he couldn’t quite make out

She retched from the panic, knowing that death could be a real possibility, knowing that a TIAR recipient cannot be removed safely, even under controlled monitoring

‘We had been monitoring your stasis unit since the computer virus took effect

The one who spoke to Monique removed the monitoring probes from Gerrid’s head and torso

bridge monitoring the situation

Someone had to oversee the recipients; the risk of a malfunction always existed with a basic monitoring program without an intelligent overseer

He went deeper in: through signal level monitoring, fluctuation pattern analysis, and information stream consistency

The bed was in the middle of the room against the wall on the left with just a single machine on the shelf above his head, monitoring his heartbeat

way the anti-virus will stop monitoring safe files,

The (official) reason behind this egregious measure was to promote greater visibility and monitoring (read: write up more tickets) of vehicular infractions (not to mention increased revenue accruing from licensing and registration requirements, inspection and other user fees)

His unreasonable attack (for political reasons) against a sitting president during a time of war should be encouraging to our mortal enemies who continue monitoring our nation‘s internal divisions for their own strategic advantage

They will be subject to third-party monitoring

passed the nursing station, and there was a wall of television screens monitoring each patient’s vital signs

to us all the monitoring equipment, her present state, and what we

When I identified it, hopefully, we’d get the contract and then I would supervise the cleanup project and follow up with monitoring data

Without the U-2 scandal, there likely will be an early agreement to allow monitoring of each others nuclear arsenals, and possibly an agreement on Berlin

Both equipments were required for the vessel’s overdue inspection, but, he joked, he simply avoided Costa Rica’s only Caribbean coast guard cutter by monitoring its radio operating frequency

If it weren’t for the contracts Truman arranged for Carlos’ trucking company and his careful monitoring of his business managers, the man would be selling peanuts in the street

Their fair monitoring and other mediation efforts likely prevented or helped to prevent thirteen coups or civil wars

Within a few minutes Williams was asleep while his colleague Lewis was monitoring the flat throughout the night

The team of course knew all about this as they had been monitoring the build-up of the camp via Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites

Hartle was sleeping when a hail came from a traffic monitoring ship

The kid was monitoring the big consoles in the control room

Then, one page at a time, he photographed every sheet, constantly monitoring for clarity

And the technicians at the real Simulator Corporation are even now monitoring what they think are real phenomena of my psycho-sexual makeup, but those inputs are emanating from a pre-programmed simulacra

Can you fix it so I can talk to Russell – without the insects monitoring the signal?’

‘Does that mean I have no private thoughts? That you are constantly monitoring me?’

“I suspect they are already monitoring you

Figure-11 — Monitoring of the Presuppositions

c) Monitoring or supervision of the operations and

“I worked in the Dauntless control room, monitoring the security system

“I bet Evelyn’s monitoring all the electricity usage—it’s the best way to figure out if people are meeting in secret

The seventh floor held extra security cameras, monitoring research as well as the elevator, stairs and parking lot

must pay more attention to this sector and adjust accordingly, whether that means monitoring our diets, exercising, and learning how to maintain normal blood-sugar levels

Andreya, please see what you can learn about opening a window to look at places like Mantis did, and any other monitoring means you can find

“If you knew where to find the local Russian Mafia Don the SDPD must have somebody monitoring their activities,” I stated

monitoring stations on the west coast just a week after the accident

was no radiation reaching the coast; therefore, they didn’t need to keep monitoring

The closure of radiation monitoring stations on the west coast of America and Canada just

CCTV cameras, monitoring traffic offenders every 1 km

Management commitment, resource availability and monitoring and measuring of the system along with continual improvement should be documented

Any measuring and monitoring device used in projects should be calibrated

was carrying an important piece of highly technical monitoring

Jaden checks his physical body and monitoring screen to see if he is okay

“Keep monitoring, I have a conference call with the chief of states and the resident

The room was draped in shadows, the only light coming from an entire wall of regular monitors

She zeros in on the dining room, clicks some buttons and instantly only the dining room is showing on all the monitors

The men are continuing their conversation, audible via the monitors

Teekra continues to watch the proceedings on the monitors

Teekra holds hers too, watches the monitors

call the Milky Way, but he left the monitors on and the tapes running just in case he

He knew that wasn’t conclusive evidence, the sensors were probably read regularly by the hardware monitors and written to memory somewhere that the query looked up

He gave Bahkmar a hardware memory address where the motor instruction would originate, it was his job to get it to the antenna, undetected from the monitors on that channel

Smith turned his gaze away from the chemical and physical experiment at the edge of what we now call the Milky Way, but he left the monitors on and the tapes running just in case he ever needed to put a face to a crime

According to the onboard monitors she is tachycardic

Then, once they have both applied gel to their hands and buzzed for access to the main intensive care unit, she shows him to a room full of screens and monitors

Billy is with Bex as she lays on her hospital bed with heart monitors and breathing tubes plugged into her body

same room; a bed, the controls, kitchen, monitors, everything

your finger there, is fed to our computers in the next room, which monitors your

Stenworth, Sike, and Williams watched the monitors in the room next to

walls of television monitors

The Elf pointed out the functions of each of the controls, the properties and general arrangement of the panels and monitors, their usefulness and a few tricks of the trade as it were to their more arcane applications

Ravena finally looked up from her displays and monitors

Dangling by her feet over the convenient ventilation grate Yula still presided over, the Elf took in the bridge activity, but her focus was on the monitors directly below her—the navigation consoles

” She glanced back at her monitors, “Two are entering the system now

Harvo-alpha was now a mass of exposed circuitry hooked up to various monitors the likes of which Roidon had never before seen

” reported Stephen, staring worriedly at one of the monitors

Their monitors were constantly vigilant

Like abeyant drones they all sat in front of monitors, checking for far off asteroids, meteorites and comets

Electronic monitors watched him, they identified him, and at this current level would not (he hoped) alert anyone sentient

Still, for the next level he’d switch his device to emit a strong EM pulse to disable the monitors

Gerrid surveyed the bank of monitors

forward, to the bank of monitors, his eyes fixing upon the tactical screen

how her concentration never seemed to waver from the bank of monitors before her

once again to the monitors

Unlike Physiology that monitors a body‘s physical and

He was sitting with his feet up on our suitcases, watching the overhead monitors

I looked around the room for telltale cameras, remembering the bank of video monitors in the room off the foyer

During my mid-morning break, as I sat in the roadside guard shelter watching the twelve monitors and eating a carrot, I tried to phone Mia at her apartment

The music began to play softly in his monitors

Sim looked at the supine figure in the bed, with hoses, clamps, electrodes, taped all over him, with monitors bleep-bleeping and his heart sank

Hartle wouldn’t be needing monitors in the time ahead

High-pitched squeals in the monitors indicated the aerial minelets were chasing and impacting upon the enemy

depot, Bones and Rocky would splash the monitors in the hawk

Apparently, Adam could see me on one of the monitors

“I saw him on the monitors when I was in the control room

I can feel Tobias staring at me—he knows I didn’t see Will in the monitors, and he didn’t know that Will was dead

It consists of oxygen and temperature sensors which monitors and regulates the cremation process

computers on the left wall were operating, the monitors dead

computer stations and monitors

incomprehensible data on the monitors before him

monitors blinking with warnings in deep red

Kenichi was sitting in front of an array of monitors

his men in the other room move into action, checking screens and monitors

computer monitors at the far side of the room, clad in a worn

monitors, as oblivious to the intruders as Professor Hojo;

Kenichi sat facing an array of monitors in the control room of the Fukushima Number

monitors, he quickly spotted his Buster Sword set against the

Emergency lights flashed on the monitors in front of him; the building was jerked

scanned the monitors and then stopped

paralyzed, staring at the monitors

staring at the monitors

light came from a few monitors that were rigged up to car batteries

Most of the gauges and monitors were inoperable, and there was

Suzuki, Kenichi and the other operators stood staring as the monitors and

We walked over to a desk that held two television monitors

She then hit a couple of keys and the monitors came on

“What about the TV monitors?” I asked

“Bomb shelter monitors turned off

Jack watched the show unfold as the engineers were connecting the large television monitors to various electrical components

“And then I thought, I didn’t particularly buy this gift for her” he said and a picture of what looked like an island appeared on the monitors behind him

occasion” monitors were “not adhering to the legal requirements” of the

off the exterior monitors and the three women played a few hands

cabinet and turned on the three large monitors that gave them

monitors inside to let you inspect the exterior without going

unable to fold and award-winning baby monitors that were

tals and hooked up to monitors which, in the end, don’t mean

About six to eight students in boardroom locations throughout the United States and Canada gather in front of two large LED monitors three Saturdays each month

What came up next on the monitors when he was done typing

On the monitors came, “Look, Ma, no hands!”

The dial here monitors how much

A terrible voice hissed from the monitors

«I see it too,» said Patrick, eyes fixed on his monitors

He was attached to a series of heart and breathing monitors

She continued, “You’ll be put on a program which monitors your health and that of your unborn baby at every stage of your pregnancy

“We had better get a move on, they will be watching on the monitors

Hamish was sitting in his control room staring morosely at the monitors

“Hamish interrupted their conference with a comment” I can see on the monitors that the building is surrounded, I am unarmed

hooked into their arms and heart monitors hooked up

spends one night at a sleep center, which monitors his/her breathing and

markets staffed by three monitors with the power to

and the emperor»s monitors would judge the value of

to well organized markets staffed by three monitors

markets, and the emperor’s monitors would judge

In my area of specialization I am talking about ultrasound machines, fetal monitors, electrical cautery instruments, laparoscopic equipment etc

Piles of metal objects glinted in the moonlight: broken heads of bronze horses, metal legs from human statues, smashed chariots, tons of shields and swords and other weapons, along with more modern stuff, like cars that gleamed gold and silver, refrigerators, washing machines, and computer monitors

monitors the Australian Antarctic Territory, had this to say:

know the guards are watching on the monitors

monitors, and her modesty compromised beyond repair, she grabbed

the monitors made her cringe and shiver with shame

guards hovered around the security monitors afraid to blink lest they

All monitors and computers screens were on and

Some of the monitors showed the scenes from webcams

Dominic watched everything play out on the monitors

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