Sentences with word formally

формально, официально


- официально

to act formally — действовать официально
formally confirmed — официально подтверждено

- с соблюдением принятых правил и норм; по всей форме
- формально, для проформы

to support smth. formally — формально поддержать что-л.

- формально, формалистически
- поверхностно; внешне
- с точки зрения формы

Мои примеры


formally refutable — формально опровержимый  
formally deducible theorem — формально выводимая теорема  
formally provable theorem — лог. формально доказуемая теорема  
formally true — формально истинный  
formally provable — формально доказуемый  
to formally confirm — официально подтвердить  
formally consistent theory — формально непротиворечивая теория  
formally convertible — официально конвертируемый  
be formally correct but materially false — быть формально правильным, а по существу ложным  
greet formally — приветствовать официально  

Примеры с переводом

He was formally degraded from the priesthood.

Он был официально лишён духовного сана.

What is formally correct may be materially false.

Формально верное может быть фактически ложным.

‘I apologize, Captain,’ she said formally.

— Приношу вам свои извинения, капитан, — вежливо сказала она.

These two versions do not formally contradict one another.

Формально эти две версии не опровергают одна другую.

We announced a decision formally recognizing the new government.

Мы объявили решение официально признать новое правительство.

In an official statement, she formally announced her resignation.

В своём заявлении она официально объявила об уходе в отставку.

Their engagement was formally announced in the newspaper.

Об их помолвке было официально объявлено в газете.

The officer was formally charged with dereliction of duty.

Чиновнику предъявили официальное обвинение в неисполнении должностных обязанностей.

They want to sound out his opinion before they approach him formally.

Они хотят осторожно прощупать его мнение, прежде чем обратиться к нему официально.

He put his hand out formally, and Liza took it.

Он официальным жестом протянул руку, и Лиза её пожала.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He was never formally trained as a chef.

I’ll spare you from having to apologize formally

Relations between the countries were formally normalized in 1997.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

formal  — формальный, официальный, церемонный, вечернее платье, официальный прием
formalism  — формализм, обрядовость, педантичность
informally  — неофициально, без церемоний

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word formally, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use formally in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «formally».

Formally in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word formally in a sentence.

  1. This name was never formally validated.

  2. By 1766, the fort was formally abandoned.

  3. It was formally named on 28 November 2016.

  4. Queen Mary refused to receive her formally.

  5. The group was formally consolidated in 2005.

  6. The proposal was formally rejected on 17 July.

  7. The designation was formally repealed in 2001.

  8. Fieldhouse formally requested this on 27 April.

  9. The name was formally changed in December 1931.

  10. The Workshop was formally incorporated in 1970.

  11. On 1 October 1399, Richard II was formally deposed.

  12. The sale was formally announced on August 15, 2013.

  13. The MSHD formally proposed the I-75 number in 1958.

  14. On April 9, 1865, Lee formally surrendered to Grant.

  15. He was formally discharged from the army soon after.

  16. He formally adopted her in 1938, and she would always refer to him as her father.

  17. When he enrolled in school, his name was formally changed to Stanley Frank Musial.

  18. Menzies was re-elected, and the Australian government formally agreed in May 1951.

  19. Control of the provincial police was formally passed to Joseph Iléo on 5 February.

  20. Perhaps seen by Amerigo Vespucci in 1503, it was first formally described in 1839.

  21. In October 1986, he initiated High Court proceedings to formally dissolve the Pink Floyd partnership.

  22. Hase was promoted to rear admiral on 1 November and the ship began formally working up 10 days later.

  23. She was far from dumb, although she was not formally educated, and she was very sensitive about that.

  24. This arrangement was formally approved by the Combined Policy Committee meeting on 19 September 1944.

  25. She insisted that he appear on stage formally dressed, and introduced the ukulele to his performance.

  26. The German navy formally transferred ownership of the vessel to the Turkish government on 2 November.

  27. When Lat formally entered the cartooning industry, he was not totally unfamiliar with the profession.

  28. While he was formally responsible to Turner, Fuchs also reported directly to his superiors in Berlin.

  29. Prorogation usually occurs about one year after a session begins, and formally concludes the session.

  30. On 14 March 1801, Pitt was formally replaced by the Speaker of the House of Commons, Henry Addington.

  31. This time, on 24 October 1559, the Scottish nobility formally deposed Mary of Guise from the regency.

  32. After his death, he received veneration as a saint himself, although he was never formally canonised.

  33. After the season ended, Tucker formally joined the Navy, and spent the 1945 season serving in the war.

  34. In 1995, Sampson formally placed Achelousaurus in the Ceratopsidae, more precisely the Centrosaurinae.

  35. The Society was formally welcomed by university and city officials, and a personal address by the U.S.

  36. The Peter and Paul parish was formally dissolved by the communist government in 1929, and celebrating Mass was forbidden.

  37. At the same time, the regency’s army campaigned in Thrace, formally taking possession of towns secured by popular revolt.

  38. C., was always amused and pleased with the publicity that the escape created, though he never formally accused his father.

  39. It was formally in force as early as 1948, when regulations concerning the use of firearms on the border were promulgated.

  40. It ran for nine months to 7 July 1348, but was extended repeatedly over the years until it was formally set aside in 1355.

  41. The following day, rumors circulated that Japan would surrender, which was formally announced on the morning of 15 August.

  42. Nasr died without heir in Guadix in 1322, and Ismail reunited the territories formally under his control with the emirate.

  43. He formally left the Catholic Church in 1922 to be ordained an Episcopal priest, but never took up rectorship of a church.

  44. The unit escorted Lord Carrington, Governor of New South Wales, when he formally opened the railway at Tenterfield in 1886.

  45. In a kabary speech on February 26, 1835, Queen Ranavalona formally forbade the practice of Christianity among her subjects.

  46. Walpole became de facto Prime Minister, although the title was not formally applied to him (officially, he was First Lord of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer).

  47. As the orders increased, the company formally incorporated as Haynes-Apperson on May 5, 1898, with $25,000 in capital from stock issued to Portland and Kokomo businessmen.

  48. The Grand Tutor was nominally in charge of providing a young emperor with moral guidance, but it is doubtful that this role was ever taken seriously or formally conducted.

  49. Victoria’s intention to marry was declared formally to the Privy Council on 23 November, and the couple married on 10 February 1840 at the Chapel Royal, St James’s Palace.

  50. Wallis married Edward six months later, after which she was formally known as the Duchess of Windsor, but was not allowed to share her husband’s style of «Royal Highness».

Synonyms for formally

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word formally has the following synonyms: officially.

General information about «formally» example sentences

The example sentences for the word formally that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «formally» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «formally».

Предложения со словом «(formally)»

Radetic suddenly realized that they had not been formally declared.

Радетик вдруг сообразил, что формально их не предъявляли.

I formally order my departure postponed for seven days.

Я официально прикажу отложить мой отъезд на семь дней.

I don’t believe we’ve been formally introduced.

Не уверен, что нас официально представили друг другу.

I did gestures of defeat, tried to introduce her to Block formally so she’d know who got official credit for her rescue.

Я пытался представить ее Тупу, чтобы она знала, кому официально принадлежит честь ее освобождения.

I’ll be making a log entry recommending formally against proceeding farther.

Мне придется внести в бортовой журнал формальную запись о моем возражении против продолжения полета.

It was a very rare and shameful thing for a Mando father to be formally shunned by his sons.

Такое отрицание от сыновей было очень редким и позорным для отца — мандо.

By midday we overtook the rear-guard of the great army of which Sir Henry then formally took over the command.

Около полудня мы нагнали арьергард войска, и сэр Генри формально принял командование всей армией.

I would like to formally withdraw my application for the position of sergeant on the grounds…

Я хотела бы официально отозвать своё заявление на звание сержанта, на том основании…

I presented myself formally , and carefully let Verity know that King Shrewd had summoned me.

Я официально представился и осторожно дал Верити знать, что король Шрюд звал меня.

The u.S. Government is formally charging you With 16 counts of capital murder.

Правительство США официально обвиняет вас в 16 убиствах с отягчающими.

They can formally present their offer to you tomorrow if you hold off on this sale to Pegasus.

Они официально смогут представить своё предложение завтра, если вы отложите сделку с Пегасом.

I’d like to formally request permission to conduct some business on the res.

Я бы хотел официально спросить разрешения Провести некоторые действия в резервации.

In fact, all such funds, except the UNFIP contribution, were formally pledged to UNHCR to become UNHCR property.

Фактически все такие фонды — за исключением взноса из ФМПООН — официально объявлялось как передаваемые УВКБ и становящиеся его собственностью.

In 2014 this policy will be finished and formally implemented and create a framework for the work of the Radiocommunications Agency for satellite operators.

После завершения работы в 2014 году эта политика будет официально принята и станет основой для деятельности Радиокоммуникационного агентства в интересах спутниковых операторов.

A duly appointed party election or voting agent was to be entitled to object formally to a person’s right to vote.

Должным образом назначенный представитель партии, участвующей в выборах, должен был быть уполномочен на то, чтобы официально возражать против права того или иного лица на участие в голосовании.

No one can say for sure that Iran’s regime has formally adopted a nuclear weapons program.

Никто не может с уверенностью сказать, что правительство Ирана официально приняло ядерную программу.

Cape Verde meets two criteria and is therefore formally eligible for graduation at this time.

Кабо — Верде отвечает двум критериям и, таким образом, формально подходит для исключения из этой категории в настоящее время.

Although formally legally speaking there are legal grounds for tax reduction for investments in culture, direct investments in culture are however insignificant.

Хотя правовые основания для распространения на инвестиции в культурную сферу налоговых льгот формально и существуют, объем прямых инвестиций в культуру довольно невелик.

This proposal is expected to be formally submitted to the Working Party by one of the AGC Contracting Parties for consideration and approval.

Предполагается, что это предложение будет официально представлено Рабочей группе одной из Договаривающихся сторон СМЖЛ для рассмотрения и утверждения.

Women are predominantly formally employed in the sectors of financial intermediation, hotels and restaurants, trade, and manufacturing industry, and other sectors.

Женщины официально трудоустроены преимущественно в секторе финансового посредничества, гостинично — ресторанном бизнесе, торговле и обрабатывающей промышленности и в других отраслях.

Note that the document has not yet been formally reissued.

Прошу обратить внимание на то, что этот документ еще официально не переиздавался.

The control of rail infrastructure has been formally separated from the management of train operations and maintenance.

Контроль за железнодорожной инфраструктурой был официально отделен от управления транспортными операциями и эксплуатационной деятельностью.

These proposals have not yet been discussed, adopted or otherwise formally endorsed by the working group.

Рабочая группа еще не обсуждала, не принимала и не утверждала каким — либо другим официальным образом эти предложения.

Prior to formally closing the plenary session, the Chairman provided the Conference with his informal evaluation of the outcome of the 2000 plenary session.

Перед официальным закрытием пленарной сессии Председатель представил участникам Конференции свою неофициальную оценку итогов пленарной сессии 2000 года.

A total of 520 persons formally requested their transfer to their country of origin and were repatriated.

В общей сложности 520 человек официально просили о возвращении в свою страну происхождения и были репатриированы.

A total of 245 persons who formally requested transfer to their country of origin repatriated.

Из тех, кто обратился с официальной просьбой о переселении в страну своего происхождения, было репатриировано в общей сложности 245 человек.

Well, in that case, we’d like to formally file for a continuance.

В этом случае, мы бы хотели официально подать прошение об отсрочке.

Of those detained, 22 were formally committed for trial, while charges were dropped against eight others for lack of evidence.

Дела 22 задержанных были официально переданы в суд, а обвинения в отношении 8 других были сняты за отсутствием улик.

The Taliban have yet to signal a readiness to formally engage.

Движение «Талибан» до сих пор не сообщило о готовности к официальному взаимодействию.

It had yet to be formally removed under the Military Code, but the Bolivian Constitution provided the overriding legal authority.

Смертную казнь еще предстоит отменить и по Военному кодексу, однако Конституция Боливии имеет преобладающую юридическую силу.

The legal authority of the Civil Service formally derives from the monarch through an order made under the royal prerogative.

Правовые полномочия гражданской службы формально определяются указом монарха, принимаемым в рамках королевской прерогативы.

The sale was formally approved, I understand, at a meeting the evening Professor Coke Norris died.

Продажа земли формально одобрена, насколько я понимаю, на совещание в вечер смерти Профессора Кок Норриса.

The Commission formally came into being at its first session in June 1997.

Официально Комиссия возникла на своей первой сессии в июне 1997 года.

The Administrative Committee may wish to formally adopt the changes contained in the corrigendum.

Административный комитет, возможно, пожелает официально утвердить изменения, содержащиеся в этом исправлении.

With the entry into force of the Protocol, MERCOSUR would formally have legal personality under international law.

Со вступлением в силу указанного протокола МЕРКОСУР в соответствии с международным правом официально приобретет правосубъектность.

We should extract elements from the informal meetings that are worth registering formally .

И нам следует вычленять из неофициальных заседаний те элементы, которые заслуживают оформления в официальном порядке.

A mechanism that would utilize debt swaps as a means of funding capacity-building activities at national levels was proposed and formally developed.

Был предложен и в предварительном плане разработан механизм, который использовал бы операции по замене долговых обязательств в качестве средства финансирования мероприятий по созданию потенциала на национальном уровне.

The aim was to conclude the work with a concrete proposal that could be formally adopted by the Board at its forty-first executive session.

Была поставлена цель завершить работу составлением конкретного предложения, которое могло бы быть официально принято Советом на его сорок первой исполнительной сессии.

No implementation period was formally set, but PIRT mechanism is effectively a progress monitoring mechanism.

Официально временные параметры периода реализации установлены не были, но механизм ПКСИ фактически служит механизмом для контроля за прогрессом.

We cannot really say that there is international consensus around it, although formally the agreement has entered into force.

Вряд ли можно сказать, что она пользуется международным консенсусом, хотя официально это соглашение вступило в силу.

One network formally complained that most correspondence was in English.

Одна из сетей в официальном порядке пожаловалась на то, что для обмена информацией в основном используется английский язык.

In spite of smallness of such effects, we formally take irregularity into account, i.e.

Несмотря на малость эффектов такого рода, мы формально будем учитывать неравномерность, т.е.

The standards published and already submitted by CEN to the Joint Meeting but not yet formally adopted by the Joint Meeting have been put between square brackets.

Опубликованные стандарты, которые ЕКС уже представил Совместному совещанию, но которые еще официально не были приняты Совместным совещанием, заключены в квадратные скобки.

Since the Committee is formally a creation of the Council it retains the right to disband it.

Поскольку Комитет является органом, созданным под эгидой Совета, Совет сохраняет за собой право распустить Комитет.

Contemporary terrorism is built on the principle of networks, and thus there is no need to formally ally oneself with an organization, as was the case with the Communist Party.

Современный терроризм строится на сетевом принципе, и поэтому необходимость формального объединения в организацию, как это было с коммунистической партией, сегодня отсутствует.

NATO still is formally committed to including Ukraine and Georgia.

Официально НАТО по — прежнему намерена включить в свой состав Украину и Грузию.

As a result, these children are not formally registered and are not therefore included in reintegration programmes.

В результате эти дети не проходят официальную регистрацию, а поэтому не включаются в программы реинтеграции.

Senior administration officials threatened further sanctions if Moscow moves to formally annex the breakaway province — a move that is expected as early as Tuesday.

Высокопоставленные чиновники из администрации пригрозили дальнейшими санкциями, если Москва официально аннексирует эту самопровозглашенную территорию — а такой шаг она может сделать уже во вторник.

It must be formally recognized that this is indeed the case, but the mind and the stomach remain adamant.

Приходится формально признать, что это действительно так, но разум и желудок остаются непреклонны.

He now formally advises Putin on foreign affairs, but is really the regime’s chief propagandist.

Сейчас официально он является советником Путина по международным делам, реально же – главным пропагандистом режима.

It is about two empires, the Russian and the Ottoman, that continue to violently disintegrate to this day, decades after they have formally ceased to exist.

Это конфликт двух империй, Российской и Османской, которые продолжают распадаться по сей день, спустя множество десятилетий после их официального исчезновения.

One of those funds, SAFE, is currently the only investor in the EBRD vehicle – and China has not even formally joined the organization yet.

Один из таких фондов – SAFE – сейчас является единственным инвестором в подобном механизме ЕБРР, при том что Китай формально ещё даже не вступил в эту организацию.

It is not clear now, with Crimea formally severed from the rest of Ukraine, if Russia would be under any obligation to continue paying for the base.

Сейчас, в связи с формальным отделением Крыма от Украины, совершенно непонятно, обязана ли Россия продолжать платить за базу.

Is Putin risking his political future by accepting a formally secondary role and making himself accountable for all socio-economic policy?

Неужели Путин рискует своим политическим будущим, вступая формально во второстепенную роль и принимая на себя ответственность за всю социально — экономическую политику?

Russian politicians and pundits have openly speculated about Mr Trump dropping sanctions or even formally recognizing the 2014 annexation of Crimea.

Российские политики и эксперты открыто рассуждают о том, что Дональд Трамп снимет санкции или даже официально признает присоединение Крыма в 2014 году.

Whether or not Moscow accept the results of yesterday’s “referendum” and formally annexes Crimea is also going to be hugely important.

Согласится ли Москва с результатами вчерашнего «референдума» и присоединит ли она к себе Крым – это также будет иметь очень большое значение.

Although no outcome was formally agreed or made public, several themes emerged from the Beijing meeting.

Несмотря на то что результаты не были формально оглашены публике, некоторые темы были подняты на заседании в Пекине.

But we do not even know who will succeed Hillary Clinton as US Secretary of State when Obama’s second term formally begins in January, or who will be on the White House security team.

Однако мы даже не знаем, кто будет преемником Хиллари Клинтон, государственного секретаря США, или кто будет включен в состав команды по безопасности Белого Дома, когда Обама официально вступит в должность в начале января.

These guidelines have not yet been formally adopted by the General Assembly or the Security Council, and remain only background noise in current international debates.

Указанные рекомендации до сих пор официально не утверждены Генеральной Ассамблеей ООН или Советом Безопасности и продолжают оставаться только лишь фоновым шумом в сегодняшних международных спорах.

Trump’s move to challenge the 2015 nuclear deal – formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA – has given them an unanticipated victory.

Решение Трампа поставить под сомнение ядерное соглашение 2015 года, формально известное как «Совместный всеобъемлющий план действий», или сокращённо СВПД, стало для них неожиданной победой.

Examples of how to use the word “formally” in a sentence. How to connect “formally” with other words to make correct English sentences.

formally (adv): officially

Use “formally” in a sentence

They haven’t formally announced their engagement yet.
This method has not been formally admitted.
We’ve never been formally introduced.

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  • Use the word Formally in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Mr Thornton came here to formally accuse you of serious crimes, Amir.

They’re not like living people… who can formally explains their situations and asks you for your help.

Now that we’ve been formally introduced…

They wouldn’t regard the marriage as authentic… unless it were formally announced at a dinner table, you know?

Everything is arranged very formally.

Don’t behave so formally, as if there had never been anything between us…

I repeat: I formally recognize him.

To identify the prisoner formally.

either to formally charge you with murder and send you to the gallows… or to have you committed to an institution for the criminally insane.

I accuse you formally, Monsieur Soper.

Still address me formally, while you’re still my maid, so I can enjoy these last moments.

We’re just approaching the light ship where the record run formally begins.

Not formally, but I saw him die.

No, I don’t think we ever have met formally.

We’ll present you formally to his Royal Highness. Now, don’t get him all excited.

The lady, these gentlemen and myself are part of a single council that brings together all the veteran groups who were formally rivals.

The English occupied the town militarily. But, two weeks later, the English General Sturge, formally proclaimed that the only flag that is to fly over the French town hall, over the French town of Diego Suarez is the French flag.

But I’m formally opposed to it!

As soon as you’ve formally dethroned her.

But you have been formally presented by the Prince of Hassir.

I’m sorry I never had the pleasure of meeting you formally, that is, while Jeff was working for me.

I’m glad we’ve met formally at last.

We’ve met but not formally.

Yesterday… your father came to my house. He came to decline our engagement formally.

Last night after dinner, Mr Minnoch asked me formally if he might pay his attentions to you.

No, but he will be acquainted with the fact as soon as I can be formally introduced.

You still address her formally after ten years.

You left the bank in such a hurry I didn’t get a chance to invite you formally, but well, I like surprises better anyway.

I must ask you to formally identify Mr. Standish.

You formally declared it at the arraignment.

Yes, sir, formally broken before passenger and crew.

If we’re going to carry on like this, we’d better be formally introduced.

Pardon me, we haven’t met formally.

…bachelor, and party of the first part to ask of you, strictly and formally, here Mary Kate Danaher, spinster and party to the second part…

Please forgive the matron for failing to introduce us formally.

At 3:00 on April the 8th, my duties, my privileges as a servant of God were formally terminated.

Then I should like to propose that we formally adjourn for two weeks.

I had to promise him, formally that I would invite Men├®ndez Rivas’ widow.

I formally request, sir, that inasmuch as service on the Wheel is voluntary and I have never been accorded the privilege of volunteering, that I be granted permission to return to Earth on the transport rocket.

You are hereby formally invited for a glass of wine.

Alexander asks that we now formally proclaim him a god, son of Zeus Ammon.

and Her Majesty will formally present her granddaughter… ‘» — Ladies and gentlemen… it is my humble pleasure to present Her Imperial Highness… the Grand Duchess Anastasia Nicolaevna.

Are you formally challenging me… to undertake a journey around the world in 80 days?

The first wasn’t phrased quite so formally.

«The Burmese priest who has been my teacher «has formally accepted me into the priesthood.

Sentences with Formally, Sentences about Formally

1. I’d like to formally introduce you to this beautiful girl at my side.

2. Tenzin Gyatso was formally recognized as the 14th Dalai Lama in November 1950, at the age of 15.

3. Laia and Helene: They’re so different. I like that Laia says things I don’t expect, that she speaks almost formally, as if she’s telling a story.

4. In physics and chemistry, a selection rule, or transition rule, formally constrains the possible transitions of a system from one quantum state to another.

5. Because I am not formally trained in the medical sciences, I can bring in new ideas to AIDS research and the cross-fertilization of ideas from different fields could be a valuable contribution to finding the cure for AIDS.

About The Author

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

In 1062, however, Herbert died and Maine was formally annexed to Normandy.

A series of fundamental laws were carried, which formally established parliamentary government, with responsibility of ministers, and complete control over the budget, and there were included a number of clauses guaranteeing personal rights and liberties in the way common to all modern constitutions.

We haven’t formally met.

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With the exception of Colenso the South African bishops forthwith surrendered their patents,and formally accepted Bishop Gray as their metropolitan, an example followed in 1865 in the province of New Zealand.

Popular acclamation made him an object of devotion; the municipality erected a noble shrine for his body, and his fame as saint and traveller had spread far and wide before the middle of the century, but it was not till four centuries later (1755) that the papal authority formally sanctioned his beatification.

In ‘707 a number of English antiquaries began to hold regular meetings for the discussion of their hobby and in 1717 the Society of Antiquaries was formally reconstituted, finally receiving a charter from George II.

James Hamilton, 3rd marquess of Hamilton, was the king’s commissioner; and when the Assembly insisted on proceeding with the trial of the bishops, he formally dissolved the meeting under pain of treason.

Venizelos then ordered a general mobilization of the Greek army and formally declared war against Germany and her allies.

In March 1735 the ban was formally taken off him, and he was at liberty to return to Paris, a liberty of which he availed himself sparingly.

The magisterial views seem to have prevailed in the professoriate, which formally in March 1642 expressed its disapprobation of the new philosophy as well as of its expositors.

Definition of Formally


Examples of Formally in a sentence

Company executives were formally charged with their white collar crimes in court this morning.


The candidate will formally bow out of the race this afternoon during an official press conference.


Formally proclaiming that they are the best fast food restaurant in the city, the burger joint management team is working hard to keep this reputation.


A peace treaty between the two countries was formally announced on the news this afternoon.


After being formally reprimanded in front of an investigating board, the embarrassed diplomat decided to return to his home country.


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