Sentences with word forecast

FORECAST is a management-oriented, stand-level, forest-growth and ecosystem-dynamics model. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Synlait Milk is the latest company to revise its forecast milk price for the 2015/2016 season, following similar news from Fonterra, Westland Milk and Open Country.


Market gurus may earn a comfortable living making 10-year projections like that, but unfortunately, investors who listen to those forecasts are inevitably disappointed.


To determine your hiring demand, look to sales forecasts, revenue targets, goals, objectives and business needs generated by new account activity.


Further evidence online casino of their failure is the success of Piers Corbyn’s forecasts such that it was proposed in Parliament they close the weather office and contract his services.


Anton Ivanov, a RoboForex representative, is interviewed by FX Empire portal about the industry, events that occurred in 2017, market tendencies, development and progress, and, of course, forecasts for the future.


In Barking there is a forecast for the primary school population to increase by more than 40 % — the equivalent of dozens of new schools.


Because this number of vehicles exceeds the present rush hour figure and the software can run the simulation five times faster than real life, researchers believe that given real roadside data, the model will produce accurate forecasts.


Population of 111 million as per current Census Bureau forecasts.


«Momentum appeared to slow this spring in several oil-consuming provinces, including Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba, and we lowered our 2016 growth forecasts for eight provinces,» said Wright.


Instead, Arthur’s intelligence fits purely within the «street-smart» rubric, best evidenced in Legend of the Sword’s most outwardly Ritchian scene, in which Arthur plays out an entire negotiation in hypothetical terms as the images show his detailed forecast of how a scheme will go.


There, riders drank beer, got massages, bought T-shirts, consulted repairmen, ate dinner, read the Register’s front-page coverage of the event, checked the forecast and, more often than not, downed more beer.


Disclaimer: This article includes predictions and forecasts for the Phoenix real estate markets through 2017 and into 2018.


«Detailed knowledge and forecasts of the markets are becoming ever more important for the international publishing sector.


Published early each month, PNC’s National Economic Outlook provides analysis and forecasts of key U.S. economic variables, such as real GDP, interest rates, inflation, income, employment, industrial production and house prices.


But given how catastrophically off track the government’s plans have gone in the last three years, it would be irresponsible to set out those fiscal rules two years in advance, banking on things turning out in line with government forecasts.


As red tones can not get much darker when you approach black, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology had to resort to introducing new colours on their weather forecast maps for next week, when inland temperatures in South Australia can locally reach… Continue reading →


However, the Public Accounts includes a detailed reconciliation between the budget forecast and the final results on a consistent accounting basis (5).


As a result, Apple on Tuesday reported record sales and profits for the last three months of 2010 that far exceeded analysts» bullish forecasts.


Frozen ready meals account for the largest share of the overall market sales value and would continue to be the leading contributor over the forecast period (2015 — 2020).


From one million unit sales in 2013, the overall compact car segment will touch sales of two million units in 2018, Ford forecasts.


8 The effect of increasing CO2 emissions will be minor but beneficial — they may slightly ameliorate the forecast cooling and more CO2 would help maintain crop yields.


On Monday, the messaging service said revenue more than doubled to $ 361 million in the third quarter, beating an average forecast for $ 351.4 million.


T-Mobile US reported a better-than-expected quarterly profit and raised its forecast for customer additions for the year as heavy discounting helped attract subscribers.


Travellers can use the app for online check in, flight status alerts, weather forecasts, currency conversion and destination guides.


If the software fails to give accurate forecasts and models global warming incorrectly, that could cause trillions of hard-earned dollars from the American public to die a horrible death — mostly at the hands of bureaucrats.


we recognize this Q1 result as not the strongest and closer to the lower parameters of our expectations, but we expect we can reverse the situation through the full-fiscal year and therefore did not revise our forecast


Size has lower long-term historical performance compared to other factors in most regions, so modest overvaluation (outside the United States) is enough to drive our alpha forecasts negative.


By 2025, GKN forecasts that 40-50 % of vehicles will have some level of electrification, with a greater proportion hybrids» power delivered from the electric motor.


The past five years have held some of the most affordable interest rates ever, according to the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, and their recent forecast predicts the trend will continue for 2018.


In our climate modeling project we were trying to combine different temperature forecasts on a scale in which Africa was represented by about 600 grid boxes.


Unless the forecasts specify other horizons, we default to outcomes at one and three months in grading his predictions.


Temperatures anomalies for Wednesday afternoon forecast by the Euro model.


Same-store sales: an increase of 1.7 percent, compared to a forecast drop of 0.4 percent for full-line and Rack stores, according to Thomson Reuters.


This is largely due to the fact that during its quarterly earnings calls, Take-Two Interactive (Rockstar’s parent company) often provides commentary on, and sometimes even forecasts for, its upcoming games.


As seen on this forecast from Windguru, what you are looking for is the arrows turning nortth, and ideally also when the wave period goes from 6-8 seconds to 11 seconds +


By examining this episode scientists could locate the distribution of this snowfall in space and time, an analysis that is «very important when it comes to improving short and medium-term forecasts


There is snow in the forecast for Montreal this afternoon!


The company also announced its financial forecast for the fiscal year 2017, as well as a significant, strategic restructuring and refocusing of its internal development team.


In spite of national and international efforts, however, forecasts do not show the global share of renewable energy increasing significantly.


The real forecast is 383 ppm rising at 2 ppm/year, a minimum carbon dioxide sensitivity to doubling of 3 C, adding positive feedbacks, some of which are unknown, yields a 5 C increase in global average temperatures by 2100, and of course, time does not stop in 2100.


Weather report: According to our weather data, the forecast in Cleveland calls for a diagonal cross-breeze of 18 mph and temperatures hovering around freezing throughout the game.


On balance, inflation is expected to fall back over the next year and, conditioned on the gently rising path of Bank Rate implied by current market yields, to approach the 2 % target by the end of the forecast period.»


Even now, Charlie (Munger) and I continue to believe that short-term market forecasts are poison and should be kept locked up in a safe place, away from children and also from grown-ups who behave in the market like children.»


The surf report / weather widget below is available to embed on third party websites free of charge and provides a summary of our Alexandra Headland surf forecast.


For instance, a severe 2011 drought in Northern Afghanistan was a surprise partly due to erroneous runoff forecasts based on insufficient models and surface data, he said.


The official forecasts for Greek growth this year keep dropping, the latest being the European Commission’s projection on Thursday that spoke of an expansion of just 1.9 percent.


This is combined with consideration of the degree of agreement between various forecasts within the ensemble system, as represented by their overall standard deviation or «spread».


Within the sector, tobacco plunged 11.5 % after Philip Morris International Inc. (PM) posted first-quarter revenue that trailed forecasts.


Cuomo says he still opposes taxing the higher wager earners, but he thinks the debate should take place later when revenue forecasts are more clear.


Rite-Aid «s results were in line with Wall Street «s estimates, but its upbeat forecast is what investors hang on to.


На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Essentially, economists should not forecast.

Сами экономисты, правда, не берутся сделать прогноз.

The consensus forecast of industry experts is that the petrochemical industry will double by 2030.

Консенсусный прогноз отраслевых экспертов говорит о том, что к 2030 году состоится удвоение веса нефтехимической отрасли в объеме.

Increased forecast accuracy by 20%.

Кроме того, наблюдалось повышение точности прогнозирования на 20%.

Time will tell if that forecast is overly optimistic.

Конечно, время покажет, не чересчур ли оптимистично это предсказание.

Of course we have a forecast.

У нас есть, конечно, какой-то прогноз.

Scientists claim that their forecast by region is the most accurate to date.

Ученые утверждают, что их прогноз с разбивкой по регионам — самый точный на настоящий момент.

Foremost is the difference between prediction and forecast.

А во-вторых, принципиально важным является различие между предсказанием и прогнозом.

Be carefull and follow the recommendations of this forecast.

Соблюдайте осторожность, будьте внимательнее и следуйте рекомендациям из этого прогноза.

In addition, the fourth-quarter revenue forecast was below expectations.

Кроме того, прогноз по выручке за четвертый квартал оказался ниже ожиданий.

Whilst analysts generally agree with this, their forecast looks much calmer.

И хотя аналитики, в общем, с этим согласны, их прогноз выглядит значительно спокойнее.

That forecast was 100% fulfilled.

Прогноз этот оказался верным на все 100%.

Kazakhstan falls into the second category and the forecast looks critical.

Казахстан как раз относится ко второй категории стран и такой прогноз можно считать критичным.

His 2007 forecast, meanwhile, turned out correct.

Его прогноз в 2007 году, тем не менее, оказался правильным.

Our 2020 economic forecast is moderately optimistic.

В целом, экономический прогноз на 2020 год выглядит умеренно оптимистичным.

Nissan reaffirmed its global sales forecast for fiscal 2015.

Компания Nissan подтвердила свой глобальный прогноз продаж на 2014 финансовый год.

But this forecast assumes an orderly Brexit followed by a gradual transition.

Но этот прогноз составлен с учётом упорядоченного «брексита», за которым следует постепенный переходный период.

But OPEC added that its forecast for 2020 economic growth faced downside risk.

Но ОПЕК добавила, что ее прогноз экономического роста на 2020 год столкнулся с риском снижения.

The Commission noted that its current forecast could be revised downward.

Причем чиновник отметил, что и этот прогноз может быть пересмотрен в сторону понижения.

Recently China has cut its growth forecast.

Ранее на этой неделе Китай сократил собственный прогноз экономического роста.

The forecast for EUR/USD remains positive, there are any changes.

Прогноз по EUR/USD пока остается позитивный, никаких изменений, рынок сохраняет поддержку покупателей.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат forecast

Результатов: 30155. Точных совпадений: 30155. Затраченное время: 88 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

прогноз, предсказание, прогнозировать, предсказывать


- прогноз; предсказание

weather forecast — прогноз погоды
a forecast of the population in 2000 A.D. — прогноз численности населения в 2000 г.
a forecast of next year’s trade — прогноз торговли на будущий год

- редк. предвидение


- предсказывать, делать прогноз, прогнозировать

to forecast weather — предсказывать погоду
to forecast the future — предсказывать будущее
to forecast the winner of a competition — предсказывать /делать прогноз относительно/ победителя соревнования

- служить предзнаменованием, предвещать

these clouds forecast storm — эти облака предвещают бурю

- предусматривать (в плане и т. п.); заранее готовиться (к чему-л.)

Мои примеры


the company’s annual sales forecast — годовой прогноз продаж компании  
to forecast — предвидеть, предсказывать, предвосхищать  
short-range forecast — краткосрочное прогнозирование  
to make a forecast — прогнозировать  
error in forecast — ошибка прогноза  
forecast works well — прогноз выполняется  
route forecast — прогноз погоды по маршруту полёта  
to give the weather forecast — передавать прогноз погоды  
technological forecast — технологическое прогнозирование  
macroeconomic forecast — макроэкономический прогноз  
forecast branch — область прогнозирования  

Примеры с переводом

They’re forecasting rain for this weekend.

Они прогнозируют дождь на эти выходные.

The weather forecast is good for tomorrow.

Прогноз погоды на завтра хороший.

The weather forecast is pretty grim.

Прогноз погоды довольно мрачен.

Rain was forecast for the weekend.

На выходные обещали дождь.

She forecast that an earthquake would occur.

Она предсказала, что произойдёт землетрясение.

The forecast calls for more rain.

Согласно прогнозу, дожди, вероятно, продолжатся.

Today’s forecast calls for sunshine.

Сегодняшний прогноз обещает солнце.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The weather forecast said it would be fine all day.

There is little promise of relief in the forecast.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: forecast
he/she/it: forecasts
ing ф. (present participle): forecasting
2-я ф. (past tense): forecast or forecast
3-я ф. (past participle): forecast or forecast

ед. ч.(singular): forecast
мн. ч.(plural): forecasts

Examples of how to use the word “forecast” in a sentence. How to connect “forecast” with other words to make correct English sentences.

forecast (n, v): a statement of what is judged likely to happen in the future, especially in connection with a particular situation, or the expected weather conditions; to say what you expect to happen in the future

Use “forecast” in a sentence

According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow.
What’s the weather forecast for tomorrow?
Rain is forecast for this evening.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”



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  • Use the word FORECAST in a sentences

Sentence Examples

It never did anyone any harm, and it forecast the weather for me.

You’ll be given the route weather forecast soon.

A careful study of the most scientific instruments and maps… lead to the following weather forecast.

Would you like to forecast how long it might take them to reach little Johnnie Peterson?

Imagine how strange it would have seemed during the Pliocene age to forecast that worms, fish, lizards that crawled over the Earth would evolve into us.

First the weather forecast.

«And now the weather forecast

What’s the weather forecast? Clear and calm.

And according to our forecast, it just couldn’t happen.

Pay him my respects and inform him personally that the weather forecast for tonight is heavy fog.

Now let’s look at the weather forecast.

The weather forecast has been remarkably accurate lately.

The forecast is for sun all day.

What’s the forecast on vancouver?

Tomorrow, and the forecast… is storm and thunder.

That’s how weather should be forecast.

Because you can’t really forecast anything.

What’s the latest forecast?

No, leave it on, May. Let’s hear the forecast.

forecast for tomorrow… forecast for tomorrow… hot.

forecast for Bakersfield vicinity, clear and warm.

So obviously, indeed, that I can forecast your verdict now:

At the dawn of the 20th September 1947, the weather forecast announced that the typhoon N┬░10 was going to hit the south-west and that it would pass near the north of Tokyo.

HAKODATE but at about 8 PM, the weather forecast gave a different warning.

From Spitzbergen, the weather forecast.

Perhaps the tea leaves will forecast failure, perhaps success.

I’ll need the weather forecast 24 hours before.

As soon as we heard the forecast crash position, we made our way here.

I can tell you right away that the weather forecast is rainy.

The latest long-range fish forecast wasn’t too encouraging. Jip said he could smell thunder.

Here’s the weather forecast.

We look no further than our nose We comment on events very fast As if discussing a weather forecast

What’s the weather forecast off western Scotland?

It’s the shipping forecast, sir.

Scientists forecast an increase in sunspots due to the arrival of the beatniks and pacifists from certain countries such as Italy, France and Scandinavia!

These are the latest forecast?

I happen to be a person of the weather, and I hear that tomorrow the forecast is not too good.

I’m prepared to guarantee that our forecast

The forecast for this afternoon is intermittent entertainment between intermittent showers.

My colleague has just handed me a weather report, and it looks as if the possibility of rain… which was previously forecast… will shortly be upon us.

As was forecast, we have our first touch of rain.

And they forecast a rainless night

There’s good news in the twin cities weather forecast for tonight.

According to a spokesman of the post offices, it did not have no forecast of the reestablishment of the services.

The weather forecast for the western Pennsylvania area- cloudy and cool tonight with a 60% chance of rain.

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