Sentences with word fuss

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Usual everyday fuss will fade away, and you will plunge into the atmosphere of space adventures.

Обычная будничная суета останется позади, вы окунетесь в атмосферу космического приключения.

But making a big public fuss and public embarrassment might be exactly what the administration may be trying to prevent.

Но большая общественная суета и публичного позора может быть именно то, что администрации, возможно, пытается предотвратить.

All the fuss by the Ambassador and Scott and headquarters was foolish because Janet’s threat was only a bluff.

Весь этот шум посла, Скотта и штаб-квартиры был глупой затеей, так как угроза Жанет была блефом.

That is why all the agreements with NATO were signed without much fuss.

Поэтому все соглашения с НАТО были подписаны без особого шума.

I don’t get the fuss about this song.

Мне непонятна шумиха вокруг этой песни.

Consequently, if they do not again make a fuss about Brexit, the pound will remain in the area of 1.2950.

Следовательно, если вновь не устроят шумиху вокруг Brexit’а, фунт останется в районе 1,2950.

However, this style is now used less and less, as it causes fuss, distracts other exhibitors and experts.

Однако этот стиль сейчас используется все реже, поскольку вызывает суету, отвлекает других экспонентов и экспертов.

In fact, too careful care of orchids and a lot of fuss around this plant can simply kill her.

На самом деле, слишком тщательный уход за орхидеями и много суеты вокруг этого растения может попросту её убить.

In the fuss and natural concern to introduce a new dog to the family, she may be receiving less attention.

В суете и естественный интерес ввести новую собаку в семью, она может получать меньше внимания.

One should not be distracted by external fuss: own interests are above all.

Не следует отвлекаться на внешнюю суету: собственные интересы превыше всего.

However, experienced freelancers should be able to walk you through all those steps without too much fuss.

Однако опытные фрилансеры должны уметь ходить вас через все шаги без лишней шумихи.

They do not like excessive fuss, struggle for primacy and fierce competition.

Они не любят излишней суеты, борьбы за первенство и жесткой конкуренции.

Say what you want about people in this city, they are extraordinary at solving practical problems with minimal fuss.

Что бы вы ни говорили о людях в этом городе, они неординарны в решении практических задач с минимальной суетой.

If my goals are clear, I can achieve them without fuss.

Если мои цели ясны, я могу достичь их без суеты.

So for many women cooking is a hobby, because they get pleasure from it and are distracted from life’s problems and fuss.

Так что для многих женщин кулинария является хобби, ведь они получают от этого удовольствие и отвлекаются от жизненных проблем и суеты.

I’d highly recommend raising as much public fuss as you can — call the local news stations and so on.

Я очень рекомендую поднять столько общественная суета, как вы можете — позвонить в местные новости станции и так далее.

Whisky does not tolerate fuss, he likes respectable confidence.

Виски не терпит суеты, он любит респектабельную уверенность.

Safety of your own home lets you think through and apply different possible tactical steps in quiet atmosphere with no fuss.

Безопасность вашего собственного дома позволяет продумывать и применять различные возможные тактические действия в спокойной обстановке без суеты.

He’s even able to catch a chicken with a minimum of fuss.

Он даже в состоянии поймать цыпленка с минимумом суеты.

In the pre-holiday fuss is always useful to seeThis film is about our life with the good old actors.

В предпраздничной суете всегда полезно посмотреть этот фильм про нашу жизнь со старыми добрыми актерами.

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суетиться, ссориться, суматоха, суета из-за пустяков


- волноваться по пустякам, суетиться (тж. fuss about)

she is always fussing — она вечно суетится
stop fussing about: the train will arrive on time — перестань нервничать: поезд придёт по расписанию

- (over, with) чрезмерно заботиться (о ком-л.), носиться (с кем-л.)

don’t fuss over the children so much — нельзя так трястись над детьми
the old lady fusses over her dog as if it were a child — старушка носится со своей собакой, как с ребёнком
she fusses with her hair — она вечно возится со своими волосами

- приставать с пустяками, надоедать; беспокоить

don’t fuss me — не приставай ко мне, не действуй мне на нервы
she does fuss the children about so! — она постоянно дёргает детей!

- амер. ссориться, объясняться
- амер. сл. ухаживать за девушкой
- обыкн. pass обращать внимание

not to be fussed about smth. — не придавать значения чему-л., относиться равнодушно
would you like tea or coffee? — I’m not fussed
to have one’s feathers fussed — дать себя раздразнить; взбудоражиться, разволноваться


- нервное, возбуждённое состояние

to get into a fuss about smth. — разволноваться /разнервничаться/ по какому-л. поводу
in a state of fuss — в состоянии волнения /возбуждения/

- суета, суматоха; волнение по пустякам

to make a fuss — а) устраивать переполох /шум/; б) волноваться, суетиться
to make a fuss of smb. — суетливо опекать кого-л.
don’t make so much fuss of the children! — не носись ты так со своими детьми!
to make a fuss of smth. — поднимать шум вокруг чего-л.; привлекать к чему-л. внимание
to kick up a fuss — поднять суматоху
what a fuss about nothing! — сколько шуму из ничего!

- суетливый, суматошный человек; человек, волнующийся по пустякам

Мои примеры


make a fuss about something — раздраженно жаловаться; волноваться попусту; суетиться  
make a fuss about — раздраженно жаловаться; волноваться попусту; суетиться  
fuss and fume — суетиться и волноваться  
a lot of fuss and trouble — волокита  
fuss about — волноваться из-за пустяков; суетиться из-за пустяков; колготиться  
fuss-ass — суетливый, нервный человек  
fuss up — слишком разукрашивать; перегружать деталями; наряжаться  
get into a fuss about — разнервничаться по какому-л. поводу; разволноваться по какому-л. поводу  
get into a fuss — разнервничаться; разволноваться  
kick up a fuss — доставлять беспокойство; доставлять неприятности; поднимать скандал  

Примеры с переводом

I don’t know what all the fuss is about!

Я не знаю, из-за чего вся эта суета!

Stop fussing and get to work!

Прекратите ссориться и принимайтесь за дело!

I am a fuss, and I don’t deny it.

Я действительно очень сильно взволнован, и не отрицаю этого.

All that fuss over a few pounds?

И весь этот шум из-за нескольких фунтов?

She must be very nervous, she fusses about all the time.

Она, должно быть, очень нервная: всё время о чём-нибудь волнуется.

He made a big fuss over his favorite niece.

Он создал большой ажиотаж вокруг своей обожаемой племянницы.

Don’t fuss up for the party, it’s very informal.

Не особенно наряжайся на вечеринку: она очень неформальная.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The baby fussed all day.

Her new novel has caused quite a fuss.

The movie was good, but I didn’t think it was worth all the fuss.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

Возможные однокоренные слова

fusion  — слияние, сплав, объединение, плавка, расплавление, расплавленная масса
fussiness  — суетливость, нервозность, аляповатость
fusing  — плавка, плавление, сращение, слияние, пережог

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: fuss
he/she/it: fusses
ing ф. (present participle): fussing
2-я ф. (past tense): fussed
3-я ф. (past participle): fussed

fuss — перевод на русский


You’re making a lot of fuss for a commissioner of public works.

Ќе слишком ли много суеты дл€ управл€ющего коммунальными услугами?

— What a lot of fuss!

— Сколько суеты!

There’s too much fuss in Paris.

В Париже так много суеты.

Forward, with no fussing!

Ну, без суеты — вперёд!

-I want no trouble with Etti. No fuss.

Я не хочу проблем с Эффи и никакой суеты!

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Please stop fussing around and sit down and talk to me.

Пожалуйста, перестань суетиться и сядь, поговори со мной.

— Stop making such a fuss.

— Не надо так суетиться.

Jo, please, stop fussing.

Джо, пожалуйста, прекрати суетиться.

Now stop fussing and get into it.

Перестаньте суетиться и надевайте.

It’s far too late to make a fuss now!

Сейчас уже поздно суетиться!

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Too bad about the fuss it’s kicking up in the papers.

Плохо, конечно, что газеты подняли такой шум.

You’ve raised a hell of a fuss, you know?

Из-за тебя поднялся такой шум, Можешь себе представить?

Sorry, colleague, I heard the fuss and decided to drop by.

Простите, коллега, услышал шум, решил зайти.

I do not like to fuss.

— Не хочется поднимать шум.

You know, it’s just that you always used to… I mean, Torias always used to tell Nilani that she was panicking about things making a big fuss about nothing.

Знаешь, просто ты всегда… в смысле, Ториас всегда говорил Нилани, что она паникует, разводит шум ни о чем.

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I hate all that fuss.

Ненавижу всю эту шумиху.

You make the smallest fuss, we’ll stop your subsidy forever.

А если ты хотя бы попытаешься поднять какую-нибудь шумиху мы прекратим финансирование группы, навсегда.

Judging from your personality, it was clear that you would make a fuss if you get a small share of money.

По тебе было видно, что ты поднимешь шумиху если получишь мало денег.

I know he is but the newspaper made such a fuss, the major wants us to jerk him off, just to say we did.

«наю, но газетчики такую шумиху подн€ли, что майор приказал нам подрочить ему дл€ отчЄтности.

I don’t understand why they have to make a fuss.

Не понимаю, зачем поднимать шумиху.

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Will you stop fussing and put that veil on, please?

Кончайте суматоху и подайте мне накидку!

You might not get arrested for it,but you sure will make some kind of a fuss.

Мы не можем арестовать вас, но вы наверняка устроите суматоху.

Jane hates fuss so much she forbade me to write and thank him for his great service to us.

Джейн настолько не любит суматоху, что запретила мне написать мистеру Диксону, чтобы поблагодарить его за это благодеяние.

No. We have a congestion charge that caused a little bit of fuss.

У нас есть сбор за въезд автотранспорта, который вызывает небольшую суматоху.

I am sorry. I made a big fuss.

Прости, что затеял такую суматоху.

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-Then, why kicking up a fuss?

-Так зачем поднимать шум?

Let’s not make a fuss, Doctor.

Не надо поднимать шум, Доктор.

Let’s not make a fuss.

Давай не будем поднимать шум.

Well, I think the city will be less apt to kick up a fuss.

В этом случае город вряд ли станет поднимать шум.

Trust me… .. don’t go making a fuss.

Поверь мне… не стоит поднимать шум.

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— Nothing to make a fuss about.

— Не о чем беспокоиться.

We don’twanta fuss overthis.

Мы не хотим беспокоиться об этом.

Don’t make a fuss.

Можешь не беспокоиться.

Oh, there was no need for this fuss.

О, не стоило беспокоиться.

I’m so glad you took it to heart when I said not to make a fuss.

Мне так приятно, что ты принял все близко к сердцу, хоть я и просила не беспокоиться.

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All right, don’t make a fuss, it’s over now.

Ладно, не волнуйся, все кончилось.

All I need to do is deliver the bag, so don’t make a fuss.

Все, что я должен — это передать сумку, не волнуйся.

Look, don’t fuss, John.

Джон, не волнуйся.

Don’t fuss about it.

Не волнуйся ты так.

Go and drink beer and talk cricket with your cricket bores and stop fussing.

Иди, выпей пива, поговори о крикете со своими занудными партнерами и не волнуйся.

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Oh, that’s what all the fuss is about?

И из-за этого весь сыр-бор?

Honestly, I don’t get what the fuss is about.

Если честно, я вообще не понимаю, из-за чего весь сыр-бор?

What’s all the fuss about?

Из-за чего весь сыр-бор?

But after all the carving and obsessing and searching, I’m pretty damn curious to see what all the fuss is about.

Но после всех этих писаний, мучений и поисков, мне чертовски интересно из-за чего весь сыр-бор.

Anyway, I just wanted to see what the fuss was about.

Я всё равно просто хотела посмотреть, из-за чего весь сыр-бор.

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He made a big fuss.

Он устроил скандал.

— We don’t want any fuss or scandal.

— Ведь нам не нужен скандал и слухи.

I hate to have any sort of a fuss.

Мне не хотелось устраивать скандал.

The trial is going to be a big fuss.

Это будет настоящий скандал на процессе.

Do you she’ll make a terrible fuss?

— Не боишься, что она устроит скандал?

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Отправить комментарий

This approach can be seen throughout the venue, making it a laid back and comfortable option, which is ideal for Manchester singles looking for a good night out without any pretention or fuss.


Not being much of a computer type, I just couldn’t see what all the fuss was about.


Designed to cover great distances with the minimum of fuss, the Coupé is a sublime choice for a transcontinental trip, its effortless power provided by the Phantom’s 6.75-litre V12, producing a phenomenal 453 bhp and 720 Nm of torque.


To have fun with someone without any fuss.


Most dogs will eat it without a fuss and it really does help carsickness in dogs.


The first Valentine’s Day Jason and I were together, he made a big fuss over the day.


A coat for your dog can provide extra protection and insulation whilst they explore the outdoors and most dogs love the fuss of getting dressed in the winter time.


Sometimes you just have to see what all the fuss is about for yourself, you know?


DS # 2, who has never been a milk drinker, drank it w/o any fuss!


Even though he’s still recovering from his bullet wound, he’d prefer to skip the fuss around his return, or his part in helping cops nab the shooter.


When you’ve done everything you think should help, it’s time to figure out what’s causing all the fuss.


While the difference is too small to really make a fuss about, it also means that Ashcroft’s polls now show a slightly smaller swing in Con held marginals than nationally — in line with what we’d expect given the normal incumbency effect.


The staff gladly accommodated both vegetarians and vegans with no fuss.


Passengers will appreciate its smooth ride — the Auris makes less fuss when passing over bumps and potholes than most of its rivals.


So far, he sleeps better, falls asleep without fuss, all because melatonin doesn’t drug you, it just calms you.


The goal of an aggregator (Draft2Digital, for instance) is to make your book available to retailers with as little fuss and stress as possible.


Ankeny renters insurance is something that you can get with little fuss or hassle.


Companies targeting the education sector need to deliver services and resources to help time-pressured teachers to ensure that their products are designed and aimed at helping schools deliver outstanding teaching and learning to their students with the minimum of fuss and hassle.


Have fond memories of the original Dark Souls… or just looking for an ideal starting point to see what the fuss is all about?


Style Doctors takes all the fuss out of figuring out how to create a New Mom Wardrobe.


Despite the fuss over superfoods, you may be surprised to learn that most healing foods can already be found in your kitchen.


It gives you just over two weeks to see what the fuss is with some of these games, but if you want to keep playing them beyond the date of removal, there’s a 20 % discount on their usual purchase price to take advantage of until then.


There’s nothing objectively wrong with Manchester by the Sea, but it’s likely to be the film that mainstream audiences will wonder what all the fuss is about.


The Newpad NP711 is capable of playing back 720P videos without any fuss and has excellent audio and video codec base built into it.


It’s a no fuss, no nonsense feature that will time your breathing and let you get back on your feet after a really hard exercise.


When you don’t have to worry about how to get from point A to point B safely, comfortably, and without a fuss, you will be able to relax and really enjoy your vacation, while making priceless memories with your littlest travel companions.


Your deep digging continues to demonstrate not only just how deep a hole Wegman et al dug, in their turn, for themselves in the production of their «report», it nicely summarises just how spurious the whole fuss about M&M was from the start.


Many moms who can use these methods can eventually get their baby to take a bottle without a fuss.


Whilst working through the game you’ll take down standard enemies with minimal fuss, however, when a boss battle came along they would absolutely pummel me.


Easy Pumpkin Hand Puffs are the perfect dessert when you are craving pumpkin pie but don’t want all the fuss.


Plus, I can have it ready in less than 30 minutes, with minimal fuss, which is a huge help on busy, blustery days.


My money is on her saying «yes» given that the Liberals aren’t around to kick up a fuss.


«I suspect that when Facebook looked at what happened in 2016… they went if we make a big deal of this this might be optically not the best thing to make a big fuss about,» he said.


Now head on down and see what all the fuss is about.


I hate the idea of having to fuss to eat 6 times a day.


This splendid Life makes a monumental fuss of him…»


Come by and see what the fuss is all about!


Just in case you’ve been hearing all the buzz regarding Disney Infinity but still don’t have an idea of what all the fuss is about, I’m here to report that it is a thing.


An Unruly Guides Approved HOW TO Kindle Solutions PRIMER PRIMER for the Self-Publishing Author, without the fuss.


I am not sure what all the fuss is about; a fair number of nursery rhymes ought to come with parental guidance warnings.


The news of the game being reliant on motion controls, however, caused somewhat of a fuss amongst fans at the time, who weren’t convinced by the unconventional control method.


I struggled with the seat position for way too long, and Weston began to fuss.


The handset is therefore incredibly quick and takes on high-performance app with no fuss whatsoever.


Take a break from all this E3 fuss, and watch the video after the jump where late night host Conan O’Brien takes on Mario in Super Smash Bros..


Taxi, bus or regular shuttle services can get you to where you want to go with little fuss and not much expense.


What I love is, Italians keep their food simple, without any fuss or complex ingredients, always using fresh ingredients and as a result their food is always delicious.


Do not make a fuss about this Arsenal fans, Just hope that the Spanish champions keep thinking the way they do and that they do not look into Arsenal and what we have been doing over the last two years in too much detail.


Remember all the fuss about John Stevens and Bill Newton Dunn defecting FROM the Tories?


Compared to Halloran’s casual freedom or Mukherjee’s fuss and muss, Kessel’s abstraction may seem more like an older Modernism, and I was grateful for it.


The Gili Islands provide the ideal escape from the fuss of other mainland destinations.


Synonym: bother, fret, worry. Antonym: calm, compose, quiet, soothe. Similar words: pussy, defuse, infuse, refuse, Russian, discuss, confuse, rousseau. Meaning: [fʌs]  n. 1. an excited state of agitation 2. an angry disturbance 3. a quarrel about petty points 4. a rapid active commotion. v. 1. worry unnecessarily or excessively 2. care for like a mother. 

Random good picture Not show

1. What a fuss about nothing!

2. All this fuss is totally unnecessary.

3. I don’t know what all the fuss is about.

4. They’re making a big fuss.

5. It was all a fuss about nothing.

6. He does what he’s told without any fuss.

7. All that fuss over a few pounds!

8. We’d like a quiet wedding without any fuss.

9. You’re making too much fuss about it.

10. Stop all this fuss and get on with your work.

11. He accused me of making a great fuss about trivialities.

12. She made such a fuss when Richard spilt a drop of wine on her blouse!

13. All this fuss is because Carol is having a bad hair day.

14. She kicked up an awful fuss when she heard about it.

15. No fuss was made in my day if a new writer took from an old one whatever material he found congenial.

16. Those customers who have kicked up a fuss have received refunds.

17. The old lady soon got into a fuss.

18. Stop all this fuss and do your homework.

19. Don’t fuss me while I’m driving.

20. They made a great fuss of the new baby.

21. Stop making such a fuss!

22. Don’t fuss up for the party[],it’s very informal.

23. I can’t understand what all the fuss is about.

24. Don’t fuss with your hair!

25. Don’t get into a fuss about nothing.

25. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

26. It was achieved with minimum fuss and maximum efficiency.

27. Now then, what’s all this fuss about?

28. There is no need to make such a big fuss over it.

29. James said he’d better be getting back or there’d be a fuss .

30. It’s a very ordinary movie-I don’t know what all the fuss is about .

More similar words: pussy, defuse, infuse, refuse, Russian, discuss, confuse, rousseau, focussed, confused, nonplussed, infusion, effusive, transfuse, concussion, discussion, obfuscate. 


noun существительное

















  1. суета

    unnecessary fuss
    ненужная суета

  2. шумиха

  3. шум

  4. лишняя суета

  5. ссора

  6. возбужденное состояние

  7. кутерьма

Примеры предложений

Stop making a fuss over nothing.
Прекрати создавать суету на пустом месте.

What a fuss about nothing!
Столько шума на пустом месте!

What’s all this fuss about?
О чём весь сыр-бор?

You’re making a big fuss about nothing.
Ты делаешь из мухи слона.

What’s all the fuss about?
Из-за чего весь шум?

She made a fuss for no good reason.
Она закатила скандал на ровном месте.

Don’t make a fuss.
Не делайте из мухи слона.

I don’t fuss over money.
Я не зацикливаюсь на деньгах.

Stop making such a fuss!
Прекрати эту суету!


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word fuss, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use fuss in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «fuss».

Fuss in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word fuss in a sentence.

  1. She remarked, «There was all this fuss about who I was and wasn’t dating.

  2. Washington quietly expressed his displeasure with the fuss and rarely consulted Adams.

  3. No fuss, no distractions.» Reviewers found that the simple gameplay encouraged variable session length.

  4. Many argued that it was a scourge on cricket and must be stamped out, while some did not see what all the fuss was about.

  5. A sometimes irascible man, he was reportedly embarrassed by any fuss surrounding his celebrity and was known to exclaim «Mush!

  6. Arthur later stated that, «I meant to make as big a fuss as I possibly could with the object of getting the position corrected ..

  7. While the humans fuss over the occurrence, Lad sneaks off and spends four days buried in marsh mud to draw out the snake’s poison.

  8. Yeats and George had often discussed his death, and his express wish was that he be buried quickly in France with a minimum of fuss.

  9. In the body of the Autobiography, Wideman writes, Haley’s authorial agency is seemingly absent: «Haley does so much with so little fuss ..

  10. On 10 August 1956: «It is perfectly well known that the fuss about ‘de-segregation’ in the United States has been started by Jews.» Instead, America needed «race pride».

  11. Jackson was dismissive of claims that the Army was under-equipped, recalling his conversation with a soldier: «There’s a bit of a fuss going on about boots and bog rolls and whatnot.

  12. She expressed astonishment at the fuss her absence had caused, adding that her friendship with Profumo and his wife was entirely innocent and that she had many friends in important positions.

Synonyms for fuss

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word fuss has the following synonyms: bicker, bickering, spat, tiff, squabble, pettifoggery, bustle, hustle, flurry, ado, stir, dither, pother, tizzy, flap, trouble, bother, hassle, mother, overprotect, niggle and fret.

General information about «fuss» example sentences

The example sentences for the word fuss that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «fuss» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «fuss».

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Brown loves fuss wherever he goes, so then tap rebuild.


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Браун любит суетиться, куда он идет, так что затем нажмите перестраивать.


All this fuss about a few tubes of paint.

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Весь этот шум из-за тюбиков с краской.

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Who more… True fuss with her! Plant, water, weed, collect.

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Кто больше… Правда возни с ней! Сажать, поливать, полоть, собирать.

Why run somewhere and fuss?

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It ain’t right, this fuss over one sheeny.

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Это глупая ошибка, весь этот шум вокруг жиденка.

I don’t want to make a fuss.

The answer is simple- no fuss!


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And our Hooters Girls will help you to get away from the work fuss.


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А наши Hooters Girls помогут тебе отвлечься от рабочей суматохи.


Perhaps they don’t want a fuss.

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They’re often embarrassed there’s been such a fuss!

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И часто смущаются, что вызвали такой ажиотаж!

It isn’t clear

why an interview with a writer has caused such a fuss.

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Неясно, почему интервью писателя вызвало такой ажиотаж.

Kurt Fuss sang sophisticated ballads about women and love.

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Курт Фусс пел изысканные баллады о женщинах и любви.

City fuss always attracted a lot of attention and demanded special attention.


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Городская суета всегда привлекала много внимания и требовала к себе особого внимания.


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I never heard such a lot of fuss about nothing.

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Так много шума из ничего.

But would it not be more preferable to leave out the fuss and turn to the classical tradition?

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Но не лучше ли оставить суету и довериться традиционной классике?

I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about.

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Я только хотела бы знать, что вся суета была об этом.

I don’t want to make a fuss.

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Я не хотела создавать суету.

There is so much fuss these days about tablets and the‘Post PC Era.


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Существует так много шума в эти дни о таблетках и« Post PC эры.


The fuss about the cargo ship Arctic Sea has

not calmed down yet.

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По-прежнему не стихает шумиха вокруг сухогруза» Арктик Си».

Does not make a fuss, but is very faithful.

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Не создает шума, но очень верна.

Well, I do want to make a fuss.

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Что же, я хочу создать суету.

Now I can see what all the fuss has been about.

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Теперь я вижу из-за чего вся это суета.

Just be more stable, what the fuss.

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Просто быть стабильнее, чем суета.

Does more work, makes less fuss.

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Делает больше работы, чем шума.

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Results: 293,
Time: 0.0502





How to use fuss in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «fuss» and check conjugation/comparative form for «fuss«. Mastering all the usages of «fuss» from sentence examples published by news publications.

They didn’t make a great fuss over one another, and they didn’t expect people to make a fuss over them.
He wished his mother had made more of a fuss over what he’d told her, or any fuss at all.
«My aim is to make a fuss about this, and I will continue to make a fuss about this,» he said.
People will often be more uncomfortable about someone «making a fuss» than about the injustice that person is making a fuss about.
To have seen «First Man» is to wonder what the fuss was all about, or would be if the fuss did not seem so predictable.
Researchers Jan Christoph Minx and Sabine Fuss (Minx & Fuss!) have a great piece in Huffington Post that takes it seriously and examines what would be required to reach it.
One group, Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, raised a particular fuss.
«, «is that what all this fuss has been about?
In short, it’s made a good steak without much fuss.
Never did I think it would cause such a fuss.
Ramsey couldn’t figure out what all the fuss was about.
The fuss is not all, or even mostly, about religion.
Need a refresher on what all the fuss is about?
Markets, like toddlers, could fuss, throw tantrums and break things.
No one raises a fuss — our community is pretty chill.
Livers can store a certain amount of fat without fuss.
Cut those nails and you’re golden, no mess no fuss.
There are no albums, no labels, and no extra fuss.
The more you fuss with it, the larger it becomes.
«Arianna made this huge fuss over pedantics,» the employee said.
Don’t know what all the fuss is about #RonaldoBust pic.twitter.
Then they wake up and make a fuss about it.
Jennifer Garner’s whole M.O is fitness without all the fuss.
Fuss has been in the investment industry for 61 years.
He is paring away the fuss, the better to rebuild.
But Donald Trump doesn’t do anything without muss or fuss.
Someone like Weller doesn’t want a fuss made of him.
Stop by and see what all the fuss is about!
No fuss and to them, nothing out of the ordinary.
So, what does Kardashian herself make of all the fuss?
In the beginning, they didn’t cause much of a fuss.
I decided to find out what the fuss was about.
I felt embarrassed that everyone was making such a fuss.
Let’s forget about the media fuss and speculation about identity.
She went through Tosca’s melodramatics with sincerity and without fuss.
We don’t get worked up, we don’t cause a fuss.
No muss, no fuss for my weekly bathtub cleaning routine.
We imagined future generations saying, ‘What was the fuss about?
Republicans can make a fuss even without changing the articles.
«Because neither of these seems worth the fuss,» Cavuto said.
The only constant: the lack of fuss and streamlined modernity.
Student A said the fuss had been magnified by parents.
My recommendation: Don’t make a fuss when friends seem insecure.
SO, WHY ALL THE FUSS about this piece of clothing?
Within a year, the lion takes vaccines without much fuss.
Grapetooth is light on fuss and big on easy thrills.
He just didn’t like to be made a fuss over.
He just didn’t like to be made a fuss over.
And avoiding fuss is typically the first aim of management.
Yeah, it allows me to push harder and fuss harder.
But no matter how much fuss the seal caused, it endured.
The secret to this no-fuss pasta is in the garnish.
So what’s all this fuss over dirt verses water really about?
And only a foreigner could fuss about our little local ritual.
But there really shouldn’t be any of this fuss at all.
So I respect their standards and I don’t fuss about it.
No fuss, no muss — just a boy enjoying his ice cream!
Oh, and that San Bernadino iPhone that caused all the fuss?
But since his departure, we fuss, we take care of it.
We raised a fuss when she was snubbed for an Emmy.
That is one reason why crossing seven caused such a fuss.
Some charity bosses whisper that the fuss is not all bad.
It moves without undue fuss on Anna Louizos’s simple revolving set.
Fuss received the award on Thursday at Morningstar’s annual investment conference.
Clinton has tried to downplay the fuss about her email troubles.
He passed away without causing our family any fuss at all.
Hot Fuss was (and still is) electric from start to finish.
Are you interested in seeing what all the fuss is about?
She told Davidoff about the incident but didn’t raise a fuss.
Nearly three in four voters were aware of the ballot fuss.
No muss, no fuss — just a big ol’ ball of pus.
So why all the fuss if this happens every other year?
Once at the lab, I could understand the lack of fuss.
Meanwhile, left-leaning speakers routinely appear on university campuses without fuss.
There’s no drama or fuss or nonsense in using the drone.
Now people don’t even understand what all the fuss was about.
I now understand what all the fuss about prom is about.
«She came to our premiere in Miami and made no fuss.»  
When asked, Forchhammer says he’s opting for a low-fuss look.
Stop by and see what all the fuss is about. Monday
You’ll be ready for fuss-free summer adventures in no time.
Hot, tired looking people are mulling about making very little fuss.
I gathered my friends and made a huge fuss of it.
Most of her ensembles are sleek, chic, and relatively fuss-free.
Here’s why it’s so great: It’s zero fuss for so cheap.
He was nonetheless sure that his paper was worth the fuss.
The Economist, December 7th 2018 Is 5G worth all the fuss?
I was hired as a teacher without much fuss about credentials.
Fuss could be focused on many other things besides the climate.
Carp, however, can also mean to fuss or pick on something.
It was time to see what had caused all the fuss.
Just get in or out with as little fuss as possible.
You need to have a fuss in order to make up.
After all, remember all the fuss about Trump’s «Tim Apple» flub?
However, this liquidity crunch is equally advantageous for Fuss‘ investing style.
They responded positively and without much of a fuss, he said.
After all, the car starts reliably and runs without much fuss.
Ideally for Republicans, Moore will walk to victory without much fuss.
Some were drawn by curiosity: What was the fuss all about?
But it’s time to stop equating no fuss with no fun.
» Winfield Scott (lost to Franklin Pierce) was «Old Fuss and Feathers.
We made a quick fuss and then kept our bodies quiet.
So what are these pellets, and what’s all the fuss about?
Then I’m proud of myself because I didn’t cause a fuss.
It’s not hard to see what the fuss is about either.
Eventually, Ronaldo made clear once again why people fuss over him.
Tourists near the palace asked what all the fuss was about.
Mr. Walker said he handed over the objects quickly, without fuss.
Some mornings I woke up and thought, What’s the fuss about?
Farhad: WhatsApp is great because it just works without any fuss.
Continued strong play by Levy would ease some of that fuss.
In general, I never saw what all the fuss was about.
The fuss over a helmet was the least of Brown’s problems.
And now SoCal consumers can see what the fuss is about.
Ultra fans did not see what all the fuss was about.
A married couple — Marco Rubio supporters — watch the fuss with grins.
I don’t really understand all the fuss about satire or humor.
But making a fuss was never his style, before Sunday or now.
Washington would rather «throw on a little concealer» than fuss with foundation.
TechCrunch swung by RTX to see what all the fuss was about.
Looking for the ultimate in no-fuss, low cost, last mile solutions?
Despite all the support, he sees no reason to make a fuss.
Maybe I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
Forget the Fuss: Broccoli Slaw No time to chop or spiralize veggies?
Back rests and a mesh bottom keep you cool without the fuss.
Again, the members of the band don’t want to cause a fuss.
It’s a long-lasting and typically fuss-free way to prevent pregnancy.
I just thought ‘I don’t know what all the fuss is about.
The program at the center of all the fuss is relatively straightforward.
Save on this bundle, and see what all the fuss it about.
I’d be very uncomfortable if people made a big fuss over me.
Unlike these chefs, though, Fieri is offering up no-fuss counter service.
Still, we’ve been curious to see what all the fuss was about.
Little to no fuss was made about Kourtney’s King Of Pop costume.
As Humphrey settled into class, Millie started to fuss in her carrier.
Meat is treated properly here, with respect but not too much fuss.
Dr Toreini’s technique could keep passports secure with a lot less fuss.
Watch these movies, and you’ll see what all the fuss is about.
No touching, no stick, no mess, no fuss, no art project-ness.
Why are hardline Brexiteers only now making a fuss about the transition?
Neither is simulating sex with very flaccid penises, so why the fuss?
Priorities are changing and no-muss, no-fuss canned drinks are in.
«The fuss we were making back then [about Mattress Performance],» Sulkowicz said.
Helping a fierce lady get where she’s going without making a fuss?
But hey, maybe you wanna know what all the fuss is about!
So you can practically guarantee a zero fuss pedicure every single time.
So it’s hard to understand what all the fuss is about.5.
One county’s travails might not seem worth making a big fuss about.
That night I made a big fuss over setting up my tent.
The Wolverines shrugged at the fuss over Harbaugh’s outside-the-box ideas.
All of them deliver delicious midweek sustenance with a minimum of fuss.
With a German girl, you got what you wanted, without any fuss.
The overall look for both is kind of tailored, no-fuss hipster.
City officials were surprised but not annoyed by the fuss, Shirai said.
Read more: Dan Fuss is revered as ‘the Warren Buffett of bonds.
Despite all this fuss, bullfighting has been on the wane for decades.
There is, blessedly, no theatrical fuss — no dramatic lighting or stage setting.
There has been a lot of fuss about the Spice Girls recently.
So exactly what is a stock buyback and why all the fuss?
Until 2005, many retailers quietly engaged in interstate business without much fuss.
If the essential assets are in place, there’s no need to fuss.
You can be forgiven for wondering what the fuss was all about.
Within two weeks, and without much fuss, I was a legal resident.
Most new users will just want something that works, without any fuss.
Biden insisted on Thursday that there was no reason for the fuss.
Here, too, the writing is rich and moody, without any unnecessary fuss.
Not one for silence, Mr. García has opted to make a fuss.
See what all the fuss is about with the Neato Robotics D650.
All of us have a loved one who never wants any fuss.
This holiday season, you can make a statement without making a fuss.
But it is sometimes worth wondering what all the fuss is about.
Governments may make a fuss about how much leaks are harming them.
Brewers put up with the fuss because the lines are economic lifelines.
Within five years we will have forgotten what all the fuss was about.
The fuss this caused makes it unlikely others will get away with it.
Grab this bargain and see for yourself what all the fuss is about.
«Go ahead and fuss,» she told the Washington Post of her centennial birthday.
My colicky baby who seemed to fuss constantly became adaptive, curious, and content.
But do not expect to see a lot of fuss made about it.
Many non-coders, meanwhile, were left wondering what all the fuss was about.
The staff never made a big fuss and he kept himself to himself.
Half the time, the payoff, when it comes, hardly seems worth the fuss.
Dual-SIM devices allowed people to get around these issues with minimal fuss.
«I thought she was mocking me,» he pleaded, dismissing the fuss as «ridiculous».
Not much fuss is being made over the centenary in the city itself.
Despite such bluster on the general’s behalf, the fuss will not go away.
The rich can kick up a fuss when they are mistreated by police.
All the fuss means champagne makers can charge a premium for their product.
The quick, no muss no fuss breakfast perfect for anti-morning, anti-A.
«These are huge ‘ifs’,» said Fuss, who helps manage more than $268 billion.
I was mostly just annoyed that she always made a fuss over everything.
Olivia Wilde The perfect no-fuss look for a busy mom of two.
Or are men just less likely to fuss and, God forbid, look feeble?
«They are not keen to make any fuss,» one of the sources said.
Williams then swept aside Sharapova’s Russian compatriot in 183 minutes with little fuss.
I tried—I mean, really—to understand what all the fuss is about.
To Moto’s credit, all of these add-ons just work without any fuss.
American made What’s all the fuss over Childish Gambino’s «This Is America» video?
By the same light, Coltrane’s overtly religious themes were delivered with little fuss.
It has rewind, fast-forward, pause, and play buttons for no-fuss streaming.
The main movers of all this fuss are clearly spoiling for a fight.
God does not care, and nobody else matters, so why should she fuss?
It’s your ticket to smooth skin, without all the fuss and possible pain.
«I think that the whole fuss around theses is disgusting,» Mr. Medinsky said.
We were in shock, and embarrassed, and didn’t want to make a fuss.
Some places have gritted their collective teeth and accepted the migrants without fuss.
A cold can really start a fuss, especially when a baby catches it.
There was no need for Roberts to intervene in the Trump-CNN fuss.
«They want a quiet night over wine and no fuss,» says the source.
I stopped by earlier this week to see what the fuss was about.
Harriette Thompson doesn’t know why people are making such a fuss over her.
Sure, practice makes perfect, but why repeatedly engage in the overly predictable fuss?
I spy you are a fellow ‘don’t like to make a fuss‘ gentleman!
Need a fuss-free lip stain or a sunscreen that won’t cause breakouts?
No fuss, as if she weren’t handing him a new lease on life.
Several legislators said they had not heard what all the fuss was about.
Why should the president fire the special counsel outright, with the attendant fuss?
«It’s just too bad it can’t just be settled without all this fuss
«That’s a lot of fuss for one man living or dying,» he said.
When I finally upgraded, I didn’t get what all the fuss was about.
Many customers in places like Europe would rather not deal with that fuss.
«I don’t like fuss and I wanted to cherish my peace and quiet.»
I still don’t know if satellite camps are worth the expense and fuss.
To Americans, Canada seems to be making a big fuss over minor details.
The fuss about too few female artists in the Guggenheim show was unjustified.
I didn’t understand what all the fuss was for a can of soup.
But I noted he had no fuss and was so comfortable wearing it.
Of course, I had to see for myself what the fuss was about.
That’s what Richard Russo does, without pretension or fuss, time and time again.
ZenMate VPN is a service that’s designed for users who don’t like fuss.
No streaks, no lint, no muss, no fuss — just clean mirrors and counters.
Those who knew Mr. Major said he wouldn’t have liked all the fuss.
So I joined the snaking line to see what the fuss was about.
The fuss came a week before Mr. Trump was scheduled to visit Israel.
Britain made a big fuss with Brexit and look what’s happening to it.
Who was this author everyone was making such a fuss about, they asked?
A dozen nonmourners, holding cellphone cameras aloft to assess the fuss, pointed back.
«Mila handed it right to her, no fuss, no problems, nothing,» she said.
«I’m not going to kick and fuss and drop it,» she told Hyperallergic.
«Why do we actually bother, fuss so much about voting rights?» he asked.
Any fuss over hard seltzer will probably soon fade, before the cycle repeats.
We made a big fuss this week out of how you should cook breakfast.
We understood the fuss as soon as we tested these bad boys for ourselves.
But in the end, it looks like all the fuss could be worth it.
Many lawmakers also don’t attend but don’t make a public fuss about it either.
Star forward Lukas Podolski had his manager’s back after the scratch-and-sniff fuss.
After a feel-good budget they are less likely to kick up a fuss.
If all this seems a lot of fuss over a phone call, it is.
They had expected him to depart in «the Tata way»: quietly and without fuss.
Morningstar said Fuss received the annual award for his «value-driven, often contrarian» strategy.
Democratic senators will no doubt kick up a fuss about Mr Barr’s partisan comments.
Joyce made the kind of fuss over Halloween that some people do for Christmas.
The fuss is partly down to the deadly stakes of the migrants’ bleak calculation.
The international fuss around Mr Ghosn may even have made the courts more lenient.
German ones kick up a fuss when theirs looks suspiciously high, explains Heinz Dürr.
Not only is it pointless to make a fuss; it might make matters worse.
The first five tracks of The Killers’ debut album, «Hot Fuss» (2004), were deadly.
The small remote that comes with the headset pairs easily, and with little fuss.
The North Face: These well-reviewed boots are the no fuss workhorses you need.
Mao Zedong’s China waived reparations claims and made no real fuss about territorial issues.
Remember all that fuss last year about the supposed discovery of an alien megastructure?
Tints are meant to be utilitarian and free of fuss — just like the LBD.
I don’t know what all the fuss is about; I mean I’m no Tolkien.
Rojus tries to give you all of the ecstasy and none of the fuss.
Thais can now buy Sriracha sauce, to see what all the fuss is about.
She hated people making a fuss about her being a «female» performing for Juggalos.
Now, we’ve finally got a chance to see what all the fuss is about.
What are shadow banks and why is there such a fuss about them them?
Also, you can grab a slice of cold pizza with little muss or fuss.
«[It’s] hard to see what all the fuss is about,» Artforum grumbled in 20163.
The hover and fuss of the scientists exaggerates the abiding stillness of the bodies.
General Bolduc made a fuss, summoning his staff to a ceremony for the award.
Schuko didn’t make a big fuss, but his act of sportsmanship didn’t go unnoticed.
Some parents, teachers and students were upset, but the fuss seems to have calmed.
Ms. Stetsovskaya, wondering what all the fuss was about, soon approached the celebrated guest.
There’s actually more of an interest because they say ‘what’s all this fuss about?
I don’t know about extravagant stuff, but I wouldn’t fuss over the small things.
We decided to see what the fuss is about, and we were not disappointed.
«People are so sensitive here — what is the fuss about tiny things on leaves?»
Her old magazine closed, and well-meaning friends warned her about making a fuss.
The fuss begins as soon as you sit down in one of these cars.
They made a big fuss over how nice I was to bring them lunch.
It does what pasta does so well, offering a quick solution with little fuss.
In truth, he fretted over them, as a poet might fuss with a line.
Scene changes occur without fuss — and the orphaned hero’s growing up is easily shown.
Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) told POLITICO he doesn’t understand any reason for the fuss.
Or you could turn to Chinese investors, who won’t ask for any such fuss.
Those people, she said, who stood naked and made no fuss of their humiliation.
Fuss is far from the only one with concerns about a corporate-debt crisis.
It does make you wonder if we could skip the whole fuss next time.
A swarm of crew members came out of hiding to fuss over various details.
At first, it’s hard to see what all the preamble-d fuss is about.
When that happens, we will wonder what the fuss over CAFE was all about.
«Don’t fuss with these too much, don’t turn them a million times,» she advises.
Amid the critical fuss developed a fan fuss about their authenticity as a black metal band, centered on if Deafheaven (then the songwriting duo of singer George Clarke and guitarist Kelly McCoy) might actually just be two San Francisco hipsters faking it.
With Tile Mate trackers, she can easily find where her valuables are without a fuss.
Stephen Colbert came and just lined up with everybody else and didn’t make a fuss.
As women, we’re conditioned not to make a fuss, but we need to be louder.
And in these fictional situations, there wasn’t much fuss about the person being a woman.
Screenshot: TwitterPresident Donald Trump has made a big fuss out of economic competition with China.
Perhaps he’s tired of the fuss over his non-relationship with fellow MC Nicki Minaj.
But is it really necessary to make such a big fuss about helping them down?
The fuss is mainly about marchinhas, singalongs performed in Carnival street parades known as blocos.
What is the best way to peel garlic cloves without all the fuss and mess?
Everything is specifically designed to help you get things done with the minimum of fuss.
So what’s all the fuss about this new port, which isn’t, in fact, even new?
Pair with no-fuss flats so you can get to where you’re going blister-free.
Knowing a person’s hair preferences can take all the fuss out of holiday shopping, too.
«To be honest, I didn’t really fuss too much about hair and makeup,» she says.
You may have heard of micro-needling and wondered what all the fuss is about.
It’s similar to how iOS handles iMessage notifications, but without all that force-touch fuss.
The Trump administration is right to make to make a fuss about America’s oil boom.
Plus, they have Ti-Ceramic coating to allow for a fuss-free cleanup every time.
That was it … G-Eazy was allowed to leave the country, no muss, no fuss.
Regardless, someone ended up with an STI, and Mariana is good at making a fuss.
All of the fuss encouraged the show’s creator Dan Fogelman to make a statement himself.
The company gives developers the ability to add messaging to their apps without a fuss.
The cause of the fuss is obvious: Evans is very handsome, and he seems nice.
«Jack doesn&apost like any fuss or made to feel different,» she told the BBC.
If high turnover is the (admittedly shitty) service industry standard, what’s all the fuss about?
A close papal aide told Reuters on Tuesday he was «amused» by all the fuss.
Environmentalists have made a fuss, and India’s figurehead president has called off his planned visit.
Kaepernick, it should be pointed out, never made a fuss about what he was doing.
Here’s hoping O.T. bought Nipsey a drink or something to make up for the fuss.
He then declared victory, holding a rally at the Carrier plant that started the fuss.
During the occasional break I could play a game or fuss with my desktop wallpaper.
You seem like a person that appreciates no fuss and no screens, especially no touchscreens.
Check out a couple of GIFs below: So, why all the fuss over Enninful’s career?
Ritchie has cast a diverse group of actors, and made no fuss about it. There
Also, at the time Franken’s case was made public a huge fuss had been stirred
Animal rights campaigners have been staging protests and kicking up a fuss on social media.
But Medcalf said Beijing could be kicking up a fuss to avoid similar legislation elsewhere.
He has made a fuss for his entire career about the irresponsibility of government spending.
Yet her allies may hesitate to create a big fuss if she is found guilty.
Tempers flare, for a while the fuss gets worse, then it begins to settle down.
It’s a good thing all this fuss over Medcare Skin Centre is probably fake news.
It has a no-fuss, invisible magnetic closure and can hold up to 20 cards.
President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress have made a big fuss over Lt. Col.
There is an awful lot of fuss made about Black Friday, and for good reason.
Most animals kick up a fuss when it comes to bath time, including baby kangaroo’s.
It&aposs just like, oh, the Christians aren&apost going to kick up a fuss.
About halfway through Captain Marvel, I found myself wondering what all the fuss was about.
Someone of my DIY skills can absolutely relate to that kind of fuss-free disassembly.
Republicans made a fuss after Facebook (and Twitter) made minor changes aimed at curbing misinformation.
They may have a vague sense of how many Americanisms have been imported without fuss.
If you have wondered about the fuss over Etna reds, this is a great introduction.
But the administration raised little fuss publicly, sharing its concerns with leaders mostly in private.
«We need a no-fuss system to get people into houses,» said Mr. Takairangi, 36.
It’s not a huge steamer, but it gets small jobs done quickly with little fuss.
And Russia is not the only country that has raised such a fuss over cartography.
The women, of course, are the last to see what all the fuss is about.
Cheryl Griffiths falls into the category of drivers who wonder what the fuss is about.
With the fuss over Ukraine, they may have found their vehicle, according to new polls.
It runs the latest Android software without a fuss, and it still takes beautiful pictures.
Best of all, it’s wireless so you don’t need to fuss about with a wire.
For a while, there will be a lot of fuss and noise in the media.
Well, why would someone make such a solemn, self-reproachful fuss about a bad back?
Some people asked her why she was making a big fuss over just a kiss.
I knew that if I made a fuss, I’d pay a price or be blamed.
«Hot Fuss» was the debut album of American rock band The Killers back in 2004.
» Trump added, «I think the press largely makes up a lot of the fuss about the fuss about a lot of things … They didn&apost cover my meeting … and in that meeting, we discussed many, many things that were very, very positive for both countries.
The ASUS ZenBook S is portable, powerful, and lets you get things done without any fuss.
The fuss among scientists was due to the fact that many believed cloning animals was impossible.
Until Andrew Laming from the Liberal National Party started kicking up a fuss on the page.
Some lawmakers in Parliament were critical of colleagues making a fuss over the bell going silent.
He would just cry and fuss and he wouldn’t sleep when I put him to bed.
Another TV-watching office drone who stayed in his mesh-chair and never made a fuss.
Do not bring a turkey on a bus; driving seems fine, but why all the fuss?
And without making a fuss about it, she is in no way willing to be diminished.
This is all great, but most shoppers just want something that works, without all the fuss.
«He was feeling unwell but he wasn’t making a fuss about it,» Fox told The Times.
You shouldn’t have to fuss to get your morning fuel, and Ninja makes that a reality.
The fuss over degrees is also a sign that an election may not be far off.
So all the fuss about the game, including criticism over pricing, is precisely what Nintendo wants.
Large employers made a big fuss about providing apprenticeships and mentoring schemes, but few offer jobs.
Despite its massive footprint, the X7 quietly dispatches with bumps and undulations without fuss or discomfort.
Let’s talk dresses — they’re the perfect vacation outfit because they combine minimal fuss with maximum impact.
With my own DVR I will be recording three shows at a time with minimal fuss.
His two daughters, 15 and 10, roll their eyes whenever anyone makes a fuss over it.
Don’t make a fuss and be glad the majority allows you to keep what you have.
It was more about finding the fun so I could understand what the fuss was about.
» With beer, he’s less discerning: «My favorite beer is cold beer, served quickly with minimum fuss.
When Gallagher arrived at City Stadium in Richmond, he wondered what all the fuss was about.
Charlotte, 2, put up a bit of a royal fuss before she got on the plane.
But how can you press your own music onto vinyl with a minimum of (hot) fuss?
From cocktails to sides to desserts, get inspired to cook with these totally fuss-free dishes.
The collared dress takes away a lot of the fuss of planning a put-together outfit.
Then it was on to the next — bang bang, no time to fuss or look back.
The narrative perspective shifts constantly among these five, their actions and reactions sketched with minimal fuss.
Many reviewers like the no-fuss process: You pour milk in and turn it on — done!
It could be edited into a single, daylong mega-movie without a great deal of fuss.
If there is something crazy in my stool, I don’t make a big fuss about it.
Obama figured this was a moment in time and that the fuss would subside soon enough.
This barware from West Elm is dishwasher safe, so you can feel fancy without a fuss.
«I kicked up a fuss about it, and was termed mercenary as a result,» Rigg recalled.
Honestly, less fuss has been made over some men when they won titles on Centre Court.
And why, people like Larry King might ask, is everyone making such a fuss about it?
But there are also plenty of people who don’t know what all the fuss is about.
That said, we’re not sure how much we’d fuss with the wand’s features on the regular.
On the Road makes public what’s a private ritual to so many black women, without fuss.
Rather than make a fuss about its sanguine color, people should admire the total lunar eclipse.
Less is more, less makeup, less fuss, and just more natural, which I kind of prefer.
The food his cooks make is simple and simply served, with a minimum of narrative fuss.
They have become objects of outsize exposure, commensurate with the fuss and emotion this president attracts.
» Others said they weren’t sure what the fuss was about: «What a terrible year for musicals.
Given all this fuss, you might ask: Why do these aperitivos have to be red, anyway?
He does not follow football closely, but he wanted to see what the fuss was about.
If Medicare already has a form of a premium support model, what’s all the fuss about?
As thrilling as the ride has been, Barty said she could do without all the fuss.
«I enjoy satire and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about,» she said.
Since Apple didn’t make a fuss about it on stage, we’ll tell you about it here.
These sales dominate the headlines for weeks, so ignoring all of the fuss takes some doing.
He wanted to see Tipirneni in person and find out what all the fuss was about.
The networks can be installed in relatively small areas — like a factory — without too much fuss.
There’s a lot of fuss about how Millennials are delaying a bunch of sacred relationship steps.
He now has to both focus on the big picture and fuss over the fine detail.
At one meeting, an official railed about a «guy» who had made a fuss about AIDS.
Given the fuss, few fans at the concert said they had expected the rapper to return.
» Someone, the writer reported, left a performance of «Ariadne» wondering «what all the fuss was about.
Amanda Stanton doesn’t understand why there’s such a fuss over her daughter’s recent bathing-suit photo.
But, for some reason, it stirred nowhere near the fuss that his 60th birthday party did.
The fuss over the address on the lawsuit’s envelope has to do with longstanding international law.
«I just think they should quit all this fuss and pay the man already,» Syndergaard said.
Pence’s defenders said he was merely acting prudently, and expressed amazement at the all the fuss.
To learn more about Adam Fuss Daguerreotypes & The Womb of the Pre-Raphaelite Imagination, click here.
He was, as usual yesterday and passed away without causing our family any fuss at all.
In all the fuss over Avengers: Infinity War, you may have wondered: How is Chris Pine doing?
She’s also worried that any fuss she makes over this might jeopardize future relationships with other brands.
It’s $2130 and I use my ConnectCard, so I don’t have to fuss with the weird change.
I think the press largely makes up a lot of the fuss about a lot of things.
For $300, he was able to acquire the location of the phone with little to no fuss.
When you manage to keep that part alive, nobody’s going to fuss when you start changing things.
And so, with little fuss or fanfare, Rentrop and Parumog set up the ‘Beyond Nokia’ Facebook group.
While the rooftop apparatus has lots of bells and whistles, the indoor display is definitely no fuss.
Here are seven solutions to getting your computer’s screen on the TV wit minimal fuss (and cash).
The straight-talking lawyer stuck to her no-fuss style to say «I do» to boyfriend Steve.
So, four centuries after his death, here are four ways to understand what the fuss is about.
I’ve never been to Texas so I head to Whataburger to see what the fuss is about.
By then the most disaffected former soldiers may be too frail to keep kicking up a fuss.
Alabama politicians also raise a fuss whenever they see a threat to any of Alabama’s spaceflight business.
Today, cyclists often have to fuss with their phone while commuting on busy streets, which is dangerous.
No one wants to fuss around with a curling wand or treatment before their ungodly 8 a.m.
Sometimes he enjoyed the fuss, but bitterness over his treatment at home would surface all the same.
It’s fuss— and mess-free, absorbs quickly, and can be used without moisturizer for an intensive treatment.
TikTok hasn’t yet made much fuss over its Lite version, which actually consists of two separate apps.
«Clean, without fuss, and the cut was always impeccable,» MINT editor Irina Lakicevic says of the brand.
Bobby Diaz and his fiancé, Valerie Vazquez, applied for PopBliss because it eliminated the fuss of planning.
That’s why the pilot enjoys perhaps the most fuss-free introduction of the entire Star Wars saga.
This three-volume musical language learning is a no-fuss, easy way to learn a new language.
But it seems like if they’re going to make a fuss about it, they’ll just launch it.
People are bothered that the markets are so unbothered by the political fuss and ferment in Washington.
We’re told Mariah didn’t make a fuss because Bryan, who was nursing a knee injury, wasn’t dancing.
«This is a trial balloon,» said Dan Fuss, vice chairman of Loomis Sayles, which holds GO bonds.
One striking contrast with past British rows over Europe is the lack of any fuss over money.
After all the NoSQL fuss with relation to Hadoop, things have gone back to where they started.
Fuss, sometimes called «the Warren Buffett of bonds», said rising political risk warrants caution in bond investments.
The glammed-up décor in this Roosevelt Hotel Lobby stalwart, belies a menu of no-fuss classics.
Their conversation, at a party, two days before an international summit on graft, has sparked a fuss.
His office appears to be caught by surprise whenever his constituents dare to kick up a fuss.
MyPORT, a new automated security system created by the Schindler Elevator Corporation, aims to eliminate this fuss.
«They don’t like to fuss over their feet, perhaps it makes them feel less masculine,» she adds.
No muss, no fuss packable snacking for adults (who still have that Lunchable-loving kid living inside).
Pseudonymous Bosch makes a big fuss about hiding from his readers as well as from his enemies.
Even after all of the fuss, Hannity’s show still seems to have a stable of prominent advertisers.
Fuss also raised the possibility that more cars would be powered by natural gas in the future.
Hair was, simply put, a fuss-free affair, both in its end result and in its execution.
Dan Fuss is not hanging up his boots yet, even after 33 years in the investment industry.
The press is «very interested in Iran at the moment,» Ardern continued, as Neve started to fuss.
Fuss-free blue cotton shirts are precisely tailored with Cuban collars and simple panels in the back.
Rodriguez had no more leverage in New York, and what was the point of making a fuss?
Your baby may fuss and resist swaddling at first, so it may look like she hates it.
They were plain-spoken, no-fuss athletes, tenacious competitors but also paragons of good cheer and sportsmanship.
In 2017, the words «We met online» are no longer whispered, they’re said aloud and without fuss.
I’ve found that people are either crazy for chicken wings or wonder what the fuss is about.
I love the fact she’s become pretty huge already despite shunning the limelight and fuss around her.
I double-fisted these two fried sausages with minimum fuss, and everything was right with the world.
Couldn’t a simple intern in his office have conveyed the same message without creating all this fuss?
They often make trades, which is why new works enter their collection without a lot of fuss.
On one side are those who argue that all money is tainted, so why make a fuss?
Part of their considerable charm is that they look like they were made quickly, without undue fuss.
Here at Vox, we decided to take a closer look at what all the fuss was about.
The donkey, dumb and obedient, trots on, takes the uphills and unevens without fuss, pauses, defecates, continues.
Until now, the largest displacement of people in Latin America’s history has occurred without much international fuss.
Also, you can shorten Gisele to «Gigi» or some other, non-seminal variant without that much fuss.
The XFL doesn’t fuss around with the stupidest rule in all of football: No end zone celebrations.
Because of that, audiences are heading to the multiplex to see what all the fuss is about.
German authorities are making little fuss about the killing of a Chechen exile in Berlin in August.
Fuss-Free Face Oil That fashion insider with suspiciously good skin you may have noticed of late?
She had entered the hearing room by a side door, as if she could avoid a fuss.
If you’re looking for a no-fuss dinner that is quick and easy to prepare, try HelloFresh.
In one past presentation, models’ penises were left dangling, like puny appendages hardly worth all the fuss.
When Uma started to fuss, I overcame my self-consciousness and fed her under a nursing cover.
They didn’t understand why Bouvier and Natural Le Coultre were making such a fuss over their warehouses.
John Kennedy said he didn’t see what the fuss was about in the Cohen and Manafort convictions.
Pine himself has been good-humored — if sometimes a little frustrated — in his responses to the fuss.
Top speed in the Porsche Taycan electric sport sedan arrives with very little fuss on Germany’s autobahn.
It’s not quite the same as being outdoors, but I can fuss over them just the same.
In 1965, when a great fuss was made over its fiftieth anniversary, Blanche Knopf was barely mentioned.
Others may be museums seeking to quietly deaccession works from their collection without causing a big fuss.
And when it has gotten attention, it’s often been mistreated patients making a fuss about private ambulances.
They say it’s another instance of pro-Remain MPs kicking up a fuss about a trivial matter.
Outside, I shouted that he’d grabbed my butt, and the security let me in without a fuss.
«In some ways, I find it upsetting that we still have to make a fuss,» says Janssen.
Being anonymous can be very attractive to teens, and Omegle provides a no-fuss opportunity to make connections.
If you want a fuss-free listening experience, you’ll find a lot to enjoy with the TicPods Free.
«Less is more, less makeup, less fuss, and just more natural, which I kind of prefer.» she says.
Soon millions of people (including yours truly) signed on just to see what all the fuss was about.
Those who want to make a fuss about it are viewed as either troublemakers or out of it.
In immature democracies, such institutions are weaker, so a strongman can undermine them quickly, often without much fuss.
For companies, departments or even individuals looking to launch servers quickly without fuss, this removes layers of complexity.
All the fuss is well deserved: The legacy of that mission — and all the Apollo missions — is immense.
Had the city acquired the services through the usual procurement process, it may not have caused a fuss.
Atomizer: Many people (me) don’t want to fuss with finding a specific coil, wick, tank and drip tip.
So it has every interest in trying to assure consumers that this time, the fuss is over nothing.
A few Twitter users obtained Fuss‘ email, and have been sending pleas his way to reverse his decision.
Here’s your chance to relive those moments — or see what all the fuss was about — one last time.
Traditionalists howl—this too is universal—but in most cases, the new spellings settle in without much fuss.
«How’d you know?» he replied, scanning the $8 worth of food I had caused all this fuss over.
Like a lot of other features on OxygenOS, it just works as intended, with the minimum of fuss.
If you decide to switch browsers, then you can bring your browsers along with the minimum of fuss.
Install a VPNThese days, Android and iOS are set up to handle VPNs with the minimum of fuss.
She always looked like continuing her upward trajectory in Rio after clearing 1.88m with a minimum of fuss.
Sets up with minimal fuss on a Samsung TV, but requires some effort for TVs from other brands.
Perhaps, everyone should go blond once in their lives, just to see what all the fuss is about.
Check back here Thursday at around 10:30AM ET to find out what all the fuss is about.
So, there was a fuss the last time the building was used as a polling station, he said.
Nevertheless, the public do tend to kick up a fuss about animals it thinks are cuter than others.
And though his parents encouraged him to keep competing, they let it go, they say, without much fuss.
Angelica didn’t tell her co-workers at the restaurant because she didn’t want them to fuss over her.
But observing, I see a magical place where people who want to fuck can do so without fuss.
It looks like Atkin and Collins opted for a more easy, fuss-free way to play with bangs.
«I am cautious about interest rates rising,» added Fuss, who is known as the Warren Buffett of bonds.
The section builds on its predecessor, titled «American Identities,» which caused a fuss when it opened in 2003.
Philip tries to make a fuss, but you can see Paige is proud of her new merit badge.
Yoshitoshi Fukahori, 87, a bomb survivor, said he did not quite understand the fuss about the president’s visit.
Yet for all the fuss over the holy city’s international status, its management and finances are a mess.
A liberal might have listened to Cruz’s speech and struggled to understand what all the fuss was about.
Some of Fuss‘ tips are attitude-based, and some deal with how to actually perform within a job.
But they’re not going to fuss over the details of your itinerary, recommending this sight over that one.
A crowd gathered, and several women of New York City stopped to see what the fuss was about.
Like Warren Buffett, who is arguably the greatest value investor in history, Fuss pays close attention to price.
As far as my father was concerned, Odysseus wasn’t worth all the fuss the poem makes about him.
Still others have written off the drama, arguing that people are making a fuss over an innocent remark.
I’m alright, you know, I’ll bitch you out and fuss at you, but … Some people are just nasty.
He’s getting paid to make all kinds of arty fuss about the contrast of the light and shadows.
But I recently decided to give Trader Joe’s a try to see what all the fuss was about.
The tiny-house movement is growing among millennials, and I wanted to see what the fuss was about.
That was the cue Hadassah had provided when she came downstairs to see what the fuss was about.
Food is presented without fuss, in compartmentalized cardboard bins, as red-mohawked chickens, arrayed on shelves, stand guard.
Her mother, who had gotten married at 14 to a stranger twice her age, couldn’t understand the fuss.
She just started sleeping a solid 12 hours a night from 6-months old; no muss, no fuss.
Generally speaking, people will either evangelize them, or scratch their heads, wondering what all the fuss is about.
Odette shimmies in her prince’s face, and makes a big fuss about keeping his hands off her tutu.
It’s probably because I’ve lived in England all my life, but I don’t like to make a fuss.
But looking back, it’s hard to fathom why so much fuss was made about this at the time.
First episode of #CheerNetflix: OK let’s see what the fuss is all aboutLast episode: HIT THAT PYRAMID GABI!
There’s no building or upgrades to fuss with, and you can only carry one weapon at a time.
The Yankees dispatched the Twins as a farmer puts down an old cow, clinically and with minimal fuss.
The Yankees dispatched the Twins as a farmer puts down an old cow, clinically and with minimal fuss.
But what makes «The Big Sick» all the more remarkable is how little fuss is made of it.
Moffat went on to say it’s important not to make this kind of fuss in a children’s show.
If Scotland Yard got caught tailing an FSB agent around London, there would be a major public fuss.
Rather than quietly tolerate it, though, Fowler, who was 25 at the time, decided to make a fuss.
«We will not see the same growth rates in this segment as we did last year,» Fuss said.
«We will not see the same growth rates in this segment as we did last year,» Fuss said.
We tried it with the LG V30 and the iPhone X, and it worked immediately with no fuss.
Plus, each piece has a Ti-Ceramic coating for a fuss-free cleanup and a scratch-proof lifespan.
Just goes to show ya … screaming a celeb’s name, and making a big fuss MIGHT actually pay off.
He says that Zimbabwe has legally translocated animals to zoos, circuses and sanctuaries for decades without much fuss.
It packages everything as one downloader/installer and installs it onto your new PC — no muss or fuss.
«I didn’t think the fuss affected my run and I wasn’t distracted by the build up,» Farah said.
«There’s a lot of speculation that McDaniel’s people will stay home and fuss about their fate,» Wiseman said.
Fuss uses the camera-free method of a daguerreotype, a pre-photographic technique developed in the 19th century.
You can disassemble the device with ease, and each part is dishwasher-safe, which minimizes the fuss of cleanup.
Some have insisted on carrying tradition forward, doing so without fuss or advertisement—to let tortillas do the talking.
The fish calls for little fuss and cooks quickly; the flavor is mild, and the finished dish is light.
«She got mad when I tried to make a fuss, you know the way mothers are,» Wade Fleming said.
Smartphone-controlled light bulbs were one of the first smart home products that worked as promised, with minimal fuss.
Still, Siobhan Clements, Costco’s wine buyer for the Northeast region, doesn’t see what all of the fuss is about.
Amid the fuss, municipal authorities ordered a halt to construction, and final building permits have yet to be issued.
But the episode drew huge ratings, and 20 years later it’s hard to imagine what the fuss was about.
For Erin in Someone Great, I was choosing hair based on how much she probably wouldn’t fuss with it.
The city of Houston needed something it could sit back and enjoy, without having to fret and fuss first.
Oceangoing oligarchs can partly own anything from a no-fuss ­VanDutch 40 power­boat to a fancy-­pants Benetti mega­yacht.
Williams’ 10-month-old baby, Alexis Olympia, would have had no idea what the fuss was about on Monday.
The only way climate bullshitting will ever carry any censure is when people kick up a fuss about it.
If Ms Park truly wants what is best for the country, she should resign immediately, without any more fuss.
The IMF board is probably anxious to keep a low profile until the fuss over Ms Lagarde’s conviction passes.
There’s still a touch of sparkle with the offset stones but the cut is neat, clean and no-fuss.
Most of the fuss about taxation is over how much the government takes and how often it is wasted.
Still, why all the fuss over one impoverished blacksmith, born to a prostitute in the depths of Flea Bottom?
This look will suit a city wedding — a no-fuss bride who wants something low-maintenance with an edge.
I brought the folded scooter onto the subway, and was able to get through the turnstiles with no fuss.
When we’re young, after all, our lives are so much more pliant, can be joined without too much fuss.
Just say no, scream and make a fuss, call 911 on your phone, tell him to go fuck himself.
But the reform, like others promoted by Muhammad bin Salman, the crown prince, went off with little real fuss.
Historically, the US has made a big fuss about North Korea’s nuclear tests and pressured China to increase sanctions.
In fact, they are often better immunised than natives, embrace local health care and do not fuss about vaccines.
After announcing its impressive Notebook 20163 laptops with some fanfare, Samsung didn’t make much fuss over the new Chromebook.
«I thought it was a normal brother-sister fight because they always fuss and fight like this,» said Latoya.
The backlash for Fuss has been swift (ha) as users come for his decision to hire and believe Mueller.
Unlike marine dolphins and their dramatic breaching displays, botos don’t make a fuss when they come up for air.
» Not wanting to cause a fuss, McCormack said he decided to respect the school’s wishes and «tone it down.
It’s not a huge gap, but people like to make a fuss when it’s the woman who is older.
It pours easily, so no worries about making a mess, and is dishwasher safe for a no-fuss cleanup.
With any luck, her latest style turn — that platinum shaved head — becomes the no-fuss beauty trend of 2019.
With the exception of Spark, most of the fuss in the Hadoop ecosystem is around Presto, Impala and Drill.
«In my early days in the ’60s and ’70s, a certain amount of caution periodically was helpful,» said Fuss.
The site also keeps an easy-to-use bar tracking electoral votes for a no muss, no fuss approach.
Every time there are elections in Europe people, commentators and politicians start to fuss a little bit about it.
Before long Victor again imagines himself lying on the slab in a mortuary as eerie embalmers fuss over him.
Without a lot of pomp and fuss, this guidebook walks you through the propagation, harvesting and preserving of herbs.
With little fuss, the majority of the 15-member committee voted both to recommend Shingrix and revaccination with it.
Guarnaschelli’s method also includes a low-fuss gravy recipe using the same roasting pan you cooked the turkey in.
For stellar, fuss-free performance, the Roomba S255+ is in a league of its own (258/230, WIRED Recommends).
Against this backdrop, Business Insider asked Fuss his advice for fund managers who are still early in their careers.
We did make a bit of a fuss about this, so don’t look this way if you missed out.
But just because it is being low key does not mean there has not been a fuss over it.
If Fuss occupies the institutional side of the spectrum, Andrew Aziz is carrying the flag for retail investors everywhere.
As an American undergraduate student studying abroad in Sydney, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
New characters, who later turn out to be insignificant, are described in what feels like a fuss of detail.
A number of companies have mushroomed to serve the increased demand, and many have scored funding with little fuss.
In his current show at Pace, Schnabel returns to what started the fuss in the first place: plate paintings.
What it all boils down to: it’s simpleIt’s a no muss, no fuss, simple yet effectively designed high chair.
The staff at Mercy San Juan Medical Center in California took the opportunity to make a fuss of Camila.
His father, an avid ham radio listener, called to ask what all the fuss on Route 1 was about.
As for the children, it can be tough for them to understand how much of a fuss they’re creating.
Now they want to fuss about alternatives, including Medicare for All or even a Medicare option in the marketplace.
Such no-fuss solutions mesh well with the broader European perspective on aging, which hasn’t changed much over time.
Recipe of the day: A midweek pasta dinner relies on no-fuss ingredients, including roasted broccoli, almonds and anchovies.
«There was an initial fuss from people who either thought I was propagandizing or ridiculing blacks,» Mr. Walker remembered.
China raised a fuss and threatened sanctions; the US ignored those concerns and went ahead with the deal anyway.
The government has said that women with valid licenses from abroad may obtain a Saudi license with minimal fuss.
They&aposre easy to use, don&apost take up much storage space, and rinse or wash clean without fuss.
Rigsbee said Rodgers offered to sign a napkin for her if she would stop making a fuss over him.
Some are simple enough: their bodies are collected, identified, and put to rest with the minimum amount of fuss.
But Covariant claims its bots can do what others can’t: work 24 hours a day, picking items without fuss.
A lot of fuss has been made about the Star Wars spin-off, The Mandalorian, and with good reason.
Though she conceded that the fuss made eating in public a challenge, Ms. Abramovic seemed to be relishing it.
Just a Caesar today, he said, so confident he was that Tiny would cut his hair with little fuss.
You don’t make a fuss about it; they’re just part of the background of life in a strange environment.
If he or she continues to fuss, try different burping positions and pay attention to how the baby responds.
Stephen Colbert, for one, said on Monday that he doesn’t know what all the fuss was about this weekend.
In the 22012s and ‘212s, he said, locals didn’t understand the fuss when Japanese tourists began arriving in Fairbanks.
And the question it raises for me is, why do we actually bother, fuss so much about voting rights?
Rather, the fuss over «Bodak Yellow» in 2017 stemmed from her celebrity presence — it was the Cardi B song!
If there aren’t hordes of veiled Muslim women clogging the streets of London or Paris, why all the fuss?
If you don’t quite get a sense of this hysteria from «Wagner’s ‘Ring’: Forging an Epic,» a small, modest, yet thorough exhibition at the Morgan Library & Museum that opens on Friday, you do get a taste of the fuss that was made over the work, and what that fuss was all about.
Chris Christie told NBC’s Today show that Melania’s speech was «93 percent» different from Michelle’s — so why all the fuss?
I switched gears for the next meal, this time opting to understand the fuss around pressure cooker mac and cheese.
When cops arrived, Jussie was concerned about his neighbors hearing the fuss and he quickly invited them into his apartment.
In the video above, we show you how to create that iconic Twiggy-inspired lash look without all the fuss.
Certain men in her life might be making a huge fuss about the past, but Selena Gomez is looking forward.
Jerry Brown, which is expected soon (though there’s a bit of fuss around that — more on that in a second).
No fuss, no muss — unless you don’t heed Watch It Melt’s warnings to not attempt hot-knife experiments at home.
Lai Haiwen, who took the original photos of the rat, told CNN he doesn’t see what the fuss is about.
It tells us to shush, to not make a fuss, to accept the world as it was built for us.
You flip open the top of the buds’ little carrying case, and they connect to your phone without a fuss.
The fuss was caused by the fact that the tax plan broke a promise in the Conservatives’ 2015 election manifesto.
«I hope that the fuss is a reminder to those who make the decisions that these things matter,» he said.
To these types, those who make a fuss are bothersome and ignorant at best, and probably dangerous and destructive too.
In five years’ time, we will look back at the Brexit scare and wonder what all the fuss was about.
Even storage is simple with its included cord wrap, and the whole thing is dishwasher safe for no-fuss cleaning.
That, as Andrew Erickson of America’s Naval War College argues, has allowed China to get its way with less fuss.
It’s not anything you should fuss with, if the hair needs to be trimmed, the wax specialist will do it.
The gadget did exactly what I wanted it to do (play old NES games) without any fuss or screw ups.
When asked in the past about how she maintains such flawless hair, she has sworn by a no-fuss routine.
I’m makeup-free more than I am in makeup, and for me it just means being yourself without any fuss.
The fuss and «disgrace» this caused was too much for a brother to bear, and one drugged and strangled her.
Classic, chic, with a touch of rock ‘n’ roll, this fuss-free fringe is your autumn hair switch-up sorted.
When the speeches were revealed in a WikiLeaks hack, their anodyne nature made everyone wonder what the fuss was about.
Adding a moisturizer with SPF into your routine is the fuss-free way to stay safe in the chillier months.
It’s very sad that this is happening, and sadder still that the Japanese government isn’t making more of a fuss.
Because we all know fish is good for us, and this is the most no-fuss way to consume it.
Some transactions, such as the one involving the port of Darwin, create a stir, but most proceed with little fuss.
If selected, after a short period of time, a baby would be added to the family, no fuss or frills.
It uses the console’s USB power to juice up the batteries, so there’s no extra power cord to fuss with.
Two pets — a dog and a cat — can be seen wandering nearby to find out what the fuss is about.
Fuss thinks the 10-year yield will rise further to 4 percent at peak, from current levels around 2.8 percent.
Without making any great fuss out of it, The Finest Hours draws a line of comparison between Bernie and Ray.
Luckily, we found the ultimate sunscreen hack to solve all SPF struggles: It’s portable, non-greasy and entirely fuss-free.
We were there, amongst the coachloads of protesters from around the country, to see what all the fuss was about.
I carry no-fuss snacks like rice cakes with almond butter or any nut butter for high protein and fiber!
President Donald Trump and his advisers probably didn’t expect his choice for education secretary to cause much of a fuss.
I popped the CD—purchased on a whim at HMV—in my Discman to hear what the fuss was about.
If you glossed over early reports about the disease, you might now be wondering what all the fuss is about.
» GQ looked into what all the fuss was about and came to a simple conclusion: «America Is Horny for Wholesome.
Unlike so many of the people attacking this film sight unseen, the film itself doesn’t fuss over its stars’ gender.
Either way, business is strong and she cannot understand why the French have decided to kick up such a fuss.
To play devil’s advocate, a vertical cut gives you a nice visual and a no-muss-no-fuss eating experience.
While the press made a minor fuss over these hires, they made barely a ripple among Republicans and even Democrats.
To understand why, it’s important to remember what the fuss over the yield curve was about in the first place.
But without much fuss, «Neon Bull» exalts carnal passion in beautiful, almost sculptural love scenes filmed from a middle distance.
Just as Rohan plans his revenge with minimum fuss, Gupta also adopts a hassle-free approach to narrating his story.
Fuss‘ chances of such a long career in fund management would be slimmer today if he were just starting out.
«I didn’t feel it was necessary for me to raise my voice or to cuss or to fuss,» she said.
If you haven’t seen what the fuss is about, season 1 is essential viewing – and not just for Who fans.
When the Nordic dark settled in, so early, The children, blanketed in white, began to fuss at sleep, and cry.
A number of the recipes are what she calls «a doddle,» her term for dishes that come together without fuss.
«I’m off to write the next great American novel,» he declares, with no more fuss than somebody visiting the bathroom.
We like the Swim Tee Rashguard because it’s a simple, no-fuss rash guard that’s comfortable for casual beach wear.
«For the life of me, I don’t understand why the Democrats made such a fuss about this (nominee),» said Sen.
Those versed in the law and lore of Catholicism might be tempted to ask what all the fuss is about.
Mark Murphy, the outgoing head of the European Kidney Patients Federation, sees the fuss around presumed consent as a distraction.
He tells us he didn’t want to make a fuss because his friends were running the festival where Rick performed.
Have you ever seen someone kick up a massive fuss about something and then almost immediately stop caring about it?
Instead of having to fuss over two different dresses, though, why not take the gown from night to late night?
What is it about this man who is sort of like a civilized Gallagher brother that causes such a fuss?
It will be a transformative number of people for a city of 600,000 that’s unaccustomed to a lot of fuss.
Howard Stern returned to the airwaves Monday and he was pretty dumbfounded — why all the fuss over a day off?
For Alexander, it’s merely having a wife he can order about with minimal fuss, and perhaps a bit of sadism.
The butterflies suggest that Swift wants to move past all fuss, to go back to being a pop culture princess.
Throughout the various iterations of her career, Henderson has been known for her no-fuss approach toward simple British classics.
Still, having been the third Jasmine understudy in «Aladdin» at Disneyland, she doesn’t see what all the fuss is about.
We won’t be able to fuss over the things I believe we have been wrongly fussing about for too long.
Instead, we have that word for «fuss» — ADO — + a word for «about» — RE (as in regarding) — and we get ADORE.
Seeking a new deadline that seemed least likely to make a fuss, European officials were expected to settle on Jan.
We’ve picked out the no-fuss gifts that are perfect to give to a new-ish S.O. on V-Day.
Clinton wouldn’t have fired Mr. Comey too if she’d gotten the chance, which makes the whole fuss a bit suspect.
Sometimes we’re all guilty of just wanting to get the job done — no frills, no fuss and definitely no overtime.
Johnson, self-effacing as ever at 98, seemed somewhat indifferent to the fuss surrounding the feature film about her life.
In «Nautiloid,» a tough-talking older woman dying of colon cancer doesn’t want anyone to make a fuss over her.
«I had to go to open a Twitter account to see what all the fuss was about,» she told CNN.
People who didn’t know or care about your work rush to see what the fuss was about — what they missed.
There was not a bit of extraneous fuss or fantasy; each stitch, every motile moment, had a reason for being.
The collection was about simplicity, but done well: there were no-fuss denim jackets, pants, trench coats and military dresses.
That welcome may seem like overkill, and no doubt some weary travelers would rather check in without all the fuss.
They can stitch «National Test Roads» into the urban fabric without the fuss Western authorities can expect from local residents.
«He’s very sincere and if you talk to him face to face, he comes off as sincere,» Fuss told CNN.
Now one of those machines, built by researchers at Google, has at last shown what all the fuss is about.
«My boyfriend kicked up such a fuss and my family just wouldn’t gift me money towards the procedure,» she says.
Taiwan should have a correct view of this matter and stop looking for opportunities to make a fuss, he added.
Crackdown 3 I never played the original Crackdown, so I was curious to see what the fuss was all about.
No fuss, no attention, literally did it out of the kindness of his own heart, no one asked him too.
Remaking the brand in her own image, one that catered to the female gaze, she stripped away fuss and frippery.
Hubie Brown, who was coaching the Knicks, made quite a fuss on the sideline, insisting this was not a basket.
Chris Beekman, whose company sells the dietary supplement Opiate Detox Pro, does not understand what all the fuss is about.
Think about how good things have to be going in the country for the media to fuss over where Melania is.
Like Tinkercad it makes for a fun and easy way to get small design projects done with a minimum of fuss.
«I&aposm not going there to judge Berkeley or fuss at it,» Graham said in an interview with The Associated Press.
We’re glad this is fuss finally over—now perhaps we can focus on things that, you know, will actually hurt people.
Ahead, we rounded up a few no-fuss units for soon-to-be wig enthusiasts that are just starting to experiment.
The 2395-liter V-21 is a GM mainstay, not particularly impressive but smoothly delivering 2400 horsepower without too much fuss.
Much fuss is made about the inspired design of Apple’s products, but the truth is, they’re not built to last forever.
The fuss may even lend a much-needed shot of publicity to the new broadcaster, which was legally registered last month.
Pair it with white high-waisted shorts and flat sandals for a no-fuss look you’ll feel comfortable (and ventilated) in.
Others may use it as a reason to check out the thriller just to see what the fuss is all about.
Ironically, the fuss over Mr Vieira Lima’s flat may help get it through, argues Ricardo Mendes of Prospectiva, a political consultancy.
Now, a national fuss about how to commemorate the war dead is as much an annual event as the commemoration itself.
The space seemed open and simple, as in, there wasn’t a lot of fuss (unlike some other spaces I’ve tried out).
Larry Fuss, CEO for parent network Delta Radio, defended his decision to hire Mueller in an interview with the Daily News.
All of the physical buttons (there are no fiddly touch controls, thankfully) worked consistently and without any fuss, which is great.
It’s really fun and we’d like you to join us on Saturday, October 22 to see what the fuss is about.
A dish of fried ceps and potatoes was perfection, summing up his slogan mof mof: minimum of fuss, maximum of flavour.
Though it has softened in recent decades, the French state is still suspicious of Occitan (the fuss in Catalonia hardly helps).
Looking at the raw numbers so far in the Trump era, one easily could wonder what all the fuss is about.
The central government recently blocked the proposal after a local MP, worried about the reaction of his constituents, caused a fuss.
The European Commission, which in 2012 blocked a tie-up between Deutsche Börse and NYSE Euronext, could kick up a fuss.
He spoke of not understanding the «fuss» around a «personal response» and spoke of «feeling sorry» for outgoing President Barack Obama.
My mother, who never had been any good about making a fuss about things that just weren’t right, didn’t say anything.
Gaffney joined Eaton Vance in 2012 after co-managing the then-$22 billion Loomis Sayles Bond Fund with investor Dan Fuss.
McSira is likely offering downloads so customers can update their hardware to the latest version with as little fuss as possible.
Plus, he added, the meat industry’s fuss over its competition only serves to build even more consumer awareness of meat substitutes.
Powtoon is what you’d get if Powerpoint could just chill for a sec: lower maintenance, no-fuss, dare we say fun?
It is a surreal morning; anyone could be forgiven for wondering why there’s such fuss and fanfare over an inanimate object.
But nothing happened: Most workers seemed happy with the layoff deal offered by management and left their jobs without a fuss.
In a city struggling with violence, pollution and chaotic planning, a fuss over one building could seem trivial, Mr. Reyes said.
A very nice man named Jim rolled up to me on his bike to see what all the fuss was about.
Dubbed «Broomgate,» much of the fuss centers on a new kind of curling broom called the icePad, manufactured by Hardline Curling.
Fuss cited Sunday’s Italian referendum on constitutional reform, a possible rise in European interest rates and forthcoming elections in the region.
«It’s a big worry, but it’s also a very, very big investment opportunity,» Fuss told Business Insider during a recent interview.
It is a $2.5 billion producer of oil and natural gas and was Fuss‘ fourth-largest holding as of August 31.
The center-right commentators of this world are few, but they have made a big fuss about hating this country’s youth.
They reconnect to your previously connected devices quickly and without any fuss the moment you place the earbuds in your ears.
Android users should check out BBQ Timer by Jerry M (free) for a similar no-fuss, no-frills barbecue timer app.
I buy the same rods and reels over and over again, and I don’t fuss too much about trying new gear.
Dan Fuss, 86, is the vice chairman of Loomis Sayles and the lead portfolio manager of the firm’s flagship bond fund.
This year — after 93 years of ignorant bliss — I decided it was time to see what all the fuss was about.
His hands are up and waving hello but in that don’t-make-a-fuss, don’t-get-up-on-my-account gesture.
Amid all the fuss, though, they neglected to talk much about the security measures coming to MacBooks and iPhones this fall.
With all the fuss over artisanal liquors and bespoke ambience, drinking establishments in New York can be inclined toward the overserious.
He also learned to pack light, only bringing a carry-on, and not fuss with bringing back souvenirs of any kind.
«I’m delighted that this kind of integration is happening — just like that, without any big fuss and really great,» she said.
Once the base is established, all you need are a few no-fuss recipes to whip up ensembles in a pinch.
But even with all the fuss, we don’t really know yet what Amazon and its partners are actually planning to do.
Just remember that Mercury is retrograde, and no matter how much of a fuss you make, things won’t move any faster.
If you’re not familiar with Spectacles, think Google Glass, but without all the fuss of putting a computer on your head.
Hot Fuss Mk II would have been an easier sell, particularly for the critics (Rolling Stone famously gave it two stars).
The company has released tools in the past to help customers move legacy applications into containers without a lot of fuss.
High-quality loaf pans cook your baked goods evenly, release them with little fuss, and are made of heavy-duty materials.
They are usually well socialized and able to withstand changes in their environment without making much of a fuss toward strangers.
Plant parents, as they call themselves, fuss over their plant babies with the attention once given to kimchi or coffee connoisseurship.
As the disclosure of his demand for a loyalty pledge spurred controversy, the president did not seem to understand the fuss.
What if you could have all the cool factor of a classic Ford Bronco, without all the fuss of maintaining it?
The choice is between Beethoven’s «Piano Concerto No.3», «The Concerto Project» by Philip Glass or «Hot Fuss» by The Killers.
When I turned on the radio, sound came out so I told them they were making too much of a fuss.
Nobody likes a lot a fuss, but some people will go out of their way to avoid any sort of hassle.
Already a fuss had erupted about what Smithson would have wanted to happen to the jetty: Would he want it restored?
It was around this time that the Gentle Lunatic began to fade away, and in the end died without any fuss.
The actor and activist, whose birthday is in April, said she initially did not understand the «fuss» that surrounded the milestone.
The quality of performance varied, but United had rediscovered a knack for dispatching relative small fry with a minimum of fuss.
That was Annie Moore, flushed with embarrassment at the unexpected fuss being made of her by the officials on the island.
And I’m learning to just say thank you and not make such a fuss about it and have a good time.
The NARS Velvet Matte Lipstick Pencil in Dragon Girl is a comfortable, no-fuss red that flatters a variety of complexions.
Fuss does not see his photographic process as predominantly 19th century, rather, a neutral artistic process that can establish perplexing imagery.
Late last year, Playboy caused a fuss when the venerable nudie mag announced that it wouldn’t have naked ladies in it anymore.
Rating Sure, everything from the Jackie Kennedy biopic Jackie to the old-fashioned musical La La Land caused a fuss at TIFF.
Plan B: SmartYacht Oceangoing oligarchs can partly own anything from a no-fuss ­VanDutch 40 power­boat to a fancy-­pants Benetti mega­yacht.
The sun continues to make a big fuss, releasing yet another enormous flare and sending a glowing arch of plasma into space.
But Singleton doesn’t see what all the police fuss is about; his signs aren’t aggressive or even asking explicitly asking for money.
It’s easy to see whom this sort of monitor is for: those who want G-Sync without too much fuss or expense.
With a lightweight, almost balmy texture and a semi-matte finish, this moisturizing formula is about as fuss-free as lipstick gets.
He gleefully expects the fuss to win votes for the Republican Party in mid-term elections to be held on November 6th.
Some people want to see what all the fuss is about without having to invest thousands of dollars that may disappear overnight.
I’ve been meaning to check out a Herschel bag for a while now, just to see what all the fuss is about.
Having the ability to get data into another company’s solution with a minimum of fuss and expense has attracted data-hungry applications.
But by becoming the 51st state, the Brits would get no-fuss trading with all other U.S. states, without the pesky regulations.
Well, fuss no more: the Internet of Things has your back, with this handy, wearable, Bluetooth-enabled, app-supported, personal radiation tracker.
Momoh decided to take it to a diamond dealer in Kono who was known for paying cash up front with minimal fuss.
The district hired a new CEO that year, Dr. Gregory Thornton, who has made less of a fuss about school discipline reform.
» Carolla said he made a fuss about patent law to try to get politicians to «step in and do something about it.
The study, published in 22016, almost immediately kicked up a fuss — though it had been legal, it might not have been ethical.
So, while you digest all of that, click through the slideshow ahead to see what all of the (eco-)fuss is about.
This week I decided to finally see what all the fuss was about by trying an entire cart of self-care essentials.
Who do you look to if you want a no-fuss haircut that’s equally low-maintenance and refreshing on your dead ends?
Because it was Loki’s first time dating a pop star, he was pretty taken aback by the fuss over a tank top.
That’s what the fuss over the Goldman Sachs speeches is all about: who you believe and who you trust as a politician.
Our suggestion: Skip the clips, pins, and barrettes that tend to slip for a headband that doesn’t come with all the fuss.
I made no fuss because a part of me figured they got to decide what it really meant to be a Christian.
A fellow veteran was ready to raise a fuss, but when he heard Sutton’s explanation he just nodded his head and left.
Save for that Gucci cape that had the Internet abuzz, the singer has stuck to clean, no-fuss silhouettes in jewel tones.
You can make a jumbo-sized tag, but your pup may be less likely to fuss with it if it is small.
His mom would always verbally make a fuss over me and my dietary requirements, but then always cooked exactly what she wanted.
Now is, of course, the perfect moment for a confused Matthew to walk in and see what all the fuss is about.
This came after a fuss about a drone flight that filmed stunning views over London, but broke many rules in the process.
And if you just want to see what all the fuss is about, we encourage you to come check out the program.
The company is, as the lyrics suggest, a way to «praise» your co-workers instantly and perform performance reviews without much fuss.
WHOEVER exactly Saint Patrick was, he surely never expected the fuss that would be made of him 15 centuries after his passing.
«I really think if I hadn’t gone to Twitter or made a fuss about it, I wouldn’t have been noticed,» she said.
EXPECT AN ERUPTION: The Hill’s Mark Hensch reports: Ted Cruz expects Donald Trump to make a fuss over his alliance with Kasich.
Politicians often fuss about trade deficits, but in 2018 we exported about $8 billion more to Canada than we imported from Canada.
But the length of Fuss‘ career is not the only reason he has become a legendary fixture of the fixed-income world.
You can choose between fashionable docks made from marble and wood, or more simple ones that do the job without any fuss.
I never imagined a snake caught in the pipes could cause so much fuss (2 hours and 41 minutes, if we’re counting).
We dig the slicked-back, no-fuss hair and the shimmery coral lip, as well as the tropical-print high-neck dress.
And for new World of Warcraft players, Nostalrius gave them a glimpse of what all the fuss had been about years ago.
But from the human perspective—the potential target perspective—these weapons that we fuss over and nerd out over have one job.
It turned out that the cops had heard about the show and just wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
Because if there were less creative fireworks in Ms. Viard’s work than Mr. Lagerfeld’s, and there were, there was also less fuss.
Living in one room with my work from start to finish allows me extended time to think, dream, fuss, change, and explore.
The sudden messiness surrounding the search is embarrassing for an organization that prides itself on getting its business done with little fuss.
The youngsters can be forgiven for wondering what the fuss is about when they see muscled players like Koepka and Jason Day.
Thanks to a foundation of store-bought puff pastry, this tart is also fairly easy, ideal for a low-fuss Easter brunch.
Older people, in contrast, have been through comparable crises, making it natural for them to wonder what all the fuss is about.
While Ms. de Alvear, the director of the gallery, was pleased at the attention she got, she said the fuss was misplaced.
Why is our country complicit in the death by starvation of tens of thousands of children without anywhere near as much fuss?
Some Goldman officials, including Mr. Solomon, considered his complaints overblown and did not understand why Mr. Katzman was making such a fuss.
Sanders’s true challenge now is securing the majority of delegates needed to grant him the nomination without a fuss at the convention.
Nancy, for one, belongs to a generation of women raised to care-take and accommodate, never to make a fuss about themselves.
By the time she was done and the last model had appeared, you kind of knew what all the fuss was about.
Only Judge seemed unaffected by the majesty of the blow, and maybe even a little embarrassed by the fuss he had caused.
Rather than getting a new lint roller every few months, buy an electronic version to keep your clothes clean without the fuss.
More soothing pieces, including photographs by William Eggleston, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Irving Penn and Adam Fuss can be found in the master bedroom.
Keep calm and carry tourists: The UK’s Civil Aviation Authority is spinning up a massive logistical engine with a minimum of fuss.
He was entirely self-taught but so good at it that he never had to fuss around with light meters and equipment.
«I made a decision that I didn’t want to go to the police, I didn’t want to make a fuss,» she said.
One answer is that making an undue fuss about minor ailments is exactly the kind of thing that the James brothers did.
We’ve collected a whole bunch of recipes you could knock off at midday on a national holiday, with a minimum of fuss.
Officials didn’t want the other inmates causing a fuss as the singer was taken from one division of the jail to another.
Owen’s sells mixers like its Ginger + Lime so bars, restaurants and consumers can mix up cocktails like a Moscow mule without much fuss.
Some people have been making a fuss lately about how much it costs to protect me while I live in New York City.
So if you watched Thrones and didn’t see what all the fuss was about, you must stick with the series through next week.
Maybe you staggered home drunk one night, and misguidedly decided to see what all the 3 Guys 1 Hammer fuss was all about.
Now we wait to see if Snapchat users, like Facebook users, are willing to get over the changes after making such a fuss.
And if Alita: Battle Angel gets a sequel, fans who didn’t read the books might finally understand what all the fuss is about.
There are a few men in this genre and everyone makes such a fuss about them being able to represent an emotional standpoint.
As for Meghan herself, the former Suits star was chatty and friendly, turning up for each appointment with minimal fuss and always alone.
Those who raise a fuss about the rights of factory workers, gay people or abused women can expect the police to come knocking.
Last Thursday, the popular audio streaming app Stitcher became the first platform to pull all of Jones’s content, without a lot of fuss.
Never again will you have to fuss around with your laces because, guess what, your shoes already know what you want to do.
Two very different approaches to makeup have been in effect for the last few years: the maximum drama and the no-fuss minimal.
But, as JD points out, she does go along with committing three murders and staging them to look like suicides with little fuss.
Really, the fuss over whether Get Out is a comedy just illustrates the impossibility of divvying up films by genre to begin with.
As an early fan of the Caanoo I’m always looking for handheld emulators that can let you play classic games without much fuss.
«I was always told this happens to everyone, it’s normal and I shouldn’t fuss,» Selvi said, sitting outside her home in Dindigul district.
Hardware-based security keys provide a fast, no-fuss way to use two-factor authentication without having to mess around with your phone.
In Jakarta, Fitri Yanti, a pregnant 30-year-old mother of two, said she did not understand what all the fuss was about.
But recently, I’ve been able to enjoy a perfect, professional-looking manicure without all that fuss, and that’s thanks to press-on nails.
Mr Putin is also less troubled than Western leaders are by public opinion or civil-society groups making a fuss about Russia’s actions.
Rachel takes ridicule and bullying throughout the duration of film without raising a single fuss, unless you count an intense game of mahjong.
Everyone has a few pieces in their closet that pair well with jeans for a no-fuss outfit that still looks put-together.
No, because there wasn’t as much money to be made from it, so no one made as much of a fuss about it.
«Everything Will Be Alright» remains similar to rest of Hot Fuss in that it is a deeply synthpop, guitar heavy track about love.
This leads many observers to conclude that the decisions have more to do with how loud a fuss is raised and by whom.
With many of its competitors throwing their drones in the ring, UPS has now decided to see what all the fuss is about.
Ultimately, if your goal is to get a delicious meal on the table quickly and without much fuss, I’d go with Blue Apron.
This weekend booking is another step forward for him, and a chance for all curious parties to see what the fuss is about.
He could run the same playbook — small fights rather than a major confrontation — that helped him assume office without a huge public fuss.
But I’d rather just have better battery life without having to fuss with a detachable accessory — even if it’s included in the box.
Frazier landed amongst people in Matt Kemp and Justin Turner jerseys and yet no one made a fuss about what was going on?
Emily didn’t want to be interviewed by anyone or make a fuss about this, she just wanted to take her exams and graduate.
Since Hot Fuss (2004), band’s synth-rock debut, Flowers has champed at the bit with twitchy, flirty energy with both lust and ennui.
Mr Macron, feigning surprise at the fuss, insisted that he had just wanted a break from shaving, and soon after dropped the beard.
And also, the sprint function is a great inclusion—perhaps essential after the fuss that followed Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture’s slow pace?
It’s a phone accessory specifically designed to train your cat, dog, and other photogenic companions to take next-level selfies with minimal fuss.
With thundering internal fuss, I will go to the west front of the U.S. Capitol to witness the uniquely American transition of power.
If you don’t feel like buying minis of your shampoo and conditioner, they’re a fuss-free way to avoid constant styling all weekend.
They have a «SEVEN TODAY!» badge and they are making a big fuss about their Thomas the Tank Engine cake in the office.
If you can get your hands on one of those, it’s usually the best option to taking down supply convoys without much fuss.
«(It’s) a lot of fuss about nothing very serious,» Jennifer Hyndman, director of the Centre for Refugee Studies at York University told VICE.
«I am the most cautious I’ve been in the history of the bond fund,» which was launched in 1991, Fuss said on Wednesday.
I’ve made a pop-up easy reader version of Fire and Fury so Donald can see what all the fuss is about pic.twitter.
You could save yourself a lot of time and money by shopping now and avoiding all the fuss that comes with Black Friday.
Case closed, there are no real social consequences to 3D printed firearms, only an opportunity for gun control advocates to make a fuss.
Republicans have the votes in the House and Senate, and they will send this unpopular bill to Donald Trump’s desk without much fuss.
The affordable RASKOG Home Storage Utility Cart is a no-fuss, simplistic bar cart with three shelves that can hold all your bottles.
In China, where face-covering swimwear has long been popular among wrinkle-fearing beachgoers, many do not understand what the fuss is about.
I keep the straps on the looser end, but I like that there’s even the option to quickly adjust them with no fuss.
If I was losing my mind, or stuck in some way station of the afterlife, there would be more of a fuss, right?
Janusz Michallik may have been a fresh-faced teenager, but he remembers it well: the noise, the lights, the packed stadiums, the fuss.
She was right: periods are a totally normal thing that happen every month without causing a fuss or attracting bears to the village.
That moment is always nerve-wracking in Mutant Year Zero, and it’s one that the game serves up without much fuss or delay.
These no-fuss packing cubes from eBags fit everything you need for a vacation without taking up too much space in your suitcase.
The culture of graft and impunity has been entrenched for so long that the Afghan public hardly raises a fuss about it anymore.
To get a sense of what all the fuss was about, here is a look back at highlights of Mr. Graffman’s storied career.
When he reappeared 45 minutes later, wondering what all the fuss was about, I wrapped that child up in my arms and wept.
But on the floor of the Geneva International Motor Show, the brands will be showing the public what all the fuss is about.
When she started to fuss a bit, I shifted without thinking into that jiggly rocking motion that somehow comforts infants, and she quieted.
Without fuss and without Freud — though Dan Brown, unfortunately, makes an appearance — Isaacson uses his subject’s contradictions to give him humanity and depth.
Consider this a guide to how Democrats are communicating a desire to run without the fuss, commitment and risk of announcing it outright.
Lindsey Graham kicked off a fuss last week by promising to repeal Obamacare if Trump wins reelection and Republicans take back the House.
But first, if you’ve never before encountered Master of Magic, it can be difficult to fully fathom what all the fuss is about.
And he has moved swiftly to dispatch aides he deems unqualified by temperament, experience or credential with a minimum of drama and fuss.
Most of those are in low-income neighborhoods, where property is cheap, drug dealers plentiful and residents less inclined to make a fuss.
Therefore the best summer foods — like fried chicken, hamburgers and corn on the cob — are all portable, hand-held and free from fuss.
Unpleasant, perhaps, but everywhere, and so it’s something you don’t think or do much about, and don’t understand the fuss when someone does.
As in earlier works like «Vampire Lesbians of Sodom,» which ran for five years Off Broadway, Busch doesn’t fuss over logic or continuity.
This service creates some code that the front-end developers can drop into their application and connect to the database without a fuss.
The design is no-fuss, with a stacked heel for a touch of added height and a body made of 100% Italian leather.
Take note, above all, of the elegant, fuss-free simplicity with which Almodóvar dips from the present into the past, and back again.
Jamie Oliver has made a big enough fuss of it, along with every Masterchef contestant who proudly makes a point of cooking tripe.
Or, the district won’t even exist in a few months, because of a state Supreme Court-ordered redistricting, so why all the fuss?
And allowing people to return with only superficial fuss to their well-paid jobs doesn’t have the ring of a lesson well-taught.
Dan Fuss, the longtime manager of Loomis Sayles&apos flagship bond fund, is worried about the riskiest corner of the corporate-debt market.
With little fuss and fewer words, she sketches a woman whose independence and complacency help explain her son’s more toxic versions of each.
«She asked me if I had ever heard of this ‘Cleeve Davis’ everyone was making such a fuss over,» Ms. Edwards said, laughing.
Now that the details of the HQ2 deals are available to the public, it’s easy to see what all the fuss is about.
When Comey released his fateful letter notifying Congress about the discovery of more Clinton emails in late October, Democrats raised a giant fuss.
Before I joined, a few writers had died due to an overdose, and no one seemed to make a huge fuss about it.
Burns notes that she didn’t want to «be difficult or cause a fuss,» but as the critters multiplied she felt couldn’t sit idly by.
But the truth is the series (HBO will air new episodes each Sunday and Monday) isn’t compelling enough to warrant much of a fuss.
Sara Huckabee has no right to live a life of no fuss no muss after lying to the press, after inciting against the press.
With all the recent fuss about Avengers and Game of Thrones, the ultimate fantasy series — Star Wars — has had to take a back seat.
We even have a hack to keep them in place — off your shoulders — so you don’t have to fuss with your shirt all day.
Amazon has entered the video on demand (VOD) arms race in Australia, but the web giant hasn’t made much of a fuss about it.
While I wasn’t necessarily into the idea of a threesome, I wanted to explore the app and see what all the fuss was about.
And sure, it’s got a leather palm rest and a decent 1080p display, but you’re probably still not sure what the fuss is about.
It was perhaps a strategic move intended to send the message that, despite all the fuss in the news, Kaspersky Lab is trucking along.
But that confusion, and the fuss over the memo more generally, demonstrate just how little the American public understands about how FISA actually works.
Longi, by all accounts, did not seek to make a fuss or paint herself as a martyr, and moved quietly into her new role.
The tiny plug-and-play box is arguably the easiest way to play NES games on a modern television, doing so with minimal fuss.
You know, the real sh*t that went down for decades and centuries before we made a fuss about that ill-fated elevator ride.
«The doctor first made light of the matter saying that it’s just rape, not murder, and we shouldn’t create such a fuss,» said Yaqoob.
I’m loyal to my salon because my stylist knows I don’t use hair products and gives me a haircut that will work without fuss.
Public fuss over the issue is all right as long as it does not divert one’s attention from the real effort to gain freedom.
Background: The deafening fuss around AI is driven by deep learning, a technique that allows machines to pick out subtle patterns from enormous datasets.

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