Sentences with word log

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Whoever tampered with your personal log was clever.

Кто бы ни сфальсифицировал ваш личный журнал, он был хитер.

It also includes two new logs: the Setup log and the Forwarded Events log.

В нее также входит два новых журнала: журнал установки и журнал пересылаемых событий.

Likely holed up in a hollow log.

Он, наверное, прячется в каком-нибудь гнилом бревне.

1 log metadata flush failed because of media write error.

Не удалось выполнить сброс метаданных журнала %1 из-за ошибки записи носителя.

This log provides information on which browser and operating system was used to access your site.

В этом журнале содержится информация о том, какой браузер и операционная система были использованы для доступа к вашему сайту.

Search log messages as described above.

Искать в сообщениях журнала, как описано выше.

Specifies whether MOM generates an application event log entry if the specified program fails.

Указывает, должна ли программа МОМ создать запись в журнале событий приложений, если выполнение указанной программы завершается сбоем.

This option allows log lines to be colored depending on their log level.

Разрешает раскраску строк журнала в зависимости от уровня журнала.

A format string for the log messages when multiple revisions are selected in the log dialog.

Строка формата для сообщений журнала при множественном выборе ревизий в диалоге журнала.

The SQL Server transaction log operates logically as if the transaction log is a string of log records.

Журнал транзакций SQL Server работает логически, как если журнал транзакций является строкой записей журнала.

The above shows that the log log n estimate is not very accurate even for maximum practical ranges of about 1016.

Вышеприведенное показывает, что оценка log log n не очень точна даже для максимальных практических диапазонов таких как 1016.

Yes or in these log notes.

Take two minutes each evening to log what you purchased that day.

Потратьте пять минут каждый вечер, чтобы записать все, что вы купили в этот день.

Permeability was estimated using log data calibrated against well tests.

Проницаемость была оценена с помощью данных каротажа, прокалиброванных по испытаниям скважин.

Forward it to my personal comm and erase the log.

I grew up with hippie parents in a log cabin.

Computer log says an extra person on site.

Бортовой журнал в компьютере утверждает, что у нас ещё один человек на базе.

I want you to log them in that book.

Я хочу, чтобы вы записывали их все в этот блокнот.

Or what I thought was a log.

Во всяком случае то, что я считал поленом.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат log

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

How to use log in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «log» and check conjugation/comparative form for «log«. Mastering all the usages of «log» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Then in 1971 Arnold Schönhage and Volker Strassen published a method capable of multiplying large numbers in n × log n × log(log n) multiplicative steps, where log n is the logarithm of n.
Los Angeles Yule Log from Yule Log 2.0 on Vimeo.
Roll each log in the sesame seeds, coating the log completely.
Oh, chicken log, oh, chicken log, how fragrant are your gasses!
The Log Cabin is an early example of a regional log building.
If that fails, log out of Netflix and log back in again.
Best choice overall Best VPN for the money   Best for many devices Best free no-log VPN Best no log VPN for limited information gathering Best no log VPN for staying hidden Best no log VPN with extra features
Videographers should know that the a6400 isn’t best-suited for video, despite its support for S-Log 2, S-Log 3, and Hybrid Log Gamma (HLG).
Facebook warns that doing this might log you out of services you use Facebook to log into, like Spotify, but you can just log in again.
My strategy was to stick to the log roll, a rubber matted log.
Their conjecture was based on a hunch that an operation as fundamental as multiplication must have a limit more elegant than n × log n × log(log n).
If you want to log out of WhatsApp on your iPad, you have to log out of all devices and then log back in on your phone.
This is the most log-jammed award in a group of log-jammed awards.
The company made 90 million people log out and log back in on Friday.
Total visibility: Audit logs let you see when you log in, log out, and more.
I tried to log in, but it wouldn’t let me log in, so I called Sony.
I log into my bank account and log last night’s online purchase into my budget spreadsheet.
I honestly was picturing a log of what TV shows were on, not an actual log.
Then, on Christmas, they sing log songs and beat the log with sticks, ordering it to eliminate.
Currently, you have to log out of one account and log into another, which can get tedious.
Richardson denied knowing whether anyone had changed the shift log and insisted that he had signed the log.
Beyond its unexpected scent, the log also boasts other benefits: Enviro-Log constructs the log from 100-percent recycled materials, meaning they’re about as environmentally-friendly as recreationally burning something can be, it seems.
Yet when you add or subtract two log concave sequences, the resulting sequence is usually not itself log concave.
«We have trained her son, who is literate, to keep a log and check the owner’s log,» said Jangale.
Long Island Football Player Dies After Being Hit by 400-Pound Log A 16-year-old participating in a summer training camp was hoisting a large log overhead with four other boys when the log fell.
People couldn’t log in to their Tinder profiles due to a «Facebook log-in loop,» and they started freaking out.
She calls the local sheriff’s office, cradling her log, claiming that the log has a message from Special Agent Cooper.
Facebook said that it had forced 90 million users to log out and log back in again on Friday morning.
The Log Lady was one of the original series’ oddest creations — a woman who received spiritual guidance from a log.
Taam tells «Secret Lives of the Super Rich» the 1,000-square-foot log cabin was originally constructed in Finland before being disassembled log by log, brought across the Atlantic, and reconstructed in the location where it now sits.
The Tio de Nadal (Christmas log) or Caga Tio (crapping log) is like a cross between a Tamagotchi and a piñata.
Skype is a utility, like the telephone, and you log in to chat with a person and then you log off.
In 1966, WPIX in New York aired the original Yule Log show, a loop of a log burning in a fireplace.
Book this log cabin for $199 per weekend nightWhen you think of a log cabin, it probably looks exactly like this.
On Christmas, they sing «log songs» and beat the log with sticks, like a piñata, so it will spill the treats.
Before you can log out of FaceTime on your Mac computer, you of course need to know how to log in.
Just log on to Facebook, log on to Instagram, and it’s instantaneous comparison with a peer group or many peer groups.
Repeat a few times until the log moves easily, adding more flour if it sticks, then spin the log 90 degrees, shape it into a horizontal log again, and knead a few more times, adding more flour if necessary.
Strangely, I was able to log out of my character and server and then log back in without waiting in queue again.
How to log into your Gmail account on a computerTo log into Gmail on your Mac or PC, simply go to Gmail.
This process will log you out of Steam, so you&aposll have to log back in if you want to play games.
And in case you forget to log out of a webpage, the kiosk will automatically log you out after 30 seconds of inactivity.
It’s possible to appear offline on a PS4 before you log in, as long as you choose that setting when you log in.
The other log Lamb was able to examine for the server itself does go back further, and this log shows that on Dec.
Deleting Facebook will log you out of the app, and you’ll need to upgrade to become a member in order to log back in.
Police do not know why the log was dropped, or whether the weight of the log or wet grass might have been a factor.
You can now add up to five Instagram accounts and swiftly switch between them without needing to log out and log back in again.
One of the big appeals is each student can log into any Chromebook and as soon as they log out another student can use it.
Though the app has no log-in requirement to browse, you can create a log in to post your own recipes and follow other users.
You could log onto some other computer (down the block, or in another country) and use the internet to log onto your computer back home.
Install and log into Friendly and you can log into your Facebook (and Instagram) accounts one by one, then switch between them with a tap.
Security analytics are the result of data analysis across multiple sources of data, often log data enriched with non-log data such as threat intel.
Christmas Yule Log Centerpiece, $54.95, available at L.L.BeanThis Christmas yule log centerpiece features natural white birch, pine cones, faux red berries, and sustainably-harvested greenery.
«We do standard log analytics in terms of ingesting, parsing, visualizing, alerting and searching for log data at scale using scaled, secure infrastructure,» Assaraf said.
Many major departments across the country do not use log books, and many already require officers to log 911 call response on patrol car laptops.
«Tió de Nadal» means Christmas log, and it refers to an actual log with a smiley face, two little wooden legs, and a red hat.
If you want to log in to your accounts, you should be able to verify you’re the one trying to log in and not someone else.
And as a nice side effect, the next time you log in, you only have to click on the «Log in with Facebook» link (for example).
«The painting is signed with a portion of the algorithm that made it: «min G max D x [log (D(x))] + z [log(1 – D (G(z)))].
You basically log into whichever account you’d prefer to become your primary account, and then separately log into the account you’d like to be your secondary account.
In its latest update, you can now add up to five accounts and swiftly switch between them, without needing to log out and log back in again.
Reddit also clears your history every time you log out, so alternatively you can log out whenever you’re done viewing porn, but that’s kind of a pain.
The site then asks you to create a password to log in, but it’s less important because you could always log in with your Google or Facebook account.
Built in the 1940s, the Corral Lodges is a semicircle of 15 single-unit log cabins huddled around a log office that used to be a gas station.
While you can&apost completely delete your Facebook Activity Log in with one click, you can clear your Activity Log on Facebook by removing each individual activity record.
You can do this by tapping «Log out from all devices» on the Web/Desktop settings screen and then choosing «Log out» from the box that pops up.
Here’s how it works: Users log on to the platform and give up some basic information, via a required Facebook log-in, and then get started picking their stocks.
If something here doesn’t make sense then click End Activity to log out remotely (worst-case scenario, you’ll need to log in again on a device you’ve forgotten about).
So if I were to log into your Instagram account or you were to log into mine, it would be completely boring to you because you’ve invested in it.
While the service costs $29 per month users are refunded $1 for each day they log in, meaning the service is essentially free if users log in every day.
Log into your Facebook account on your Mac or PC and click the little downward facing arrow at the top right corner of the screen, then click «Activity Log
Information about Drupal’s access log published on a forum for Drupal developers and users indicates its access log saves data for only 16 weeks before deleting and overwriting it.
They could also know a customer’s Facebook ID if they used that same email to log into the furniture retailer, or used Facebook directly to log into that site.
Log into Facebook once in mobile Safari, and when you go to log in to a third-party app using a social network, it should be able to remember you.
As with Facebook Post Manager, you need to log into Facebook and navigate to your Activity Log, though there aren’t quite as many options to pick from this time around.
PIA VPN says it has a strict «no log» policy — meaning it doesn’t keep a log of your internet activity — but you have to believe they are telling the truth.
Anytime you catch yourself peeking over someone’s shoulder, making a mental note of what time they log on or log off, or when they enter the office — you’re not helping.
If we look at other schemes to eliminate passwords, let’s look at all this «log in with Google» or «log in with Facebook» that you find on site after site.
But then they try to log in … and they find that they can’t log in due to a security protocol change Google strong-armed onto the internet a decade ago.
If students could be motivated by an online log to stop talking in class, perhaps a log would motivate them to learn to write an introductory paragraph or add fractions.
They’ve hung it in a gold frame and signed it using a segment of the algorithm’s code: «min G max D x [log (D(x))] + z [log(1 – D (G(z)))]».
Partnering with the sound designers at Marmoset and web designer Wondersauce, the Oddfellows team wanted to make sure Yule Log was as authentic a yule log experience for the digital medium.
At the time, Light was signed in to the company network and wasn’t able to log off due to the virus, so Yangson couldn’t log in and tamper with the accounts.
French oak log exports to China rose 35 percent in the year to January 2018 and now account for 70 percent of all French oak log exports, according to FNB data.
To add another member of a household, have them sign into the Alexa app on their mobile device or log out on your phone and log in with their Amazon account.
Book this log cabin for $126 per weekend nightThis cabin is everything I hoped for when searching out a log home: classic mahogany exterior, rich wood walls, and knotted pine fixtures.
If you want to see the apps you downloaded using a different Apple ID, you&aposll need to log out of your current account and log into your older one first.
It will also cover licensing fees to use Coulson’s scenes from Twin Peaks in the film since there can’t really be a Log Lady documentary without footage of the Log Lady herself.
Log management service Scalyr today announced the beta launch of PowerQueries, its new tools for letting its users create advanced search operations as they manage their log files and troubleshoot potential issues.
It doesn’t matter where you log in — the important point is that you log into Amazon using the same Amazon account that is associated with your Kindle app on the iPad.  4.
Those are tracked automatically as you go about your day, but since Fit also lets you log activities manually, you didn’t really get a chance to log the intensity of those exercises.
This year’s holiday campaign from the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association is footage of a roast spinning slowly over flames — a «Drool Log» that’s based on the WPIX-TV «Yule Log» of yore.
Account Kit will allow developers to give users a way to log in with just their phone number or email address, eliminating the need to log in with a user name and password.
Many people find it convenient to use the same social-network identity for many of these log-ins, and Facebook, as the biggest social network, has 60% of this «social log-in» market.
Poonam Mathis, who launched StealthForce, a marketplace for people like herself who had worked in institutional real estate investment firms, and are now freelance, recommends setting strict log-on and log-off times.
The social network forced 90 million people—around 50 million victims plus an additional 40 million that may have been affected, according to the company—to log out and log back in again.
On the Sign-in Options screen, you can change your existing account password, choose to log in with a typed set of PIN digits, or log into your computer with a Picture Password.
Tinder allows users to log in through Facebook’s authentication tool, although Match Group said this week that most new users are taking advantage of a process that lets people log in without Facebook.
For totally free options, use the free health app that comes on your phone or download Google Fit, the Runtastic run tracker, or StrongLifts 5×5 Workout Gym Log to log your lifting sessions.
Our photographer, Asanka Brendon Ratnayake, and I stayed in one of a number of log cabins that had miraculously been spared by the fire — the «luckiest log cabins,» as one local described them.
But not everyone will be able to log in today.
In Atlanta, workers plan to log off for 12 hours.
It’s simply how we log onto our mobile devices now.
Please log into your account and confirm your payment details.
Users log in to see what others think of them.
I quickly log on and register from my work computer.
I don’t log on as often as I would like.
Enable the feature and then log into your Uber account.
Transfer log to prepared baking sheet, and remove plastic wrap.
This number of daily users who log in through twitter.
I got ready to run or die or log out.
The most interesting aspect is there’s an eclipse chaser log.
With an ashtray, a fireplace log, and a lighted cigarette.
It has been log jammed in the legal process since.
The username is again a simple word to log in.
Call log posted online by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
They turned over leaf, log and rock, but found nothing.
Yes, people most certainly log on and play the game.
Hackers can then reuse those credentials to log in themselves.
Is it time to log into a social media stock?
And do they know when I log on to FedLoan?
During a system transfer I checked her activity log: pic.twitter.
You log onto the web app and input some info.
I log onto my online budget and review my purchases.
You can log your meditation schedule using IFTTT or Librato.
It stands for Searchable Log of All Communication and Knowledge.
They log hours of interviews and investigate the owner’s assets.
Some kids come to log extra time on class projects.
Customers will now be able to log into their Walmart.
In spite of it all, Musk continues to log on.
Both Innovent and Ascentage have yet to log any revenues.
Let me just log on to read some new- pic.twitter.
When you log in through Gmail, everything’s synced right up.
You didn’t have to log into Twitter to see it.
Install the app and then log into your Google account.
The Avengers needed 14 days to log the same achievement.
Log cabins are a bit of a problem for writers.
For now, it might just be best to log off.
The more you log, the more accurate its predictions are.
Trips requires you to log in with your Google account.
Each time you log in, a new code is generated.
For more information including web extras, log on to:
These safe browsing providers may also log your IP address.
They log off and walk in the world beside me.
You’ll log your name, address, and credit card info first.
Underneath, you can add additional information to your Cycle Log.
Cycle Tracking also allows you to retroactively log past periods.
He beat his own record to log a 10th win.
Latter requires change log as we’re oft the public record.
Log out of your current Apple ID on your iPhone.
Go deeper: You can log out, but you can’t hide.
In order to access your tickets, log into Ticketmaster’s website.
Would you like me to log into your personal account?
Another great feature is the activity log on the app.
First, log into Netflix and go to the «Account» page.
One approach — «immutable life log technology» — especially gets my attention.
I suggest there should be a time log, time period.
And I was very honored to — is it Log Cabin?
Wrap each log tightly in parchment paper, twisting each end.
Head home, then, unfortunately, log back into work a bit.
Simple pleasures are part of the Log Cabin scent allure.
We rest on a fallen log in a sunny spot.
If not, you can log in by navigating to settings.
LOGY appears to come from the Dutch «log,» for heavy.
Presumably you live in an apartment, not a log cabin.
Now investigators could log in and run their own searches.
I boot up my work laptop and log in early.
So go log in right now and up your contribution.
I then log on to work for a few hours.
Patrick Chappatte But I don’t want to log off Twitter!
TARA GARCÍA MATHEWSON Step 1: Log into our class website.
And I said, «Holy shit» when I saw the log.
«Now, I log in 12 hours a day,» says Golden.
Gregory T. Angelo is the President of Log Cabin Republicans.
PST on Thursday, Nov 28, you can log onto KylieCosmetics.
For more information including web extras, log on to:
Ring did log everyone out after a password change, however.
All three log entries were attributed to Agent Oscar Garza.
The first Yule Log special aired on December 24, 1966.
«It’s just the latest log on the fire,» said Schumacher.
They just have to log in and follow Twitter’s instructions.
It’s just another log to throw on the hysteria fire.
Dr. Porco even labeled her online reports a captain’s log.
People should log how much they’re on there a week.
SRS: What inspired you to create «Yule Log With Friends»?
Lastly, KFC says that the log has «no shelf life,» meaning if 2018 isn’t the perfect year to make your Christmas smell like KFC, you can always save your log until the next millennium.
«You will not be able to log onto Facebook, turn on the radio, watch TV, read a newspaper, log onto Twitter without seeing a story about the causes and solutions to homelessness,» she said.
But I know I won’t, because I would dive too deep into Lynch’s crazy world, melt into a puddle on the floor of the Red Room and wake up caught in the Log Lady’s log.
Dunkin’ said it has launched an internal investigation and has forced a password reset that required all potentially impacted DD Perks members to log out and log back into their accounts using a new password.
The tree’s rising popularity edged out another long-standing Christmas tradition – the Yule log, which is traditionally a giant log that was brought inside the home, decorated and burned for the 12 days of Christmas.
Techcrunch reports that the app will still keep the ability for users to log in with the social network, but it’s also adding the ability for users to use a phone number to log in.
If I buy something at one of the wrong registers, the cashier must log out of it and log on at the right register before re-entering my purchase so I can use Apple Pay.
As of now you don’t have to log in to watch the stream, but Twitter it tempting users to log in so they can comment in the livestream (which almost reads like a troll box).
With the seam face-down on the countertop, trim the sides of the log with a serrated knife and cut the log into 8 equal-sized spiral rounds; each will be about 2 inches wide.
Although a log on the server shows some of the alleged intruder’s activity on it, there are signs the intruder may have deleted important information from the log, preventing Lamb from viewing everything that occurred.
We either use the Messenger mobile app or log into
That centerpiece of their case was dismissed as political log-rolling.
Then, log into your Amaxon account or create a new one.
A few days after, the staff couldn’t log into the website.
«Log concavity is easy to observe in concrete examples,» Huh said.
Of course, there are times when you have to log in.
With these new Facebook and Instagram tools, why ever log off?
Then I heard movement from where the log had come from.
Users will log in with real names, probably through Facebook itself.
Of course, there are times when you have to log in.
He fell for them repeatedly, giving away his log-in credentials.
Your Outline servers don’t keep any log of your internet traffic.
When you’ve finished season two, offer to log off for good.
Consumers log on, search for an item, buy it and leave.
Users log in by putting their finger on the fingerprint sensor.
You can also use Vue credentials to log into NBC’s app.
Finally, apps can choose to let users log in with Snapchat.
Talk about a take a hot as a burning Yule log.
As you add photographs and locations, your travel log populates itself.
Alice is finally able to log back into her own account.
Cyrano protects the secret until his death from a falling log.
Turner did log 13 hours of Taser training over a decade.
The person screaming «LOG OFF» at Musk’s house is the SEC.
It’s okay to log off or step away from the computer.
If you don’t like that, maybe it’s time to log off.
On Friday, the group will log 14 miles in Northern Virginia.
Just log in, go to My Activity, and remove items individually.
Your Facebook Activity Log stores a lot of data about you.
Wake up, freshen up, and log on to my work computer.
Almost every website, app and service now requires log-in details.
He could log in to his Facebook account or his email.
I just felt like a bump on the log for sure.
The robot even jumps clean over a log, demonstrating its dexterity.
I still have the concert log I kept throughout the 1980s.
A system so secure that even its users can’t log in.
But a chat log alone is a flimsy piece of evidence.
Check out a sample of Jennings’ daily food log below. Breakfast
Next to one charred stump, a log cabin is being built.
And when someone said ‘log on’ it meant stoke the fire.
Security experts can also log into AWS using read-only credentials.
He just sat there like a log, not saying a word.
And Amazon confirmed the incident after engineers checked the device’s log.
Why do so many others log on to watch them eat?
Swing by your Google Dashboard and log in with your account.
You can log runs with just the MapMyRun or Endomondo apps.
Oh, and the Surface Go supports Windows Hello face log-in.
The Log Lady probably knows what’s up, as she generally does.
The more miles you log, the more «Comma points» you earn.
How about a log of every time your garage door opens?
Al-Ahram published a scan of the log on its website.
Many of the positive achievements he campaigned on are log-jammed.
There’s also a log of every time those apps were updated.
Each wet, slippery log offered another chance for a wrenched ankle.
Clients aren’t able to log in to their accounts right now.
«Just keeps pleading, please come to the bathroom,» the log says.
To do so, log onto your Rapid Rewards account at Southwest.
Jeffrey stepped carefully over a log, wary of dirtying his sneakers.
Set up or log into your PayPal account at
Some people like to watch a Yule Log on Christmas Eve.
Unfortunately, Catherine E. Coulson, the infamous log lady, won’t be there.
Trump emerged from neither a log cabin nor the contemporary meritocracy.
Inside the fireplace is a bronze sculpture of a charred log.
Lichen and moss on a burnt log, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon.
Specifically for Margaret, how did the text chat log concept evolve?
I log in and immediately set to «work» writing an email.
Real like outdoorsman type shit like log cabin fireplace always running.
Click here to register for Extra Crunch, or log in here.
You don’t need to log in to Twitter to watch it.
It looked set to log its fourth straight week of losses.
You can also log exercises and sync steps with Apple Health.
Sky-Futures lets you record, log and share all your observations.
Log in to the American Express Claims Center at
Click «Log In» at the top right of the screen. 3.
If you’re unable to speak safely, you can log onto thehotline.
Then log into a Google Hangout, and watch this thing together.
So if I’m an actor I can get a log-in.
Then you can go back and see a log of that.
It appears they were actually log rollers, which look like harpoons.
You must enter this code before being able to log in.
The E.M.R. is now «conveniently available» to log into from home.
Lincoln could go from a log cabin to the White House.
The Log Lady knows a lot, but she doesn’t know everything.
His event boils it down: Who can log the fastest lap?
Then the «log» rose to the surface and ate a fly.
Customers received error messages when attempting to log into their accounts.
I get to work and log my weekend spend and OMG!!!!
This might require you to log into your Apple Music account.
Log out of your Facebook, says success expert Richard St. John.
Log into Skype online on Chrome and make a call.2.
In another, a different boy was crushing walnuts with a log.
And now to log out of FaceTime on your Mac.2.
Any user can log a complaint online or through its apps.
Go to Facebook and log into your account, if necessary.2.
Mapp asked that people who’d like to help log onto
Open up the Gmail app and log into your account.2.
Log into your Gmail account on your Mac or PC. 2.
Lodging options include log homes that are ideal for group getaways.
The most successful executives I know don’t log 90-hour weeks.
Highlights include log juggling, flying trapeze and a cantering mechanical horse.
Log in is automatic if you are already logged into Facebook.
You’ll also need your password so you can log back in!
Open the Google Voice webpage and log into your account.2.
Launch the Steam application and log into your Steam account.2.
The index was poised to log a five-day winning streak.
When you restart Steam, you might need to log in again.
Clients can also log in and make trades without leaving Messenger.
Thus, at times, you&aposll want to log out of iCloud.
James’s school was a converted log cabin with an outdoor toilet.
The characters sitting by the yule log are sketch comedy characters.
Lauren LoGuidice’s «Yule Log With Friends» is available for viewing online.
Mans never been on the log ride when it’s shut down.
The laptop also has a fingerprint sensor that Huawei claims is very fast — it should only take 1.9 seconds to log-in from sleep, and 7.8 seconds to log-in from a fully powered off state.
The credentials listed in the manual include usernames and passwords for the initial log-in to the system as well as credentials to log into the client software used to tabulate and store official election results.
However, if you do log into Facebook, Amazon, or anywhere else, then those sites are obviously going to know about it—if you are going to log in with your credentials, private mode won’t cloak you.
Amazon’s version is similarly easy to use—only it uses a built-in web viewer to bring the log-in screen directly onto the TV, instead of making you log in via a separate mobile device.
In December 2011, Saipov was cited for having not kept his commercial driving log up to date, for which he received a citation of «log not current,» according to records from the Iowa Department of Transportation.
Punters can choose which urinal to use and log their vote afterwards.
Some police precincts now routinely log no killings in a given year.
You can then log in to your account with a single tap.
So why not log all the rules by which languages govern themselves?
But she doesn’t make a special effort to log her experiences there.
Locklear’s name is listed on the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office police log.
The best way to heal a broken heart is to log off.
You know when you see «log in with Facebook» on another website?
You won’t catch me on an amusement park’s log ride ever again.
So Koum let people log into WhatsApp using only a phone number.
When she returns to their log cabin, she apologizes in fluent Italian.
If you see anything you aren’t using, you should definitely log out.
«Basically it’s a real-time log of calls,» he tweeted on Thursday.
And two-thirds of those users log onto Facebook every single day.
There’s no «log cabin to Buckingham Palace» story in the United Kingdom.
Give this a try: log your daily activities for a few days.
It oddly required you to log into Twitter and authorize the app.
Go back to Spotify, log out, and try your new password. Yay!
Are you a log sleeper, or a restless toss-and-turn type?
Forcing people to log in is also better for Instagram’s advertising business.
She shows Cosima her progress log, which Cosima takes to examine further.
Doom and Doom 2 can be played offline after you log in.
Here’s the relevant voiceover: Log data from the dark army’s backdoored machine.
One thing that won’t return, however, is the Facebook log-in option.
You guys have had Log In with Amazon for a long time.
Like any good Hallmark movie, this yule log is nothing buy joyous.
A few wall and log hives buzz with active Asian honeybee colonies.
I log into my credit card account and pay the monthly balance.
To use the service you simply log in and pick a telescope.
Then I log on to do some work for about an hour.
Each site and app is the same when you first log in.
Unfortunately, you’ll still need to log in with credentials for live content.
This is clearly not something that goes away when they log off.
She disappears, and the reason is clear: Someone extinguished the yule log.
It also makes it easy to log the thing onto wi-fi.
You might also be able to log on courtesy of your carrier.
Grab some tea, a cup of pistachios, and log into my computer.
Now, I’m eagerly awaiting moving into my ghostly, scifi, transparent log cabin.
So You’re Saying There’s A Chance from Yule Log 2.0 on Vimeo.
Instead, the hackers took account access «tokens» that let them log in.
I log into my email and check my schedule for this school.
OneDrop helps diabetic patients to log symptoms and share data with doctors.
«You know about death, Hawk,» the Log Lady says over the phone.
The text of the office chat log, shown above, was also included.
Only two-factor accounts are protected from these automated log-in attacks.
The robot expertly negotiates uneven terrain and easily leaps over a log.
Log in on the Amazon, then click Account & Lists and Your Recommendations.
I’ll log back on and finish up some work later this evening.
So I can’t report the problem because I can’t log back in.
And what you can do is log on this web site, Promiseskept.
It actually established «log rolling» as the highest order of budget policy.
If you log into your Instagram account, it’ll show that info too.
It is expected to log another impressive rise, despite the slowing economy.
The Chinese e-commerce giant blocked the majority of log-in attempts.
Minaj appears bedecked with sequins and beads sitting atop a wooden log.
Al-Ahram published a scan of the technical log on its website.
Then I log off and she gets to sit in my lap.
The insults and occasional racial slurs linger long after you log off.
They are on course to log the seventh straight week of losses.
If you look at his game log, he’s only missed three games.
When clicked on this opened an (equally bogus) Gmail log-in page.
Why should his log be put to useTo warm the idle rich?
Which memes will you be hopelessly behind if you don’t log on?
You won’t even have to log in to Snapchat to use it.
Previously you might have just used your Facebook account to log in.
Download it in the app store then log into your Prime account.
For now, account holders can log on with a username and password.
PillDrill’s included Mood Cube lets you log your mood at the moment.
Log in to your account and look for a Get Started button.
There is also a new log, allowing users to view sent Taps.
Lombardo said the time came from «human entry» in a security log.
Take a moment before you log on to your phone or computer.
Log into your iCloud account using your Apple ID and password. 2.
Log into your account on your PS4 and access the PlayStation Store.
Open your LinkedIn app and log into your account, if necessary.2.
It was like having a log wearing glasses in my peripheral vision.
Book a classic igloo or a log cabin with an igloo attached.
Commentary by Gregory T. Angelo, the national president of Log Cabin Republicans.
Open your LinkedIn app and log into your account, if needed.2.
The log home’s great room features a vaulted ceiling and stone fireplace.
Just remember to log in to your Delta account when booking tickets.
Log into the PlayStation website using your PSN username and password. 2.
First, log in to your Verizon account on the My Verizon app.
Log onto your PC or Mac computer and head to
Log into your PlayStation account on a PC or Mac computer.  2.
The exterior is log and stacked quartzite, with a cedar-shake roof.
Log onto the PayPal website using your email address and password. 2.
Nash said the log entry cited the possibility of a faulty battery.
Open your Lyft app and log into your account, if necessary.2.
Open the Lyft app and log into your account, if needed.2.
Time to log onto Twitter and check the pulse of the nation.
I might / draw near as the flame / breathing with the log, breathing.
And yet, the company’s website claims that PureVPN doesn’t keep any log.
Meanwhile, Gemmel and Lueder wrote software for indexing and searching Bell’s log.
Did I log any other information in the afternoon or at night?
So I thought, There should be a complete log out there somewhere.
Its transactions are recorded in an anonymous public log called the blockchain.
The first thing you’ll see when you log in is a dashboard.
Or just maybe, we’ll finally be able to log off for good. 
«Born in a log cabin» used to be the label for that.
Open the Discord app on your phone and log in, if necessary.
They take up positions on the steps outside and log back in.
«Just our endorsement,» Log Cabin Republicans national spokesman Charles Moran told us.
Google will show a device trying to log in to your account.
«Think of it as throwing a log into the gears,» said Blattner.
Log into Slack and see that the singer Scott Walker has died.
«You could not log all of it in 100 years,» she said.
Then there is the clunk of an ax head hitting a log.
He kept a log of the charities he contacted on spiral notebooks.
Shape the potatoes into a 5-inch log, about 1-inch thick.
And I didn’t need or a want a three-bedroom log cabin.
Log into your slack account and navigate to the desired workspace.2.
Open the Slack app and log into your workspace, if needed.2.
Open the Slack app and log into your workspace, if needed. 2.
Open the Slack app and log into your workspace, if necessary.2.
Campaign texters log numerous details from responses, no matter what the content.
Open Gmail on your Mac or PC and log into your account.
Open Gmail and log into your account on your Mac or PC. 
«We were not thinking of just another log cabin,» Ms. Bourne clarified.
«You don’t need to paste the whole chat log,» Ms. Marco said.
Once it&aposs installed and launched, log in using your Amazon account.
But, like all of us, he will quite simply Never Log Off:
Soon, he was promoted to log scaler, with a 10-cent raise.
Gently roll the dough away from you to form a log. 6.
The deal also should immediately eliminate log export restrictions on private land.
Players who log into «Fortnite» on Saturday December 14 at 2 p.m.
The number should be found under your call log or voicemail. 2.
This will send you a special code each time you log in.
Log in and open the sheet that you want to sort.2.
Open the Facebook app and log into your account, if necessary.2.
From here, you&aposll be prompted to log into your account again.
A pop-up will appear for you to log into Microsoft Office.
Log in with your current password if you haven&apost already.2.
Aoki also read the ship’s log, which made no mention of Earhart.
The log cabins and main wooden lodge are also for recreational use.
Prices are on track to log a weekly gain of about 0.8%.
Open your TikTok app and log into your account, if necessary.2.
Log into Facebook in a browser on your Mac or PC. 2.
The space is very cozy and has a rustic, log cabin vibe.
«The French have kicked us out,» Crick wrote in his log book.
Facebook accounts will only be used for log-in and verification purposes.
«He could carve a bear out of a log,» Timothy Edwards said.
Tap the blue «Log Out» text at the bottom of the screen.
Log into your eBay account and navigate to your Seller Hub.2.
You can now log in automatically when you turn on your PS4.
How many virtual «kills» did he log before he committed real ones?
Grimes was busy consoling Musk over his inability to log off Twitter.
Log on to your Facebook page and you’ll experience a similar reality.
Open the TikTok app and log into your account, if necessary.2.
Open the TikTok app and log into your account, if needed.2.
Log into your Facebook account and navigate to your personal page.2.
There is even an occasional log cabin, particularly in the lake neighborhoods.
In order to do that, you need to log into the site.
Yule Log The holiday season always brings out the best in people.
This simply means adding a second step to log into your accounts.
A patient would log into Baidu Doctor on her smartphone or tablet.
Or Munch’s painting, «The Yellow Log» (1912) — there is nothing beyond that.
YouTube The Most Festive One Log quality: 210/103 Crackling sound: 210/22 (it’s a little much) Run time: 210/10 The Most Realistic One Log quality: 3/10 Crackling sound: 8/10 Run time: 5/23 Netflix The One You’ll Probably Use Anyway Fireplace 4K: Crackling Birchwood From Fireplace For Your Home Log quality: 10/10 Crackling sound: 10/10 Run time: 2/10 Comcast XFinity The Only Other One I Could Find «A Christmas Fireplace» Log quality: 8/10 Crackling sound: 1/10 (sounds like paper) Run time: 2/10
Ethyca enterprise transaction log (Screenshot: Ethyca) Ethyca enterprise transaction log (Screenshot: Ethyca) Company co-founder Cillian Kieran says that the automation component is key and should greatly reduce the complexity and cost associated with complying with GDPR rules.
It won’t auto-pause, so you may log back into a dead guy, but if you’re in cover or playing a less violent game, you won’t lose any progress and should log back in as if nothing happened.
Our task was to build log bars for drainage — digging a ditch diagonal to the trail, dumping in a log, and packing it in so that streams of water would flow off the trail instead of eroding it.
I think they do that in the education market, but for example, it’s not like you can just log your child in or out of your iPad, and then log yourself back in, and that sort of thing.
And they only have to log into these services once, as Ink will create a keychain that lives on the student’s campus ID card to automatically log them into these cloud services the next time they want to print.
The week before Black Friday, fill your virtual shopping cart with merchandise, then log out of your account — don’t just close your tab but fully log out of the site — said Kyle James, the founder of
«An earlier issue where some customers were unable to log on to the HSBC mobile banking app has been resolved and users of the app should be able to log on as usual,» said a UK spokesman for HSBC.
They’ll also be able to see a log of recent images their child has sent and received (with the option to remove and report it if it’s inappropriate), and can log them out of devices remotely at any time.
That access will end, however, if you log out of your Bumble app.
For starters, they were told to log their son’s numbers on paper forms.
With the detour around Syria, they log an extra 2.7m km every year.
Every night, the family «feeds» the log and covers it with a blanket.
For the scepters and tiaras set, the reasons to log off are numerous.
You should see something like this screen the first time you log in.
» LG: Next question is from Jaydeep Deshpande: «Does 1Password log all login attempts?
The lenses, as we log hours on this earth, thicken, stiffen, even calcify.
A dispensary can log in and order from vendors on one consolidated platform.
Users can also view a log of name changes to a Facebook page.
In Atlanta, workers plan to log off ride-hail apps for 12 hours.
And the coefficients of all of these chromatic polynomials are always log concave.
«This is what made people curious of this log concavity phenomenon,» Huh said.
It also lets you log your sightings, read bird-related articles from Audubon.
The search is free to do, and requires no account or log-in.
The glitch resets when you log out, but it takes seconds to replicate.
She invited any workers behind Pony who wanted to attend to log in.
Using a serrated knife, cut log on the diagonal into ½-inch-thick slices.
You just need to log off Facebook and download these productivity apps, OK?
Their log vase is hand-carved to give any space a rustic feel.
A family of four lives in isolation in this log cabin in Russia.
Keeping a log of your failures can even be a source of motivation.
No one ever had to know that he noticed things he didn’t log.
Now reinstall Pandora from the App Store and log back into your account.
Users told me they log on when they feel sad, anxious, or lonely.
The information on the phone disappears after too many failed log-in attempts.
You can log out of a Google account you’ve made at any time.
It’s easy: You can create a Medium page using your Twitter log-in.
I promise myself I’ll begin on Monday, and log off for the day.
There you will find an option to log out of all your sessions.
«There was nowhere to log in to,» Mr. Persky said in an interview.
He sees his real competition as the legacy log file and search tool.
They can’t just log off, but being logged on definitely isn’t fun anymore.
He took a log from their backyard and struck Aida in the head.
Drivers in London were due to log off the app between 7 a.m.
It’s also a good way to log customer support calls and analyze them.
«Keeping a log helps you see what’s working and what’s not,» says Kirsch.
That agreement means that clients now log into Marquee from their Bloomberg Terminal.
So many pieces, and so many different websites, log-ins and account numbers.
Especially if what you want is a log cabin or a faraway treehouse.
Just remember that every Android phone may not have the stock Notification Log.
Throughout the week, the kids can log their completed chores by asking Alexa.
That is incorrect; with the new browser, you can log in to Facebook.
In a previous study, Ellis’ team built an app to log smartphone activations.
The new novel’s log line: Caitlin is an obsessive, home-schooled Christian teenager.
You’ll log on to the website or app of a service like Rover.
To protect users, Apple can argue users should always log in with TouchID.
Notably, listeners need to sign up and log in to leave a message.
We recently found a bug that stored passwords unmasked in an internal log.
I log onto my boyfriend’s account to buy it so she can’t see.
Not to mention, a log of this scope would be difficult to fabricate.
It would also log your activity and maybe even suggest healthy meal options.
Not even after checking his log books, with clean alibis during each murder.
There’s nothing like The Sims to log off from reality for a bit.
The Cubs chased Kuhl in the fourth before he could log an out.
When we log in, we can see our own emails and text messages.
After, I log back on to finish my last three hours of work.
If that holds, Wall Street would log its first weekly loss in four.
Transfer butter to a sheet of plastic wrap and roll into a log.
Any time you log in, you’ll get a code sent to your app.
Even if someone steals your password, they can’t log in without that key.
You’ll also have to tediously log into them all once you sign up.
All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«They have a large pile of cut logs.«
(cut, fallen, rotting, cedar, oak, pine)

«We all sat around the burning logs.«
(burning, blazing)

«Floating logs began to block the dam.«

«The manager wanted a detailed log of his work.«
(detailed, daily)

«His phone log became important evidence.«

Used with verbs:

«We spent all day splitting logs.«
(splitting, hauling, chopping. sawing)

«He added another log to the fire.«

«He tossed more logs on the fire.«
(tossed, put)

«Dry logs burn much better.«
(burn, ignite)

«She kept a log of their travels.«
(kept, maintained)

«He updated his work log.«
(update, checked, examined)

Used with nouns:

«They built a log cabin in the mountains.«
(cabin, house, fire)

«I had to complete the log book.«
(book, sheet, entry)

«sentence with the word log definition and meaning in english» at online dictionary. Definition of sentence with the word log definition and meaning in english. What is another word for sentence with the word log definition and meaning in english? This is the right place where you will get the proper information. What does sentence with the word log definition and meaning in english? However, check sentence with the word log definition and meaning in english at our online dictionary below.

Table Of Content:
  • Log | Definition of Log by Merriam-Webster
  • Sleep like a log Definition & Meaning |
  • Backlog | Definition of Backlog by Merriam-Webster
  • Logging Definition & Meaning |
  • LOG | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
  • Log in definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
  • Login or Log in – How to Use Each Correctly —
  • Log definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
  • Logy Meaning | Best 10 Definitions of Logy
  • Words Starting With C — Merriam-Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary

1. Log | Definition of Log by Merriam-Webster
Log | Definition of Log by Merriam-WebsterSynonyms Example Sentences Learn More About log … See the full definition for log in the English Language Learners Dictionary. log. noun. ˈlȯg , ˈläg  …

2. Sleep like a log Definition & Meaning |
Sleep like a log Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.comHow to use sleep like a log in a sentence. ROME — What does it take for a Hollywood A-lister to get a private audience with Pope Francis?

3. Backlog | Definition of Backlog by Merriam-Webster
Backlog | Definition of Backlog by Merriam-WebsterBacklog definition is — a large log at the back of a hearth fire. … See the full definition for backlog in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

4. Logging Definition & Meaning |
Logging Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.comLogging definition, the process, work, or business of cutting down trees and transporting the logs to sawmills. See more.

5. LOG | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
LOG | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionarylog noun [C] (WOOD) · When I lifted the log, there were lots of beetles skittering about/around under it. · Running along the beach, she stumbled on a log and …

6. Log in definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Log in definition and meaning | Collins English DictionaryLog in definition: When someone logs in or logs on , or logs into a computer system, they start using the… | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and …

7. Login or Log in – How to Use Each Correctly —
Login or Log in – How to Use Each Correctly - EnhanceMyWriting.comIs login one word? Enhance your writing by learning how to use login with examples and definitions. Is login a word? Find out here.

8. Log definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Log definition and meaning | Collins English DictionaryLog definition: A log is a piece of a thick branch or of the trunk of a tree … COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. … Examples of ‘log’ in a sentence.

9. Logy Meaning | Best 10 Definitions of Logy
An example of logy used as a suffix is in the word biology, … Perhaps from Dutch log heavy or variant of English loggy heavy, sluggish from log …

10. Words Starting With C — Merriam-Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
Words Starting With C - Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary… My Saved Words; Login. ×. Ask the Editor · Word of the Day · Quizzes · Core Vocabulary · Most Popular · My Saved Words · Log in · Learner’s Dictionary.

  • Source: Google.
  • Conclusion:
    Finally, you got the answer of sentence with the word log definition and meaning in english in this article. We update details about Log | Definition of Log by Merriam-Webster. Thank you for reading.

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    english» that is how you can use it.

    1) Put another log on the fire.

    2) Customers pay to log on and gossip with other users.

    3) Log on to the Hammer Web ring, with 12 more sites devoted to macabre movies.

    4) Can you put another log on the fire?

    5) You need to log on to your home page.

    6) Tap in your password before you log on.

    7) Log on using your name and password.

    8) You need a password to log on.

    9) Press control, alt, delete to log on to the computer.

    10) I set the log on the ground and shaved off the bark.

    11) Log on and get the gory details.

    12) As more people log on,[ on.html] they experience frustrating delays.

    13) Members are invited to log on to their computers and call up the Heisei menu.

    14) Can you tell me how to log on to the Internet?

    15) Oh sure, you log on, the computer crashes-how relaxed are you going to be then?

    16) If you have a modem you can log on to a bulletin board and download it.

    17) It is cool outside as I throw a log on the gently breathing embers.

    18) Log on the created machine, and change network settings/hostname.

    19) You could log on Meinian website with your examination number and password to check your health check result when you finish after 7to 10 working days.

    20) I keep getting an error message when I try to log on.

    21) The result has been that customers are often unable to log on to the system.

    22) It’s aimed at the style-conscious, so make sure you’re wearing the right trainers before you log on.

    23) The teacher told the girls to sit on a log on the third-base line and then she returned to the school.

    24) The better operations will provide you with software that makes it easy to sign up and log on.

    25) Each user has a unique username and a password which must be used in order to log on to the network.

    26) The message contains an authentication token that allows users to log on to network services.

    27) Lumberjack sprawled on the tiles at her feet, whining softly in his sleep like a damp log on a fire.

    28) In San Francisco about 100 people, many of them reporters, have asked to log on to the list.

    29) Once you have a demo account, customers receive a true account user name and password notification, the user can immediately log on to the real account.

    30) Is that safe ? Of course , if you log on some standard websites.

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