Sentences with word glass

Glass is a non-crystalline amorphous solid that is often transparent and has widespread practical, technological, and decorative usage in, for example, window panes, tableware, and optoelectronics. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Nobby’s chose amber glass for its purity and ability to keep the product fresh.


Planning to serve as a Thanksgiving appetizer in cordial glasses with crostini topped with homemade ricotta (with fried sage leaves mixed in).


With its glass bowl and thirteen color options, the KitchenAid Artisan Design Series with Glass Bowl is perhaps the most attractive KitchenAid model.


John Horan, founder of Sporting Goods Intelligence, puts it this way: «Think of it like a glass of beer.


The banker realized that not only were the financial statements strong, but that the product was largely insulated from economic stress such as recessions and depressions because even if you lost your house, your job, and were waiting in a breadline, if you came across a nickel, you might spend it on a glass of Coca-Cola; an affordable luxury that provided momentary pleasure.


Method: Add all ingredients into a blender, in the above order Pour water into the blender until about 1/4 of the way full Blend until smooth Pour into a glass and enjoy


We roast a whole organic chicken a couple of times every month and usually have it with a green salad, crusty baguette and a glass of wine.


A gigantic bowl of pasta bolognese with a glass of lambrusco would be it for me.


Erratum: Fabrication and in vitro characterization of bioactive glass composite scaffolds for bone regeneration (Biofabrication (2013) 5 (045005)-RRB-.


Its building also had to create appropriate new spaces within a historic setting — like the Flemish Parliament it has put glass roofs on interior courtyards, but in this case its chamber was created at a mezzanine level.


You may consider avoiding plastic altogether by using glass bottles and buying wooden and cloth toys.


It’s a way to think about the CO2 going into the ocean from the atmosphere, going from the atmosphere back up into the ocean; so I start Dave off at the beginning of the book in a molecule of alcohol, in a glass of beer, that’s where Dave is starting off.


Or again, I Peter 1:3-4:11 probably had its original setting in a baptismal service, but in the New Testament document before us the baptismal message is interpreted for those who have already been baptized and for those responsible for their care.3 Without this continuing interpretation and reinterpretation, the text of the Gospel would be brief, old, dead, and under glass protecting it from the soiling hands of tourists.


Visitors to this small city on the southern coast of Ireland often arrive by the bus load, stopping at the futuristic black glass and chrome headquarters of Waterford Crystal and leaving as soon as the tour is done.


Was too full for dessert but had just enough room for a glass of vino.


Later vessels were fashioned out of wood, animal horns, ceramic, and eventually silver, pewter, and glass.


Set a glass bowl over a pot of gently boiling water (double broiler).


Particularly when a man is off in his cave, she can enjoy the time alone to go shopping, work in the garden, go to a class at the gym, or simply languish in the simple pleasure of soaking in a hot bath with a glass of wine.


Or will it work with an aluminum cake pan or any cake pan or a glass dish?


Put 1 cup of very hot water in a glass measuring cup or small bowl in warming drawer.


«There is no glass ceiling in Rockland County government.»


Those of us who grew up when Margaret Thatcher was already in Downing Street can sometimes fail to appreciate the thickness of the glass ceiling she broke through…… from a grocer’s shop in Grantham to the highest office in the land.


Their godly embittered moralisms are but self-centered and self-censored upon redundant principles that are remorsefully archaic in round-about cultured replicants being those old fuddy duddies who fumble ever for their next glass worth of wine!


«Churchill ate breakfast in bed along with a glass of champagne.


Perrier (in the glass bottles) is my go-to bubbly water of choice, but I also like Hint and La Croix when I want something with flavor.


Every woman has different experience and needs during pregnancy, so its nothing to worry about if you require more or less glass of water.


We found a brand that comes in a glass bottle and tastes great.


The experience is also unique and enjoyable; customers used to having beer on draft delight in having a glass of wine poured in the same manner.


instructions: • heat waffle iron • in a glass bowl, whisk the eggs.


Bretz sparked the rally with a three-point play on which she stepped inside a defender, hung in the air and banked her shot off the glass.


jacks playing style is what is known as «glass man iniesta» 5 years on the doctors table.


I’m not going to sit here and tell you not to have a cocktail or glass of wine — I could never give that up, especially at family meals (lol!)


Attaches directly to the glass using suction cups, ensuring a close fit that really does block light properly.


Drew Gordon caught a pass of the glass from Scott Machado and threw it down over Jeremy Lin for the sick finish.


I am definitely gonna try this tomorrow, in fact I am gonna soak those gorgeous ingredients right now… and I might consider this faith since I just bought my very first glass of bee pollen down town 30 min ago, Yay!


The business of making and selling dichroic glass jewelry has many steps.


As glass is not a good conductor of heat.


Pour the pineapple coconut water into the prepared glasses, and finish with an extra squeeze of lime if you like.


Other options in glass and/or BPA free plastic baby bottles: Nuby non-toxic, BPA free bottle Medela Born Free Evenflo Classic Glass Bottles Dr. Brown Glass Baby Bottles Adiri Natural Nursers


butter into pieces and combine in a glass measuring cup with 2 cups half-and-half.


It has a long handle and loop handle made of riveted stainless steel and comes with a glass cover that has a stainless steel rim and loop handle.


They then transplanted progenitors of the inner ear cells into the inner ear of embryonic normal and Connexin 30 knockout mice using glass tubes with optimized tip sizes.


If you’re at home, get a glass of wine.


The push for self-driving cars or augmented reality glasses can be a more compelling story than, say, a smaller iPad.


Transfer the cheese to a clean glass bowl and cover with a lid or cling film.


Even the boyfriend loved them and said they taste just like brownies — he requested a glass a milk the next time I hand him one, haha.


Directions: In a large glass, add ice, chocolate milk, coffee, and Bailey’s.


They are AWESOME with a glass of red wine!!!


Some more bulk to battle down low on defense and a continued focus on the glass would benefit his game.


I’ll be grabbing a glass of rouge and reading your fabulous post tomorrow — can’t wait!


стекло, стакан, зеркало, стеклить, стеклянный


- стекло

- стеклянная посуда

glass and china — стеклянная и фарфоровая посуда

- склянка

medicine glass — мензурка

- стакан (тж. как мера ёмкости)

cracked glass — треснувший /лопнувший/ стакан
to drink a glass of water — выпить стакан воды
to finish off a glass — допить стакан

- рюмка, бокал (тж. wine glass)

a glass of Rhenish wine — бокал рейнского
to empty a glass — осушить рюмку /бокал/
to raise one’s glass to — поднимать бокал /пить/ за (чьё-л. здоровье и т. п.)
please fill my glass — налейте мне, пожалуйста

ещё 13 вариантов


- помещать в парник, в оранжерею

to glass peaches — помещать персиковые деревья в оранжерею

- вставлять стёкла; остеклять; покрывать стеклом
- делать гладким, зеркальным
- смотреться в зеркало; помещать (какой-л. предмет) перед зеркалом
- refl отражаться

to glass oneself — отражаться (как в зеркале)
the mountains glass themselves in the lake — горы отражаются в озере

- герметически закрывать в стеклянной посуде (консервы и т. п.)


Мои примеры


a small glass of soda — стаканчик газировки  
a large glass of water — большой стакан воды  
a big glass of soda — большой стакан газировки  
to blow glass — выдувать стекло  
a defective pane of glass — повреждённое оконное стекло  
to draw glass — вытягивать стекло  
glass engraving — гравирование на стекле  
to etch glass — травить стекло  
artificial eye, glass eye — глазной протез  
figured glass — узорчатое стекло  
glass founder — стеклодув  
to blow / make glass — выдувать стекло  

Примеры с переводом

Mind the broken glass.

Осторожно, битое стекло!

I poured him a glass of water.

Я налил ему стакан воды.

He heard the smash of glass.

Он услышал, как разбилось стекло.

She collected old glass.

Она коллекционировала старинные изделия из стекла.

The glass cracked.

Стекло треснуло.

Fill the glass with ice.

Наполните бокал /стакан/ льдом.

I need a new pair of glasses.

Мне нужны новые очки.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Juice sloshed over the rim of her glass.

Can you see your reflection in the glass?

He swirled the brandy around in his glass.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

glass in — вставлять стекла, остеклять, покрывать стеклом

Возможные однокоренные слова

glassful  — стакан
glassy  — стеклянный, стекловидный, гладкий, зеркальный, прозрачный, безжизненный, тусклый
glassed  — в стеклянной таре, отполированный, застекленный
glassify  — застеклить, покрыть стеклом, застыть, остекленеть, стать похожим на стекло
glassing  — лощение, , остекление, остеклять

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): glass
мн. ч.(plural): glasses

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Depending on the thickness of paint applied on the glass enameled glass can be obtained with different optical properties.

В зависимости от толщины слоя нанесенной на стекло краски можно получить эмалированное стекло с различными оптическими свойствами.

Use glass or stainless steel where possible.

Используйте посуду из стекла, чугуна или нержавеющей стали, где это возможно.

The company offers bronze mirrors, energy-saving glass, glass with multifunctional soft coating, patterned and colored glass.

Компания предлагает бронзовые зеркала, энергосберегающие стекла, стекло с многофункциональным мягким покрытием, узорчатое и цветное стекло.

Wire glass isn’t necessarily considered a security glass, but it’s a fire-resistant glass.

Провод стекло не обязательно считается стакан безопасности, но это огнестойкие стекла.

Toughened glass is a type of safety glass which is prepared to increase the strength of normal glass.

Закаленное стекло — это тип безопасного стекла, которое подготовлено для увеличения прочности обычного стекла.

Thermometer tubing and art glass are also made from lead-alkali glass, commonly called lead glass.

Термометры и художественное стекло также изготавливаются из свинцово-щелочного стекла, обычно называемого свинцовым стеклом.

Manufacturing of tempered glass, patterned glass, automotive glass, mirror and double glazing units began, enabling product diversification.

Начато производство закаленного стекла, узорчатого стекла, автомобильного стекла, зеркал и двойных стеклопакетов, что позволило провести диверсификацию продукции.

It is a special glass that is processed and pressed into a semi-liquid glass during the glass production process.

Это специальное стекло, которое обрабатывается и прессуется в полужидкое стекло во время процесса производства стекла.

Studio glass or glass sculpture is the modern use of glass as an artistic medium to produce sculptures or two-dimensional artworks.

Студийное стекло — это современное использование стекла в качестве художественного средства для создания скульптур или трехмерных произведений искусства.

Optical scanners that can identify transparency separate glass, and an x-ray machine separates plain glass from glass with lead.

Оптические сканеры, которые могут идентифицировать прозрачность, отделяют стекло, а рентгеновский аппарат отделяет простое стекло от стекла со свинцом.

Both shared a common assessment-namely, that using laminated tempered glass or heat-strengthened glass is the most viable solution to making balcony and other types of overhead glass safer.

Оба разделяют общую оценку, а именно, что использование многослойного закаленного стекла или термоупрочненного стекла является наиболее жизнеспособным решением для повышения безопасности балконных и других типов накладных стекол.

Laminate glass is formed by two layers of glass fused together with a layer of plastic in the center, producing a stronger glass.

Ламинированное стекло состоит из двух слоев стекла, слитых вместе со слоем пластика в центре, создавая более прочное стекло.

No matter how many times it is recycled, the permanent nature of glass means that its quality never diminishes — glass remains glass.

Неважно, сколько раз оно подвергается вторичной переработке, перманентная природа стекла означает, что его качество не снижается — стекло остаётся стеклом.

Tempered glass, also known as safety glass or toughened glass, is anything up to six times the strength of normal plate glass.

Закаленное стекло, также известное как безопасное стекло или ударопрочное стекло, где-то в шесть раз прочнее нормального листового стекла.

Otherwise known as toughened glass, tempered glass is a type of safety glass that is much stronger than regular glass.

Иначе известный как закаленное стекло, закаленное стекло Тип защитного стекла, которое намного сильнее, чем обычные стекла.

The ice cracked glass is a kind of laminated glass which is generally composed of three sheets of glass adhsived by PVB film.

Стекло с ледяным трещин — это разновидность многослойного стекла, которое обычно состоит из трех листов стекла, поглощенных пленкой ПВБ.

The deep processing glass is the main raw material of plate glass, and its development is gradually arisen with the development of China’s flat glass industry.

Глубокое технологическое стекло является основным сырьем из пластинчатого стекла, и его развитие постепенно возникает благодаря развитию индустрии листового стекла в Китае.

Glass sorting is the final step whereby leaded glass is separated from non-leaded glass.

Сортировка стекла является заключительным этапом, на котором свинцовое стекло отделяется от неэтилированного стекла.

The salts of erbium are relevant for melting colored glass and glass with large coefficient of absorption of thermal radiation.

Соли эрбия актуальны для выплавки цветного стекла и стекла с большим коэффициентом поглощения теплового излучения.

A visitor will have an opportunity to see a dialogue between sculptures of glass and laconic landscapes on glass at the exhibition.

На выставке посетители смогли увидеть диалог между скульптурами из стекла и лаконичными пейзажами на стекле.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат glass

Результатов: 62650. Точных совпадений: 62650. Затраченное время: 101 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


noun существительное

множественное число (plural):














  1. стекло

    tempered glass
    закаленное стекло

    laminated safety glass
    многослойное безопасное стекло

    stained glass window
    цветное стекло

    look in the glass
    посмотреть в зеркало

  2. стакан

    glass of orange juice
    стакан апельсинового сока

    glass of brandy
    рюмка коньяка

    glass of red wine
    бокал вина

    plastic glass
    пластиковый стаканчик

  3. бинокль

  4. стеклотара

  5. остекление

    glass area
    площадь остекления

  6. стекловолокно

  7. стекляшка

adjective прилагательное





  1. стеклянный

    sliding glass door
    раздвижная стеклянная дверь

    glass coffee table
    стеклянный журнальный столик

    glass perfume bottle
    стеклянный флакон

    large glass dome
    большой стеклянный купол

    glass industry
    стекольная промышленность

participle причастие

  1. остекленный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений glass на 1 миллион слов: 52.

Примеры предложений

This glass is empty.
Этот стакан пустой.

Tom filled his glass and then filled one for Mary.
Том наполнил свой бокал, а затем бокал для Мэри.

Do you want a glass of water?
Хотите стакан воды?

Is the water in the glass clean?
В стакане чистая вода?

Could I have another glass of beer?
Можно мне ещё один стакан пива?

I’d like a glass of beer.
Я бы хотел стакан пива.

Bring me a glass of water, please.
Принесите мне, пожалуйста, стакан воды.

Don’t put the glass near the edge of the table.
Не ставь стакан близко к краю стола.

I found the glass empty.
Я обнаружил, что стакан пуст.

Can you give me another glass of water?
Можно ещё один стакан воды?

Come on, Joe. Just a glass of beer won’t hurt.
Да ладно тебе, Джо! Подумаешь, всего одна кружка пива.

The glass is full of water.
Стакан наполнен водой.

The glass was broken to pieces.
Стекло было разбито вдребезги.

Fill the glass to the brim.
Наполни бокал до краёв.

Just dissolve the tablet in a glass of water and drink.
Просто растворите таблетку в стакане воды и выпейте.

Another glass of beer, please.
Ещё стакан пива, пожалуйста.

Bring me that glass of milk.
Принеси мне тот стакан молока.

Whose glass is that?
Чей это стакан?

Aluminium and glass are important materials in civil construction, even though not as important as steel and wood, for instance.
Алюминий и стекло — это важные материалы в строительстве, хотя не такие важные, как сталь и дерево, например.

A glass of water, please.
Стакан воды, пожалуйста!

Tom ordered a glass of wine.
Том заказал бокал вина.

Tom’s glass is empty.
Стакан Тома пуст.

I wouldn’t take a glass of water in the desert from you.
От тебя я бы не принял даже стакана воды в пустыне.

He filled the glass with wine.
Он наполнил бокал вином.

There’s shattered glass everywhere.
Повсюду битое стекло.

Tom brought Mary a glass of water.
Том принёс Мэри стакан воды.

Would you like another glass of wine?
Не хотите ли ещё бокал вина?

Tom poured Mary a glass of water.
Том налил Мэри стакан воды.

The glass got broken.
Стакан разбился.

Do you want me to bring you a glass of water?
Хочешь, я принесу тебе стакан воды?

Examples of how to use the word “glass” in a sentence. How to connect “glass” with other words to make correct English sentences.

glass (n): a hard, transparent material, used to make windows, bottles, and other objects

Use “glass” in a sentence

Don’t put boiling water in the glass or it will crack.
There is a crack in the glass.
Please give me a glass of water.
He broke the glass
I’d like a glass of wine.

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April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Glauber’s salt readily forms supersaturated solutions, in which crystallization takes place suddenly when a crystal of the salt is thrown in; the same effect is obtained by exposure to the air or by touching the solution with a glass rod.

If the vertical tube, measuring from the point where the branch comes in, is a few inches greater than the height of the barometer, and the glass and mercury are perfectly clean, the apparatus slowly but surely produces an almost absolute vacuum.

Guadalajara is surrounded by a fertile agricultural district and is an important commercial town, but the city is chiefly distinguished as the centre of the iron, steel and glass industries of Mexico.

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Calvet, physician, who in 1810 left his collections to the town, is rich in inscriptions, bronzes, glass and other antiquities, and in sculptures and paintings.

On one side stood a long, low, shelf-like table covered with cracked glass cases, filled with dusty rarities gathered from this wide world’s remotest nooks.

Roosevelt’s brother, the president’s father, Theodore Roosevelt (1831-1878), was a glass importer, prominent in city charities, an organizer of the Union League Club, and the founder of the Orthopaedic Hospital.

Among the industrial establishments of the city are stove and range factories, flour mills, rolling mills, distilleries, breweries, shoe factories, copper refining works, nail and tack factories, glass works and agricultural implement factories.

A bottle here, said Anatole, taking a glass from the table he went up to Pierre.

He should keep his bowels regular, or even loose, taking every morning a dose of sulphate of soda in a glass of hot water.

Tanning, dyeing, flour-milling, brandy-distilling and the manufacture of glass are among the industries.

  • Use the word GLASS in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Kristallnacht, they called it. The Night of Broken glass.

Want me to get the magnifying glass?

Around the same time, the Bisson Brothers employed 25 porters to haul their equipment up the face of Mont Blanc, processing fragile, glass plate negatives in a dark room tent thousands of feet above sea level.

Its skyscrapers and steel and glass and marble and it glitters and it’s dynamic. But big as it is, and dynamic as it is, people are rubbing up against each other all the time. And they know each other’s space.

This is unbreakable glass, of course.

I think the guest of honour deserves a glass of champagne.

How did Baena die? Was it a glass of milk like your mother?

I can see that it’s glass.

Well, I never would have charged Mrs. Caldwell $8,000 for a piece of glass.

And now we’ve had experience where people who have taken LSD have gone in through plate-glass windows.

We have people who were inside, with LSD coming out through plate-glass windows.

«Fetch…a glass of water!»

Mephisto turns the hour glass upside down… and thus reverses the course of time.

They came in through a window, and broke the glass. …

The thief broke the glass and entered …

«Take the bird’s glass with you.»

«When the hour-glass has run out… » «… you go free, the Pact canceled! Sign!»

Bring me a glass of the same stuff.

I would walk over broken glass in my bare feet… for just one of her kisses.»

Why in New York, you can get a glass of beer that high for a nickel.

Well, anyway… next morning the sun was shining the ocean was as smooth as glass. And right up the starboard was the coast of China.

Don’t wave important clues in telephone boxes. They’ve got glass doors.

You know, uh, detectives in glass houses shouldn’t wave clues.

Bring the toothbrush glass when you come.

I’ll never play with you, not even over a glass of water.

One glass, he don’t go to your head, I promise.

The master refreshes himself with a glass of lemonade.

Won’t you like a glass of port wine beforehand, Mr. S├®rigny?

Would you get me a glass of water?

I’m going out and get a glass of bromo suss… bromo suss…

Roy dear, will you please get me a glass of punch?

We’d keep that in the parlor under glass.

And there’s something in the same book… about people who live in glass bottles, er… houses.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I raise my glass!

I raise my glass in the hope that I’ll soon raise it again on such a landmark… such an occasion.

may I offer you this glass of Champagne?

Did you have a glass in your hand?

We go out now. and drink maybe one glass of beer.

Fine. Then have a glass of milk.

Oh, come on. Have a glass of milk.

Let’s eat. A closet, and it’s got glass in it too.

He went into the kitchen for a glass of water… the lights went out and… my husband vanished.

Do you happen to have a looking glass?

As discussed in our documentary supplement, upcoming is a «glass shot».

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