Sentences with word hardly

(1) He that liveth wickedly can hardly die honestly. 

(2) False tongue will hardly speak truth. 

(3) A false tongue will hardly speak truth. 

(4) Those who deny freedom to others hardly deserve it for themselves. 

(5) I can hardly imagine such a scene.

(6) His speech in the Euro debate was hardly stunning.

(7) He hardly flinched when he was hit.

(8) I can hardly thank you enough for your kindness.

(9) In Italy people hardly ever cohabit.

(10) Her worldly success can hardly be denied.

(11) The imitation hardly matches up to the original.

(12) This meat’s so tough I can hardly chew it!

(13) She spoke so quietly I could hardly hear her.

(14) She stepped back[], hardly able to believe her ears.

(15) Their voices were very quiet, hardly above a whisper.

(16) The victory was hardly won.

(17) There was hardly a cloud in the sky.

(18) The house, with its boarded-up windows, was hardly inviting.

(19) I can hardly wait until this summer.

(20) At the time, I hardly spoke any French.

(21) Mary could hardly get through to Jack.

(22) The car could hardly get along on the slope.

(23) He could hardly repress his tears.

(24) Words can hardly describe the beauty of the scene.

(25) My fingers were so numb I could hardly write.

(26) She became withdrawn and pensive, hardly speaking to anyone.

(27) He appeared hardly capable of conducting a coherent conversation.

(28) Go on, ask her; she can hardly refuse.

(29) Those stars are hardly visible to the naked eye.

(30) Experience is not interesting till it begins to repeat itself, in fact, till it does that,it hardly is experience. 

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


For many years, hardly any physicist could understand it.

В течение многих лет, вряд ли какой-то другой физик мог бы лучше понять эту науку.

Note, moreover, that free immigration hardly implies automatic citizenship.

Кроме того, обратите внимание, что свободная иммиграция вряд ли подразумевает автоматическое гражданство.

However, for reasons sketched in 7.3, type theory is hardly satisfactory.

Тем не менее, по причинам, изложенным в 7.3, теория типов едва ли является удовлетворительной.

Australia’s position on high-risk vendors was hardly new.

Позиция Австралии в отношении поставщиков с высокой степенью риска едва ли была новой.

Staying with a father she hardly knows.

Подросток отправляется жить с отцом, которого едва знает.

When she passed, we could hardly believe it.

Когда она не нахлынула, то я едва мог в это поверить.

We would hardly close the capital, block airports and everything else.

У нас вряд ли стали бы закрывать столицу, перекрывать аэропорты и всё остальное.

Moreover, any parallels between 2002 and today are hardly coincidental.

Более того, любые параллели между 2002 и сегодняшним днем вряд ли совпадают.

It hardly has any symptoms before becoming aggressive.

Это вряд ли имеет какие-либо симптомы, прежде чем стать агрессивным.

They didn’t, though that hardly diminishes their inclusion.

Они этого не сделали, хотя это вряд ли уменьшает их включение.

Sometimes they are so quick that parents can hardly follow them.

Иногда они настолько быстр, что родители вряд ли могут следовать за ними.

Venezuela’s abject situation hardly needs any introduction.

Чрезвычайная ситуация в Венесуэле вряд ли нуждается в каком-либо разъяснении.

Without international support Afghanistan will hardly solve the problem of drug production.

Без экономической поддержки Афганистан вряд ли решит имеющиеся у него проблемы, в том числе и по борьбе с наркотиками.

Thinking of Afghanistan, we could hardly visualize anything beautiful, but war.

Размышляя об Афганистане, мы едва ли можем представить себе что-нибудь красивое, а только войну.

Secondly, hardly the technologies and products Belarus needs are critical for Russia.

Во-вторых, вряд ли технологии и изделия, в которых нуждается Беларусь, являются критически значимыми для России.

Bolton had hardly left Moscow when the media began its attacks.

Едва Болтон успел покинуть Москву, как СМИ тут же начали свои атаки.

Customers outside of Russia hardly rely on uranium from Tanzania.

Потребителям за пределами РФ едва ли стоит рассчитывать на уран из Танзании.

But hardly, hardly, hardly know him.

He could hardly satisfy the demand.

Однако, он может быть просто не в состоянии выполнить данный запрос.

I suspect that such solidarity hardly exists today.

К сожалению, нужно констатировать, что на сегодняшний день этой солидарности практически не осталось.

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We can hardly ignore it.
Вряд ли мы можем это игнорировать.

Their ideas were hardly original.
Их идеи едва ли можно назвать оригинальными.

But it is hardly a one-sided relationship.
Однако эти отношения трудно назвать односторонними.

Son, I can hardly walk.
Сынок, я еле хожу.

We even called the doctor so hardly.
Мы даже доктора, вызвали с трудом.

Danger has hardly scared him off.
Опасности его почти не пугают.

These voices are hardly heard.
К этим голосам мало кто прислушивается.

That’s hardly possible, they never mix such clients at penal institutions.
Навряд ли, таких клиентов в тюрьмах никогда не сажают вместе.

Yet Fatah was hardly going to give up.
Фатх было тяжело признать свое поражение.

Hardly worth arresting me for.
Вряд ли стоило арестовать меня.

She hardly said a word.
Она едва ли молвила слово.

Given his temperament, however, that hardly seems likely.
Однако, учитывая его темперамент, это трудно себе представить.

His chest is hardly rising.
Его грудь еле вздымается.

I’m so woozy i can hardly think.
У меня слабость, я с трудом соображаю.

Farewell To The Reset, We Hardly Knew Ye
Прощай, перезагрузка, мы тебя почти не знали

Life under the DPR’s reign is hardly a socialist paradise, however.
При этом жизнь под властью ДНР мало похожа на социалистический рай.

There is hardly a developed country where health care reform has not become a kind of chronic disease of modern medicine:
Навряд ли есть развитая страна, в которой реформа в области здравоохранения не стала бы своего рода хронической болезнью современной медицины:

Formulating the right mix of carrots and sticks is extremely difficult, and the US is hardly seen in the region as an honest broker.
Определить правильную порцию кнута и пряника очень тяжело, и США не рассматривается в этом регионе в качестве «бескорыстного» посредника.

But hardly anyone else can.
Но вряд ли это получится у кого-то еще.

But times are hardly normal.
Однако теперешняя ситуация едва ли укладывается в рамки обычного.


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Sentences with the word Hardly?



  • «that engrossed look or rapt delight»; «enwrapped in dreams»; «so intent on this fantastic…narrative that she hardly stirred»- Walter de la Mare; «rapt with wonder»; «wrapped in thought»
  • «they got a bad connection and could hardly hear one another over the background signals»
  • «we hardly knew them»; «had scarcely rung the bell when the door flew open»; «would have scarce arrived before she would have found some excuse to leave»- W.B.Yeats
  • «he hardly ever goes fishing»; «he was scarce sixteen years old»; «they scarcely ever used the emergency generator»; «I can hardly hear what she is saying»; «she barely seemed to notice him»; «we were so far back in the theater, we could barely read the subtitles»
  • «could hardly hear her breathed plea, `Help me'»; «voiceless whispers»
  • «without my reading glasses I can hardly see things close up»; «even firing at close range he missed»
  • «room to pass»; «make way for»; «hardly enough elbow room to turn around»
  • «he could hardly conceal his excitement when she agreed»
  • «prejudices die hard»; «he was so dizzy he could hardly stand up straight»
  • «hardly more than a boy but firm-knit and self-confident»
  • «he was so tired he could hardly stand»; «so dirty that it smells»
  • «a technical problem»; «highly technical matters hardly suitable for the general public»; «a technical report»; «producing the A-bomb was a challenge to the technical people of this country»; «technical training»; «technical language»
  • «words are the blocks from which sentences are made»; «he hardly said ten words all morning»

вряд ли, едва, едва ли, чуть, с трудом, еле, насилу, резко, сурово, несправедливо


- едва

he had hardly time enough — у него едва хватило времени, он едва успел
she is hardly twenty — а) ей едва исполнилось двадцать; б) ей нет ещё и двадцати лет
hardly … when — лишь только /едва/ …, как
hardly had she put on her dress when the door burst open — едва она успела надеть платье, как дверь распахнулась
we had hardly gone out when the rain began — не успели мы выйти из дому, как начался дождь

- едва, насилу, еле; почти не

- едва ли, вряд ли

it is hardly possible [right] — едва ли /вряд ли/ это возможно [правильно]
he will hardly come now [risk it] — вряд ли он придёт сейчас [рискнёт]
that’s hardly to be wondered at — этому вряд ли следует удивляться
I hardly need tell you, I need hardly say — едва ли мне нужно говорить
we shall hardly meet him again — вряд ли мы когда-нибудь снова встретимся с ним

- с трудом, с усилием, с напряжением; тяжело

hardly pronounceable — труднопроизносимый
money hardly earned — с трудом заработанные деньги; деньги, заработанные нелёгким трудом
the battle was hardly contested — бой был жарким

- резко; сурово; жестоко; несправедливо

to think hardly of smb. — быть дурного мнения о ком-л.
he was hardly treated /dealt with, done by/ — с ним плохо /грубо/ обошлись

- уст. твёрдо, уверенно

Мои примеры


to deserve hardly / scarcely — едва ли заслуживать  
hardly anything — почти ничего  
she can hardly see — она почти ничего не видит  
it is hardly possible — едва ли /вряд ли/ это возможно  
he will hardly come now — вряд ли он придет сейчас  
your chair will hardly go with the room — ваше кресло едва ли подойдёт к стилю комнаты  
still hardly out of swaddling-clothes — ещё молоко на губах не обсохло  
coast was hardly distinguishable through the haze — берег был едва виден сквозь дымку; берег был едва виден в тумане  
hardly visible — еле видный  
with hardly any trouble at all — без каких-либо проблем  

Примеры с переводом

I hardly ran away.

Я еле ноги унёс.

I can hardly believe it!

В это невозможно поверить!

You hardly ever tell me anything!

Ты мне почти никогда ничего не говоришь!

That news is hardly surprising.

Вряд ли это неожиданная новость.

We hardly ever visit your parents.

Мы почти никогда не навещаем твоих родителей.

They could hardly move.

Они едва могли пошевельнуться.

Life pushed him hardly.

Жизнь жестоко с ним обошлась.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Hardly anyone (=almost no one) writes to me these days.

She lives in Spain, so we hardly ever (=almost never) see her.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

hard  — жесткий, трудный, твердый, жестко, твердо, тяжело, каторга, брод
hardness  — твердость, жесткость, прочность, плотность, крепость, степень твердости, суровость
harding  — закалка

В одной из тем мы узнали, что наречия образуются от прилагательных путем прибавление суффикса — ly. Но существуют наречия, форма которых совпадает с формой прилагательного, а при добавлении суффикса — ly в корне меняет значение. Сегодня мы рассмотрим наречие hardly и его употребление в английском языке.

Употребление наречия hardly

Из предыдущей статьи мы узнали, что слово hard может быть как прилагательным (сложный), так и наречием (усердно).

Но, добавив суффикс — ly, мы получаем другое значение.

Hardly употребление

Рассмотрим пример

  • Could you speak a bit louder? I can hardly hear you. (Не мог бы говорить немного громче. Я едва тебя слышу)

Мы используем hardly в значении «едва, почти не».


  • How can I ask him such a thing? We hardly know each other. (Как я могу его об этом попросить. Мы едва знаем друг друга);
  • She’s so quiet today. She hardly said anything. (Он очень тихая сегодня. Почти ничего не сказала);
  • Paul has hardly changed over the last ten years. (Пол почти не изменился за последние десять лет).

Обратите внимание, что hardly употребляется перед глаголом. А в составном глагольном сказуемом — между его частями.

  • Hardly know;
  • Can hardly hear.

Hardly + any

Можно часто встретить употребление hardly в сочетании с неопределёнными местоимениями.

  • Any
  • Anyone
  • Anywhere
  • Anything


  • Would you buy something to eat. There is hardly anything left. (Купи что-нибудь поесть. У нас почти ничего не осталось);
  • The day was cloudy, but there was hardly any rain. (День был пасмурный, но дождя почти не было);
  • How much money do you have? Hardly any. (Сколько у тебя денег. Почти нет);
  • The city is so big, but there’s hardly anywhere to go. (Город такой большой, но едва есть куда сходить).

Выражение hardly ever означает «почти никогда».

  • He always stays at home. He hardly ever goes out. (Он всегда сидит дома. Он почти никогда не выходит). 

Hardly, употребление наречия — тест на закрепление

From 1740 down to the period of the Revolution, hardly a year passed without a fresh infusion of Irish blood into the existing population, and, as an indication that they distributed themselves all over the Province, I find, in every Town and County history of Pennsylvania and in the land records of every section, Irish names in the greatest profusion.

« «That‘s a slick idea of Bill‘s,« said the bully to himself, «I can hardly wait till we get a chance to carry it out.

Hardly had his audience felt a slight sense of revolt at the words: «I shall not sing,« than they found themselves in the presence of an orator not inferior to the greatest in the force of his images, and who, with all his serious and pathetic eloquence, never forgot the studied touches of the poet, or the dainty style of the artist.

I had hardly ended the second line, when a shrug of the shoulders accompanied by a terrible burst of laughter, very mortifying to my noble manner, closed my mouth abruptly.

It is hardly necessary to observe how convenient the higher and dry caves are as receptacles for articles which are intended to be concealed, until an opportunity occurs to dispose of them.

There appeared hardly a ray of hope that my friend Bracket could return, seeing the boat was lost.

His varied information (for hardly any subject escaped him) rendered him a very entertaining companion.

Rackam finding his case desperate, and that there was hardly any possibility of escaping, resolved to attempt the following enterprise.

The total money (other than bank notes) in the commercial banks of the country was hardly 11 per cent of this amount.

The girl who would be satisfied with Anderson would hardly content him.

«Yes; and I hardly know how to explain the circumstances.

M. Grascour was not in the least flustered, whereas poor Harry had been hardly able to speak his mind.

The heart can hardly take account of days and weeks.«

The passenger list footed up four hundred and forty, and when all got on board, at about ten o’clock in the morning, there was hardly room for all to stand up comfortably.

Their songs were not sacred songs by any means, and many of them hardly fit to be heard by delicate ears.

It could hardly be seen it was so covered with moss and vines, but near the top could be seen something that looked like old walls.

We still went south, down toward the middle Yuba River and when about half way down the mountain side came to a sort of level bench where some miners were at work, but hardly any water could be had.

The children had grown so much I hardly knew them, but I was glad indeed to meet them.

There was hardly a whole bone remaining.

These noble souls who came here 40 years ago are fast passing away across the Mystic River, and those who trod on foot the hot and dusty trail are giving way to those who come in swiftly rolling palace cars, and who hardly seem to give a thought to the difference between then and now.

The common method of blindly following recipes, with no knowledge of «the reason why,« can hardly fail to be often productive of unsatisfactory results, which to the uninformed seem quite inexplicable.

I could hardly see any more in the dark.

She was hardly thus secreted, before the shrubbery was violently agitated, a footstep was heard in the lawn beneath her window, and then one leaped so lightly into the balcony, and from the balcony into the centre of the room, that the passage of the figure seemed like the flitting of some creature of supernatural attributes.

I got so wound up by all this, that I quite forgot Jone, and hardly thought of Mr. Poplington, except that he was telling me all these things, and bringing back to my mind so much that I had read about, though sometimes very little.

We were in a back street, where there was hardly anybody; and as for Jone and his bathchair, I could just see them ever so far ahead, so I started to catch up, and as the street was pretty level now I soon got going at a fine rate.

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