Sentences with word flame

A flame (from Latin flamma) is the visible, gaseous part of a fire. It is caused by a highly exothermic reaction taking place in a thin zone. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

While green beans are cooking, toast pine nuts in a separate skillet over a medium flame until just a little brown.


Then they go to the eternal flames where their own personal worm feeds off of them, is never quenched… for eternity.


We’ve got the three of them launching an attack at once with Dr. Strange spewing magic beams out of his hands, Scarlet Witch blasting her red beams with what looks like a shield around her as well, and finally Ghost Rider spewing flames out of his mouth at our enemies.


It is made from polycarbonate with TPU buttons and it comes in black, white, aqua, flame and lime colour options.


And Emma is drawn to that attention, like a flame to the moth, and is equally smitten.


Once a sumptuous interior with a fantastic allegorical bas-relief ceiling and a 20-foot-high plaster and bronze fireplace with sculptural flames, painted in elaborate polychromatic schemes and detailed with corresponding stained glass windows and decorative screens, the Whitney Studio is in urgent need of restoration.


Add fresh cream and mix continuously for a mt on low flame.


Conservative bloggers are doing their bit to fan the flames of speculation that Obama will replace VP Joe Biden with Clinton on the ticket this fall.


I will never understand people who keep that flame of hate and anger burning so brightly for years after their marriage ends.


Mainstream furniture-makers have until now largely stayed out of the fight, allowing environmentalists and chemical companies including Albermarle, Chemtura, and ICL-IP America (the three dominant flame retardant companies) to slug it out.


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Indiana University and the University of Georgia do report evidence linking the disease to exposure to environmental contaminants called polybrominated diphenyl (PBDEs), dust shed from flame retardants in household carpeting, furniture, fabrics.


There is, of course, the story about the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31, which seems to equate hades with torturous flames in a pit of hell.


The kidneys are considered the «flame of life»… the foundation of life.


A propane tank fed a bubbling stockpot brimming with peanuts in the shell, all surrounded by a metallic shield to protect the flame from the wind.


I love hack n slash titles as much as the next gamer but unfortunately, the flame between me and the game failed to keep burning for more than a couple of hours.


Thermal burns are very common for most people at home and the workplace, and are caused by direct exposure to flame, hot surfaces, steam or scalding from hot liquids.


It is non-toxic and is free of PVC, lead, and flame retardants, and is certified to the GreenGuard Gold standard.


Fortunately, the branding rights to the Nokia name went to a newly-formed company called HMD Global Oy, a hastily constructed mishmash of Nokia veterans committed to keeping the flame alive.


Christie sparked the high-profile Republican-on-Republican flame war on Monday when he pointedly dismissed Astorino’s underdog campaign against Gov. Andrew Cuomo.


If the condemned repented at the last minute, they were garroted as the flames were lit.


When my flames went out, so did my enthusiasm for life.


IAPs, cooldowns, and Nintendo’s weird online-only requirement don’t exactly fan the flames.


Tagged as: 2, 360, blog, build, character, coming, divinity, draconis, dragon, ego, expansion, flames, gaming, guide, how, II, knight, live, marketplace, of, pack, review, rps, saga, story, tips, to, vengeance, walkthrough, xbox


Plenty of people took time out of work to come and be part of the proceedings, similar to how they had done months earlier for the Olympic flame.


Nicole Kidman is the beautiful movie star Claudia, an old flame of Guido’s.


Some people find themselves drawn in like a moth to a flame, spending afternoons locked in their room attempting to conquer the latest role playing title, while others only turn on their XBox after drunkenly stumbling in at 2 A.M., looking for something to keep their mind occupied until they pass out on the couch.


Much of her current research involves human exposure science and reproductive epidemiology studies of endocrine disrupting chemicals, such as flame retardants, phthalates, BPA, and others.


Another man, trying to capture flames consuming a gas station with his camera, is sucked into a fiery cloud.


For example, the ant changes the color of the flame so you can burn different colored ropes, and the spider shoots out a web bridge so you can access parts of the level that you could not before.


and all those weeks out…………… now we all got ta have to rely on slow server and the flame to deputize in his absence!


To curry favor, to get positive press, to gain access, to hope for reciprocal acknowledgment of superstar status… I’m sure there are a variety of reasons for people fanning the flames of egotism.


With the tip of a knife, make several holes in the top of the packet, then place it over the flames, under the grill’s rack.


A cadre of teachers banded together to stoke the flames of the smoldering fire.


Shuten taped it off exactly the way Roth had done and then painted the flames, the pearl, and the stripes.


Peter (Jamie Bell), a British aspiring actor who’s significantly younger than Gloria, is summoned after she falls ill; though their relationship had ended a few years earlier, its flame still flickers just a bit.


Rumor has it that Verizon is getting its servers all set to officially unleash an OS update to fix the problems that have become the bane of some users existence (before you flame, no, we’re not hating on the Storm).


I am truly enjoying watching the AGW Religion go down in a ball of flames.


Some hashtags have emerged as broad cultural phenomena, such as #winning and #throwbackthursday, whereas others shoot to meteoric notoriety and quickly flame out.


Thier surfaces can resemble smoke when the hues evanesce, or they can be more tangible, pebbled textures and raised patterns, edged in a flame motif…»


After my ears burst into cherry-red flames of anger, I was holding the perpetrators over the rubbish bin and stopped with a crazy thought — what if I wore earrings as brooches?


Custom purple paint with blue flakes and flames.


A North Carolina State University-led research team has shown a connection between exposure to a widely used flame retardant chemical mixture and disruption of normal placental function in rats, leading to altered production of the neurotransmitter serotonin.


Love how you used a candle flame to give them that antiquey look!


Artists perform near the Olympic flame during the closing ceremony.


Written and directed by Orange Is The New Black’s Sian Heder, Tallulah finds Ellen Page as Lu, living in her van and on the hunt for her former flame Nico (Evan Jonigkeit), who took off with her money.


As long as you bring the essential equipment and swerve around the flames, you can take down the Elder Dragon.


Is there any doubt who will win, even if his heap is falling apart, engulfed in flames, and driving in reverse for the final stretch?


The car formerly known as the Scion FR-S is now the Toyota 86 and is tasked with keeping the brand s sports-car flame burning in this crossover-crazed world.


I understand the consultation process may have been flawed though so that could have fanned the flames even more.


At standard conditions the oxygen ionized in a match flame to ignite gasoline fumes.


пламя, пыл, страсть, предмет любви, пылать, гореть, пламенеть, вспылить


- пламя

in flames — в огне, горящий, пылающий
to burst /to break/ into flame(s), to go up in flames — вспыхнуть, загореться
to commit to the flames — предавать огню, сжигать
to shoot out flames — извергать пламя

- яркий свет, сияние

silver flame of moonlight — серебристый свет луны
the flames of sunset — зарево /пламя/ заката

- пыл, страсть

flame of anger [indignation] — вспышка гнева [возмущения]
to fan the flame — а) раздувать пламя; б) разжигать страсти
the flame of his intellect [imagination] — блеск его ума [пылкость его воображения]

- шутл. предмет страсти

an old flame of his — его старая любовь /пассия/


- пылать, гореть пламенем
- сиять, светиться, пламенеть

the western sky flamed — небо на западе пламенело
the garden flamed with tulips — сад казался огненно-красным от тюльпанов

- вспыхивать, пылать (о страсти и т. п.)

to flame with indignation — пылать негодованием
her anger suddenly flamed — она вдруг вспылила

- вспыхнуть, загореться, покраснеть

her face flamed with excitement — её лицо пылало /она покраснела/ от волнения

- спец. проводить через пламя, фламбировать
- кул. поливать горящим напитком (пуншем и т. п.)

Мои примеры


flame cleaning burner — горелка для газопламенной очистки  
flame coloration — окраска пламени  
open flame — открытый огонь  
eternal flame — вечный огонь  
the Olympic flame — олимпийский огонь  
to kindle a flame — воспламенять, зажигать  
my old flame — моя старая любовь  
blowpipe heating flame — подогревающее пламя сварочной горелки; подогревающее пламя горелки  
bluff-body flame — пламя, стабилизированное плохо обтекаемым телом  
flame bomb — зажигательная авиационная бомба; зажигательная бомба; зажигательная АБ  

Примеры с переводом

A flame burns.

Горит огонь.

The house was in flames.

Дом был охвачен пламенем.

He flamed with indignation.

Он взорвался от негодования.

The car burst into flame.

Машину охватило пламя.

The fire flamed up when the wind blew again.

Огонь вновь ярко вспыхнул, когда налетел порыв ветра.

Sheets of flame shot into the air.

Языки пламени взметались в небо.

The flame sang the points of her hair.

Огонь опалил кончики её волос.

ещё 17 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The sky seemed to flame in the Hawaiian sunset

…the match whished as it burst into flame…

The flutter of the flame cast shadows on the ceiling.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

flame out — вспылить, запылать, вспыхивать, разозлиться
flame up — разгораться, вспыхивать, запылать, вспылить, воспламениться, разозлиться

Возможные однокоренные слова

flaming  — пылающий, пламенный, пламенеющий, яркий, пылкий, отъявленный, очень жаркий
flamy  — огненный, пламенный
inflame  — воспалять, воспаляться, воспламеняться, воспламенять, возбудить, возбудиться
flamen  — жрец
flames  — огонь
flameless  — горящий без пламени, беспламенный, бесстрастный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: flame
he/she/it: flames
ing ф. (present participle): flaming
2-я ф. (past tense): flamed
3-я ф. (past participle): flamed

ед. ч.(singular): flame
мн. ч.(plural): flames

Sentences with the word Flame?



  • «a house aglow with lights»; «glowing embers»; «lambent tongues of flame«; «the lucent moon»; «a sky luminous with stars»
  • «October’s bright blue weather»- Helen Hunt Jackson; «a blue flame«; «blue haze of tobacco smoke»
  • «The sky seemed to flame in the Hawaiian sunset»
  • «an inextinguishable flame«; «an inextinguishable faith»
  • «tongues of flame licked at the walls»; «rifles exploded quick knives of fire into the dark»
  • «flame-retardant»

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Synthetics react differently to heat and flame than natural fibers.

В конце концов, синтетика реагирует на нагрев и пламя иначе, чем натуральные волокна.

We all know what happens when oxygen feeds a flame after all.

В конечном счете, мы все прекрасно понимаем, что происходит, когда кислород питает пламя.

An undying flame who will devour all he touches.

Бессмертный огонь, который поглотит всё, к чему он прикоснется.

Music is an eternal flame that will never die.

Музыка — это вечный огонь, который никогда не перестанет гореть.

If you have met your twin flame, you are ready.

Знайте, что если вы встретились с вашим близнецовым пламенем, вам предстоит работать.

Keep on flame for 2 minutes.

Продолжайте концентрировать внимание на пламени еще две минуты.

Do not store near heat or open flame.

Не устанавливайте весы вблизи от нагревательных приборов и открытого пламени.

The flame extends to other trees.

Кроме того, пламя перекинулось на другие деревя…

They are safer than an open flame.

К тому же, это и безопаснее, чем разведение открытого огня.

It also has flame resistance because it contains chlorine.

Он обладает также и устойчивостью к воздействию пламени, поскольку он содержит хлор.

Bring to a boil then turn flame to low.

Затем поставить на огонь и на медленном огне довести до кипения.

In places where space is tainted negative emanations candle will burn conventional flame.

В тех местах, где пространство не заражено негативными эманациями, свеча будет гореть обычным пламенем.

Do not place near heat or open flame.

Не допускайте близости с устройствами обогрева, или открытым пламенем.

Remember that a candle is an open flame.

Не стоит забывать, что свеча это источник открытого огня.

Your twin flame is someone who you could enjoy the perfect relationship with.

Но ваше близнецовое пламя — это человек, с которым у вас должны быть самые полноценные отношения.

And what happens on their first date lights flame

И что случиться на их первом свидании, когда зажжется настоящее пламя

They are like a flame inside you.

У некоторых, это выглядит подобно пламени внутри вас.

They observed a great flame descending toward the earth.

Они увидели охваченный пламенем шар, который с диким ревом приближался к земле.

By direct flame we mean that it should be torch-like.

Под прямым пламенем мы подразумеваем, что это должно быть как факел.

What was inner light has become consuming flame turning outwards.

То, что было внутренним светом, превращается в пожирающее пламя, обращенное наружу.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат flame

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Examples of how to use the word “flame” in a sentence. How to connect “flame” with other words to make correct English sentences.

flame (n): a stream of hot, burning gas from something on fire

Use “flame” in a sentence

The girl screamed when she saw the flames.
The house was in flames.
The car burst into flame .

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  • Use the word FLAME in a sentences

Sentence Examples

You now dwell in eternal flame!

Now her eyes blaze with a different flame

May a good flame raise you up And rather than weep That I have lost the day

As this flame rises into the sky, so will the flames of Troy!

Did you ever find that flame you were looking for?

Wouldn’t it be nice to warm up by the flame of a match?

A handsome man, his eyes burned with the flame of his mission.

Men swarm around me like moths round a flame.

A red mist spread over the lawn, coming on like a flame of fire.

No woman can ever be a great artist without love. Without passion, without a great inside flame in her heart.

This historic moment, when the fiery gaze of the future looks back on the dazzling flame of the present.

I had to kneel before the altar and promise Mother I would always keep a flame burning before it.

She knows what the moths do when the flame is away.

Do you think your little candle will outshine the flame of truth?

She reminds me… of my old flame.

My brain is liquid flame!

May the bright flame of our enthusiasm never be extinguished.

When the lovely flame dies

Unto Adonai and Azrael… into the keeping of the lords of the flame and lower pits I consign this body… to be forevermore consumed in this purging fire.

oil for my sorrows you food for my lust you flame of my heart

Something that the flame of a candle or the fire could destroy in a minute.

The fire stuff, it makes a quick, high flame.

So this sweet and caring dame To put out my raging flame Did a bucket spill from her sill Asking, «Is it burning still?»

* The flame grows higher * So I will weather the storm

And the flame is always lit. What happens if the flame blows out? You just take out a match and light it.

But in him, the spirit of adventure and romance burns like a sacred flame.

Touch flame to it, and it goes up in a puff, harmlessly.

If only your father were here, he’d light a different flame!

The flame of this hope gradually began to die.

And burning, and begging, his eyes had the same flame burning in my throat

Green flame play in the fourth, Jamaica and tomorrow.

So while for freedom’s flame we live And honor in our breast we treasure,

I got burned myself. Ever watch a moth fly in the flame?

Fan the flame of desire with the bellows of indifference.

May his death by explosion precede us like a pillar of flame

# While a lighthouse illuminates the sea, # we dream that from afar # a pale mother keeps the flame warm for us..

«l know I’ve played at the game «Like a moth in a blue flame

feeling the flame again if only the heart would burn again all the world aglow everything taking on another meaning

I cannot die for I am immortal the clever, laughter invoking clown cannot be eaten by any flame

And when he hits the fiery hoop in midair, he will burst into flame before your very eyes.

rises to the surface,.. while is descending the last shift diver,.. who goes to work at the tear with the flame.

«Cheeks are filled plumply out the pretty face to frame, round about the mouth…» «… flitteth a smile like flame, of vivid lightning sped, to lips again flushed red.»

As thy last body was destroyed by flame… thy new one would be born in flame! Prove it.

Worra, worra, fizzle, dizzle… let the flame begin to sizzle!

All of us who were guided by that light, who drew warmth from the flame.

And you can protect that flame.

Who was and is the bright flame in so many lives.

Like a moth to the flame.

  • Dictionary
  • F
  • Flame
  • Sentences
  • The heat from the flames was so intense that roads melted.
  • Ever been flamed? [be VERB-ed]
  • Most likely, what will happen is the flame of romance die down and your life will be just like an old cycle of the same activities.
  • PDBE’s are chemicals used for flame retardants in bedding and clothing.
  • Her cheeks flamed an angry red. [V colour]
  • …that burning flame of love.
  • It is appreciated for its attractive color and is also used as an optical filter in flame tests to filter out the yellow flame caused by the contamination.
  • To burst into flames
  • A flame carpet
  • His face flamed with anger
  • To burst into flame
  • A face flaming with anger
  • flame the roast with brandy
  • In a wood fire, the visible flames are not due to combustion of the wood itself, but rather of the gases released by its pyrolysis.The flame of a Bunsen burner consists of two cones: the inner one, in which heated but imperfectly burned gases exist, and the outer one, where oxygen is in excess on the outside edge.A flame is the hot thing you can see when combustion takes place.
  • The cello has a two-piece back with a beautiful narrow flame.
  • I flamed him for spamming in my favourite newsgroup.
  • To burst into flames.
  • He’s taking out his new flame tonight.

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