Sentences with word garbage

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Now like other garbage, your old electronic device become e-waste.

Теперь, как и другой мусор, ваше старое электронное устройство превращается в электронные отходы.

And unfortunately some of them are just fraud articles, means garbage.

И, к сожалению, некоторые из них — просто статьи о мошенничестве, что означает мусор.

Cockroaches that eat garbage spread diseases by contact.

Тараканы, которые питаются отбросами, тоже распространяют заболевания контактным способом.

We know how to collect garbage, everyone can do.

Мы знаем, как собирать мусор, — это может делать каждый.

The estimate provides for cleaning of premises and garbage removal.

Сметой предусматриваются средства на оплату услуг по уборке территорий и удалению мусора.

People living on mounds of garbage, using plastic bags as toilets.

Людей, которые живут на кучах мусора, и используют пластиковые пакеты в качестве туалета.

The only problem was he knew next to nothing about garbage hauling.

Единственная проблема была в том, что он ничего не знал о перевозке мусора.

Sorry, thought it was garbage.

Извини, я подумал, что это мусор.

I actually have to deal with garbage quite frequently.

Я, на самом деле, довольно часто имею дело с мусором.

Leslie, you promised we could throw garbage everywhere.

Лесли, ты обещала, что мы сможем везде разбросать мусор.

Everything I touch turns to garbage.

Все, чего я касаюсь, превращается в мусор.

I mean, you treat me like garbage every single day.

Я хочу сказать, ты обращаешься со мной как с мусором каждый божий день.

Everything I touch turns to garbage.

Все, к чему я прикасался, превращалось в мусор.

Perhaps us survivors can only live like garbage.

Наверное, только мы, выжившие, можем жить как мусор.

This was before all that garbage happened.

Это было до всего этого мусора, который произошел.

The wind of history will dispel this garbage.

Но я совершенно уверен, что ветер истории развеет весь этот мусор.

She found a garbage dump instead.

Вместо этого он нашел там мешок с мусором.

Waste management jobs mainly deal with commercial and residential garbage collection and their disposal.

Вакансии управления отходами, главным образом, сделки с коммерческой и жилой сбора мусора и их утилизации.

Some say she was burning papers from the garbage for cooking.

Некоторые, однако, утверждают, что она сжигала бумагу из мусора, чтобы разжечь огонь для приготовления пищи.

I want my garbage picked up on time.

Потому что я хочу, чтобы у меня мусор был вывезен вовремя.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат garbage

Результатов: 9607. Точных совпадений: 9607. Затраченное время: 103 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

мусор, отбросы, чушь, барахло, чтиво, кухонные отбросы, макулатура, гниющий мусор


- мусор, отбросы (особ. кухонные)
- (всякая) дрянь

the garbage that occasionally passes for art — мазня, которую иногда принимают за искусство

- барахло, хлам (о товаре)
- макулатура, чтиво (тж. literary garbage)
- ерунда, брехня, враки; очковтирательство
- внутренности, потроха, требуха
- амер. сл. жратва
- зелень (для украшения блюда), «петрушка-сельдерюшка»
- проф. жарг. космический мусор (отработавшие ступени ракет, вышедшие из эксплуатации спутники)
- неверная или бесполезная информация (особ. выданная компьютером)


- уст. питаться отбросами
- потрошить

Мои примеры


the disagreeable odor of the garbage — неприятный / противный запаха мусора  
the nauseating smell of rotting garbage — тошнотворный запах гниющего мусора  
garbage / trash dump — мусорная свалка  
to collect / pick up the garbage — собирать мусор  
to dispose of garbage — избавляться от мусора  
to dump garbage — сваливать мусор  
offensive odour of garbage — отвратительный запах отбросов  
garbage collector — уборщик мусора, мусорщик  
compacting garbage collection — чистка памяти с уплотнением  
to collect [pick up] the garbage — собирать мусор  
household garbage — хозяйственный мусор  
garbage furnace — печь для сжигания мусора; мусоросжигательная печь  

Примеры с переводом

You’re talking garbage.

Вы говорите ерунду.

Please take out the garbage.

Пожалуйста, вынеси мусор.

Throw the can in the garbage.

Выбрось банку в мусор.

The movie was utter garbage.

Фильм был полным отстоем.

The garbage flushed down the river

Мусор стекал в реку.

Put the coffee grounds in the garbage.

Вылей кофейную гущу в мусорное ведро.

The fee pays for garbage pickup.

Этот сбор(денежный) платят за вывоз мусора.

ещё 19 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

As the smell of garbage drifted through the air, she wrinkled her nose in disgust.

If you ask me, what he said is a bunch of garbage.

…a bothersome habit of dropping trash on the floor right next to the garbage can…

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Garbage, trash, rubbish, or refuse is waste material that is discarded by humans, usually due to a perceived lack of utility. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Scientists continue attempting to pass off garbage paleo-climatology as accurate, and they continue to make absurd claims about the effects of warming today when it is clear there has been no warming for 18 years.


I had a female friend in college who got picked up on when we were at a bar by a guy who was of Sicilian ancestry and whose family was in the garbage business.


1 point from 2 games top 6 teams (who are both garbage versions of themselves), and lost both CL matches.


What was I doing letting these people make me feel like garbage?


«The concept works fine for chicken bones, yard debris and classic organic garbage


These skilled workers are also responsible for taking out the garbage, cleaning bathrooms, for washing windows or mirrors.


He wants to persuade Time-Warner to offer a-la-carte cable services and he wants to privatize the pickup of garbage and yard waste.


«Systemic problems can result from a dog eating food garbage,» says Hoeft, «It depends on the type of mold, but it can negatively impact a dog’s organs.»


They’re not exactly criminal «pyramid» schemes, but you really need to be one hell of a sales person to successfully sell the overpriced garbage products these companies invariably sell and convince a bunch of other people to sell them for you too.


You are right that one typo does not land your resume in the garbage.


This might sound silly, but Mitch and I buy products like plastic baggies, dog treats, and garbage bags in bulk, and our bills are a lower as a result.


That would be like saying YouTube is garbage just because it’s full of amateur videos that nobody wants to see.


When I do finally deal with it, most gets shredded or thrown in the garbage!


The can is intended to be used for sorting garbage and recyclables, and looks more space friendly than having bins lined up along the kitchen wall.


Of course I know what is an auction, and this morning, when the air was still cool and we garbage soldiers sat upon the metal floor of the highway truck as it drove under the tall span of the golden bridge, the smell of the ocean behind us, I held the newspaper tight in my lap so no wind would touch it and that is when I saw the short notice of Seized Property for Sale, a three-bedroom home.


The best out there, the one that cleans the most not leaving any garbage behind.


The colours are more sub fusc here: including jaundiced greens and yellows in works like Murky Water I (2015), used to depict garbage floating on the surface of the canals.


While this garbage employee is making headlines, this is certainly not the first time an employee has caused a New Mexico personal injury or New Mexico accident.


Presented in the same story reel state with temp track recordings, music, sound effects, and far more animated touches, these include an alternate opening, Featherstone playing a hybrid of board games, an alternate version of Gnomeo and Juliet’s date, a more mellow Featherstone’s introduction, and other abandoned concepts like a «CSI» spoof, assorted international weather vanes of little help to Gnomeo, a penguin garbage can, and Juliet’s wedding ruse.


That brochure usually ends up at the bottom of your purse and eventually in the garbage (unread) anyways right?


The real message here is that the folks who produced this official pseudoscientific garbage need to be stopped.


But several years ago, when the New York City school system decided to purchase brown rice instead of enriched white rice, thousands of dollars of school lunch money literally went into the garbage.


Lemon is also a great deodorizer for cleansing your drain or garbage disposal.


Finally, it could be the absolute low-end, outdated garbage which some of the sellers (including Samsung) still sells to their customer base in developing nations like India, Pakistan, etc..


You know, really safe things, like glass coffee tables, fireplaces, toilets, and garbage cans.


NEW YORK, New York, March 22, 2001 (ENS)- The most infamous landfill in the United States is closing today after 50 years of accepting a growing amount of New York City’s garbage.


In Ottawa, plastic and glass recyclables go into a «blue bin», and are picked up once every two weeks as part of the regular household garbage collection.


, I admit they fully support the Nintendo handhelds, but I can’t ever remember a game by them on the home console front, I wish they’d change that, Atlus make good games, Nintendo need some good games becauseoutside of their own library of games, everything else is mostly garbage.


«You can’t possibly not feel as a citizen of the world that [the president’s] negotiations with North Korea are much more significant than this totally garbage investigation,» he said, calling the process «an outrageous miscarriage of justice.»


Lined up against the wall were a dozen garbage cans with speakers emitting military marching sounds.


Having scrutinized all available resources on the matter and thinking it through over many restless nights, I’ve come to the only reasonable conclusion: Baby Luigi is a human pile of garbage.


I wore my Latex pencil skirt to the club one night, and this GG came up to me and said, what a great idea, making a skirt out of «garbage bags», I laughed &…


It was in 1962, following the collapse of the industry, that the Centralia fire erupted at a garbage dump landfill.


If you’re looking for ways reduce food waste in your own home, you might look to Stephanie Izard, who shared her tips for reusing the parts of vegetables that usually get thrown in the garbage.


Without a doubt, this is the number one excuse women give for not lifting weight, and it is total and complete garbage.


It is a complete failure as a film but if you can gather a few of your friends together, it can be very enjoyable just to do a MST3K beat-down on this absolute garbage of a flick.


It is in what I call the trash-can school of theology, whose exponents endlessly remind us that Jesus was killed like a common crook on a garbage dump outside Jerusalem.


In a recent post, Rusch referred to the current state for some authors as «the garbage pit found at the end of the gold rush.»


No fancy videos, no games, no cartoons and no added garbage you don’t care about.


8 way run has a running complaint thread with almost 1500 replies however most critics seem to give this sad garbage I unfortunately paid full price for a 7 or better.


Specially the worse game of my life Horizon zero Dawn which was absoulte headech and garbage!


A fitness band’s companion app is also very important because it can mean the difference between getting fit or throwing your new band in the garbage.


In addition, dogs that get into garbage are much more likely to develop pancreatitis, so be sure to keep your trash out of your dog’s reach!


I wish these people were out picking up garbage, helping the homeless.


PLZ have consideration for statistical relevancy before posting this garbage.


It’s churned out garbage since Kotor II.


I’ve been needing to clean my garbage disposal too.


Don’t blame your neighbour for the stink coming out of your garbage can.


The lease agreement for my rental home clearly says that the landlord is responsible for paying for garbage services.


«Speaking about my work and connecting my work to the garbage news is to say the worst thing that anyone can do to myself.


Sentences with the word Garbage?



  • «burn garbage«; «The car burns only Diesel oil»
  • «The truck dumped the garbage in the street»
  • «The garbage flushed down the river»
  • «she tossed the moldy bread into the garbage«
  • «in Britain a garbage truck is called a dustcart»
  • «The burglar jimmied the lock»; «Raccoons managed to pry the lid off the garbage pail»
  • «odorous jasmine flowers»; «odorous garbage«; «fresh odorous bread»
  • «they dropped their garbage overboard»
  • «garbage pickup is on Mondays and Thursdays»
  • «She scavenged the garbage cans for food»
  • «prices have gone sky-high»; «garbage was piled sky-high»; «the men were flung sky-high by the explosion»
  • «uncollected garbage in the streets»

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word garbage, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use garbage in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «garbage».

Garbage in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word garbage in a sentence.

  1. In areas populated by humans, it also feeds at garbage dumps.

  2. That day, the city closed all 11 of its municipal garbage incinerators.

  3. Fledging success was higher for those using human garbage as a food source.

  4. Special procedures were developed for the stowage of consumables and garbage.

  5. It oversees basic services such as water supply, sewage, and garbage collection.

  6. By 1897, the island was home to two garbage plants and four animal-processing plants.

  7. Passive objects, such as garbage or asteroids, can damage or destroy the player’s craft.

  8. The city shut off garbage incinerators, requiring massive hauling of garbage to landfills.

  9. As on the previous evening, fires were started in garbage cans throughout the neighborhood.

  10. The early stages begin on Earth, with the player fighting through an Iridion garbage tunnel.

  11. Workers at the horse processing factories were paid more than those at the garbage incinerator.

  12. New York City’s other two boroughs, Queens and Staten Island, had their own garbage disposal sites.

  13. Garbage cans, garbage, bottles, rocks, and bricks were hurled at the building, breaking the windows.

  14. The layer of soil later eroded, and by the 2010s, garbage could be seen on the coast during low tide.

  15. Hanes responded with a letter informing Shuttlesworth that his petition had been thrown in the garbage.

  16. The mob lit garbage on fire and stuffed it through the broken windows as the police grabbed a fire hose.

  17. McCay signed Rarebit Fiend strips as «Silas», a name he borrowed from a neighborhood garbage cart driver.

  18. Bear-proof garbage cans, which do not allow bears to access their contents, help to deter them from human sites.

  19. Though Jack Manahan was wealthy, they lived in squalor with large numbers of dogs and cats, and piles of garbage.

  20. In the 1950s, Moses expanded the former island, by then a peninsula, to the west using garbage covered by topsoil.

  21. Air cannons were used to fire 200 garbage bin-sized bags of popcorn into the air to create the raining popcorn effect.

  22. In Eurasian areas with dense human activity, many wolf populations are forced to subsist largely on livestock and garbage.

  23. Each Class B camp had a lean-to shelter for camping, potable water, picnic tables, a fireplace, garbage can, and a latrine.

  24. There they act as garbage collectors, antigen presenting cells, or ferocious killers, depending on the signals they receive.

  25. Doorstep collection of garbage and segregation of biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste have been implemented since 2003.

  26. There was not a lot of marketing and promotion, but they knew I had the credibility so you don’t just throw it in the garbage ..

  27. It was controversial for scenes in which Jackson rubs his crotch, vandalizes cars, and throws a garbage can through a storefront.

  28. Johnson would often help his father on the garbage route, and he was teased by neighborhood children who called him «Garbage Man».

  29. The wolf is mainly a carnivore and feeds on large wild hooved mammals as well as smaller animals, livestock, carrion, and garbage.

  30. These campgrounds were free for the public to use and all had potable water, picnic tables, a fireplace, garbage can, and a latrine.

  31. As a result, redshirt sophomore Mark Sanchez made his first start for the Trojans; previously he had only played during garbage time.

  32. Shorter wheelbase vehicles (usually specialized trucks such as garbage trucks and water trucks) have trouble complying with Formula B.

  33. At the time, garbage cans were commonly called «ash cans» because they were used to hold soot and ash from wood and coal heating systems.

  34. Wenger’s body was chopped up and drained of blood; it was found in a garbage skip (dumpster) in Myrtle Alley in the Polk Street district.

  35. A garbage incinerator, which became the subject of numerous complaints because of its odor, operated on the island from the 1890s to 1921.

  36. Two years later he escaped from Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary with several accomplices by crashing a garbage truck through the main gate.

  37. Barren Island soon became known for its use as a garbage dump, receiving waste and animal carcasses from Brooklyn, Manhattan, and the Bronx.

  38. In 1957, while helping his father with a side-job, Hendrix found a ukulele amongst the garbage they were removing from an older woman’s home.

  39. Winnipeg contracts out several services to private companies, including garbage and recycling collection and street plowing and snow removal.

  40. In some regions of Bangladesh and India, golden jackals subsist by scavenging on carrion and garbage, and will cache extra food by burying it.

  41. The storm felled 16 trees in Zihuatanejo; sewers were congested with garbage, leading to street flooding in multiple places throughout the city.

  42. These departments provide municipal functions such as garbage disposal, water supply, tax collection, license allotments, and civic infrastructure.

  43. This behaviour, first described by Konrad Lorenz and given the German term zirkeln, is also used to create and widen holes in plastic garbage bags.

  44. In Downtown Halifax, erosion-control boulders the size of garbage cans were hurled from Halifax Harbour onto boardwalks and parking lots and piers.

  45. Curbside pickup of household garbage is provided by a variety of local haulers licensed by the city; recyclables are picked up once every two weeks.

  46. In the municipality of Nogales, more than 300 tonnes of mud, stones, and garbage were removed from roads in order to make them passable for vehicles.

  47. Prey in North America continue to occupy suitable habitats with low human density, the wolves eating livestock and garbage only in dire circumstances.

  48. Throughout most of the history of New York City, and New Amsterdam before it, the East River has been the receptacle for the city’s garbage and sewage.

  49. Dumont created an effect similar to that of an echo chamber by placing a microphone inside a metal garbage can with the can’s open end facing a drum kit.

  50. In the centre of the Pacific gyre there is a permanent floating accumulation of mostly plastic waste and there is a similar garbage patch in the Atlantic.

Synonyms for garbage

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word garbage has the following synonyms: drivel, refuse, food waste and scraps.

General information about «garbage» example sentences

The example sentences for the word garbage that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «garbage» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «garbage».

  • Dictionary
  • G
  • Garbage
  • Sentences
  • …a garbage bag.
  • Literary garbage
  • Throw the can in the garbage.
  • Please take out the garbage.
  • There’s nothing but garbage on TV tonight.
  • I’ll have an Old Fashioned, but without the garbage.
  • If you ask me, what he said is a bunch of garbage.
  • Raccoons were going through the garbage.
  • That program was not properly debugged and produced nothing but garbage.
  • The park was littered with garbage.
  • Melbourne garbage collectors are threatening to ban rubbish collections from.
  • In American English, the words garbage and trash are most commonly used to refer to waste material that is thrown away. …the smell of rotting garbage… She threw the bottle into the trash. In British English, rubbish is the usual word. Garbage and trash are sometimes used in British English, but only informally and metaphorically. I don’t have to listen to this garbage… The book was trash.

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Examples of how to use the word “garbage” in a sentence. How to connect “garbage” with other words to make correct English sentences.

garbage (n): waste material or unwanted things that you throw away

Use “garbage” in a sentence

Please empty the garbage more often.
It’s your turn to take out the garbage.
This movie is pure garbage.
He violently kicked the garbage can.

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All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«They pick up household garbage on Mondays.«
(household, kitchen)

«Please take that rotting garbage outside.«

«Your lies are complete garbage.«
(complete, total, pure, utter, absolute)

Used with verbs:

«Take out the garbage before you go to bed.«
(take out)

«Garbage will not be collected on holidays.«
(collected, removed)

«People keep throwing their garbage in my yard.«
(throwing, dumping, leaving)

«Make sure you dispose of the garbage before you leave.«
(dispose of, throw out, throw away)

«She helped pick up garbage along the beach.«
(pick up)

Used with nouns:

«Someone left a pile of garbage in here.«
(pile, bag)

«Put that in the garbage can.«
(can, bag, heap)

«The garbage truck is so noisy.«

«Garbage collection is on Monday.«

«We’re taking a load to the garbage dump tomorrow.«

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