Sentences with word keen

There are formal terms in the English language, and then there are slang terms. However, some words or phrases are neither purely formal nor completely slang – and sit somewhere in the middle. When using the word «keen» in your writing, make sure it conforms to the style of your writing.

To correctly use the word «keen» in a sentence, incorporate the word to describe the intensity, interest, or sharpness (literally) of a subject. Also, the word should be used in tandem with specific prepositions; or words such as «to», «on», «in», «for», etc. should be used right after the word.

Read on to know more about the adjective’s meaning and origin, usage in various writing scenarios, example sentences with the word, etc.

Keen – Definition

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The adjective «keen» is generally used to describe a thing or individual that’s sharp, intense, or focused. People who are «keen» on a certain thing basically are greatly interested in that thing and enjoy doing it. «Keenly (adverb)» and «keenness (noun)» are words derived from the adjective.

A few synonyms for the word include:

  • eager
  • piercing
  • acute
  • penetrating
  • discerning
  • fervent
  • biting
  • caustic

The word and the above synonyms are usually used to describe the:

  • mind
  • intellect
  • eye
  • sense
  • desire

«Keen» could also be used to denote the superlativeness of an event, situation, or something or someone in a cool and fun way. In other words, the adjective could be used as an «intensifier».

Despite the otherwise positive connotation, there could be a tad bit of sarcasm looming over the word when used to effusively praise a certain thing or person.

Brief History

The adjective has been in use since the 900s. It is based on «cene», an Old English word, and is related to «kœnn», an Old Norse term. The word «cene» translates as «bold and brave». The spelling of «keen» and «cene» are different, but they sound pretty much alike.

Old Norse, also called Old Scandinavian or Old Nordic, was a North Germanic language. It was spoken by Scandinavia inhabitants and their settlements overseas from around the 7th century and up to the 15th century.

Besides Old Norse, the word «keen» is used to denote «strong» and «bold» in other languages such as Dutch and German. The word means «sharp», in relation to a blade or an edge, only in English.

The adjective «keen» could be used in multiple ways. It is, however, mostly used to describe intensity, enthusiasm, or sharpness (literally or figuratively). «A keen blade» or «a keen knife», for instance, literally means a sharp blade or a finely sharpened razor that pierces or cuts substances readily. Here is an example sentence using the phrase:

  • She wanted to use my keen knife.

When the term is used to refer to something sharp, it’s usually a knife (literal) or the human mind (figurative). Here are a few examples of using the word figuratively:

  • A keen olfactory sense is one that is extremely strong and perceptive.
  • A keen intellect or mind is one that is mentally strong and sharp.
  • A keen desire or yearning is filled with intensity.
  • A keen wind and keen satire are both biting and piercing.

The word can also be used to elucidate the alacrity with which certain things work. For example, the phrases «keen ears» or «keen eyes» mean the specific organs are particularly responsive or sensitive. «A keen mind» or «keen reasoning» indicates exhibiting or having great mental penetration.

«Keen» as a Slang Term

The phrases «keen on», «be into», and «interested in» are all different sets of words that mean pretty much the same thing. The phrase «interested in» is the most formal of the three and invariably used in academic and business texts. «Be into» is the least formal phrase, or proper slang. «Keen on» lies between the two.

When used in conjunction with another word, however, «keen» may become increasingly slangy. The phrase «peachy keen», for instance, is informal.

keen definition on dictionary

The «peachy keen» phrase is used to refer to a thing as wonderful or excellent in a playful and informal manner. The phrase «peachy keen» could be used with or without the hyphen. The word «peachy» could also be used to denote the same thing.

The phrase «peachy keen» is not exactly recent or commonly used. It, in fact, is viewed as a slightly outdated phrase. The word «peachy» is used instead when the writer intends to mean the same thing as the phrase.

Due to its datedness, the phrase is typically used when the writer intends the sentence or message to come across as a bit cute or silly. And due to the overly cheerful or optimistic sound to it, the phrase could be used in a slightly sarcastic way at times. For example:

  • My meetings ran beyond scheduled timings and I had a flat tire, but my day sure was simply peachy-keen.

The word «peachy», which means an attractive or especially likable person, could be used earnestly, however. But even the lone adjective might be intertwined with sarcasm on certain occasions.

The adjective «keen» has been around since the 900s, as mentioned earlier. It was, however, used as a slang term only during the 1900s, a millennium later. Similarly, the word «peach» is a slang term that has been used in the US since the 1700s, at least. The first recorded usage of «peachy keen», however, was during the 1950s.

Prepositions to Use After «Keen»

The adjective «keen» could be followed by a noun or a preposition. The prepositions that typically follow the word are (in descending order of usage):

  • on
  • for
  • to
  • in
  • about
  • at
  • of

The preposition «on» is the most commonly used. Here are a few sentences incorporating «keen on»:

  • But she wasn’t too keen on the plan.
  • Are you keen on writing about consumer technology? Keep reading.
  • Our six-year-old daughter wasn’t too keen on swimming as the pool was a bit too deep for her.
  • I was never keen on attending that university, as I wasn’t a fan of the way the courses worked there.
  • After my brief interaction with Jim, I quickly realized he wasn’t very keen on the project.

Here are some sentences using a few other prepositions with the word «keen»:

  • He seemed a bit too keen for the project.
  • The car’s engine is quite keen to rev.
  • She isn’t very keen in certain ways.
  • And I was not feeling very keen about that.

Kindly note, the prepositions in the above sentences are interchangeable, to a certain extent.

There are, of course, some differences between the prepositions. The words «on» and «to», for instance, could denote certain minor, yet important variations.

  • She is extremely keen on cooking.
  • She is extremely keen to cook today.

In the first sentence, the preposition «on» denotes in general terms the subject’s interest in cooking. In the second sentence, however, the word «to» indicates the subject is stoked about cooking on the given day. The person may be keen on cooking in general or she is just feeling like cooking on that particular day alone.

Example Sentences with the Word «Keen»

Here is a wide range of sentences incorporating the word «keen»:

  • She was a self-reliant, silent woman – with thin lips, a keen eye, and a professional demeanor.
  • I ain’t keen either way.
  • He was standing outside all by himself, watching things with keen interest.
  • Mark gave her a keen glance.
  • I’m keen to eat some pizza tonight.
  • She was keen to know how he was doing.
  • He was a keen hunter and a solid horseman.
  • These last articles exhibit a keen analysis and solid interpretation of facts.
  • Despite being extremely close, they wanted their privacy, and distance was particularly needed with that keen hearing ability of theirs.
  • The malls are quite nearby for keen shoppers.
  • Not all agriculturists are keen traders.
  • They still rehearse two times a week and are more than just keen to widen their horizons.
  • He was a good handyman and also a keen musician.
  • I am not very keen on that topic.
  • All the kids were keen to swim.
  • They aren’t very keen on using the term to describe the dominant pair of the pack.
  • That doesn’t bode well for the leader, who is keen on ruling the country indefinitely.
  • They’ve been on a couple of dates together, and Amanda seems really keen.
  • Anna is very keen on Tom.


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If you are keen on something, it means you are excited about that thing and you cannot wait. On the other hand, if you are not keen on a thing, it denotes you are not enthusiastic about it or interested in it.

It should not be that difficult to get the meaning of the adjective right. However, as mentioned above, there are instances when the word could be used in the literal sense. Make sure you are able to make that distinction in meaning when framing sentences using the word.

Kindly note, «keen» is not very frequently used in the United States. It’s an adjective more popular in the UK and Australia than in America. If you are looking to specifically cater to English speakers of certain geographies, be particularly wary of this aspect.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

keen — перевод на русский


How long has Mr. Keen been inside?

Долго Кин находится внутри?

Keen is in the lead.

Кин в первой.

Keen is still loose.

Кин ещё не пойман.

I’m telling you, Keen.

Говорю тебе, Кин.

What’s going on with Agent Keen?

Не хочешь рассказать, что творится с агентом Кин?

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Well, Castellan, the Chancellor doesn’t seem too keen to help, how about you?

Что ж, Кастелян, Канцлер нам помогать не хочет, как насчет вас?

Daisy was rather keen that I help Upper Bleaching out.

Дейзи хочет, чтобы я помог команде Бличинга.

Dad is keen to be with you.

Папочка очень хочет быть с тобой.

— I’m training a new DJ, she’s keen…

— Я учу нового ди-джея. Она хочет…

He’s young, keen to impress.

Он молод, хочет произвести впечатление.

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Come, thick night, and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, that my keen knife see not the wound it makes, nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark, to cry ‘Hold, hold!

Приди, густая ночь, Окутанная мглистым дымом ада, Чтоб острый нож своих не видел ран, Чтоб небеса, прорвав покровы мрака,

You have a keen eye.

У вас острый взгляд.

It is a king’s prerogative to make yesterday’s deafness today’s keen hearing.

Ёто королевска€ привилеги€ обращать вчерашнюю глухоту в сегодн€шний острый слух.

I happen to have a very keen lesbian eye.

Так случилось, что у меня очень острый на лесбиянок глаз.

You have a keen eye.

У тебя острый глаз.

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She’ll lend a hand. I don’t think she’s keen to marry me now that living with the kids has come into it.

Она уже не стремится выйти за меня, узнав, что надо будет жить с моими детьми.

Dr Ben Sessa is keen to pick up where Ronnie left off and revived the use of LSD in therapy.

Доктор Бен Сесса стремится возродить то, что оставил Ронни, и возобновил использование ЛСД в терапии.

He’s keen to show we’re being proactive. — How is he?

Стремится показать, что мы прогнозируем ситуацию и делаем всё возможное.

The administration is keen to progress a relationship.

Администрация стремится к прогрессу отношений.

But still keen to get some tips from me.

Но все еще стремится получить несколько советов от меня.

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I’m not all that keen on boozing.

Выпивка меня не очень волнует.

I have always been keenly interested in his experiments.

Его эксперименты всегда очень интересовали меня.

I’ve a very keen sense of smell and I stank like a rotten fish when I was fertilized.

Я очень чувствительна к запахам и я воняла, как протухшая рыба, когда я была оплодотворена.

Very keen to build that up.

Я очень хочу развить эту практику.

Eustace and I are rather keen to get in.

Я и Юстас очень хотим попасть в него.

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He was keen on farming… where did that get us? Christopher takes him on, within twenty-four hours… young Pamela runs screaming to her mother… where did they find him… stark naked in her bedroom!

Он был заинтересован в фермерстве, затем в течение 24 часов полюбил Христа и затем его нашли под кайфом орущим на мать голым в спальне

Anyway, he’s inordinately keen.

Во всяком случае, он весьма заинтересован.

You mean like all of them? Actually, I’m rather keen on that one who looks like a man.

ты думаешь, как все вообще то я заинтересован, чтобы ты вёл себя как человек.

He was most keen I should not explore his interests in the colonies.

Он был очень заинтересован в том, чтобы я не раскрыл его интересы в колониях.

Clarence Traingrove I’m very keen on that property and my offer of 50 pounds — still stands.

Кларенс Трингров, я крайне заинтересован в этой собственности и моё предложение в 50 фунтов… всё ещё в силе.

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But I’m not so keen on the design.

А вот от дизайна я не в восторге.

I’m not that keen on it, either. I only kept the bally thing to show who’s master.

Честно говоря, я тоже от них не в восторге. Я не сбривал эти чертовьi усьi только, чтобьi показать, кто здесь хозяин.

Apart from Laughing Boy — not so keen on him.

Далеко не «Смеющийся мальчик» — Я не очень-то от него в восторге

And between you and me, I’m not so keen on the French myself.

Я столько о вас слышал. И, между нами говоря… Я и сам-то не в восторге от французов.

They’re keen to have me back.

Он в восторге, что я выхожу на работу.

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If you’re so keen on Wendy, you’re always pointing out you knew her before I did Why didn’t you marry her when you had the chance?

Если ты так увлечён Венди, и всегда указываешь, что познакомился с ней прежде, чем я почему ты не женился на ней, когда у тебя была такая возможность?

So keen to fight and to solve affronts…

«ак увлечен битвой и защитой оскорбленных…

– He’s still quite keen on me, you know.

— Знаешь, он до сих пор увлечен мной.

He is very keen to be part of it.

Он очень увлечён быть частью всего этого.

— He is very keen.

— Он очень увлечён.

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— My dear chap, I’m really sorry, but I wasn’t too keen about dying.

— Мне очень жаль, но мне еще не хочется умирать.

I can see you are very keen to get there

Вижу, как сильно тебе хочется туда залезть.

If you’re that keen, you can see it all for a shilling on Queen Alexandra’s Day.

Если Вам так хочется, Вы можете осмотреть все за шиллинг в тезоименитство королевы Александры.

Why do you seem so keen for me to get involved?

Почему тебе так хочется меня в это втянуть?

I’ve never known Father so keen to go out to dinner.

Я и не думала, что отцу так хочется поехать на ужин.

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— He seemed quite keen to talk to you.

— Кажется, он очень хочет поговорить с вами.

Our new head of house there, Terrance Wexford, is very keen on making his mark.

Наш новый глава дома, Терренс Вексфорд, очень хочет отличиться.

And he’s keen to marry on account of his leg.

И он очень хочет жениться, из-за своей ноги.

But your granny is keen for you to marry into the Hu family?

Но ваша бабушка очень хочет, чтобы вы породнились с семьёй Ху.

But she’s very keen to learn.

Но она очень хочет приобщиться

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острый, сильный, голосить, причитать, плач по покойнику


- острый, остро отточенный, с острым лезвием, краем, концом и т. п.

keen knife /sword, spear/ — острый нож /меч, -ое копьё/
keen edge — а) острый край; б) острое лезвие; в) спец. хорошо режущая кромка
keen as a razor — острый как бритва

- острый (на вкус); пикантный; пряный

dishes with a keen relish — острые /пряные/ блюда

- резкий, пронизывающий

keen wind — резкий /пронизывающий/ ветер
keen cold — пронизывающий холод
keen frost — жестокий /трескучий/ мороз

- сильный, острый

keen pain — острая боль
keen hunger — мучительный голод
keen appetite — хороший аппетит

- острый, тонко, остро воспринимающий; обострённый

keen sight [intelligence] — острое зрение [-ый ум]
keen glance — проницательный взгляд
keen hearing — тонкий слух
keen intellect [interest] — живой ум [интерес]
keen sensibilities [understanding] — тонкая чувствительность /восприимчивость/ [-ое понимание]

- острый, глубокий

keen sorrow [disappointment] — глубокое горе [разочарование]
keen pleasure — огромное удовольствие
keen delight — пылкий восторг
astoundingly [exceedingly] keen — изумительно [исключительно] тонкий /глубокий/

- напряжённый, острый, интенсивный

keen fight /struggle/ — острая борьба
keen intellectual exertion — напряжённое умственное усилие
keen contest [competition] — трудное состязание [соревнование]

- едкий, острый, язвительный; колкий

keen criticism — острая критика
keen satire — едкая сатира
keen wit — острый ум
keen reproaches — горькие упрёки
keen speeches — язвительные речи
with keen sarcasm [retorts] — с едким сарказмом [с колкими репликами]

- хитрый; проницательный

keen reasoning — хитроумное рассуждение
keen bargainers — люди, изощрённые в искусстве торговаться, вести переговоры и т. п.

- соревновательный

keen prices — конкурентоспособные /низкие/ цены

- живо интересующийся, страстно увлекающийся

keen sportsman [dancer, climber] — страстный спортсмен [танцор, альпинист]
keen reader — любознательный читатель
to be keen on smth. — очень любить что-л., увлекаться чем-л.
to be keen on /upon, about/ sport [music, horses, mountaineering] — увлекаться спортом [музыкой, лошадьми, альпинизмом]
so keen about his game as to forget everything — так увлечён игрой, что забывает обо всём
I’m not very keen on jazz — я не очень люблю джаз
to be keen on smb. — разг. быть влюблённым в кого-л., любить кого-л.

- страстно желающий чего-л., стремящийся к чему-л.

keen for gain [money, pleasure, variety] — жаждущий наживы [денег, удовольствий, разнообразия]
to be keen to do smth. /on doing smth./ — сильно желать /стремиться/ сделать что-л.
he is very keen to see his birthplace again — он мечтает снова повидать место, где родился

- разг. чудесный, превосходный

keen as mustard — а) крайне заинтересованный; б) страстно стремящийся; в) горячий, полный энтузиазма


- причитать по покойнику (в Ирландии); вопить; голосить

the women were keening — женщины голосили /причитали/

- оплакивать покойника с причитаниями (по ирландским обычаям)


- причитание по покойнику (в Ирландии)

to set up a keen for smb. — причитать /голосить/ по покойнику

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

She’s keen on music.

Она бредит музыкой.

Dogs have a very keen sense of smell.

У собак очень острое обоняние.

I’m not keen on cabbage.

Я не в восторге от капусты. / Мне не нравится капуста.

What a keen day!

Какой прекрасный день!

He was keen to begin classes.

Ему не терпелось начать занятия.

Eagles have very keen eyesight.

Орлы обладают очень острым зрением.

With her keen mind and good business sense, she soon became noticed.

С ее острым умом и хорошим деловым чутьём, она вскоре стала выделяться.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Booksellers are keen to pitch for school business.

She was new in the job and keen as mustard (=very keen).

American companies are keen to scout out business opportunities in Vietnam.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

keenness  — чуткость, увлеченность
keenly  — остро, сильно, резко

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: keen
he/she/it: keens
ing ф. (present participle): keening
2-я ф. (past tense): keened
3-я ф. (past participle): keened

срав. степ. (comparative): keener
прев. степ. (superlative): keenest

Synonym: acute, bright, clever, cutting, exact, fine, quick, sharp, sharp-witted, smart. Antonym: blunt, dull, obtuse. Similar words: teen, queen, green, keep, screen, between, in the end, teenage. Meaning: [kɪːn]  n. a funeral lament sung with loud wailing. v. express grief verbally. adj. 1. having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions 2. intense or sharp 3. very good 4. as physically painful as if caused by a sharp instrument 5. having a sharp cutting edge or point. 

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(1) He always funked when competition grew too keen.

(2) We are keen that Britain should get involved too.

(3) She’s very keen to learn about Japanese culture.

(4) He told Hayling that he was keen to help.

(5) Eagles have very keen eyesight.

(6) Dogs have a keen sense of smell.

(7) Mrs. Miller is very keen on art.

(8) I’m not keen to go again.

(9) He was a man of keen perception.

(10) Prince Charles is a keen polo player.

(11) I’m dead keen on Chinese paintings.

(12) She was keen to exploit her discovery commercially.

(13) John was very keen to help.

(14) This knife is very keen.

(15) I wasn’t too keen on going to the party.

(16) He’s mad keen on football.

(17) A keen north wind was blowing.

(18) Companies are increasingly keen to contract out peripheral activities like training.

(19) Officials were keen to discern how much public support there was.

(20) McCartney was also keen to write in a classical idiom[], rather than a pop one.

(21) Ministers are as keen as ever to wrap their activities in a shroud of secrecy.

(22) I am a very keen runner and am out training most days.

(23) He is keen to weed out the many applicants he believes may be frauds.

(24) He is very keen to reach agreement with the US on reducing long-range nuclear missiles.

(25) Firms are now keen to hold on to the people they recruit.

(26) The Government was keen for people to get married rather than shack up.

(27) Nobody was keen to take on such a thankless task.

(28) He became a keen golfer after his retirement from politics.

(29) To be quite truthful with you, I’m not very keen on this colour.

(30) Doctors are short of time to listen and are therefore keen to dish out drugs whenever they can.

More similar words: teen, queen, green, keep, screen, between, in the end, teenage, fifteen, keep to, keep up, keep on, keep off, teenager, keep down, keep away, by the end of, at the end of, screening, keep out of, keep back, keep from, keep in mind, take effect, keep up with, keep an eye on, keep in touch, keep pace with, free enterprise, keep company with. 

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


It takes a keen intellect to play chess.

Для игры в шахматы нужен острый ум, мистер Пауэрс.

In this role, you should have a keen eye for detail and excellent communication skills.

В этой роли он должны иметь острый взгляд на детали и отличные коммуникативные навыки.

Yes, I was very keen.

Да, я был очень «острым«.

I’m grateful for your expertise and keen eyesight.

Я признательна вам за ваше острое зрение и знание своего дела.

It also revealed his keen awareness that no strategy is perfect.

Однако он показал свое острое понимание того, что ни одна стратегия не является идеальной.

They certainly had the keen eyesight for hunting.

У них, конечно же, было острое зрение для охоты.

Despite that, her mind overall remained keen.

Несмотря на это, ее ум в целом оставался острым.

It has a keen eye, and is active and strong.

Он имеет острое зрение, является активным и сильным.

You’ll need smart strategy and keen eyes to alter flight paths as needed and keep the chaos under control.

Вам понадобится продуманная стратегия и острый глаз, чтоб прокладывать безопасные пути и удерживать этот хаос под контролем.

She had a keen intellect and a passion for reading.

Он отличался острым умом и страстью к чтению.

Anyhow, very keen to run it now.

Впрочем, при большом желании осуществить её можно прямо сейчас.

He was very keen that I learn.

И он очень хотел, чтобы я учился».

To keen regret, lately we have observed motion backwards.

К величайшему сожалению, в последнее время мы стали свидетелями движения в обратном направлении.

I wasn’t too keen anyhow.

В любом случае, мне не очень-то и хотелось

Camptosaurus relies on its keen senses to avoid predators.

Камптозавр опирается на свои развитые органы чувств, чтобы избежать хищников.

You gentlemen aren’t keen to address the schedule I see.

Как я поняла, джентльмены, вы не намерены обратить внимание на расписание.

Hedge-fund managers keen to turn a quick profit should look elsewhere.

Менеджеры хедж-фондов, стремящиеся получить быструю прибыль, должны искать в другом месте.

We settled because I was keen to protect our employees.

Мы пошли на мирное урегулирование, потому что я хотел защитить наших сотрудников.

I am keen to work with your program.

Я бы с радостью начал работать с вашей программой».

No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain keen

Results: 11734. Exact: 11734. Elapsed time: 169 ms.


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Grammar Check

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

But not all technology is created equal, so naturally I was keen to dig deeper.


The artist’s keen sense of humor can be felt in his pliant, idiosyncratic painting vocabulary and in his witty titles.


These artists maintain a keen and genuine observation of the sociopolitical issues in Korea.


The actress is keen to work with the award-winning Grandmaster director, but is committed to another film project, Apple Daily said.


I’m keen to play through it, but been waiting for a sub # 20 price for absolutely ages…


You may not be keen on getting an entire room decked out in shag, especially if you have pets that shed.


Since it has been established that projects like this help foster this global awareness we are so keen on instilling, the next question is how to go about designing a project like this.


This is a new recipe I’ll be keen to try in my slow cooker.


As writer and director, Baumbach casts a keen eye on the absurdities of urban life as well as the issues facing traditional filmmakers at a time when anyone and everyone can create «media» on the spot.


Back then, I didn’t have any training or experience in talking to large groups of people, not to mention I wasn’t very keen on the idea of facing my worst fear.


Lacking a keen sense of a tradition, as modernity is wont to do, their actions are more situationally relevant and utilitarian.


However, there is still time and Wilshere will bwe keen to waste none of it by producing the sort of performances that will ensure he does get back into the England frame on a regular basis.


So if you’re still keen on the Touareg, it’s best considering it as a workhorse — although a hugely comfortable, and luxurious one.


With their involvement in the Search For A Star competition, and the Grads In Games initiative as a whole, Exient are keen to help bring the next generation of games developers closer to achieving their dreams.


Focusing Labradors» keen noses on the search for explosives is the goal at K2 Solutions, the detection-dog training center that Kjellsen founded in North Carolina.


The Argentina team captain is highly regarded as the best footballer in the world right now and he has drawn the attention and interest by a lot of cash-rich clubs, but the defending Spanish champions are said to be keen on keeping the five-time Ballon d’Or winner at Barcelona.


The Deputy Conservative Chief Whip, Andrew Robathan, was keen to discover the latest position of the Electoral Commission and the various local authorities around the country which are charged with running the counts.


Autumn completed her Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and her Master of Physical Therapy from Western University, Canada With a keen interest in continuing education, Autumn has taken mat and reformer training in the Rehabilitation stream of STTOT Pilates (Spinal, Pelvic and Scapular Stabilization).


[1] While we have some keen insights into this question, we need to continue to experiment, explore, and research this essential question.


If you are keen to learn some basic Swedish before your arrival in Lund, you can take the free online course «Learning Swedish» offered by the Swedish Institute.


Aside from an interest in ancient history, I get a lot of joy from just sitting at home and drinking with pals and listening to music (very keen on bowie, the smiths and the jimi hendrix…


-LSB-…] and ladybirds July 4, 2012 by pinkoddy So after seeing Choice chambers on Science Sparks (here) I was really keen to do them with my son — so decided that L could be for Lice.


Rumor has it that Samsung is keen to offload its Liquavista acquisition to Amazon for an amount that is not likely to exceed $ 100 million.


Anzhi Makhachkala are keen on revising their 0-0 draw in the first leg of Europa League as the Russian side travel to Newcastle United this Thursday in search for a ticket into the next stage, which they can grab by at least scoring a goal and not getting beaten.


Family — you might both have kids, and showing interest in one another’s family is a good way to show you’re keen to get to know them well.


If you’re more keen to exercise your wallet, visit Dahab in July.


Arsenal in particular were keen on signing the 29-year-old England international.


If you are keen on helping the local community in Karimunjawa, the good the folks who run The Panorama Guesthouse have set up a foundation, Hello Karimunjawa that teaches English to adults working in tourism.


If you’re keen to explore beyond the obvious tourist spots, you’re in the right place.


Mamadou Sakho is set to be sold by the Reds and both Italian sides are keen on securing his services


Codirectors Chris Hegedus and D.A. Pennebaker are documentary legends (Town Bloody Hall, The War Room)— we’re sure they’ll bring keen inquiry and respectful distance to a tough subject.


Excelling in team-oriented collaborative environments with a keen focus on carrying out patient goals and objectives.


It added, «The leadership of Arewa Youth Assembly has observed with keen interest the high level of lawlessness exhibited by Nnamdi Kanu since he was granted bail in June this year and the conspiracy of silence displayed by the Federal Government and its security agencies in the face of such affront by the IPOB leader.


But when the heady days are gone and structures are needed to sustain a movement, Lutherans — with their keen sense that structures may commit us to supporting what is less than ideal — are likely to have trouble distinguishing better from worse institutions, so taken will they be by the memory of a moment when the spirit seemed free of any compromising demands of structure.


It is understood Shanghai CRED will lose a small amount of money on the first shipment, but was keen to get the trade started as prices in Australia are forecast to fall over the coming years.


We are keen supporters of the trade associations within the babywearing and nursery industries and an active member of the Baby Carrier Industry Alliance (BCIA) and Center for Babywearing Studies, through which we work with other babywearing schools to discuss continuous improvement within babywearing education.


Fortunately, a different lender will most likely be keen on your credibility if you’ve been making payments for at least six months.


Recalling her own experience entering the profession nearly 30 years earlier, Moore Johnson expresses her keen interest in the next generation of educators.


With Arsenal keen on retaining the Frenchman, Everton have reportedly turned the spotlight onto another Gunners forward — Danny Welbeck.


A useful 90 kg weight reduction over its predecessor still doesn’t make the new Q5 an evo kind of car, but the petrol engined 354bhp SQ5 is closer in spirit, if not execution, to holding the interest of keen drivers.


According to Heathers, the role of a scientist becomes even more important when the venture capital firm is keen to invest in early stage technologies, where the degree of risk involved is much higher but the potential returns are also much greater.


Some of the more biting lines from Mokgosi’s rambling, yet keen, curatorial critique include: «what a magically natural and pointless description» and «here the wall labels reframe the text towards a narrative that fulfills the deeds of so-called historical considerations of the city.»


Staying in Casa Gangotena is like staying in a private home, with highly-personalized attention for its guests and a keen sense of ecuadorian hospitality.


The 32-year-old, who performed an amazing 13 saves in a game against Real Madrid last term, is seen as a strong dressing room character and Pellegrini is keen to bing him on board to challenge current number one Joe Hart, who slipped up again against Chelsea when he collided with defender Matija Nastasic to gift Fernando Torres with a last minute winner.


Adds the brand’s tea master and buyer, David De Candia, «Our brand expands beyond the best in coffee to also offer an impressive selection of whole leaf teas from top family-owned tea estates that we are keen to share with our new Japanese customers.


However, he also remains enthusiastic about the culture he and his colleagues have created and is keen to evangelize to other companies about the importance of workplace happiness.


Language doesn’t discuss the problem of existing things, but is keen on where the meaning comes from.


If the next assessment centre in the Manchester office isn’t for two or three weeks because they rescheduled them, but there’s one happening in London perhaps the candidate is interested and keen, we’ll book them in London but then we’ll look at paying some expenses back to the candidate for train fare or money towards an overnight stay.


A great deal of producers are not using the above practices but the workshops were still full of people keen to understand the principle.


The upshot is Sony’s not keen on cross-play, and it doesn’t look like it will change its mind any time soon.


How to use keen in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «keen» and check conjugation/comparative form for «keen«. Mastering all the usages of «keen» from sentence examples published by news publications.

But it gets bawdier a few hundred lines later: OPHELIAYou are keen, my lord, you are keen.
«He’s very keen on it — very keen,» Mr. Kudlow said of the president’s view of the infrastructure plan.
The pharmaceutical industry is keen to get new drugs to market and researchers are just as keen to report positive results.
One might wonder, though, for whom Orr writes: those keen to the poetry world’s nuances or those merely keen on poetry.
It’s a problem, especially when brands are so keen on commodifying self-care (and when I’m so keen on buying into it).
If anything, we can all admire her hustle — her keen ability to date Hollywood men or her keen ability to see stories to tabloids.
Qantas and Singapore Airlines, for example, are keen to use ultra-haul-long direct flights to attract business travellers keen not to have a layover.
The Dynasty star and husband Richie Keen are proud parents of a baby boy named Charlie Zane Keen on Wednesday, July 18, in Los Angeles.
Merkel is keen to ensure that the EU is not seen as being unwilling to talk — but is equally keen not to reopen the Withdrawal Agreement.
«Often, the employers aren’t aware that these people are being exploited,» said Sobolewski, a keen triathlete who is clearly protective and keen to help his Polish compatriots.
«She was really keen to go and I wasn’t that keen as I didn’t know the rules and was very focused on my track and field,» Green recalled.
Commander Keen Commander Keen, originally a ’90s game from id Software, is coming back—but this time, it’s a free-to-play mobile game from ZeniMax Online Studios.
Maybe the U.S. secretary of state will be slightly less keen on talking to the British foreign secretary, and slightly more keen on holding discussions with the German one.
«She’s very keen on children and keen that they should be happy,» said Fonagy, who has worked alongside Kate with her mental health advocacy through the Heads Together initiative.
Acting is in her blood Keen is the daughter of British actor Will Keen, whose credits include playing Michael Adeane on Netflix’s The Crown and Thomas Cranmer in Wolf Hall.
«She’s very keen on children and keen that they should be happy,» adds Fonagy, who has also worked alongside Kate with her mental health advocacy through the Heads Together initiative.
«She’s very keen on children and keen that they should be happy,» says Fonagy, who has worked alongside Kate, 36, with her mental health advocacy through the Heads Together initiative.
Well, it’s pro-environment and very keen on fairness, but less keen on altogether abandoning a vertiginous economic order, which means that tickets to gigs like this are super expensive.
«We aren’t aggressively looking for money, but we’re more keen on a strategic investor,» said Ho, explaining that Xiaomi’s reach is one of the reasons it’s keen on courting the firm.
Lori Gabriel was flying home to Cypress, Texas, after a family vacation with her 9-year-old daughter, her boyfriend Brendan Keen, 32, and Brendan’s 4-year-old son, Braysen Keen.
» He was less keen on Trump : «I love America.
It’s not a message many powerful CEOs are keen on.
Subramniam said Amazon was keen to resuscitate the Gormint project.
The Fed is increasingly keen on its ability to communicate.
Trump’s fellow Republicans also are not keen on the tariffs.
Understandably, not everyone was too keen on that idea. Why?
His game isn’t based on deception or keen floor surveillance.
Did you know Mark Ruffalo has a son named Keen?
«Snapchat’s keen to get into this market quickly,» he said.
That’s because she’s keen to make the part her own.
They are keen to avoid disruptions to travel and trade.
But the Grammys have a keen tradition of overlooking Beyoncé.
«Tonight I want to thank MTV and mom,» Keen continued.
Do you not see how keen my sight has become?
The Trump administration seems keen to follow the latter course.
Perhaps China is keen to lower tensions in the region.
Not surprisingly, Feldman was not keen to repeat the experience.
«It sounds like a false promise to me,» Keen said.
«Sadly, I don’t know if there is anything,» Keen answered.
He used to be keen on getting out of jail.
Japanese companies are keen to adapt to be competitive abroad.
I’m very keen on children being taught mindfulness in schools.
The movie has a keen eye for panhandlers and oddballs.
The government, she says, are not keen on stricter enforcement.
Happily, many shipping companies appear keen to cut emissions anyway.
Despite JAB’s and Nestlé’s heft, others are keen to compete.
And employers seem no more keen to make permanent hires.
Few at Beloved are keen to discuss President Donald Trump.
The State Department seems keen to make sure it can’t.
China is keen to do ever more business with Israel.
Moscow now seems keen to occupy the sea as well.
Local magnates are as keen to build as the government.
«We hope these tragedies don’t keen happening,» the activist said.
As prices rise, they are keen to lock in deals.
Mrs Clinton has also been keen to defer to states.
The government is less keen to hail it as such.
However, the organization seems keen on leaving him at shortstop.
Keen to avoid that outcome, Glencore decided to pay him.
No wonder, then, that officials are keen to boost revenues.
The conservative coalition government is keen to rusticate others, too.
So why is Apple suddenly keen to read QR codes?
Makers of radio chips, such as Qualcomm, are keen too.
Architects are keen to avoid the mistakes of their forebears.
Most Democrats are keen to let rip on government spending.
The study you quoted verifies Adams’s keen sense of observation.
But many other companies are keen to enter the fray.
Mr Hawking also had a keen fondness for Chinese culture.
So I’m keen to see it as a TV series.
He had a powerful, captivating presence and a keen mind.
I’ve been keen on smartwatches pretty much since day one.
It’s this proposition that Northrop Grumman isn’t particularly keen on.
Now Mr McGahn is said to be keen to leave.
All were charitable foundations keen to try out the concept.
Seems like they weren’t the only ones who were keen.
Germany is keen to start quickly, while France is reluctant.
Sutton was keen to emphasize his business’ drive for sustainability.
Of course, any keen observer already knew they were adorable.
There’s a sequel, Red Dog: True Blue, if you’re keen.
But keen space tourists shouldn’t pack their bags just yet.
But the restaurant is still keen to attract new customers.
As you can imagine, he was a very keen bean.
Keen sailor Princess Kate is heading back to the sea!
Iran is keen to diversify funding options for its companies.
Fletcher seems to be keen on this mission in general.
Others are just really keen to sell more Bluetooth headphones.
It is particularly keen for investment to fund infrastructure projects.
These groups are keen to stave off any Turkish attack.
Trump has taken a keen interest in the Boeing saga.
We’ll keep a keen eye on his progress this year.
Hillary Clinton is less keen on charters than Mr Obama.
Equally airlines are keen to develop new sources of revenue.
Blackburn is corporate communications and advocacy manager at KEEN Footwear.
It takes a keen eye to be a good router.
Maybe keen fans purchasing multiple copies for friends and family?
But those with a degree are less keen on him.
Keen chaps visited regularly and with the intent to marry.
Why are politicians so keen to threaten the military option?
We know Erdogan was not so keen on this idea.
Fernandez so far seems keen not to mimic that approach.
Keen observers have said he’s sick, and suffering from gout.
«Everybody died,» Mr. Keen, 50, said of his drinking crew.
And he is keen to make the courts more independent.
Somebody who’s mad keen on Trump and someone who’s not?
«I am not too keen on automatic tax increases,» Sen.
And yet, neither man seemed keen to revisit old grievances.
The man has never been keen on facts or geography.
North Korea would be keen to see a Moon victory.
Katherine Johnson’s keen mathematics skills helped put people in space.
Boal said the dairy industry was keen on adding liquidity.
I was keen to make it as Texan as possible.
Both Warburg and Temasek are keen to be key investors.
Jeff Bezos is reportedly keen on buying an NFL team.
But other countries appear less keen to follow their lead.
He also has a keen eye on the Federal Reserve.
Shirley has a keen ear for harmony and instrumental color.
She is a keen rider and owns race horses herself.
Instead, May seems keen to push ahead with the discussions.
I think that’s why people were keen to do it.
He produces Futurecast, and is the host of Keen On.
Nevertheless, companies are still keen to invest in clean energy.
You say you’re keen to know what my thoughts are.
And the team from Momofuku is keen on proving it.
I think the [younger] generation is keen to be liberated.
Is it important to have a keen sense of smell?
He became a keen observer of people’s moods and mannerisms.
I’m definitely keen to do more at some point though!
Dyson is widely respected and valued for her keen intellect.
The billionaire tech investor Peter Thiel has expressed keen interest.
«He was always very keen to resolve things,» she said.
She has a keen ear for the way people speak.
Now they’re keen to do the same to bond trading.
«I was keen to have some modern elements,» said Rowe.
She had the same keen mind, the same quick wit.
Nonetheless, the GOP seems keen to draw on Gunster’s insights.
«God alone knows,» said one cabinet minister, a keen Brexiteer.
This was the place we’d been most keen to see.
Iran said OPEC members were not keen on increased prices.
But political leaders don’t seem keen to take that up.
The Fed may also be keen to avoid appearing political.
Both share a keen interest in tennis history and collecting.
That shows how keen he was to be an official.
Israel is keen for America to maintain pressure on Iran.
Mr Ren is very keen on the concept of balance.
The right was keen to advertise the failures, however sparse.
I was keen to know why she had remained silent.
This year, Mr. Trudeau isn’t quite as keen about them.
They are keen investigators of exotic and unconventional instruments, too.
Ursula von der Leyen, its president, is a keen transatlanticist.
So why are companies and investors keen to jump aboard?
Chairman Roger Penske seems keen to jump into the business.
Mueller reportedly has taken a keen interest in that meeting.
This year, though, Hollywood doesn’t seem keen to hold back.
The keen eye for detail was passed along with it.
But his colleagues in the Trump administration don’t seem keen.
The whole incident made me keen to my racialized identity.
President Donald Trump took a keen interest in Gallagher’s case.
One of the people leading that conversation is Andrew Keen.
Many are keen to rise to the challenge (see article).
Got a keen teenage social justice warrior in the family?
For example, he was keen on designing attractive solar panels.
But for now, they’re keen to just enjoy the moment.
They keen over grandchildren they’re no longer permitted to see.
Voters aren’t keen on D.C. lobbyists When former Minnesota Gov.
Mr. Proechel has a keen sense for contrasting flavors, though.
Astrophysicists, in particular, have a keen grasp of this concept.
British retailers are keen to increase the amount of recycled material in their packaging, partly because it is slightly cheaper than the virgin sort but mainly because their customers are keen on the idea.
While the government is keen to protect its revenues, Pemex would be keen to avoid a repeat of shock spending cuts it had to perform earlier this year after oil prices plunged, he said.
» In his speech, Xi was keen to keen to rally support for his vision, emphasizing his role as one among many, using the term «people» 84 times, compared to just 18 mentions of «socialism.
I guess I looked like some kind of social scientist with a tape recorder and a camera, and people were not keen to speak, and they were definitely not keen to be in a picture.
Commuters, from the sweat-averse to the environmentally conscious, are keen.
And sellers are turning out to be keen on the service.
If you’re keen on music sounding perfect, expect to pay more.
The makers are keen to expand to the U.S. and Asia.
Given the tight Brexit timetable, bankers are keen to get cracking.
Brian Tyree Henry & Lakeith Stanfield – Atlanta Hugh Jackman & Dafne Keen – Logan
She was not so keen to share gains with the government.
Those who are invested are keen to play up its advantages.
Ryan Eggold’s Tom Keen is back on The Blacklist full-time.
But Kardashian West didn’t seem so keen on the surprise cameo.
«They all have a very keen sense of humor,» Roberts says.
«Everybody on Twitter was keen to find the girl,» Joshi said.
This week they are particularly keen to ripping my copy apart.
The government seems keen to instil that thought in foreigners, too.
Guangzhou, the provincial capital, is particularly keen on more infrastructure investment.
It is easy to understand why customers are keen on robots.
Other cities and states have been keen to encourage their use.
Miss Mason is keen to see what goes on in here.
To date, Keen Home has raised $4.1 million from various sources.
None of the residents was keen to talk to The Economist.
Of course, keen fans were already aware of Mulroney’s musical gifts.
Libya’s state oil firm, NOC, was also keen for a crackdown.
But they are increasingly keen on using another sidearm: the Taser.
Indian researchers are keen to build a detector of their own.
Some Social Democrats, including Margot Wallström, the foreign minister, are keen.
The president appears particularly keen to raise duties on French wine.
Mr Miyamoto had not been terribly keen on a corporate job.
Kalnbērzs said he wasn’t particularly keen to know about all this.
He is keen on national service and suspicious of dual citizenship.
Nestlé differentiates itself from 3G, with its keen focus on cuts.
As his research continued, Berger was keen to involve the public.
The protesters I talked to were keen to emphasize this message.
The author may have been a little too keen on that.
Mr Trump is also keen to speed up the deportation process.
Even the prison-loving government of New South Wales sounds keen.
The country is keen to move up the manufacturing value chain.
China, like many countries, is keen to know its own extent.
It’s a keen adaptation to avoid the long, ruthless winter famine.
In any event, SGX is clearly not keen to find out.
It is a trend the Polish government is keen to encourage.
Noisey: So, Danny, why were you so keen to come here?
It is an image the charismatic acrobat is keen to dispel.
Hospitals are increasingly keen on such arrangements for the same reason.
But will parents be as keen to spend $300 on it?
London’s PR industry is keen to avoid contamination from the scandal.
France, which seemed keen to engage Iran, is now more hesitant.
The anti-establishment Five Star Movement is keen to move ahead.
The disgruntled may have been especially keen to have their say.
Many British Brexiteers were once also keen on the EEA option.
He liked her but she was definitely more keen on him.
The Five Star Movement was anti-vaccinators’ first keen political voice.
But that is another imbalance Mr Trump seems keen to correct.
It takes a keen ear to hear what is left unsaid.
Mr Kurz is also keen to flaunt his pro-European credentials.
It’s not clear that Ryan is keen to receive Trump’s endorsement.
He’s keen to see the whole process from start to finish.
Italy, Bulgaria and Greece are keen to see some sanctions lifted.
«We’re both keen to come to a resolution,» he told Reuters.
But neither the euro area nor America seem keen to build.
SWIMMERS, especially keen ones, tend to treat water as the enemy.
Nonetheless, he is still keen to hold an election in 2020.
Early Muslims were keen astronomers, in part because faith demanded it.
Early customers include Digital Ocean, Expensify, Vox, Buzzfeed, Zycus, Meteor, Keen.
Thankfully, the Keen Security Lab researchers aren’t malicious in their intent.
Neither are incumbent airlines keen to foot the bill for expansion.
Dafne Keen is not only adorable, but a wry little comedian.
Chinese day-trippers, among others, are keen to glimpse Mont Blanc.
And it’s a philosophy that we’re keen to keep in mind.
Those are two options Carlier isn’t, yet, keen to embrace. Fine.
The otherwise beleaguered opposition seems keen to press its momentary advantage.
Not everyone has been keen to see the mapmakers in town.
Not everyone has been keen to showcase their products on Netflix.
But you might not know that Moscoman is a keen cook.
Lots of women seek out such trials, keen to be involved.
Big banks are keen to show they are heeding the call.
Hoteliers are keen for a much-needed shot in the arm.
That journey can be rough, and Cardi isn’t keen on sugarcoating.
None of it worked—he was still keen on hanging out.
The government is keen to get the most from the sales.
That’s why the Commander is so keen on these little trysts.
Is Google’s ability to choose soft, cozy fabrics really that keen?
If we pretend it was all peachy keen—it really wasn’t.
Policymakers are also keen to keep jobs and technology in Japan.
She is also particularly keen on honey, but what bear isn’t?
Still, markets are keen to see if Yellen follows their lead.
GameStop: Cramer said he is not «keen» on the dwindling franchise.
Analysts are now keen to hear how Bailey sees the future.
To that end, Keen will focus on three core thesis areas.
The Trump administration has taken a keen interest in 5G technology.
«I’m not a scientist, but I’m a keen observer,» Eskridge said.
Saudi Arabia is not keen on Westerners trampling around the kingdom.
«Inside that and we would not be too keen,» he said.
Some people are extremely keen on it, some are extremely hostile.
Tycoons are particularly keen on schemes to cheat the grim reaper.
Unfortunately, not everyone is so keen on employees with body ink.
For those keen on testing it out, options are currently limited.
He appears commendably keen to chip away at Brazil’s bloated state.
They would be keen to protect digital privacy at all costs.
Congress was keen to concentrate more government resources on social programs.
Across the board, Democrats are keen to spend more on infrastructure.
The Russian president is keen to emphasize how fit he is.
Next time you’re at a rave, keep a keen ear out.
Moreover, the government is keen to upgrade the country’s manufacturing base.
Saudi Arabia is keen for local investors to buy a piece.
Ever keen to help, The Economist asked YouGov to do so.
Last time we checked, law firms seemed pretty keen on revenue.
Lawmakers are also keen to play a part in the fight.
The owner, the bankrupt Penn Central Railroad, was keen to sell.
But Trump, with a keen instinct for the jugular, was unrelenting.
The regulator, keen to prioritise existing carriers, decided to revise them.
But some European officials appear keen for a thaw with Russia.
«We have to be very keen about safety,» Mr. Santamala said.
But Tokyo is not keen on the alternative of investment courts.
However, RWE and E.ON don’t seem keen on any side deals.
«You have to be a keen observer of markets,» Sandelman said.
At the time, Michael Warren and Keen denied having an affair.
There is no evidence that leadership is keen on that idea.
The Chinese are fantastically keen, but they are predominantly auction buyers.
I’m keen to know Hruskova’s secret to making the bread rise.
Apparently, the theatre was not too keen on the comedian’s joke.
They are keen to see a freeze in this production too.
I’m not that keen on applying lemon juice to your skin.
Keen IO makes tools for developers to create customized analytics dashboards.
But some GOP senators were not as keen on the idea.
But Mr. Putin took a keen personal interest in the project.
«I’m not too keen on automatic tax increases,» Mr. Kennedy said.
«They were very keen, which is always flattering,» he said laconically.
«The prime minister is very keen on this,» Arvind Panagariya said.
They also have a keen eye for excess, and cynical marketing.
Frankfurt will be keen to grab a slice of this action.
He’s got a keen ear and isn’t too precious about sound.
«Some players are just not keen on opening themselves,» she said.
He has a keen understanding of what regular people are feeling.
Hammond, for one, was keen to pursue a more positive stance.
Representatives from both companies were not keen to explain their reasoning.
It is possible, however, that the Keen reaction was something more.
Meanwhile, Melania ain’t so keen on gettin’ handsy with the Prez.
Insightful, keen, even trenchant observations of the minutiae of everyday life.
Mr Myers is keen to talk about applications beyond personal hygiene.
Westerners were less keen, and Germans the most wary of all.
Josie, understandably, is not keen on pretending that she’s Abigail’s roommate.
Keen to keep his distance, Mr Zelensky declined to meet him.
«I’m not keen on T-shirts with logos, either,» she adds.
«No European government is keen on body bags,» the diplomat said.
Students are keen to learn about the outside world, he said.
«We’re not too keen on that chlorinated chicken,» Mr. Johnson said.
But the government is keen to reduce dependency on imported foods.
Ms. Watson had been keen to finally discard her Hogwarts uniform.
The government is keen to show that progress is being made.
The Trump administration was never particularly keen to build USP Letcher.
He primarily projects an air of keen intelligence and placid equanimity.
Schoeman, who lives in Barcelona, is also keen to continue hiking.
Now they are keen to replenish inventory as prices have fallen.
Unlike Trump, Zeman is very keen on deepening ties with China.
The government in Islamabad was also keen to reassure domestic producers.
Enter the Hong Kong government, keen to draw in more tourists.
Organizers are always keen to distinguish themselves in a crowded field.
He and Oskar Mosco got to talking, each keen, each curious.
Still, activists appear keen to maintain the momentum of their movement.
McClay said New Zealand was keen to agree a trade deal.
«We are keen on continuing the way of negotiations,» Abbas said.
» • «Keen observational skills and subsequent reflection are essential for leaders today.
But he’s keen to stress he’s not only after damaging material.
As a result, some argue the asset class is open to abuse by banks keen to earn fees from deals and issuers and investors keen to be able to boast about their own, sometimes empty, credentials.
As a result, some argue the asset class is open to abuse by banks keen to earn fees from deals and issuers and investors keen to be able to boast about their own, sometimes empty, credentials.
Beth Avia Schoenbach, a daughter of Erica B. Popkin and Lawrence H. Schoenbach of Great Neck, N.Y., was married June 18 in Washington to Stephen Anthony Keen, a son of Suzanne R. Keen of Fort Myers, Fla.
Why is the president so keen to give away such strategic and valuable pieces of Egyptian territory — so keen that his government was willing to show contempt for the institutions of the judiciary, the Constitution and Parliament?
Don’t feel bad about cutting a date short if you’re not keen.
I know that Scott Rudin Productions is very keen to get started.
Analysts said they were keen to see action rather than words alone.
There will also be a keen eye kept on personal tax amounts.
Investors are keen to know who Trump will pick as the nominee.
This is a tenuous balance, which league ownership is keen to preserve.
Connor is a keen musician who enjoys playing the guitar and singing.
Francis is keen to see Romero made a saint during his pontificate.
Older Americans were especially keen on keeping financial secrets from their spouse.
Trump has repeatedly said he is keen to sit down with Mueller.
The issue of automated trading has been a keen interest of Giancarlo.
When did you realize you had such a keen awareness of fragrance?
He wasn’t so keen on lemon and hated the taste of vinegar.
Urban micro hotels are another avenue the company was keen to explore.
Trump supporters and convention organizers were keen to avoid such an outcome.
The SPD is keen to have a dual leadership including a woman.
Ms Sturgeon is keen to take advantage of growing support for independence.
The religious are often keen to share their insights, without betraying confidences.
After wearing them for three years (!), Jamie is keen to be free.
And Fed policymakers in Palo Alto seemed keen on exploring new ideas.
Her image is of someone keen to please the masters in Beijing.
The organisation is also keen to include data collected by helpful volunteers.
The details take a lot of time; they’re very keen on eyebrows.
Private-equity funds are not the only ones keen on the industry.
Officials in the EU, in particular, are keen to hurry lightweighting along.
«Their main audience was country, and country shut them down,» Keen says.
«[Daniel] didn’t seem keen on a celebratory event,» Fisher Turner told VICE.
Despite that setback, the company seems keen to expand in the region.
Even Britain’s Conservative government is keen to get in on the act.
But even there, the authorities are keen not to go too far.
«We weren’t the ones going around saying everything’s peachy keen,» she says.
But the party’s top brass are not keen on such a punt.
Mr Trump is keen to increase exports and not just block imports.
Some governments are keen to help families that struggle with the summer.
Her family, keen for her to marry and have children, is unsympathetic.
For its part, the diaspora is keen to shape policy back home.
If you show interest, people are really keen to share their experiences.
This isn’t as much as theory as it is good keen observation.
Ms Tlaib is keen to take the focus away from her religion.
The authorities are keen to give the impression of an orderly transition.
His higher political aims mean he’s keen to please Trump’s base, too.
This Modern Family star isn’t too keen on the modern dating world.
Private companies are keen to join the trips to the Red Planet.
The Fed is understandably keen to increase it while markets look resilient.
I’ve never been too keen on the scrape-me-off donner kebabs.
Most South Koreans have been keen on the idea for two decades.
Netflix, however, isn’t keen on letting other networks have the last word.
As well as being less diverse, they are less keen on diversity.
Keen to reassert authority, Congress passed the War Powers Resolution in 1973.
He is sober, thoughtful and keen not to fall back into addiction.
Richer people in poorer states are notably keen to cut domestic spending.
You might suppose that Deutsche’s should be keen on a fresh start.
So EU traders keen to buy Swiss shares can use Swiss exchanges.
Investors remain keen however, to see Rajan’s reform agenda run its course.
So I think you want to keep a keen eye on things.
It is keen to hold the first elections in Palestine since 2475.
Hamas is keen to put someone else in charge of the misery.
There is a keen appetite for investment funds with a technology bent.
One of those people is Herman Yung, who’s a keen taxi-spotter.
But no government is keen to encourage separatism, in Spain or elsewhere.
None of the four liberal-leaning justices seems keen to join them.
Many eyes watched it closely, keen to determine exactly what it was.
That is also why Mr Kielsen is keen to attract Chinese tourists.
It is not one, however, on which 80,000 Hours is very keen.
Farmers are keen on the open markets that have benefited them greatly.
As a result, I have developed a very keen sense of intuition.
A keen insight, but it could not match what was to come.
Hong Kongers, however, will not be keen on open borders with Guangdong.
Phillip Streible, senior market technician, is keen to get in on gold.
Fed officials this time around are keen to prevent another such incident.
Investors are keen to see whom Trump will pick as her replacement.
Despite the ban, many men are still keen to pay for sex.
A handful of foreign investors are keen on mining Poland’s coking coal.
But it is also keen not to let protesters seize the initiative.
South Africans are less keen: only 39% express confidence in Mr Trump.
He was very friendly, keen to learn and asked lots of questions.
He paints himself as champion of democracy keen to replace strongman rule.
We think Brazil politicians ultimately are keen to restore lost tax revenue.
In my little queer silo, lesbian life seemed pretty damn peachy keen.
Most people show a keen interest and maybe a bit of surprise.
But, not everyone has been keen to showcase their products on Netflix.
That is a situation that U.S. business groups are keen to avoid.
It was a breakthrough for writers keen to engage with the climate.
Demand is keen, as is evident in the growing number of fairs.
That’s where the new Strive fund is keen to make its mark.
Today it is still possible to find firms keen to transcend nationality.
Europe and Japan are less keen on generics than America, for now.
«He’s a mensch, he’s a grown-up, he’s incredibly smart,» Keen said.
REUTERS/Brendan McDermid Conservatives have long nurtured a keen sense of betrayal.
Always game for a workout, I was keen on a difficult hike.
CHINA FIGHTS BACK Chinese authorities are keen to protect manufacturing jobs, too.
Some, keen to fit in, diligently take tea (with lemon) at five.
Top White House officials are keen to keep him in the building.
And he was keen, he said, to make voting easier for everyone.
But Goodman was keen to emphasize that this story wasn’t about her.
Armed with new DNA evidence, investigators arrested Sheila Keen Warren on Sept.
FTT’s management is also keen to sell the company to the Chinese.
It’s been keen to distinguish itself from a pure co-working space.
It’s better than the big infrastructure push Democrats are so keen on.
But Beijing has been keen to get diplomacy back on track since.
A keen player, Shaun used to compete in the London Youth Games.
She also has a keen interest in digital health and financial services.
The Trump administration is keen to see the project completed on time.
It has also said it was keen to enter other European markets.
And it’s the kind of thing venture capitalists seem keen on funding.
We were very keen on making sure that she wasn’t a cliché.
He is also reportedly keen to attach strict conditions to granting one.
Kenyatta is keen for the poll to proceed to cement his rule.
«We’re both keen on being self-sufficient, I suppose,» says Susan Brown.
In theory, both groups should be equally keen to own the shares.
Although last we heard, he wasn’t too keen on the role himself.
In America, Hillary Clinton is less keen on charters than Barack Obama.
But why should anyone sensible be so keen to validate their boasts?
Other countries in the association, however, are keen for Britain to join.
But in these violent times I’m not keen on being a bully.
Mr Enright is keen to take one voluntary local reporting scheme statewide.
He told Business Insider he’s keen to win a stage before Paris.
It was, however, keen to avoid hasty changes that might prove destabilizing.
People are always keen for a little pill instead of doing work.
Others are keen not to recruit from an artificially thin talent pool.
He was also remembered for his keen and demanding eye for products.
HBO’s unabashedly elitist old-timers are not keen on the new strategy.
And the Republican Senate candidate was especially keen to discuss Democratic Sen.
Apple is very keen to emphasize how highly it prioritizes your privacy.
Until quite recently, no country seemed keen on a strong exchange rate.
Chris Pine’s a keen Metallica fan, but it wasn’t his first concert.
Putin, a keen judo practitioner, has sometimes watched mixed martial arts fights.
If you are less than keen about it, you are not alone.
Not only that, but Mr. Musk seems keen on improving SolarCity’s product.
Della Valle isn’t so keen to harness these events for political gain.
Italian soccer teams and their fans have a keen sense of history.
In fact, they said they’re keen on investing and collaborating with them.
Macron is keen to push ahead with plans for euro zone reforms.
The central bank is not keen on the idea of cryptocurrencies however.
Keen Ice Jockey: Javier Castellano Trainer: Todd Pletcher Odds: 20-1 4.
The kingdom is keen to diversify its investment exposures away from oil.
The success of these predictions wasn’t because I had a keen insight.
Keen IO was founded in 2011 and is based in San Francisco.
That is one reason why China is keen to gather foreign laureates.
Failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning.
At John Lobb, she’s brought a keen eye to the house’s archives.
It’s why regulators don’t seem keen to expand the definition beyond Europe.
That is: young, smart, really liberal, but keen to work with others?
Also of keen interest is how her assets are to be distributed.
Trump is still keen to have more high-profile summits with Kim.
I bounced him «Sunday» and he was keen to work on it.
The next morning, I boot up myPrayStation, keen to collect my reward.
For whatever reason, the President seems keen to play into that approach.
«Joi were heavily involved in that game, and very keen,» notes Cargill.
Though keen to expand, Peel is decidedly uninterested in growing too fast.
Not all wealthy parents are keen to make their children instant millionaires.
The cease-fire expires tonight and Turkey is keen to continue fighting.
Mr. Manafort’s payments in Ukraine have been a focus of keen interest.
» Keen analysis: «The score of today’s final battle was 4 to 1.
Mr. Hun Sen, though, seems keen to keep politics a family concern.
Iran is keen is to show that bullying tactics will not work.
Above all, she is keen to be seen as a valid artist.
South Korea has also been keen on Saudi Arabia’s nuclear power project.
I’ve always been keen and able to be ahead of the pack.
Like Quindlen, Nora is a keen observer of day-to-day life.
«He’s very keen to put human experiences in historical context,» she said.
As usual, right-wing newspapers were keen to help fan the flames.
The prime minister was keen to stress that the extension to Oct.
I can’t imagine auction houses would be too keen to publicize it.
More Saudi news: Why President Trump appears keen to protect the Saudis.
And landlords do not seem keen to install Sony PlayStations just yet.
That might explain why Jayden is so keen on growing his following.
She entered the Keen School, run by Methodists, when she was 14.
«It seems that they’re much more keen this time to share information.»
Babitz is a keen appraiser of beauty, and not just her own.
I decided to go to a cuddle party out of keen curiosity.
The government, too, is keen to tout the country’s respect for workers.
Ms. Baron’s piece, a Keen Company production that begins performances on Feb.
He plays with both an attunement to abstraction and a keen intensity.
Foreign adversaries keen to discredit US democracy could have a field day.
The demand side is something that we watch with very keen interest.
The Trump administration is keen to see the pipeline completed on time.
Firms are keen to be seen to be paying their fair share.
Iran said on Tuesday OPEC members were not keen on increased prices.
But Snap’s teen audience has a keen nose for inauthentic bullsh*t.
Neither liberals nor conservatives have been keen to challenge the unions’ power.
My great-grandmother Luise Gönner had a keen eye for dead people.
The stigmatization means girl are often keen to undergo FGM, campaigners say.
South Korea’s government is keen to promote a wider range of products.
THE CHOREOGRAPHER Reggie Wilson has keen instincts for both danciness and theatricality.
«At first, I wasn’t too keen on him,» Daniel told the outlet.
Amy blossoms from reactionary villain to a thoughtful observer and keen strategist.
The 10-yard line guy was no match for her keen eye.
Mocked by his peers in France, he found keen readers across Europe.
But it’s easy to feel keen on a new self-improvement project.
The Senate, meanwhile, doesn’t seem particularly keen on moving anything either way.
He outlined one space that the business was keen to focus on.
South Koreans have paid keen attention to the fate of Mr. Lee.
She reminds him that she does not mope, she does not keen.
But he’s keen to reassure people that he’s up to the job.
Ms. Lousada remained a keen gardener, cyclist and hostess until her death.
It’s a loss that can feel especially keen to me at Christmas.
Makar seems keen to get us in, then make his hasty exit.
Were you surprised that Sabotage were keen to release it on vinyl?
Tesla has so far not commented on the exploit by Keen Team.
The Nationalist government was not keen to advance indigenous issues, said Chi.
«They were very keen to take responsibility for their country,» Mr. Shapiro said.
The White House isn’t keen on moving the address to the Senate chamber.
Keen to host a top-class university, it offered Mr Shi tempting terms.
The people behind Turla are apparently keen on targeting government and embassy websites.
Ireland isn’t keen because they say the ruling infringes upon their national laws.
Mice have an incredibly weak vision but a strong, keen sense of smell.
Maybe young people keen on biking to work want apartments and light rail.
The prospects are not good: Russia is keen; America appears not to be.
He is keen to share his new ideas and, he hopes, attract supporters.
Some mysterious bots seem to have taken a keen interest in telecommunications policy.
He added, however, he was keen to foster a military relationship with Beijing.
Michele wasn’t not too keen on the idea of being voted out either.
The Royal Bank of Scotland isn’t too keen on advertising on offensive videos.
It just depends how keen farmers are to think long-term and invest.
I’m not very keen on tripe and my customer are even less so.
He was very keen in the interview to be very praiseworthy of Harry.
A keen cricketer, he memorably had his glasses smashed while playing in 1984.
But with Thanos at large, we’re keen for that sweet room-patrolling ability.
His intellect, keen, and he should be quickly confirmed by the U.S. Senate.
The international intelligence agency always has a keen interest in Iran’s hacking activity.
Bolton was keen to stress that there would be no arbitrary withdrawal point.
For different reasons, both men had keen self-interest in moving toward unity.
Kushner said the White House is still keen to publish its peace plan.
She is also keen for suggestions about what her next designs should be.
India has been keen to develop its debt markets, especially in corporate bonds.
Both Mr Trump and congressional Republicans are keen to cut taxes on corporations.
The DEA, now manned by Pena, isn’t keen on the surrender deal, either.
For those keen to golf, the Vinoy’s links are a five-minute drive.
Still, the company isn’t keen about its drivers snoozing while on the road.
Not surprisingly America’s armed forces are taking a keen interest in all this.
But it was the family members who were most keen on the experience.
And he doesn’t seem so keen on her since the season six finale.
However, the sensible simian was apparently not too keen on DeVito’s Penguin getup.
Kevin Faulconer, San Diego’s Republican mayor, is keen to encourage cross-border business.
Her grandfather was a keen shooter and hunter, and also a canny businessman.
Even supporters of the right-populist UK Independence Party were keen on them.
But some medical professionals and others are not so keen on the trend.
And he seems to have a keen knowledge of that from my perspective.
Mrs Merkel has said this is a fate she is keen to avoid.
And that’s why I’ve been keen and careful to never wander from that.
I’d also like to thank Andrew Lyle for his keen penis-spotting eye.
Flora Drew translates with a keen ear for switches of voice and tone.
But smaller vessels keen to cut costs have grown complacent in recent months.
Grace Meng has said that she, too, is keen to find out more.
The big tech firms have also been keen to gobble up potential rivals.
Cutler, on the other hand, isn’t so keen on keeping the new addition.
Tech firms are increasingly keen to use their own products in their headquarters.
Not every developer in the room was so keen on supporting the system.
Those south of the border are taking a keen interest in Glasgow’s success.
Unlike Fidel, Raúl is keen on the «market socialism» of Vietnam and China.
CNAS’s report notes that China is particularly keen to close this important gap.
They are also keen to say they don’t want to encourage irresponsible drinking.
Police and regulators are keen to know more about them, but lack funding.
Ousted chairman Cyrus Mistry, who replaced Tata in 2012, was less keen, however.
Roberts expects brands to be particularly keen to translate their experiences to bots.
The more he interferes, the less keen investors will be to buy shares.
Well, we’re all really keen chefs and we’ve worked with food stylists before.
But west African businesses were less keen, fearing Moroccan competitors would crush them.
Western sentiment on Twitter has not been keen on the casting choice, either.
Others, where there is more evidence of spare capacity, have been less keen.
Businesses keen to understand such shenanigans can be roughly divided into two categories.
Bidders were seemingly never as keen as government leaks to the media suggested.
I remember I wasn’t keen on that idea and thankfully it didn’t happen.
Keen to find out, Dr Barran and her colleagues set up an experiment.
I am very keen on work in the area of automated security analysis.
Zuck, for his part, doesn’t seem quite so keen on returning the favor.
Brown, 38, and Keen were married in May 2017 near Santa Barbara, California.
CAVUTO: It sounds like you wouldn&apost be keen on a separate prosecutor.
He says he is a «modern conservative», keen on democracy and family values.
Chinese-led newcomers to development banking also look keen, at least on paper.
But some keen royal watchers had the best view from their office windows.
But the blue-collar wing of his party, especially near Racine, is keen.
Keen to try something out of the norm, but not bursting your budget?
You might think this is a tag politicians would be keen to shed.
But he also possesses a keen and generous insight into the human condition.
Companies keen to protect their interests are increasingly taking that observation to heart.
That’s what has made them of such keen interest to scientists for centuries.
Even governments keen to pump cash into drug development prioritise drugs with patents.
Why are pension funds still so keen to push money into private equity?
In that respect, Mr Robinson’s fiery socialist rhetoric masked a keen business sense.
Unfortunately for him, the ruling Conservative Party is not keen on rent controls.
But the president was keen to put aside any talk of backroom jostling.
Missouri does seem to be exceptionally keen on stopping women from having abortions.
They are keen on renewable energy and on phasing out coal-fired generation.
Non-whites, a growing slice of the population, are less keen on skiing.
GM is clearly keen to embrace new ownership models and technologies for cars.
Yet despite these concerns, Mr Trump’s political instincts may have been disconcertingly keen.
RBS is also keen to put its looming US mortgages fine behind it.
We shouldn’t expect startups to be overly keen to dole out equity either.
Some are keen to compensate for the feeble response to the Litvinenko murder.
It now oversees large lenders, in which governments also take a keen interest.
Advertisers are keen to amass customer data and the tools to analyse them.
Nothing happened that night but I was keen on bumping into him again.
«We are keen to protect our market share,» he said in an interview.
As his business grew, Scharfman was keen to expand into a bigger space.
Stenson, however, is keen to add an Olympic medal to his Claret Jug.
It’s an issue the World Economic Forum (WEF) has been keen on addressing.
And now, I’m not too keen on the fact that she’s a storyteller.
For Glencore, keen to have some control over pricing, that is not tempting.
While some people aren’t too keen on Beckham’s latest stunt, we’re pretty stoked.
Meanwhile, Kenya is also keen to diversify from its overt dependence on China.
Snapchat’s original design reflected a keen understanding of younger users, ad executives said.
Whatever—and wherever—it is, prosecutors remain keen to pry open its secrets.
If you’re super keen, you can register for pre-sale from February 26.
About a decade ago, Thea Litschka-Koen developed a keen interest in snakes.
Her large eyes and prominent teeth gave her a look of keen concern.
«They are not keen to make any fuss,» one of the sources said.
The only problem was Jordan wasn’t too keen on the idea at first.
Which would certainly explain why he was so keen to keep her quiet.
«We are recruiting , actually so if George and Charlotte are keen?» she joked.
Putin, a former KGB officer, is a keen analyst of personality and behavior.
In particular, I was keen to hear how the agent-handler relationship works.
Let’s just say this: he’s not too keen on our new president elect.
President Muhammadu Buhari is keen to promote a «Made in Nigeria» industrial policy.
All the AI is local to the device, Apple is keen to stress.
«We respectfully plead that the court should not open this box,» Keen said.
China’s government is no doubt keen to see its home-grown offering survive.
He’s a young black kid, a featherweight, thin and keen as a blade.
Scientists have never seen one of these supersymmetrical particles, but they’re keen to.
For example, my generation of millennials have taken a keen interest in Rep.
But in that climate, will others be quite so keen to replace him?
I don’t know where any of us would be without your keen insight.
Many Chinese today are individualistic, empowered and keen to shape society around them.
Hyperbole is not unexpected from a government keen to burnish its liberalising credentials.
The tiny price fluctuations have frustrated investors keen on volatility and clear direction.
London also appears to be keen to tighten its trade ties with China.
The Democratic Party faces a keen dilemma: It is badly outspent by Republicans.
Such ambiguities point to two difficulties for firms keen to stamp harassment out.
His research shows why Democrats are so keen on getting these votes counted.
The Keen Company production will be directed by Jonathan Silverstein, Keen’s artistic director.
She lacks her husband’s keen political instincts and persuasive talents as a campaigner.
He is viewed as a numbers guy with an keen eye for detail.
Pro-Brexit MPs were keen to head off the threat of a revolt.
Reform-minded and ambitious, Prince Mohammed was keen to challenge the status quo.
Few in FIFA or other governing bodies appear truly keen to combat corruption.
That’s how keen they are to bring Elon Musk’s idea to the country.
By and large, and there are exceptions, I am not keen on beards.
Russia has also always been keen on helping African states construct energy installations.
And they weren’t too keen on the neighborhood’s abandoned streetcars and bohemian lifestyle.
China, meanwhile, understands Trump’s keen sense of how he is treated by others.
Those changes require a keen understanding of the complex web of regulations, however.
All parties have stressed that they are not keen on forming a coalition.
Keen to talk to work with people who have launched a coin before.
Uber China was particularly keen to talk up the significance of HNA Group.
Claflin seems quite keen on documenting every moment spent with his co-stars.
Holland’s as keen on talking about food while eating food as I am.
If WIMPs do exist, they sure aren’t keen on interacting with our world.
The two had apparently met after Keen started working at Warren’s car dealership.
The Commission was keen to stress that the measures were limited in time.
New staffers were particularly keen to try it despite warnings to be careful.
A keen focus on runway is critical to the survival of any startup.
TechCrunch editors with a keen eye for successful startups will vet every application.
The next morning, I boot up my PrayStation, keen to collect my reward.
Meanwhile, only 70 percent of voters aren’t too keen on Putin. Hmm. Okay.
For starters, tech organizations need bodies that underrepresented populations are keen to provide.
There is little doubt that mining companies are keen to embrace more technology.
Thus millions of survivors now have a new, keen interest in local elections.
Alexandra, 23, is a keen horse rider and has at least four horses.
Luxembourg is keen to make equivalence more flexible, but France is more cautious.
My body holds crinkles unseen and my eyes carry a bold, keen twinkle.
Shopping malls have been playing jazz compositions by the monarch, a keen saxophonist.
Mr. Ascensão has a fondness for, and a keen ability with, circular motifs.
Even when contemplating the cosmic, he had a keen sense of the comic.
And Republicans in the House aren’t keen on propping up the law either.
MATARAZZO My parents were so keen on making sure I knew all that.
I’m not especially keen on the notion of my life story being written.
Foley has a desperately keen understanding of what happens in a conflict zone.
Perkins, not keen on throwing his offspring under the bus, declined that option.
He was wearing a black hat and a grin, and keen to vote.
As it turns out, investors are keen to help Hotz do just that.
It isn’t only groceries that consumers are keen to stock up on, however.
As for the keen sense of drama, it must be a genetic trait.
And he hasn’t seemed especially keen on crime-busting in this situation, either.
Burlington is a popular two-step instructor, and Zanoff is a keen equestrian.
But fourth downs are embedded with opportunity for those keen to exploit it.
In most areas of life I am keen on understanding what I’m doing.
While this didn’t bother me, my husband wasn’t keen on the unusual layout.
Last year, Mushi bounced around with Team Aster, Geek Fam and Keen Gaming.
I suppose it feared that elections might produce administrations keen on income redistribution.
«Silicon Valley seems more keen to bankroll such initiatives,» according to the report.
All of us will miss Mark’s keen mind and rare ability to analyze.
Corporations are keen to dissolve the boundary between traditional employment and independent contracting.
He labeled Ms. Carroll a liar who was keen to sell a book.
America does not seem keen on renewing it when it expires in 2021.
But the group also seems keen to expand its underground network in Turkey.
Mr. Snitzer was keen to show off the installation — and Mr. Pérez’s imprimatur.
Like Thubron’s celebrated travel writing, his novel displays keen observation and narrative flair.
Heller is keen to talk about his efforts to thwart Trump on Yucca.
Pashinyan, 42, appears keen to play a major role in the political reconfiguration.
He most recently placed top 16 with Keen Gaming at The International 2019.
Amazon appears to be keen on ensuring that the underlying software looks sleek.
People assume she’s an enchantress, but she’s merely a keen, if malevolent, psychologist.
STEVE LIESMAN: And so, you have a keen sense of what’s going on.
Bezos is a keen investor, operating through his eponymous VC vehicle Bezos Expeditions.
«Our government is not keen on any more IPOs from China,» Cramer said.
But lately he’s showing a particularly keen interest in the news these days.
«At first, I wasn’t too keen on him,» the father of two said.
It is particularly keen for investment to fund its backlog of infrastructure projects.
Remi, however, is entranced, and keen to learn more about his faithful friend.
Now Google looks keen to take share in Microsoft’s real stronghold: big companies.
So how did it grow and why is Washington taking a keen interest?
Indonesia’s government is keen to expand tourism to boost Southeast Asia’s largest economy.
We discussed women a lot; Omar was older and keen on marrying soon.
I’d skip the unsweetened flavor though unless you’re keen on adding flavoring yourself.
But lately, he’s showing a particularly keen interest in the news these days.
The United States is also keen to secure more sanctions enforcement by China.
The United States is also keen to tap into India’s large defense market.
From the very first round, Rigondeaux showed that he was keen to hold.
Dr. Winstock is keen to point out that there are many complicating factors.
This group is keen for more local-style heroes, according to industry executives.
Judging from «Goomics,» Cornet is also a keen observer of the company’s culture.
Most were just keen to hear Russo talk about her experience of totality.
He suggested that I buy his shop since he was keen to retire.
It’s also an idea that Prime Minister Theresa May seems keen to consider.
The Byzantines were, to be somewhat reductive, not terribly keen on sporting events.
A keen sense of self-awareness, almost to a fault, permeates each essay.
Remember that the likes of YouTube are very keen to stamp down on these illicit tools, and malware makers are very keen to make some cash out of them, so be wary about which software you use for the job.
That will stick in the craw of people keen to safeguard Hong Kong’s distinctiveness.
But customers are not keen and there is insufficient storage capacity, trading sources say.
Not surprisingly, Twitter’s board is not keen on selling the company to its customers.
Lebanese women, who have a penchant for biological improvement, are particularly keen on it.
Nadine Drayton-Keen to send an important message to students for Black History Month.
We’re keen on this casting, so let’s make sure this series gets ordered stat.
One common trait among everyone there was that they were extremely keen to talk.
It’s the enterprise customers that apparently aren’t too keen on end-to-end encryption.
Yahoo is keen to distance itself from the Japanese company operating under its brand.
Canada remains less keen to use competition as a way of boosting that productivity.
«We are keen on signing a defense cooperation agreement,» Lorenzana said of that trip.
Many of the players were keen to play on and get a result, too.
The idea of investing with a keen focus on value sounds sensible — virtuous, even.
ExxonMobil, however, remains very keen on Pakistan and is looking at other terminal projects.
The Rainbow Chamber Singers, on the other hand, are keen to reinvent the genre.
However, many in Guatemala’s political elites are keen to see the U.N. body shuttered.
It is savvy to this whole «catching» thing and isn’t too keen on it.
Ant Financial wasn’t the only entity keen on using data to measure people’s worth.
But he’s keen to point out there’s more to the job than having sex.
Although Brown ultimately lost out to Dafne Keen, she’s a good sport about it.
But some seem keen to stick with the old acronym, at least for now.
European Union producers, hit by Russian sanctions against them are keen for new markets.
Meanwhile, everyone outside Australia keen for an emoji plate will have to be patient.
The Shipowners’ Association, representing the employers, said it was keen to resolve the situation.
ADNOC is also keen to lease more strategic storage in India, Al Jaber said.
However, European regulators are keen to avoid any state aid that might distort competition.
Lazada’s Thailand warehouse Lazada is Alibaba’s early dibs on a young and keen market.
And us folks from Liverpool are not too keen on Manchester, or its people.
However, Brinkley is keen to spread the message that age is just a number.
He slowly reveals their baroque lineaments through keen slices of life, unencumbered by exposition.
Some immortals were reportedly keen to elect a former banker to oversee its investments.
Ideally, keen Corfiots and proud Pakistanis should combine to give Greek cricket a boost.
Many American customers are obviously keen to shop before the broader tariffs take effect.
Today, Shenzhen is attracting many entrepreneurs keen to develop new ways of making things.
That is why astrobiologists are so keen to identify liquid water on other planets.
«They’re all lifelong Republicans,» he says, toggling his phone to play a Keen song.
At the party gathering, Republican leaders were keen to talk policy, not presidential politics.
One is that central bankers are too keen to spot inflation in the data.
American officials may be keen to spare Mr Trump’s blushes in front of protesters.
He created places that are so empty, they keen for the presence of people.
Mao Zedong, in power from 1949 to 1976, was not keen on foreign ideas.
Now, I’ve noticed that parts of the internet aren’t especially keen on Zelda gripes.
Without a keen eye and dedicated memeing, it never would have become rabidly popular.
Mr Smith is keen to make sure his BOGOF officers are out in Brixton.
Indian media had reported that Stayzilla was keen to raise $40 million last year.
Foreign energy companies are keen to invest, but complain of too much red tape.
Anthony works at Lucky 7 and doesn’t seem too keen on killing another man.
So why are people on the internet so keen to believe in conspiracy theories?
Investigators are also keen to know why no crew member used the emergency brake.
Commander Keen – The 90s id game returns as a free-to-play iOS title.
Taxi drivers, naturally keen on long queues for their service, are once again resisting.
The clamour spooks the government, which is keen to keep the middle class onside.
Mark Zuckerberg is «rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic,» says author Andrew Keen.
«I’m just really keen to make sure that aspect of gaming history is preserved.»
And don’t forget community colleges and other groups that are keen to train you.
Baldwin has taken a keen interest in looking at stock buybacks from Capitol Hill.
That is why Lyft and Uber are keen to get rid of drivers altogether.
At a minimum, Mr Kim will be keen to secure some easing of sanctions.
JUUL has in the past been keen to stress its independence from big tobacco.
Big banks, like private-equity firms, are keen to work with outfits like RCM.
He said none of the comedy team were keen on roles in Zelenskiy’s government.
It’s safe to say the players involved weren’t so keen on the late start.
She is very, very keen to engage more with the museum and its collections.
One reason might be to appease regulators keen to boost Chinese shipyards’ order books.
The Trump administration is keen to sign multi-billion dollar deals for U.S. firms.
A keen interest in the travails of Everyman has defined his television career, too.
Maduro has held on to power by paying keen attention to who controls firepower.
He is keen on autonomy and experimentation, which puts the teaching profession on edge.
Having been repeatedly carved up by bigger powers, Poland is keen to cement alliances.
It appears Samsung is keen to position the Chromebook Pro as a premium device.
In such an environment the fate of the Phnom Penh Post attracts keen attention.
The United States is also keen to encourage greater business and trade with India.
Keen: Check out these mid-rise waterproof boots with rustic styling for 29% off.
Rachel — we both love Disney — but Rachel especially was very keen on the name.
Either way, Microsoft is keen to let everyone know that it has passed Slack.
And U.S. firms such as DraftKings and FanDuel are keen to expand into Europe.
They were not keen to see a public debate on sexual orientation take place.
Nor were they keen to diversify crops to include strains less sensitive to drought.
Still, she is keen to put distance between the local party and the government.
Now that the numbers are out, executives are keen to «win», says one consultant.
«It is a challenge that we’re keen to get on with,» he told Reuters.
Particular» because of his keen attention to detail, «even down to renewing our vows.
Keen horticulturalist Charles, 67, has been instrumental in building on the Queen Mum’s legacy.
The European Union is keen to promote trade, investment and other relationships with China.
Tartane residents do not seem too keen on answering questions about the local hero.
Nearly one year after leaving Myanmar, Tahera, Suhara, and Amena aren’t keen to return.
Duterte has hinted in the past that he’s keen to strengthen Russian-Philippine ties.
The Finnish government was keen to see what people would do under such circumstances.
Abeer had a troubled relationship with her family and was keen to start again.
That group disbanded and Keen moved onto trying to inform people about breaches instead.
In the interview, the Stranger Things star said that Keen was «incredible» in Logan.
I am actually keen to get the winch and the wired auxiliary lights whirring.
Nvidia was keen to plug its latest graphics card as the most successful ever.
But the party is rarely keen on letting people express their feelings for themselves.
Improving yourself personally can help you professionally Franklin was very keen on improving himself.
«We’re very keen to show measurable impact and particularly to validate that,» Bell said.
Others also aren’t too keen on the prospects for metals and mining in general.
Honda is likely keen to butch up the 2016 Ridgeline in order to compete.
He loves chasing a ball, but he’s not so keen to give it back!
Banks are keen to preserve their margins to compensate for heightened corporate credit risk.
They put themselves between riot police and the English, keen to confront both parties.
British actor Idris Elba is quite the keen DJ, if you didn’t know already.
India is keen for Britain to welcome more of its students and skilled workers.
The firm is also keen to engage in charitable projects through its Fosun Foundation.
Washington is keen to sell more of the country’s surging oil and gas production.
CBS has been especially keen on sci-fi-tinged drama with high-stakes overtones.
Evans didn’t feel like he was keen to earn our trust, admiration or affection.
Know your way around a pair of scissors and keen for an outback change?
Iran, once a keen OPEC price hawk, now wants lower prices than Saudi Arabia.
The market will be keen to hear its latest assessment on the global economy.
«As you know, the UK does not intend to revoke its notification,» said Keen.
Early voting, which non-whites (who lean Democratic) are keen on, has been restricted.
He said Britain was keen to ensure continuity as it left the trading bloc.
JA: I was keen to try to explore the question of the historical itself.
Alessandro, who had a keen sexual appetite, lusted after a married woman in Florence.
The company has, however, said it is keen to be involved in supercomputer development.
Mr Sharif is keen that Chinese style and efficiency be brought to the line.
Judge Gorsuch is viewed as a keen legal thinker and a particularly incisive writer.
I’m not sure I’d be so keen to try the boiled version he describes.
Given Chicago’s storied history of police misconduct, citizens paid keen attention to this case.


verb глагол






  1. увлекаться

    keen on music
    увлекаться музыкой

  2. сильно желать

  3. причитать

adjective прилагательное

















  1. проницательный

    keen glance
    проницательный взгляд

    keen ear
    чуткое ухо

  2. острый

    keen sense of humour
    острое чувство юмора

    keen competition
    сильная конкуренция

    keen wind
    резкий ветер

    keen eye
    зоркий глаз

  3. живой

    keen interest
    живой интерес

  4. тонкий

    keen understanding
    тонкое понимание

  5. энергичный

  6. заядлый

    keen hunter
    заядлый охотник

  7. изощренный

  8. меткий

participle причастие

















  1. увлеченный

  2. стремящийся

  3. пронизывающий


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и keen:


Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений keen на 1 миллион слов: 10.

Примеры предложений

A fence between makes love more keen.
Преграда между двоими делает любовь сильнее.

I was keen on classical music in my school days.
Я увлекался классической музыкой в свои школьные годы.

Bob is keen to pass the examination.
Боб стремится сдать экзамен.

The knife has a keen blade.
Лезвие этого ножа очень острое.

The dog has a keen scent.
У собаки тонкий нюх.

That young man is very keen on cycling.
Этот молодой человек очень любит ездить на велосипеде.

Are you very keen about going with them?
Вам очень хочется с ними поехать?

The blade of my knife is very keen.
У моего ножа очень острое лезвие.

The falcon has keen eyes.
У сокола острое зрение.

I have a keen interest in politics.
Я весьма интересуюсь политикой.

You have a keen sense of direction.
У тебя острое чувство направления.

The students pay keen attention.
Студенты очень внимательно слушают.

Japanese parents are not keen to talk about their own children.
Японские родители неохотно говорят о своих детях.

She is keen to go abroad.
Она страстно желает поехать за границу.

She is keen on birds and flowers.
Она увлекается птицами и цветами.

He’s keen on sports.
Он помешан на спорте.

Flies have a keen sense of smell for decaying matter.
У мух острый нюх на разлагающееся вещество.

The dog has a very keen sense of smell.
У этой собаки острый нюх.

That is a keen observation.
Тонко подмечено.

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