Sentences with word heard

heard — перевод на русский


So I heard you spent my 40 bucks in peanut money on a bag of tampons.

Итак, я слышал, что ты потратил сорок долларов арахисовых денег на мешок тампонов.

I heard you’re planning to attack bud and youssef.

Слышал, планируешь атаку на Кореша и Юсуфа?

I heard there was a party.

Я слышал, здесь вечеринка.

Anyway, that Miss’ corpse isn’t even rotten, I heard.

я слышал.

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Do you want to hear me say sorry?

Хочешь услышать от меня извинения?

Will I be able to even hear it ring?

Я смогу услышать как он звенит?

The sound that should never be heard.

что невозможно услышать.

Oft in the stilly night, the trembling of a leaf can be heard… sighing through the trees.

Часто в тихий вечер трепет листьев можно услышать Затосковать по деревьям и журчащему ручейку…

Wait until I hear you.

Сначала надо услышать.

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He had heard that I’d had a baby.

Он узнал, что у меня родился ребенок.

— I can’t tell you, but when Bugs heard, he blew his brains out.

— Я тебе этого не говорил, но когда Багс узнал, он вышиб себе мозги.

I had the foresight to cash a large check when I heard about the oil.

Я предвидел это, и обналичил чек на крупную сумму, когда узнал о нефти.

— Where did you hear that?

— Как ты узнал?

As a matter of fact, I never even heard of Maria Tura before, either.

Признаться, и о Марии Тура я узнал недавно. Вот как?

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«Sonny, hadn’t mother better hear your home lessons for tomorrow?»

«Сынуля, не лучше ли маме послушать твоё домашнее задание на завтра?»

I wonder if I could hear it sometime.

Интересно было бы и мне послушать.

Listen, Miss Ritz, I didn’t ask you to come to my table just to hear myself talk. Get me?

Слушайте, мисс Ритз, я не просил вас подходить к моему столу я хотел просто послушать Вас.

Say, would you like to hear some real good music?

‘отите послушать по-насто€щему хорошую музыку?

Now, what would you like to hear?

«то вы хотели бы послушать?

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She’s gonna hear what I’ve gotta say and like it.

Она будет слушать, что я хочу ей сказать.

— I don’t want to hear anymore.

— Хватит, не желаю больше слушать.

Make them hear me. They’ve got to!

Заставьте их слушать, они обязаны!

— You wouldn’t want to hear me sing.

Не захотите слушать.

You don’t want to hear what comes into my mind about myself and Charlie Kane.

Вы не захотите слушать все, что придет мне в голову.

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I can’t quite hear you.

Плохо слышно.

I’m sorry, dear, I can’t hear you.

Извини, плохо слышно.

— Did we hear from the bank?

— Что слышно из банка?

I don’t hear any of the others. Yes.

И не слышно остальных.

I can’t hear very well.

Очень плохо слышно.

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I hear you’re a brave man.

Говорят, ты очень смелый. -Да.

Yeah, heard of him. -He owns the town.

Говорят, весь город его,..

Know what I heard about Maybelle Merriwether?

Знаешь, что говорят о Мейбелл Мерривезер?

Yes, I heard that jinx was wished on…

Говорят, это проклятье кому-то досталось…

Paying good wages, I hear.

Говорят, хорошо платят.

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I’ll let you know the when hear anything.

— Доброй ночи! — Если что, сразу дам вам знать.

I will Arnold .. go home and keep your mouth shut until you hear from me.

И помогу. Идите домой, Арнольд, и держите рот на замке. Я дам знать.

Wants to hear all the news in Kings Row.

Хочет знать все новости Кингс Роу.

Think it over and let me hear from you.

Обдумайте это и дайте мне знать.

You want to hear it all?

Ты действительно хочешь все знать?

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— You never heard of him?

— Никогда не слыхал?

Heard he went with his son to the Khan in Bakhchysarai.

Слыхал, с сыном ездил к хану в Бахчесарай.

I heard about him from Mamie Watson at Trout Lake.

Кофе. Я слыхал о нем от Мэми Уотсон из Трут Лэйк.

I heard his pa’s sicker than a cat.

Я слыхал, что его папаша совсем загибается.

Yeah, hadn’t you heard?

Не слыхал?

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Did you come to hear me congratulate you?

Ты пришла выслушать мои поздравления?

I’m ready to hear everything.

Я готов выслушать всё.

To understand this, I should first have to hear… Mrs. Reed’s version of the story myself.

Чтобы разобраться, мне придется выслушать что на это скажет миссис Рид.

Then go we in, to hear his embassy;

Тогда пойдём, чтоб выслушать посла;

We must hear both sides, always.

Мы должны выслушать обе стороны.

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услышанный, выслушанный

неправильный глагол

- past и p. p. от hear

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

I heard the birds sing.

Я слышал, как поют птицы.

I heard a weird noise.

Я услышал странный шум.

I heard a knock on the door.

Я услышала стук в дверь.

Sudden I heard a voice.

Вдруг я услышал чей-то голос.

We heard a faint noise.

Мы услышали слабый шум.

I heard a loud crash.

Я услышал страшный грохот. /Я услышал сильный треск.

We heard hellish noises.

Мы услышали ужасные звуки.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He heard a low growl behind him.

We heard gunfire in the distance.

I heard yaps coming from the yard.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

misheard  — ослышаться
overheard  — подслушивать, нечаянно услышать
reheard  — вновь слышать, слушать вторично
unheard  — неизвестный, неслышный, невыслушанный

Random good picture Not show

1) Children should be seen and not heard

2) We heard the calling of the bells to prayer.

3) I’m amazed you’ve never heard of the Rolling Stones.

4) I heard someone walk down the stairway.

5) Loud protests were heard when the decision was announced.

6) I heard a sharp intake of breath behind me.

7) I heard the typewriter clacking in the next office.

8) I heard a girl squeal in that room.

9) I heard stories of gruesome tortures in prisons.

10) I think I heard something.

11) The whole table heard what he said.

12) I first heard of it yesterday.

13) I haven’t heard owt about it.

14) I heard of his death last week.

15) I’ve never heard such a load of garbage!

16) She passed out when she heard the tragic news.

17) She heard Tom exchanging good-natured banter with Jane.

18) I haven’t heard from him since last January.

19) That’s the first I’ve heard of it.

20) We heard them coming and coming on jump,( too.

21) I’ve heard enough about it already.

22) She heard him turn on the shower.

23) Have you heard the latest news?

24) He wept when he heard the sad news.

25) I heard it might rain.

26) We heard of his implication in a conspiracy.

27) I’ve heard the story before.

28) I heard the wail of a police siren.

29) I heard a scurry of footsteps.

30) If you wish to lower yourselfin a person’s favor, one good way is to tell his story over again, the way we heard it. 

More similar words: hear, heart, hear of, at heart, beard, by heart, rehearse, hear from, tear down, heart and soul, wholeheartedly, standard-bearer, year after year, head, heap, heal, heat, heavy, wheat, ahead, cheap, heave, cheat, head off, head up, theater, head for, head on, theatre, health. 


be heard

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Someone who heard your direct confession.

Того, кто лично слышал, как ты признавался в этом.

And when that was gone, I heard he… I heard he cleaned out his kids’ college account.

А когда та кончилась, я слышал… он обчистил совместный счёт своих детей.

Others heard nothing but later developed symptoms.

Другие пострадавшие ничего не слышали, но позже у них развились аналогичные симптомы.

We heard heard other passengers quietly conversing in Russian, English, German, and Swedish.

Мы слышали, как другие пассажиры спокойно разговаривали на русском, английском, немецком и шведском языках.

But I was listening to the radio really early on Christmas morning and I heard… I heard you.

Но я слушал радио рождественским утром, и услышалУслышал тебя.

When I first heard this I never heard anything like it.

Когда я впервые ее услышал, то понял, что никогда не слышал ничего подобного.

The way I heard it, a kid heard shots.

I heard from somebody who heard from somebody…

Я слышал от кого-то, кто слышал от кого-то ещё…

I heard the shots and then I heard footsteps running.

I’d make sure everyone who heard those words heard the rebuttal.

Я надеюсь, что все, кто слышал эту ложь, слышали и опровержение.

If I heard that once, I heard it a thousand times from my rich dad.

Я слышал это тысячи раз от моего богатого отца.

They just heard from someone, who heard from someone else.

Он слышал ее от кого-то, кто слышал ее еще от кого-то другого.

I suddenly heard the most beautiful harmonic singing I had ever heard.

Я внезапно услышал самое прекрасное гармоническое пение, которое я когда-либо слышал.

Two other friends heard a different sound about 20 minutes before the snap and crackle I heard.

Двое моих друзей слышали другой звук примерно за 20 минут до того, как я услышал лязг и потрескивание.

You heard everything I heard. It’s simple enough.

We heard what we heard, hanna.

You have certainly heard of the well-known Austrian composer Wolfgang Mozart and heard some of his splendid music.

Вы, конечно, слышали о знаменитом австрийском композиторе Вольфганге Моцарте и слышали его великолеп…

I never heard Stephane but I heard Carra too much.

Я никогда не слышал Стефана, но я слишком много слышал Карру.

I thought I heard someone knocking.

Так и думала, что слышала, как будто стучали в дверь.

Perhaps you even heard before it happened.

Возможно, ты об этом услышала еще до того, как все случилось.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат heard

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • Use the word Heard in a sentences

Sentence Examples


She put on her nightgown, heard a noise, came down, and surprised this burglar.

I’ve never heard a prediction with a word of prosperity from you!

Why don’t I? Perhaps you haven’t heard, I was denied permission.

I’ve heard of quintuplets but… — Oh, yes.

When I heard it, it was the Debonairs.

Other than «Let’s beat Bush by running another mopey stiff with a horse face,» that was the worst plan I’ve ever heard!

I heard the FBLA won the drawing to host the Sadie Hawkins dance.

I heard my mom was doing a self camera, so… I’m just cutting in a little.

I heard that I was dying but I didn’t find out how much time I have left…

It’s a short break and I heard Yoon’s song. I wanted to see him.

Who’s heard of a friendship between a guy and girl?

I didn’t really see him but I heard them.

She’s also lying about being alone because Hermann heard someone.

But I haven’t heard anything.

No, I just heard a noise.

We haven’t heard from her.

I heard him on the voice mail.

That I’ve never heard anything like that before,

I’ve heard a lot of great things about you, Elder Price.

They’ve heard of the Bible.

Have you heard of the All-American Prophet?

Have you heard of the All-American prophet?

Have you heard of the All-American Church

Minions of Hades, have you heard the news?

Have you heard the story of our prophet Arnold Cunningham?

Richard, I came as soon as I heard the news.

How about world domination- Ever heard of it?

Cousin, you heard the red-haired witch.

I, Larry, will make our plan heard

So you’ve heard of our organization?

No matter what you heard.

I heard she went home early.

I heard Jane went home. She okay?

Now I heard that you’re already selling your own line, is that true?

heard of the Count of Monte Cristo, dumb fuck?

You are more pure and faithfulNthan I heard

But, let me give you one piece of advice based on what I’ve seen and heard here.

I heard that he was so devoted to his wife.

I heard that his mother-in-law is even richer.

I heard that she owns a few buildings in Gangnam.

I heard that the owner of that shop recently lost his wife and has sunken into despair.

I heard that she’s gotten really weird, and I guess the rumor was true.

When I heard that she was dating the president of Kingdom I thought to myself that ‘Big Sun’ has more than what it takes to date someone like him.

I can tell you about the secret I heard.

Maybe I should’ve heard her out.

Even after everything that you just heard me say to you you still didn’t ask me what I’m doing and why I’m holding your hand.

letter - письмо

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  3. Heard

амер. [ˈhɜːd]
брит. [hɜːd]


2-я и 3-я форма прошедшего времени глагола to hear — слышать.

Примеры со словом Heard

Somebody is crying to be heard.
Кто-то кричит, чтобы его услышали.

I heard this song on the radio.
Я слышал эту песню по радио.

Другие слова для изучения:

English story


Random Word

Bridge — Мост 

Meet me on the long bridge.
Встретимся на длинном мосту.

 Meanings and Examples of HEARD


 v.  (past tense) perceive by the ear, listen to, give or pay attention to

Classic Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)

1  One cold winter morning, as he dressed in the dark, his candle flickering in the draught of the ill-fitting window, he had heard her speak from the bed behind him.

2  A moment later he heard the jingle of departing sleigh bells and discerned a figure advancing alone toward the empty expanse of snow before the church.

3  The night was so still that they heard the frozen snow crackle under their feet.

4  Her husband hardly heard what she was saying.

5  His mother had been a talker in her day, but after her «trouble» the sound of her voice was seldom heard, though she had not lost the power of speech.

6  It was only when she drew toward her last illness, and his cousin Zenobia Pierce came over from the next valley to help him nurse her, that human speech was heard again in the house.

7  Suddenly he heard the brisk play of sleigh-bells and a cutter passed him, drawn by a free-going horse.

8  As they sat thus he heard a sound behind him and turned his head.

9  She answered «All right, Ethan,» and he heard her singing over the dishes as he went.

10  He stopped short, not grasping what he heard.

11  As the shrill words shot out Ethan heard a tap on the door, which he had drawn shut when he turned back from the threshold.

12  Mattie lifted her hand with a quick gesture, and he heard his wife’s step behind him.

13  As he stood there he heard a step behind him and she entered.

14  Beaming maternally on Ethan, she bent over to add: «I on’y just heard from Mr. Hale ’bout Zeena’s going over to Bettsbridge to see that new doctor.'»

15  She had not heard Ethan’s call because she was sobbing and she did not hear his step till he stood close behind her and laid his hands on her shoulders.

Example Sentence: (160 in 11 pages)

16  She heard him turn on the shower.

17  He heard nothing but the echoes of his own voice.

18  He had never heard such ferocity in a man’s voice.

19  I heard someone walk down the stairway.

20  If you wish to lower yourselfin a person’s favor, one good way is to tell his story over again, the way we heard it.

21  He gave way to hopeless grief as soon as he heard the bad message.

22  Isobel, whose brother he was, had heard the joke before.

23  Nothing more was heard from him so that we began to wonder if he was dead.

24  I heard a sharp intake of breath behind me.

25  He heard the car engine running sweetly beyond the open door.

26  I heard a loud bang and then saw black smoke.

27  The trial was held / The case was heard in camera.

28  They filed an application to have their case heard early.

29  The mother leaped up from her chair when she heard the tragic news.

30  The crowded church was silent for a few seconds at these words no citizen of Decin had ever heard before.

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Heard | Heard Sentence

  • Soon all must have heard less.
  • I suppose you have heard that she is very eccentric.
  • Patricia heard only the mere words.
  • I never heard of such wild accusations before!
  • She had never heard of anything so cruel before.
  • I have heard his arguments, but am still unconvinced.
  • I had heard of those from Davy.
  • I never heard tones so sweet, so infantine.
  • I knew it when I heard it, sir.
  • I heard him bolt me in as soon as I shut the door.
  • Presently I heard his steps, and his fingers on the lock.
  • It seems like a week since I heard a human voice.
  • Emily had heard that Mrs. Bentley had been in his study.
  • At that moment the blast of a horn was heard in the distance.
  • She has heard something which no human ear could have distinguished.
  • And soon after he heard life beginning again in the little brick street.
  • At a quarter to twelve he heard Rose’s foot on the stairs.
  • I suppose he entered the next, for I heard him close at hand.
  • All knew that «Grave,» but few had heard it as it had been spoken that day.
  • The next day, being idle, I heard nothing of Davy; neither the next.
  • Banfi’s wife with a beating heart heard his familiar footsteps drawing nearer.
  • A moment later I heard the tread of the servant’s bare feet on the stairs.

How To Use Heard In A Sentence?

  • It is a sequence which no advocate of the philosophical necessity is ever heard to deny.
  • All about her she heard sounds of life that the private stair had shut her away from.
  • From time to time the rumbling of the storm is still heard faintly in the distance.
  • At that moment the trampling of horses was heard in the courtyard and the dogs fell to barking.
  • She embraced him convulsively; no other sound was to be heard but a deep sobbing.
  • Suddenly a light trampling is heard overhead, as if some one were riding over the vaulted roof.
  • The village had heard of mesmerism, in a general way, but had not encountered it yet.
  • I have heard tell of thee as an honourable man, and of thy wife as a worthy woman.
  • I heard myself singing, felt myself standing; I was as if treading upon air, yet fixed as rock.
  • When I had gone to my dressing-room, I heard the sound below of a key turning in a lock.
  • She had only just directed the envelope when she heard the servant coming to take away the tea-things.
  • Naught is to be heard in the deep silence but the sighs of two lovers, and the throbbing of two hearts.
  • Then they walked several yards listening to the tramp of the hoofs, and then they heard the fly-man strike his horse with the whip.
  • Her voice fell, and he heard her sigh, and in his happiness it seemed to him to be a pity that he should find unhappiness in others.
  • The sound of footsteps is audible in the corridors, and presently three familiar, measured knocks are heard at the doors.
  • I had not heard it either, but the impetuosity in his tones was so peculiar that I was constrained to look up at him.
  • He had heard of avoiding service, but he knew little of the law, and wondered what power the service of the writ gave his creditor over him.
  • Patricia heard Elinor’s laughing comments with a smile of satisfaction curving her pink lips.

Definition of Heard

simple past tense and past participle of hear

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Also learn how to use these words in a sentence

On this page we are showing correct ways to write :

Heard in a sentence

Heard sentence

sentence with Heard

Heard used in a sentence

Heard make sentence

make sentence with Heard

make sentence of Heard

Heard sentence in english

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