Sentences with word lonely

I’m lonely without her.
Я чувствую себя одиноким без нее.

Bury me in a lonely place of dying.
Похорони меня в уединенном месте.

They’re lonely and homeless.
Они одиноки и бесприютны.

Being a Founder Is Lonely
Быть основателем бизнеса — значит быть одиноким

Here I am feeling lonely
Здесь я чувствую себя одиноким

That is a lonely position.
Очень одинока.

I feel bored and lonely.
Мне плохо и одиноко.

Do you ever feel lonely?
Вы когда-нибудь чувствуете себя одиноким?

Do you ever get lonely?
Ты чувствуешь себя одиноким?

You felt lonely and horny.
Ты чувствовал себя одиноким и возбужденным.

She’s a lonely socialite.
Она одинокая светская львица.

Don’t you ever feel lonely?
Ты не чувствуешь себя одиноким?

You’re lonely, get a cat.
Если тебе одиноко, заведи кошку.

But first, are you lonely, unappreciated?
Но сначала, вы одиноки, недооценены?

I’m so lonely and blue.
Мне так грустно и одиноко.

But sometimes I feel really lonely.
Но иногда я чувствую себя очень одиноко.

Been feeling a bit lonely myself.
В последнее время чувствую себя одиноким.

I’m feeling kind of lonely.
Я чувствую себя своего рода одиноким.

He’s feeling hurt and lonely.
Он чувствует себя задетым и одиноким.

Won’t you feel lonely in it?
Ты в ней не чувствуешь себя одиноким?


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To complement the theme of parallel worlds, he gave Another and Home respectively dark and bright moods, and hoped players would feel the emotions of»‘burning soul,’ ‘lonely world,’ and ‘unforgettable memories'».

Чтобы подчеркнуть тему параллельных миров, он окрасил музыку Родного и Иного миров в мажорные и минорные тона соответственно, надеясь, что игроки почувствуют переданные в музыке эмоции «горящей души, одинокого мира и незабываемых воспоминаний».

RINGO: Getting up early in the morning wasn’t our best talent and there’s an example of that in one scene: the one for which I got really good credit, walking by the river with a camera — the ‘lonely guy’ piece.

РИНГО: Вставать в самую рань — не лучший из наших талантов, и пример тому одна из сцен, та самая, за которую меня хвалили: я иду вдоль реки с фотоаппаратом — образ одинокого героя.

Are you still feelin‘ lonely here?

Тебе здесь всё так же одиноко?

Trouble is a Friday night when I’m feelin‘ lonely trouble is too much time on my hands with you in my head

Беда — это вечер пятницы, когда мне одиноко Беда — это свободное время, когды ты не идешь из головы

We need to differentiate between ‘alone’ and ‘lonely‘.

Однако стоит разделять — «один» и «одинокий».

‘The gloomy Dane’, ‘stubborn individualist’, ‘lonely Scandinavian, as critics called him, became a director-legend.

«Угрюмый датчанин», «упрямый индивидуалист», «одинокий скандинав», как именовали его критики, стал режиссёром-легендой.

Amon Ereb (S. ‘lonely hill’) The broad, shallow-sided hill between Ramdal and the river Gelion that dominated the southern plains of East Beleriand.

Amon Ereb, в переводе с синдарина — «одинокий холм») — широкий, пологий холм между Рамдалом и рекой Гелион, который доминировал над южными равнинами Восточного Белерианда.

‘Lonely‘ is out everywhere now.

Online dating has changed from something that only ‘lonely hearts’ would consider, to becoming a seriously mainstream way to date.

Интернет знакомства изменилось от чего-то, что только «одинокие сердца будет рассматривать, чтобы стать серьезно мейнстрим способ на сегодняшний день.

Astronomers solve decades-long mystery of the ‘lonely old stars’

Астрономы разгадали многолетнюю тайну «одиноких старых звезд»

Often those who are ‘lonely‘ are those surrounded by the most people.

Japanese authorities concerned about ‘lonely deaths’ (BBC)

I would recommend ‘Lonely Magdalene’ if you have not read that one.

Очень рекомендую Вам «Меланхолию«, если Вы ещё не знаете этот рассказ.

Hacking into Linus‘ lonely world to see if he’s the leak.

Взламываю маленький мирок Лайнуса, чтобы узнать, не он ли слил.

Elderly people ‘lonely and depressed’

«Пожилые люди одинокие и депрессивные»

Whatever sofa there is in your living room, it would look and feel somewhat ‘lonely‘ and incomplete without a comfortable coffee table in front of it.

Какой бы ни был диван в гостиной, он будет выглядеть несколько «одиноким» без комфортабельного журнального столика, установленного перед ним.

The emails not only contained image spam showing photos of ‘lonely hearts’ and a field to search for your ‘other half’ but also standard text messages about a potential partner and a link to the dating site.

В таких письмах рассылался не только графический спам, содержащий фотографии «одиноких сердец» и поле для поиска партнера, но и обычные текстовые сообщения с рассказом о предполагаемой «второй половинке» и ссылкой на сайт знакомств.

As is known, monastic life was born in the early 4th century as reclusion, and the word ‘monk’ itself means ‘lonely‘.

«Как известно, монашеская жизнь зародилась в самом начале IV столетия в форме отшельничества, и само слово «монах» означает «одинокий«.

It’s called ‘Lonely At The Top’.

And yet, seeking imagery which conveyed the ‘lonely and primitive feelings of this country’, he captured something of the soul and tone of the Australian bush.

И все же, в поисках образов, которые передалиодинокие и примитивные чувства этой страны«Он уловил что-то от души и тона австралийского кустарника.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат ‘lonely

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

lonely — перевод на русский


I’m so lonely.»

Мне так одиноко.

I’m dying a lonely, miserable death on a rainy night.

Я умираю одиноко, несчастной смертью в дождливую ночь.

Aren’t you lonely?

Тебе не одиноко?

I’m really, really lonely.

Понимаешь, мне сейчас так одиноко.

He’s going to be lonely.

Сейчас ему одиноко.

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There’s something so terribly lonely about it.

В нем ощущается некое одиночество.

A man gets lonely, Daughter.

Человеку свойственно одиночество, дочь.

I’m bound to be lonely.

Я обречена на одиночество.

It’s the worst thing in the world to be lonely.

Одиночество — это худшее, что может произойти.

Nobody ever lies about being lonely.

Про одиночество никто не лжет.

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Are you Lone Duus?

Вы Лоне Дуус?

Lone Kjeldsen?

Лоне Кьельдсен?

Lone Kjeldsen?

Лоне Кьельдсен?

The name on everyone’s lips is Lone Kjeldsen, the party spokesman.

Имя, которое сейчас у каждого на устах — Лоне Кьельдсен, лидер партии.

You think the majority will go with Lone Kjeldsen, if Aksel dies?

Думаете, большинство пойдёт за Лоне Кьельдсен, если Аксель умрёт?

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We’ll be lonely without you.

Мы будем скучать.

— I hope you won’t feel lonely.

— Надеюсь, ть не будешь скучать?

Once you’re gone… I’m feeling like I’ll get lonely.

Кажется, я буду без тебя скучать.

They get so lonely for the high-scrapers and the video.

И стали скучать по своим небоскрёбам и видео.

You feel lonely in here.

Чтобы не скучать там.

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Sometimes Saturday night has a lonely sound.

Иногда в субботнюю ночь бывает очень одиноко.

Must be lonely for you at the castle.

Должно быть, Вам очень одиноко в замке? Особенно по ночам, только я и семейное привидение… ..шатающееся по всем 96 комнатам.

She must have been lonely.

Наверно ей, было очень одиноко.

It must get lonely down here when you’re listening to everyone upstairs having such a good time.

Тебе, должно быть, очень одиноко здесь внизу… пока все развлекаются там, наверху.

Sometimes we’re both lonely.

Иногда, нам обоим очень одиноко.

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It’s gonna seem kind of lonely around here… without the judge, ain’t it, Pearl?

Думаю, тут будет скучно без судьи… Не так ли, Перл?

Now that he’s gone, it’s almost a little… lonely.

Всё-таки без него как-то… скучно!

I hope you won’t be lonely.

Надеюсь тебе не будет скучно.

I get bored, lonely all day long.

Мне скучно, целый день одна.

Feeling lonely?

Что скучно?

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You’re lonely

Ты одиночка.

How do you know it’s Lone?

Откуда ты можешь знать, что это Одиночка?

I don’t care who is fucking Lone.

Меня не волнует этот гребанный Одиночка.

Remember Lone said he’d let the world watch HK destruction.

Помнишь, Одиночка тогда сказал, пусть весь мир смотрит, как Гонконг будет уничтожен.

Lone’s never thought of leaving this place.

Одиночка никогда и не думал оставаться здесь.

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Girls don’t put on lipstick at night on a dark, lonely street unless they’re with a man, or gonna meet a man.

Женщины не начинают краситься среди ночи на тёмной, пустынной улице, если они не с мужчиной, или собираются его увидеть.

They were returning along a lonely road, late at night from a vacation in Canada.

Они возвращались по пустынной дороге, поздно ночью из отпуска, проведенного в Канаде.

I’m still swirling It’s a dark, lonely place

Кружусь в пустынной темноте.

Speeding along a lonely highway.

Гнали сверх меры по пустынной дороге.

For him it all started one night on a lonely country road…

Для него все началось однажды ночью на пустынной сельской дороге…

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— You know, being here, surrounded by people, you know, it still gets lonely.

Знаешь, тут, в окружении всех этих людей, всё равно чувствуешь себя одиноко.

You’re kinda cute, in a homely sort of way. It’s lonely when the civilian you’re fucking calls out the name on your fake passport.

Просто иногда чувствуешь себя одиноко в основном, когда произносят твою фамилию на поддельном паспорте.

It was lonely, but it gets better, give it time.

Чувствуешь себя одиноко, но всё налаживается.

You told me you were very lonely.

Ты сказала мне, что чувствуешь себя одинокой.

These things just catch up with you, you know, you get lonely, not happy

Это просто с тобой происходит, чувствуешь себя одинокой, несчастной

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You’ll be lonely now.

Ты остался совсем один.

Reading just makes you lonely, don’t you think?

Когда читаешь, остаешься совсем один. Согласен?

I’m telling you, you don’t change your life, you’re gonna end up lonely.

Но если ты не изменишь свою жизнь, ты останешься совсем один!

A lonely guy, Carl.

Совсем один, Карл!

It was lonely dining without you.

Не совсем. Скорее, скучный ужин без тебя.

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Отправить комментарий

одинокий, уединенный, пустынный, одиноко


- одинокий

lonely life — одинокая жизнь
a character study of a lonely person — образ одинокого человека
to feel lonely — чувствовать себя одиноким; томиться одиночеством

- поэт. см. lone

a lonely spot in the woods — укромное место в лесу
lonely village — деревня в стороне от дороги; заброшенная /глухая/ деревня
lonely wood — глухой лес
a lonely life in the country — деревенское уединение

- поэт. навевающий тоску; унылый

lonely exile — горестное изгнание

Мои примеры


a lonely stretch of road — пустынный участок дороги  
plow/plough a lonely furrow — действовать в одиночку  
lonely alley — безлюдная аллея  
lonely unconnected person — не имеющий родных человек; одинокий человек  
to lead a lonely life /existence/ — вести одинокий образ жизни, жить замкнуто, уединённо  

Примеры с переводом

She had a lonely childhood.

У нее было одинокое детство.

Won’t you be lonely without her?

Разве вам не будет без неё одиноко?

He was lonely without his wife and children.

Ему было одиноко без жены и детей.

It was lonely living out in the country.

Жить за городом, было довольно одиноко.

He was just a lonely man looking for love.

Он просто был одиноким мужчиной, ищущим любви.

She felt lonely and insecure away from her family.

Она чувствовала себя одинокой и незащищённой вдали от своей семьи.

He led a lonely life with few friends.

Жил он одиноко, и друзей у него почти не было.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The rainy weather had her feeling lonely and depressed.

…forced isolation always made the sociable child lonely…

…the first settlers in that area lived on the vast plains in lonely log cabins…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

lone  — одинокий, уединенный, незамужняя, овдовевшая
lonesome  — одинокий, унылый, пустынный, томящийся одиночеством, уединенный
loneliness  — одиночество

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): lonelier
прев. степ. (superlative): loneliest

1. The lonely student is starving for friendship.

2. I live all alone but I never feel lonely.

3. He was a lonely, miserable wretch.

4. She felt lonely and depressed .

5. Happiness is time precipitation, smile is the lonely sad.

6. They lived a lonely life.

7. The so-called love, just feel lonely pastime.

8. They went to a lonely place in the mountains.

9. I feel lonely without my husband.

10. Love. I fell in love with it so lonely.

11. I wandered lonely like a cloud.

12. Pale moonlight, I declare lonely and shadow.

13. Is heavy likely is the dark memorial speech lonely.

14. A lonely feeling stole over me.

15. She was desperately lonely at school.

16. He felt lonely after he buried his good friend.

17. Lonely lonely, I am still thinking about someone.

18. Miss become habit, forgotten become habit, lonely become habit.

19. I’m alone but not lonely.

20. What good method, can let the lonely become obedient.

21. He gets lonely and sore, and pikes out.

22. He lives on a lonely island.

23. I feel lonely without you.

24. The man always remember,lonely life of every man,as i kept thinking of you!

25. Itself is a lonely,( but also make you feel lonely antidote.

26. I get lonely easily.

27. Outside, the new moon shines bright all around, but the lonely lamp on my desk is dim. How l wish this small piece of paper would take to youmyresdess yearning.

28. I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss you. Only when I miss you deeply I feel so lonely.

29. i miss you not because of my loneliness but i do feel lonely when i miss you. only when i miss you deeply i feel so lonely.

30. To forgive is not to forget, nor remit, but let it go; to be lonely is not because you have no friends, but no one is living in your heart.

Sentences with the word Lonely?



  • «he was alone when we met him»; «she is alone much of the time»; «the lone skier on the mountain»; «a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel»; «a lonely soul»; «a solitary traveler»
  • «gloomy at the thought of what he had to face»; «gloomy predictions»; «a gloomy silence»; «took a grim view of the economy»; «the darkening mood»; «lonely and blue in a strange city»; «depressed by the loss of his job»; «a dispirited and resigned expression on her face»; «downcast after his defeat»; «feeling discouraged and downhearted»
  • «His devotion to his sick wife condemned him to a lonely existence»
  • «her dignified manner»; «his rapid manner of talking»; «their nomadic mode of existence»; «in the characteristic New York style»; «a lonely way of life»; «in an abrasive fashion»
  • «She impersonates Madonna»; «The actor portrays an elderly, lonely man»
  • «a lone wolf»; «a lonely existence»; «a man of a solitary disposition»; «a solitary walk»
  • «felt sad and lonely«; «the loneliest night of the week»; «lonesome when her husband is away»; «spent a lonesome hour in the bar»
  • «a lonely crossroads»; «a solitary retreat»; «a trail leading to an unfrequented lake»
  • «The lonely man skulks down the main street all day»
  • «he played uncle to lonely students»

Lonely is the second mini album by South Korean girl group Spica. It was released on November 21, 2012 by B2M Entertainment. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The film starts at level-nine melodrama, as one of four sisters in WW2 era New Zealand screams her way out of the house to fulfill her lifelong dream of being a sexual plaything for lonely soldiers and hardly tones down for more than five minutes at a time from there on as the various other sisters get romantically involved, or not, with various other servicemen.


Instead we follow one desperate man’s lonely, terrified search for his girlfriend on a space station that long ago gave way to madness.


«There are always times in life where things can feel overwhelming, stressful, lonely, or discouraging.


Where I’m sure you’ll be incredibly lonely.


And although the 2003-04 program is currently active, student mentees have already stated that having a mentor made available to them «makes the pressure of being a student a little less lonely


Finally, there’s Jamie (Lily Gladstone, Winter in the Blood)— whose name we never even hear — a young and lonely Native-American woman tending horses on a ranch who develops an infatuation for another young woman, Beth (Kristen Stewart, Clouds of Sils Maria), a just-graduated lawyer who drives four hours from the city, twice a week, to teach a class on school law.


Join our community and meet thousands of lonely hearts from various parts of Stanley.


Also, since the lonely little 33-foot high Midlands primary school wind turbine only generated 209 kilowatt-hours of electricity in its first year, the Thanet Wind Farm, consisting of one hundred 3 MW wind turbines, will be useless too.


As Daphne makes Billy Moon less lonely by giving him a series of toys that would soon be world-famous, Blue struggles both with prose and his ongoing post-war mental state.


Are you single and lonely in Ardmore, Alabama?


Wine dating site Are you tired of the Chandigarh bar club scene, coming home to an empty house, lonely tables-for-one at those romantic Chandigarh restaurants, disastrous blind dates set up.


At this point in time stability is a crowded trade, volatility is a lonely trade.


The 1 lonely ripe banana left from our bunch earlier that week caught the corner of my eye, sitting on the counter without a purpose.


I’m just a small town girl, living in a lonely world.


AFP NEWS AGENCY — May 26 — US regulators obtained a court order shutting down a spam operation that sent out millions of e-mails urging recipients to «date lonely housewives.»


The routine functions of these people are boring, lonely, and casual.


The world’s first lonely planet book store is located in Sydney’s airport and is a great place to find that last minute gift idea or guide.


2:15 am (8th)— TCM — Arsenic and Old Lace In what is probably Frank Capra’s zaniest, least Capra-corn-esque film, Cary Grant plays Mortimer Brewster — a perfectly normal man until he discovers that his sweet old maid aunts have accumulated several dead bodies in the basement due to poisoning lonely old men.


Would you like to change your lonely life and have opportunity to select new friends and lovers?


Writing is a tough and often lonely pursuit, but there are plenty of ways you can get your writing out there and meet other writers.


Join our community and meet thousands of lonely hearts from various parts of Gonzales.


And in the blue corner, on his own but not lonely, Julian Simon, the Apostle of Infinitely Expanding Wealth.


I’m a sweet guy who is a little lonely just looking for someone to talk maybe more who knows.


Here we see a lonely kid, later to be diagnosed with multiple psychiatric disorders, growing up in a broken home with an alcoholic and bipolar mother (Anne Heche) and a concerned but distant father (Dallas Roberts).


He was on dating services pretending to be a lonely soldier with no family and the flock of women who believed him was incredible.


Now I now you guys and girls understand what I’m talking about but let me tell you how dangerous it can be with learners / kooks on high volume boards out in the line up in over head waves, instead of them being on a lonely beach break actually learning to surf.


The world can seem like a lonely place for conspiracy theorists, he says.


Quite the opposite: 43 percent of people report feeling lonely — and there’s a lot you can do about it.


The «Revis Island» phrase is now well-known to NFL fans and refers to the lonely, isolated place that wide receivers covered by Revis often go for about 3 hours until the game is over.


«It used to be that life transitions were lonely and scary,» she says.


In a couple, it can often leave the partners each feeling disconnected, lonely and unsure of what to do.


From the moment we see Moore’s Charley preparing for their evening in at her snazzy pad, as she is plastering on her makeup, cigarette dangling carelessly from her lips, she becomes an unforgettably vivid personality: a woman who considers herself past her prime, lonely and hopeless about remedying that, and resentful at the continuing attractiveness of George (even if he can not take advantage of his attractiveness in the same way a handsome straight man could).


Many single men from Virginia are lonely and suffer from loneliness the same as you.


[2] In cases where women were sentenced to incarceration, Council members observed that men took note of the length of their sentences, and women reported «being met when they came out of jail by these men, who, taking advantage of their lonely, often friendless, and penniless condition, induced them to go into immorality.»


Dachshunds have a temperament that requires them to have constant companionship, as they are prone to becoming lonely if left on their own for too long.


Users should try to steer clear of anything depressing or sad, such as «I’m a lonely guy looking for love,» or anything negative about what they’re looking for, like «Men with crazy ex-wives need not apply!»


Under the Skin tells the story of an alien seductress, prowling the streets of modern-day Glasgow seeking out vulnerable, lonely young men with a view to harvesting them for an unseen, unaddressed alien corporation for whom she presumably works.


Online dating is no longer seen as a last attempt for the desperate and lonely to find their soul mate.


You couldn’t beat the love for Halloween out of me, but feeling like an oddball among other bloggers was quite lonely.


Widowed and very lonely now, but still needin lovin, are you up for it?


They’re bleached-out, silvery — reminiscent of Emmanuel Lubezki’s work in Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollow, a stealth black-and-white film with lonely daubs of color.


Inspired by the girls who followed Charles Manson and committed vile crimes for him, this book follows a depressed and lonely girl as she falls under the spell of one of the followers of a cult leader in the 1960’s.


If you are seeking your love or romantice message to a lonely man then you have found the best site for this.


I am always feeling blessed, exhausted, happy, lonely for adult company and like I never ever have it together — all at the same time.


The lack of natural, inherent social learning is what can make online training and remote work feel isolating or lonely.


Running a small business can also be very lonely, so it doesn’t hurt to meet other people who can support your endeavors and who understand what you go through on a daily basis.


How many people, for instance, know that James Hansen, a man billed as a lonely «NASA whistleblower» standing up to the mighty U.S. government, was really funded by Soros» Open Society Institute, which gave him «legal and media advice»?


A study from the University of Michigan showed that the more time we browse Facebook, the more our sense of well-being drops and lonely feelings jump.


This is Setsuko (Shinobu Terajima), a lonely married woman working a dead-end job full time.


In the good old days you would call up strangers if you were feeling lonely, but there would be no chance of you meeting up with whoever was sitting on the other end of the line.


“Probably the lonely one who can’t stop kicking himself over things in the past

Her destiny, however, was not that of the cold mountains and the lonely snow

Ava had been in her labs a lot lately so that helped leave her lonely

Poor sod! Although they moved into the village some three years ago, his wife has been working in Bristol so doesn’t know many people and the other week he was worrying at me that she was lonely, so I suggested that he tell her about the Granny & Grandpa Club

Then the sudden possibility of human existence beyond the gun barrel started to take shape amid the chaos and swirl of the suddenly agitated surf upon my hitherto lonely shoreline

Her destiny, however, was not that of the cold mountains and the lonely snow bejewelled passes that brought fitful life to their lands

He rented a shabby flat in the port slum and, when the coin for wine evaporated, he might work for a few nights as a pot-washer or something equally lonely

In these years of lonely desperation, when men came and went,

There was once a lonely girl who longed

at the Lonely Tree

who clings to this lonely keel with her

«Wouldn’t you get lonely?» he asked

Both had been lonely, searching for something

in this dry and spiteful place of lonely rest

It was a lonely trip

this lonely pile of brick and slate,

«You would get lonely out here

“Oh you men, you know nothing!” Kate threw up her hands in exasperation, “Didn’t you hear him? He wants what we all have found;” she continued softly, “He’s a lonely man, Steve

Her sad and lonely inner child wandered the dark corridors of a huge adult world, while at the same time she could feel the steam head pressure of outrage building in the magma chambers that brooded darkly in the spaces between her quiet outward persona and her molten core

Her sad and lonely inner child wandered the dark corridors of a

I don’t mean to suggest that her parents neglected her, but I think she was lonely

A lonely figure walking met his eyes and he squinted trying to make out what was coming towards him

I’m lonely, scared half silly and I’ve nowhere to turn

was a welcome companion on the lonely road

departure, he felt that it could be rather lonely here if he lost Alistair

lonely hill with Jenna,’ said Petr

It was rather quiet and just a little lonely sitting on his own in the

I rarely feel lonely, but at this moment I wish I too had someone to laugh with this evening

’ How does Katie know that you’ve been worrying about that? ‘She told me today how lonely she gets at home sometimes, ‘cos there’s only her most of the time

The resultant stretch and rumple brought FA and LA into contact with the those other lonely forces so that through the progress of a now diatonic ascension and descension of any octave, having its existence among other octaves of similar nature, the forces could at last realize the imperative of their separation, i

Some problem like a falling out with a fundamentalist church, some idols destroyed, a shunning; and before you know it, there’s another lonely cabin with another lonely story

I felt ugly (and was told that I was, constantly), I was lonely and insecure

Victoria eventually got a probe in a lonely tree deep in an atrium in that city

When it was all done for me, On Calvary’s lonely, blood-stained tree

The man who came with the barrow told us that our inn was described as lonely, which was why the captain had chosen it

occur to Jean just how lonely the poor wretch had been

He could care less, but ran out of the city gates to a lonely place, and he pulled out the lamp and rubbed it

The genie appeared, and at the magician’s command carried him, together with the palace and the princess in it, to a lonely place in Africa

‘He was a lonely man before you came

The station was a lonely place at that hour, lacking all the

If I’ve demonstrated anything in this tome it is that I’ve been prepared to take a leap of faith, and when I’m confused, lost or lonely I just remember rule number one

She cautiously mounted and turned the steed to the east, finding the lonely road

As they walked behind her down the passage he thought to himself how lonely she must be, since no man would look at her twice

«That girl… she looked so lonely,» Lunarey’s tone lowered as she mentioned her

None of you truly knew how miserable and lonely that poor girl was

It was a lonely road

The agency’s thought tubes continued to tumble quietly in space, navigating their lonely satellite vistas

The black and silver haired, gray-eyed man sat at a lonely table with one other Imperial

He’d have preferred the others to think of him as having a slightly evil side rather than simply a lonely old mind-entity

Been a lonely place, it has

Life could then be lived as a meaningful co-creation process with the Divine, rather than a lonely unguided journey

Sammy Darin was a lonely, red-headed kid who had lived with his maiden aunt since the death of his parents in a car accident when he was nine years old

He was now thirteen, and it seemed that the older he got, the more lonely he became

Like a lantern in a lonely house on the beach, the flickering orange to yellow light that seemed to flow with the updraft in the wind, gave this solid sanctuary the look of a jack o’lantern

“That sounds very lonely

They had not gone far before they saw the Mock Turtle in the distance, sitting sad and lonely on a little ledge of rock, and, as they came nearer, Alice could hear him sighing as if his heart would break

“On your wedding day, I was so lonely

Joseph looked so lost and lonely as he left the hut where the baby was to be born, I wanted to comfort him

Was he lonely? Sure

He didn’t think it was the same as feeling lonely, that was him as the outsider: observing others but never connecting

“Spare a thought for old Dawson then there’s no one here to keep me company it’s so dark sometimes and I get so lonely that’s why you’re here Billy Boy you can join me for eternity”, and his good eye gleamed maliciously

‘I have to admit, Raiya, it can get a bit lonely up here

Soon after, they moved to Cana, leaving Mother terribly lonely

‘Torbin is a lonely man,’ she replied

” She sipped her sherry and at this moment I felt very lonely with out my mates I would have given anything to have Elijah or Bert or any of my other comrades in the Battalion here with me

this lonely – you know that!” Jill had never mentioned

“I’m just so glad to see you I have missed you so much and sometimes in Manchester it has been so lonely being away from here although I have made friends there

Jessie began to learn that whaling was not always being lonely at sea,

By this time, Jessie was sure that whaling at sea was not a boring and lonely way of life

for a last lonely hour of thought before he started to pack his

It was very lonely for Waddell and his associates

He seemed so charming and plausible and he was supposed to be a pal of yours and so I said yes and to tell the truth I was feeling lonely everyone seemed to have someone but me but little did I know what he was really like

There were many times I found myself in a lonely place

“I brought him because he was so lonely without you

Mitzi must have felt lonely

That first winter on disability was quiet and lonely

‘Obviously he would’ve been a liability, unless he lied about his lonely status

“I’m not letting him move in with me — lonely or not

Poor lonely Jimmy, with no one, no support that was unconditional

It was the day after Kiri’s release and all Raven wanted to do was lie alone in his bed to sort out his head and prepare himself for the rest of his long, lonely sentence

He felt lonely and confused

What could he say? It felt revolting? Terrifying? Lonely? None of these answers would have done it justice

, and I found a few lonely coins in my

Otherwise, I’ll be very lonely, Wyll

An hour after dawn, the hoarse voices of Sheriff Forgo and Dorro Fox Winderiver still echoed across the lonely sea

she found her way to the lonely cottage, where a visitor rarely came,

It was so painful that she almost gave up, but the thought that her wonderful Candy had come back to find her after all these lonely years drove her on

The day before Christmas was bitterly cold, with a few lonely

planning for so long, and spend the time instead in that lonely place

Silent and lonely was the corridor

that is unless you are a lonely woman with an eye for a man in uniform! I am convinced, and many policemen reading here will agree, that some complaints we attended to were just for our manly presence so to speak

From my brief meetings with him, I got the feeling Sespian has led a lonely life

Who dines at this club on Christmas but lonely bachelors? There was a

over-fed, discontented, lonely old bachelor on the splendid side of the

entered into this little farmhouse set in the midst of the lonely,

away by the river a lonely coyote set up his quick, howling yelp

Brock waited a further moon before suggesting that they resume their journey, not because the delay might help them to discover what had happened to Darkburst– that hope had quickly disappeared– but because he couldn’t bring himself to ask Soffen to leave her lonely vigil

Evelyn had left to spend the university holidays at her parents’ house, and since I hadn’t had a reply to any of my letters to Rachel from the day that she’d left for university after school, she clearly was no longer a part of my life and that left me rather lonely over the Christmas holidays

I didn’t mind as it was his job and he was a perfectionist, but it just got very lonely sometimes and even when he was at home and not working he was very quiet and lost in his own thoughts

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