Sentences with word frustrated

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Angry and frustrated, Dodi cancels their dinner plans.

Сердитый и разочарованный, Доди отменил ужин и придумал хитрый план.

The boys were brilliant but in this moment we are frustrated.

Они были великолепны в эти сложные годы, но сейчас они разочарованы».

I’m frustrated over this case.

He seems more frustrated than violent.

Мне кажется, он скорее расстроен, чем агрессивен.

Which means you’re angry or frustrated.

А это значит, что вы сердитесь или расстроены.

They were as frustrated as anyone.

I was still frustrated because I had no further impressions.

Я была все еще расстроена, потому что у меня не было никаких дальнейших впечатлений.

We can be fulfilled when otherwise we would have been frustrated.

Мы можем быть состоявшимися (самореализовавшимися), когда иначе мы были бы разочарованными.

I was frustrated watching the blinking cursor on my frozen computer screen seemingly taunt me.

Я был расстроен, наблюдая, как мигающий курсор на моем замороженном экране компьютера, казалось, дразнил меня.

And unhappy romantically frustrated nice guys everywhere can’t be completely wrong.

И все эти несчастные романтически разочарованные парни, которых я встречаю, не могут полностью ошибаться.

Your child might be feeling frustrated and need help.

Бывает так, что ваш ребёнок расстроен и нуждается в помощи.

Still, frustrated homebuyers like the Novikovs say the government should help them.

Тем не менее, расстроенные покупатели, такие как Новиковы, утверждают, что правительство должно им помочь.

Like Carsillo, Sullivan claimed never to be frustrated with the difficulty.

Как и Карсилло, Салливан утверждал, что он не был расстроен сложностью игры.

She was frustrated because you crossed Eleanor Guthrie.

Она была расстроена потому что ты перешла дорогу Элеанор Гатри.

So we’re frustrated, and she’s frustrated.

They have never been frustrated by my neverending questions.

Он никогда ни разу не пытался отделаться от моих бесконечных вопросов.

Unfortunately, frequently customers instead feel frustrated.

Maybe I really am just frustrated.

Может быть, действительно, я просто испорченный.

We get frustrated when we think of money.

В результате мы чувствуем себя виноватыми, когда думаем о деньгах.

He’s very frustrated because he cannot speak.

Ему очень тяжело, потому что он не может говорить.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат frustrated

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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1 He frustrated his enemies in their plans.

2 His apathy just made her even more frustrated.

3 This failure leaves the child depressed and frustrated.

4 He felt extremely frustrated when things went against him.

5 They felt frustrated at the lack of progress.

6 He was frustrated by his poverty.

7 He was frustrated in his ambition.

8 It’s very easy to get frustrated in this job.

9 The police frustrated the bandit’s attempt to rob the bank.

10 He gets frustrated when people don’t understand what he’s trying to say.

11 These questions frustrated me.

12 She felt increasingly frustrated by her inability to demonstrate her ideas.

13 His evil designs were frustrated.

14 Students become frustrated with learning verbs parrot fashion.

15 Journalists are frustrated by his apparent greyness.

16 He stamped his foot in frustrated rage.

17 Heavy rain frustrated out our plans for a picnic.

18 Sometimes he gets really frustrated with his violin playing.

19 She found her plans frustrated at every turn.

20 He was frustrated by deep poverty.

21 Are you feeling frustrated in your present job?

22 If you’re both feeling frustrated[],[] the fur may fly.

23 He felt great resentment at having his ambition frustrated.

24 Edward declared himself angry and frustrated.

25 Her oscillations of mood frustrated him.

26 Frustrated writers often end up in publishing.

27 The rescue attempt was frustrated by bad weather.

28 Ever so a person, can in order to my every move and happy or frustrated for a long time.

29 When things go wrong, all of us naturally feel disappointed and frustrated.

30 He had hoped to set a new world record, but was frustrated by bad weather.

More similar words: frustrate, frustration, frustrating, illustrate, illustration, strategy, prostrate, strategic, magistrate, demonstrate, remonstrate, orchestrate, strategically, extraterrestrial, nominal interest rate, distrust, distrustfully, rusticate, australia, stratum, stratagem, distractedly, abstractedly, prostration, demonstrator, registration, sequestration, decorated, saturated, liberated. 



- несостоявшийся, сорвавшийся

frustrated hopes — неоправдавшиеся /несбывшиеся/ надежды
a frustrated boycott — неудавшийся /несостоявшийся/ бойкот

- психол. разочарованный, не верящий в свои силы; испытывающий фрустрацию

critics are often frustrated writers — критики

Мои примеры


the poem about a frustrated man’s last assay at greatness — поэма о последней попытке разочарованного человека достичь величия  
frustrated by the narrowness of people’s horizons — разочарованный узостью кругозора людей  
frustrated ambition — расстроенные планы  
frustrated cargo — груз, доставка которого прервана  
frustrated contract — тщетный договор  
a frustrated poet — неудавшийся поэт  
frustrated dreams — несбывшиеся мечты  
frustrated attempts — безуспешные, тщетные попытки  
frustrated career — неудавшаяся карьера  
frustrated multiple internal reflections — демаскирующие многократные внутренние отражения  
to be frustrated by bad weather — чувствовать себя разбитым из-за плохой погоды  
be frustrated by disease — чувствовать себя разбитым из-за болезни  

Примеры с переводом

He was frustrated to find no support among his friends.

Он был разочарован, не встретив поддержки среди своих друзей / не найдя поддержки у друзей.

It frustrated him to miss so many games because of injuries.

Его расстраивало то, что он пропустил так много игр из-за травм.

She had become increasingly frustrated with her life.

Она стала всё больше разочаровываться своей жизнью.

He gets frustrated when people don’t understand what he’s trying to say.

Он расстраивается, когда люди не понимают, что он хочет сказать.

Edward declared himself angry and frustrated.

Эдвард заявил, что он сердит и расстроен / разочарован.

Their attempts to speak to him were frustrated by the guards.

Их попытки поговорить с ним, были пресечены охранниками.

Congress has grown increasingly frustrated with the administration’s policy.

Конгресс очень недоволен политикой администрации.

She grew frustrated with the lack of progress.

Дело не шло, и она всё больше приходила в отчаяние.

Frustrated and bitter, Hogan had reached the end of his tether with politics.

Полный горечи и разочарования, в отношении политики Хоган дошёл до последней черты.

The lack of investors has frustrated them in their efforts to expand the company.

Отсутствие инвесторов, расстроило их планы по расширению компании, не смотря на все их усилия.

I switched to English literature, where so many frustrated poets end as pipe-smoking teachers in tweeds.

Я перешёл на изучение английской литературы, которым пробавляется не один поэт-пустоцвет, превратясь в профессора с трубочкой, в пиджаке из добротной шерсти. (В.Набоков, «Лолита»)

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We’ve been frustrated by bureaucratic delays.

If you’re both feeling frustrated, the fur may fly.

He got frustrated and started to pound the piano keys.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

frustration  — разочарование, расстройство, чувство разочарования, срыв, крушение
frustrating  — расстраивающий, разочаровывающий

Ashley pondered for a moment and asked, «But if I’m still making mistakes, I will still get frustrated and my coach will pull me out of the rotation!»


However, I was very frustrated to discover that it’s quite hard to get a child seat to plug into the lower anchors in the rear seats, so tight are the rear seatback and cushion fitted together (I ended up having to invert the clips on the kid seats themselves).


Another common problem is specific undesirable behavior that gets owners frustrated.


Drivers may also become frustrated or confused when approaching detours, and improper signage can result in accidents causing catastrophic injuries or wrongful death.


Caught in a loveless Manhattan marriage, abused and frustrated Wally (Abbie Cornish) obsesses over Wallis Simpson (Andrea Riseborough), the stylish American divorcee who captured the heart of Edward the VIII (James D’Arcy) who abdicated the throne as King of England.


It’s also fiction — the plot of Won’t Back Down, a film released this fall starring Maggie Gyllenhaal as the supermom and Viola Davis as a frustrated teacher who becomes her ally.


I really don’t like feeling frustrated with him all of the time and I love him dearly, but oh my goodness is he active!


Whether you think she’s mad, sad, frustrated, embarrassed, or disappointed, put a name to it.


Stomp your feet, have one last fit of frustrated sobbing and then get on with the task of finding the next


The closest thing to an outburst came late in the second half when the frustrated Swann had a shoving match with Oakland Free Safety Jack Tatum after taking what he considered a late hit from behind.


They get so frustrated that they start play badly, and they stop caring that they’re losing money.


I saw people getting frustrated and annoyed that their babies were crying.


Inspired by the radical politics of the late 1960’s and frustrated by the limitations of art taught by the academics, he decided to embrace different, modern sculptural practices.


And when it doesn’t happen that way, we get frustrated and want to give up.


My patients are often frustrated because they have been diagnosed with a «functional gastrointestinal disorder» like Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS.This means that no actual cause could be found for their symptoms.


A faster, simpler checkout means fewer opportunities for a buyer to get frustrated and leave your site before completing the transaction.


That’s not an appealing tone to take in your approach, even if you’ve been rejected many times and are getting frustrated.


I didn’t know what I was missing in that frustrated sexless marriage.


«If you do something from a pissed off state, from an exhausted state, from a frustrated state, from a weak state, it won’t matter what you do.


So, if you’re frustrated because your spouse won’t sign divorce papers, just hang on.


He’s frustrated that he’s been bounced from the case by the Prosecutor General, a serious, stone-faced legend of dogged duty who has the unlikely nickname «Minty» (because he keeps popping breath mints while working a case) and is played by American star Arthur Kennedy (dubbed in Italian of course), so when his drug investigation winds back into the bombing he conducts his own investigation.


If he doesn’t, he’s distracted, frustrated, and ornery.


You’ll only wind up frustrated and will be more likely to fall off the wagon.


And can I just say, I’m so glad someone else is at least a little frustrated with the Resolutes clogging up the normal exercise routine!


I grow increasingly frustrated with the term «single parent», which is so often bantered about unnecessarily.


But again and again he feels frustrated and grows disheartened because he does not really understand the thinking and feeling of people who possess absolutely nothing of that Christian conviction which shapes his whole life.


These findings give more context to recent studies that found people who spend a lot of time on Facebook tend to be more frustrated, angry and lonely — presumably because of all the happy updates from friends that make them feel inadequate.


A visibly frustrated Kelley then blurted out, in the truest words I had ever heard in the SLT meetings: «Every time the students try to bring up a program to improve education, we are told it violates the teachers» contract.


At the moment I keep playing «I am her Guide» after feeling very frustrated in reminding her do turn the light off, go potty, wash her hands, sit nicely… etc etc..


I was so good for ages at being strict, then I find myself getting frustrated that it really is so difficult.


I do think, however, that investors who are convinced that there is transactional value in the preferred shares and, thence by extension, common shares, could, over time, become frustrated and dump the stock.


You could feel burned out and frustrated, anxious, depressed, or even unable to enjoy time in your own home knowing another work day is ahead.


Riolo’s revelations tie in with reports in the Spanish media this week — again via The Sun — which claim that Real Madrid officials are growing increasingly frustrated behind the scenes with what they perceive as bad influences in Ronaldo’s personal life.


What game has gotten you so frustrated that you have thrown your controller through a window?


An account can become inactive because the user has found that special someone and gotten distracted by coupled bliss — or they could’ve grown so cynical and frustrated that they’ve given up trying to date.


Of course you are rowing, you are frustrated and he is feeling inadequate!


Me and My Shadow tells the story of Shadow Stan, an extremely frustrated shadow who yearns for a dynamic life but happens to be stuck with Stanley Grubb, the world’s most boring human.


I’m not frustrated and I’m not discouraged.»


I do get really excited about stuff, but I’m not easily angered or frustrated or whathaveyou.


And we were often frustrated because our taps either didn’t register or the Novel reacted so slowly that it took a while to execute the requested action (such as returning to the home screen).


Jean apologized the next day, telling reporters he was angry and frustrated.


be understanding when your child finds things hard (eg «You must be frustrated your blocks fell down.


We often visit with concerned and frustrated clients who describe their cat as straining to urinate, -LSB-…]


The American artist Trevor Paglen, at his studio in Berlin, became frustrated with New York City and accepted an invitation to move to Germany.


It was also the way way the Gunners played in our last game away to West Brom that has upped the pressure from the frustrated Arsenal fans, so the big clash with Man City was already one in which the pressure was on for Arsenal.


Lucky ive got football to watch this evening or id be quite frustrated I imagine!


I am so frustrated with this vehicle I have already contacted the dealership about my options to ditch it.


As a career coach, usually when potential clients come to me for career coaching, they’re so frustrated with their current jobs that they feel as if they must make a dramatic change.


Though I truly enjoy studying and teaching Scripture, I sometimes feel frustrated that given my current career path, the only jobs I qualify for are in the field of professional ministry.


I was stressed and frustrated, I had lots of work to do!


Sentences with the word Frustrated?



  • «ambiguous words»; «frustrated by ambiguous instructions, the parents were unable to assemble the toy»
  • «What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth’s amazing September surge»; «foil your opponent»
  • «disappointed expectations and thwarted ambitions»; «their foiled attempt to capture Calais»; «many frustrated poets end as pipe-smoking teachers»; «his best efforts were thwarted»
  • «the problem with achievement tests is the narrowness they impose on students»; «the attraction of the book is precisely its narrowness of focus»; «frustrated by the narrowness of people’s horizons»

How to use frustrated in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «frustrated» and check conjugation/comparative form for «frustrated«. Mastering all the usages of «frustrated» from sentence examples published by news publications.

I was frustrated, the audience was frustrated, he was frustrated, the people he was talking to were frustrated.
I started to realize that the people are frustrated — I’m frustrated, they’re frustrated; let’s see who they decide to pick.
The show’s talent bench is deep, but watching frustrated author Ethan (Key), frustrated lawyer Lisa (Smulders), frustrated designer Sam (Annie Parisse), frustrated artist Marianne (Jae Suh Park), frustrated literary agent Max (Fred Savage), and frustrated trust fund kid Nick (Nat Faxon) mess up through the series’ eight episodes is far more taxing than it is entertaining.
«He’s frustrated and we’re frustrated,» Mariners manager Scott Servais said.
Frustrated. I feel frustrated when it occurs over and over.
He was frustrated, he said, and users needed to get frustrated, too.
«I’m frustrated, you should be frustrated, all Chicagoans should be frustrated,» Superintendent Eddie Johnson of the Chicago Police Department said on Sunday at a news conference.
Frustrated With You Frustrated With You: My response was universally reviled by readers.
I’ve been frustrated, Joe Kennedy has been frustrated, some of the younger members are very frustrated because we actually think our job is to go do something.
«I was frustrated, and felt bad that I felt frustrated and guilty,» Marcum said.
Obama told Oller that the parts of Obamacare that frustrated her frustrated him too.
Frustrated Mom Frustrated Mom: You obviously value your time and energy more than your mother’s.
I’m frustrated with the umpire, frustrated with myself — I haven’t been swinging the bat well.
Stumped and Frustrated Stumped and Frustrated: These sites aren’t really «dating» sites, but «matching» sites.
«Leadership is not about going to angry and frustrated people and saying, ‘You should be even angrier and more frustrated, and you should be angry and frustrated at each other,'» Rubio said.
Sexually frustrated Tinder users were especially frustrated on Tuesday morning as the dating app was not functioning properly.
«The family is frustrated … the detectives are frustrated, that we cannot hold anyone accountable for this,» Martinez added.
«The family is frustrated … the detectives are frustrated that we cannot hold anyone accountable for this,» Martinez added.
Born to a frustrated, at times pathologically abusive and abused mother, Valerie, Ryan too became frustrated and violent.
Last night she was more conciliatory, saying that, although she felt frustrated, she understood why MPs were frustrated too.
Thanks, Frustrated Hey Frustrated, A long time ago I had a voice coach who I saw once a week.
«The consumer was frustrated, the business owner was frustrated, and the middleman was making all the money,» Mr. Shoraka said.
Huawei is frustrated that sanctions haven’t been eased and Washington is frustrated because it hasn’t gotten better terms on trade.
«As much as you’re frustrated with PG&E a little bit, you’re frustrated with a lot of things,» he said.
Long-frustrated advisers Trump has long frustrated some of his advisers by tweeting unvarnished thoughts that can fuel news cycles.
«They’re really just thinking at a base level, ‘This person is frustrated and angry, and I am frustrated and angry.'»
Frustrated Employer Frustrated Employer: Yes, people receiving unemployment benefits are often expected to show evidence that they are actively searching for work.
He wins liberal-leaning independents frustrated with the Democratic Party because, like them, he’s a liberal-leaning independent frustrated with the Democratic Party.
He said he was frustrated by the lack of a concrete plan to reclaim the building, and was frustrated by the building’s vacancy.
He’s working so hard, but he’s a perfectionist and he can get frustrated, which makes me frustrated, which means we don’t get anything done.
«Just as we have seen, there are many frustrated people in Britain, we know there are frustrated people here at home, too,» she said.
Frustrated residents protesting a year later Frustrated residents decried the state attorney general’s decision not to bring charges against the officers who shot Clark.
«I understand the fans got all the right to get frustrated, but trust me, there was no one more frustrated than me,» Martinez said.
Year-round gym-goers are frustrated by the surge in new people, and the new people are frustrated by just how damn hard exercise is.
He gets frustrated with judges; we get frustrated with judges, but he’s respecting the process and that’s what counts at the end of the day.
They’re doing it because it’s an easy fix for a complex situation — which is a frustrated, hungry, tired child, and a frustrated, hungry, tired parent.
If you know why you continue to be frustrated and depressed at work, yet you do nothing about it, you’ll continue to be frustrated and depressed.
He can cut the cage for a while, but tends to get frustrated by direction changes, and when he gets frustrated his ring cutting gets even worse.
The positions are not mutually exclusive, of feeling both frustrated at the US aggression but also frustrated at the mismanagement [and] corruption taking place in the country.
«I am just frustrated and I understand why the public and media are frustrated at not having all the answers,» York City Mayor Michael Helfrich told BuzzFeed News.
You’re frustrated, but you also know that you’ll be even more frustrated in the future if you give your kid exactly what they want when they want it.
«When you look at the whole picture, everybody’s frustrated about what happened Sunday, and nobody’s more frustrated than me and upset about it than the players,» Sumlin said.
«If you’re frustrated about rules of trade that disadvantage America, if you’re frustrated about jobs being shipped overseas … then you want to get this thing passed,» Obama told reporters.
In general, fans who were already frustrated by the general lack of textual representation in the Potter books were also likely to be frustrated by Rowling’s treatment of Dumbledore.
For example, if they’re really frustrated and angry, think back on a time when you were so frustrated you couldn’t seem to think straight:What happened to get you that angry?
Frustrated moderates On the other side of the debate, moderate Democrats were frustrated that Omar’s comments have derailed the agenda in the House and exposed divisions in an otherwise unified caucus.
I’m sad, I’m frustrated – I think that’s quite normal.
» Ellis replied, «Well, I understand how frustrated you are.
» Wall explained the situation as «just me getting frustrated.
If you can’t overcome your enemies, Gon just gets frustrated, and when Gon gets too frustrated that two-foot tall reptile goes on a tantrum, slicing the entire planet like an apple.
He is frustrated with me, I’m frustrated with myself, and we keep getting into fights because I’m not applying for a new job but have the gall to complain about this one.
He can become frustrated While deferential to leader like Putin and North Korea’s Kim, Trump can become frustrated with other world leaders, as he did with then Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.
I mean, taking things out of context and I think this is partly why Americans are so frustrated with the media and so frustrated with those that are trying to pull him down.
You know, what people are frustrated about in Washington, D.C.., and I know the folks out there tonight are incredibly frustrated because what they see is a government that doesn’t work for them.
«I don’t think anybody who’s been here would say they’re not frustrated … I’m certainly frustrated by the fact that things don’t seem to be moving ahead to make the country better,» Reichert said.
I remember feeling frustrated; then feeling frustrated at my frustration, thinking that there’s no good way for a woman to speak, no good way for a woman to be as a presidential candidate.
«Everyone’s so frustrated — aren’t you frustrated?» erupts the artist Marilyn Minter during a conversation about her latest venture, a resistance-themed pop-up shop set inside of the Brooklyn Museum, named Anger Management.
«I get frustrated with lots of little menus,» Budnitz says.
Actually, the first thing I did was get really frustrated.
» Trump was «flustered, frustrated, and unable to regain his footing.
It all has the victims incredibly frustrated by this situation.
I spend the night in nearby Las Cruces, feeling frustrated.
He grew resentful and frustrated; he considered switching careers again.
She feels frustrated and very sad at the same time.
«That takes my breath away,» a visibly frustrated Eshoo said.
They quickly become frustrated that they can’t get it right.
The overall experience left me more frustrated than I expected.
FARAGE: Well, President Trump I think will be very frustrated.
Others said tax reform’s chances will not be greatly frustrated.
Brad will get frustrated sometimes and yell at the kids.
I was so stressed out, tired, frustrated and felt helpless.
Kagan expressed sadness and the others appeared frustrated and dispirited.
Regulators say they will act if their intentions are frustrated.
Do you ever get frustrated and feel sort of feckless?
Frustrated with her options, Marcille collapsed, sobbing to her friend.
«Sometimes the record labels get frustrated about that,» Phillips says.
I was constantly anxious, frustrated, and couldn’t sleep or focus.
Still, even Mr Stutes, the DA, says he is frustrated.
I’m the heavyset frustrated one to your hilarious deadpan delivery.
The lack of movement has members «frustrated,» the aide said.
All sides have been frustrated by the lack of answers.
«This is a tough scene, and they’re frustrated,» he said.
Frustrated, Ingram called the police, who interviewed Deiter that afternoon.
I was really frustrated with the leak two days ago.
Frustrated users took to Twitter to complain about the disruption.
Early reports suggest that smaller firms are frustrated with enforcement.
I became frustrated at myself, and my marriage became strained.
I don’t want to become more angry or more frustrated.
And the results of that election left Patrick intensely frustrated.
To be honest, I’m frustrated with listing firsts every year.
Like many Californians, they were frustrated to lose power again.
But they also don’t want players to get too frustrated.
TIM COOK: I’m frustrated that tech is painted as monolithic.
«Obviously a little frustrated, but it’s the NFL,» Garoppolo said.
Although YouTube can’t ignore copyright law, creators have become frustrated.
Many are frustrated with, or even feel betrayed by, both.
And they’re constantly frustrated with a system that feels unmanageable.
We sit here frustrated by their silence at this point.
Are they upset, are they frustrated or are they understanding?
This is why people are so us from are frustrated.
The overwhelming response befuddled and frustrated some of Booker’s rivals.
Even SoftBank, the owner of the war chest, seems frustrated.
I’m not the only person frustrated with Mother’s Day messaging.
The court has repeatedly frustrated his attempts to thwart CICIG.
This fact frustrated any lab trying to grow bioengineered tissue.
But even though she met her goal, she was frustrated.
» Visibly frustrated, Portwood tells her, «That’s not what I said!
I try upwards of five times, leaving a little frustrated.
They’re also frustrated with police community relations in their state.
I was feeling hemmed in and a little frustrated. Okay.
They’re frustrated by the complexities of this day and age.
I feel as frustrated in England as I do here.
D’Amico is frustrated that Cunanan’s motive was never made clear.
I’m frustrated I still haven’t heard from the sunglasses company.
No wonder members of his campaign are so frustrated. 2.
Sanders said Trump was «frustrated» by the focus on Russia.
Frustrated that people don’t always seem to see the obvious.
«I’m not disappointed in our guys or frustrated,» James said.
I get tired, I get frustrated sometimes with the b.s.
To no surprise, mobile companies are also frustrated with this.
Alice makes a comment about FP possibly being sexual frustrated.
News that she’s frustrated with the continued obsession with dieting.
Washington frustrated the Chiefs’ offense much of the first half.
As he got off the phone, Taft was newly frustrated.
I was disappointed, I was frustrated, I was pissed off.
«I’m only the latest generation to be frustrated,» Finney says.
Still, journalists remain frustrated with his behavior in the briefings.
There were two types of comments that really frustrated me.
He got bored or frustrated and stopped after calling three.
I’m the one who’s most frustrated about what’s going on.
She gets frustrated and slaps him, causing him to glitch.
» Frustrated gun-control backers called it «calculated hysteria and distortion.
Different eyewitnesses experienced his behavior as violent, confused, or frustrated.
They’re going to be constantly angry, frustrated, maybe even depressed.
«It’s frustrating; I’m frustrated,» Keenum said of the fans’ reaction.
Embarrassed and frustrated, she told me we couldn’t afford it.
I was with my mom and we were so frustrated.
It’s making her increasingly frustrated and Murphy is not helping.
Some fans are so frustrated that they’ve launched a Change.
But now I’m getting frustrated because she thinks I’m dumb.
MIT’s Barzilay was frustrated by medicine’s unsophisticated models as well.
«There are moments you get frustrated at it,» Blaney said.
We cannot afford to be tired, or frustrated, or cynical.
Neuville, meanwhile, was frustrated with the performance of his car.
«They’re very frustrated right now,» Orioles manager Buck Showalter said.
Frustrated by a disorganized marketing strategy, she took a risk.
«We’re all so frustrated, and nothing is working,» he said.
Frustrated with smartphone batteries that last only half a day?
«We don’t have the details — that’s why I’m frustrated,» Rep.
I’m frustrated with myself that I can’t figure this out.
I know that MPs (members of parliament) are frustrated too.
Or just Give Up. Anyway, this game frustrated me immensely.
» King, frustrated, fired back: «What you feel isn’t relevant, Admiral.
People are very frustrated at this point, I would say.
We didn’t get frustrated tonight after we got behind early.
Centrist Republicans are frustrated that negotiations have broken down. Rep.
Lombardo admitted the slow speed of the investigation frustrated him.
As a result, developers are angry and users are frustrated.
«I can’t go here,» Dean responded, appearing to become frustrated.
Then, feeling frustrated, exposed, we consider force; a kitchen knife.
He was frustrated by the gaps and inefficiencies he saw.
She said immigration groups had long been frustrated with ICE.
Project an attitude of openness, even if you are frustrated.
She was frustrated and aggravated, but should she be worried?
«I was frustrated for about seven hours today,» he said.
Editorial Saudi Arabia has frustrated American policy makers for years.
They saw Antoine Griezmann, a forward, frustrated by missed opportunities.
It’s those really fussy days when he’s frustrated and crying.
His players were so frustrated as to border on mutiny.
At 5 with 10 quarters he would get frustrated sometimes.
I grew frustrated with setting and not meeting my goals.
The combination has led to voters frustrated with everything Washington.
And toward the end of the debate, frustrated at Mrs.
He’s frustrated with his country’s unwillingness to embrace his league.
Presidents have been frustrated by the judiciary in the past.
«I’m very frustrated with the White House,» she told reporters.
Do you know why Americans are outraged, frustrated, and depressed?
The lack of clues in the case has frustrated officials.
«We were frustrated with the mistakes we made,» he said.
«Some of us are getting a little frustrated,» Shuster said.
People are frustrated that nothing is getting done in Congress.
«These were made for frustrated lonely old men,» he said.
«I’m not disappointed in our guys or frustrated,» he said.
«I understand that Americans are angry and frustrated,» he said.
» Sellier said, according to the AP. «I am absolutely frustrated.
They’re frustrated and harmed by surprise bills and exorbitant charges.
«Clients are typically surprised and I’m never frustrated with myself.»
Foster told KTVU that he was frustrated by the incident.
But the frustrated judges seemed to find the matter unclear.
I’m obviously frustrated with dropping a couple on the 15th.
» Graham-Cassidy failure: «We’re pretty frustrated about this as well.
Residents have also been frustrated with the strict 6 p.m.
But those redactions frustrated committee investigators and prompted the subpoenas.
The Trump administration might be frustrated but is hardly blameless.
Lustig insists, frustrated by the Hollywood tradition of transposing all
«All the reporters were very frustrated,» the former producer said.
Why it matters: Individual PBMs have grown frustrated with PCMA.
In Canada, many researchers are frustrated in terms of grants.
«He said we were collateral damage,» says Kate, clearly frustrated.
Still, not all business leaders are frustrated with the cuts.
I get frustrated if I can’t be great at something.
In fact, you get frustrated when you can’t use touch.
When she talks about recognition, Kia Nurse is justifiably frustrated.
Many players said they had grown frustrated with the wait.
You’re frustrated, and they want you to do something else.
Mr. Hussain’s shrinking control over the city has frustrated him.
Trump has been frustrated by the former vice president’s comeback.
«He was a frustrated performer at heart,» Ms. Altschul said.
Frustrated, Mr. Hunter bought himself out of his Warner Bros.
It makes sense why my mom would feel so frustrated.
Sanders mostly didn’t reciprocate, which a frustrated Biden pointed out.
But many of those interviews have also left me frustrated.
«I understand how frustrated you are,» the judge told him.
He gets frustrated when someone suggests such training is unnecessary.
Do you ever get frustrated by a sense of futility?
«It makes me angry, it makes me frustrated,» Gundotra said.
I’m frustrated that I’m no closer to answering this question.
«As a photographer and artist, you get frustrated,» he said.
«I’ve frustrated everyone so far,» Mattis joked at one point.
They’re frustrated that boomers still hold the reins of power.
They are just as uncomfortable as the patient is frustrated.
«They’re frustrated and furious with what happened,» Mr. Keane said.
«That totally frustrated these people … they were horrified,» said Alexander.
The sudden reversal in Madrid has left many residents frustrated.
Meanwhile, progressives have grown frustrated with the DCCC chair, Rep.
The rift among key Gulf partners has frustrated Pentagon officials.
After a couple of months of being frustrated, I switched.
«I know some are going to be frustrated,» he said.
Frustrated, he tried negotiating any way to circumvent this policy.
Among them was a pattern of lying that frustrated investigations.
Republican leaders sounded open to pursuing it, but were frustrated.
Frustrated future doctors are looking for new ways to help.
Research shows you’ll be bored, frustrated, lonely, angry, and stressed.
Apparently being sexually frustrated is … less distracting than having sex?
«All they care about is money,» he said, seemingly frustrated.
Today, most of those physicians are frustrated and gravely concerned.
But I’m so frustrated I can’t get my job done.
Most people have felt frustrated, or even miserable, at work.
Law enforcement officials have long been frustrated by this argument.
«We hate it,» Yared Carmona said with a frustrated smile.
ERA advocates are frustrated by the skirmish over equal rights.
«I was really frustrated with the beauty industry,» Butler says.
» Asked if his relative anonymity frustrated him, he added: «Sure.
We are frustrated with greed that clouds the American future.
Texans like myself have been frustrated by this collective amnesia.
Her frustrated coach, David Witt, had some other ideas, however.
Frustrated with Pelosi’s delay, Republican Senator Josh Hawley on Jan.
They are both frustrated with decades of U.S. trade policy.
I can’t figure out Microsoft Excel and I’m frustrated now.
I feel indignant and frustrated with everything that has transpired.
«Ruth had this absolutely frustrated sense of drama,» Simpson says.
Rand Paul is frustrated that Burr hasn’t already closed shop.
But a year later, the administration’s policy has been frustrated.
Aides often become frustrated with the President’s short attention span.
«We’ve got to dig down deep,» a frustrated Durant said.
Frustrated iPhone users have reported unexpected system shutdowns for months.
Frustrated with the fountain, I give up and make dinner.
Employees looking to diversify their wealth also often feel frustrated.
Although they’re frustrated and drained, they understand US officials’ concern.
You’ll wind up bored and frustrated, without purpose and unfulfilled.
I think especially last game we got a little frustrated.
But local activists are frustrated with the social media company.
«I think he’s disgusted and frustrated by that,» she said.
I get more frustrated than I get hurt by it.
A frustrated doctor gave CNN access to see for ourselves.
In the final movement the cello, now frustrated, demands attention.
Do you end the average workday feeling drained and frustrated?
I was very frustrated and angry that that was released.
The delays clearly frustrated Democrats, who accused Lewandowski of filibustering.
And he’s been frustrated about my recusal and other matters.
If I get frustrated, I’ll probably have a heart attack.
The wrangle had long frustrated Macedonia’s EU and NATO aspirations.
But he is starting to get frustrated with the pace.
«All my teachers were really frustrated with me,» she said.
«I think everybody is frustrated about the shutdown,» said Sen.
Are you frustrated that it’s gotten this much national attention?
Were there any moments where you felt frustrated with her?
Kevin (Justin Hartley) could be named Frustrated With Work instead.
But if you don’t live in NYC, don’t be frustrated.
People are very frustrated about the direction of our country.
Lots of ppl here frustrated by actions of few: pic.twitter.
The newspapers aren’t the only ones frustrated with Christie’s performance.
But even I’m growing weak and frustrated with his work.
But instead, I end this year of silence-breaking frustrated that we didn’t get more, and frustrated that this shift in how we talk about sexual harassment required so much work from so many women.
To be clear, many Republicans are frustrated without being racially prejudiced.
They are mainly angry and frustrated with their party’s central office.
«There’s nothing to be frustrated about,» Devils Coach John Hynes said.
Deal guys get frustrated when there aren’t any deals to do.
But that’s no matter, because, frustrated, Morgan attempts to defend herself.
It’s the 28th round and I’m actually frustrated by that point.
Coens’ digressions, and frustrated by their total disinterest in wrapping up
Abrams was reportedly frustrated during the performance due to his voice.
«Right now we’re a frustrated team,» Flyers captain Claude Giroux said.
«No wonder the proponents of panspermia get frustrated,» Professor Lattanzio says.
American people are frustrated that is why they elected Donald Trump.
It’s a question that plagues many frustrated parents at countless mealtimes.
Frustrated, he decided to take get serious about his personal finances.
Try to ignore the frustrated tutting of the guy behind you.
«I felt so frustrated,» she said, tears streaming down her face.
Nothing the United States has done has seriously frustrated that ambition.
Amazon got really frustrated at the pace of our drone regulations.
I get frustrated—everyone wants to be so doggone politically correct.
Hannah B. struggles to articulately explain herself, leaving Colton extremely frustrated.
With Jacobs clearly frustrated by the conversation, Ravenel considers ending things.
While Hazel appeared sympathetic with Gardner’s plight, he was clearly frustrated.
And if you’re feeling frustrated, be thankful you’re not this person:
He was frustrated by his body, but mostly he was sick.
When they’re frustrated that people call their family home a dump?
Well, these nuns were just frustrated ladies, she said he replied.
Frustrated, she walked away and took a seat in the corner.
Ressa is frustrated by Facebook’s lack of attention to her concerns.
Go deeper: Google’s China project unites angry employees and frustrated Congress
Inside Facebook, many in the company’s rank and file are frustrated.
«Obviously he’s frustrated and expects a lot from himself,» Boone said.
It has many feeling frustrated and looking for someone to blame.
If we get frustrated with it, that’s why we have elections.
I just spent too much time being frustrated by my experience.
Governments should note that frustrated students are a potentially revolutionary class.
«He gets frustrated when there is a plan,» the adviser said.
Paul and Lee are outwardly frustrated with the bill, and Sens.
But Rasmussen’s father was frustrated with the investigation from the beginning.
«She’d get so frustrated with me,» Bro says of her daughter.
Frustrated clients sometimes become unruly or even violent toward staff members.
It’s the portrayal of Bobby’s wife that especially frustrated Brown Muhammad.
«But then it was just about friendship,» Masterson said, sounding frustrated.
The episode, and its fallout, has also frustrated the Trump family.
Frustrated and lured by higher salaries, many are opting to leave.
I’m trying not to give up hope but I’m beyond frustrated.
Have customers come to you frustrated by the lack of options?
Nogueira believed the headbutt was deliberate and was therefore understandably frustrated.
As a filmmaker and creator, I was frustrated with that idea.
It was government ministries, and their turf wars, that frustrated him.
She has trashed her coaches, berated teammates and frustrated the federation.
«I’m a little frustrated about it,» Hahn said of his demotion.
«I’m a little frustrated, in case you couldn’t tell,» he noted.
Regulators are not the only ones frustrated by Mr Musk’s antics.
Left «frustrated but excited,» Trainor, 22, headed back into the studio.
We know she felt frustrated and disrespected the way we do.
Consciousness-raising and tactics like it have always frustrated feminists, too.
«We were pretty frustrated with everyone who wasn’t Google,» said Tachibana.
But some are feeling frustrated, anxious or hostile about artificial intelligence.
Many are frustrated by high house prices and increasingly gridlocked roads.
And sometimes I get mad and frustrated like everyone else does.
But he is frustrated that religion has arisen in the campaign.
Frustrated, I email customer service to see what they can do.
We are as angry and frustrated by the situation as you.
Frustrated and belonging nowhere, a few radicals turned to violent jihad.
The game wasn’t clicking, most of us sounded frustrated and bored.
The frustrated volunteers simply didn’t have the resources to stop it.
After a few frustrated minutes, the «Baby» singer dipped off stage.
«They liked to see the other player getting frustrated,» he says.
The Clinton campaign is fed up, frustrated, furious with Bernie Sanders.
It even runs an agony-aunt column for frustrated jihadist brides.
Frustrated that refugees continue to stream into Greece despite a Nov.
I feel frustrated that my job search has yielded zero results.
She’s been frustrated with the subtle sexualization of girls’ styles, too.
Numerous artworks have frustrated residents since the program’s inception in 2013.
After last week, though, many moderates are frustrated with the process.
If we get frustrated with it, that’s why we have elections.
Trump and his administration are clearly frustrated by the Russia drumbeat.
When Jonas emerges from the cave, frustrated, young Noah is there.
Let yourself be lazy or risk being frustrated all day long.
I was too slow, though, and was left aroused and frustrated.
«He’s frustrated, and angry at everyone,» said one of the confidants.
She also appeared to become increasingly frustrated when asked about Jarrett.
One frustrated senator stops it from going to the President’s desk.
«Don’t get frustrated, just do the best you can,» Robbins says.
There is no point in being angry or frustrated about it.
You have saved me many moments of frustrated and angry calculating.
I am disappointed and frustrated, but we should not give up.
Etsy users are clearly frustrated and are rightly demanding a solution.
He’s frustrated that Wakanda hasn’t asserted itself more, particularly in America.
But I threw this clipping out, because it made me frustrated.
«I couldn’t sleep that night, I was so frustrated,» he said.
They’re frustrated, they’re usually pissed off about life, they’re mildly misogynistic.
«I was frustrated that Katie didn’t just name names,» Caelynn said.
Of course, indigenous people were really frustrated, because it’s their battle.
GIPHY Some of you are mad, confused, or frustrated right now.
The eyes can change to look angry, frustrated, or even sad.
If you pick Vector up and shake it, it’ll get frustrated.
Are you ever around women who seem frustrated, upset or irritated?
Should fans be frustrated with the league’s handling of this issue?
«He’s frustrated, and angry at everyone,» an unidentified confidant told Axios.
Oishi gave a frustrated sigh when considering whether Chicago was affordable.
The Heat appeared frustrated, shooting just 31.8 percent in the quarter.
And his mood ranged from furious to frustrated, but also defiant.
This, after previous dalliances with Safari and Firefox left me frustrated.
«I’m frustrated by the water issue in Flint,» David Muchmore wrote.
There are a few lonely Republican voices frustrated by his rhetoric.
After the fire, dozens of frustrated migrants fought briefly with police.
And I get so frustrated when we get focused on Tweets.
I find myself frustrated by this vexing issue every damn winter.
This is white supremacy as frustrated entitlement — much of it sexual.
It wasn’t long before Fred grew frustrated with his new companions.
The failure to pass a healthcare reform bill has frustrated Republicans.
Women investors in Silicon Valley have been — rightly — frustrated for years.
In Birmingham, proponents of the improved wage were furious—and frustrated.
Attempts in 2016 and 2017 were also frustrated by bad weather.
Researchers seeking answers to why pay gaps persist may be frustrated.
It was 2010, and Kate Hamill, an aspiring actress, was frustrated.
» A frustrated Corker interjected: «Just what’s going on with the culture.
Most of us share a congested highway with other frustrated Santas.
But he was frustrated by the gaps and inefficiencies he saw.
ALBANY — Housing advocates are frustrated and ethics watchdogs are positively morose.
Pittsburgh’s commitment to shot-blocking has particularly frustrated Pavelski and Burns.
After a long night, she was frustrated and needed a break.
Tara Haelle: I get frustrated with the research on co-sleeping.
But collagen’s efficacy is still pretty up in the air. Frustrated?
And that frustrated-looking guy with a cup for a head?
America, the closest foreign ally of both countries, is frustrated too.
They must be looking at that and feeling a little frustrated.
You break their confidence, the opponent gets frustrated a little bit.
Some candidates appeared frustrated with the divisions on display on Wednesday.
Americans are frustrated with the many failures of the political class.
«We can’t be frustrated,» said Sharks defense man Marc-Edouard Vlasic.
» Clinton said she understands why people are «frustrated and even fearful.
Trump has reportedly grown frustrated with Bolton’s hawkish approach toward Iran.
The shooting prompted frustrated reactions from student activists from Parkland, Fla.
» Anderson said: «My first two seasons at Temple, I was frustrated.
C.K. played a broke, sexually frustrated mechanic married to a nurse.
Though frustrated, Klaas told me he agreed with the rabbi’s verdict.
They are getting very frustrated and will be getting more so.
«I don’t know what ‘this’ is!» a visibly frustrated Graham replied.
«We made the point clear that we are frustrated,» Huenseler said.
» Frustrated commuters vent their travails over Twitter with the hashtag «#UnsuckMetro.
«Mattis was frustrated by that,» the senior government official told me.
A bleary, worn-down, frustrated bitterness always lurks in her songwriting.
Trump seems frustrated that China keeps going easy on North Korea.
It’s impossible to not become frustrated by her illness at times.
Don’t offer snippy responses, or indicate how frustrated you might be.
A few hours into Supergiant Games’ latest, Pyre, I was frustrated.
By the end, even the lawmakers were frustrated with the proceedings.
Or if you get frustrated because someone’s not there for you!
Would I be less pent up, less frustrated, and ultimately, happier?
Palestinians are increasingly frustrated at their prospects for an independent state.
Many Europeans are frustrated with their politicians, and for good reason.
You’re feeling frustrated, boxed in, and furious—very unlike you, Sagittarius!
I think everyone gets frustrated with that up to a point.
It’s understandable why conservationists get frustrated by our obsession with pandas.
«I’ve tried not to get frustrated,» Royals manager Ned Yost said.
But he felt restless, and frustrated by the church’s anti-intellectualism.
Senate Republican frustrated with Washington’s spending are pushing for dramatic reforms.
A frustrated passenger tries to leave the plane while it taxis.
A lot of my colleagues and I are frustrated about that.
But she was frustrated with the intense focus on her race.
By Tuesday afternoon, she was still on board, and growing frustrated.
Still, Cespedes’s situation has frustrated people who work for the franchise.
«I’m pretty frustrated with it,» he said of the current situation.
Affected women may feel very anxious and sad, overwhelmed, and frustrated.
Frustrated members of Congress have ramped up their demands for answers.
Cory Booker (D-NJ) told an increasingly frustrated Judiciary Chair Sen.
However, they soon became frustrated because the hairstyle doesn’t last long.
Frustrated, he started coding what would be the foundation of Dropbox.
I was frustrated; I would just get mad at the teachers.
Those who did seek help said they often came away frustrated.
My son has A.D.H.D. and often feels frustrated at his failures.
He is as frustrated as McDonagh with the team’s shoddy play.
Yeah, I pretty much suck and get frustrated at the thought.
In addition, infighting over leadership and ministerial posts further frustrated supporters.
I am frustrated by the time-consuming search for unused lockers.
Back then, I felt very frustrated and lazy to play soccer.
«I am tired, I’m frustrated,» she said in a phone interview.
When it sold for $730,000, they were both frustrated and relieved.
A last-minute change to the bill has activists frustrated, though.
People always ask me, were you frustrated to be an assistant?
«What does being original even mean?» a frustrated Ryan asks Danny.
So for a while, I decided to remain frustrated and confused.
«Our members were increasingly frustrated with being told stories,» Goldberg said.
He sounded a little frustrated, and said, ‘This is Sir Charles.
This is why Americans are often frustrated with the two parties.
Others are frustrated that another fare increase is expected in March.
«I get frustrated, and I’ll just watch Netflix instead,» he said.
Its frustrated ambassador warned Michael that he was playing with fire.
«You’re not going to get frustrated playing good golf,» he said.
Rather, he is frustrated that exhibitors have been unwilling to compromise.
«People are angry and frustrated,» said a volunteer named Kermit, 68.
The slow progress on comprehensive solutions has frustrated some community leaders.
Lawmakers on Wednesday grew increasingly frustrated with Mr. Nix’s aggressive responses.
They might feel slightly superior or slightly frustrated with my accent.
So even as the «yes» side celebrates, many Australians are frustrated.
I was frustrated for four years, but I dealt with it.
Couch became increasingly frustrated throughout the hearing, according to Coiner-Collier.
Midway through the month, Duff was frustrated with her body progress.
Department officials have grown frustrated by the slow pace of confirmations.
Those who heeded the request were frustrated by what they found.
France keeps the ball away from a frustrated Uruguay for minutes.
«My husband retires in May,» she said, frustrated by the timing.
Neither tweet got much traction at first, which frustrated Mr. Melendez.
Gabriel is aware of those contradictions, and also frustrated by them.
«It is true this frustrated the Americans,» one Canadian official said.
If you’re liberal and frustrated by these statistics, you should be.
It also frustrated environmentalists, who wanted the protections to go further.
According to CNN last week, Paul was frustrated by Robert’s move.
Fast forward six weeks and Lopez is beginning to feel frustrated.
The decision to block Mr. Sondland’s testimony frustrated some House Republicans.
Visibly frustrated, he thanked Ms. Meissner before walking off the stage.
«I remember being really young and feeling really frustrated,» she said.
Mr Trump is understandably frustrated by being stuck in the region.
After expressing gratitude for being invited, a frustrated Drake retreated backstage.
We’d met with child soldiers, doctors, governors frustrated with the government.
But the move has frustrated two key moderate GOP senators — Sens.
He has frustrated prosecutors, challenged judges and softened grim-faced juries.
Frustrated Brexiteers were veering toward «no deal» as their preferred option.
This is an issue that has frustrated watchdog groups for years.
I have become increasingly frustrated and bitter, and I hate this.
Yet congressional leaders remain deeply frustrated about Mr. Trump’s improvisational pronouncements.
Both teams are likely frustrated as this game heads to overtime.
The lack of attention on these policies has frustrated immigrant advocates.
But I got more and more frustrated by what I saw.
Frustrated nationalists have vowed not to eat kimchi or Korean barbecue.
«(She was) crying hard and screaming and all frustrated,» Scherbring said.
He gets frustrated when people tell him something can’t get done.
Younger couples get frustrated with their partner’s overuse of social media.
And that, more than anything else, is why Republicans are frustrated.
The President is frustrated that he has not been getting that.
After being sidelined by another contestant, Kelsey was already pretty frustrated.
«Maybe she just got frustrated while peeling potatoes,» Sister Beth said.
I was frustrated and thought, ‘Of course this is happening again.
His answer left reporters frustrated but won kudos from his colleagues.
Other sellers said they had grown frustrated with FedEx’s service delays.
«The poll results show the public has remained frustrated,» said Rep.
But Republicans have grown frustrated with the pace of those reviews.
Some advocates are frustrated that the declaration hasn’t yet been made.
«I’m a little frustrated that I shot three-over,» he said.
«I’m getting more frustrated with each minute that passes,» she fumes.
Some Republican lawmakers left the meeting frustrated with Trump’s trade threats.
Do you really find yourself frustrated with your current iPhone’s capabilities?
Don&apost be surprised if your baby is frustrated at first.
Adams, however, became increasingly frustrated that he did not own doitforstate.
«I understand how frustrated you are,» Ellis said to Greg Andres.
«It makes me angry and sad and frustrated,» Hess told CNN.
«When they are frustrated or sad, they should look like that.»
Even as some nominees advanced, Republicans were becoming frustrated and angry.
He was frustrated to get this huge movie off the ground.
But others are frustrated over stalled negotiations between contractors and residents.
Some ‘shippers will be frustrated as hell; others happy as clams.
The grandeur of his sentiment was frustrated by the gift itself.
Town council meetings attracted dozens of anxious landscapers and frustrated residents.
So Tom will get so frustrated, and he’s like: ‘Oh, no.
I prodded them for hours, until I was tired and frustrated.
» He added: «Investigators at C.I.S. have a right to be frustrated.
Frustrated with the system, the Ilinetskys decided to go outside it.
Sometimes this means showing people that you’re upset, sad, or frustrated.
«Everyone at this point is frustrated by the situation,» Lockhart said.
The Times reported that Trump is growing increasingly frustrated with Shulkin.
Lifetime gave final call on scripts to Noxon, which frustrated Shapiro.
People who saw premiums rise or choices shrink will remain frustrated.
She says they’ve gotten no response, so far, and they’re frustrated.
But she became frustrated when the Iranians treated her with suspicion.
The other is that he’s really frustrated with how Congress works.
He said the heavy caseload left him frustrated, with failing grades.
«I was really confused and frustrated with the response,» Charissa said.
They were getting frustrated because they couldn’t find anything on us.
Our sources say Mariah is frustrated and not flattered at all.
Robert Byrd of West Virginia, a Democrat, grew frustrated with reconciliation.
We should be getting excited instead of becoming frustrated by it.
Frustrated, DCI Werrett used the press to plead for more information.
You can’t ever cry because you’re angry or frustrated or moved.
Trump’s White House is already frustrated with the pace of regulation.
Others are frustrated with the policy, calling it «ridiculous» and discriminatory.
Under either situation, the frustrated working-class voters who cast their vote for Mr. Trump are likely to remain as frustrated as ever: stuck with insufficient education in a world of low growth and diminishing opportunity.
Rodriguez was demoted to eighth in the batting order by a frustrated Joe Torre in the 2006 playoffs, and was benched by an equally frustrated Joe Girardi and then pinch-hit for in the 2012 postseason.
«We just have to stop getting frustrated with each other,» Howard said.
He’s practically omnipotent yet constantly frustrated by failing to achieve his goals.
«People were getting upset and frustrated,» says Maya Barber, a youth organizer.
Hughson is stepping into a system that’s already left many Americans frustrated.
But yeah, of course we’re a bit frustrated by the share price.
When I tried to correct him, he became frustrated and more irritable.
Democrats have been frustrated by the Electoral College at least since 2000.
The American people were frustrated, Sean, they want to see some action.
«I just want a coffee,» says a frustrated chap in the video.
A bunch of artists most people haven’t heard of get really frustrated.
Yet Democrats are still frustrated at Pelosi, according to members and aides.
LeBron James was captured by photographers looking frustrated after J.R. Smith’s fumble.
«Some of them were just frustrated with the human body,» Platoni says.
Their natural instinct is to bite when they’re angry, frustrated, or stressed.
Frustrated, he decided to buckle down and prioritize better personal finance habits.
Several members were frustrated over the process of Amazon’s dealings above all.
«Frustrated with overpriced cable bills?» blares a headline on the company’s website.
If touchscreens have left your frustrated, TCL has provided an able solution.
The former Exxon Mobil CEO said that his pushback frustrated the president.
Are you frustrated with the volume of unreliable information on the internet?
Johnson instead spoke to process: He was beyond frustrated, he told reporters.
Image: SnapThis month, more than a million keyboard-wielding, moderately frustrated change.
«I’m not always great at wording what I’m frustrated about,» says Berger.
But I started to get frustrated when I tried to watch videos.
When she’s frustrated, she’ll take her hair down and rub her head.
She started the event with an online petition, frustrated with past inaction.
Their silence has now caused fans and viewers to grow more frustrated.
At one point you were only semi-erect and appeared frustrated. Angry?
I was so frustrated — I was like, ‘This isn’t going to work.
Or they want to make the change but they just get [frustrated].
With a frustrated sigh, she dug her phone out of her pocket.
But U.S. officials have grown frustrated at the slow pace of progress.
This frustrated the Organic Trade Association to the point of legal action.
The argument began to escalate as Kim grew more and more frustrated.
Frustrated, Ohioans and other Midwesterners pushed Donald Trump to victory in November.
Trump’s action frustrated members of Congress, including several of his fellow Republicans.
Five more years of war left Kassem an exhausted and frustrated survivor.
He has told acquaintances he was frustrated and unhappy, sources told Reuters.
They include the sense of frustrated expectation among the region’s middle classes.
Frustrated, he might then lash out against the legislature and the courts.
Over an hour later, I leave frustrated and with essentially no answers.
He thinks about it for a minute, then seems to grow frustrated.
His frustrated presidency so far suggests that willpower alone is not enough.
But China’s efforts to learn from other spacefaring nations were often frustrated.
But both quickly grew frustrated with the heteronormativity of the ghostbusting scene.
«We are all frustrated at the time this is taking,» he said.
But Maine’s experiment should interest anyone frustrated by America’s cripplingly partisan politics.
Behind the scenes: Per The Atlantic, Steyer is «frustrated» that Washington Gov.
An informed, frustrated and ambitious youth bulge, from which I hail, is.
I’m not left frustrated after scrolling through for five or ten minutes.
UN insiders profess themselves frustrated but unbowed by the string of withdrawals.
She is very frustrated at the lack of respect for his family.
Might the frustrated electorate offer an opportunity for a third-party splash?
But industry players have grown frustrated as the FAA missed implementation deadlines.
» Dearmas allegedly told police «he became frustrated due to Karter constantly crying.
Even though they may feel frustrated, these job seekers are not alone.
Like other populist groups in Europe, the M5S thrives on frustrated expectations.
Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf states are also becoming increasingly frustrated.
To be sure, many hedge fund clients headed into the weekend frustrated.
None of this matters to a public frustrated with a stagnant economy.
This reaction frustrated most of the sources familiar with the editorial process.
» Still, she insists she’s no abolitionist: «We’re so frustrated with that response.
This game gets hard—like really hard—but I never got frustrated.
«I feel frustrated, but I don’t have control over that,» Quintana said.
Being ignored leaves customers even more frustrated and can dent future revenue.
Frustrated Brexiteers are increasingly advocating walking away with no deal at all.
Others have become frustrated with flickering mains power and want a backup.
I’m frustrated that there’s still far too little diversity in Silicon Valley.
But opposition by party rivals has frustrated efforts to enact several reforms.
Investors are certainly frustrated with Apple as its shares languish below 100.
I was really frustrated because my outfit wasn’t breaking our dress code.
«There aren’t words that can describe how frustrated I am,» he said.
Major just wasn’t deciding to meet us yet, and I was frustrated.
For years, Trump’s critics and allies have been frustrated by his style.
This often leaves them not only sexually frustrated but also socially marginalised.
Blandino’s own Instagram became fraught with comments by frustrated, would-be customers.
They were visibly frustrated that they could do little more than cajole.
«[Before this] I was sort of like a frustrated actor,» Shipka said.
As soon as it happened, frustrated users noted the outage on Twitter.
QUESTION: Mr. President, you’ve said you’ve be thwarted by — frustrated by Congress.
KEANE: Yes, we&aposre frustrated with them over — this is over Syria.
I’m frustrated that this is my last race in the 60 car.
Some reproductive rights advocates remain deeply frustrated that Clinton would pick Kaine.
» Several of the girls’ parents were also frustrated, calling the situation «nonsense.
I got sick this year and that’s the most frustrated I get.
«I was frustrated, I think, working in a large organization,» said Wong.
And so they get frustrated when things don&apost go their way.
Protesters have been frustrated for years over poverty and alleged government corruption.
She is frustrated because she knows there is nothing she can do.
While marketers may be frustrated right now, few have actually left Facebook.
Meanwhile, Hamilton found himself stuck behind his teammate, and growing increasingly frustrated.
His version of disruptive populism appears to engage the angry, frustrated masses.
They’re frustrated by it — stressing there simply isn’t «more» they can do.
For example, some are frustrated with their own government’s response to terrorism.
Bulgarian authorities have grown increasingly frustrated about their inability to extradite Vassilev.
I understand completely why the other ladies are so frustrated with her.
It must have felt like a eureka moment for frustrated dancers worldwide.
«I’ve been exactly myself today,» he smirked at an increasingly frustrated Rosie.
Others feel frustrated, and at times are driven out of parasport altogether.
People want and deserve change; they are frustrated with the partisan gridlock.
«We’re as frustrated as you are by the stock price, » Ford said.
Trump has done no such thing, which has reportedly frustrated his team.
The ruling frustrated victim groups who wanted him to appear in person.
«I was frustrated with a certain situation,» Lovato told the Vice affiliate.
Nowadays taking emergency calls can leave him feeling burnt out and frustrated.
Jones just appeared in court, wearing a red vest and appearing frustrated.
But she’s frustrated by the way her request for asylum was handled.
The country is frustrated and angry with the dysfunctional state of politics.
He’s frustrated with having to explain—and defend—his point of view.
A frustrated President Trump said he was moving on to other things.
The situation leaves Paul Pittman, CEO of Farmland Partners (FPI) REIT, frustrated.
I know you&aposre frustrated, and we&aposll see what happens here.
And again, the president is frustrated with the investigation going too long.
People didn’t really understand it and I was getting a bit frustrated.
By midnight, frustrated and exhausted, I was driving down the Jersey Turnpike.
I know everyone is frustrated, especially by the recent DNC email disclosures.
When you find yourself being critical of your appearance, don’t get frustrated.
We knew that we were frustrated with how live music was changing.
This sprawl frustrated some participants, who wanted a sharper focus on growth.
«Some people I know are just frustrated that it’s happening,» he said.
I get so frustrated with myself because I want the wrong things.
I know, I know, you’re frustrated by all of this puppy talk.
There are certainly many frustrated reformers within the party apparatus and government.
Frustrated by the lack of progress, Mr. O’Brien decided to take action.
» He sighed and added: «Everyone is frustrated we are not in France.
The little sister, frustrated, complains that she’s still waiting for her turn.
He said he was frustrated that he didn’t find a perfect gut.
I do remember being frustrated that I didn’t have a larger staff.
Scott also said he would be «pretty frustrated» if he were Trump.
When she needs to vent or is frustrated, I get the call.
Finally, an answer Doctors outside of San Juan are frustrated — bewildered, even.
There are moments where I’m frustrated with the boys and I’m desperate.
People are likely to be super frustrated trying to use this webcam.
Frustrated, this taste tester ultimately wrangled her wing into the cup lengthwise.
A frustrated plaint from an overtaxed ticketing agent trying to calm them.
Erratic policies have spooked Wall Street and exhausted and frustrated our allies.
Remember, nobody can be frustrated while saying «Bubbles» in an angry voice.
«The mothers are very frustrated; there’s a lot of crying,» she said.
Brown isn’t the only veteran player frustrated with the league’s helmet policy.
Democrats were frustrated by what they saw as a missed opportunity. Sen.
The longer rallies frustrated her mentally and clearly took a toll physically.
This theory explains why we’re frustrated, no matter how much we improve.
It has been called a diplomatic graveyard, having frustrated generations of negotiators.
Yet he is frustrated by the lack of tangible results so far.
I am frustrated about this, and I am not the only one.
Pomeroy told the Dallas Morning News he was frustrated by former Rep.
Frustrated lawmakers say the backbiting over race has gotten out of control.
But some progressives were frustrated that he didn’t make the request earlier.
But there they will by stymied—or frustrated, or fascinated, or irritated.
Lonely, broke, and frustrated, he was thinking of heading back to Lettsworth.
But he recognizes that angry voters have valid reasons to be frustrated.
Frustrated, he forced WADA’s hand, according to several people in the organization.
Ivanishvili denied manipulating the process, saying he was «frustrated by the outcome».
A small blast of frustrated air blew through those Black Dahlia lips.
As Roy kept putting off attempts to kill himself, Carter grew frustrated.
A White House spokesperson flatly denied the President is frustrated with Kushner.
Frustrated, I started searching for prenup templates and landed on Rocket Lawyer.
Fortunately for me, I had a fellow experiencer who was equally frustrated.
But based on court transcripts, its explanations confused and frustrated the judge.
He has gradually become more frustrated with the dearth of official information.
Frustrated Democratic lawmakers are offering Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez some advice: Cool it.
Retailers are growing frustrated towards the lack of clarity regarding their future.
As people streamed out, supporters of Mr. Trump were angry and frustrated.
Longstanding efforts to find a political solution have been frustrated for years.
And being so frustrated that I was so big and so bold.
Now, we understand that Napoli fans are frustrated by the Higuain transfer.
Andrew Petersen, CEO of Signal Sciences (backed by Index Ventures) was frustrated.
Sometimes he would get frustrated and think of going back to India.
«Fans get frustrated, they don’t understand, and we feel them,» she says.
Expect to get very frustrated today when things don’t go as planned.
Frustrated, some are resorting to hunting down or poisoning the wild animals.
There, she says the dermatologist was dismissive and frustrated by her case.
Moreover, many employees are frustrated with their employer’s association with Trump’s administration.
I came to a point where I was so frustrated with myself.
And I can remember being frustrated with a couple of my homeboys.
But the older I get, it’s easier and easier to get frustrated.
Mr. Graves said he was frustrated by the outcome of his case.
At the end of my meal, I found myself frustrated but full.
Behind the scenes, Tillerson was increasingly frustrated by the situation in Cuba.
Frustrated residents and Black Lives Matter activists urged accountability for the shooting.
The news was met with outrage from creators frustrated about YouTube’s actions.
Barr was at times frustrated with the House lawmakers, the source said.
That reticence frustrated some — and increased speculation about a potential VP pick.
«I’m so tired,» Apple said, frustrated, rubbing her eyes with her fists.
But the company’s unruly rollout of scooters has frustrated some local officials.
That helped me identify issues on the site and interview frustrated parents.
Do you feel frustrated by how many boys approach dating and intimacy?
He looked dazed and frustrated in a memorably terse postmatch news conference.
«He was frustrated by people who did stupid things,» Mr. Franks said.
He had been frustrated that so few of them had been convinced.
«I think he’s frustrated by that,» Mr. Christie said in an interview.
He looks disturbed after rough innings, hands on his head, visibly frustrated.
I was unable to keep up, and my supervisor became increasingly frustrated.
Eventually Coogler grew frustrated: «Why are we stopping so much?» he asked.
We see Luke’s and Violet’s frustrated memories of life with infant Dory.
Speed limits might make you feel safe, or incredibly frustrated, or both.
«That’s about what we need to spend every hour,» Hibbu said, frustrated.
A rising generation, frustrated with the wholly inadequate response, is demanding better.
He also frustrated last-ditch Soviet efforts to dissolve the Atlantic alliance.
The two major parties make voters frustrated with their lack of choices.
He doesn’t blame the tenants, but he is frustrated with the situation.
This year, people frustrated with Facebook took part in a #DeleteFacebook campaign.
«He’s going to be a bit frustrated about being left at home.»
CRIST: Reports have emerged that Mueller’s team is frustrated with your letter.
So much of the job has frustrated him, by his own account.
Frustrated by many symptoms and few answers, she grew anxious and depressed.
Often, she would get frustrated—angry, even—about her lot in life.
A sincerely frustrated and angered president who had willingly cooperated with investigators.
High premiums have frustrated many customers, especially those who receive no subsidies.
Some frustrated users saw delays or even complete cancellations of their orders.
Franny is frustrated by her family’s indifference to her (sometimes smothering) efforts.
Parishioners found themselves frustrated by unanswered questions that challenged their strongest beliefs.
And then they get frustrated when the Pentagon actually cannot do everything.
But with the negotiations dragging on, Mr. Trump has grown increasingly frustrated.
He was frustrated with our technological incompetence, but nevertheless we remained friends.
Prime subscribers may be frustrated with slow delivery speeds and cancel subscriptions.
Salvador had grown frustrated with the music industry and with his band.
I’m frustrated with not having gotten any work done since 8 a.m.
The shortage is sending some frustrated consumers back to the black market.
If this was February or March, I’d be a lot more frustrated.
But he quickly grew frustrated with the quality of the studio’s output.
He was frustrated because there weren’t any roles for African American men.
It also means bar staff won’t have to navigate a frustrated crowd.
A week bookended by violence has left residents shaken, frustrated and grieving.
How are they pleased, shaped, frustrated, confused, educated and misled by it?
Once Mr. Woo’s date left, his childhood friend, Charles Clinton, became frustrated.
And of course, you’re likely to be bored and frustrated in between.
Republicans are expert at affixing a «kick me» sign to frustrated Democrats.
They have to be incredibly frustrated to not be up 6-1.
But hospital workers in Wuhan said they often felt frustrated and alone.
I would get frustrated because I had to wait for everyone else.
Frustrated with the contradiction, Ralph isn’t willing to look into the unexplainable.
«YOU are not a lady sheep — EWE is!» the frustrated yam shouts.
I am starting to get frustrated at the level of Iranian suspicion.
Gaming YouTubers, in particular, have been frustrated by these limitations around ads.
They are frustrated at Hannity, who they believe has buckled under pressure.
Unlikely ever to be granted legal asylum, Mr. Amri apparently grew frustrated.
At a recent court hearing a frustrated Jason Freeman interrupted the judge.
I think that the President, of course, all of us are frustrated.
But Obama was not convinced and has grown frustrated with the requests.
The good news is everybody’s so frustrated that at least we’re awake.
«»I hear my grassroots supporters who were frustrated and understand their concerns.
Nor was even his art an unalloyed pleasure: his public frustrated him.
«Were you frustrated at the lack of response?» a committee attorney wondered.
In interviews on Monday, the caravan’s organizers sounded frustrated, exhausted and dismayed.
Mr. Kushner was said to be frustrated by Mr. Mulvaney’s podium gaffe.
He seemed frustrated and had a short fuse, he recalled her saying.
It’s pretty clear that [the doctors and nurses are] frustrated by it.
But Mr. Steele had become frustrated by the F.B.I.’s slow response.
And Ukrainian officials were frustrated by an Oval Office meeting on Dec.
He was frustrated, feeling lonely and at home watching videos on YouTube.
He was frustrated, feeling lonely and at home watching videos on YouTube.
That stance frustrated Brandon Rees, the deputy director of the A.F.L.-C.
Many opposition sympathizers have become frustrated by Maduro’s continued grip on power.
Mr. Kasowitz and his colleagues have been deeply frustrated by the president.
I am 18 now and simply frustrated by our nation’s broken leadership.
«I burst into tears, I was so frustrated,» she told BuzzFeed News.
Buttigieg kept a calm demeanor but was noticeably frustrated with the exchange.
Nothing beats listening to people rant about the tech they’re frustrated with.
«I feel frustrated because I have to plan my day,» she said.
«People are frustrated against unreasonable taxes and economic hardships,» Namal told Reuters.
The frustrated Red Wings committed two penalties in the final three minutes.
«The characters were very frustrated, and it felt that way,» Isaac said.
Home prices are high, listings are lean and potential buyers are frustrated.
It has also frustrated progress in areas where voters most expect it.
The turmoil has Trump’s allies on Capitol Hill frustrated and on edge.
Although he enjoyed it, he was frustrated by the lack of consistency.
But don’t get frustrated if self-compassion doesn’t come easy or naturally.
I think the company’s going to help, because I think they’re frustrated.
«It’s a sign of how deeply frustrated he is,» Mr. Gingrich said.
The Iraqis had been frustrated by the Obama administration’s deliberate approach. Capt.
But I was frustrated because I didn’t have a really practical answer.
I was unfortunately very wrong, and for that, I am mildly frustrated.
But we can’t get frustrated, frustration is going to get us nowhere.
They can walk away from treatment at any time they feel frustrated.
But those who are frustrated only seem to speak to each other.
She said on Saturday that she was frustrated by Mr. Trump’s decision.
Food companies are also frustrated that GMA’s lobbying is creating needless confusion.
Totally frustrated, he started firing his own M-16 from our helicopter.
The Senate’s Majority whip sounded a bit frustrated by the holdup. Sen.
Sandooyea feels frustrated by political inaction and hopes to make an impact.
«I think Cam was a little frustrated,» Columbus coach John Tortorella said.
My girlfriends seem to be having success, but I’m just getting frustrated.
He also admitted to being frustrated at the current situation in Washington.
«No one’s more frustrated than me, » Bresch told CNBC at the time.
«They’re absolutely frustrated that this exclusion process isn’t in place,» he said.
Some Republicans, angered and frustrated with the President, decided not to attend.
But she eventually became frustrated and presented Mr. Seymour with her demands.
JOHN HARWOOD: Are you frustrated by the direction of policy right now?
So I still have hope, but I get a little frustrated sometimes.
She said she understands them, but feels frustrated at the same time.
It has all left veterans of past border debates exasperated and frustrated.
They ranged from quirky boasts — «I’m a tremendous fracker» — to frustrated outbursts.
Fraternity misbehavior has frustrated colleges as long as fraternities have been around.
» The lawyer, Zachary D. Tripp, hedged, and Justice Gorsuch grew frustrated. «Mr.
As a female reporter hurled questions at the president, he got frustrated.
In 2016, for example, Biden said he was «frustrated» with Netanyahu’s leadership.
Members of Congress are clearly frustrated with how the institution is functioning.
Murray said she was «frustrated» when Fitzgerald canceled a second scheduled hearing.
But time is short, and Europe has grown frustrated with the deadlock.
The special counsel is clearly frustrated that we don’t understand his reasoning.
Despite those disclosures, Warner told Recode that he remains frustrated with Facebook.
And I’ve always been frustrated by our obsession with headlines, no offense.
I was so frustrated that it felt like the only funny outlet.
He’s frustrated by being in the Senate and not getting anything done.
He thinks frustrated young people are ready to make their voices heard.
You might find yourself frustrated, impulsively breaking things off with your partner.
Eventually the border agent got frustrated and handed us back our passports.
«He’s actually pretty frustrated,» Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said of Trump.
If I’m frustrated, what was the tipping point where it became upsetting?
KS: People should be doing this because people are really just frustrated.
Yes, there were times in the game I was very frustrated at my game, I was very frustrated and I felt like I wasn’t contributing to my team the way I should, and I can’t stand that feeling.
We might look to a universe above us to see bitter, frustrated men, who don’t quite catch their reflections in their bitter, frustrated creations — an endless continuum of male frustration, all the way up and all the way down.
«In the moment I was very frustrated and I was confused,» he said.
If logging in gets too cumbersome, cable subscribers could get frustrated and cancel.
«Users cannot do this on their own and they become frustrated,» says Gupta.
MANCHESTER, N.H. — Frustrated and flailing as his candidacy threatens to slip away, Gov.
«My mother was a bit frustrated, but she accepted me,» she told Amnesty.
Bill: No. Although I’m always frustrated because I know we can do better.
Even still, I’m not frustrated that the iPhone X screen can be scratched.
Entire shelves are being left empty, and frustrated employees are leaving in droves.
If you focus on what you don’t have, you’ll feel frustrated and envious.
Frustrated with the weight gain, I made an appointment to see my psychiatrist.
Supporters of President Jed Bartlet’s administration deserve to feel a little frustrated today.
Obviously he’s frustrated with last night’s failure of the Republicans to repeal Obamacare.
But some time later, the Drop Dead Gorgeous star got a tad frustrated.
If you’ve ever been frustrated by government, stop complaining and run for office.
There, a tutor worked through math lessons with a slightly frustrated adult student.
And then they’re frustrated, maybe even disgusted, at the trash that collects there.
And then on the other end, watch how frustrated Towns gets later on.
Many in the audience grew frustrated with McSally’s sometimes long and meandering answers.
He kept his emotions in check (though he was frustrated about being interrupted).
Chances are they will win and you will end up feeling incredibly frustrated.
Luther became frustrated that Jews would not convert to his version of Christianity.
Being bored and unchallenged by your job won’t just make you frustrated, though.
Croatia frustrated Argentina throughout the match and never gave Messi space to operate.
His national security team, seen as a bedrock of normality, increasingly is frustrated.
Attorney David Remes, who represents four prisoners, said they are bored and frustrated.
There’s concern that voters, like the president, could grow frustrated at this phenomenon.
Repressing this natural urge since childhood has left Lazy Mom frustrated and unsatisfied.
When Gross asked if she planned to «surgically alter [herself],» Anohni was frustrated.
They were frustrated with a campaign, they said, that didn’t include their communities.
Silge was sent the same document after the call, and was similarly frustrated.
I’m frustrated that it hasn’t brought them over to the consumer line yet.
But the US has grown frustrated with Kiev’s seeming inability to curb corruption.
On her show I Am Cait, this attitude often frustrated her trans friends.
And indeed, occasionally the viewer can’t help but feel frustrated on Massi’s behalf.
Taylor Swift recognizes that it’s a part of life today – but gets frustrated.
Maybe a couple of frustrated Dutch people because we were riding too slowly!
Meyers later told WSOC he was frustrated with time spent on his arrest.
I was very frustrated and never seemed to get anything back except hostility.
«Do you really want to break Europe for this?» asks a frustrated official.
«I still feel the same — if not more angry and frustrated,» she said.
But he remains frustrated by how open-ended the Parks Denton mystery is.
But they are likely to feel frustrated that they cannot exert their influence.
EU negotiators are also frustrated with what they see as Britain’s policy drift.
As it turns out, humans aren’t the only ones frustrated by inaccurate forecasts.
That has left Mr Trump frustrated, but it might not deter his supporters.
The Breakthrough report — and the media coverage of it — frustrated many climate scientists.
It’s always hard to talk about it but we just can’t get frustrated.
«I’m enormously frustrated by it,» Travers told a pre-inquest hearing on Tuesday.
The refusal frustrated lawmakers, and the CHC source said at one point Rep.
The players, who usually dare not question an official, were even more frustrated.
I’m very frustrated, but I decide not to let it ruin my day.
The solid bass-baritone Thesele Kemane was delightful as Alessio, Lisa’s frustrated suitor.
«We’re frustrated and our discipline hurt us, but we’re right there,» Giordano said.
Frustrated with the lack of diversity in the years that followed, the Rev.
It’s not surprising he’s frustrated when the shoe is on the other foot.
And like Clinton, we all just had to sit there — frustrated and annoyed.
Debra told PEOPLE she was frustrated not to be contacted about the project.
O’Neill was frustrated, and decided to resign from the FBI in August 2001.
«It just don’t get any better,» a frustrated Carey said after the song.
There’s more surreptitious, frustrated lust going on in the town than honest affection.
Cruz, clearly frustrated with his mother, interrupts her to direct the shoot himself.
Frank came around to the format after feeling frustrated with traditional advice books.
Lopez plays a woman without a college degree frustrated by her career options.
They looked unified but also drained and frustrated, unsure of their next move.
If that makes it sound like Onrush frustrated me, that’s because it did.
Frustrated moviegoers let out a collective scream Friday night when MoviePass stopped working.
UCLA junior Jade McVay said she was more than frustrated — she was frightened.
If so many people are so frustrated, then why don’t more people vote?
She said she was «frustrated» and said middlemen added to the ultimate cost.
The combination of loneliness and frustrated ambition, vanity and disappointment, encourages aberrant behaviour.
In the song he raps about being frustrated with how the world operates.
There’s gonna be times where you’re frustrated, but powering through is the key.
The X-Files, in contrast, never felt like it was frustrated by format.
It found that many fact-checkers were frustrated with Facebook’s lack of transparency.
We get very frustrated if we know the truth is not being understood.
Becca met Arie’s family and was frustrated when they continually asked about Lauren.
Did you feel frustrated about the lack of acting roles for Asian women?
For most players, it’s no big deal, but Hayden Else was incredibly frustrated.
He later told an investigator that he was «frustrated» but kept calling 911.
Cho is frustrated and confused by the results of his eagerness to serve.
They’re very frustrated that she has a different set of rules for her.
He gets so frustrated if he makes her mad or if she’s feisty.
Pitt’s character spends a lot of time leaning on a desk, seemingly frustrated.
Other commenters are frustrated with how poorly the show translates into dating today.
Still, as frustrated as Chastain might be, she appears to understand Bedol’s pain.
I got frustrated instead, losing my cool at the first sign of failure.
But I think across the board, people are super frustrated with the airlines.
Patenaude denied she was frustrated by the Trump administration’s handling of Puerto Rico.
PIRRO: Okay, but this is my question … CONWAY: But the President is frustrated.
Yet its conclusions were narrow, and left many critics of the league frustrated.
This bill takes important steps to ensure that our laws are not frustrated.
«I don&apost appreciate you characterizing my questions,» a visibly frustrated Menendez responded.
«People are becoming more and more frustrated with finding people organically,» Purifico said.
Workers are also frustrated about rising healthcare costs and changes to commission rates.
And I get it, people are frustrated with the direction of our country.
She was frustrated by «the busy rat-race lifestyle,» as she called it.
When I hear about life extension today, I am often perplexed, even frustrated.
Frustrated, he posted on Reddit and Twitter—and surprisingly, he got a response.
Frustrated by the decision, Medina vented his anger during a post-match interview.
I informed her and she was a touch frustrated like anyone would be.
The aide, speaking on background, said congressional Republicans aren’t necessarily frustrated with Trump.
She opened up in April about getting frustrated with how her body looks.
Frustrated, McKinney turned to the government attorney, who he said shrugged it off.
«Hearing the announcement, I guess I was pretty frustrated and upset,» he says.
He did not fear for his safety but was frustrated by the attention.
The patients who are the most frustrated are those whose anxiety is high.
On Trump’s frustrations: He’s frustrated with Congress and «you,» Kelly said to reporters.
People close to Trump say he remains angry and frustrated with his staff.
» Asked if he was frustrated with the U.S., Erdoğan said he was «disillusioned.
Top Hill Republicans — as well as senior administration officials — are frustrated and concerned.
Us getting frustrated at them or their lack of progress…doesn’t help anybody.
CVS is stepping up to help consumers frustrated with the EpiPen’s price hike.
Some people might also be frustrated by inconsistent experiences with chip card readers.
The revolving political door has angered and frustrated voters and the business sector.
The pace of the investigation has purportedly frustrated its Democratic members, including Sen.
And they’re bucking up for a rough recess back home with frustrated constituents.
But Platten wasn’t the only one who was frustrated with The Piano Guys.

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