Sentences with word mansion

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Jane says he found another entrance to the mansion.

Джейн, он говорит, что нашел еще один вход в особняк.

Now imagine this mansion is built on quicksand.

А теперь представьте, что этот особняк построен на зыбучих песках.

Also she has a mansion in Malibu.

Кроме того, у неё есть дом в Малибу.

In 1920 the couple donated their mansion to the Swedish State.

В 1920 году графиня передала дом и коллекцию Шведскому государству.

He began his experiments with making photographic prints on paper in 1834 in Lacock Abbey, his ancestral mansion.

Ученый начал эксперименты по созданию фотоотпечатков на бумаге в 1834 году в родовом поместье — Аббатстве Лакок.

The Vanderbilt family claim that a mansion called Biltmore is their country home.

Семья Вандербильт утверждает, что поместье, называемое «Билтмор», является их загородным домом.

Suppose you live in a beautiful mansion.

Представьте себе, что живёте в своём прекрасном особняке.

Apparently she lives in the mansion.

По всей видимости, она обитает в особняке.

The mansion reminds fantastic lock where the bewitched princess still sleeping.

Особняк напоминает сказочные замок, в котором до сих пор спит заколдованная принцесса.

Built in 1830, the mansion was grand but dilapidated.

Построенный в 1830 году, особняк был великолепен, но сильно обветшал.

It was a great mansion which construction took 8 years.

Речь идет о большом особняк, на строительство которого ушло 8 лет.

She owns a luxurious mansion, incredible pleasure until recently.

Она имеет в собственности роскошный особняк, нахождение в котором доставляло невероятное наслаждение до недавнего времени.

This 1704 mansion was a sugar cane press and mill.

В этом особняке 1704 года была пресса и мельница для сахарного тростника.

This magnificent 15th-century mansion houses two excellent museums.

Этот великолепный особняк 15-го века содержит в себе два прекрасных музея.

She owns a luxurious mansion, incredible pleasure until recently.

Она обладает имением, роскошным особняком, в котором находиться одно удовольствие, но лишь до недавнего времени.

Lennon bought the mansion in July 1964 for 20,000 pounds.

Леннон купил этот особняк в июле 1964 года за 20 тысяч фунтов.

It includes several small hotels, including a converted Italian mansion.

Он включает в себя несколько небольших отелей, в том числе преобразованный итальянский особняк.

You can live in what Europeans would consider a mansion .

Вы можете жить в доме, который европейцы будут рассматривать как особняк .

Come and feel at home in our elegant Bruges mansion.

В этом элегантном особняке в Брюгге вы сможете почувствовать себя как дома.

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mansion — перевод на русский


He moves into another mansion.

Он поедет в другой особняк.

It’s an old, deserted mansion… up by the planetarium.

Это старый, пустой особняк… недалеко от планетария.

It’s one of those sprawling old mansions they built 50 years ago.

Это громоздкий старый особняк, какие строили лет пятьдесят назад.

A mysterious uncle rising from the grave The old mansion, complete with ghosts.

Таинственный дядюшка, восставший из могилы, старый особняк, полный призраков.

After the Café, the De Matteis’ mansion, belonging to the parents of Alberto was by far the most illustrious institution in town.

После кафе, особняк де Маттеиса, принадлежащий родителям Альберто, был безусловно самым прославленным в городе.

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Right now Otsū is being looked after at Hon’nami Kōetsu-dono’s mansion in Kyoto.

Сейчас за Оцу присматривают в поместье господина Хонъами Коэцу в Киото.

This is a real mansion!

Настоящее поместье!

But having made the long journey across country to her ancestor’s estate, she was expecting to find the ancient D’Urberville mansion.

Направляясь к Заповеднику, на границе которого, находилась древняя резиденция ее предков, она надеялась найти древнее поместье семейства д’Эрбервиллей.

It’s no use returning to that mansion.

И возвращение в поместье не поможет.

The old house was a 64-room mansion, set in 2000 acers of upstate New-York.

Старый дом насчитывал 64 комнаты и располагался в поместье площадью более 800 гектаров в северной части штата Нью-Йорк.

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The city, a big mansion, carriages… guests, music…

Город, большой дом, экипажи… гости, музыка…

It walked recovering the mansion of Waverly?

Вы ведь реставрировали дом Вэйверли, так?

I love this mansion, though it’s too many windows… to open halfway each morning… to close halfway each night.

Хороший дом. Но слишком много окон. Чтоб поутру их открывать.

What a mansion!

Какой дом!

If money meant anything to me… I wouldn’t have left the mansion and plane behind.

Если бы деньги что-то для меня значили, я бы не бросил свой дом и самолет.

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— Master Bennosuke… pays a visit to the Kandabashi mansion of the Honorable Lord Doi to present fresh river trout from the Shirakawa River, which arrived from our domain.

— Мастер Бенносуке… наносит визит почтенному господину Дои во дворце Кандабаши, чтобы преподнести свежую речную форель, пойманную в реке Ширакава.

They believed that in Heaven Gods mansion has many halls.

Они верили, что во дворце Бога на небесах… много залов.

If you need me I’ll be in seclusion, suffering in the dark silence of my Park Avenue mansion of shame, shame, shame on me.

Если я буду нужна, я буду в уединении страдать в темноте и молчании в моем дворце позора на Парк-Авеню. Стыд и позор мне.

What if I want them to live in my mansion?

А если я захочу, чтобы они жили в моем дворце?

I’m the one who should be living in a mansion and talking to the man in the sky.

Это я должен жить во дворце и разговаривать с человеком с небес.

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…around St. Michael’s and the Archbishop’s mansion…

…вокруг собора Св. Михаила и усадьбы Архиепископа…

Yeah, Vash the Stampede, a hired gun at Mr. Schezar’s mansion!

Да, Ваш Паникер, нанятый Мр. Сезаром для охраны усадьбы!

As for me, I design mansions, then live in them.

Что до меня, я проектирую усадьбы, потом живу в них.

We can get water from that mansion!

В той усадьбе мы сможем разжиться водицей!

When we were at White Mansion.

Когда мы были в Белой усадьбе.

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Just so you can win another case and move one step closer to the governor’s mansion

чтобы приблизиться еще немножко к должности губернатора это просто потрясающе!

The governor’s mansion is my father’s dream.

Кресло губернатора это мечта моего отца.

So he can stomp all over the Democratic party and help give his asshole Republican golf buddy another four years in the governor’s mansion.

Чтобы разгромить партию демократов и помочь республиканскому мудаку, дружку по гольфу продержаться в кресле губернатора ещё 4 года.

Rizvan Khan who has been in the news for all his efforts in Wilhemina.. now at the Governor’s mansion.

Ризван Кхан, чье имя появлялось в новостях в связи с Вильгеминой, находится сейчас у Дома Губернатора.

So you’re still using Amanda Clarke’s hardships to feed your delusions of one day occupying the governor’s mansion?

По-прежнему используешь неприятности Аманды Кларк для укрепления веры в то, что однажды займёшь место губернатора?

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I’ll have to get experts to sweep the rest of the mansion.

ѕридетс€ привлечь команду специалистов, чтобы очистить замок.

Yeah,well,a sprawling 17th-century mansion isn’t a bad upgrade.

Хм, разваливающийся замок 17 столетия не так уж и плох.

When I grow up, I’ll have a giant mansion, my own pinball machine with infinity quarters, eight pairs of peanut butter and jelly pajamas…

Когда вырасту, хочу огромный замок, Пейнтбольный автомат с неограниченным количеством четвертаков 8 пар пижам из арахисового масла и желе…

Tell me. In Brittany, I have a mansion and land.

В Бретани у меня замок и земли.

I’ll explain. Okay, it starts free, right? Then you visit your friend’s game, and he’s got this awesome candy mansion…

Хорошо, игра начинается, как бесплатная потом ты посещаешь игру своих друзей, а у него классный карамельный замок…

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A mansion with two lions.

Вилла с двумя львами.

They say that shit like everybody had at least (? ) a mansion, a yacht and a swimming pool then crack came by and dried it all up!

Типа, у всех в округе сначала были вилла, яхта и бассейн появился крэк и все смыло в унитаз.

It’s a fine country mansion 100 miles south of Paris.

Вилла расположена в Гатине, 40 километров до Монтаржи.

Worm, tell your man Fresh Prince here how to get to his mansion.

Ворм, подскажи соплячку-новичку как добраться до его виллы.

— Ooh! — Space mansions!

Космичесские виллы!

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Don’t worry, no one could’ve built you a mansion like we have.

Не робей, тебе лучше нас хоромы никто не поставит.

Wow, what a mansion.

У х ты, хоромы.

It’s a real mansion of a landlord.

Как есть хоромы барские.

Not exactly like your mansion!

Не то, что Ваши хоромы!

He wants me to sneak into his mansion and take all of his crap.

Он хочет, чтобы я прокрался в его хоромы и забрал всю его хрень.

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The Mansion of the Gods?

Земля богов говоришь?

The Mansion of the Gods

Земля богов!

Hope you had a pleasant stay, at The Mansion of the Gods!

Земля богов надеется, что вы провели незабываемое время в Бретани.

The Mansion of the Gods!

В земле богов!

A beautiful free housing waits every family in the Gallic village, to the Mansion of the Gods!

Великолепное бесплатное жильё ждёт каждую семью в галльской деревне. В земле богов.

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The governor designated her as Oregon’s official first lady and allowed her to run her clean energy consulting business out of the governor’s mansion and gave her authority to direct state employees on policies related to her clients.


If you married a professional athlete, I know you’d insist the bulk of the money go to charity, just so you wouldn’t be tempted to live in a mansion!


Apparently, there is a secret room within the mansion knick-named «The Elvis Room.»


How to Be a Latin Lover (PG-13 for coarse humor, sexual references, crude gestures and brief nudity) Sibling rivalry comedy about a jilted gigolo (Eugenio Derbez) who moves in with his long-estranged sister (Salma Hayek) after getting kicked out of the mansion by his elderly, heiress wife (Renee Taylor) of 25 years to make room for an even younger man.


Tour Prince’s former Toronto Bridle Path mansion and walk in the footsteps of an international icon — all 14,000-square-feet of it.


Despite popular belief to the contrary, a game having a more linear structure isn’t an innate problem, but the fact that Luigi is whisked out of a mansion every time you complete your current mission does create a longing for the original game’s pacing.


In the fall of 2014 she coughed up $ 5.45 million for a three-bedroom and four-bath condo at the swanky Century building in Century City, the following year she paid $ 925,000 for a 2,000-square-foot condo in a nearby high-rise along the Wilshire Corridor, and earlier this year she splashed out $ 6.8 million for a six-bedroom and 10-bathroom contemporary Mediterranean mansion in the foothills above Hollywood.


Micheal is a successful and retired bank robber, he currently lives in a mansion in Los Santos and was the star of the main trailer, however he wants to get back into the game, Trevor is a war veteran and drug addict who lives out in the desert and Franklin is a young hustler working as a repoman.


The mystery buyer of Winner’s lavish Kensington mansion, Woodland House, will have large shoes to fill, not to mention 46 rooms including THAT cinema


Thus the family dwells in their rambling old mansion on the mist drenched Isle of Jersey with the curtains drawn and the children always behind a locked door for fear light may inadvertently enter the room.


She has always been obsessed with seeing inside his beautiful mansion in Rochester, New York.


The assets include mansions in Beverly Hills, Calif., luxury condos in New York, jewelry and artworks.


Tour the most expensive mansion in Malibu.


This New Jersey mansion renovated by designer Nannette Brown is all about merging classic and contemporary.


Surviving examples range from small cottages to stately three-story mansions.


Nor could we answer whether the occupant of the governor’s mansion would share our vision or offer the type of political leadership that would make Gen. George S. Patton blush.


Today, the town is characterized by narrow cobbled streets, medieval mansions and a cathedral which is located close to the castle.


When the military forces storm Xavier’s mansion, the soldiers look far scarier than any «mutants».


Meanwhile, Brooks invites Annie, Max and their friends — this time, Ryan shows up with an atypically non-ditsy date, Sarah (Sharon Horgan of Amazon’s wonderful Catastrophe)— to «a game night to remember» at his mansion.


Most of the oldest and grandest Victorian-era mansions built during that time are located in the Abajo-Fuller Park District — on the National Register of Historic Places — just south of Downtown with some of them completely restored and converted into Downtown Napa’s historic inns.


I didn’t intend to be quite so fancy for my trip over to the Coven mansion, but if there was a time to be overdressed it would be here, right?


For dinner there are, of course, lots of restaurants nearby, including the famous Casa de los Azulejos (a tile-covered 16th-century mansion) and Bar La Opera (a fancy pre-revolutionary cantina).


Beautiful French mansions and public buildings are located throughout the country, parks are abundant and trees line the city streets.


Beatty plays his part as a lovable dolt, whose lack of sophistication completely bewilders the servants around the mansion, setting up the film’s bigger jokes.


ECIDA officials have been exploring the possibility of acquiring the Delaware Avenue mansion that currently houses the Red Cross offices.


Ozil is apparently buying a mansion in Istanbul for # 5 million and is planning on getting married to some hot Turkish chick out there.


You are so lucky to visit these mansions.


— «Transverso», Group show with independent artists on the second floor of an old mansion at Praça Tiradentes number 83, downtown Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 2008.


The show at Tate St Ives presents five commissioned works and two of Fujiwara’s major works completed over the last three years, creating a series of «rooms» which he has described as resembling «a walk through the stage-set interiors of a National Trust mansion».


Mr. Bush: You mean you’re not using any of it to cut those electric bills at your mansion?


Last week, Mayor Bill de Blasio spent several days pushing his plan for a mansion tax in the state budget.


They have ideas about how to achieve this, too: a whopping big banking levy (because the City is just as much to blame now for the crash as it was in 2008), stripping wealthy pensioners of payouts like free TV licences, and finally pushing through the much-vaunted mansion tax.


The film’s based on the true story of Sarah Winchester — heir to the US rifle-maker’s fortune, who, considering herself cursed, kept adding rooms to her mad-ass Californian mansion as penance.


With a waterfall and woodlands in the extensive grounds, this 220 year old mansion also boasts spectacular views of Derwent Water.


A typical Zanzibari mansion, centered round a peaceful courtyard, a retreat from the summer heat, Mambo Msiige is a unique gem with architecture that embraces Swahili culture alongside Arab, Persian, Indian and European elements.


Tales circulate that the mansion is haunted by evil spirits.


«Democrats look for momentum going into 2018 elections» via Lloyd Dunkelberger of the News Service of Florida — Buoyed by a win in a special election for a state Senate seat last month, Florida Democrats used a three-day party conference to prepare plans for the critical 2018 election year when they hope to retain a U.S. Senate seat and reclaim the governor’s mansion.


Building that underground rail road system, or the beautiful mansion by the beach is twice as much fun, when done in a collaborative manner.


Regardless of where a child is born, who his parents are, the color of her skin, whether he can see or hear, or whether she sleeps in a mansion or a shelter: that child deserves a high-quality education.


But this one isn’t in the drawing room of a country mansion; it’s in a small boat drifting against a London dock.


Whilst each stilted villa boasts a Robinson Crusoe vibe accessible by a rustic wooden jetty, the water mansion with two master suites and one guest bedroom is the gem of Lankanfushi, with coral pools on the sun deck, a slide from the top deck into the glistening waters and 2 person bathtubs built over coral pools.


There’s little threat of actually losing your mansion if you grit your teeth long enough.


Head to Amsterdam, an enchanting city of canals and gabled mansions, for a culture-packed city break.


He owns a 27-story Mumbai mansion that cost $ 1 billion to build.


The critically successful «Lesley Vance & Ricky Swallow,» (Nov. 10, 2012 — March 11, 2013) comprised about 20 abstract paintings and domestic-scale sculptures installed in a single room of the mansion.


If you thought that there have already been too many changes to the museum landscape in New York recently (MoMA, Whitney, Metropolitan), how do you like this news: last Tuesday The Frick Collection announced plans for a new wing as an additional exhibition space to its historic mansion.


In keeping with the Victorian style of the mansion, the ceilings in each individually decorated room and suite are adorned with Victorian wallpaper reproductions by Bradbury & Bradbury.


As burlesque acrobats twirled on poles and champagne flowed in the palm-lined courtyard of a 1930s Miami mansion, actor Sylvester Stallone was focused on Art Basel Miami Beach fair.


As they trudged out of the hall, delegates weren’t necessarily in a state of breathless excitement, but pledges for a transformed NHS — paid for with a mansion tax and cash from the coffers of big tobacco — had certainly gone down well.


Winchester has a mansion and two districts listed on the National Register of Historic Places.


дворец, хоромы, большой особняк, большой дом, многоквартирный дом


- большой особняк, большой дом; дворец

a Queen Anne mansion — большой особняк или дом в стиле эпохи королевы Анны

- pl. многоквартирный дом (особ. в названиях)
- поэт. жилище, обиталище, обитель

Мои примеры


a mansion with 10 bedrooms and an indoor swimming pool — особняк с десятью спальнями и крытым бассейном  
a gazebo on the mansion’s south lawn — беседка на южной лужайке имения  
mansion of prewar vintage — дом довоенной постройки  
antebellum brick mansion — кирпичный дом середины XIX столетия; кирпичный дом довоенной кладки  
convert a mansion into an apartment house — перестроить особняк в многоквартирный дом  
transform a cottage into a mansion — превратить коттедж во дворец  
stately mansion crested the hill — величественный замок увенчивал холм; величественный замок венчал холм  
mansion has extensive grounds — вокруг особняка обширный парк  
country mansion — загородный дом  
mansion house — резиденция лорда-мэра в Лондоне; большое красивое здание; большое здание  
mansion-house — официальная резиденция; большой особняк; большое здание  
opulent mansion — роскошном особняке  

Примеры с переводом

A long driveway led to the mansion.

К особняку вела длинная подъездная дорога.

He paid a stiff price for the mansion.

Он заплатил непомерно высокую цену за этот особняк.

We visited their august mansion and expansive grounds.

Мы посетили их величественный особняк и просторный сад.

A miniature mansion, tastefully and sanitarily fitted.

Маленький особняк, отстроенный со вкусом и с соблюдением всех санитарных норм.

There are rumors that the old deserted mansion is the site of paranormal activity.

Ходят слухи, что старый заброшенный особняк является местом паранормальной активности.

The mansion seemed grandly large by today’s standards.

По сегодняшним меркам размеры особняка казались просто грандиозными.

It is ludicrous to call a cottage a mansion.

Называть небольшой домик особняком — просто нелепо.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The mansion has beautiful marbled columns.

They turned away the crowd at the gate of the governor’s mansion

…a baronial mansion with dozens of spacious, luxurious rooms…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): mansion
мн. ч.(plural): mansions

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word mansion, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use mansion in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «mansion».

Mansion in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word mansion in a sentence.

  1. The mansion was completed in 1914.

  2. He listed the mansion for sale in 2012.

  3. Yi also denotes the 27th lunar mansion.

  4. This mansion forms the core of the present house.

  5. Consequently, the mansion was once again repaired.

  6. In 1896 the family moved to a mansion in Hampstead.

  7. Catherine’s Court, a 15th-century mansion near Bath.

  8. The music videos were filmed in a mansion in Mexico City.

  9. This was named «Somerhill Tunnel» after the nearby mansion.

  10. The state’s first governor’s mansion was completed in 1798.

  11. Shahnaz continues to live with her brother and his family in their Mumbai mansion.

  12. This was replaced in 1771 by a Georgian mansion for the owners, the Hoste Henleys.

  13. Once they have all four key cards, Bart and Homer infiltrate the creator’s mansion.

  14. The unconventional Dixie allowed Johnson to live in his own mansion, Bosworth Hall.

  15. The siblings resided in the mansion until their deaths in 1953 and 1938 respectively.

  16. There was an attempt on his life, and angry mobs gathered in the streets near the governor’s mansion.

  17. In 1798, the state’s first governor’s mansion was constructed, and Garrard became its first resident.

  18. The video begins with Swift’s love interest (played by model Sean O’Pry) approaching Swift’s mansion.

  19. Patchett’s home is the Lovell House, a famous International Style mansion designed by Richard Neutra.

  20. The story revolves around the School Rumble cast hearing a rumor of treasure hidden within a mansion.

  21. On February 10, 1899, the mansion caught fire as a result of a faulty flue in the governor’s bedroom.

  22. Powel spent her final years in a mansion on Chestnut Street, a short distance from Independence Hall.

  23. The state’s first governor’s mansion was constructed during the gubernatorial tenure of James Garrard.

  24. The mansion house was demolished in about 1926, and its stone used to build council houses in Aberdeen.

  25. In 1914 the mansion was put on the market by the estate of Frederick Cox, Richard Henry Cox’s grandson.

  26. Constructed to Cubitt’s own designs, the new mansion had a very similar style to that of Osborne House.

  27. The mansion, which was about 9 miles (14 km) south of downtown Memphis, was for himself and his parents.

  28. Why, don’t you remember, he just bought that $100,000 mansion from Albert Feltman on Prospect Park West.

  29. The couple has recently relocated from Chicago to a mansion directly across the bay from Gatsby’s estate.

  30. The neoclassical presidential mansion, the White House in Washington, was inspired by Irish Palladianism.

  31. At one point during the debate, Marshall officials were so certain of its selection that they built a governor’s mansion.

  32. At the end of the chorus, she dances in a red dress in front of a pond and in a large red dress out in front of a mansion.

  33. In 1859, he built a mansion on Walnut Lane in Germantown, not far from the home of his friend and fellow director Joseph G.

  34. Archaeologists excavating the LBC’s intended site uncovered remnants of the 1790–1800 executive mansion that were reburied.

  35. Rubin felt that it was important to record the album in an unorthodox setting and suggested an old Hollywood Hills mansion.

  36. He was also influential in the design of the mansion, although he attributed the design of the Marble Hall to Coke himself.

  37. The 1970 House of Dark Shadows and the 1972 Merchant Ivory film Savages were filmed at the Beechwood mansion in Scarborough.

  38. The chase scene at the end of the game, in which Don pursues Adrienne throughout the entire mansion, took a full week to film.

  39. Herrick’s mansion, Greyfriars House, remained in the possession of his family until his great-grandson Samuel sold it in 1711.

  40. The extensive remains consist of the church, cloister buildings, abbot’s house, and fragments of the post-Dissolution mansion.

  41. Raspe probably met Hieronymus von Münchhausen while studying at the University of Göttingen, and may even have been invited to dine with him at the mansion at Bodenwerder.

  42. Adrienne scars Don’s face with acid from his darkroom when he tries to kill her and flees, discovering the corpses of Mike, Harriet and Cyrus hidden throughout the mansion.

  43. The two couples, along with a number of other Thelemites (some of whom with their children), moved to 1003 South Orange Grove Boulevard, an American Craftsman-style mansion.

  44. At Grout’s mansion, the fledgling sees Nines leaving and discovers Grout’s remains in the mansion with vampire hunter Grünfeld Bach, who denies involvement in Grout’s death.

  45. The park, a natural amphitheatre, is often the setting for large public concerts and firework displays, and the mansion is available for weddings and corporate entertainment.

Synonyms for mansion

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word mansion has the following synonyms: mansion house, manse, hall, residence, sign of the zodiac, star sign, sign, house and planetary house.

General information about «mansion» example sentences

The example sentences for the word mansion that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «mansion» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «mansion».

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