Sentences with word furniture

Furniture refers to movable objects intended to support various human activities such as seating (e.g., chairs, stools, and sofas), eating (tables), and sleeping (e.g., beds). (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Thin, elegant and discreet it becomes part of the bus stop and not just something that has been hastily added to the design of the street furniture.


Our Bermuda hotel suites boast tasteful furniture, sitting area, LCD TVs, writing desk, WiFi access, fully stocked mini bars, walk in closets and spacious bathrooms with double granite vanity in each room.


Our country hotel offers 10 luxurious bedrooms all tastefully furnished with antique furniture and with super king size, or twin, beds.


You do not have to sacrifice quality furniture due to lack of space in your room or house.


One of the best ways to deter your playful kitty away from furniture and other off-limit items is to provide him or her with a scratching post of their own, like the SmartCat Ultimate Cat Scratching Post.


One day I paid off my house and wrote letters with presents and got letters with presents and I lucked out and got a lot of cool furniture and since I just had my house upgraded at that time I went straight decorating.


This technology can be applied to a wide range of social and industrial problems, such as development of new perfumes, quality control of industrial products, taste tests and development for food and beverages, «smart» shoes, clothing, and furniture, monitoring the quality of water, and screening for diseases like liver cancer and diabetes.


They can» t urinate all over your favorite brand new carpeting, they can» t get on the furniture and leave those puppy snot marks on the suede, and they can» t run amuck to find that one precious article that you forgot to put up before you left the house.


Once you’ve chosen the bed, you’ll have a clear direction for the rest of the bedroom furniture elements that you’ll need, like side tables, drawers and dressers.


This means that dogs will chew on almost anything regardless of whether it is rawhide, a bully stick, a piece of furniture, or even carpet.


Although we started looking at furniture even before we moved, it wasn’t until we were moved in that we started making any first purchase decisions.


Nowadays, i upload Awesome California King Size Bedroom Furniture Sets, this content is united subsequently Bunk & loft beds furniture.


Once, when I was staying for two weeks at the Hudson Hotel in New York, which Philippe Starck designed in the late 1990s, I removed almost all the furniture and rearranged the bed.


Looking at the joinery, or the way a piece of antique furniture is put together, will provide many clues that help in determining the age.


Cats love to climb — so take a moment to look at your existing furniture setup and see if you can create steps that your kitty can safely scale to find a satisfactory perching point.


Selling off old clothes, furniture or electronics you don’t use anymore could help you bring in lump sums of cash and help you declutter your space.


Quality furnishings such as fine cotton bed linen, thick towels, new furniture and tasteful traditional decor will add to the pleasure of your stay.


I had a ceramic pineapple that moved from California to Pennsylvania to New Jersey, then again only to be broken my our vacuum cleaner hitting the piece of furniture it sat in.


Tagged With: DIY, furniture re-do, painting projects


Now I can’t get rid of the dark furniture and accessories fast enough.


Example: The sump pump in your condo’s basement breaks down, and water floods your basement, damaging carpet, furniture, clothes, a TV, washer, dryer, etc..


To prevent such falls, keep your pet off high furniture — a rule that holds for kittens too, says Ward.


He may need ramps to get up stairs or onto his favorite furniture, and he may require low-sided litter boxes.


While many customers come into the store for things like food and litter, a bright and well-designed display can quickly steer them toward the cat furniture section.


This piece of furniture provides a gentle gliding motion for a high level of comfort to relax a fussy baby and a tired parent.


We decided to venture outside: eating dinner around backyard patio furniture, fleeing the city for weekends at cottages, frolicking in Autumnal leaves of inner-city parks and what we discovered was beauty all around.


If you use one this will be their crate, though some satisfy their denning instinct by lying under a table, or between close-fitting furniture.


We ensure that you shop smartly via us on a wide range of categories like clothing, electronics, gifts and flowers, food and drink, furniture, home and garden, domain and hosting, kids, health, travel, pets, shoes, sports, and fitness etc..


Real estate does tend to go up over time, but on a year-to-year basis its performance is about as reliable as your slacker friend’s promise to help move furniture.


Darius Khondji’s cinematography pushes the signature style that Christopher Doyle created for Wong, super-saturated colors and skip-frame effects that momentarily freeze images to isolate fleeting moments, with even more discreet camerawork, shooting through windows, from behind display cases, around furniture, as if eavesdropping.


Make sure you get estimates of furniture and other items, such as appliances, before you purchase your home.


The system also gives general users more flexibility in designing furniture to be able to fit space-constrained houses and apartments.


If he’s interested, invite your child to help you make simple decisions about the baby’s room or pick out furniture or supplies: «Where should we put the rocking chair?»


This can make it tricky to steam your clothes if you don’t have a hanger or your furniture if you can’t prop it upright.


«It’s a zero-waste alternative to buying tons of little bottles of chemical-filled hand sanitizer and can be used to spray on public toilets, hotel room furniture when traveling, etc..


There is a worksheet to say where the ghost is, which revises the expression «Il y a…» and items of furniture.


You know nothing of catholic charities all over the world who clothe and feed the poor, Provide shelter clothing and furniture for rhe needy.


Its interior, illuminated by distinctive Gothic windows, has a warm and welcoming atmosphere in which, with attention to detail, each piece has been chosen with refined taste: characteristic Murano glass, elegant mirrors, classic furniture with soft lines that distinguish each room as in a boutique hotel.


The psychologists also created a replica of the room in virtual reality, allowing them to manipulate the position of furniture, doors, and windows.


Some companies have offered AR apps, for example, to let people about to buy furniture or appliances see how they might look in their homes.


Designer furniture and lamps, parquet floors, natural silk curtains; historical details in some suites.


We recently taught him to stay off the furniture and our bed because he did sleep with us for awhile.


Right from product design to delivery and installation, each one of us thinks about the customer first, and how we can make their home beautiful and offer a hassle free shopping experience,» says Rajiv Srivatsa, COO and Co-founder of Urban Ladder, an online furniture store.


romantic bedroom decorating ideas pinterest romantic bedroom ideas for anniversary bedroom furniture near me.


We’ve been in our new place for 4 months, and still waiting on our bedroom furniture.


«Our powder can be used on the pet as well as in our personal environment, because fleas only spend about 20 percent of their time on pets — the rest of the time they are hiding in places such as carpets, furniture and baseboards,» she said.


Oceanfront Condos Rosewood’s gleaming oceanfront condos feature amenities including outdoor pools, designer furniture, king-sized beds, lush landscaping and rolling lawns.


Assembling Ikea furniture has always frustrated me, it requires too much patient and I don’t have it in me.


More importantly, clothing can get caught or snagged on furniture or other household objects resulting in injury to the cat.»


and a changing table, since we didn’t own any re-purposeable furniture.


Sentences with the word Furniture?



  • «antique furniture«
  • «the beautiful antique French furniture«
  • «the arrangement of the furniture«; «the placement of the chairs»
  • «they had too much furniture for the small apartment»; «there was only one piece of furniture in the room»
  • «bare wood»; «unfinished furniture«
  • «wearing someone’s cast-off clothes»; «throwaway children living on the streets»; «salvaged some thrown-away furniture«
  • «These shoes come in three colors; The furniture comes unassembled»
  • «Danish furniture«
  • «the furniture was covered with dust»
  • «Edwardian furniture«
  • «She gave away her antique furniture«
  • «a heavy load»; «lead is a heavy metal»; «heavy mahogany furniture«
  • «New slipcovers will help the old living room furniture«
  • «plain homely furniture«; «homely manners»
  • «low ceilings»; «low clouds»; «low hills»; «the sun is low»; «low furniture«; «a low bow»
  • «Wood makes good furniture«
  • «The furniture molded in the old house»
  • «modern art»; «modern furniture«; «modern history»; «totem poles are modern rather than prehistoric»
  • «modular furniture«; «modular homes»
  • «a ratty old overcoat»; «shabby furniture«; «an old house with dirty windows and tatty curtains»
  • «My wife objects to modern furniture«
  • «freshly painted lawn furniture«
  • «the position of the hands on the clock»; «he specified the spatial relations of every piece of furniture on the stage»
  • «Please rearrange these files»; «rearrange the furniture in my room»
  • «refinish the dining room furniture«
  • «they decided to reposition their furniture in a recommended repository in Brooklyn»; «my car is in storage»; «publishers reduced print runs to cut down the cost of warehousing»
  • «with a house full of boys you have to have rugged furniture«
  • «half-timbered Tudor houses»; «Tudor furniture«
  • «an ugly face»; «ugly furniture«
  • «an unpainted house»; «unpainted furniture«
  • «the furniture was sitting around uselessly»
  • «veneer the furniture to protect it»

We, uh, manufacture wooden furniture.
Мы занимается изготовлением деревянной мебели.

I own the furniture store.
Я владею мебельным магазином.

Articles of household furniture, utensils and clothing, namely:
Предметы домашней обстановки, утвари и одежды, а именно:

We must polish the Polish furniture.
Мы должны отполировать польскую фурнитуру.

The same idea can work above-ground with large pieces of furniture.
Эта же идея может сработать и над землей с использованием крупных предметов меблировки.

Pictures taken at the scene after the curfew show blood spattering at different locations in the monastery and destruction of property, including gates, windows and other furniture.
На фотографиях места происшествия, сделанных после окончания комендантского часа в различных частях монастыря, видны пятна крови и разгромленное имущество, включая ворота, окна и элементы убранства.

So lawn furniture, huh, Oliver?
Значит, садовая мебель, Оливер?

Is this the furniture shop?
Это мебельный магазин?

And it uses the imagery of dollhouse furniture.
В нём используются образы обстановки кукольного домика.

He smears things onto furniture.
Он пачкает мебель.

It’s a vintage furniture store.
Это старый мебельный магазин.

For example, if your organization classifies products that use power as office equipment and classifies products that do not use power as office furniture, your qualifier question might be Does this item need power to operate?
Например, если ваша организация классифицирует продукты, использующие электропитание, в качестве офисного оборудования, а продукты, не использующие электропитания, в качестве предметов офисной обстановки, вопрос классификатора может звучать следующим образом: Необходима ли для использования этой номенклатуры электроэнергия?.

So I looked for furniture.
И вот я искал мебель.

He’s living in the furniture store?
Он живет в мебельном магазине?

Dear customers, the furniture department has.
Уважаемые клиенты, в отделе мебели имеется.

Work down at the old furniture store.
Работаю в старом мебельном магазине.

What marvellously square furniture you have.
У вас на редкость консервативная мебель.

His father owns that Danish furniture store.
Его отцу принадлежит Датский мебельный магазин.

You ate some moldy lawn furniture.
Ты съел часть заплесневелой садовой мебели.

The Goldbergs owned a discount furniture store.
А у Голдбергов — мебельный магазин.


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A prerequisite for the manufacture of kids‘ furniture is to use only environmentally friendly raw materials.

Непременное условие для любой модели детской мебели — это применение исключительно экологически чистых материалов.

Our colelction of ‘French style‘ furniture and finishing.

Наша коллекция мебели и отделочных материалов во французском стиле.

There’s no posts tagged with ‘furniture‘.

Не найдено вакансий, содержащих в названии «мебель».

The name of the current factory, Baldai Jums, literally means ‘furniture for you’.

Название текущего завода, Мебель для вас, буквально означает «мебель для вас».

However, in recent years, kids‘ furniture manufacturers have put more effort in marketing and producing kids’ room furniture.

В последние годы производители мебели предпринимают все больше усилий для производства и маркетинга мебели для детей.

He later taught ‘Furniture design’ at the same institute and at the Domus Academy.

Он также преподавал Проектирование мебели в этом институте и в частной школе дизайна Domus Academy.

On 9 March, she reached an agreement with John Church, a local publican, to sell Thomas‘ furniture and other goods to furnish his pub, the Rising Sun.

9 марта она договорилась с местным трактирщиком Джоном Чёрчем о продаже мебели и прочего имущества Томас, чтобы тот смог обставить свой паб «Rising Sun».

Most of the rooms‘ furniture was specially designed for Hotel College by FG Stijl, Ámsterdam.

Основная часть мебели была создана специально для отеля College дизайнерской фирмой FG Stijl, Амстердам.

In April 2010, FELIX became the winner of the All-Russian Contest ‘The Golden Networks’ in the category ‘Furniture for Offices’ for the seventh time.

В апреле 2010 года Компания «ФЕЛИКС» в седьмой раз стала победителем Всероссийского конкурса «Золотые сети» в номинации «Мебель для офиса», проводимого среди крупнейших сетевых компаний разного профиля деятельности.

Around The House ‘Furniture

Consider the word ‘furniture‘.

Поскольку есть слово «мебель«.

So we did that and then we created a ‘furniture guild’.

Мы придерживаемся тенденций, поэтому мы создали серию «старинных» мебели.

The transaction was considered to be largely a horizontal merger with some vertical elements between the merging parties‘ furniture manufacturing and retailing operations.

Было отмечено, что данная сделка является главным образом горизонтальным слиянием, включающим в себя некоторые вертикальные связи между операциями сторон, которые должны были участвовать в слиянии, в сфере производства и розничной продажи мебели.

This ‘mobile‘ furniture now in fashion.

Такая «мобильная» мебель сейчас в моде.

I have no problem making kids‘ furniture functional.

The splendor and elegance of the temples‘ furniture were caused by divine services for August personages, and cemeteries of the monastery were high elite.

Пышность и нарядность убранств храмов была обусловлена частыми богослужениями для Августейших особ, а кладбища монастыря были самыми элитными.

In some cases, landlords ask for 3 months or more, depending on the value of the property and its‘ furniture.

В отдельных случаях, хозяева просят З и более месяцев, в зависимости от стоимости жилья и содержимого в нем имущества.

It investigates the fundamental ‘furniture of our universe’, and differs from science only quantitatively, in the generality and breadth of its questions.

Она исследует фундаментальное «строение нашей вселенной» и отличается от науки только количественно — общностью и широтой вопросов и категорий.

He had expressed his gratitude to Angela and had informed her that all his parents‘ furniture would go to Paula.

Он выразил свою благодарность Ангеле и сообщил ей, что вся мебель родителей переходит к Пауле.

These are not ‘furniture‘.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат ‘ furniture

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Random good picture Not show

1. The room looks different with the furniture gone.

2. Furniture for young children needs to be indestructible.

3. We don’t carry a large stock of pine furniture.

4. Fine furniture graced the room.

5. The furniture is made of walnut.

6. His house was dismantled of all its furniture.

7. Could you help me shift some furniture?

8. The room looks different without the furniture.

9. Dust-sheets were draped over the furniture.

10. He bought the furniture on credit.

11. The furniture had been left by the previous occupants.

12. The orange curtains jar with the red furniture.

13. He sprayed the furniture with paint yesterday.

14. Has the furniture been delivered from the factory yet?

15. The arrangement of the furniture formed a pleasing ensemble.

16. All the furniture was covered in dust .

17. The royal train was fitted up with costly furniture.

18. The furniture has been delivered from the store.

19. Most of the furniture was quite tasteful.

20. The room was empty of furniture.

21. The furniture is not fancy, just functional.

22. We don’t have much furniture.

22. try its best to gather and create good sentences.

23. The old furniture was covered in dust.

24. The furniture was covered in dust and cobwebs.

25. The wood is used for making fine furniture.

26. He auctioned off his furniture.

27. The furniture gleamed after being polished.

28. All the furniture was made of wood.

29. The room was full of wooden furniture.

30. The red carpet jars with the furniture.

More similar words: turn in, turn into, burning, magnitude, turn, turn on, turn off, turn to, in turn, turn up, return, turn out, turn away, turn down, turn over, in return, take turns, feature, texture, gesture, lecture, mixture, picture, venture, culture, capture, in return for, by nature, creature, in nature. 

мебель, обстановка, оборудование, инвентарь, гарнитура, оснастка


- мебель, обстановка

cheap [old-fashioned, polished] furniture — дешёвая [старомодная, полированная] мебель
a piece of furniture — мебель (отдельная вещь)
furniture factory — мебельная фабрика
furniture upholstery material — обивка для мебели
furniture pads — резиновые подкладки (под ножки мебели)

- фурнитура; оконный или дверной прибор
- амер. сл. женщина

a nice little piece of furniture — приятная девица

- редк. содержимое

the furniture of a bookshelf — книги
the furniture of one’s mind — образн. знания
the furniture of one’s pocket — деньги

- ист. сбруя; снаряжение всадника и лошади
- мор. парусное вооружение; рангоут и такелаж, оснастка
- полигр. крупный пробельный материал, марзан

Мои примеры


furniture made of natural materials — мебель, изготовленная из натуральных материалов  
furniture made in the Federal style — мебель, изготовленная в федеральном стиле  
rearrange the furniture in my room — переставить мебель в моей комнате  
custom-built furniture — мебель, изготовленная по заказу  
dusty furniture — мебель, покрытая пылью  
forthright furniture — простая мебель  
flat pack furniture — сборная мебель  
modern furniture — современная мебель  
secondhand / used furniture — мебель, бывшая в употреблении  
article / piece / stick of furniture — предмет мебели, обстановки  
to upholster furniture — обивать мебель  
street furniture — оборудование улиц  

Примеры с переводом

She helped to move the furniture.

Она помогала в перестановке мебели.

The office furniture is wearing out.

Офисная мебель изнашивается.

Wood makes good furniture

Из древесины получается хорошая мебель.

All the furniture in their house is brand-new.

Вся мебель в их доме, совсем новая.

All the furniture was covered in dust.

Вся мебель была покрыта пылью.

They moved the furniture about.

Они всё время переставляли мебель.

Oh, you’ve moved the furniture around again!

А, ты снова передвинул мебель!

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We carted all the furniture upstairs.

They muscled the furniture up the stairs.

A thick layer of dust lay on the furniture.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

  • Use the word FURNITURE in a sentences

Sentence Examples

This the fourth time I must be handed over like a piece of furniture to whomever claims me…»

A room to let, for nice lodger, with furniture and samovar, ask apartment no. 9.

This morning he asked me if I knew anything about… buying furniture on the installment plan.

You’d thinkI was a piece of furniture.

You’ll be needin’ some furniture.

A statue or a hunk of furniture?

I bet all this trick furniture set you back plenty, huh?

But I wish we had a flat of our own or something-you know, our own furniture.

I got new furniture and everything.

The furniture man is takin’ charge.

I have all the furniture on credit. He said he couldn’t pay for it all at once.

With all these household expenses the furniture, the rent, and everything else.

Then there’s the furniture.

I’ll have your furniture impounded.

We’ll have his furniture impounded tomorrow.

This program comes to you courtesy of the Golden Goose furniture Company… with three stores: 125th Street, 125th Street and 125th Street.

The architecture has a little feeling of Missouri Gothic and the furniture sort of leans toward Oklahoma Renaissance with a tiny touch of Grand Rapids.

This is the last time I’m gonna change the furniture around.

I done thought you was gonna wear this furniture out, kicking it around.

It has already proved dangerous to wipe yourself off on the furniture.

Can’t say I didn’t tell you about gilt furniture.

It’s come the eviction now. The bailiff was just there. The furniture is out on the street.

Naturally. I’ll bring a car for the furniture.

The landlord throws out an old renter. He brings along the furniture mover

The furniture mover asks, he discusses, until even… the last one understands

Why did they take the furniture?

You can keep the house, my jewels, the furniture, everything! I don’t want any alimony!

You got all the furniture you need?

And will move the furniture out now. So we can put his little crib and table in there.

By leaning on the furniture, they prevent anything being taken.

Public sale of the seized furniture in the square at La Bouverie.

How’d you like to look for a house and furniture?

George, promise me you won’t start smashing furniture.

We have to tell him the truth regardless of what happens to the furniture.

I’m paying for this furniture, every penny I’ve got.

I see each one of you before me, mourning me, while at the same time appraising each piece of furniture for its cash value.

Start chewing up furniture?

Wouldn’t need any of them if they didn’t stuff this furniture with horsehair.

furniture, a new addition, a dump cart.

The furniture man about the fixtures.

Let me off this boat or I’ll break every piece of furniture in here!

I’ve had the furniture and the heavy luggage taken over by the shipping agents.

Wait until we get the furniture in.

The box stuff and the furniture

Maybe it’s this ugly little house or the furniture, or Mother’s vases that upset you.

They’re shifting the furniture now

A guy who would throw your furniture in the street!

The furniture, in the street!

And they sold all my nice furniture.

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  • Sentences with word table
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