Sentences with word gravity

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We know that gravity attracts mass.

А мы знаем, что гравитация — это притяжение.

Their gravity defying per carat sale values upstaging diamonds consistently.

Их гравитация, бросающая вызов продаже за карат, постоянно оценивает добывающие алмазы.

Otherwise, their higher center of gravity.

Во всяком случае, в смысле его основного центра тяжести.

But this ignores the gravity of lying about certain subjects such as war.

Это, однако, проигнорировало бы серьезность лжи об определенных предметах — таких, как война.

None of our space stations thus far have had any gravity.

До сих пор ни одна из наших космических станций не имела никакой серьезности.

Nothing keels over due to gravity.

Наружу ничего не может выйти из-за сильной гравитации.

Planetary gravity should absorb dust and gas equally.

Планетарная гравитация должны всасывать пыль и газ в равной мере.

Time, like space, is directly related to gravity.

Да время, как и пространство, ещё очень плотно связано с гравитацией.

But powerful forces conspire against you-specifically, gravity.

Мощные силы сговорились против вас — в частности, гравитация.

Yet, you cannot fully understand brain circulation without considering gravity.

Тем не менее, вы не можете полностью понять циркуляцию мозга, не учитывая гравитацию.

The point is that for gravity there are no exceptions — gravity always pulls on particles proportional to their masses.

Суть в том, что для гравитации исключений не существует — гравитация всегда притягивает частицы пропорционально их массе.

More recently, developments in massive gravity have also led to new consistent theories of bimetric gravity.

В последнее время развитие событий в области массивной гравитации также привело к появлению новых последовательных теорий биметрической гравитации.

Just think what it must be like to adjust to our gravity after living on a planet with low gravity.

Только представь, на что это должно быть похоже — привыкнуть к нашей гравитации после жизни на планете с низкой гравитацией.

Neither is the interaction of spirit, mind, and material gravity a prerequisite to the appearance of personality gravity.

Взаимодействие духовной, интеллектуальной и материальной гравитации также не является непременным условием для появления личностной гравитации.

Ways to create fake gravity much different from the ones shown in most movies when gravity generate any device.

Способы создания ненастоящей гравитации сильно отличаются от тех, что показаны в большинстве фильмов, когда гравитацию генерируют какие-то устройства.

Since gravity and acceleration are equivalent, if you feel gravity‘s influence you must be accelerating.

Поскольку гравитация и ускорение эквивалентны, то если вы чувствуете воздействие гравитации, значит, вы ускоряетесь.

Areas in blue have weaker gravity while areas in red have slightly stronger gravity.

Области в синем имеют слегка слабую гравитацию, а области красного цвета имеют немного более сильную гравитацию.

This quantization of gravity was thought incurably sick, an approximation useful only when gravity is weak.

Так что такое квантование гравитации было признано неизлечимо больным, и использовать его было можно только в случае, когда гравитация очень слаба.

Detecting gravitons, the hypothetical quanta of gravity, would prove gravity is quantum.

Обнаружение гравитонов, гипотетических квантов гравитации, докажет, что гравитация является квантовой.

But modifying gravity works by introducing additional fields that are coupled to gravity.

Но изменение гравитации проводится при помощи ввода дополнительных полей, спариваемых с гравитацией.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат gravity

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тяжесть, сила тяжести, серьезность, тяготение, притяжение, важность, опасность


- серьёзность, важность

to grasp the gravity (of a situation) — понять, осознать серьёзность ситуации
the gravity of the political situation — серьёзность политической обстановки
the gravity of the occasion — важность события
the gravity of his offence cannot be disregarded — нельзя не учитывать серьёзности его проступка

- тяжесть, опасность (болезни, положения и т. п.)

the punishment which matches the gravity of the crime — наказание, соответствующее тяжести преступления
gravity of a wound — серьёзность ранения

- серьёзность (вида и т. п.); торжественность

the gravity of smb.’s appearance — серьёзное выражение лица
he could hardly keep his gravity — ему с трудом удалось сохранить серьёзность
he lost his gravity — он утратил свою серьёзность; его лицо прояснилось
this upset his gravity — он не мог удержаться от улыбки

- степенность, уравновешенность

the gravity of his behaviour inspired confidence — его уравновешенность вселяла /внушала/ доверие

- физ. тяжесть; сила тяжести; тяготение

law of gravity — закон тяготения
low gravity — небольшая сила тяжести
force of gravity — сила тяжести; земное притяжение
gravity acceleration — ускорение силы тяжести
gravity wave — гравитационная волна


- гравитационный

gravity anomaly — гравитационная аномалия
gravity cable — гравитационная канатная установка; тросовый лесотранспортёр
gravity conveyor — гравитационный транспортер

Мои примеры


the collapse of the old star under its own gravity — разрушение старой звезды под действием собственной гравитации  
specific gravity / weight — удельный вес  
zero gravity — невесомость  
gravity bob — противовес  
carry out by gravity — перемещать самотёком  

Примеры с переводом

The Consul spoke slowly and with great gravity.

Консул говорил медленно и с большой важностью / серьёзностью.

I could not hide from her the gravity of the situation.

Я не мог скрыть от неё всей серьезности ситуации.

The gravity of the situation cannot be overstated.

Опасность такого положения нельзя переоценить.

There was an appealing gravity to everything she said.

Во всём, что она говорила, была трогательная серьёзность.

Anything with strong gravity attracts other things to it.

Любое тело с большой массой притягивает к себе другие.

This point should coincide with the centre of gravity of the wheel.

Эта точка должна совпасть с центром тяжести колеса.

Gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance.

Сила тяжести обратно пропорциональна квадрату расстояния.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The penalties should be proportionate to the gravity of the offence.

…capsulized accounts of the breach in national security failed to convey its gravity…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

gravitate  — тяготеть, стремиться, притягиваться
gravitational  — гравитационный
antigravity  — антигравитационный, противоперегрузочный, антигравитация
self-gravity  — собственное тяготение
subgravity  — пониженная сила тяжести, субгравитация

Synonym: graveness, gravitation, gravitational attraction, gravitational force, soberness, sobriety, solemnity, somberness, sombreness. Similar words: levity, activity, sensitivity, productivity, traveler, saving, heavily, behavior. Meaning: [‘grævətɪ]  n. 1. (physics) the force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially the attraction of the earth’s mass for bodies near its surface 2. a manner that is serious and solemn 3. a solemn and dignified feeling. 

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1. Gravity is a natural phenomenon.

2. Gravity is a form of magnetism.

3. Europe’s economic centre of gravity shifted northwards.

4. An apple falls down because of gravity.

5. All objects are subject to gravity.

6. I don’t think you realize the gravity of the situation.

7. I could not hide from her the gravity of the situation.

8. The Consul spoke slowly and with great gravity.

9. The plane defied the laws of gravity.

10. Gravity governs the motions of celestial bodies.

11. The force of gravity makes things fall to earth.

12. Falling objects obey the law of gravity.

13. Anything with strong gravity attracts other things to it.

14. Punishment varies according to the gravity of the offence.

15. There was an appealing gravity to everything she said.

16. His manner was perfectly poised between gravity and teasing.

17. Europe’s economic centre of gravity shifted northward.

18. Not all acts of vengeance are of equal gravity.

19. The water flows from the tank by gravity to the houses below.

20. He doesn’t think you realize the gravity of the situation.

21. A heavy car with a low center of gravity will hug the road.

22. Professor Gravity now seems to have become an unwanted fixture in the college.

23. The punishment should be proportionate to the gravity of the offence and the degree of culpability of the offender.

24. Increasing gravity is known to speed up the multiplication of cells.

25. They’re trying to solve the puzzle of how gravity works.

26. The penalties should be proportionate to the gravity of the offence.

27. Arrows would continue to fly forward forever in a straight line were it not for gravity, which brings them down to earth.

28. Criminal law does not treat traffic offences with the gravity they deserve.

29. Newton proposed that heavenly and terrestrial motion could be unified with the idea of gravity.

30. The building leans so much that it seems to defy gravity.

More similar words: levity, activity, sensitivity, productivity, traveler, saving, heavily, behavior, behavioral, vital, vitamin, invitation, inevitably, inevitable, grab, gray, grand, grade, a grand, grape, grant, city, program, grammar, grained, gratify, unity, grandfather, graduate, grandmother. 

Gravity, or gravitation, is a natural phenomenon by which all things with mass or energy—including planets, stars, galaxies, and even light—are brought toward (or gravitate toward) one another. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Also with da gravity of his tackles you’d think he’d pick up loads of injuries but he seems indestructible very solid and he smiles after the most horrific clashes.


Both turbulence and magnetic fields battle gravity, either by stirring things up or by channeling and restricting gas flows, respectively.


If the star doesn’t have enough gravity to do that, it will release its cooling outer layers into space.)


Water bottles, food dishes and gravity feeders are staple products in the small animal department.


This allows it to be placed lower in the chassis, giving every Subaru a low center of gravity.


«The big task that we have at the beginning is to control the center of gravity, and to control the additional weight of a super-sport SUV,» Reggiani allows, countering that «you need to have the right chassis control.


As the Universe cooled and its expansion slowed, gravity caused the first stars to collapse and re-light the Universe.


This could take a number of forms: a suggested «wait (and reflect)» time before responding to texts that cause an immediate, negative emotional reaction; a check-in with a friend or adult about a troubling text and a draft response (some youth in our studies suggested that this was routine for them); or a request to «take it offline» and talk in person in order to get a proper read on tone and gravity of a situation or conflict between friends.


Scientists» first close-up of the gas giant has unveiled several unexpected details about the planet’s gravity and powerful magnetic fields.


To convey the gravity of trauma and characterize their struggle and activism, artists like Jack Whitten and Betye Saar began introducing «physical evidence» in their art by using revived modernist modes of collage and assemblage.


The idea that gravity can help at all is really pretty much just a myth.


There will also be a research platform that examines the effects of artificial gravity on living tissues and plants.


Packaging lines have been installed for a variety of products, and encompassing filling with gravity, light vacuum, under pressure, and volumetric.


Eventually gravity wins, and the star collapses, igniting a cataclysmic supernova explosion and leaving behind a black hole.


We employ a high resolution idealized isopycnal model and perform a large number of experiments changing the aspect ratio of a ridge/canyon, the Coriolis parameter, the reduced gravity, the background slope and initial overflow thickness.


The common center of gravity is still inside the sun which means I’m still correct.


Judging by its size and how flat the rear is, one can assume the battery pack is on the trunk area for a better weight distribution and lower center of gravity.


In 2009, Japanese rally gurus, Subaru, partnered up with Toyota to create something new and exciting, a relatively «cheap» performance coupe, a front engined, rear wheel drive car with a low centre of gravity and a nearly perfect weight distribution; and so the FT-86 concept was born, and translated into the 86 I drove today.


Amazingly, no adhesives or fixing were used to keep the paper in place, only gravity.


A: Canada’s housing market seems to be defying the law of gravity these days: Economic growth is non-existent and unemployment is high, so why are home prices recovering?


What happens to a free moving body of gas in a gravity field when you heat at the bottom and cool at the top?


The fourteen stoneware sculptural works in Simone Fattal’s first New York City solo exhibition resonate with a curious force of intimate gravity.


The Sentencing Council clarified that it wanted to guarantee a «clear increase in penalty» as the gravity of each offence increases.


Presented both as a diary of his immediate relatives and as a shared humanistic narrative, the series resonates with a deeply felt emotional gravity.


… my arms were fine until my late 40’s now gravity has taken its toll!


If you’ve ever wanted to learn about general relativity, quantum mechanics, gravity, black holes and elementary particles, but were too intimidated, then this is the perfect introduction.


Looking exactly as you would hope, the WRX Concept comes with an even more aggressive look — despite being a four door saloon — with some extra width (100 mm) and sitting a chunk lower (80 mm) with a trademark bonnet scoop, bulging wheel arches and a carbon fibre roof to lower the centre of gravity.


The addictive gameplay is drastically changed by this simple addition of a gravity field, as orbs that normally would not make it past the larger of its brethren gently curve around and settle gently.


Thanks to its «front-engine, rear-wheel drive layout», further lowered centre of gravity, compact and lightweight body, it delivers a new level of driving excitement with very unique crisp handling.


They could help us find an elusive theory of everything that combines observations of the quantum world with the large-scale world of gravity.


At the end of the day though gravity lifts are nothing new to the Halo franchise, plus the basic lay out as well as the walls and areas are all so familiar to the when playing it.


Ideally, you’ll want to make them as round as a softball since gravity will pull them down causing them to flatten a bit.


In all likelyhood it is EVOLUTION that will win the arguement… the Universe EVOLVED from a process yet to be precisely defined but all processes LEADING up to this point… gravity, galaxie’s» solar systems.


Also at the Hepworth is an exhibition of the work contemporary artist Enrico David — an interesting choice considering his emphasis on The show has a playful, pop-up-book aesthetic and provides a sensitive backdrop to Hermes» work: drawings defy gravity, sculptures sink and subside.


«These «hot Jupiters» could not have formed in situ, given the large stellar tidal gravity and radiation fields close to their host stars.


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As Einstein showed, gravity is just the warping of spacetime, and black holes are big spacetime sinks.


His questioning, sometimes irreverent approach to the creation of his sculptures challenged the nature of these materials, in particular how they could be affected by forces such as heat or gravity, determining their final form.


At least Lenin, a very conscious heir of the Jacobins, had some sense of the gravity of the decision by human beings to take over the sovereignty that had belonged to God.


As would be naturally expected given its lower height and centre of gravity compared with the X4 sport-ute, the Gran Coupé is the better handler of the two, with less body lean when cornering and a generally more planted feel.


This set of 2 zero gravity chairs comes with padded headrests as well as beverage trays that make sure you have everything you need to relax outdoors.


The process was known as «steam-assisted gravity drainage.»


What sets Black-ish apart is the gravity of the issues Dre wrestled with and the nuance with which they’re all handled.


The analyses to date have been limited to the Jason ground track coverage between 66 ° S and 66 ° N, regions where Argo has profiled 900 m or deeper, and areas away from coasts in order to limit potential leakage of land hydrology into the GRACE gravity signals…


A fifth force would operate in addition to the four fundamental forces known to physicists: gravity, which general relativity describes; electromagnetism; the strong nuclear force; and the weak nuclear force.


Still, gravity plays a big role in Inversion’s multiplayer modes.


Maybe the gravity of that situation will eventually sink in and therefore the narrative will shift back towards traditional male-centric stories.


We are not to be scrupulous, simply prudent and reasonably sure in assessing the gravity of the case.


The Bolt rides high, with a low center or gravity.


Babies can have a hard time acquiring adequate muscle strength to hold their big heads up if they don’t get much of a chance to deal with gravity.


gravity — перевод на русский


almost like gravity.

Прямо как.. Как гравитация.

Oh, gravity!

О, гравитация!

Now where is the bloody gravity? That’s not it.

Где же эта чертова гравитация?

We won’t have any gravity for a while.

Сейчас на время будет отключена гравитация.

Gravity environment equal.

Гравитация выровнялась

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If it is true then perhaps there exist gravity tunnels a kind of interstellar or intergalactic subway which would permit you to get from here to there in much less than the usual time.

Если она верна, то, возможно, существуют гравитационные туннели, напоминающие межзвездное метро, которое позволит вам добраться из одного места в другое за гораздо меньшее время, чем обычно.

But there were the same huge shifts in gravity. Which resulted in complex strings of water molecules which acquired carbon from the body and acted…

Но наблюдались такие же колоссальные гравитационные смещения, в результате которых каким-то образом образовались сложные цепочки из молекул воды, вступившие в реакцию с углеродом человеческого тела и подействовавшие…

A six-month supply of the drug, gravity boots, scalp massager and a T-shirt.

Лекарство на полгода, гравитационные сапоги, массажер головы и футболка.

We must use a natural gravity well to incubate our young.

Мы должны использовать природные гравитационные колодцы для того, чтобы вырастить наших детей.

A network of orbital satellites which used an array of powerful gravity beams to induce continental drift.

Сеть орбитальных спутников использовали мощные гравитационные лучи для сдвига континентов. ? мощные гравитационные лучи для сдвига континентов..

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– You count the seconds it takes to reach the bottom, then add the acceleration of gravity – 9.81

Считаешь, сколько секунд будет падать тело, и прибавляешь ускорение силы тяжести – 9.81 Здорово.

Her center of gravity is… in perfect balance.

Центр тяжести хорошо уравновешен с её многоугольником десяти искушений.

Centre of gravity shifted.

Сместился центр тяжести.

Keep your center of gravity low.

Держите свой центр тяжести пониже.

Deploy lower air brakes… Center of gravity too far aft.

«Немедленно раскройте воздушный тормоз.» «Смещён центр тяжести…»

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It’s specific gravity, but it whips cream too.

Или центробежная. Вообще, тут особая сила тяжести, она и сливки взбивает.

Gravity is down to 0. 8.

Сила тяжести: 0,8.

Is it my imagination or is the gravity increasing all the time?

Мне кажется, или сила тяжести постоянно увеличивается?

Gravity still increasing, Master.

Сила тяжести все еще увеличивается, хозяин.

Atmosphere and gravity approximate closely to Earth normal.

Атмосфера и сила тяжести соответствует нормальным показателям Земли.

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It is ebb and flow, tidal gravity.

Это прилив и отлив, лунное притяжение!

Without rotation, they’ll be in full gravity before they get to the command module.

У них будет полное притяжение прежде чем они доберутся до командного модуля.

Gravity ?


We haven’t the power to break out of Earth’s gravity or get home.

У нас не останется энергии, чтобы преодолеть земное притяжение, не говоря уже о том, чтобы вернуться домой.

I will death defy nature and gravity by leaping over this water tank filled with great white sharks deadly electric eels, ravenous piranhas, alligators and most frightening, the king of the jungle one ferocious lion!

Вызываю на бой природу и притяжение, прыгая через этот бассейн с большими белыми акулами электрическими угрями, пираньями, аллигаторами и, самым ужасным царем зверей разъяренным львом!

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With respect, sir, I don’t think you appreciate the gravity of the situation.

С уважением, сэром, я не думаю, что Вы оцените серьезность ситуации.

I seem to have overestimated the gravity of the situation. Who is this?

— Я, видимо, переоценил серьёзность обстановки.


Однако, учитывая серьёзность ситуации, мы считаем, что требуется некоторое дисциплинарное взыскание.

Much more than is necessary, but I wanted you to understand the gravity of the situation.

Гораздо больше, чем требуется, но я хотел, чтоб ты понял серьезность ситуации.

Leah Hudley has stage two ovarian cancer and she wants a baby so badly she can’t understand the gravity of her diagnosis.

Рада тебя видеть. У Лии Хадли вторая стадия рака яичников, и она так хочет ребенка, что не может осознать серьезность своего диагноза.

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Gentlemen, we’re going to Gravity Falls.

Джентльмены, мы отправляемся в Гравити Фолз.

Almost losing my journal made me realize that I’m halfway through the summer and still no closer to figuring out the big mysteries of Gravity Falls.

Чуть не лишившись своего дневника, я понял, что прошла уже половина лета, а я так и не приблизился к разгадке величайших тайн Гравити Фолз.

I’ve told you once, I’ve told you 100 times, there’s nothing supernatural going on in Gravity Falls.

Я уже сказал тебе раз, сказал еще сотню раз ничего сверхъестественного в Гравити Фолз не происходит.

Working together, we can crack all the big questions of Gravity Falls.

Работая вместе, мы раскроем все великие тайны Гравити Фолз.

If we could find where your memories have been hidden, it could be the key to unlocking all the mysteries of Gravity Falls.

Если бы мы могли выяснить, где хранятся воспоминания, у нас бы появился ключ ко всем тайнам Гравити Фолс.

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Gravity: a revolution about to begin.

«Грэвити» — революция грядёт!

They shipped us up north to a sleepy town called Gravity Falls, Oregon, to stay at our great-uncle’s place in the woods.

Они сплавили на север, в сонный городок под названием Грэвити Фоллс, штат Орегон, к нашему дядушке, живущему посреди леса.

«It’s hard to believe it’s been six years since I began studying the strange and wondrous secrets of Gravity Falls, Oregon.»

«Сложно поверить, что прошло уже шесть лет с момента, как я начал изучать странные и удивительные загадки Грэвити Фоллс, Орегон.»

Remember, in Gravity Falls, there is no one you can trust.»

Помни, в Грэвити Фоллс нет никого кому ты можешь доверять.»

Grunkle Stan said I was being paranoid, but according to this book, Gravity Falls has this secret dark side.

Дядушка Стэн сказал, что я — параноик. Но согласно этой книге, у Грэвити Фоллс есть тайная, тёмная сторона.

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Gravity, do your th-i-i-i-i-ng!

Сила притяжения, покажи себя!

Jupiter being the biggest object in the solar system has the most gravity. And so other objects, little fleas, they have their own trajectory flying by, are bent from where it would be towards Jupiter and usually with an acceleration.

Юпитера — самая большая планета, у него есть сила притяжения, и поэтому объект, движущиеся в его направлении, меняют траекторию в его направлении с огромным ускорением.

Because of the Earth’s rotation, magnetic field, and gravity, the positron cannon won’t fire straight.

сила притяжения и магнитные поля… Она будет стрелять не по прямой.

And Venus is so close to the Sun and so hot, those water molecules are moving so fast that the gravity of the planet can’t continue to hold them in the atmosphere.

Венера находится близко к Солнцу, на ней очень жарко и сила притяжения планеты не в состоянии удержать «быстрые» молекулы воды в атмосфере, и они просто улетают в космос.

Everything will become so far apart That even gravity will be defeated.

Все станет настолько отдалено, что даже сила притяжения иссякнет.

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The crystals were designed and built by people who had mastered the techniques of molecular engineering in a zero gravity environment!

Кристаллы были спроектированы и сделаны людьми, которые открыли методику молекулярной инженерии в условиях невесомости.

-Big zero gravity moon steps.

— Да, огромные шаги по Луне в невесомости.

He didn’t give autographs, he didn’t talk to Pioneers about the secrets of the universe, the freedom you have in zero gravity or the eternity of the cosmos.

Он не давал автографов, не раскрывал перед пионерами тайны Вселенной, не рассказывал о невесомости и о безграничных просторах космоса.

Someone once said it feels like zero gravity.

Кто-то однажды сказал, что это словно парить в невесомости

But there are special challenges to medical care in the micro gravity of space.

Но в условиях космической невесомости — медицинская помощь вызывает особые сомнения.

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Sentences with the word Gravity?



  • «the roof is in danger of collapse»; «the collapse of the old star under its own gravity«
  • «he lay face downward»; «the downward pull of gravity«
  • «the more remote the body the less the gravity«; «the gravitation between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them»; «gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love»—Albert Einstein
  • «a light load»; «magnesium is a light metal—having a specific gravity of 1.74 at 20 degrees C»
  • «wind and sea may displace the ship’s center of gravity along three orthogonal axes»; «a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system»
  • «Quantize gravity«
  • «nine is the second power of three»; «gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance»

Definition of Gravity

the force that attracts objects towards the center of the Earth

Examples of Gravity in a sentence

Newton discovered the force of gravity when an apple was pulled down from the tree he was sitting under.


Although gravity pulls objects to the center of the Earth, this force is not present on the moon.


Gravity pulled the jumping toddler back down every time she boosted herself into the air.


There are few ways to avoid gravity as the force will eventually bring a floating object back down to land.


As if he were defying gravity, the magician seemed to levitate in the air.


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Sentence Examples

The cushions of air the zero-gravity chair rides on helps you simulate the weightlessness you’d experience during EV A… extravehicular activity.

Goop can’t move without his artificial gravity disk.

If only we could find a source of energy that would overcome Earth’s gravity!

For the previous reasons , we are back in gravity conditions. We turn the rocket in the direction of the route so as to be able to modify the speed at any time and to avoid to crash on the Moon.

Either this suit is on upside-down or there is no law of gravity.

I hope, my child, you are fully aware of the gravity of this moment.

No, I demand an apology that reflects the gravity of your remarks.

Silly, you can test it by the law of gravity

ÔÇô You count the seconds it takes to reach the bottom, then add the acceleration of gravity ÔÇô 9.81

We are here on a matter of the utmost gravity.

Do not understand the gravity of the accusation?

Yes, but of a rather low specific gravity.

That’s the farthest thought from my mind, so help me the law of gravity.

My initial endeavor will be to nullify the law of gravity through levitation- an art practiced by the holy men ofTibet… who are credited with being able to project their bodies through space.

We seem to be defying the laws of gravity.

Between five and 10 times as strong as the pull of gravity.

«Sir Raimondo Belleli, I regret to inform you…» «… that your niece has committed an act that, given the gravity of the situation…» «… we feel you must be made aware of.

Checking the gravity, captain.

Say, what is the specific gravity of phosphorus, future brother-in-law?

I’ve got to figure the effect of gravity and air resistance.

gravity‘s got nothing to do with the forward motion of a projectile.

According to the science of gravity… the pressure of the weight of a solid body is useless… unless directed solely at a single point.

Ever hear of the law of gravity?

I must warn you of the gravity of the statement you are making.

Levity is hardly in keeping with the gravity of this case.

Newton, they say, thought of gravity by getting hit on the head by an apple.

We understand the gravity of the situation.

It’ll take practice without gravity to help.

On Earth it does. gravity here is about 1/6 as much.

Kluggs, you don’t seem to realize the gravity of the situation.

Surely, Lady Isabella… you appreciate the gravity of these charges that Captain Evans has brought against you.

In view of the gravity of our client’s accusation.

Well, certainly. The gravity plates on those boots are magnetized. Oh!

There’s no gravity left anymore.

Those gravity shoes will keep you from floating like that hat.

Gee, Pudgy, according to all astronomical theories, the missile you just fired from a loaded weapon… had no propulsive acceleration due to the absence of gravity; therefore, we were in no danger.

Don’t think for a moment we’re not fully aware of the gravity of this situation.

It is the sign of this gravity which delivers her, beyong m├®tissage and the slave ships, that ancient land of the ancestors, Africa.

I convinced Miss Reis to be strong and control herself.. considering the gravity of the situation you have placed and left her in.

For your father’s sake, I wish we might hear you plead that you were not aware of the gravity of your offence.

The rest of you are trying to understand the gravity of our situation but repeatedly ask how really serious it is.

I’m sorry, we’re tied so closely, but it’s all a question of gravity and mathematics.

What’s to prevent us from floating around like balloons… — once we leave Earth’s gravity?

A fact, like a rock, has certain dimensions and gravity.

This a story of tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, when men have built a station in space, constructed in the form of a great wheel and set a thousand miles out from the Earth, fixed by gravity and turning about the world every two hours,

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