Sentences with word freelance

Freelance (US title: Con Man) is a 1971 British thriller film starring Ian McShane. It was written and directed by Francis Megahy. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

And I totally agree with the freelance work or just any kind of work that doesn’t mean you’re unemployed person, like where you have more freedom of time, because then you can fit stuff in.


I would say that any media or publishing opportunity is really open to the best candidate — with or without a degree,» shares Linsey Knerl, a freelance writer and partner at Knerl Family Media.


He emigrated to West Germany in 1981 and continues to work in Germany as a freelance author and critic.


Pakistan About Blog Sidrah is a freelance beauty writer with a passion for makeup and photography.


Some micropresses sell straighforward freelance editing, graphic design, and/or marketing services by the hour in addition to publishing books.


Kirsten, a substitute teacher since 1997, is also a concert pianist, piano teacher, and freelance writer.


Prior to this he worked as a freelance environmental researcher for Sustain, Food Ethics Council and the New Economics Foundation, and was the co-founder of a co-operative bakery in Leeds (Leeds Bread Co-op).


As more employers seek to hire for full-time positions — and as it becomes more acceptable for skilled workers to move back and forth between freelance and full-time jobs — you may find yourself interviewing people with a variety of employment backgrounds.


When you decide to hire freelance writers, the idea of choosing the «right writer» for the job can be a bit overwhelming.


Suzie Hammond has been a freelance writer for many years across five continents.


Hutton has since directed music videos (including one for neuroscientist Joe LeDoux’s band The Amygdaloids), the concert documentary King for Two Days, and freelance work that helps finance ongoing personal projects, such as Bluebrain.


So my question is twofold: First, should I update my resume with this new job as I continue to look for another job, or should I just keep my most recent work as «freelance,» which is what I had it as when I found this current job.


my name is Andrew i’m a freelance cartoonist just starting out in this crazy world.


Let’s look at a few inexpensive ways to promote your freelance business online and grow your brand.


As a freelance writer, I have worked for some of the biggest online resume writing companies and I can tell you that they are NOT worth the money you will pay.


As for products, I have an online course on my site that helps bloggers become freelance writers and a dating book (I used to write about dating and relationships).


Every time I read anything like this it reminds me of a guy I knew in London, an independent freelance writer, who decided to do research in to the online dating world.


We’ve all done it: left our jobs and gone freelance, with grand plans for a new work-life balance that will leave our minds and bodies much more centred than the old 9-5.


Erika is ACE’s Director of Communications, as well as a freelance designer and marketing consultant.


1999: Acted as the freelance associate producer for the «Office Office» show with the following work responsibilities


Some see the so-called sharing economy as being responsible for the advent of a «gig economy», in which people make ends meet by arranging freelance work over the Internet rather than working in traditional full-time jobs (either voluntarily, or because no other work is available).


Started working as a freelance writer when he was a student.


We do that by matching them with vetted experienced freelance lawyers for temporary and project-based engagements.


Ilene also works as a freelance consultant and organizer and is an activist in her community, supporting neighborhood welfare and social justice.


The Whitechapel Gallery is proud of our more than 60 graduates, who have found employment with major public spaces and commercial institutions in the UK and abroad, and continue to excel in research, management and freelance positions all over the world.


• Currently working as a web producer with creative emphasis for major news site • Accomplished videographer, using a variety of formats, including Mini-DV, DVCAM, DVC-PRO, and Betacam • Accomplished video editor, with extensive knowledge of AVID and Final Cut Pro • Successfully working freelance in the video production and film production fie…


Sandy Wallace is a mom and freelance writer who began writing as a child and enjoys sharing family and parenting advice.


Many times, eLearning professionals transfer out of the «rat-race» of working in traditional brick and mortar work environments and go completely freelance.


Paintings, software, freelance gigs or bathroom tiles, who cares?


In 2001, Jamey started his freelance career and spent the following 10 years as a sound design contractor for Epic Games, garnering lead creative roles in the Gears of War series and several iterations of Unreal Tournament, as well as stints working for Naughty Dog, Ready At Dawn, and SCEA.


A graduate of the Kathmandu University Center for Arts and Design, Ankash has been working as a freelance designer since 2015.


Experienced blogger and freelance IT/business writer for Chinese and English magazines and newspapers.


In the almost 10 years since I have been exclusively working as a travel blogger and freelance writer in the travel media space, I have seen more content creators of color find their voice, be celebrated in the space, and even gain access to opportunities that have been exclusively, for so long, white.


Well, the big difference for me as far as what I get to do for a living, is that I now get to focus entirely on the editing, and that’s one of the reasons I chose to go freelance.


As for the gatekeeper, the acquisition editors and the agents, that model imploded a long time ago when the publishers basically outsourced the slush pile to the agents, thus turning them into freelance employees of the publisher and away from being the advocate for writers and their work.


Jennifer Saylor is a creative writer by profession and hobby, currently working as a freelance writer.


Compensating your contractors for their time and skills will establish your company as a destination of choice for freelance employees, boosting your ability to attract the top talent.


Don’t even think of hiring freelance writers to do the work; they will take your money without providing any guarantee for high quality and timely delivery.


As opposed to other audiobook production companies like Amazon’s ACX that offer the option for authors to split the royalties with the narrators rather than to pay a set fee up front, narrators with Findaway Voices are paid hourly for their services, and all charge a different freelance rate based on experience and other factors.


Entries will be judged by a distinguished panel of selectors: Yvonne Crossley (Director of The Drawing Gallery, Shropshire); Fisun Güner (journalist and freelance visual arts writer); and Professor Stephen Farthing RA (artist and Rootstein Hopkins Research Chair of Drawing at the University of the Arts, London).


In her «Catching Health» blog, freelance health and wellness writer Diane Atwood discusses research by MDI Biological Laboratory scientist James A. Coffman, Ph.D., on how exposure to stress early in life can lead to adult disease.


Tiffany Brenning is a beautician and a freelance beauty writer.


In addition, on top of your freelance or volunteer work, spend a part of your day job hunting.


Self-employment or freelance work is possible in areas where the ICT sector employs contractors.


She spent a few years working as a freelance copy editor before landing a half-time PR job at the SF Zoo.


His career in the industry began with a freelance job for someone who needed game art.


Here’s our top job board picks for freelance and seasonal jobs.


Automobile offers a rich and varied examination of the automotive universe in all its forms — delivered by our stable of first-class editors and freelance contributors and illustrated with vibrant photography.


Addie Young is a full-time freelance writer, who enjoys being able to use her creative writing skills as a profession.


Hiring an independent freelance editor has never been more important than in this age of self-publishing.


freelance — перевод на русский


You know, that bastard is one smooth-talking freelance kite designer.

Этот ублюдок со сладкими речами, внештатный дизайнер воздушных змеев.

I said I was a freelance superhero/Robin Hood kind of guy.

Я сказал ей, что я внештатный герой, типа Робин Гуда.

Twenty-five, single, freelance magazine writer.

Изабель Харрингтон. 25 лет, не замужем. Внештатный журналист.

«Freelance Journalist Stabbed in Yamaguchi»

[ Внештатный корреспондент зарезан в Ямагучи ]

Freelance writer.

Внештатный писатель.

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He’s freelance.

— Он фрилансер.

L’m freelance.

Я фрилансер.

So you’re what, a freelance operative?

И кто ты, фрилансер?

So you’re what, a freelance operative?

Ты вроде как фрилансер?

— I’m freelance.

— Я фрилансер.

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Ellis Kane, freelance journalist.

Эллис Кейн, свободный журналист.

Freelance artist.

Свободный художник.

Well, Patrick is a freelance artist.

Патрик свободный художник.

Yeah, I’m a freelance photographer.

Да. Я свободный фотограф.

All this says is that your name’s Denny Wray and you’re a freelance photographer.

Все, что на ней написано, так это что вас зовут Денни Рей, и вы — свободный фотограф.

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It’ll be freelance work.

Это будет фриланс.

There’s no title. It’s freelance.

Должностей там нет, это фриланс.

Well, it’s a freelance thing, so I’m not hiring you per se, but you seem super sweet.

Это фриланс, так что по сути я тебя никуда не беру, но, по-моему, ты очень даже подходишь.

She went freelance two months ago, and when she did, all traces of her business vanished.

Она ушла во фриланс два месяца назад, и после этого все следы её бизнеса исчезли.

Freelance piece…

Так, фриланс…

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Suffering… freelancing.


I freelance here!

Я тут подрабатываю!

And… I do some freelance web design.

Ну и подрабатываю веб дизайном на досуге.

I freelance as an interior decorator.

Я подрабатываю дизайнером интерьеров.

We need to see if John Tudor ever did any freelance legal work outside the NHS.

Нужно узнать, кроме госслужбы, не подрабатывал ли Джон Тюдор еще где-то.

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I’ve been working freelance these last few years.

последние несколько лет я работал фри-лансером.

He’s done a bunch of freelance jobs for the SVR lately.

В последнее время он работал на СВР.

I pick up freelance jobs here and there.

Я работаю временно то тут, то там.

Now, we agreed that I would stay freelance, right?

Мы договорились, что я работаю не только на тебя?

If you can be freelance, do it.

— Если можешь работать на себя, то так и делай.

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I just got to ask you, are you sure this is a good time for you to be taking freelance work?

Я просто хочу спросить тебя, а ты уверен, что это подходящее время, чтобы браться за подработки?

But they want me to be exclusive, which would mean no freelancing for you.

Но они хотят, чтобы я работал эксклюзивно, что означает никакой подработки на вас.

He didn’t want his bosses to know he was freelancing.

не хотел, чтобы боссы узнали о подработке.

Well, I know, earlier, when I told you about the freelance job, you seemed a little concerned.

Знаешь, когда я рассказал тебе о подработке, ты выглядела озадаченной.

He said I can make $1,000 each time I freelanced.

— Он сказал, что я смогу делать по штуке за каждую подработку.

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«Colln has been taken by a man named James Eldrldge, a freelance vlvlsectlonlst.»

«Колина забрал мужчина, по имени Джеймс Элдридж, независимый вивисекционист.»

We’re a supply ship, freelance Had an accident this morning A crewman got hurt

Мы транспортный корабль, независимый. Утром произошел несчастный случай. Член экипажа ранен

I am a freelance agent for the British Secret Service Bureau.

Я независимый агент Британского разведывательного бюро.

Oh, this is just a little freelance project

А, это маленький независимый проект, так — сторонняя работа.

But now that it’s over, I’m ready to put «freelance spy»

Но теперь, когда все закончилось, я готов поставить «независимый шпион»

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You don’t freelance, you hear what I’m saying?

Ты не внештатный сотрудник, ты слышала что я тебе сказал?

She’s freelance.

Она — внештатный сотрудник.

She’s technically freelance anyway.

Формально она — внештатный сотрудник.

Man on the screen is a freelance ATF asset.

Человек на экране — внештатный сотрудник Бюро.

After the peace treaty, he went freelance.

После мирного договора, стал внештатным сотрудником.

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Freelance terrorism.

Террорист на вольных хлебах. По контракту.

But when you freelance, you don’t have those luxuries.

Когда ты на вольных хлебах, всей этой роскоши тебе не положено.

There’s not even a parking ticket on the system, he’s been freelance for the last five years, 20 before that he was at Hatchard Pratt,onthehighstreet.

Ему даже штрафы за парковку не выписывали, последние пять лет он был на вольных хлебах. А до этого он 20 лет работал на «Хэтчард и Пратт» на Хай-стрит.

to go freelance.

Ушел на вольные хлеба.

Working freelance.

Пошел на вольные хлеба?

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Those arrested included New York Times freelance reporter Natasha Lennard.

Газета The New York Times сообщила, что среди задержанных оказалась и внештатный репортер издания Наташа Леннард (Natasha Lennard).

Contractual translators are almost exclusively drawn from the same pool as freelance translators.

Письменные переводчики, работающие по контрактам, почти исключительно набираются из той же группы внештатных письменных переводчиков.

Robert Drouin is a freelance environmental journalist and author.

Роберт Дроуин — независимый журналист и автор статей об окружающей среде.

Since then he has been working as a freelance illustrator and cartoonist.

С тех пор он работает как независимый художник и карикатурист.

Mark Baker is a freelance travel writer who lives in Prague.

Марк Бейкер — свободный журналист и автор, пишущий о путешествиях, живущий в Праге.

Since 1974 he has worked as a freelance illustrator and in 1987 he started painting wildlife.

С 1974 г. работал свободным иллюстратором, а в 1987 г. стал художником-натуралистом.

Same as if I were doing freelance work for you.

Ровно также, как если бы я выполнял внештатную работу для вас.

The remaining individuals are non-accredited freelance contributors and media representatives abroad…

Остальные люди не являются аккредитованными внештатными сотрудниками и представителями средств массовой информации за рубежом…

This leads to high-cost short-term and freelance contracts.

Это приводит к необходимости заключать дорогостоящие краткосрочные контракты с внештатными сотрудниками.

85% of freelance designers work for clients outside their own time zone.

Около 85% внештатных дизайнеров в настоящее время работают с клиентами за пределами своего часового пояса.

One area that many new freelance designers struggle with is organization.

Одной из областей, с которой многие новые независимые дизайнеры имеют проблемы, является — организация.

So do not believe that freelance employment is a panacea.

Так что не стоит верить в то, что внештатная занятость — панацея.

Self-employed editors often do freelance work for smaller budget films, commercials and other projects.

Работающие не по найму редакторы часто делают внештатную работу для меньших бюджетных фильмов, рекламных роликов и других проектов.

Nowadays, there are many jobs that offer freelance work.

В текущее время существует много рабочих мест, которые предлагают внештатную работу.

All reporters, including freelance reporters, must abide by our ethical journalism guidelines.

Все репортеры, включая внештатных сотрудников, должны соблюдать наши принципы журналистской этики», — подчеркнули в издании.

Personally, I use Bonsai for my freelance contracts.

Вот почему я лично использую Бонсай для рассылки моих внештатных контрактов.

He currently resides in Manhattan, working as a freelance composer.

В настоящее время он живет в Манхэттене, работает в качестве внештатного композитора.

Read more about residency with freelance visa in Dubai, UAE.

Узнайте больше о резидентстве с внештатной визой в Дубаи, ОАЭ виза фрилансера в ОАЭ.

In 1992 Clyde left TSR to pursue a freelance career.

В 1992 Клайд оставил «TSR», чтобы заняться свободным творчеством.

Kay studied illustration at Wrexham College before working as a freelance illustrator.

После школы Кей изучала иллюстрацию в Колледже Wrexham, затем начала работать в качестве внештатного иллюстратора.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат freelance

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Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

внештатно, нештатный, ландскнехт


- нештатный, внештатный; работающий без контракта

freelance job — свободная профессия

- бездоговорный

freelance writing — работа (писателя, журналиста) без договора

- независимый, свободный

freelance intellect — независимый образ мыслей


- ист. ландскнехт; кондотьер
- политик, не принадлежащий к определённой партии
- не состоящий в штате, нештатный журналист или фотограф
- свободный художник
- актёр без постоянного ангажемента
- человек независимого образа мыслей


- работать не по найму; ≅ быть свободным художником

Мои примеры


freelance worker [employee] — внештатный сотрудник  
freelance artist [sculptor] — свободный художник [скульптор]  
freelance journalist — внештатный журналист  
freelance consultant — независимый консультант  
freelance attorney — независимый адвокат  
freelance business — работа без контракта; работа на себя  
freelance news agency — независимое информационное агентство  
freelance work — работа без контракта  
freelance worker — работающий без контракта; нештатный работник  
freelance researcher — исследователь, работающий без контракта  

Примеры с переводом

She works freelance from home.

Она работает внештатно, из дома.

He freelanced for several newspapers.

Он работал внештатным журналистом сразу в нескольких газетах.

This was freelance work, paid by the hour.

Это была внештатная работа с почасовой оплатой.

He gave up a permanent job in order to freelance.

Он отказался от постоянной работы ради фриланса.

The chief has decided to farm out most of the work to freelance employee.

Начальник решил передать большую часть работы внештатному сотруднику.

Zoe does a bit of freelance photography as a sideline.

Зои немного подрабатывает внештатным фотографом.

The magazine is looking for freelance writers.

Журнал ищет внештатных авторов.

I wrote a freelance article for a nature magazine.

Я писал независимую статью для журнала о природе.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He’s freelancing for several translation agencies.

We found out he’d been doing some freelance work on the quiet.

Determined to be his own master, Simmons quit in 1998 and started working freelance.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

freelancing  — работающий без контракта
freelancer  — , человек, работающий не по найму, внештатный сотрудник

Формы слова

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word freelance, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use freelance in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «freelance».

Freelance in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word freelance in a sentence.

  1. In 2004, freelance writer T.

  2. Elliott is a proud Vermonter and active freelance musician.

  3. Aaron Korsh wrote the nineteenth episode as freelance work.

  4. From 1916 to 1918 Barbirolli was a freelance cellist in London.

  5. After quitting the newspaper in 1923, Douglas worked as a freelance writer.

  6. In 2004, the Latter Days screenplay was adapted into a novel by freelance writer T.

  7. The story was the precursor for his first freelance children’s project: Dark Season.

  8. As in 1909 and in 1932, Beecham’s assistants recruited in the freelance pool and elsewhere.

  9. The two girls left Murray’s and attempted without success to pursue careers as freelance models.

  10. Among the scripts submitted by freelance or aspiring writers was one by Trent Christopher Ganino.

  11. Kneale had left the BBC shortly before, but was hired to write the new scripts on a freelance basis.

  12. The chosen cover art is a stylised shot of a couple kissing, taken by freelance photographer Perry Curties.

  13. A freelance newspaper reporter recorded the shooting on audio tape, and the aftermath was captured on film.

  14. Here he worked as a freelance writer, in which role he resumed his association with The Manchester Guardian.

  15. Thomson may have also worked as a freelance commercial designer, but there are no extant examples of such work.

  16. In his 1988 book, Predatory Dinosaurs of the World, the freelance dinosaurologist Gregory Paul proposed that A.

  17. She worked briefly as a freelance conductor and accompanist before joining the staff of the EFDS early in 1932.

  18. The 19th Battalion began its advance at 03:36, accompanied by freelance journalists Tony Avirgan and Martha Honey.

  19. As her royalties from earlier projects ran out, she began doing freelance work as a script reader for movie studios.

  20. Chrono Cross was scored by freelance video game music composer Yasunori Mitsuda, who previously worked on Chrono Trigger.

  21. In 1982, freelance reporter Randy Shilts completed his first book: a biography of Milk, titled The Mayor of Castro Street.

  22. On 9 April The Guardian published footage from Nabeela Zahir, a freelance journalist, showing Tomlinson after his collapse.

  23. As he was only given three days of work per month by the BBC, he continued to freelance and volunteer for the Sherman Theatre.

  24. Carr became a freelance editor; both Carr and Wollheim went on to edit competing Year’s Best Science Fiction anthology series.

  25. At the time, Crane was intermittently employed as a freelance writer, contributing articles to various New York City newspapers.

  26. Carr returned to Ace Books in 1984 as a freelance editor, launching a new series of Ace Specials devoted entirely to first novels.

  27. Trish Skye says she had problems but has been clean and sober for two years; she works at a funeral home and is a freelance writer.

  28. After leaving the post twenty years later, he was a successful freelance pianist and composer, in demand in Europe and the Americas.

  29. Since 1972 he has been a freelance writer, publishing novels, stories, essays, poetry, plays, travelogues, and children’s literature.

  30. Merwin left in 1951 in order to become a freelance editor, and was replaced by Samuel Mines, who had worked for Ned Pines since 1942.

  31. Acting as a freelance contractor, Abu Nidal is believed to have ordered attacks in 20 countries, killing over 300 and injuring over 650.

  32. In June 1941 Pohl visited Steeger to ask for a further raise, intending to resign and work as a freelance writer if he was unsuccessful.

  33. Santomero, who named Fred Rogers as a major influence, worked at Nickelodeon as a researcher and Johnson was a freelance artist and animator.

  34. The band also included guitarist Eddie Lang and violinist Joe Venuti, who had often recorded on a freelance basis with the Goldkette Orchestra.

  35. Part of the settlement involved Crawford receiving a lower salary in return for freedom to offer his services to other clubs on a freelance basis.

  36. In 1997 footage secretly filmed by a freelance journalist inside Huntingdon Life Sciences in the UK showed staff punching and screaming at beagles.

  37. Hosted by freelance writer Mafia Kajita and actress Tomomi Isomura, it was designed to deepen the connection between Atlus and the Persona fanbase.

  38. Talal Hassan Abu Rahma studied business administration in the United States, and began working as a freelance cameraman for France 2 in Gaza in 1988.

  39. Lancaster earned a living as a freelance artist, producing advertising posters, Christmas cards, book illustrations and a series of murals for a hotel.

  40. D’Avanzo has worked for several upscale cosmetic companies as a freelance makeup artist and has launched her own cosmetics line called «Lady Boss by Drita».

  41. For freelance journalist Dan Owen the premise «riff[s] on the fact [that] online auction sites like eBay often sell ludicrous items for huge amounts of money».

  42. This view was shared by the freelance journalist Steven Borowiec, who wrote that the social context of same-sex relationships in India remained «mostly off-screen».

  43. While he was writing Dark Season and Century Falls, Davies sought freelance projects elsewhere; these included three scripts for the BBC children’s comedy ChuckleVision.

  44. The freelance journalist Dan Owen felt the episode was «entertaining fare, but too predictable and clichéd to prove genuinely memorable», awarding it two out of four stars.

  45. MacDonald left Grip in November 1911 to do freelance work and spend more time painting, after the Ontario government purchased his canvas By the River (Early Spring) (1911).

  46. These contributors include Doug Alexander, Rick Berry, Geof Darrow, and more than twenty-five others, both freelance and from Bungie—including lead composer Martin O’Donnell.

  47. In the 1940s, Marjory Stoneman Douglas, a freelance writer and former reporter for The Miami Herald, began to research the Everglades for an assignment about the Miami River.

  48. The four previous novels in the Halo franchise—The Fall of Reach, The Flood, Halo: First Strike, and Ghosts of Onyx—were written by freelance writers Eric Nylund or William C.

  49. Moving to Miami as a young woman to work for The Miami Herald, she became a freelance writer, producing over one hundred short stories that were published in popular magazines.

  50. Compton has been writing short fiction for over twenty years, has written one novel, writes nonfiction articles, and works as a freelance editor and mentor to emerging writers.

Synonyms for freelance

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word freelance has the following synonyms: mercenary, paid, self-employed, independent and self-employed person.

General information about «freelance» example sentences

The example sentences for the word freelance that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «freelance» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «freelance».

Synonym: freelance, independent, mercenary, self-employed, self-employed person. Similar words: freely, melancholy, glance, balance, parlance, balanced, petulance, on balance. Meaning: n. a writer or artist who sells services to different employers without a long-term contract with any of them. v. work independently and on temporary contracts rather than for a long-term employer. adj. 1. working for yourself 2. used of soldiers hired by a foreign army. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Most of the journalists I know are/work freelance.

2. He’s been freelance for several years.

3. She works freelance from home.

4. He derives his income from freelance work.

5. Michael Cross is a freelance journalist.

6. Zoe does a bit of freelance photography as a sideline.

7. There are tax advantages to working freelance.

8. Vanya Kewley is a freelance film producer.

9. I work freelance from home.

10. She gets enormous pleasure out of working freelance.

11. What gave you the idea to go freelance?

12. A freelance career has the attraction of flexibility.

13. She had a baby and decided to go freelance.

14. Magazines often farm out articles to freelance journalists.

15. His freelance work brings in 5000 a year.

16. Many people prefer to freelance from home.

17. She earns her living as a freelance journalist.

18. She went freelance in 1996.

19. This was freelance work, paid by the hour .

20. The going rate for freelance work is 5 an hour.

21. His freelance work brings him in about $20 000 a year.

22. He’s had a bit of freelance work at the moment.

23. The Budapest office plans to hire freelance reporters to cover the latest happenings.sentencedict .com

24. He gave up a permanent job in order to freelance.

25. She continued to work for the company on a freelance basis.

26. After leaving college, he set himself up as a freelance photographer.

27. Simon Lane quickly found his niche as a busy freelance model maker.

28. As a cover story he generally tells people he is a freelance photographer.

29. She decided to give in her notice and go freelance.

30. They pay slightly more than the going rate for freelance work.

More similar words: freely, melancholy, glance, balance, parlance, balanced, petulance, on balance, ambulance, balance of, nonchalance, surveillance, free, free of, freeze, set free, freezer, homeland, freeze up, freezing, free from, free market, free enterprise, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, carte blanche, cancer, cancel, dance, stance. 

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I’m a freelance theatre director.

Я внештатный режиссёр театра.




My freelance job ended. And I had to get a full-time job to pay the bills.

Мой фриланс окончилась, и мне нужно было найти постоянную работу, чтобы оплачивать счета.



You’re Big Brother’s freelance snitch.

Вы нештатные стукачи для Большого Брата.


другие переводы 2




— / —


I’m a freelance theatre director.

Я внештатный режиссёр театра.





freelanced / freelanced / freelancing / freelances

Словосочетания (8)

  1. freelance business — работа без контракта
  2. freelance intellect — независимый образ мыслей
  3. freelance work — работа без контракта
  4. freelance working — работа без контракта
  5. Promt freelance — PROMT Freelance
  6. freelance employee — внештатный сотрудник
  7. freelance job — внештатная работа
  8. freelance position — внештатная должность


I’m a freelance theatre director.
Я внештатный режиссёр театра.

My freelance job ended. And I had to get a full-time job to pay the bills.
Мой фриланс окончилась, и мне нужно было найти постоянную работу, чтобы оплачивать счета.

You’re Big Brother’s freelance snitch.
Вы нештатные стукачи для Большого Брата.

Said the kidnapping was a freelance job.
Сказал что похищение было её внештатной работой.

Becky Blanton planned to live in her van for a year and see the country, but when depression set in and her freelance job ended, her camping trip turned into homelessness.
Бeкки Блэнтон планировала пожить год в фургоне и поездить по стране, но началась депрессия, работа фриланс закончилась и ее поездка превратилась в бездомную жизнь.


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  • Use the word Freelance in a sentences

Sentence Examples

And you come with me, my freelance friend.

Even a freelance photographer needs a license.

And Joan Reynolds-when she hears I’m no longer a freelance… she’ll simply smother me with «darlings» and «dears.»

She’s a freelance apartment-broker.

«Our friend and freelance reporter R. Vent., a young democratic writer»

I worked as a freelance newsreel cameraman.

freelance journalist, sir.


I freelance, work at my own place.

Say, Lon, there’s a freelance magazine writer over there.

I beg your pardon sir, I am an accredited freelance journalist.

You are an accredited, freelance scandalmonger!

You a freelance prostitute?

We can dance couples, freelance, any old thing.

I’m Goro Maki a freelance reporter.

He was the leader of this freelance expedition.

I’m a freelance photographer.

Jo Fraser, freelance reporter.

freelance musician and, uh…

I’m a freelance reporter…

But I’m a freelance, and I’m not giving that up.

That way,you can cool all those strange freelance bitches.

I’ve even started to freelance again.

If our agents aren’t enough, use freelance.

freelance. Where did you see him?

Twenty full-time… and the same number freelance usually.

You’re freelance. Couldn’t you just hook up with a temp agency around here?

It’s a pool of ex-service pilots that are engaged on a freelance basis to cover, oh, TV sporting events, advertising agency campaigns.

I understand you do freelance typing.

I’ve been getting a lot of freelance work.

I’m a freelance reporter . You are used to dispose of big money. Worked ‘re J. P. Morgan, is not it?

I am a freelance model at the Lemendorf Agency.

Then when I finally quit to freelance not only do I almost starve to death but I can’t figure out what I wanna do

We’re freelance entertainers officer.

I’m a freelance entertainer.

The freelance fightin’ game’s been a little shaky lately.

My firm doesn’t take freelance partners.

Excuse me. I’m Kate Newman, a freelance reporter out of New York.

I’m working on this story, freelance. It’s a freelance job.

We’re a couple of freelance Lone Ranger types.

Mr. Riggins, I’m a freelance investigator for Micro-Tech.

I’m a freelance investigator.

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