Sentences with word goose

Geese are waterfowl of the family Anatidae. This group comprises the genera Anser (the grey geese) and Branta (the black geese). (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Presumably figuring the experience would have its players in an adventurous mood, Capcom has decided there would be no better way to promote the game than sending them on a wild goose chase to find old wives tales and boogie monsters grounded in as about as much reality as its own fantastical game.


After leading the FB — embodied by Tom Hanks’s gruff, determined agent Carl Hanratty — on a wild goose chase, Frank (wonderfully played by Leonardo DiCaprio) is recruited by the bureau via the logic that it «takes one to catch one.»


Oh, several flocks of geese flying overhead all afternoon.


They were often used to help herd geese.


Many of her artworks are inspired by the wild expanse of the north Norfolk salt marsh coast: the wind in the reeds, scribbled prints of waders on the sandbanks, light-filled marsh pools and the calls of geese.


I’ve read queries that gave me goose bumps, caused me to gasp, and made me scream (yes, some are really that good).


Supposing there were no longer any painting, or poetry, or goose music?


Whether you are looking to get up close and personal with goats, barn owls, geese or even alpacas, you’ll find that the Fantastic Animal Farm is a cute and fun way to spend quality time together.


In a way I feel that the Gunners are a golden goose for the football media because, in the last 10 years at least, we have been arguably the most entertaining team in the Premier League while also lurching from crisis to disaster and then pulling things out of the fire.


That desperation that afflicts you before going out at that time when you have to decide what to wear: would you put that cute black and very short stretch dress with a thousand transparencies but then… what about the cold and goose bumps?


Swither too long, and the Nazis, who already have British forces encircled at Dunkirk, could very well be goose stepping down Whitehall.


The horror genre is arguably the most exploited of genre categories, with its long history of fads and movements (slashers in the 80’s, self-reference in the 90’s, torture porn in the 00’s and so on) constantly reinventing itself to try and goose its audience one more time.


Common areas appointed with tasteful furnishings offer a cozy haven where guests can comfortably socialize, while the suites feature wonderfully comfortable beds outfitted with top-of-the-line pillow top mattresses, high-quality linens and luxurious goose down duvets & pillows.


What is good for the goose is good for the gander, is it not?


Or that a goose defecates an average of once every twelve minutes?


When a goose honks, everyone wakes up for sure.


and it will have goose neck barn lights over the garage doors;) Our land is an old farm lot with Apple Trees, Tamaracks, lots of maples and TONS of berry bushes.


Whatever the mixture, the result is a 40-50 pound dog of red color and medium-length coat with the peculiar ability to entice ducks and geese close to shore.


Get up close and personal with hawks, eagles, falcons, owls and vultures as well as donkeys, ferrets, geese, goats, sheep, pigs and many other smaller animals.


In humans, with little body hair, the effect results in goose bumps.


The thick Quaternary deposits on the island’s northern sector have all yielded fossil evidence of mammoths, giant mice, whales, sea otters, and an extinct flightless goose.


In an interview with Metro UK, Williams said her son had some choice words for his «girlfriend,» Billy-Rae, after he’d been left out of a girls-only game of duck, duck, goose.


sweatshirt by golden goose deluxe brand, 7.


With its spontaneous throttle response, quick revving up to 6,500 rpm and inimitable roaring sound, the naturally aspirated 5.2 FSI engine is enough to give you goose bumps.


Amazon’s offerings may be lacking, but that’s better than B&N’s goose egg.


Here’s a few tips to give you a goose along the way.


Indeed, what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.


His father is a goose, and the nature of that pairing is explained in flashbacks that have a nice style of their own (the computer-type animation morphs into pen-and-ink in those memory sequences).


It’s great having other creative people around to share encouragement and coffee breaks with, and it’s a really peaceful place to work — just the sounds of passing bicycles, the ducks and geese.


Canada geese Lefty and Lucy walk through the lot with pigs Pumbaa and Zoey on Sunday at the Animal Refuge Center.


The ranch is home to whitetail and mule deer, prairie dogs, antelope, burrowing owls, wolves, coyotes, badgers, raccoons, skunks, porcupines, hawks, golden eagles, pheasant, sharp-tailed grouse, greater prairie chickens, and a great variety of ducks, geese, and other birds.


In the Gascony region, where goose and duck liver form a staple of the diet, this rate is a remarkably low 80 per 100,000.25 This phenomenon has recently gained international attention as the French Paradox.


Bonus: Knights and Bikes is the second game on our list to feature a goose — but this time he’s a friendly pet named Captain Honkers.


It wasn’t easy to unseat the Colts and their bank heist, but the Vikings pulled it off with a duck, duck, goose celebration in the end zone.


I wrote you of a recent one of 200 + yards where a goose glided down over a hill at least that far away and tried to take off when she arrived.


Such cruise speeds are consistent with those achieved by a variety of species, from hummingbirds to geese.


and I just can’t make it work without killing a lot of golden geese.


A few years ago, a team of Argentine researchers discovered fossils of a previously unknown bird, closely related to modern ducks and geese.


The move aims to goose sales of the luxury roadster two years after it first hit showrooms.


In the Premier League, there are now six teams with genuine title aspirations at the start of every season, two of whom will be forced to miss out on a the golden goose of Champions League qualification.


Ducks and geese of all kinds are on the wing in record-breaking numbers, thanks largely to the year-round nesting groundwork of the sportsman-supported Ducks Unlimited organization.


Hundreds of snow geese, double-crested cormorants and fish crows were in evidence, but the numbers were very low for the mute swan, canvasback, ruddy duck, horned grebe, sharp-shinned hawk, Carolina wren and hermit thrush, with possibly an all-time low for the American tree sparrow.


«It was the first event where she saw me with my presidential robes on and she told me, «I had goose bumps.»»


With indicators, new traders tend to go on a wild goose chase before learning how the market behaves.


Should I drive fifty miles out of town to get goose liver, or should I just take a vitamin K2 supplement and call it a day?


Roasting a goose is simpler and more budget friendly than you might think.


The Bicycle art is from Wendover Art and the Lamps are from Gallery Design — I bought both at the black goose design in utah


The researchers studied a 90 million year old group of birds called the Galloanserae which including the mallard duck, swan goose, wild turkey, helmeted guineafowl, Indian peafowl and common pheasant.


Respecting the rest and calmness, that our guest are looking for, we offer hypoallergenic and orthopedic mattresses, hypoallergenic and anatomic pillows & blankets with natural rubber flakes or goose down, all by the company COCO-MAT.


But I couldn’t be completely negative; I still had a sense of hope in me that we might survive at the end of this thing, so I sculpted these geese climbing out of the dirt as if to imply that spiritually, we might yet survive.


Antonym: gander. Similar words: moose, loose, choose, boost, booster, goody-goody, go off, goon. Meaning: [guːs]  n. 1. web-footed long-necked typically gregarious migratory aquatic birds usually larger and less aquatic than ducks 2. a man who is a stupid incompetent fool 3. flesh of a goose (domestic or wild). v. 1. pinch in the buttocks 2. prod into action 3. give a spurt of fuel to. 

Random good picture Not show

1. The old goose plays not with foxes. 

2. Kill the goose that laid the golden egg. 

3. The older the goose the harder to pluck. 

4. Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. 

5. It is a blind silly goose that comes to the fox’s sermon. 

6. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. 

7. What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. 

8. It is a silly goose that comes to the fox’s sermon. 

9. The friar preached against stealing and had a goose in his sleeve. 

10. What a sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. 

11. A goose was hatched among ducks.

12. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

13. The goose saw her and cackled loudly.

14. The goose honked flying into the sky.

15. The goose flapped heavily away.

16. I pray for the swan goose, the moonlight and the spring breeze forthousands of times, wishing the swan goose can bring my miss toyou; the moonlight can convey my greeting to you ; the spring breeze can send my care to you!

17. The boy ploated your goose.

18. The goose hissed at me angrily.

19. Do you like smoked goose?

20. Steam the goose to render some of the fat.

21. He got a goose egg on his maths test.

22. Mix the marinade ingredients and pour over the goose.

23. She dislikes to eat goose.

24. Goose is a very fatty meat.

25. He sent us on a wild goose chase .

26. A young goose is a gosling.

27. If we tried to goose it up[Sentencedict], it wouldn’t help anybody.

28. A fox should not be of the jury at a goose’s trial. 

29. Harry wondered if Potts had deliberately sent him on a wild goose chase.

30. Devil killer body, a large wavy golden hair shine, slender legs wearing a yellow goose miniskirts, show figure of the perfect.

More similar words: moose, loose, choose, boost, booster, goody-goody, go off, goon, go out, good, go on, goods, gooey, good for, for good, let go of, go over, goodly, google, goodman, dragoon, make good, a good job, good name, a good many, be good at, as good as, common good, a good deal, do a good job. 

гусь, гусыня, гусятина, простушка, дурак, освистывать


- гусь; гусыня

flock of geese — стадо гусей

- зоол. гусь (Anser)

wild goose — дикий гусь

- дурак, простак, простофиля

don’t-be such a goose — не будь таким простофилей

- дурочка, простушка; наивное существо
- гусятина

we had goose for dinner — на обед у нас была гусятина /был гусь/

- (pl gooses[ʹgu:sız]) портновский утюг
- (pl gooses[ʹgu:sız]) разг. внезапный шутливый толчок в спину
- театр. жарг. шипение, свист


- гладить портновским утюгом
- театр. жарг. освистывать
- разг. внезапно в шутку толкнуть
- подталкивать, подгонять

to goose sales — стимулировать расширение продажи

- подавать бензин (в машину) неравномерно

Мои примеры


goose fat — гусиный жир, гусиное сало  
an effort to goose sales — попытка стимулировать продажи  
store goose — гусь, предназначенный для откорма  
brent goose — казарка чёрная  
goose egg — гусиное яйцо, ноль  
goose step — строевой шаг, при котором нога не сгибается в колене  
can’t say ❝bo❞ to a goose — очень робок  
to cook one’s (own) goose — погубить себя  
it’s gone goose with him — у него безнадежное положение; его дело пропащее  
goose grease — гусиный жир  

Примеры с переводом

The goose is in the oven, sputtering fat.

Гусь шкворчит в духовке.

It would really cook his goose if I told his wife where he was last night.

Если я скажу его жене, где он был прошлой ночью, ему конец.

Don’t be such a silly goose — you’re dressed just fine for the party.

Не будь такой глупышкой: для этой вечеринки ты одета просто отлично.

A fat goose waddled across the yard.

Двор вразвалку перешёл упитанный гусь.

The other day I saw a goose in white ducks.

На днях я видел одного придурка в белых парусиновых брюках.

Ben was such a bad bowler that his final score was a big, fat goose egg.

Бен настолько плохо играл в боулинг, что в конце игры на его счету красовался большой жирный ноль.

We broke with tradition and had goose for Thanksgiving instead of turkey.

Мы нарушили традицию, и на День Благодарения съели гуся вместо индейки.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Steam the goose to render some of the fat.

They put another goose egg up on the scoreboard.

…never heard of using goose down as stuffing for comforters until she moved to a cold climate…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

goosey  — дурашка, балда, бестолочь, глупышка, неуравновешенный, придурковатый, глупый
goosy  — неуравновешенный, придурковатый, глупый

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: goose
he/she/it: gooses
ing ф. (present participle): goosing
2-я ф. (past tense): goosed
3-я ф. (past participle): goosed

ед. ч.(singular): goose
мн. ч.(plural): geese

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


But security footage later revealed That it was actually a goose.

Но позднее записи камер охраны показали, что на самом деле это был гусь.

Brown goose is continuing 27 towards the potomac.

«Коричневый гусь» продолжает идти по направлению к реке.

Sparkling dressy brooch pin LUISA GOOSE MOSCHINO

Брошь ГУСЬ со стразами MOSCHINO

Costume jewelry > Brooch GOOSE MOSCHINO

Бижутерия > Брошь ГУСЬ MOSCHINO

Just protect the endangered goose, Bruce.

Просто… Не будь как вымирающий гусь, Брюс.

Aeronaut Stanislav Fyodorov in Polar Goose airship exceeded 8 kilometers.

Станислав Федоров на аэростате «Полярный гусь» поднялся на высоту более восьми километров.

Maverick and Goose eject, but Goose hits the jettisoned aircraft canopy head-first and is killed.

Маверик и Гусь катапультируются, но Гусь попадает в сброшенный купол самолета головой вперед и погибает.

This genus of ducks contains five species: Patagonian goose, gray-headed Magellan goose, red goose, common Magellanic goose and Andean goose.

Этот род утиных содержит пять видов: патагонская казарка, сероголовый магелланов гусь, красноголовый гусь, обыкновенный магелланов гусь и андский гусь.

Compared with other goose breeds, the Czech goose is relatively small, but hardy, resistant and unassuming in feeding and breeding.

По сравнению с другими породами гусей, Чешский гусь относительно небольшой, но выносливый, стойкий к погоде, неприхотливый в кормлении и разведении.

Czech goose is the only goose breed native to Czechia.

Чешский гусь — это единственный гусь родом из Чехии.

The largest Grey Goose is the Greylag Goose.

Наиболее крупным представителем гусей является серый гусь.

The two most widely known species of geese are the Canada goose and the Domestic goose (or Gray goose).

Два наиболее широко известных видов гусей канадская казарка и гусей (или серый Гусь).

Description: White-fronted goose looks like a gray goose

Описание: Белолобый гусь внешне напоминает серого гуся

The Canada goose (Branta canadensis) is the most widespread goose in North America.

Канадская казарка (Branta canadensis) — наиболее широко распространенный североамериканский гусь.

The Chinese goose is descended from the swan goose and is native to Russia, Mongolia and northeast China.

Китайский гусь происходит от лебединого гуся и является родным для России, Монголии и северо-восточного Китая.

If you change any of the attribute values, the device instantly initiates sending a new GOOSE message with the updated data.

При изменении какого-либо из значений атрибутов, устройство моментально инициирует посылку нового GOOSE-сообщения с обновлёнными данными.

The requirements resulted in the development of a GOOSE message mechanism that meets all the requirements.

Предъявленные требования привели к разработке механизма GOOSE-сообщений, отвечающих всем предъявляемым требованиям.

The acceleration of data transfer using the GOOSE protocol is facilitated by the use of data prioritization mechanisms.

Также ускорению передачи данных по протоколу GOOSE способствует использование механизмов расстановки приоритетов данных.

Datasets are used to group data that will be sent by the device using the GOOSE message mechanism.

Наборы данных используются для группировки данных, которые будут отправляться устройством с использованием механизма GOOSE-сообщения.

The construction of RPA systems based on the GOOSE protocol changes the procedures for their adjustment and testing.

При построении систем РЗА на основе протокола GOOSE изменяются процедуры их наладки и тестирования.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат GOOSE

Результатов: 2405. Точных совпадений: 2405. Затраченное время: 117 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


noun существительное

множественное число (plural):


  1. гусь

    wild goose
    дикий гусь

    gray goose
    серая гусыня

  2. гусятина

  3. простушка

adjective прилагательное

  1. гусиный

    goose liver
    гусиная печень

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений goose на 1 миллион слов: 7.

Примеры предложений

Don’t kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Не убивай курицу, несущую золотые яйца.

I get goose bumps when I see a horror movie.
У меня мурашки по коже, когда я смотрю фильм ужасов.

A goose is a water bird.
Гусь — водоплавающая птица.

Can you tell a duck from a goose?
Ты можешь отличить утку от гуся?

I aimed at a sparrow, but shot down a goose.
Я целилась в воробья, но застрелила гуся.

I’ve got goose bumps.
У меня мурашки по коже.

This is the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Это курица, несущая золотые яйца.

I know how to tell a duck from a goose.
Я могу отличить утку от гуся.

He killed the goose, foolishly.
Он по глупости убил гуся.

It was a wild goose chase.
Это была сумасбродная затея.

He foolishly killed the goose.
Он по глупости убил гуся.

The goose honks.
Гусь гогочет.

Goose down retains the heat.
Гусиный пух хорошо сохраняет тепло.

Our goose is cooked.
Наша песенка спета.

Thinking to get at once all the gold the goose could give, he killed it and opened it only to find — nothing.
Желая получить от гуся сразу побольше золота, он убил того, но внутри ничего не обнаружил.

He’s force-feeding his goose.
Он откармливает своего гуся.

You goose, you’re doing it all wrong!
И дурошлёп же ты, всё не так же делаешь!

How to use goose in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «goose» and check conjugation/comparative form for «goose«. Mastering all the usages of «goose» from sentence examples published by news publications.

The goose is based on that stock image of a goose, or maybe the collectively-imagined goose we described in that Slack conversation—our platonic goose.
If it looks like a goose and honks like a goose, it should just be a goose, right?
» When I told her it was, in fact, «honk,» she shook her head and repeated «goose goose goose.
» And a Canada goose becomes, well, a «goddamned Canada goose.
Sorry to these villagers, but a goose has to goose.
Wordplay SPECIAL POST — If it looks like a goose and it honks like a goose, it should just be a goose, right?
Canada Goose: Touchscreen compatible mittens filled with super warm goose down.
We get asked a lot if we’d add an option for a Canada Goose skin, but we’ve always bristled at this—ours is a game about THIS goose, our specific goose, not a customisable goose-avatar.
«They’re from a goose, but no goose has feathers like this,» he said.
Canada Goose – Canada Goose is on watch for a second day, after a mixed debut.
«It’s almost like goose bumps, but goose bumps are that that shivery, uncomfortable feeling,» said Paul.
Blue Goose Cantina:All day today, Blue Goose Cantina is celebrating National Margarita Day with $299 margaritas.
» In lieu of, «May a goose kick you,» we could use, «May a goose cuddle you.
Today, you’re a horrible goose from Untitled Goose Game, and the internet is laughing with you.
Think about all the instances of geese you know and love from popular culture: Mother Goose, the Drake-approved OVO x Canada Goose collab, Grey Goose (got you feelin’ real loose).
And then there’s Goose, who is inexplicably not a goose at all but rather a large chicken.
Her large and misshapen «goose foot» is sometimes linked to the tradition of eating goose at Christmas.
One farmer said that what’s good for the goose is good for those dining on the goose.
«There’s something almost aspirational I find in the reserved anarchy of a goose,» says 18-year-old Desktop Goose developer Sam Chiet, who is not affiliated with Untitled Goose Game studio House House.
Down alternative: Down cluster: Duck down: Goose down:  Here are the best comforters you can buy:Best comforter overall: Topsleepy Luxurious All Size Goose Down ComforterBest from new bedding brand: Brooklinen Real Goose Down ComforterBest colorful comforter: The Company Store LaCrosse Down ComforterBest affordable comforter: LinenSpa All-Season Down Alternative Quilted ComforterBest luxury comforter: Highland Feather Carmel Hutterite Goose Down ComforterBest hypoallergenic alternative down comforter: Superior Solid White Down Alternative ComforterBest goose down comforter: Puredown Real Goose Down ComforterBest 1,200 thread count comforter: Egyptian Bedding 1200 Thread Count Goose Down ComforterUpdated on 10/22/2019 by Caitlin Petreycik: Updated prices, links, and formatting. 
The Goose takes its name from a popular bar, The Blue Goose, which was razed in the 1960s.
Duck Fight Goose — «Horse»The members of Duck Fight Goose are all familiar sights for Shanghai party-goers.
I figured it was either the North American Snow Goose or the domesticated form of the Greylag Goose.
Filled with 100% goose down at 750 fill power, the Royal Hotel Goose Down Pillow is so feathery-soft.
She’s even made one featuring the titular goose from Untitled Goose Game, which works perfectly as a honk button.
We picked a seafood soup, a plate of fried camembert, smoked goose, ewe filet, goose pate, and freshly baked bread.
There’s just something luxurious about a true goose down comforter, and the Puredown Goose Down Comforter fits that description perfectly.
The goose bumps Houston’s singing gives you in «Whitney» are the goose bumps you get anytime you hear her sing.
There’s a good chance people are sharing Untitled Goose Game jokes without knowing Untitled Goose Game is a real game.
Pros: As warm as parkas get, TFG offers a wide range of styles and prices on parkas Cons: Still searching… Buy the Stratus Parka from Triple F.A.T. Goose for $700 Buy the Chenega II from Triple F.A.T. Goose for $700 Buy the Eldridge from Triple F.A.T. Goose for $600 Shop all Triple F.A.T. Goose
Canada Goose — Shares of Canada Goose plummeted more than 43% after the outerwear maker issued warnings about its lower wholesale revenue.
Another duo of complementary sights is the Giant Wild Goose and Small Wild Goose Pagodas, both south of the city walls.
A naturally fatty goose liver weighs 300-400 grammas while that of a force-fed goose can weigh around 1 kg.
Canada Goose — Canada Goose shares dropped more than 4% after the Canadian clothing company issued weaker-than-forecast guidance for fiscal 2020.
But soon, you could very well be surrounding sleeping under a plush Canada Goose down comforter or chilling on Canada Goose sheets.
Canada Goose — Shares of winter coat maker Canada Goose tanked 9% after the it reported quarterly gross margin that missed analysts estimates.
Untitled Goose Game simply and brilliantly allows you to be a goose with one goal: wreak utter havoc upon an innocent neighborhood.
Four months later, an independent developer has set a new goose loose on home desktops with a Windows extension titled Desktop Goose.
Mr. Truong braises goose legs barbacoa-style for tacos, and simmers carcasses into stock for pho styled after his mother’s, though he tops his with lightly charred goose breast, venison braised in hoisin sauce or thin slices of goose heart.
Stuffed with 85% grey goose down and 15% grey goose feathers, it&aposs warm and cozy, especially when it starts snowing mid-run.
As far as we’re concerned, though, the goose is a goose—I’d said before that the goose can’t put a key in a lock, so we probably also need to concede that it can’t also be motivated by a complex political ideology.
Between the playful art style, charming music, and silly-looking goose, causing havoc as the goose feels exactly as cathartic as you might expect.
Canada Goose – Canada Goose will begin trading today on the Toronto Stock Exchange after pricing its initial public offering at 17 Canadian dollars per share.
It’s Easter Monday, and residents of Little Poland in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, are celebrating Smigus-dyngus (pronounced SHMEE-goose DING-goose), also known as Wet Monday.
Untitled Goose Game You play a goose whose only purpose is to cause grief for the people in a small town for your own amusement.
These are the best comforters you can buy:Best comforter overall: Topsleepy Luxurious All Size Goose Down ComforterBest from new bedding brand: Brooklinen Real Goose Down ComforterBest colorful comforter: The Company Store LaCrosse Down ComforterBest affordable comforter: LinenSpa All-Season Down Alternative Quilted ComforterBest luxury comforter: Highland Feather Carmel Hutterite Goose Down ComforterBest hypoallergenic alternative down comforter: Superior Solid White Down Alternative ComforterBest goose down comforter: Puredown Real Goose Down ComforterBest 1,200 thread count comforter: Egyptian Bedding 1200 Thread Count Goose Down ComforterThe best mattress toppersAlthough a mattress topper isn’t a must-have for your bed, it’s one of the easiest ways to up your sleep quality and comfort.
Canada Goose — Shares of apparel maker Canada Goose dropped more than 1.703 percent after an analyst at Wells Fargo downgraded them to market perform from outperform.
Check out the companies making headlines midday Wednesday: Canada Goose — Canada Goose shares plummeted more than 30% after the company issued disappointing full-year revenue guidance.
The pillows do contain a high percentage of goose feathers along with the goose down, though with the ratio being 95% feathers and just 5% down.
You can even customize Desktop Goose to add whatever images, GIFs, and memes you want the goose to drag onto the screen and obstruct your view.
These villagers may have anti-goose signs ready to go, but they’re content to live with this annoying goose rather than take serious action against them.
But…so far, so good; as it turns out, it’s not only fun to watch a goose be a dick, it’s fun to be that dickish goose.
Known as the Game of the Goose, the classic version simply consisted of numbered squares forming a colorful track contained in the figure of a plump goose.
When the company began marketing its outerwear in Europe, however, it found out that another company went by the name Snow Goose, so it became Canada Goose.
Canada’s University of Waterloo, which is home to a fairly large goose population, uses a digital tracker called Goose Watch to help students avoid their aggressive waddling neighbors.
Last year, Google moved into the historic Spruce Goose airplane hangar in LA.The Spruce Goose was the largest wood plane ever built, and flew only once, in 1947.
Christmas Eve menu: Perigord truffle «carbonara» with smoked egg, pecorino, and savoy cabbage Roast goose with red cabbage cooked in goose fat and mushrooms Cost: $335 per person
At some point during the ride, a goose refused to yield the right of way to Fabio’s face and, well, the goose paid for that mistake with its life.
Before we committed to Untitled Goose Game as a working title (and then eventually as the actual non-title) we were toying with calling it just «Goose«, I think?
Untitled Goose Game: A video game developed by a Melbourne-based studio, which involves a goose bothering the residents of a nice English village, has become an unexpected hit.
Untitled Goose Game: A video game developed by a Melbourne-based studio, which involves a goose bothering the residents of a nice English village, has become an unexpected hit.
» Kimmel, 52, continues, «So I call her ‘Goose,’ and I am just tickled by the idea that there would be a serious goose if there was a silly one.
Democracy doesn’t strangle the golden goose of free enterprise through redistributive taxation; it fattens the goose by releasing the talent, ingenuity and effort of otherwise abused and exploited people.
«You’re the only family I got» Maverick tells Goose, and when *30 year old spoiler alert* Goose dies, it’s way more visceral, violent, and disheartening than you probably remember.
But since Goose is Flerken and not feline, it’s not your typical hairball — it’s the Tesseract, which Goose «ate» in the final act of Captain Marvel to keep it safe.
Loosey goosey When a baby goose got all tangled up in some string, the mother goose did what we all do when we need help — she went to the police.
The law locks up the man or woman,Who steals the goose from off the common,But leaves the greater villain loose,Who steals the common from off the goose.
Residents in Amherst, New York have been on a wild goose chase for more than a month looking for a Canada goose walking around with an arrow through its neck.
The Royal Hotel Goose Down Pillow is filled with 100% goose down, which is much fluffier than less desirable duck down, so you’ll enjoy a luxuriously comfortable night of sleep.
Even though it carries a high price tag, the goose down in the Continental Bedding Premium White Goose Down Pillow gives it a feeling of luxury that justifies its cost.
Yankees Hall of Famer Goose Gossage gave an absolutely scorching interview to ESPN’s Andrew Marchand on the state of baseball today; pardon my spoiler, but Goose isn’t that pleased with it.
While Goose technically isn’t in the comics, his species comes directly from the Marvel source material and Goose is actually a stand-in for Captain Marvel’s cat/Flerken from the comics named Chewie.
Our favorite goose down comforter is the Puredown Goose Down Comforter because it’s incredibly soft and warm with its 600 fill powerThe comforter uses a baffle box stitching design that’s subtle and attractive.
Your goose appears to be charged with hassling unsuspecting humans.
Goose brought unity to everybody in that prison through ramen.
Goose the cat is the secret star of Captain Marvel.
The USDA says goose meat is safe for human consumption.
I hope the student and goose have since made up.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
Right: Trip Kiss and his pet goose, which was killed.
We call that trying not to kill the golden goose.
«He didn’t want anything to do with it,» Goose said.
We just had a premise of, you’ll be a goose.
Anyway, [the parody version is] the goose has a knife.
Goose, Captain Marvel’s cat, factors into one of those scenes.
It gives you goose bumps every time you hear it.
The cool evening air raised goose bumps on his arms.
Surely there was a better fate in store for Goose?
Clearly, this goose doesn’t have time for small talk. Humans.
Anything to make the internet stop the wild goose chase.
Or are you the goose that lays the golden egg?
» A nearby goose honked, and Charlotte said, «Where are you?
Umi. Essentials Luxury Hotel Quality Natural White Goose Feather Pillows
Oh, and Grey Goose costs more than twice as much.
A realistic plaster goose, straight from Glenn Close’s own collection.
Ideally, activity monitors would goose you to avoid being sedentary.
It’s like Canada Goose, nobody cared about that one either.
Television has long been the golden goose of political advertising.
Enjoy this collection of 22 Mother Goose Club hit videos.
Canada Goose could not be immediately be reached for comment.
Yonex orders thousands of goose feathers a year from China.
«The Chinese eat goose, so nothing is wasted,» he said.
«And if he does, Hillary’s goose is cooked,» Root said.
There are goose memes, and viral GIFs, and fan art.
Mother Goose isn’t the only mama bird with a story.
Goose The Guru: Those comments, I’ve never seen them before!
When it comes to footwear, Golden Goose fits that bill.
Done. A swooping wing featuring turkey, duck and goose feathers?
And Soderbergh is the right guy to goose the dismay.
I still get goose bumps when I think of that.
«I get goose bumps telling you all that,» Brown said.
Maybe changing the Champions League is killing the golden goose.
Let’s hope — I have goose pimples just thinking about it.
They gather and squawk, conducting unknown goose business and gossip.
They really don’t care about much outside of goose life.
It’s always the two weirdest people, like Krystal and Goose.
» He added, «I’m getting goose bumps even talking about it.
LOVE INTEREST Only the Spruce Goose, his overweight flying boat.
There was a spiritual connection that gave me goose bumps.
Their job is to clean the dock of goose droppings.
Playful trolling is the sweet spot for Untitled Goose Game.
Some shareholders think he was intentionally trying to goose it.
Playing ‘Untitled Goose Game’ is the new punching a wall
If you haven’t played Untitled Goose Game yet, you should.
What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
Being a goose isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Glenn Daily, age 1003, may have found the golden goose.
THE SERIOUS GOOSE, by Jimmy Kimmel, read by the author.
Finding a kosher goose is nearly impossible and prohibitively expensive.
Thinking about that day now still gives her goose bumps.
«Home grown honkers» was a definitive guide to goose raising.
«Goose bumps all up and down my arm,» he said.
We had bison, bison hearts, venison, goose, turkey, and duck.
L’Oca d’Oro: Chef Fiore Tedesco did stints at Gramercy Tavern and Roberta’s in New York before opening L’Oca d’Oro (or «golden goose,» an homage to his daughter’s nickname, Lucy Goose) in the Mueller neighborhood.
As partygoers sipped on Grey Goose cocktails like Le Grand Fizz, High Five, Le Melon Mule, Grey Goose VX, the Weeknd (né Abel Tesfaye) and Gomez were snuggly — kissing and cuddling in the tented backyard.
By using goose down instead of duck down in the Premium White Goose Down Pillow, you get a softer and fluffier pillow with a high level of comfort that’s tough to match at this price.
Or, after being barraged with Goose Game chatter at work all week, I thought this could have been a portmanteau of quacking scuffle (I guess that makes me goose illiterate, lumping honkers in with ducks).
This Video Game Fulfills Your Fantasy of Being a Horrible Goose: A new Melbourne-made video game, which involves a goose hellbent on mildly annoying villagers of an English village, has become a surprise hit.
» Kimmel used to call his younger daughter a «silly goose,» and then started thinking about the alternative: the serious goose: «I thought, I should look this up to see if anyone has said it before.
Among the topics were bat flips, Goose Gossage, and Bryce Harper.
Who knows what else our goose friend can get up to?
In humans, the same anatomical reflex is responsible for goose bumps.
Still, promoting starting pitchers to goose the box office is irresistible.
So that’s The Seven Cats, and The Cunny of the Goose.
Representatives from Birkenstock, Michael Kors and Canada Goose declined to comment.
Watch Goose navigate one of his first, big Hollywood interviews above.
Vodka A, voted the cheapest, turned out to be Grey Goose.
So you have this golden goose that lays chicken noodle soup.
And the Goose Game jokes just kept getting funnier and funnier.
Mert the domestic goose, has been at the zoo since 1989.
Top Gun was a new primer: I saw myself in Goose.
Goose-pimpling, Sam remembered that Chris had some of her memories.
«You guys had me on a wild goose chase,» she says.
Miles, of course, will play the son of Nick «Goose» Bradshaw.
The «Goose» goes around bragging about what Nielson said to everyone.
And it gives you a goose bump when you see that.
Okay, so technically Goose is neither a pet nor a cat.
Stab Stab Zap is a violent take on duck duck goose.
Umi. Essentials Luxury Hotel Quality Natural White Goose Feather Pillows Umi.
It’s the same producers as Grey Goose but a different batch.
Some of his tips paid off; others were wild goose chases.
Trump brought him the next golden goose on a gilded escalator.
It will certainly goose the ratings, or so it is expected.
Canada Goose created a custom jacket for NBA player Tacko Fall.
Captain Marvel (aka Goose: The Movie) is in theaters March 8. 
I have hunted elk and snow goose in north-central Montana.
Blame it on the Goose, blame it on the juice, etc.
The goose already was back on its feet, a photo showed.
Toronto-based Canada Goose did not respond to requests for comment.
«No shoes in the house, you silly goose,» Mr. Winterhalt said.
TO) C$1.75 billion IPO and Canada Goose Holdings Inc’s (GOOS.
They think that the golden goose could just be slipping away.
Goose down costs more than duck down, but it’s higher quality.
You, laid out on the sofa, your skin all goose bumps.
But Canada Goose is hardly the first brand to experience this.
Goose squawked four times, beat his wings and refused to cooperate.
Replacement of the degenerating joints isn’t an option for a goose.
The goose-step clowning in «The Producers» has a long pedigree.
N) and Canadian luxury apparel company Canada Goose Holdings Ltd (GOOS.
Observation and experimentation form the beating heart of Untitled Goose Game.
Shares of Canada Goose (GOOS) plunged nearly 5% on the news.
And then this goose egg started to emerge on her back.
But private equity is still «not a golden goose,» she said.
«I’ve got goose bumps right now just remembering it,» Ellenbogen said.
Canada Goose said its sell-outs are part of its strategy.
I get goose bumps and a flushed feeling in my chest.
Greed is killing the golden goose of the robust American economy.
Basically, the goose that lays the golden eggs would get cooked.
So No, Goose Is Not A Real Cat Goose is a Flerken, a fictional alien creature that resembles an ordinary house cat in appearance and behavior, with only a few minor (and yet totally major) differences.
During Captain Marvel’s big space fight, when the Kree soldiers rounded up Fury, Maria Rambeau and Goose, their scans of Goose revealed that he was a Flerken and they instantly put a little muzzle on him.
Or at least, that’s the premise of Untitled Goose Game, a video game developed by four friends at a Melbourne-based studio, which involves a goose hellbent on mildly annoying residents of a nice English village.
One of the highlights of House House’s Untitled Goose Game, the «slapstick-stealth-sandbox» game in which you play a terrible goose wreaking havoc in a lovely English village, is the adaptive soundtrack of Debussy’s Preludes.
They Seem… Impossible To Manage Who knew Goose could do so much?!
Well, what&aposs good for the goose is good for the gander.
» Nielson accepts, shrieking to the cameras, «I’m going to be Mrs. Goose!
Its brands include Budweiser, Busch, Bud Light, Stella Artois, and Goose Island.
Untitled Goose Game’s charm extends beyond its looks and into the gameplay.
People give all sorts of reasons not to strangle this golden goose.
I have a brother named Goose and we’re both 9 weeks old.
Still, Match doesn’t seem content to accept Tinder as its golden goose.
Or rather, the catharsis of becoming a chaotic goose, if only virtually.
Parker’s performance as Nat Turner was indeed convincing and goose-bumps-raising.
I connected with Goose because I saw myself in the same league.
Goose sat in the literal back seat and paid the ultimate price.
They had a Mav and an Iceman, a Goose and a Slider.
Plus, you don’t have to deal with that scene where Goose dies.
When they sang it together at the end, I got goose bumps.
«What’s good for the goose is good for the gander,» McConnell said.
» Nielson accepted, shrieking to the cameras, «I’m going to be Mrs. Goose!
These studies will receive the «Golden Goose Award,» the brainchild of Rep.
But residents of the Goose say the slayings haven’t tested their faith.
She remembers when the Goose was a tight-knit, middle-class village.
Of course, Maverick doesn’t have Goose as his wingman this time around.
I get goose bumps, and sigh, and feel close to the earth.
Despite all that, San Francisco seems intent on killing the golden goose.
But being one of those guys — I have goose bumps right now.
Cost: $850Find out more about the Golden Goose Western Young Boot here.
If it’s hard to find goose meat in the States, use duck.
See, some of these specs are easy to goose with lossy interpolation.
Most Americans understand that socialist Utopian dreams usually kill the golden goose.
Butts is a veteran of other big-ticket boards, including Canada Goose.
Canada Goose also operates 11 online stores across North America and Europe.
Donald Trump’s brand may not be quite the golden goose he claims.
It was about an eagle, a goose and a sparrow, Moss says.
Wilt Chamberlain, Marques Haynes, Meadowlark Lemon and Goose Tatum were the others.
It also proved to be the goose that laid the golden egg.
Jagasia was 99 percent certain that this was a wild-goose chase.
She can calmly use a knitting needle to truss a stuffed goose.
I think he is still a phoenix and not a cooked goose.
But Desktop Goose suggests that maybe everybody’s a little too buttoned up.
And were the Nazis kind of doing, like, a … jazz goose step?
One example is Canada Goose, the maker of high-end parka jackets.
His team’s efforts had started to feel like a global goose chase.
They have tried several incarnations of the smoked goose and duck terrine.
The golden goose is only good as long as she lays eggs.
» Canada Goose: «No, because November was actually warmer than it should be.
And she thought Mr. Sanders would treat the golden goose just fine.
Korelitz and Muldoon approved, declaring goose to be, respectively, greasy and dry.
But I do think Canada Goose is a good long-term hold.
What was the original germ of an idea for Untitled Goose Game?
And of course, you can play the Untitled Goose Game on it.
Canada Goose makes jackets on a one to five scale of warmth.
Here’s everything you’ll want to know about Goose ahead of Captain Marvel.
Pokémon Sword Pokémon Shield You’ve probably never dreamed of being a goose.
In this way, Untitled Goose Game is a kind of wish fulfillment.
The waddling, honking, and flapping all seemed properly goose-like to me.
These are all fine avenues for Untitled Goose Game 2 to explore.
Golden Goose and Nordstrom did not immediately return a request for comment.
«I still get goose bumps when I talk about it,» Lindell said.
Goose belongs to Carol Danvers, the human alter-ego of Captain Marvel.
The unity that is felt is amazing and gives me goose bumps.
Cramer recommended buying shares of Canada Goose the day it came public.
WAITITI When I was outside, I was wearing two Canada Goose jackets.
The Late ’90s: The Tesseract Resurfaces (Again, Because Goose Throws It Up) In Captain Marvel In the hilarious Captain Marvel post credits scene, Goose the Flerken reappears in Fury’s office to cough up the Tesseract onto his desk.
Nintendo also revealed that the adorable Animal Crossing-like adventure Mineko’s Night Market will make its console debut on the Switch, though it isn’t launching until early next year, as is the strange goose simulator Untitled Goose Game.
There’s taxidermy, including a Canada goose near the front door whose head sports a crudely wrapped bandage over its eyes: «We wanted our customers to know that the goose saw no evil when they walked in,» Weyel explains.
WILD GOOSE DREAMS A «goose father» — a South Korean man who stays behind after his family moves to America — connects online with a young woman who has defected from North Korea in this new play by Hansol Jung.
Instead of squabbling over the igloo-like conditions thanks to dad’s ideal thermostat temp, keep toasty under this travel-ready down blanket ($42.49, normally $49.99), filled with 75 percent gray goose down and 25 percent gray goose feathers.
The group of four Blissfield High School students had just teed off, when they noticed a goose sitting on an egg nearby and made sure to keep their distance — until another goose appeared out of nowhere ready for battle.
If you had a Goose/flerken, that’s where you’d store your valuables, too.
The Grammy winner’s Grey Goose-sponsored show was canceled last-minute on Aug.
After the play ended, the players escorted the feisty goose off the pitch.
«What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander,» Breyer said.
From there, we see Goose cough up a hairball for about eight seconds.
Goose would like you to think players in his day were more civilized.
Might she be guilty of mugging here and there, to goose another laugh?
This goose was shot in the morning and then plucked, cleaned, and cooked.
We kept trying to think of funny things that a goose could do.
«Buckle up, Goose,» she tells her cat as she takes the driver’s seat.
Goose being a Flerken is a faithful adaptation of the Captain Marvel comics.
«What’s good for the goose is good for the gander,» he said. 3.
«What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander,» Mr. Seidemann said.
«What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander», Justice Breyer quipped.
By contrast, Canada Goose jackets start from about $575 in the United States.
No matter how many times I watched, Goose always died for Maverick’s arrogance.
As fans know, Goose perishes, providing the film much of its dramatic heft.
This has been updated to say Happy Valley-Goose Bay and Mud Lake.
Nothing like this had been seen before and it gave me goose bumps.
Darlene Fairley grew up in the Goose with 21990 cousins she considers siblings.
«Because you didn’t want to play ‘Duck Duck Goose‘ with me,» Fallon said.
THERE are many ways to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
This coat has been compared to the more expensive options from Canada Goose.
It has light goose-down fill that packs down into its own pocket.
Second, Chavez devastated the goose that laid the golden egg, Venezuela’s oil industry.
Not only is it Hawaii’s state bird, it’s also the world’s rarest goose.
You can also hear Zendaya voicing characters in «Duck Duck Goose» and «Smallfoot.»
DOWNEY We were at an assembly hangar where they made the Spruce Goose.
«Look at me, just speaking about him gives me goose-pimples,» she said.
A goose defender might ask why I assume that humans own the path.
They include Canada Goose, Akamai Technologies, Norwegian Cruise Lines, SolarEdge Technolgies and Maximus.
Either it works for the goose and then it works for the gander.
The small bottle of Grey Goose was $60, and the Champagne was $75.
«I still get goose bumps when I tell you about this,» she said.
But it was the more subtle things that gave tennis cognoscenti goose bumps.
Mr Bongo, for all his flaws, knew not to kill the golden goose.
Canada Goose said that so far, its supply chain has not been interrupted.
In the credits, there’s a credit for the voice of the goose, too.
We’re certainly overjoyed to see people claiming the goose as a leftist icon.
From that farmhouse grew an empire of goose down and freeze-dried fettuccine.
Try to find a goose from a small farm or your local butcher.
Moncler is at 650 Madison Avenue; Canada Goose is at 101 Wooster Street.
As far as I can tell, there’s no hard failure in Goose Game.
That what’s good for the goose is definitely not good for the gander.
Or in this case, dust from duck or goose feathers found in bedding.
Somehow, what’s sauce for the agency goose isn’t sauce for the congressional gander.
They emerged with goose bumps on their arms and joy on their faces.
The central conceit of Untitled Goose Game — which costs a mere $27 and is available to download on the Nintendo Switch console as well as on Mac and Windows PC — is extremely simple: Be a goose who is a total trickster.
Whereas I think you could probably look at a goose honking at a wimpy kid and kind of get a gist of it even if you’ve never played Untitled Goose Game before or don’t have any idea what it is.
Roots’ proposed listing follows luxury jacket maker Canada Goose Holdings Inc’s IPO in March.
Canada Goose (GOOS), which also reported slowing growth, saw its stock drop 31%. 3.
The week before Christmas, chefs will make a terrine of game and goose liver.
I also like to think the goose threw him to the ground like this.
He also works as a model, recently working on a campaign for Grey Goose.
Critic’s Notebook Who would win in a fight: a Fox or a golden goose?
He also ordered a gigantic parade, with goose-stepping soldiers and missiles on trucks.
In Chicago, the temperature was a big round goose egg at 20163:30 a.m.
And you’ll be the kind of goose that people seem to be afraid of.
They aren’t just wearing Canada Goose jackets on the slopes or while climbing mountains.
Some of these brands, like Moncler and Canada Goose, have been around for decades.
But, in England, the traditional bird has always been — and still is — the goose.
Goose The Guru» *World Premiere* Trippie Redd — «Gleeming Karnival»Trippie Redd — «Uh Oh, Thots!
It’s in the rolling of the ink onto the goose skin-covered bag stamp.
«[Canada Goose] has tremendous geographical opportunities,» including in Europe and in Asia, he said.
Canada Goose posted CA$399.3 million in revenue, versus CA$361.3 million analysts expected.
The R&B singer’s Grey Goose-sponsored show was canceled last-minute on Aug.
Hungary is second behind the French in output of fattened goose liver, Belorechkov said.
Usually when you get a ‘goose egg’ after a fall, it feels pretty firm.
It now owns some 200 brands including Bombay Sapphire gin and Grey Goose vodka.
Could Kelly have made this whole thing out of carbon fiber and goose down?
But seriously, if you see the hardcore goose waddling around, call your local authorities.
Two weeks ago, congressional Republicans proved they have been on a wild goose chase.
It can’t all be sunshine and close-ups of goose eyes all the time.
The meal isn’t complete with a good Negroni, preferably made with Grey Goose vodka.
It was the largest coat Canada Goose has ever made, a company spokesperson said.
Canada Goose had already posted strong gains for the year prior to Friday’s jump.
Turns out it’s a matter of mistaken identity, and a wild-goose chase ensues.
In the days since it launched, «Untitled Goose Game» has become a viral hit.
Sinclair will join Canada Goose sometime mid-year, replacing John Black, who will retire.
You don’t ask questions, you get your ass back out there like the Goose.
Zendaya played an orphaned duckling named in the 2018 animated movie «Duck, Duck Goose
That way … you’ll have a golden goose that keeps making golden eggs for you.
The top three finishers that year were Bruce Sutter, Jim Rice and Goose Gossage.
These are the infernal wild goose chases a great setter can send us on.
The Wild Goose Lake announces Diao as a major new force in Chinese cinema.
Not only is it Hawaii’s state bird, the nene is the world’s rarest goose.
And in 2016, campus police at Boston University reported several Canada Goose coat thefts.
Mr. Sorino kissed Goose and then tried to pry open his candy corn beak.
Take Goose Creek Memorial High School, in the oil-industry hub of Baytown, Tex.
Gulls, ducks and brants, a type of goose, in Flushing Meadows Park in Queens.
Museums increasingly rely on spectacle to goose their attendance and, presumably, gift shop revenue.
Eureka scored 4, Asia 3, Aquaria 2 and Kameron scored a big goose egg.
Once unzipped, a piece of software launches that unleashes the goose onto your desktop.
«You can have both climate change and a goose from El Niño,» he said.
The intrepid misanthrope gets away with it too, because you can’t arrest a goose.
«We sort of cooked our golden goose,» said James LaForce, a veteran fashion publicist.
Up next AbbVie (ABBV) and Canada Goose (GOOS) report results before US markets open.
Faster than playing Untitled Goose Game once through, assuming medium chaos (~2 hours)  15.
«It started the most wild goose chase I’ve ever been on,» Ms. Radow said.
I think we should make sure that the golden goose keeps laying more eggs.
One looks like a gilded fox chewing a goose in its shiny silver fangs.
He ingests too much news, too, like a goose dementedly stuffing its own liver.
But back at the park office, Mr. Reed tossed a stuffed goose to Quinn.
On Tuesday morning, the so-called Goose Fire was listed as 30 percent contained.
Like the world’s greatest assassin, a goose sees the world differently than regular folks.
» When Ryan Gosling «gets a little bit older, he’ll be known as Ryan Goose.
Yazzie holds a dish of locally grown wild rice pilaf with locally foraged mushrooms, locally grown acorn squash, a salad of locally grown heirloom tomatoes and dandelion greens, and a piece of goose meat from a goose that was shot in the morning.
If the goose can be said to have a mission statement, it is perhaps best characterized as «nyah nyah nyah nyah boo boo»; the stated objective of the game is to complete a checklist of impish tasks set forth for the goose perform.
And in the film’s third act, we see Goose unleash its true nature when Carol asks Fury to hold the Tesseract for safekeeping — Goose takes it upon itself to protect the Tesseract and promptly unleashes a mouthful full of tentacles to «swallow» it.
One of the more quixotic and visually engaging projects is Agnes Meyer-Brandis’s «The Moon Goose Colony,» a documentary on her efforts to train 2913 geese from egg to adulthood to fly to the moon, with herself as their galactic goose-mother.
The chilly night air whisked away Asha’s sweat and raised goose bumps on her arms.
FRANCIS: But what&aposs good for the goose is good for the gander, right, Jon?
They delayed it when a Canadian goose took the field, didn&apost want to leave.
Except this time supermanager Scooter Braun weighed in to give those rumors a little goose.
«What’s good for the goose is good for the gander,» Racine said in an interview.
No more taping over door gaps or over-inflating tires to goose fuel economy figures.
«This year, we agreed to make sure we go goose hunting and golfing,» said Jones.
Grey Goose cocktails will be served, and admission is free if you RSVP on Facebook.
Revenue rose 6% to C$156.2 million during its fiscal fourth quarter, Canada Goose said.
Revenue was below estimates, however, and Canada Goose also gave a weaker-than-expected outlook.
Right: «Not an Ostrich: ‘Floradora goose‘ at 41st annual Poultry Show, Madison Square Garden»; 1930.
Maybe you’re considering buying a Canada Goose jacket, which has a hood lined with coyote.
This happened again and again: Aggressive wild goose chases came to unceremonious, seemingly random ends.
Sometimes, all it takes to unite people is the shrill honking of a chaotic goose.
But the goose is never overly violent or aggressive — it’s too unassuming, and even adorable.
An employee also shared a photo of the aircraft after it landed at Goose Bay.
The Goose Bay Airport in Newfoundland, too, was also in the news in late Sept.
Many people, including Prime Minister Theresa May, will be feasting on a goose this Christmas.
But Instagram must be sure not to suffocate the golden goose with too many ads.
Yeah, there’s no way Marvel is killing off its golden goose just one movie in.
After the IPO Thursday morning, PETA confirmed it bought 230 shares of Canada Goose stock.
Politics operates on the «what’s good for the goose is good for the gander» maxim.
«Well, you know, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander,» he continues.
The Rolly was a «sound entertainment player» the size and shape of a goose egg.
The Highlite weighs in at 16 ounces, half of it 850-plus fill goose down.
All other feathers now come from farmed animals—goose, duck, chicken, turkey, pheasant, and ostrich.
SmartStudy approved nearly every aspect of the show in protection of its golden-goose franchise.
He spent three years touring in «War Horse,» operating the horse’s head and a goose.
I think that he is zealously trying to protect his golden goose, frankly, the president.
This time, another goose has been taken in by the Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center.
Everything in «Untitled Goose Game» — from the art style to the controls — is blessedly accessible.
ET. Canada Goose (GOOS) is among the few companies out with quarterly earnings this morning.
«The thing about Goose — he’s very passionate about the game and loves it,» Girardi said.
«BUILD A WALL & CRIME WILL FALL,» he tweeted, like some kind of fearmongering Mother Goose.
When was the last time Goose Gossage was in the dugout during an actual game?
Under the picture and his name, it listed two nicknames — «Goose, Coonman» — in quotes underneath.
So after I started getting more money, I talked to Goose and made a budget.
The easiest path for companies to goose earnings would be to cut back on investment.
«The feeling of bringing everyone together, the emotions — it gave me goose bumps,» he said.
Not only is it Hawaii’s state bird, the nene, above, is the world’s rarest goose.
Anonymous commenters discussing the Canada Goose thefts have invoked hateful stereotypes about young black men.
Then he starts goose-stepping around the room and gives a heil as he departs.
Several hours after landing at Goose Bay Airport, passengers were just getting off the plane.
Primetime shows often depend on significant DVR and on-demand views to goose their numbers.
BOCE already trades a variety of textile products including cotton, cashmere, goose feathers and eiderdown.
The writing is on the wall: If something doesn’t change soon, our goose is cooked.
Right: James Wallace Black, Boston, as the Eagle and the Wild Goose See It, 22006.
«I would best characterize it as being sent on a wild goose chase,» Smith said.
«I’ve been singing here for seven years, and I still get goose bumps every time.»
VICE Games: Possibly the most important question of all: Who is the goose based on?
The Untitled Goose Game is the latest entry to this pantheon of fun, simple games.
«What’s good for the goose is good for the gander» makes a pretty sensible argument.
The thing that gave you goose bumps and filled the empty chamber in your psyche?
At 7 years old, Max still has a few prime years of goose-chasing left.
In its acquirer’s home country, Helly Hansen competes with hip winter-wear maker Canada Goose.
The past couple of years I’ve roasted a goose or duck with apples and onions.
Untitled Goose Game solidified a universal truth: sometimes, you just want to be an asshole.
But me, I was just happy that I got to be a goose this weekend.
Investors cheered the news this week that China is taking action to goose its economy.
But animal rights activist group PETA also often shows up, protesting outside Canada Goose stores.
How the fuck is this the first time I’ve gotten to be a mischievous goose?
Instead of shaving off a few thousand dollars, it’ll be a big, fat goose egg.
You’d be goose-stepping down Market Street if we didn’t kind of do that one.
One of the guys fatally fumbled a bottle of Grey Goose on the way out.
In addition to the West Front of the Capitol on Friday afternoon, the goose-necked Goose was seen in use on Friday night at National Building Museum, Saturday afternoon at the Central Intelligence Agency, and Sunday in the East Room of the White House.
According to Maverick’s Instagram, Goose, the pup’s brother, is being fostered by one of Dobrev’s friends, who is working to get the dog adopted by someone in their circle, so Goose and Maverick can continue to have play dates for the rest of their lives.
There’s popular shitposting groups on Facebook, where users share simple jokes and crudely edited images, replete with threads that reference Untitled Goose Game; video game culture websites are left to curate the best Untitled Goose Game memes out there among the many, many options.
«It speaks to the strength and differentiation of the (Canada Goose) brand,» said Brian Madden, portfolio manager at Goodreid Investment Counsel in Toronto, who said he is waiting for the first holiday selling season since Canada Goose listed to decide whether to buy the stock.
«Since its creation in 1997, Grey Goose has been produced with the finest French ingredients, using a proprietary recipe and process that was designed by our Cellar Master, Francois Thibault, who tastes every batch to ensure its quality,» Grey Goose told MUNCHIES by email.
VICE Games: Finally, one last question from Austin Walker: You’re on the record stating that the villagers of Untitled Goose Game are Marxists, and that in the game’s version of the U.K., the Conservative Party declined after a goose chased Thatcher out of office.
Image: Epic GamesUntitled Goose Game from House House was the subject of considerable hype prior to its release, for good reason: You’re a cantankerous goose and it’s your job to sneak around and manipulate the environment in order to ruin the non-player characters’ days.
But upstairs in a makeshift kitchen carved from a dressing room, Clem Zajac, head of props, was speed-sliding his potatoes into the oven, peeling his carrots and constructing his roast goose (in actual fact, pieces of roast beef layered over a goose-like base).
That’s what you’re getting in «Untitled Goose Game,» which is coming in 2018 from House House.
When I was a Hypebeast, I entered a whirlpool of Yeezys, Prada, Nike, and Canada Goose.
Taking off on rescue plane back to Newark after almost 19 hours stranded in Goose Bay.
In the longer term, though, these efforts to goose the economy could cost more than anticipated.
Parkey has a lot of support from the team’s hometown, luckily — including local brewery, Goose Island.
You went out and caught us a whole tray of old shuttlecocks and coiled goose shit!
He later posted a photo on Instagram from his concert in Buffalo, with Goose on stage.
High-end parka maker Canada Goose — an important consumer IPO — will be pricing shares next week.
It is roasted until the lamb skin is burnt and crisp and the goose well-done.
«Just being here, it gives me goose bumps just driving through the gate,» Beckham told reporters.
He forces them into a creepy game that essentially boils down to sexual duck-duck-goose.
The young Bulgarian’s flashy game can still give fans goose bumps, but he slumped last year.
There’s fan art of the goose and jokes about what its incessant honking must really mean.
Thank you, House House, for experimenting with how a goose would move and interact with objects.
All these people who say, «I’m scared of geese» — you’ll be that goose, the bad one.
At that point, we thought, We’re starting to grow very fond of our silly Goose Game.
Krystal Nielson and Chris «The Goose» Randone are adding a furry family member into the mix!
Lincoln the Goose (named after the car it loves) is truly fixated on this one automobile.
Canada Goose, for example, has developed its own warmth scale, the Thermal Experience Index, or TEI.
Olympia Tea Room, Gramma’s Gelato Café and The Cooked Goose are among the best local eateries.
Mr Son wants to plump the goose; shareholders can be forgiven for carefully inspecting the nest.
The «goose» gang is determined to take down Colton, who dared take Tia on a date.
Just like that Canada Goose coat, your cold-weather skin-care routine is a worthy investment.
The best part of the trailer by far is the appearance of Carol Danver’s cat, Goose.
Shares in Canada Goose have fallen by more than 20% since news of Ms Meng’s arrest.
The first guy to manage to tear off its head is crowned that year’s Goose King.
Price Range$4.99 (for a plush bath mat) to $529 (for a white goose down comforter).
Eleven adults and six children were struck by flying goose poop at Disneyland on Friday night.
Canada Goose has expanded into China, opening new stores in Hong Kong and Beijing last year.
But in the comics, Captain Marvel’s pet cat/Flerken in disguise is named Chewie, not Goose.
I slow, grinning, but the air is freezing, and my skin is covered in goose bumps.
Bryson’s not named in the lawsuit … ’cause why mess with the goose that’s laying golden Grammys?
There’s some components, and there’s a White House that leads them on a wild goose chase.
As the American expression goes: What is good for the goose, is good for the gander.
I would as soon submit the subject of the equality of a goose to a fox.
Goose coughs up a casual Space Stone and then goes about the rest of the day.
Reports like these leave residents of the Goose afraid to let their kids out after dark.
Starbucks’ golden goose is, perhaps, its fall-slated launch of several Pumpkin Spice flavored grocery products.
Wednesday, October 28, 22016 If you really want to resolve this issue, call Atlantic Goose Management.
Check out Nigel’s review of Simon … on the Billboard Hot 100 Cowell comes up goose eggs!
«Every time you go out there, it’s goose bumps,» Lundqvist said of playing at the Garden.
Kiraly might soon have that story to tell, and the goose bumps to go with it.
He has not set up paramilitary ranks of goose-stepping goons elaborately uniformed in crisp regalia.
«OPEC killed the golden goose,» said Bob Yawger, director of futures at Mizuho in New York.
I’ve got goose bumps all over my body and on my eyeballs just thinking about it.
The fun will culminate in a family dance party with the Jamaican-born musician Father Goose.
I don’t know what it is about «Mother Goose Club,» but it sure captures her attention.
Vice reported that the chain’s vodka is made from the same water source as Grey Goose.
The stitching also helps keep the goose down in place so there are no cold spots.
GE said it has tested engines for a variety of bird sizes, including a Canada goose.
As newsletter companies try to goose their audiences with Facebook ads, the open rate often declines.
Canada Goose is going to give shoppers a whole new way to surround themselves in comfort.
Yesterday, Canada Goose announced it would go public, filing dual IPOs in New York and Toronto.
I don’t want to be in Paris and not have a croissant or goose fat potatoes.
It offers duck and goose hunting in the fall and winter, and excellent birding year-round.
We got two bottles of Grey Goose—worth about $300 in that club—all for free.
» Dylan said he gets goose bumps in the a cappella chorus «Since by man came death.
Just the first string chord note can raise goose bumps, a sudden announcement of huge drama.
Matthews got advice on how to capture the goose using a net gun they loaned him.
Besides Bacardi rum, the company’s brands include Grey Goose vodka, Dewar’s Scotch and Bombay Sapphire gin.
Waiters ferried ornate fruit platters and Grey Goose bottles topped with sparklers to the V.I.P. tables.
But the director Hiro Murai gives the tale a dark folkloric edge that raises goose bumps.
Mr. Corden suggested that a Cardi B/Nicki Minaj-style feud might goose Broadway’s cultural profile.
He arranges himself just so on the goose-down cushions of one of the ivory sofas.
And I can report that people seem to be pretty happy to keep buying Canada Goose.
«Every time I think about it, I get goose bumps and start to sweat,» she said.
She has the varied all-court game and precise, athletic footwork to give purists goose bumps.
» Asked if he was saddened that Gossage could not restrain himself, Dent said, «That’s just Goose.
Some talk of tourism: kayaking, fishing, duck hunting and goose hunting — well, duck hunting at least.
His great-uncle Daddy C, who lived near Goose Creek, saw everything in terms of race.
Filled with all kinds of absurd sub-plots and diversions, it’s Mother Goose meets Luis Buñuel.
So much credit to House House here for building fantastically lifelike goose animations into this game.
One of Meade’s latest projects is an installation at Google’s Spruce Goose offices in Los Angeles.
Untitled Goose Game has achieved an awareness most games dream of, drawing interest from surprising places.
VICE Games: This morning, I asked my three-year-old daughter what sound a goose makes.
«You want to be sure that you don’t kill the goose that lays the golden egg.»
Regulars know that the Grey Goose Honey Deuce is the official cocktail of the U.S. Open.
He’s good, even after God knows how many lines of cocaine and swigs of Grey Goose.
Second: Giuliani sent Trump on a wild goose chase with a bunch of fake internet nonsense.
He pulled out a bottle of Grey Goose from a storage cabinet and filled his cup.
Investors also cheered the news this week that China is taking action to goose its economy.
Others fought back, noting that Golden Goose creates unique, handcrafted shoes that are worth their price.
Earth&aposs magnetic north pole has been leading scientists on something of a wild goose chase.
The «duck duck goose» fries, topped with duck confit, gooseberry gastrique, and mozzarella are a favorite.
He joined fellow bullpen standouts Goose Gossage, Hoyt Wilhelm, Rollie Fingers, Bruce Sutter and Dennis Eckersley.
Regulars know that the Grey Goose Honey Deuce is the official cocktail of the U.S. Open.
This isn’t the first time Golden Goose has come under fire for its faux-vintage offerings.
For Golden Goose, though, the publicity generated by the outrage cycle seems to have paid off.
Canada Goose down jackets may as well have been part of a uniform during Boston winters.
Jaku, like many others, is trying to goose the math to the best of their ability.
«I’ve watched this video 10,000 times, and I still get goose bumps,» Matteau told the students.
The stocks of Canada Goose and Duluth also performed well, rising 26 percent and 14 percent.
The new law allowed immediate expensing of capital expenditures, for example, in order to goose investment.
He’s not the golden goose that his brother is, but John doesn’t have glaring weaknesses, either.
«He was chewing our goose that was at the back end there, he dug out the rabbits in their enclosure,» Kiss told Fox 13, noting that the animal had managed to kill «two rabbits, two ducks, five chickens, a turkey, [and] a goose» before leaving the property.
The rumors that Costco’s Kirkland Signature Vodka and Grey Goose have more in common than you’d think have been floating around for some time, and the alcohol research site Under the Label puts Grey Goose and Kirkland Signature Vodka head to head for a moment of reckoning.
As well as goose-stepping soldiers, the country’s birthday parade featured brightly coloured floats praising economic development.
Named after Anthony Edwards’s Top Gun character, Goose knew exactly how to act on a movie set.
Goose was originally played by Anthony Edwards and died in an accident for which Maverick blamed himself.
The flight made the emergency landing at Goose Bay Airport in Newfoundland, Canada at 219:220 p.m.
«You don’t want to ruffle the feathers of the golden goose,» he said by way of explanation.
Things moved from the streets to an office job because I was the golden goose for them.
These, however, are illustrated with nothing more than small models — the Spruce Goose still in its box.
It is, admittedly, a bit of a wild goose chase and will cost a boatload of cash.
Let’s clear this up right away: No children were hurt in the making of this goose attack.
Is it the same with $26 goose-feather dog beds designed with the fashion photographer Bruce Weber?
As of Tuesday’s market close, Canada Goose shares had climbed about 24% over the past 12 months.
Untitled Goose Game wouldn’t be the first game to work better as a trailer than a game.
Goose, whose full character name is Nick Bradshaw, was played by Anthony Edwards in the 1986 original.
The shelters were also housing about 100 dogs, 40 cats, 23 birds, one goose, and one rabbit.
The May chill raised goose bumps on her bare arms, and he draped his jacket around her.
He stepped closer and ran one gloved hand up my calf, raising goose bumps on my skin.
Teller, 31, will portray the son of Goose, originally played by Anthony Edwards in the 1986 classic.
In the original film, Goose dies in an accident and Maverick (Cruise) blames himself for the death.
Phillips himself has compared it to a goose, a donkey, and a pterodactyl, which is also fair.
In essence, they will claim that what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
Earlier in the film, Goose swallows the Tesseract, apparently to keep it safe from the alien Kree.
This weekend a territorial Canada goose angrily descended upon a high school golfer, Isaac Couling, reports PGA.
Now, when Maverick cries, I see myself more than what I saw in Goose as a child.
Goose was originally played by Anthony Edwards and died in an accident for which Maverick blames himself.
Unless Jaden Smith is holding a sparkler while simultaneously pouring you a shot of Grey Goose, refrain.
BMO Capital Markets and Credit Suisse also initiated coverage of Canada Goose with «outperform» ratings on Monday.
Of the 11 analysts who cover Canada Goose and are tracked by FactSet, eight have «buy» ratings.
Aubrey O’Day, Jonathan Cheban and David Gest didn’t deliver the ratings, so producers needed to goose things.
Instead, he took the RV. He was supposed to lead the Saviors on a wild goose chase.
The previous year’s Goose Watch remains online as an artifact until it refreshes for the next season.
We split the goose and cut it down the breast, so we could remove the whole spine.
They have a melon-seed face like Fan Bing Bing or a goose-egg face like Ivanka.
When he examined Andrew’s marrow this time, using a sample of 200,000 cells, he got goose bumps.
Indeed, this cloud database took seven years to create, according to the consulting company Olive and Goose.
«I get goose bumps remembering that moment,» de la Calle said, recalling the crowds in the streets.
Goose Bay, a small town in eastern Canada, isn’t accustomed to handling enormous jetliners like the A380.
Shares of apparel maker Canada Goose skyrocketed on Friday after the company reported a surprise quarterly profit.
The Hall of Fame pitcher Goose Gossage, a former Yankee, in an expletive-peppered interview with ESPN.
Its broad market share alone makes it a golden goose in the eyes of hackers, Heid said.
«His story gives me goose bumps,» she said, running a hand up the length of her arm.
Most CEO compensation comes in the form of stock, creating powerful incentives to goose the stock price.
The Highland Feather Carmel Hutterite Goose Down Comforter offers well above average stitching, fill power, and comfort.
Highland Feather applies an anti-microbial treatment to the goose down fill to prevent problems with allergens.
A Canadian goose and a Ring-billed Gull received IV fluids after both displayed serious overdose symptoms.
Here’s the deal with «Untitled Goose Game,» available for $20 on the Nintendo Switch, PC, and Mac:
The goal was simply stated as «Get on TV» The issue, of course, is you’re a goose.
It’s just too bad they didn’t do more to shield this golden goose from China’s poison arrows.
A wooden goose sits on the window sill, the green trees outside sway gently in the breath.
The going rate for those two bottles—one Johnnie Walker Black and one Grey Goose—is $500.
The Royal Hotel Goose Down Pillow is so feathery-soft, you’ll dream you’re sleeping in the clouds.ProsCons
Goose down tends to retain heat better than duck down, too, which is nice for cold nights.
Mr. Hall said the band was as green as goose droppings, though he used more colorful language.
And NENEs, the official goose of The New York Times Crossword, are featured in our crossword aviary.
Coyote fur is used to trim garments like the popular Canada Goose line of parkas and jackets.
«We’ve got about 10 governments on record as saying they will never pursue these things,» Goose said.
The Vikings played duck-duck-goose, the Eagles mimed baseball, and JuJu Smith-Schuster locked his bicycle.
Sunday’s final clash was a masterpiece of tension and release, goose bumps and heartbreak, grandiosity and intimacy.
The Globetrotters had several stars, among them Meadowlark Lemon, Marques Haynes, Goose Tatum and, briefly, Wilt Chamberlain.
Canada Goose, for example, which had been up more than 20 percent this year, sank 16.6 percent.
Opie was an expert on Mother Goose, the prolific and unknown author of children’s rhymes and stories.
I got goose bumps and my heart sank when it panned to India, [which has] criminalized homosexuality.

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