Sentences with word invasion

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Closed beta testing of ‘Invasion’ will last all summer.

Закрытое бета тестирование режима «Вторжение» уже началось и продлится все лето.

Nevertheless, small e-tailors would do well to prepare themselves to face this ‘invasion’.

Тем не менее, малым э-портным было бы хорошо подготовиться к этому «вторжению».

Screenshot should be devoted to the ‘Invasion’.

Скриншот должен быть посвящен тематике «Вторжения».

Disputes about privacy and its ‘invasion’ have another long-term political significance.

Споры о неприкосновенности частной жизни и «вторжении» в нее давно приобрели политическое значение.

That’s what I’ve done with ‘INVASION’.

In the course of construction of this definition, we certainly may consider the word ‘invasion’ in its usually accepted sense.

В процессе выработки данного определения мы, конечно же, можем воспринимать слово «вторжение» в его общепринятом смысле.

adverts entitled ‘Invasion’ from 2011.

Today’s entry is dedicated to our new mode ‘Invasion’, which is now running in test mode on the game servers.

Сегодняшняя наша запись блога посвящена новому режиму «Вторжение», который сейчас работает в режиме раннего доступа на серверах игры.

participate in the distribution of access keys to our ‘Invasion’ mode!

принять участие в раздаче ключей доступа к нашему режиму «Вторжение»!

Military equipment has arrived to support the ‘Invasion’

Военная техника прибыла для поддержки «Нашествия»

He has played supporting roles in popular TV shows such as ‘Phil of the Future’ and ‘Invasion’.

Он играл вспомогательные роли в популярных телевизионных шоу, таких как «Фил будущего» и «Вторжение».

The ‘invasion’ of the foreign real estate brands operating in accordance with foreign standards will force Vietnamese firms to upgrade their services.

Аналитики полагают, что «нашествие» иностранных брендов, действующих в соответствии с иностранными стандартами, заставит вьетнамские фирмы модернизировать свои услуги.

Spurred on by the purported ‘invasion’ of refugees, the neo-Nazis are more vocal and unrestrained than ever.

«Разъярённые так называемым ‘нашествием’ беженцев, неонацисты сегодня распоясались как никогда.

We are happy to announce the Fall release of a global update ‘Invasion’ for the space action Star Conflict.

Мы объявляем о выходе этой осенью глобального обновления «Вторжение» для нашего космического боевика Star Conflict.

In 2005, he appeared in ‘Invasion’, an American sci-fi television series that aired on ABC network.

В 2005 году он появился в американском научно-фантастическом сериале «Вторжение», который транслировался по сети ABC.

One day, he was watching CNN and got scared and called me because he saw reports of soldiers in the streets, an ‘invasion’ by Russia.

Однажды он смотрел CNN, испугался и позвонил мне, потому что увидел сообщения о солдатах на улицах, о «вторжении» России.

The Washington’s ‘invasion’ of Libya, which did not lose a single US soldier, demonstrates that destructive invasions result in long-term, continent-wide chaos.

«Вторжение» США в Ливию, в результате которого не был потерян ни один американский солдат, показывает, что разрушительные вторжения имеют своим результатом продолжительный, распространяющийся на весь континент, хаос.

Concerning the ‘invasion’, I had good arguments: I was studying the discipline, and I entered the lab in a normal period, using no force or violence.

Что касается моего «вторжения», то здесь у меня также были веские доводы в свою защиту: я изучал данную дисциплину, вошел в лабораторию в положенное время, без применения насилия.

They see an ‘infestation’ or ‘invasion’.

Буквально, это «вторжение» или «нашествие».

The accusations of a major Russian ‘invasion’ of Ukraine appear not to be supported by reliable intelligence.

«Обвинения в крупном российском «вторжении» на Украину, по-видимому, не подкреплены надёжной информацией.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат ‘invasion’

Результатов: 48. Точных совпадений: 48. Затраченное время: 93 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

An invasion is a military offensive in which large parts of combatants of one geopolitical entity aggressively enter territory controlled by another such entity, generally with the objective of either conquering; liberating or re-establishing control or authority over a territory; forcing the partition of a country; altering the established government or gaining concessions from said government; or a combination thereof. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Is it any wonder Shaun (Simon Pegg) makes the same trip to the local store two days in a row and doesn’t notice the zombie invasion taking place on the second day!


Usually these pet celebrations are unplanned invasions of the trappings of our festivities.


It is an invasion of your potential employee’s privacy.


From the breathless trailer, it looks like the next step is a full on invasion of Earth.


The Court rejected plaintiff’s argument that the complaint could have been amended to allege negligent touching, defamation or an invasion of privacy which would have been covered under an umbrella policy.


Seems like the whole invasion thing is more for the people who attend the live events than those who don’t.


Like Captain Marvel, it’s a flashback, but only to before Thanos» invasion.


«Come What May» tells the intimate story of a handful of villagers (August Diehl, Olivier Gourmet, Mathilde Seigner, Alice Isaaz and Matthew Rhys) as they abandon their town to head for the coast, where they hope to be safe from the invasion.


The Ejisu-Juaben district chief cocoa farmer, Nana Kofi Mpiani, feared Ghana may not be able to achieve its target of producing 1 million tonnes of cocoa if the invasion of the armyworms on cocoa farms is not controlled.


According to Wikipedia, Cindo de Mayo «originated with Mexican-American communities in the American West as a way to commemorate the cause of freedom and democracy during the first years of the American Civil War, and today the date is observed in the United States as a celebration of thanks to Mexico in fending off the would be French invasion of the U.S..»


Interestingly, Bos and colleagues recently reported that EGFR and its ligand were highly expressed in brain metastatic cells and knockdown of EGFR ligands significantly attenuated cell motility and invasion in vitro and in vivo.


I was only invaded a handful of times, and several were scripted NPC invasions, but each was a frenzied dance, prolonged by Estus Flask heals that leave the player vulnerable for a few seconds, but outpaced the speed at which I could damage them.


In addition many academic commentators argued it was time to recognize the tort of invasion of privacy in Canada: Craig, «Invasion of Privacy and Charter Values: The Common-Law Tort Awakens», 42 McGill L.J. 355; Austin, «Privacy and Private Law: The Dilemma of Justification» 55 McGill L.J. 165; Hunt, «Conceptualizing Privacy and Elucidating Its Importance: Foundational Considerations for the Development of Canada’s Fledging Privacy Tort», 37 Queen’s L.J. 167.


Although both had been feminist writers and peace activists living in Brooklyn, NY for many years, playwright Karen Malpede and poet/novelist Jan Clausen didn’t know each other very well until they spent a night in jail together following a civil disobedience arrest at the time of the Iraq invasion in 2003, after which they gradually became better acquainted with each other’s work.


From its cannibalistic proclivities, the world can see why the APC and its insensitive Federal Government care less about the lives and welfare of Nigerians, resulting in the escalation of violence, bloodletting, mass killings, extra-judicial executions, persecution of citizens, abuse of human rights, constitutional violations, including invasion of the National Assembly as well as attack on federal lawmakers and judicial officers.


(Reuters)— Attorneys for wrestling celebrity Hulk Hogan rested their $ 100 million privacy invasion case against the Gawker news outlet on Friday, wrapping up a lively week of testimony in a Florida lawsuit examining the posting of a sex tape in modern media.


In this classic Nintendo DS strategy game, players lead their new Commanding Officers to fend off the Black Hole Army’s latest invasion.


This new policy is a giant privacy invasion, too.


The film covers how the alien invasion affects a wide array of people from all walks of life in several locations, including Washington DC, Las Vegas and the Midwest.


Henrique Oliveira will create a cave-like environment made from materials gathered from the streets of São Paulo, suggesting organic growth or parasitic invasion.


From what we’ve been shown so far, Homefront by developer Kaos Studios has all the premises for becoming a great shooter, and when you’ve had a look at the E3 trailer above, you’ll understand why: the U.S. military forces are trying to hold back a North Korean invasion of the United States.


The school was not simply aid nor is this a hand-out or an invasion.


Mats can pull tender skin and cause pain and lead to hot spots or wounds to irritated skin and eventual infection, general skin outbreaks, or fungus or insect invasion.


You can also grind away at online invasions of other players» oil rigs, where many of your doo-dads are utterly useless or not even allowed (this is where Konami has slipped in a microtransaction boondoggle, which I suspect you’ll bump up against if you try to research everything).


The full time whistle was greeted by looks of disbelief on the faces of the courageous heroes who were in turn greeted by the customary cup pitch invasion.


PEL cells can be defined by the overexpression of genes involved in inflammation, cell adhesion, and invasion, which may be responsible for their presentation in body cavities.


Unlike most other cities, Tulum was still occupied at the time of the Spanish invasion in the 16th century.


«Food habits of diving ducks in the Great Lakes after the zebra mussel invasion


This came on the heels of the reported invasion of the herdsmen on Logo and Ukum council areas of Benue state.


In this same manner, the invasion of lionfish in the Caribbean is an equally fascinating story.


Welsh is asking us to consider a precarious future overrun with disaster and invasion.


«I had several ideas for a game featuring The Boss and the Cobra Unit during the invasion of Normandy.


Mathematically Correct This web site is devoted to the concerns raised by parents and scientists about the invasion of our schools by the New-New Math and the need to restore basic skills to math education.


When I go back to them later, I can’t tell from my scribble if she said «if» or «when» a new invasion happens.


Remote Controls also features the video Seduction of a Cyborg (1994), a poetic allegory about technology’s invasion of the body; The Complete Electronic Diaries (1986-1994), a 76-minute single-channel «video typed» confessional that records Hershman Leeson’s struggle, transformation, and transcendence as her personal story unfolds before the camera; and several short video works.


If it’s springtime and your home has a history of pesky ant invasions, it’s probably a good time to reevaluate whether your ant traps are going to become a consumable by your dog.


When bound to beta-blocker, however, the accelerated invasion of these cells was decreased.


Cities throughout Asia that have purged street dogs have repeatedly suffered the consequences of leaving the dogs» ecological niche open to invasion by rats, as triggered the plague outbreak of 1994 in Surat, India, or monkeys, street pigs, or other animals who carry diseases as deadly as rabies but harder to eradicate.


You can also use embers to summon co-op partners but be warned these open doors to possible invasions and we all know what that means.


In the meantime, Spain is plotting an invasion and working with catholic Mary Stuart.


There is vivid dramatic contrast, in the visions that follow, between the terrors that stalk the earth strife, famine, invasion, death, fire, flood, hail, earthquake, drought, pestilence, war — and the mighty chorus of adoration and worship of Christ, the Lamb who was slain for our redemption.


Best friend to T’Challa and also head of security for the Border Tribe, which is Wakanda’s first line of defense against invasion.


But while Loving mirrors their disposition in the face of their predicament — don’t expect dramatic courtroom scenes or much invasion from snarling racists — neither does it tell us much about them.


IS Defense is set in the year 2020, with Islamic State terrorists seizing control of North Africa, and proceeding to launch a full-scale invasion of Europe.


West Seneca Police say a home invasion Monday night has left a town man beaten, bloodied and robbed.


The comments come ahead of the 30th anniversary of the invasion on April 2nd.


The niche nature of the Vita has brought upon an alternating cause and effect ripple that subsequently brought an invasion of anime games.


The game is a direct sequel to the previous game in the series, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, with a campaign storyline continuing the struggle of U.S. forces against an invasion by the Russian Federation following the framing of an undercover U.S. agent in a terrorist attack on Moscow.


Living in Paris and then London, she traveled to Vienna weeks after the German invasion of 1938 to save her parents and was able to bring her father to England.


The sixth film in Frank Capra’s «Why We Fight» series focuses on Japan’s invasion of China.


вторжение, нашествие, инвазия, посягательство, набег


- воен. вторжение, нападение, нашествие; оккупация; набег; высадка десанта; агрессия

air invasion — вторжение в воздушное пространство; воздушный десант
invasion beach — участок высадки морского десанта
invasion force — силы вторжения

- вторжение, вмешательство

an invasion of privacy — вторжение в личную жизнь

- посягательство (на что-л.)

invasion of smb.’s rights — посягательство на чьи-л. права

- инвазия, внедрение паразита
- начало заболевания, приступ болезни

Мои примеры


protecting the house from insect invasion — защищая дом от нашествия насекомых  
a military buildup in preparation for the invasion — наращивание военной мощи в рамках подготовки к вторжению  
to defend one’s country against an invasion — защищать свою страну от вторжения  
to carry out / launch an invasion — совершить вторжение  
to repel / repulse an invasion — отразить нашествие  
momentary invasion of doubt — на мгновение появившаяся тень сомнения  
invasion of one’s privacy — вмешательство в личную жизнь  
to repel invasion — оказывать сопротивление вражескому нашествию  
seaborne invasion — вторжение с моря  
invasion of privacy — вторжение в жилище  
foreign invasion — иностранное вторжение  
multiple invasion — множественная инвазия  

Примеры с переводом

The enemy launched an invasion.

Враг начал вторжение.

The world is showing concern over the invasion.

Мировое сообщество выражает озабоченность по поводу вторжения.

They met secretly to discuss the invasion plans.

Они провели секретную встречу и обсудили планы вторжения.

The people live under a constant threat of invasion.

Люди живут под постоянной угрозой вторжения.

After the invasion, people were forbidden to fly their national flag.

После вторжения людям запретили поднимать свой национальный флаг.

As the invasion seemed likely the president called on his allies for help.

При возникновении угрозы вторжения, президент призвал на помощь своих союзников.

Their superior forces repelled the invasion.

Их превосходящие силы отразили это вторжение.

ещё 10 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

English stills bears the imprint of the Norman invasion

The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion

…don’t be such a scatterbrain—it’s only a wedding, not the invasion of Normandy…

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): invasion
мн. ч.(plural): invasions

Sentences with the word Invasion?



  • «the neighboring tribe staged an invasion«
  • «I envied his rapid buildup of assets»; «a military buildup in preparation for the invasion«
  • «the invasion acted as a catalyst to unite the country»
  • «what is certain is that every effect must have a cause»; «it is certain that they were on the bus»; «his fate is certain»; «the date for the invasion is certain»
  • «the defacement of an Italian mosaic during the Turkish invasion«; «he objected to the dam’s massive disfigurement of the landscape»
  • «he joined the defense against invasion«
  • «The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion«
  • «an invasion of tourists»; «an invasion of locusts»
  • «English stills bears the imprint of the Norman invasion«
  • «met secretly to discuss the invasion plans»; «the children secretly went to the movies when they were supposed to be at the library»; «they arranged to meet in secret»
  • «the tumor’s invasion of surrounding structures»
  • «the Manchurian invasion«
  • «the Norman invasion in 1066″

How to use invasion in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «invasion» and check conjugation/comparative form for «invasion«. Mastering all the usages of «invasion» from sentence examples published by news publications.

«Invasion of drugs, invasion of gangs, invasion of people,» Trump said.
«We have an invasion of drugs, invasion of gangs, invasion of people, and it’s unacceptable,» he said.
And it’s a great thing to do because we have an invasion of drugs, invasion of gangs, invasion of people, and it’s unacceptable.
Cuse: We were talking about alien invasion shows, and then we were saying that what is really interesting is not the invasion itself, but the consequences of the invasion.
He fiercely opposed the invasion of Iraq by the Republican administration; today, Trump condemns the invasion.
An Invasion of a Different Sort It was not the invasion that the Cubans have long feared.
» More recently, his Facebook campaign ads have warned, «We have an INVASION…It’s CRITICAL that we STOP THE INVASION.
That stuff, those people who do pranks, like prank invasion, or something like that, they just … KS: Prank invasion?
«The only invasion that people have talked about around me is an invasion of food and medicine,» he said.
Trump defended USSR invasion of Afghanistan During a January 2019 Cabinet meeting, Trump defended the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan.
He cites «an invasion of drugs, invasion of gangs, invasion of people» and says the only way to put a stop to it is a hard barrier along much of the 2250,2000 mile (220,200 km) southwest border.
In March 2002, a year before the invasion, the UK took a hard look at the potential consequences of an invasion.
The break in ties happened after Iraq’s 1990 invasion of Kuwait and Saudi involvement in a 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.
So the invasion and repulsion of invasion are constants in that story, but the sympathy does not rest in the same place.
He dated the start of the Afghan conflict to the Soviet invasion in 1979, rather than the U.S. invasion after the Sept.
In fact, he said «invasion» seven times within one minute, then asked the audience what to do about the so-called invasion.
Related: The CIA Just Declassified the Document That Supposedly Justified the Iraq Invasion The invasion posed a significant threat to the global economy.
Beginning 200 years ago today, an army of former slaves in Haiti shook off, in succession, a local white army, the French monarchy, a Spanish invasion, a British invasion, a French invasion conducted by Napoleon’s in-law, and finally the feared Bonaparte himself.
The company is also working on a Mars-set Rabbids Invasion special, which arrives after the company’s Rabbids Invasion show airs its fourth season.
Rich had been crashing at his gf’s crib when the home invasion went down … the home invasion that landed them both in the hospital.
Then what about the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, the Italian invasion of Ethiopia, and so on, down to the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor?
And he once again proclaimed that he was against the Iraq invasion, although audio from 2002 has surfaced of Mr. Trump supporting the invasion.
Here are all the instances where he has invoked «invasion» (excluding when he was only referring to an invasion of drugs and human traffickers).
«We know there is no data theft in this case; it’s just a privacy invasion, a privacy invasion creative hackers can easily leverage,» said Ashbel.
Think of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the Nazi German invasion of Russia, or North Korea’s ill-considered invasion of the South in 1950.
The invasion is thwarted nonetheless, and from there, Grayson and Halley are on the front lines of the war defending Earth’s Martian colonies from invasion and occupation.
» Lorraine Michels has been documenting the Invasion since 1994 and also published a book: «The Invasion of the Pines: 40 Years of Fun, Frolic & Fantasy, 1976-2015.
The word «invasion» hasn’t just been used in Facebook ads; the president has repeatedly described immigrants as an «invasion» in social media posts and during public statements.
Fear of a robot invasion is the obverse of fear of an immigrant invasion, a partisan coin: heads, you’re worried about robots; tails, you’re worried about immigrants.
The report said Britain had joined the invasion without exhausting peaceful options, that it had underestimated the consequences of the invasion, and that the planning was wholly inadequate.
Beijing was a strong critic of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, though it initially supported action against Saddam Hussein in the 1990s following Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait.
In mid-July, top Israeli officials also ordered the military to prepare for a possible ground invasion of Gaza — but it’s unclear if that means an invasion is imminent.
Crow’s bio: «[Led] a platoon of paratroopers during the invasion of Iraq and earned the Bronze Star for his combat actions during the invasion…» Chrissy Houlahan to challenge GOP Rep.
The group has its roots in two earlier wars and the foreign occupations that followed: the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the American-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Campaign rally in Melbourne, Florida, May 9, 2019 (7 mentions of «invasion«) «This is an invasion,» Trump said about the waves of asylum seekers arriving at the US-Mexico border.
But he did indeed voice support for the invasion in 2002 and there is no evidence that he opposed any part of the invasion until after American troops were in Iraq.
The Incredibles was released in 2004, just a year after the invasion of Iraq, three years after the invasion of Afghanistan, and a few more after the dot-com bubble burst.
We were looking to the skies and the threat was communism and alien invasion and body snatchers, and you know, loss of our personal autonomy because we were afraid of invasion.
» What he’ll say: «How far is it from Trump’s saying this ‘is an invasion‘ to the shooter in El Paso declaring ‘his attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas?
Interestingly, both films borrowed a home invasion trope made famous by 1967’s Wait Until Dark: The victim (or ostensible victim — more on that in a bit) of the invasion is disabled.
For a few years after the Iraq invasion, it was hard to have an open debate about this because those who’d advocated for the invasion felt compelled to argue that everything was fine.
The Soviet invasion of Germany included brutal acts of civilian murder, rape, and looting, seen as vengeance following Adolf Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union that left millions dead, including women and children.
Republican Jewish Coalition conference in Las Vegas on April 22019, 23 (24 mention of «invasion«) «I’ll do whatever is necessary to stop the invasion of our country,» he said at the Republican conference.
Here’s the thing … home invasion is a very serious charge.
But everything changed after the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
The question now is, is Invasion of Privacy actually good?
But the question is, are we ready for their invasion?
As such, she’s suing for defamation and invasion of privacy.
Listen to Invasion of Privacy below: Follow Noisey on Twitter.
S. military drills that it sees as an invasion rehearsal.
And during that period, Trump supported the invasion of Iraq.
There were no arrests made in the alleged home invasion.
Pyongyang has condemned the joint exercises as rehearsal for invasion.
Chinese consumers, however, don’t seem to mind the privacy invasion.
And it’s better than a pitch invasion of, say, bees.
Did you use Melodyne or AutoTune on Invasion of Privacy?
Mr Trump has described the unarmed migrants as an «invasion«.
The IMF’s model did not allow for an Iraqi invasion.
The invasion took place about a month after the speech.
«This is such an invasion of privacy,» said one official.
Years of headlines predicting an imminent invasion have hardly helped.
Kenya mounted its own invasion of southern Somalia in 2011.
It’s like an invasion of privacy, and definitely off limits.
«It is an invasion of my personal space,» Flores said.
North Korea views the drills as a rehearsal for invasion.
«Russia will respond if there is an invasion,» he said.
They see the training exercises as preparation for an invasion.
As such, the threat of military invasion is relatively small.
«Because of the invasion, we lost so much,» says Ani.
Mr. Kelley’s response to his children’s invasion was pitch perfect.
North Korea routinely labels such exercises preparations for an invasion.
Even Cuadernos criticized the U.S. invasion of the Dominican Republic.
Gawker’s invasion of Mr Bollea’s privacy served no public interest.
But its invasion of Lebanon in 1982 was a fiasco.
Hitler, of course, was going to launch an invasion anyway.
Were the attacks the opening moves of a military invasion?
Russia’s invasion of eastern Ukraine and simultaneous backing of Ukrainian
«They are not advocating invasion or occupation,» Mr. Hof said.
Invasion or air strikes were the preferred means of retaliation.
Uh, and … President Trump: Because I consider it an invasion.
For me, that day was such an invasion of privacy.
After the 2003 invasion, Basra wanted its old life back.
» Shep Smith on the migrant caravan: «There is no invasion.
«They will wage battles against the Turkish invasion,» Xelil said.
The invasion was badly planned and by all accounts doomed.
S. territory from an invasion by the Japanese Imperial Army.
Despite the eerily glowing color, there was no alien invasion.
North Korea denounces such exercises as a preparation for invasion.
Reuters: Ukraine introduces martial law citing threat of Russian invasion.
Those strict embed rules continued after the invasion of 2003.
Home invasion No one wants to be in this situation.
The boy’s father was also injured during the home invasion.
The suit alleges defamation, emotional distress and invasion of privacy.
The invasion of German sports sedans disrupted this settled arrangement.
It’s a mixed bag of those exotic, British Invasion bands.
Cardi’s debut album Invasion of Privacy is out this Friday.
In this particular case, someone has reinvented the pitch invasion.
Then he says he was always against the Iraq invasion.
But the invasion of Iraq was a war of choice.
The invasion of Finland didn’t go well for the USSR.
The invasion was evaded, and this was Kania’s significant contribution.
You look at that it almost looks like an invasion.
The guesses ranged from a foreign invasion to worker incompetence.
Hogan claimed it was the ultimate invasion of his privacy.
Cardi dropped Invasion of Privacy in April of that year.
Alas, as Kublai Khan knew, not all conquests require invasion. ■
Mississippians, brace for a media invasion like you’ve never seen.
Therefore, Dr. Hauber thinks any invasion will remain somewhat localized.
The stealth invasion of Main Street by Wall Street continues.
«It’s like the invasion of the body snatchers,» Chavez said.
He had called the US invasion into Afghanistan a mistake.
It’s an interesting example of a truly consenting privacy invasion.
The country historically kept gold overseas, fearing a Soviet invasion.
John F. Kennedy miscalculated with the Bay of Pigs invasion.
Do you think drug testing is an invasion of privacy?
«It was such a creepy invasion of privacy,» she added.
Perhaps more surprising is the masks’ invasion of everyday life.
Now, the Invasion of Privacy rapper is holding her own.
Invasion seemed imminent and victory by no means a given.
She, of course, supported the Iraq invasion when Obama didn’t.
Yet while China hawks in the media might beat the drum of invasion, an internal China military study, seen by CNN, revealed that the PLA considers an invasion of Taiwan to be extremely difficult.
Mr. Yevtushenko denounced the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968; interceded with the K.G.B. chief, Yuri V. Andropov, on behalf of another Nobel laureate, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn; and opposed the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 21980.
In Kaunas, the Soviet invasion in 1940 had politically empowered local Jews, who had occupied leadership positions in the Communist Party prior to the invasion and ended up with plum Soviet jobs as a result.
In February 2003, just weeks before the United States invasion of Iraq, Mr. Lugar, then chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, sat down with me, a peace activist, to discuss the risks of the invasion.
Their quiet heroism provided the bulk tonnage of material necessary for the invasion of Normandy, an invasion which, according to a 1944 New York Times article, would not have been possible without the Merchant Marine.
Following the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq (and Bush’s addition of Iran to the «Axis of Evil»), Iranian decisionmakers – keenly aware of their weak conventional military and historically wary of invasion – sensed an existential threat.
He transplanted it to Kabul after the American invasion in 2001.
In Afghanistan, poppy cultivation rose following the American invasion in 2001.
Do you see the invasion from Mexico coming any time soon?
Invasion of Privacy ending on this note makes it feel incomplete.
It was a thoughtful invasion, a methodical exploration behind enemy lines.
So there you have it: The Mexican Navy invasion that wasn’t.
And it also faces invasion by an army of undead. Whatever!
Trent is suing for unlawful recording, invasion of privacy and fraud.
Trent is suing for  unlawful recording, invasion of privacy and fraud.
And that paled beside what happened after the invasion of Kuwait.
American soldiers await the signal to begin the D-Day invasion.
And, most importantly, what does she think of Invasion of Privacy?
Production began in November of 2013, under the title Home Invasion.
This golden period came to an end with the Japanese invasion.
«Money» is one of my favorite songs from Invasion of Privacy.
But despite those efforts to appease Ankara, Turkey launched its invasion.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and recent Iranian mischief exemplify this phenomenon.
It would be another year before the Allied invasion at Normandy.
Tommy R. Franks, the commander who led the invasion of Iraq.
Home invasion is terrifying, but Archie looks more angry than frightened.
The group friendship is temporarily mended thanks to the home invasion.
Gabi’s father and stepmother were brutally murdered in a home invasion.
Lawmakers also fear Turkey’s invasion will lead to an ISIS resurgence.
Sanctions imposed on Turkey over its invasion would also be lifted.
Not much is known about the album Invasion of Privacy, ironically.
S. insurgency that began soon after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.
Trump said it’s «wrong» that he supported the invasion of Iraq.
The Canadian Coast Guard was less amused with the inadvertent invasion.
This year, her album Invasion of Privacy was in the running.
It&aposs an enormous invasion, violation of my Fourth Amendment rights.
Go deeper: Special report: Inside the mass invasion of your privacy
That woman is now suing the company for invasion of privacy.
Besides being a massive invasion of privacy, it raises uncomfortable questions.
Sadr was virtually unknown outside Iraq before the 2003 U.S. invasion.
You can read more about the Invasion of Privacy certification here.
Without him, the iconic alien invasion scene might have crash-landed.
KOLPAKOV: This is what makes me skeptical about Russian invasion anywhere.
So Vermont need not participate in any way in the invasion.
They did not want the rescue to look like an invasion!
Maduro said the aid effort was a disguised invasion by Washington.
So please, Night King, march your invasion south of our wall!
This week, California’s Senate passed a new invasion of privacy bill.
He was for the Iraq invasion before he was against it.
It’s looking like a Big Brother invasion is on the horizon.
She sought damages for unlawful recording, invasion of privacy and fraud.
North Korea, however, sees them as practice for an eventual invasion.
Stalin soon began to receive warnings of an imminent German invasion.
That’s when I had a premonition of the invasion to come.
«You’ve got to understand the dynamics of invasion ecology,» he said.
Although many ordinary Venezuelans would welcome an invasion, others would resist.
Muammar el-Qaddafi, it appears to earnestly fear an American invasion.
However, Erdogan refused to call off the invasion late Tuesday night.
The migrants are not an invasion, as he would have it.
Read more:Toronto spent $31 million to fend off a raccoon invasion.
«73,000 American troops landed in the D-Day invasion,» said Rep.
Wilders criticized the decision as an invasion of his private life.
They also rejected the idea of a large-scale American invasion.
Less than a month after the invasion, Sviták was already a
He returned amid the Vietnamese military invasion that toppled the regime.
The invasion of the Manhattanites has not bothered Ledden one bit.
Foreign Relations, who convinced Bush to repel Saddam Hussein’s invasion of
To customers, Redshell represents yet another uninvited invasion of digital privacy.
Where are the lines between intimacy and invasion, observation and revelation?
All four leaders reaffirmed they didn’t want to see an invasion.
So what are Daenerys’ chances, should she actually try the invasion?
The coronavirus is not the zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion.
They used to stage their invasion on the cusp of Halloween.
Before the Turkish invasion, we were very close to finishing ISIS.
The anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq invasion was Wednesday.
The hypocrisy of this transparent justification for his invasion is astounding.
What Trump calls an invasion is in fact a humanitarian crisis.
Many argued that it amounts to an unconstitutional invasion of privacy.
Ms. Gardner had indicted Mr. Greitens for felony invasion of privacy.
«Europe is now under invasion,» Orbán said in a March speech.
It was bulldozed by the Israeli army during the 24 invasion.
Baathists ruled Iraq until the United States-led invasion in 2003.
She can either host an invasion or a really great party.
Mr. Lugar was a critic of the 21956 invasion of Iraq.
That same year Adolf Hitler launched a massive airborne invasion westward.
Shostakovich began composing this symphony, his seventh, before the German invasion.
Its admission triggers an invasion of Europe and the United States.
The Italian invasion was just a bad idea from the start.
We fear an invasion of the desert that stretches around Phoenix.
Things changed after the U.S.-led invasion in 2003 toppled Saddam.
One mother said she felt it was an invasion of privacy.
This includes rescuing Kuwait from invasion and occupation by Saddam’s Iraq.
Mr. Bollea had sued for $100 million, claiming invasion of privacy.
Friday is the 30th anniversary of the US invasion of Panama.
Whether Turkey will go forward with a full invasion is unclear.
Back in 2008, military exercises also preceded Russia’s invasion of Georgia.
It was during the Islamic State’s invasion of Iraq in 2014.
Things were really bad, especially after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
Henry was all for invasion; his father was all for peace.
This is extremely reminiscent of the months before the Iraq invasion.
«They could well feel it’s an invasion of privacy,» he added.
He recently made statements praising the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
But here is a new one: the invasion of the toddlers.
Fox’s Tucker Carlson referenced an «invasion» as early as October 16.
I find that an intolerable invasion of privacy, a red line.
And in 2002, he voted to authorize the invasion of Iraq.
But the charge itself — invasion of privacy — is drawing intense scrutiny.
He’s already rallying his troops in case Trump launches an invasion.
At first glance, the two nations’ invasion plans seem very similar.
When, in May, 1941—just six weeks before the invasion—Pavel Fitin, the head of N.K.V.D. foreign intelligence, brought him the most credible reports to date that the invasion was on its way, Stalin blew up.
A second American contingent, due in April, is to be positioned in eastern Poland in the so-called Suwalki Gap, considered the likeliest path for a Russian land invasion, although such an invasion is considered unlikely.
Trump has said this over and over again, since the invasion began.
The Thing and Invasion of the Body Snatchers both had downbeat endings.
Indeed, the rest of Southeast Asia has seen a similar Chinese invasion.
The people of Russia live in fear of an American-led invasion.
Almost half of the population now were born after the American invasion.
Kim has labeled the exercises practice for an invasion of North Korea.
Thoughts on where we are 74 years after the D- Day invasion.
«We had a home invasion that turned into a 187,» she said.
If you think Clips is an invasion of privacy, you’re not wrong.
He also warned that a land invasion by Russia was a threat.
At mass anti-invasion drills in May, Taiwan military spokesman Maj. Gen.
The Romans founded London after their invasion of Britain in A.D. 43.
«It’s something we view as a threat and an invasion,» he said.
Such an invasion would require a decade-long occupation by US forces.
It was designed for an invasion of the South by the North.
RUSSIA has long feared a Chinese invasion of its sprawling far east.
Obama said «the case was not made» for an invasion of Iraq.
What do Cardi B’s session files look like for Invasion of Privacy?
It tramples monks and white saviors alike in its invasion of France.
In February, he was indicted on a felony invasion-of-privacy charge.
The country is hobbled by corruption, which has worsened since the invasion.
Heaney’s version was written in response to the American invasion of Iraq.
Benson is taken hostage while trying to stop a violent home invasion.
Two protestors disrupted the Crufts final on Sunday with a pitch-invasion.
They should have focused on this invasion of privacy more #britneyeverafter pic.twitter.
Amazon customers may be open to a potential invasion of their wallets.
What started as a reconnaissance mission in Atlanta turned into an invasion.
«It was an invasion of my space, inappropriate and sexual,» she said.
Well, sure, but this invasion of privacy can happen in hotels, too.
We talk about what an invasion of a safe space looked like.
It has troops deployed in Qatar to guard against a possible invasion.
Russia faces no credible threat of invasion from any of its neighbors.
Mr Blair’s decision to support George Bush’s invasion of Iraq poisoned politics.
I just wanted a Fulham goalkeeper shirt, not an elaborate home invasion.
Its title conveys a febrile mood: «Silent Invasion: China’s Influence in Australia».
Now aspiring Master Chiefs can prepare themselves for an imaginary Covenant invasion.
Trump constantly brags that he was opposed to the Bush administration’s invasion.
Trent is seeking damages for unlawful recording, invasion of privacy and fraud.
Trent is seeking damages for unlawful recording, invasion of privacy and fraud.
Every citizen should be concerned about this sweeping, lawless, invasion of privacy.
Only an invasion and occupation of Iran could durably quash such efforts.
She is seeking damages for unlawful recording, invasion of privacy and fraud.
But as America’s invasion soured, he warned against too heavy a dose.
Conservatives have spun this up into a full invasion of federal bureaucrats.
Trump said the Mosul invasion was launched to make her look good.
Planning an invasion on this scale obviously requires serious time and resources.
MALICE: No, but they believe nukes are an effective deterrent against invasion.
Dan Patrick, the lieutenant-governor, has described illegal immigration as an «invasion«.
The original Invasion Of The Body Snatchers worked because it was vague.
After the April camp invasion, C14&aposs Mazur was charged with hooliganism.
Sipek left the former Czechoslovakia after the Warsaw Pact invasion in 1968.
This attitude intensified in the wake of the invasion of Iraq. On
North Korea views those drills as rehearsal for invasion and highly threatening.
He can’t bring himself to say the invasion was a bad idea.
It had been closed in 1990 after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.
Rich the Kid was beaten and hospitalized after a home invasion robbery.
The government has even published a manual on resisting a Russian invasion.
In 2003, the US invasion of Iraq put Irisagrig on the map.
To fight this invasion, farmers started bombarding their fields with primitive pesticides.
This month marks the 15th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan.
City Attorney Feuer charged her with one count of invasion of privacy.
That’s his defense in Double-H’s $100 million invasion of privacy lawsuit.
Since America’s invasion, two-thirds of Iraq’s remaining 1.5m Christians have left.
Facebook just snatched some talent to fuel its invasion of LinkedIn’s turf.
Boy, it’s been a lot of invasion of privacy to get there.
With the latest British cyber invasion, we might get some European help.
It’s an invasion story, and the big fight set pieces are inevitable.
In 2628 he led a Marine Division during the invasion of Iraq.
Also reports that Saudi could’ve been looking an outright invasion as well.
Every few decades the human psyche recoils against the invasion of technology.
To them, invasion is an equation, even a set of simultaneous equations.
Fox News broadcasts ominous coverage of this alleged Middle Eastern alien invasion.
With that moral framework in place, Bush announced an invasion of Iraq.
«It’s an invasion, definitely,» Victorville resident Tanya Speight told CNN affiliate KABC.
As you know… President Trump: I consider it to be an invasion.
«This is the Eric Buterbaugh power invasion of New York,» he says.
The robot invasion is underway, and the intruders are bringing hot pizza.
President Eisenhower and President Kennedy authorized and pursued the invasion of Cuba.
The German invasion came up almost every day in my French class.
It won’t work in South Carolina, where the invasion was fiercely supported.
Soon, the might of Catholic Spain was against her, an invasion imminent.
Still, Trump has repeatedly brought up his opposition to the Iraq invasion.
Several of the images depict what looks like a seaborne invasion force.
» In another from Friday, Trump called an influx of immigration an «invasion.
North Korea has long viewed them as practice for an eventual invasion.
Work on the town’s defenses began after the Norman invasion of 1066.
Clinton reminded voters that Mr. Trump had expressed support for the invasion.
Putin is an adventurist, as seen in the Russian invasion of Crimea.
» Often, he and others say, «invasion» is just another word for «change.
It appears his death was the result of a home invasion robbery.
«That was just when the gay invasion had started,» Sister Vish says.
The biggest initiative in that effort was the Bay of Pigs invasion.
The White Isle, it seems, is experiencing something of a grime invasion.
When we get want we want, we don’t call it an invasion.
Would such an act be a help or an invasion of privacy?
But if it’s a permanent invasion of privacy — that’s far from ideal.
Colin Powell deployed the Pottery Barn metaphor before the invasion of Iraq.
After lukewarm support for the invasion, Trump often criticized W. on Iraq.
Join the Pandora Indio Invasion here and don’t forget your protective helmet.
He was injured during the Normandy invasion and hospitalized for six months.
If the privacy invasion seems too scary, don’t use a voice assistant.
Pyongyang has viewed the U.S.-South Korean drills as rehearsals for invasion.
The book starts back in 1979 with the Russian invasion of Afghanistan.
More dire, certainly, than an invasion of criminal migrants at the border.
It’s more like the first bomb dropped in the invasion of Iraq.
The probability of a Russian invasion of a NATO member is low.
Netflix’s Stranger Things notwithstanding, Hulu add-ons dominate the alien invasion category.
«There’s no real emergency, but it’s perceived as an invasion,» he said.
Three months later he filed a fuller complaint alleging invasion of privacy.
North Korea has traditionally protested these drills, calling them rehearsals for invasion.
S. military drills that North Korea calls a rehearsal for an invasion.
Security, privacy invasion, fraud, ransomware, phishing, hacking, would all be dramatically reduced.
Maybe the world of espresso will be better for a robotic invasion.
Barring any sort of alien invasion occurring, TikTok will still be around.
After Al Qaeda’s attack, the United States led an invasion of Afghanistan.
Three months later, he filed a fuller complaint alleging invasion of privacy.
But now a barbarian invasion seems likely to tear it all down.
We answer 10 key questions about the Turkish invasion of northern Syria.
The world awaited an invasion that many knew was sure to come.
George W. Bush faced calls for impeachment over the invasion of Iraq.
My album INVASION OF PRIVACY will be out next week April 6!!!!!!!
But that changes in 215 with the United States invasion of Iraq.
He loudly opposed the United States-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Officers responded to a call about a home invasion at 3 a.m.
Despite the brevity of the Grenada invasion, the military still suffered losses.
He was also found guilty of armed robbery, kidnapping and home invasion.
Her invasion of Libya handed the country over to the ISIS barbarians.
It’s the biggest US foreign policy bet since the invasion of Iraq.
Leaders agreed to extend sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.
Turkey continued its invasion of northern Syria, despite Western pressure to stop.
» Trump on the day after the invasion called it a «tremendous success.
» On October 19, Fox contributor Newt Gingrich said «this is an invasion.
On Fox, I counted more than 60 «invasion» references since October 16.
Ron Paul (R-Texas) to national prominence during the invasion of Iraq.
Regime change absent a massive invasion force is a think tank fantasy.
This practice is an unconstitutional invasion of privacy and free speech rights.
Schiff began his opening statement by talking about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
President Donald Trump must stop the tough talk about a military invasion.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is the exception that proves the rule.
President Trump’s warnings of an imminent invasion from new caravans is overstated.
And according to opinion polls, a majority of Venezuelans oppose an invasion.
We find these tactics to be a deep invasion of our privacy.
We have an invasion of drugs and criminals coming into our country.
In fact, that hasn’t happened since the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
No loss of life, no invasion, no subordination, no thirst for retaliation.
With enough care and attention, the invasion can be kept at bay.
Truly, I think the world changed after the Allies’ invasion of Iraq.
And for good measure, he’s suing Cohen too … for invasion of privacy.
President Trump has described the caravan as an «invasion of our country,» and Fox News referred to it as an invasion more than 60 times in October, along with 75 times on Fox Business Network, according to CNN.
But the U.S. invasion of 2003 set the country’s oil industry safely back into dollar denomination, and soon after the invasion, U.S. decision-makers created a Federal Reserve account for Iraq—the very same account Trump now threatens.
For 27 months, from the invasion of Poland through the Battle of Britain, the fall of France, the U-boat war in the Atlantic and Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union, America was the most reluctant of warriors.
Mr Yang says that, for an invasion to succeed, China would need promptly to destroy 85% or more of Taiwan’s own missiles; if half of Taiwan’s missiles survived the first wave of attacks, China’s invasion force would be vulnerable.
Let’s spin the dial and see what we come up with — the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan; the terrorist airline plot originating from Britain; the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait; ethnic cleansing in Kosovo; the list goes on and on.
For moths, read foreigners: henceforward, the EU would be conflated with external invasion.
«My concern is the invasion of privacy … It’s eerie and frankly quite irritating.»
The unsuccessful Bay of Pigs invasion and the many assassination attempts exacerbated relations.
More than 100 of the counter-revolutionaries were killed in the failed invasion.
And the Taliban control more land than they have since the initial invasion.
He also said there is a threat of Russia staging a land invasion.
Bronx icon Cardi B has released her major label debut, Invasion of Privacy.
He has also warned of the threat of a land invasion by Russia.
Greek Cypriots want the guarantor system dismantled because of Turkey’s invasion in 1974.
And the way he maintains power is without an invasion of his country.
Invasion Of Privacy by Cardi B Now it’s time for some more fun!
And in fact the reason I pushed even before his invasion of Crimea.
The invasion failed miserably, with many of the exile fighters killed or captured.
Less than a year after the Panama invasion, another foreign crisis absorbed Bush.
The technology invasion into the trucking industry is not limited to start-ups.
Nearly 16 years after the U.S.-led invasion — a response to the Sept.
In that context, it’s hard not to see environmental collapse as another invasion.
Margaret Thatcher put up with Ronald Reagan’s invasion of Grenada, a Commonwealth country.
The first movie was a fairly straightforward home invasion scenario with dystopian overtones.
Only Rose and her team stand in the way to stop an invasion.
Oh, and winter came, meaning the inevitable white walkers invasion is now imminent.
Not for Mr Netanyahu the misadventures of Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 1982.
The invasion was launched, and Stalin soon retreated to his dacha in shock.
The 10th and 11th suspects are accused of home invasion and weapons violations.
«We are going to demonstrate against the Turkish invasion,» one said, smiling defiantly.
Let’s try this together: What would Washington say about our invasion of Iraq?
Argentina’s surprise invasion of the Falkland Islands in April 1982 had humiliated Britain.
Or war might follow an invasion of Taiwan by an angry, hypernationalist China.
He became convinced Jewish-backed groups were launching an «invasion» through the caravan.
Does he propose a full-scale invasion, occupation and regime change, Iraq-style?
I certainly don’t expect an invasion by green bipeds with eyes on stalks!
Ben Mendelsohn plays their leader Talos, who spearheads a Skrull invasion of Earth.
Greitens was initially charged with felony invasion of privacy and booked in February.
The Obamas were remarkably unfazed by the zombie invasion of the South Lawn.
Later, India opposed brash American policies such as the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
It’s safe to say there will be no hipster invasion of the Midwest.
Days after the American invasion, looters had got in and raided the place.
But they were on the lookout for something else: signs of an invasion.
The explosion during the break prompted a pitch invasion of several thousand people.
«The story’s charm disguises the invasion of privacy at its heart,» Cross said.
But it was also, he rightly said, «an invasion» involving acts of «subjugation».
But Aniston wasn’t just griping about the invasion of privacy or personal damage.
It’s like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but with the political polarities reversed.
John Kennedy had a disaster with the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.
Let me take you back to the year before the invasion of Iraq.
Revenge porn isn’t isolated to websites dedicated to the gross invasion of privacy.
North Korea portrays the exercises as rehearsals for an invasion of its country.
The Kelleys filed a lawsuit against the federal government for invasion of privacy.
But it wasn’t just the invasion of my privacy that made it so.
According to the photographer, this invasion of privacy was all an honest mistake.
Perceived as supporting the Americans, they were targeted by insurgents after the invasion.
A former policeman, he had worked with U.S. forces following the 2003 invasion.
The Bahars fled Iraq in 2006, at the height of the U.S. invasion.
She said that Trump initially supported the invasion but has since flip-flopped.
In no industry has the Canadian invasion been more welcome, though, than Hollywood.
They left Kandahar, Afghanistan, in the mid 80s to flee the Soviet invasion.
The AP was forced to leave after the botched Bay of Pigs invasion.
Fidget spinners are taking over the world, and there’s no stopping the invasion.
It has been engulfed in fighting since the US-led invasion in 2003.
Within days of the invasion, we were told the mission had been accomplished.
We must pursue every other option before even considering a massive ground invasion.
Americans have enjoyed safety from invasion thanks to peaceful borders and vast seas.
Aramco’s invasion of Saudi society, but they also brushed over cracks in the
After the invasion, Quisling led a coup that overthrew Norway’s democratically elected government.
A hearing was supposed to take place the day of the home invasion.
In a 2002 interview with Howard Stern, Trump said he supported the invasion.
It’s Bush’s Iraq invasion that created Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
The U.S. has been a polarizing and destabilizing force since the Iraq invasion.
«You look at what is marching up, that is an invasion!» he said.
They are celebrating their success in blocking the Amazon invasion and tax breaks.
Older cadets I’d known would soon be part of the invasion of Afghanistan.
But in continental Europe, the criticisms have focused on invasion of privacy issues.
Mattis led the First Marine division during the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
He’s also made a number of controversial comments on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
«It depicts the invasion of animals into the human world,» Ms. Lewandowska said.
Bush, after all, was there to get other countries to join his invasion.
Ukraine fears it is a precursor to Russia launching a full scale invasion.
But, as commonly told, it begins with Saddam Hussein’s 1990 invasion of Kuwait.
On the eve of war, Trump said he supported the invasion of Iraq.
And with each passing day we see the destruction advance: deforestation, invasion, logging.
Everyone knew that an invasion of Western Europe was coming, especially the Nazis.
Facts First: Trump did not publicly oppose the invasion until after it began.
The Saudi coalition said the invasion was intended to be limited and swift.
To hear a history of the Baltics is often to hear of invasion.
The government’s invasion of his privacy, Dr. Sheikhzadeh said, had especially galled him.
It defends the programs as a necessary deterrent against a possible U.S. invasion.
It says they have been aimed at combating an invasion of bark beetles.
And will it be set back by an incoming invasion of privacy lawsuit?
But repeating the false «invasion» narrative plays to the fears of white supremacists.
For Aboriginals, the national holiday marks the invasion of colonial settlers in 1788.
But to hear some politicians tell it, the country is facing an invasion.
But among Indigenous Australians, the most popular words were invasion, survival and murder.
They want to retain alliances that they’re struggling to build against this invasion.
Enjoy the good tweets below, and may you never experience a home invasion.
Before the Russian invasion, she had been one of Czechoslovakia’s most popular singers.
There were no signs that Israel was poised for an imminent ground invasion.
Amazon blamed the new invasion of privacy on an improbable chain of events.
This is also where, in the early weeks of the 2003 invasion, Sgt.
Hitler’s generals drew up plans for an invasion of Britain, Operation Sea Lion.
But after President Obama initiated a thaw, a full-scale tourist invasion commenced.
» He went on, «Turkey was building up for an invasion the whole time.
Beyond America’s equivocal stand, only Pakistan, Qatar and Azerbaijan have endorsed the invasion.
Soviet T-34’s spearheaded Kim’s grandfather’s invasion of South Korea in 1950.
After reuniting, the couple are later separated by the Soviet invasion of Azerbaijan.
Look no further than the president’s re-election campaign’s «invasion» ads on Facebook.
The first, in 103, was for offenses related to the invasion of Grenada.
In 2002 and 2003, he visited Baghdad to protest the impending American invasion.
Neither Norway, Sweden nor Finland could hold a Russian invasion at the border.
«As you know, Mr. President, the caravan is not an invasion,» Acosta said.
Thus the escalation that followed — the quarantine, the invasion threat, the nuclear brinksmanship.
He was best known in the U.S. for strongly opposing the Iraq invasion.
Sharing your personal business may feel uncomfortable or like an invasion of privacy.
After the American invasion in 2001, the base ballooned into a small suburb.
The US military presence in Iraq has fluctuated greatly since the 2003 invasion.
But it also strikes me as a gross invasion of a child’s privacy.
America’s invasion of Iraq, which Putin opposed, marked a change in his thinking.
Mr. Kerry laid out what was on the line during the Normandy invasion.
In 1983, Flynn deployed to Grenada, as part of the American invasion force.
But, invasion of privacy is a concern Surveillance camera footage has its drawbacks.
Women join a march in Kabul shortly before the Soviet invasion, July 1979.
Without the walkie talkies, jane and donatella could not have covered the invasion.
Thereafter, China was careful to avoid public criticism of our invasion of Iraq.
The Turkish invasion sapped Morocco’s momentum toward bringing the prisoners home, officials said.
Word of the Turkish invasion did not appear to have reached Othman’s cell.
Following the American invasion of Iraq in 2003, Hawali backed an anti-U.
Had the Allies gone ahead as planned, the invasion probably would have failed.
You have to go back to the Gulf War, the invasion of Kuwait.
Iraq’s Christian community has been shrinking rapidly since the American invasion in 2003.
First and foremost, the Bush administration subordinated it to its invasion of Iraq.
It also sees U.S.-South Korean military exercises as joint preparations for invasion.
Kim has railed against the annual exercises, calling them a rehearsal for invasion.
Some 2,400 U.S. forces have died in Afghanistan since the U.S.-led invasion.
Trump once again stoked fears of a «migrant invasion» at the southern border.
Britain’s role in the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and Blair’s justification for military action in which 179 British soldiers died, is a highly charged issue for many Britons, millions of whom opposed the invasion, and still overshadows foreign policy.
It’s unclear if President Trump was briefed on the details of the plan, which did not call for a land invasion of Iran, but requested a similar number of troops involved the U.S.’ 2003 invasion of Iraq, per the Times.
It’s unclear if President Trump has been briefed on the details of the plan, which did not call for a land invasion of Iran, but requested a similar number of troops involved the U.S.’ 2003 invasion of Iraq, per the Times.
They have seen Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait and America’s invasion of Iraq; the false dawn of the Israeli-Palestinian «Oslo» peace process and the growing influence of non-state actors from al-Qaeda to Hezbollah and ISIS to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Clinton’s vote as a senator to support the invasion of Iraq, and to defending his own frequent assertions that he had always opposed the Iraq War, despite comments he made in 2002 to Howard Stern in support of the invasion.
According to the liberal nonprofit Media Matters for America, there have been more than 70 references on the influential network this year to an invasion of migrants and at least 55 clips of Trump calling the surge of migrants an invasion.
The President has repeatedly used the word «invasion» to describe Latino immigrants who enter the United States, and authorities say alleged gunman posted a manifesto that warned of a «Hispanic invasion» of Texas shortly before he opened fire in El Paso.
She witnessed the 48 war, 56 occupation of Gaza,67 reoccupation of Gaza,78 invasion of Lebanon, 82 invasion of Lebanon, 1st & 2nd Intifadas, 3 major Israeli attacks on Gaza, & 13 years of blockade w/6 hours of electricity a day.
WASHINGTON — In 2002, as the George W. Bush administration marched toward its invasion of Iraq, Vice President Dick Cheney chose the national convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars to make his case for invasion and was greeted with thunderous applause.
As one of the most adventurous reporters of his generation, Mr. Meyer covered Fidel Castro’s revolution in Cuba, the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion there, the Soviet Union’s invasion of Czechoslovakia, the plundering of the world’s cultural patrimony and much more.
For example, the Nazi invasion of Poland in 22012 began with a «false flag» attack on a German radio transmission tower that made it appear as if Polish forces were responsible, thus giving Adolf Hitler carte blanche to launch the invasion.
Pyongyang regularly argues that the U.S.-South Korean military exercises are an invasion rehearsal.
President Jimmy Carter reinstituted the measure in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
Cyber-invasion of their software is an obvious way to try to neutralise them.
The world was gifted Cardi’s debut studio album, Invasion of Privacy, on April 5.
After the Nazi invasion of Belgium, Aizenberg joined the resistance working as a courier.
Another (Petra Kvitova) is coming back from a stabbing suffered in a home invasion.
Number of civilians killed by violence since the invasion, according to Iraq Body Count.
Well, he actually did send troops to the border with Mexico during Napoleon’s invasion.
Eliminating Iran’s nuclear program, however, will require a US invasion and occupation of Iran.
He is facing multiple charges following a home invasion over the weekend in Florida.
Gilles is suing for libel, invasion of privacy, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
But after the US-led invasion toppled the President, the pilgrimages grew in numbers.
Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith and One Direction were also responsible for the British invasion.
Organize lines of defense for a zombie invasion that could happen at any minute?
George Bush senior was furious that the PLO supported Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait.
Left: Roadside tents awaiting soldier occupants shortly before the D-Day invasion of France.
American combat engineers eat atop boxes of ammunition being stockpiled for the impending invasion.
American troops board a landing craft in Weymouth, England, before the invasion of France.
And men aren’t the only targets of Cardi’s ill will on Invasion of Privacy.
In fact, that’s one of the reasons Putin ordered the Russian invasion in 2014.
«This attack is a response to the hispanic invasion of Texas,» the document states.
It was a similar story with her next scoop, that the invasion had started.
At stake is the ethno-sectarian system America installed after its invasion in 2003.
» Even the BBC’s tennis channel said the ant invasion was «like a horror movie.
The Indian army builds Bhutan’s roads; its «training camps» block possible Chinese invasion routes.
The Selective Service was reinstated in 1980 following the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan.
Russia’s spree of invasion, intimidation and assassination has roused the alliance from its slumber.
What about a story following the Andal invasion through the eyes of a soldier?
Society has yet to come to terms with this kind of invasion of privacy.
Her announcement came just one day after her debut album, Invasion of Privacy, dropped.
Cardi B Gives You The Unfiltered Story Of Her Life On Invasion Of Privacy
Facts First: Trump did not publicly oppose the invasion of Iraq before it began.
Reports suggest he was a cleric until the American invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Parkour’s fight, like many turf wars, is less an honest dispute than an invasion.
If the invasion could be slowed down, other countries would have time to react.
He’s sure Canada is planning an invasion of America through Northern New York State.
We know who to call if there’s ever a North American White Walker invasion!
You can take the example that we showed with a UFO and space invasion.
Uber lobbied against the change, arguing it would present an invasion of riders’ privacy.
«Blue was shot trying to protect his family during a home invasion,» said Powell.
His comments about his brother’s invasion of Iraq have ranged from incoherent to frightening.
He was very pro-privacy, so long as the invasion was to your home.
Cersei may also survive a rumored invasion of King’s Landing by the Night King.
But back in 2002, before the invasion of Iraq, he said he supported it.
He praised the military campaign in Iraq in the first months after the invasion.
I loved your most recent album, English Heart, and those great British Invasion songs.
But what if they give you the invasion of Iraq and the financial crisis?
KURTZ: There would have been an uproar about that intrusion and invasion of privacy.
Unusually in its long history, China faces no serious threat of invasion by land.
Trump slammed Clinton in late June for her vote authorizing the invasion of Iraq.
It happened after the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, and it’s happening again today.
Thatcher was angered by the U.S. invasion of Grenada, a Commonwealth nation in 1983.
«Europe is now under invasion,» Orban told a rally in Budapest on March 15.
In February prosecutors charged Mr Greitens with invasion of privacy, related to the photo.
It’s an incredible invasion of privacy, but it comes from a pretty adorable place.
No, that film I have never watched is surely about a muppet home invasion.
Some point to the relatively low cost of the invasion of Panama in 1989.
Cardi B’s Invasion of Privacy makes sense, too, given the huge year she’s had.
The national consciousness had become one of critical observation bordering on invasion of privacy.
Actress Lisa Sheridan, who appeared in Invasion and Halt and Catch Fire, has died.
Trump has also slammed Clinton over her support for the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Connie Loucks had a fatal heart attack after an attempted home invasion in 2015.
And enough armor, dune-buggies, artillery and even tanks to mount a small invasion.
That means dodging the immune system and inflammation, the body’s natural responses to invasion.
He starts to suspect that the strike is the beginning of an American invasion.
When people called Blair out for this blatant invasion of privacy, she blocked them.
He lambasts President George W. Bush for his feckless and disastrous invasion of Iraq.
In February, West Virginia joined the 5th Fleet in their invasion of Iwo Jima.
Today, 15 years after the invasion began, Afghanistan has turned into America’s longest war.
This week marks the 30th anniversary of John Carpenter’s alien invasion epic They Live.
But perhaps they should be concerned about the very same invasion of privacy. Why?
He has been particularly critical of Putin for Russia’s invasion of Crimea in 2014.
Let me break it down for you… Established: 2017 on Invasion of the Champions
GOP DEBATE Invasion of the body snatchers: What came over these guys last night?
The drills, which the North routinely describes as preparation for invasion, run until Aug.
The film’s central question is whether there is any alien invasion involved at all.
Yet anything less would have left Britain far more vulnerable to a German invasion.
There will be some supernatural and/or alien-invasion element to the big finale.
It’s Rob and Beth again, happy and blissful the evening before the alien invasion.
The invasion of Bowser and Mario into New Donk City seems like an interruption.
This was my first (and only) caterpillar invasion, and it left quite an impression.
I would totally understand if you’re still wary of this sort of privacy invasion.
What they did was an invasion of the sexual privacy of these innocent victims.
Hell, we even made a documentary about the Great Korean Invasion of Keith Ape​.
The Russian military invasion against Ukraine is also a component of Putin’s aggressive strategy.
Pyongyang has long viewed such drills as practice for an invasion of North Korea.
Bolton pushed for the initial invasion of Iraq after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
I talked to Anthony Ricciardi, Professor of Invasion Ecology at McGill University, in Montreal.
The Bay of Pigs invasion and the Lehman Brothers collapse stemmed from narrow-mindedness.
In the event of a sudden invasion, Estonia’s elected leaders might scatter as necessary.
Turkey has about 30,000 troops in northern Cyprus, a holdover from the 1974 invasion.
This invasion probably started off with very few individuals and now it has expanded.
Some even trained in the Florida swamps for the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion.
Mr Putin had used the same ruse in the invasion of Georgia in 2008.
Regime forces began to amass within sight of Saraqib, and an invasion appeared imminent.
Was Biden wrong to vote in favor of the invasion of Iraq in 2002?
The countries have been at loggerheads since the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990.
The invasion of Iraq was seen as righteous vengeance; the price of 9/11.
It covers liability for injuries, libel, vandalism, slander, invasion of privacy, and other scenarios.
At the moment, Kim is terrified of a U.S. invasion or regime-change attack.
It has backed Hezbollah since it emerged after the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon.
Months later, Ramos filed another complaint and added a charge of invasion of privacy.
Rostec itself was also subject to U.S. sanctions following Russia’s invasion of eastern Ukraine.
No weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq after the U.S.-led invasion.
To hold off an invasion, Switzerland sought to make itself prohibitively difficult to conquer.
Clinton had supported the Iraq invasion despite vocal opposition from Sarandon and other activists.
For the Tilden family, a home invasion turns into an even more dangerous game.
The question of ISIS’s survival therefore turns on the threat of a Turkish invasion.
The Dalai Lama first entered India in 1959, fearing a Chinese invasion of Tibet.
«We took measures against the invasion,» said a spokesman for Japan’s Ministry of Defense.
The survivors of the calamitously unsuccessful Bay of Pigs invasion marched behind a banner.
Trained to defuse land mines, he was sent to France after the Normandy invasion.
That was two-and-a-half years after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion.
He also turned attention to immigration, warning of an invasion at the southern border.
After the invasion of Crimea, strategic communications leaders from across the government were convened.
This was followed by what she describes today as an invasion of her privacy.
In your opinion, what was the worst move that America made after the invasion?
Edge of Tomorrow gave us an alien invasion that was powered by time travel.
Coalition forces are beginning to take casualties the way they did during the invasion.
The men from this botched invasion, including Battle, became the foundation of The Corporation.
Dozens of ISIS prisoners have escaped amid the US pull-out and Turkish invasion.
Pyongyang says its weapons programs are a necessary defense against a possible U.S. invasion.
Wolfowitz was a primary architect of the invasion as Bush’s deputy secretary of defense.
During the D-Day invasion, the Spitfire Mark IX carried 20 mm cannons and .
An invasion by tribesmen from Pakistan’s northern frontier left Singh desperate for military aid.
The beautiful and unusual alien-invasion film «Arrival» (2016) demanded an equally intriguing soundtrack.
Instead, the White House diverted those resources to prepare for an invasion of Iraq.
This feels like an invasion of privacy that goes beyond typical maintenance-related inspections.
The German invasion of Belgium in 1914 interrupted McKenna’s medical studies at Ghent University.
The United States stations 28,500 troops in South Korea but denies any invasion plans.
Soviet and Russian histories mark June 22nd 1941, when the perfidious Nazi invasion began.
«Stop Russian Invasion and Nejedly,» the Drahos team wrote in a social media campaign.
The memo was sent in March 2003, 6 days after the invasion of Iraq.
But, you know, it’s like liberating, like a war, like there’s a foreign invasion.
The plan was revived after the United States-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.
Conducting an Iraq-style invasion and «regime change», however, is not a reasonable prospect.
Pyongyang routinely claims those exercises are practice for an eventual invasion of North Korea.
Scientists have called their invasion one of the greatest emerging threats to global biodiversity.
This invasion is corroding the Republic, and the corrosion is already very far advanced.
As president, Mr. Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq after its strike in Kuwait.
The brain is shielded from microbial invasion by the so-called blood-brain barrier.
But to hear some politicians talk about it, the country is facing an invasion.
The Kochavis sourced tanks, trucks and motorcycles from the period for the invasion scenes.
In his time, those divisions deepened, reaching a nadir in the invasion of Iraq.
Also this week, Cardi B’s «Invasion of Privacy» rose one spot to No. 5.
The 250,23 times Trump ran a Facebook ad with the word «invasion» in it.
This would, in no uncertain terms, amount to a direct US invasion of Syria.
Trump has repeatedly referred to the migrants at America’s southern border as an invasion.
World Cup news, invasion at a Yemeni port, and different takes on North Korea.
Luce was urged to move up the magazine’s release to coincide with the invasion.
So far, the Turkish government has styled its invasion as a war of necessity.
Despite a British victory later at Roarke’s Drift, their invasion of Zululand fell apart.
One word could never explain Kvitova’s journey from the harrowing home invasion on Dec.
Economic sanctions have become his answer to every problem—including that of Turkey’s invasion.

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Definition of Invasion

a occasion when a someone (usually a military) uses force to take over an area

Examples of Invasion in a sentence

In an attempt to stop an invasion, the villagers built a tall fort to protect against the enemy’s force.


Mom’s sweet apple pie caused an ant invasion, with several hundred of the creatures marching into the kitchen.


Although they couldn’t stop the city’s invasion, the local military tried their best to fend off the attackers.


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