Sentences with word haircut

Haircut (Portuguese: Corte de Cabelo) is an independent Portuguese drama film directed by Joaquim Sapinho, produced at Rosa Filmes, which was nominated for the Golden Leopard at the 1995 Locarno International Film Festival. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

«If you were to take a 10 per cent haircut on what you have through your retirement pension plan, what other sources of income will you have available?»


«Congress should arrange some way for the debt to be reduced and for the bondholders to take a haircut and reduce it.»


I LOVE your haircut in the last picture.


For grooming, which includes everything a bath would plus a haircut, prices range from $ 52 to $ 91.


After haircuts, barbers will take three headshots of the customer’s hairdo — front, side, and back.


Your hair texture is as important as your face shape when it comes to choosing the perfect short haircut.


Here are some tips we think you’ll find useful if you decide to experiment with a new haircut.


Do you have any stress-free haircut tips that work for your children?


Nobody will have any trouble identifying the latest BRZ, but like a smart new haircut and a shave, the car looks cleaner and fresher without resorting to a ridiculous mohawk or man-bun.


It will be at Payne Park and the veterans can come and receive food, clothing, haircuts and all kinds of services that they do not otherwise have access to.


(And I hope that he didnt pay for that haircut.)


When I went to get my haircut my hair dresser wanted to know if I was going to wear it straight or curly.


Yes, it’s another hard-boiled actioner from Jason Statham, the guy whose movie titles are usually as short and simple as his haircut.


Happily back in the embrace of his friends and large, tight-knit family — all of whom affectionately call him Burrhead in memory of an unfortunate haircut 20 years ago — he had petitioned the USGA to reinstate his amateur status, even though it meant he couldn’t take prize money in any pro event or enter any amateur competition until the reinstatement process was completed, in 2000.


Well, Viking is no different, as they provide massages, manicures/pedicures, and haircuts.


They’re perfect for all hair sorts, so don’t stress though assuming you don’t have extensive hair.a couple of these haircuts can likewise be performed on short to medium hair as well.


A trip to a human spa is thought to be a special pampering experience, and while a haircut at a barber may be perfectly flattering, a spa can charge five times as much for a similar trim.


She encourages other moms to schedule in time for self-care the same way they would a business meeting or a haircut.


Sport this haircut to look like your — and everyone’s — favorite Scandal character.


If your child has a very sensitive head or long tangly hair, then haircuts might hurt some to them.


This could involve a new haircut, a manicure, new jewelry, or other accessories.


African American… 6» 1… 280 lbs 30 % muscle… pot head lol… haircut normal… normal guy… no kids… college boy… valentine baby


The second best part of my day was a trip to Alexandra’s hair-salon for a much-needed haircut.


2009 update: Get the right haircut so it looks good every single day without the benefit of a $ 50 salon blowout.


The cause, it seems, are «haircuts «, Wall Street jargon for the amount subtracted from the market value of an asset, such as a government bond, that is used as security when a bank borrows cash from another bank.


This can be the most difficult task of all and I always recommend starting slowly for a puppy’s first haircut.


Not only did I just get the worst haircut of my life here, but my tooth just broke in half.»


SEE THIS MOVIE IF: you can appreciate the blend of sparse landscape, gruff cowboys and beautifully written dialogue OR you just want to see Matt Damon uphold the Coen Brothers tradition of one atrocious haircut per film.


Medium length haircut is one of the most popular hairstyles for men especially if the wearer’s hair is thick and healthy.


Frisco Barber Shop specializing in men and boys haircuts.


Charlize Theron’s short haircut flatters her unbelievably.


My 4-year-old screamed like a maniac during haircuts.


Here, he talks about a variety of subjects, including the Soviets, players» haircuts, being cut from the Olympic team and having to cut players.


(Don’t ask the barber whether you need a haircut.)


«The point of the moratorium is to push creditors to come to a solution that would involve some type of haircut,» Hanson said.


This merits my normal $ 10 per boe valuation metric, but with a 50 % haircut applied to reflect the fact these are still only resources.


One of the in-trends haircuts is Pixie cut.


CAPTAIN HAIR-VEL It seems odd — to me at least — that one of the big talking points around Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel is less around her costume, tone and director, but the haircut she’ll sport in the film.


Kate should be played by an actress who can do justice to a leather jacket, pencil skirt and gel-and-go haircut.


Brown skin brown eyes, low haircut slim tonbody play basketball, love the outside movies.I would like to find a woman who believes in a man his dreams and goals I try very hard to have more out of life then I have, it’s not easy but it’s worth it to believe in self.


The average price of a man’s haircut is about $ 38 per cut, according to a GQ survey.


The pros take them through the paces of makeovers, haircuts and a trial shoot.


You would not insure for elective/cosmetic surgery (large, predictable), haircuts (small, predictable), or lost keys (small, unpredictable)


Now you have to engage in an education campaign to get some bond manager to buy it, or, take a significant haircut on the price in order to move the bond.


With so many potential job interviews lined up, now’s the time to tackle that rough haircut and remove those unusual piercings.


I’ve been ultra productive the past few days, even for me, but I get to slow down a little tomorrow for a haircut.


Piana collapsed while getting a haircut on August 7.


haircut: The difference between the market value of a mortgage and the amount of money a lender will advance against it.


Created repeat business by improving customer relations and resolving client concerns, increasing number of haircuts by 19 %


They can be keep in cute puppy haircuts or left long and flowing like seen in the show ring.


haircut — перевод на русский


A shave or a haircut, Mr Miereveld?

Бритье или стрижка, мистер Меревельд?

You look great! It’s that haircut that looks awful.

А вот стрижка, действительно, отвратительная.

All we represent to them is somebody who needs a haircut.

Мы все олицетворяем для них людей, которым нужна стрижка.

A haircut, please.

Стрижка, пожалуйста.

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Always tell her that she’s had a haircut.

Скажи, что тебе нравится её причёска.

This is the worst haircut Jerry’s ever had.

Эта самая ужасная прическа, что была у Джерри.

What with your store-bought haircut and excellent posture.

Твоя манекенная прическа и выправка.

-Look, he’s got Ross haircut.

— Смотри, у него прическа Росса.

I like your haircut, you know?

Мне нравится ваша прическа.

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Why don’t you get a haircut, Buljanoff?

Вам бы подстричься, Бульянов.

I need a haircut, don’t I?

Мне нужно подстричься, правда?

Unless you hanker for a haircut from a Chiricahua barber.

Если, конечно, Вы не хотите подстричься у парикмахера чирикава.

The one who always tells people they need a haircut, right?

Который всем говорил, что нужно подстричься?

You need a haircut.

Тебе надо подстричься.

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Hey look, I’ve got to get a shave and a haircut and catch a plane.

Ладно, слушай, мне надо ещё побриться, постричься и успеть на самолёт.

I’m gonna take a shave, haircut, manicure, the whole works.

Мне нужно побриться, постричься, сделать маникюр, все дела.

Stan’s the one who needs the haircut.

Стен — это тот, которому нужно постричься.

You need a haircut. You’re looking just like a hillbilly boy.

Тебе нужно постричься.

Oh, Daddy, you sure do need a haircut.

Милый, тебе надо постричься.

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I don’t advise a haircut, man.

Не советую стричься, друг.

Do you think I need a haircut?

Как думаешь, меня пора стричься?

I was going to get a haircut.

Стричься пора.

How you like to have a free haircut for six months?

Хочешь полгода бесплатно стричься?

I shouldn’t have stopped for that haircut.

Не надо было мне заезжать стричься. Извините.

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You’re here to give me a haircut!

Вы здесь, чтобы меня подстричь!

What would you like? A haircut? A shave?

Подстричь, побрить?

Cody, you need a haircut.

Коди, тебя надо подстричь.

To make the carpet, 16 sheeps had to have a haircut. And for the dashboard, 107 square feet of 80-year-old walnut was needed.

Для ковра потребовалось подстричь 16 овец, а для приборной панели понадобилось 10 кв. м 80-летней орешины.

— And give her a haircut.

— И подстричь. — Нет!

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Homer, what did you do, get a haircut or something?

— Гомер, сходишь в парикмахерскую?

Yes, time for a haircut.

— Скоро пойдем в парикмахерскую.

— I gotta go get a haircut.

— Мне нужно идти в парикмахерскую.

Right now I’m takingmy kid for a haircut.

Сейчас я везу ребенка в парикмахерскую.

Hit by a car when going for a haircut.

Попал под машину, когда шел в парикмахерскую.

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Nowadays, they do it so much, it’s like going in for a haircut.

Сейчас их столько делают, что она сродни походу к парикмахеру.

— What. Karen suggested that I get a haircut for the interview tomorrow.

Карен предложила, чтобы я сходил к парикмахеру перед завтрашним собеседованием.

I made him an appointment for a haircut, and I’ve told him if he doesn’t go, I’ll take the nail scissors to him.

Я записала его к парикмахеру и сказала: если не пойдет, я сама его обработаю.

— I have to go out for a haircut anyway.

— Всё равно не хотел идти к парикмахеру.

So what if he buys the toilet paper and takes the kids for their haircuts?

Ну и что, что он покупает туалетную бумагу, возит детей к парикмахеру?

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Yeah, okay, haircut.

Ладно, красавчик.

You getting all native on us, Haircut?

Ты натравишь их на нас, Красавчик?

Oh, and, Haircut, thanks for saving me.

И, Красавчик, спасибо, что спас меня.

— Hurry up, haircut.

— Поторопись, красавчик.

English, haircut.

Попроще, красавчик.

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You got a haircut?

У вас новая стрижка?

You got a haircut?

Новая стрижка?


Новая стрижка?

Oh, Dylan, you got a haircut.

О, Дилан, у тебя новая стрижка.

New handbag, haircut.

Новая сумка, новая стрижка.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word haircut, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use haircut in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «haircut».

Haircut in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word haircut in a sentence.

  1. A related Hawaiian term Oki Mahiole means a haircut where a strip of hair is left on the head.

  2. Cartman insults Damien by asking if he got his haircut from Stevie Wonder, a blind soul and R&B singer.

  3. John’s hair resembled Howarth’s shorter chin-length haircut, which was initially worn from 2000 to 2003, and St.

  4. The typical male punk haircut was originally short and choppy; the mohawk later emerged as a characteristic style.

  5. The singer later revealed that because of the dye, her hair started to fall out, so she got a boy’s haircut and wore a wig.

  6. The donor’s bowl-shaped haircut, rounded at the fringe but cut above his ears, is also typical of mid-1430s Netherlandish fashion.

  7. Other distinguishing characteristics were its calculation of the date of Easter and the style of the tonsure haircut that clerics wore.

  8. The character of Valeris was designed to be more ivory-hued than Spock’s yellow tone, with sleeker eyebrows and a severe haircut favored by Meyer.

  9. Matt Brown, Veitch’s pastor at Sandals Church, arrived for a haircut and Veitch asked him for help to start an organization to minister to sex workers.

  10. At the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics, Dutch windsurfer Kiran Badloe won the gold medal in Men’s RS: X while having a blue arrow haircut inspired by Aang’s design.

  11. Reagan’s father nicknamed his son «Dutch», due to his «fat little Dutchman» appearance and Dutch-boy haircut; the nickname stuck with him throughout his youth.

  12. His rumpled suits, country-style haircut, and Indiana twang were reminiscent of ordinary midwesterners, which led to some derision as the efforts to nominate him became more obvious.

  13. He commended the band’s musical transformation, saying, «U2 proves much more adept at the dance-trance thing than the Happy Roses or Stone Carpets or other indistinguishable haircut bands».

General information about «haircut» example sentences

The example sentences for the word haircut that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «haircut» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «haircut».



- стрижка

to have a haircut — постричься
you need a haircut — тебе пора постричься

Мои примеры


a close haircut — короткая стрижка  
a short / trendy haircut — короткая, модная стрижка  
haircut finance — заём на сумму меньше полной стоимости обеспечения  
get a haircut — заразиться венерической болезнью  
have a haircut — подстригаться; постричься  
not know if one wants a shit or haircut — быть в полной растерянности  
butch haircut — короткая стрижка  
haircut blog — блог, на котором обсуждаются избитые или тривиальные темы  

Примеры с переводом

I need a haircut.

Мне нужно постричься.

The girls got haircuts yesterday.

Девушки вчера подстриглись.

Do you like my haircut?

Тебе нравится моя стрижка / причёска?

He just had a haircut.

Он только что подстригся.

I haven’t had a haircut for months!

Я не стригся несколько месяцев!

Her new haircut makes her look young.

Новая стрижка делает её моложе. / Из-за новой причёски она стала моложе выглядеть.

I didn’t recognize you at first with your new haircut.

Я тебя сначала не узнал, с этой новой причёской.

Do you like my new haircut?

Тебе нравится моя новая причёска / стрижка?

John compared his haircut to his friend’s.

Джон сравнил свою стрижку со стрижкой друга.

For questions like “What do you think of my new haircut?” sometimes an inexplicit response is safest.

На вопросы типа “что вы думаете о моей новой причёске?” порой безопаснее всего ответить что-нибудь неопределённое.

I woudn’t mind if he got / had a haircut.

Мне кажется, ему не мешало бы подстричься.

Mom gasped in surprise at the sight of my sister’s new haircut.

При виде новой стрижки моей сестры мама ахнула от удивления.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

His classmates needled him about his new haircut.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): haircut
мн. ч.(plural): haircuts

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

стрижка f

прическа f

постриг m

волосы m













Don’t blame me if your haircut goes wrong.

Не обвиняй меня если твоя стрижка идет не так, как надо.

So in 1917 short female haircut became a fashion.

Таким образом, в 1917 году вошла в моду короткая женская стрижка.

At least now I have the proper haircut

По крайней мере, нужная прическа у меня уже есть», -…

He could not remember his last haircut.

Кстати, нельзя было не заметить его новую прическу.

Give a try to this haircut and you will not regret.

Приму вот постриг, и не о чем будет жалеть.

Another sued because he didn’t like his haircut.

Некоторые агенты отвергли его из-за того, что им не понравилась его стрижка.

Another had a really bad haircut.

В то время как у другого была ужасная стрижка.

I actually kind of like her haircut.

Кстати, у меня сейчас похожая на неё стрижка.

Get a haircut that matches your face.

Сделайте стрижку, которая может хорошо сочетаться с вашим лицом.

I suggested he get a shorter haircut.

Мне кажется, что ему больше пошла бы короткая стрижка.

And I actually like your short haircut.

Лично я на самом деле люблю его короткую стрижку.

A good haircut is as important as a good dress.

Мужчина должен помнить, что хорошая стрижка не менее важна, чем хороший костюм.

Example, where every 10th haircut is free.

Например, при предоставлении парикмахерских услуг: каждая десятая стрижка бесплатно.

Make sure you have a haircut.

Проверьте, будет ли вам хорошо со стрижкой.

A haircut may be just practical.

И, наконец, стрижка должна быть практичной.

Before you leave, get a good haircut.

Но, перед тем как отправиться туда, ей нужно сделать хорошую прическу

A haircut and new clothing would suffice.

Но только новый стрижки и одежды будет не достаточно.

That girl has Fisher’s haircut.

О, у той девушки такая же стрижка, как у Фишера.

You’ll never have a good haircut.

Вы никогда не сделаете себе креативную стрижку.

And if you can, fit in a haircut.

Если есть возможность, перенесите стрижку.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат haircut

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • Use the word HAIRCUT in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Now there’s a gentleman with vision and a nice haircut.

There’s a gentleman with double vision and a better haircut.

And that’s what you call a haircut?

Say, is this an operation or a haircut?

I wonder how I’ll look with that monkey haircut they give you there.

What do you want, Trader Horn, a shave or a haircut?

I wonder if I could get that haircut, but the doctor hates old fashions.

What did you do? Got you a haircut or have your ears moved down?

Dad bob it, Jeff. Why can’t I get a haircut?

Oh, Gerald, do make him Have a haircut once a month.

A haircut‘s not all you’re going to get.

A diplomat should have an immaculate haircut.

I’m going to get a haircut.

Brush up my clothes, I’ll be down for a haircut in a minute.

Hey. You like-a the haircut?

Hey. Why don’t you want to get the haircut?

Did you have a haircut, maybe?

Today, haircut and another big party.

The strength of 1 0 men because no dame can get close enough to give him a haircut.

They’re gonna ask, «anything to say?» I’ll say, «give me a haircut, a shave And one of those nice new electric massages. «

«Hey, White-Wings, gimme a haircut, a massage…

How do you like my haircut?

And a manicure and a haircut wouldn’t do any harm.

Why don’t you get a haircut, BuIjanoff?

Shave and a haircut. haircut and shave.

I could use a shave and a haircut and a pair of shoes with soles on them.

Yeah, don’t take a haircut.

Come on, we’ll give the barber a haircut!

Just gone down to the tonsorial parlours to get a haircut and shave.

Hey! Let’s have a haircut.

Hey look, I’ve got to get a shave and a haircut and catch a plane.

And the funny way his hair curls up off his neck when he needs a haircut.

Billy, take off your hat, we’ll give you a haircut.

Lf you get yourself a haircut.

If you gave the kid a haircut, it might save him a lot of grief.

I took my little boy to the barbershop to get his first haircut with me.

I told the barber to give him a Navy haircut.

My little fellow asked the barber, could he sit on my lap while I got my haircut?

I have a derogatory opinion of any man that’ll wait till the last minute to get a haircut.

Give me a shave and a haircut.

I need a haircut, don’t I?

Get a haircut first thing, make you feel better.

Who did you get a haircut for?

Haircut переводится как стрижка, прическа и даже парикмахерская. Вы когда-нибудь нуждались в стрижке за границей, но не знали, как объяснить парикмахеру (the hairdresser) что именно вы хотите? Возможно вы столкнетесь с ситуацией, когда нужно привести в порядок свои волосы где-то за границей, поэтому мы подумали о некоторых английских фразах, которые могут вам пригодиться. 

Слова по теме «Haircut»

back comb [bæk kəʊm] — делать начес bang/fringe [bæŋ/frɪnʤ] — челка barbershop [ˈbɑːbəˌʃɒp] — парикмахерская
braid/plait [breɪd/plæt] — заплести comb [kəʊm] — расческа, расчесывать crop [krɒp] — подстригать коротко
cut [kʌt] — отрезать dress my hair [drɛs maɪ heə] — уложить мои волосы dye [daɪ] — красить
highlight [ ˈhaɪˌlaɪt] — обесцвечивать layer [ˈleɪə] — сделать волосы слоями разной длины part [pɑːt] — сделать пробор
permanent [ˈpɜːmənənt]  — химическая завивка pile [paɪl] — собрать волосы наверх thick hair [θɪk heə] — густые волосы
sideburns [ˈsaɪdbɜːnz] — бакенбарды wavy [ˈweɪvi] — волнистые tousle [ˈtaʊzl] — взлохматить волосы

Еще больше лексики по теме причесок вы можете найти в статье «Как легко написать о себе на английском«.

Перед стрижкой надо записаться к парикмахеру и узнать, как можно будет оплатить услуги. Вот несколько полезных выражений для этого:

Haircut Appoinment (Запись к парикмахеру)

I’d like to book an appointment. Я бы хотела записаться на стрижку.
Just cut/ Cut and drying. Просто подстричь/ подстричь и высушить.
Do you accept credit card or just cash? Вы принимаете кредитную карту или только наличные?

Вы можете послушать несколько аудиодиалогов на тему записи к парикмахеру.

Hair Maintenance (Уход за волосами)

Hair types: oily/dry; fine hair/thick hair. Типы волос: жирные/сухие; тонкие/густые.
I wash my hair twice a week. Я мою волосы дважды в неделю.
My shampoo makes my hair shine and puffy. Мой шампунь делает волосы сияющими и пушистыми.
After coloring you should maintain your hair at home. После окрашивания вы должны поддерживать свои волосы дома.
How can I get rid of dandruff? Как я могу избавиться от перхоти?
I use deep conditioners and hair masks to make my hair soft. Я использую глубокие кондиционеры и маски для волос, чтобы мои волосы были мягкими.
Do you know how to tame the frizzy hair? Вы знаете, как приручить вьющиеся волосы?
You should wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your hair from the sun. Вы должны носить широкополую шляпу, чтобы защитить волосы от солнца.
My thick, heavy hair is difficult to handle. Could you thin it out, please? За моими густыми, тяжелыми волосами трудно ухаживать. Не могли бы вы их проредить?
If you want to maintain good health of your hair you have to regularly trim the tips of your hair. Если вы хотите поддерживать хорошее здоровье ваших волос, вам нужно регулярно подрезать кончики волос.
The best bangs for your face are short blunt or side-swept bangs. Лучшие челки для вашего лица — короткие прямые или набок.
I want textured long layers, but to keep the length on the back. Я хочу текстурированные длинные слои, но чтобы сохранить длину на спине.
I would like to maintain the length of my sideburns but thin them out. Я хотел бы оставить длину бакенбардов, но проредить их.
My hair is naturally wavy but I want you to straighten it. Мои волосы естественно волнистые, но я хочу, чтобы вы их выпрямили.
Would you mind if I part your hair on the right? Не возражаете, если я сделаю пробор справа?
I’d like you to tidy up my beard and define it with a cutthroat razor. Я бы хотел, чтобы вы привели в порядок мою бороду и подравняли ее опасной бритвой.
I want short hair on the sides and much more length on top and back. Я хочу короткие волосы по бокам и гораздо больше длины сверху и сзади.

Haircut Restyle (Рестайлинг)

Could you advise the right haircut for my face shape? Не могли бы вы посоветовать правильную стрижку для моей формы лица?
I’d like some highlights. Мне хотелось бы осветлиться.
I want to dye my hair so I look younger. Я хочу покрасить волосы, чтобы выглядеть моложе.
I’d prefer an asymmetrical rather than blunt cut. Я предпочел бы асимметричную, а не ровную стрижку.
I’d like it square/tapered at the back. Я бы хотел, чтобы она была квадратной/ суженной сзади.
It’s not a perm, it’s my natural hair.
Это не химическая завивка, это мои натуральные волосы.
I’d like to get braids/dreadlocks. Я бы хотела косы/дреды.
I always have a buzz cut/crew cut. Я всегда стригусь под бокс/ежик.
I’d like to keep the length on top, so can you fade the sides, please? Мне хочется оставить длину наверху, можете ли вы выстричь стороны, пожалуйста?
I notice my hair starting to thin on the sides. Could you cut it into a combover style, please? Я замечаю, что мои волосы начали редеть по бокам. Не могли бы вы подстричь их с зачесом, пожалуйста?
I’d like to have a mullet. Я хотел бы сделать маллет.

haircut - 4 types for men

В заключение, приведем одну идиоматическую фразу про стрижку (haircut) на английском языке, которая означает делать что-то лучше, чем другие (в данном случае стрижку).

Make sure your haircut is a cut above the rest!

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