Sentences with word fight

Synonym: attack, battle, combat, contend, contest, oppose, quarrel, row, struggle. Similar words: fighter, firefighter, fight against, highlight, might, right, night, light. Meaning: [faɪt]  n. 1. the act of fighting; any contest or struggle 2. an intense verbal dispute 3. a boxing or wrestling match 4. a hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war 5. an aggressive willingness to compete. v. 1. be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight 2. fight against or resist strongly 3. make a strenuous or labored effort 4. exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for. 

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1. Councils of war never fight.

2. It is better to fight for justice than to rail at the ill. 

3. Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it, anything but live for it. Charles Caleb Colton 

4. It is better to fight for good than to rail at the ill. 

5. Fight fire with

6. When the fight begins within himself a man’s worth something. 

7. He who fights and runs away, may live to fight another day. 

8. Fight the good fight.

9. The more you fight something, the more anxious you become —the more you’re involved in a bad pattern, the more difficult it is to escape. 

10. It is easier to fight for principles than to live up to them. 

11. People often have to fight for their liberty.

12. Don’t people have the power to fight against life?

13. She helped him fight his drug addiction.

14. He broke his nose in the fight.

15. They gathered soldiers to fight the invading army.

16. We must fight for our rights[], comrades!

17. White blood cells fight infection.

18. In former times, people used to fight with swords.

19. Suddenly the argument developed into a real fight.

20. He translated the fight to the public arena.

21. Don’t fight with him, he is a mad man.

22. Now, we fight with guns.

23. We must fight on until the end.

24. If he hit you, why didn’t you fight back?

25. The government has toughened the fight against corruption.

26. She tried to fight down her rising terror.

27. The fight ended in a knockout.

28. We had a massive snowball fight .

29. We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing-grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender. 

30. I am not a bit anxious about my battles, If I am anxious I don’t fight them, I wait until I am ready. 

More similar words: fighter, firefighter, fight against, highlight, might, right, night, light, weight, eighth, eighty, slight, height, flight, lightly, freight, in sight, all right, delight, light up, tighten, tightly, insight, by night, at night, nightmare, midnight, right away, lighting, slightly. 

fight — перевод на русский


You think I’m teaching you how to fight? Huh?

Думаешь, я учу вас сражаться?

Every time I try to fight back, it just gets worse.

Каждый раз, когда я пытаюсь сражаться становится все хуже.

why do you still go on fighting?

Почему же ты продолжаешь сражаться?

Why does Musashi continue to fight?

Почему Мусаси продолжает сражаться?

We’ll fight for you!

Мы будем сражаться за тебя!

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Kids are always gonna get into fights, right?

Дети всегда будут драться, верно?

! The last thing she remembers is getting in a fight with you, so you can’t come back here and tell me that you didn’t touch her!

Последнее что она помнит, как начала драться с тобой, так что ты не можешь вот так вот прийти и говорить что ты ее не трогал!

What if we have to, like, fight?

Что если нам придется, ну, драться?

«Stop the fighting, boys.»

Ребята, перестаньте драться!

Start fighting.

Начинай драться. Ну же!

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It’s not enough to love her, we’ve got to fight for her.

Но просто любить недостаточно, нам надо бороться за неё.

She stated that she felt as if she were fighting against an unknown force stronger than her own.

По её словам, сила, с которой ей приходилось бороться, была много больше её собственной.

I must fight for him.

Я должна бороться за него.

— I’ll fight it.

-Я буду бороться.

I’ll fight it.

Я буду бороться.

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You want to have one round of fight against me?

Хочешь вызвать меня на бой?

Fighting around Plevna.

Бой около Плевны.

His last fight in Racine was with Lefty Schnitzler

Его последний бой в городе Расин был с Левшой Шницлером.

Let’s fight.

Бой начался.

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Fight’s the word.

Драка это подходящее слово.

There’s a fight!

Там драка!

What’s the idea, fighting here and driving away my customers!

Что вы вытворяете? Драка! Вы отпугиваете покупателей!

Ain’t no fight.

Это не драка.

I didn’t know they had a fight.

Я не знал, что была драка.

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— You mean they want us to go on fighting?

Ты подразумеваешь, они хотят чтобы мы продолжали воевать?

His task was defending his people… … insteadofdesertingthem to fight in foreign lands.

Его долгом было защищать свой народ, а не отправляться воевать в чужие земли.

Your pa went wild when they wouldn’t let him fight.

Ваш папенька рассвирепел, когда его не взяли воевать.

All he wants is to get across and fight.

Он хочет только воевать.

He thinks it’s funny we want to fight with this curious detachment.

Он находит смешным, что мы хотим воевать таким забавным отрядом.

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But what kind of a man gives up before the fighting starts?

Но какой мужчина выйдет из игры еще до того, как началась борьба?

The fight’s not over yet, not over.

Борьба еще не решена, не решена.

This is not his fight yet.

Это пока не его борьба.

Even down in texas, we know that watering stock don’t only mean just giving the cows a drink. But you’re right. All that stuff— dirty politics— that ain’t up my alley… but fighting is.

Даже у нас в Техасе известно что вода существует что бы ее пили не только коровы но вы правы все это грязная политика и это не мое дело мое дело — борьба!

What she’s doing now is called fighting the heart.

Сейчас у неё происходит борьба в душе.

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-Look, what’s the use of fighting, Hildy?

Зачем ссориться, Хильди?

But since it is so with us, I see no great need to fight.

но если у нас это так, то не вижу нужды ссориться.

Be good! You’re always fighting!

Кончайте ссориться!

It is not moment for fighting itself, perhaps it appears an airplane.

Не время ссориться, может прилететь самолет.

Pals shouldn’t fight.

Друзья не должны ссориться.

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I’m trying to get those guys to fight it out on the soccer field.

— Ты знаешь, что происходит между твоим братом и североафриканцами? Я пытаюсь прекратить войну за футбольное поле.

I’ll create a big fight.

Я развяжу войну.

You’re backing Reform till you get yourself jockeying into picking a fight with Nick.

Ты поддерживаешь реформы, и втягиваешь себя в войну с Ником.

And in the United States, their president, Mr Lincoln, is fighting a war for that principle.

а в Соединенных Штатах президент, мистер Линкольн вел за это войну.

But if you stopped fighting?

А если прекратить войну?

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You wanna fight? Come on.

Хочешь подраться?

You want a fight?

Подраться захотел?

The rough house, the rough house. It’s the roughest, toughest joint ya ever seen. — Come in and pick a fight, boys.

Заходите, вы подраться не хотите?

If you’re out for a fight, say so.

Если ты пришёл, чтобы подраться, так и скажи

Do you also want to fight with me?

Вы также хотите подраться со мной?

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Отправить комментарий

борьба, бой, сражение, драка, спор, мордобой, бороться, сражаться, воевать, драться



- вести боевые действия, бой; сражаться, воевать

to fight for one’s country — сражаться /воевать/ за родину
to fight a battle — принимать участие в сражении

- драться

to fight a duel — драться на дуэли
to fight desperately — драться до последнего
to fight fair — вести бой по всем правилам
to fight like a lion — сражаться как лев
porters fought for our luggage — носильщики наперебой хватали наши вещи

- вести бой (бокс); встречаться на ринге

to fight a bout with — провести схватку (с кем-л.)

- ссориться
- бороться

to fight against disease [against sleep] — бороться с болезнью [со сном]
to fight a fire — бороться с огнём, тушить пожар
to fight against temptation — бороться с искушением
he fought through all these troubles — он успешно преодолел все эти трудности
to fight the good fight — а) бороться за правое дело; б) библ. подвизаться подвигом добрым
to fight a bad habit [despair] — бороться с дурной привычкой [с отчаянием]

- защищать, поддерживать (в борьбе)

to fight a case /an action/ — защищать дело (в суде)

- редк. руководить, управлять; маневрировать (чем-л. в сражении)

to fight one’s ship — вести морской бой
to fight the gun — вести огонь из орудия в бою

- стравливать, натравливать друг на друга; заставлять драться

Мои примеры


a fight for the heavyweight title — поединок за звание чемпиона в тяжёлом весе  
a barefaced challenge for a fight — открытый вызов на бой  
pick a fight or a quarrel — начать драку или ссору  
too yellow to stand and fight — слишком трусливые, чтобы встать и бороться  
to fight like Kilkenny cats — драться до взаимного уничтожения  
custody fight — тяжба за право опекунства  
eager for fight — рвущийся к драке  
to fight, oppose extradition — не разрешать выдачу  
fist fight — кулачный бой  
to pick / provoke / start a fight — начинать, провоцировать драку  
to put up / wage a fight — затевать, устраивать драку  
to get into a fight — ввязаться в драку  

Примеры с переводом

Don’t fight it!

Не боритесь с этим! / Не сопротивляйся этому!

She fought her fear.

Она боролась со своим страхом.

He fought like a tiger.

Он дрался, как тигр.

They fought like heroes.

Они сражались как герои.

That cock won’t fight.

Этот номер не пройдет! (поговорка, досл. — «этот петух драться не будет»)

One blow decided the fight.

Исход боя решил один удар.

He was still full of fight.

Он был всё ещё полон боевого задора.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

There’s a certain mystique to people who fight fires.

If Lewis won his next fight, he would be guaranteed a shot at the title (=chance to win the title).

…the boys built a snow fortress and then challenged the neighborhood kids to an in-your-face snowball fight…

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Фразовые глаголы

fight back — сопротивляться, давать отпор, сдерживать, подавлять
fight down — подавлять, побеждать
fight off — отбить, отогнать, выгонять
fight out — довести борьбу, спор до конца, добиваться силой

Возможные однокоренные слова

fighter  — истребитель, боец, борец, вояка, самолет-истребитель
fighting  — борьба, бой, сражение, драка, боевой, борющийся

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: fight
he/she/it: fights
ing ф. (present participle): fighting
2-я ф. (past tense): fought
3-я ф. (past participle): fought

ед. ч.(singular): fight
мн. ч.(plural): fights

Fight were an English-American heavy metal band assembled by frontman Rob Halford after his departure from Judas Priest in 1992. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Whether you are seeking to lose weight, fight illness, or proactively pursue a nourished lifestyle, Food For Life has a variety of healthy food products you can use in your day to day eating.


The long-running fight to protect retirement savers from conflicted investing advice shifted to a new battleground this week


Growing up, when I got into a fight I was often rebuked with: «It takes two to argue.»


While Linux fights might have broken out over engineering approaches, and early bitcoin debates revolved around ideology and theory, Garzik thinks something much less abstract is driving bitcoin’s current unrest: money.


His connection with Trump dates back to 2008, when he was signed by Affliction Entertainment, a fight league in which Trump had an ownership stake.


Backers of the SALT deduction pledged to keep up the fight as the tax reform legislation is devised in the House and Senate committees.


The plagues mirror how a general fights against a foreign army, fighting their head, their generals, cutting off the water supply, and ruining the economy.


But we have not lost the fight for the truth about marriage, and surrendering the field is premature.


We will continue to watch the battle unfold as the series progresses, a digital fight between the Free Folk and HBO’s right to protect the contents of its $ 100 million production.


In the end, however, Toyota was not able to put up the kind of fight that could captivate the fans, like it did last year.


One of the earlier adopters in the fight for diverse talent was tech leader, Apple.


During a time of labour peace, when all teachers are in a long term contract, this party wants to pick a fight and limit teacher’s labour rights.


Newcastle left-backs Massadio Haidara and Paul Dummett have had fitness problems this season and McClaren would like to bolster his options in his side’s fight against Premier League relegation.


But Scripture is also clear that we must not be argumentative, prone to pick fights, and unnecessarily divisive (1 Cor.


Tsipras announced that priorities of his new government would be to renegotiate the country’s debt, fight corruption and tax evasion, help small businesses and combat unemployment.


In 2007, FRS joined Team LIVESTRONG in the fight against cancer.


He came fresh from his Oxford studies in England to represent down-trodden Indian cane-cutters in their fight for rights.


The Trump administration might be spoiling for a fight with Iran, which has sent Revolutionary Guard and Hezbollah fighters to support tyrant Bashar al-Assad.


WASHINGTON, D.C. — America’s leading food and beverage manufacturers and retailers joined forces today in the fight against obesity and announced their commitment to develop a new front-of-package nutrition labeling system.


Their mission is to feed America’s hungry through a nationwide network of member food banks and to engage the country in the fight to end hunger


But I was also really happy what I saw from gabriel I loved that he stood up for koscielny and showed fight


We had this little Puerto Rican woman just win a big fight here in Rochester.


Sierra Club B.C.’s Caitlyn Vernon said in no uncertain terms that Trudeau has picked a fight with the west coast.


From what’s been reported, there were no injuries in this fight.


BIRMINGHAM, Alabama — HealthSouth Corp. (NYSE: HLS) has lost another round in its fight with Ernst & Young, its auditor at the time of the company’s billion-dollar accounting fraud.


They were looking to make that 7 for 7 here on Tuesday night against a Team Kaplan squad that was not going to go down without a fight.


I would suggest forgoing the snowball fight with these, however.


We don’t call it Jihad, but we do call it a «Just War,» a war with a righteous cause, a war in which God fights on our side.


In the movie, Braveheart, William Wallace said a line people should ponder, «Aye, fight and you may die.


A massive tomato fight erupted on June 30 at England’s Glastonbury festival, a three-day event that attracted 175,000 music fans with acts like the Rolling Stones, Kenny Rogers and Mumford & Sons.


In the past one week since I’ve gotten home, I’ve been accompanying my mum to the supermarket, showing her which foods are best for her diet in her fight against diabetes and heart disease, and for a healthier lifestyle in general.


These include new medicines and vaccines that represent our best hope in the fight against disease.


After the fight, he is with his trainers, in tears because he was just humiliated in the ring by a kid who was a year younger, a couple inches shorter, and 20 pounds lighter.


Viola Desmond Won’t Be Budged by Jody Nyasha Warner — The story of Viola Desmond (sometimes called Canada’s Rosa Parks) is familiar to most Canadians and her fight against segregation in the 40s in Nova Scotia but this book tells it beautifully for children.


In essence, Capoeira Angola is a danced fight, a playful sparring involving style, wit, flexibility and strategy.


Other activities in four municipalities in Mindanao include forum on golden rice and organic agriculture, organic food and products fair, press conference, concert, cultural presentations (reading of poems on organic agriculture composed by farmers), t-shirts printing, dissemination of campaign materials, sharing of farmers» practices and innovations, boodle fight, and opening of organic trading post.


In July 2009, Ms. Clifford was arrested on a misdemeanor charge of domestic violence after hitting her husband, a performer in the industry, and throwing a potted plant during a fight about laundry and unpaid bills, according to police records.


In an opening section of which a theological scholar would be proud, Gladwell turns the tables on the classic interpretation of the shepherd boy’s battle with the Philistine giant, gradually proving his theory that David actually went into the fight as the favourite.


«We can’t think when we’re in fight or flight mode.


In a 1-on-1 interview, Vice President Biden sits down with Dr. David Agus to talk about the progress made through the Cancer Moonshot and the strategy for the work ahead, including how we must change the culture in the fight to end cancer.


UBER OUT: After a costly fight, Uber has agreed to merge with Southeast Asia rival Grab.


Henry Fielding, the 18th-century English satirist who gave us Tom Jones, accordingly fights on the side of the angels in his unfinished book A Journey from This World to the Next (1743).


Though net metering fights have already spread to utilities in other states, such as Colorado and Idaho, some utilities are embracing rooftop solar through new programs and utility services.


I don’t really have a dog in this fight, but I am very sad that so many people are being hurt by the conservative element of the church who are so certain that we can change everyone with prayer, fasting and heteronormative porn (ha, plus encore).


The companies have ended their patent fight and said they’re planning to explore «future collaboration in digital health initiatives.»


There, in a fight like this, the decision goes to the fighter who gets the knockdown.»


Indy was god awful in week 1, but at least they put up a fight against the Cards yesterday before ultimately falling in OT.


Boosts immune system with Vitamin C Known as the «Negative Calorie food» Assists in Weight Loss Can lower cholesterol and fight cancer


«Industry proponents that have been leading the fight to get recreational marijuana legalized have been totally excluded from the retail distribution channel.»


Our boy has lots of fight in him and he is now back to being the rotten thief that he is.


  • Use the word Fight in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Robbed of his vigor, confused by the blow of fate which dashed him down, the professor grasped at the poison, the fight against which had been his life’s work

On the enormous terrace squeezed in among the men in black tie and women in evening dress an illuminated boxing ring where two blacks fight for the European title beating the hell out of each other egged on by a frenzied audience bookies, tannoys whipped into a frenzy at the sight of such violence

But now Tarrantine and Wampanoag must unite to fight the greedy English.

We didn’t lose. We lived to fight another day.

But it’s probably, I would say, jeff’s to lose ’cause here are these two polar opposites. You have the guy that was a no-brainer that I had to fight for, And, then, there was the one that no one picked

Daly: It’s the night of the battle, And jeff and casey arrive ready to fight

Daly: In this round, two artists from team blake Will fight to get to the live shows.

He’s a prophet who makes people realize that they must fight for their rights, like one of his best tracks, Democrazy.

We fight for our rights, man!

We fight and kill to find justice

But Baba, we have to help and fight him!

We can’t fight against this, Nabulungi!

The book is right: we must not fight amongst each other.

And we fight the oppression (Mormons)

What will you do Joseph, will you fight the clitoris man?

Our prophet has told us to stick together, to fight oppression!

fight from the inside Nyour faith in yourself that can never be defeated

I want to fight Kahn but I may not be ready

The last thing she remembers is getting in a fight with you, so you can’t come back here and tell me that you didn’t touch her!

I think you and your wife were having a fight.

Is this really your fight, Griffin, or are you just

You fight the murderer with a gun.

Bastard wants us to fight for the same job.

You’ll fight for a stranger’s baby.

My mom loves a good fight with my dad.

After great victories, leaders started to fight among themselves.

Romeo decides to fight The marriage of Juliet and Tybalt and secretly infiltrates the Capulets ball wearing a mask

Fear of the big boss forces them to settle the fight outside.

The kids who take LSD aren’t gonna fight your wars… middle class, middle age, whiskey drinking generals.

«That means fight in my country.»

Fred is to fight a duel this morning at 10.

In our domain, a goodly knight / Has been wounded in a daring fight.

«I will continue to fight

Marja leaves the house, resolved to fight for the Johannes’s ideas.

Richard dies in a street fight.

-insulting the gods before we go fight.

Well, you can fight pretty well, father.

Then — we’ll give them a fight!

The fight against the betrayed conspirators.

If you lose Helen, Greece will fight for her for many years.

Now we have to fight for Helen!


неправильный глагол

fight —
fought [fɔ:t]
fought [fɔ:t]

см. сводный список

  1. бороться (сражаться, воевать, побороться)
  2. отстаивать (защищать)
  3. драть (биться, подраться)
  4. сопротивляться
  5. побороть

Синонимы: maintain, champion, reluctate, outpull.


  1. борьба (бой, сражение, битва, схватка, баталия)
  2. драка (потасовка)
  3. ссора (спор)
  4. поединок
  5. задор

Множ. число: fights.

Синонимы: one-on-one, tussle, strife, row, slugfest.


  1. бойцовский

Формы глагола

Ед. число Множ. число
Present Simple (Настоящее время)
I fight We fight
You fight You fight
He/She/It fights They fight
Past Simple (Прошедшее время)
I fought We fought
You fought You fought
He/She/It fought They fought


fight against corruption
борьба с коррупцией

fist fight
кулачный бой

political fight
политическое сражение

fight for freedom
битва за свободу

hot fight
жаркая схватка

severe fight
жестокая драка

serious fight
серьезная потасовка

big fight
большая ссора

dangerous fight
опасный поединок

fight corruption
бороться с коррупцией

fight dragons
сражаться с драконами

fight for money
воевать за деньги

fight for victory
побороться за победу

fight here
биться здесь

fight evil
побороть зло


Tell me about your fight with Tom.
Расскажи мне о своей драке с Томом.

We will fight to the last.
Мы будем сражаться до последнего.

Fight with me!
Дерись со мной!

Tom refuses to fight back.
Том отказывается защищаться.

We fight something from another world.
Мы боремся с чем-то из другого мира.

Freedom is something you have to fight for, rather than something you’re given.
Свобода — то, чего ты должен добиваться, а не то, что дают на блюдечке.

Tom and Mary fight constantly.
Том c Мэри постоянно ссорятся.

Don’t fight it. Just let yourself fall in love with me.
Не противься этому. Просто позволь себе влюбиться в меня.

Did you have a fight with Ken?
Ты подрался с Кеном?

The whole night was ruined by the fight between Tom and Mary.
Целая ночь была испорчена из-за драки Тома и Мэри.

Tatoeba: Where pillow fights can’t even measure up to sentence fights.
Tatoeba: место, где битвы на подушках даже близко не сопоставимы с битвами за предложения.

Who fights can lose. Who doesn’t fight has already lost.
Кто борется, может проиграть. Кто не борется — уже проиграл.

He who fights may lose, but he who doesn’t has already lost.
Тот, кто борется, может проиграть; тот, кто не борется — уже проиграл.

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.
Тот, кто борется с чудовищами, должен следить за тем, чтобы ему самому не стать чудовищем. И когда долго смотришь в пропасть, пропасть также смотрится в тебя.

He fights windmills.
Он сражается с ветряными мельницами.

If World War III is fought with nuclear weapons, World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
Если в Третьей мировой войне будут сражаться с применением ядерного оружия, то в Четвертой мировой войне будут сражаться камнями и палками.

Native Americans fought with bow and arrow.
Коренные американцы воевали с луком и стрелами.

They fought against the enemy.
Она сражались с врагом.

They fought for their liberty.
Они сражались за свою свободу.

We fought hard for victory.
Мы дрались упорно ради победы.

The battle was fought by the river.
Бой происходил у реки.

This is the first time I’ve ever fought at work.
Это моя первая драка на работе.

Martin Luther King Jr. fought for civil rights for African-Americans by teaching nonviolence.
Мартин Лютер Кинг боролся за гражданские права афроамериканцев, проповедуя ненасилие.

They fought a fierce battle.
Они яростно сражались.

Examples of how to use the word “fight” in a sentence. How to connect “fight” with other words to make correct English sentences.

fight (v, n): to use physical force to try to defeat another person or group of people; an argument or an occasion when someone uses physical force to try to defeat someone

Use “fight” in a sentence

The argument ended in a fight.
He and his wife are always fighting about money.
I had a fight with my older brother yesterday.
I’m tired of fighting with you.
He has strong fighting spirit.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Donnelly vowed that the fight will continue.

При этом, Медведев говорит о том, что эта борьба будет продолжена.

The fight against hate speech, like any other fight, should be carried out according to clear rules.

Борьба с языком вражды, как и любая борьба, должна вестись в соответствии с четкими правилами.

But if everything surrounding the fight was horrid, the fight itself was incredible.

Но если все, что окружало бой, было ужасным, то сам бой был просто невероятным.

Every fight‘s just another fight.

Каждый новый бой был всего лишь еще одним боем.

In this sense, the fight against infectious diseases closely resembles the fight against climate change.

В этом смысле борьба с инфекционными заболеваниями очень напоминает борьбу с изменением климата.

Anthony came out of his fight pretty unscathed too, so I think that fight is a real possibility.

Энтони тоже вышел из боя довольно невредимым, поэтому я думаю, что этот бой вполне реален.

We believe that our fight against the war and for social justice is a common fight.

Мы считаем, что борьба против войны и за социальную справедливость является общей борьбе.

This will significantly expand the horizons of our fight, complement joint and international efforts in the fight against illicit drug trafficking.

Это существенно расширит горизонты нашей борьбы, дополнит совместные и международные усилия в борьбе против незаконного оборота наркотиков.

The fight at national level plays a central role in the fight against the specific measures affecting the youth.

Борьба на национальном уровне занимает центральное место в борьбе против конкретных мер, затрагивающих молодежь.

In his opinion, «this fight should be compared to the fight with the deadliest poison».

По его мнению, «эту борьбу надо приравнивать к борьбе с самой страшной заразой и отравой».

It was not a fight of doctrines; it was a fight of principles and Foster spent much time organizing the fight.

Это не было борьбой доктрин; это была борьба принципов, и Фостер тратил много времени на организацию этой борьбы.

The people who organize a MMA fight can decide the rules for that fight.

Люди, которые организуют бой ММА, могут устанавливать правила для этого конкретного боя.

When I look at a fight by a Quilombola woman, for example, that fight inspires me.

Когда я вижу, к примеру, борьбу женщины из числа киломбола, эта борьба вдохновляет меня.

So, too aggressive fight against the shadow economy in Ukraine can turn into the fight against economic growth.

Поэтому крайне агрессивная борьба с теневой экономикой в Украине может превратиться в борьбу с экономическим ростом.

The fight of the Kashmiris is not their fight alone.

And his fight against a possible Russian Maidan is a fight in the name of stability.

И его борьба против возможного российского Майдана является борьбой во имя стабильности.

While Woodley was once very interested in a blockbuster title fight with St-Pierre, he no longer considers this a necessary fight.

И если когда-то Вудли очень интересовался блокбастерным титульным боем с Сент-Пьером, то теперь он больше не считает этот бой необходимым.

The German fight is a defensive fight.

The fight against young Germany is a fight by the Second and Third Internationales against our authoritarian state.

Борьба против молодой Германии — это борьба Второго и Третьего Интернационала против нашего авторитарного государства.

Well, actually it’s «fight fight fight«.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат fight

Результатов: 114896. Точных совпадений: 114896. Затраченное время: 372 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

She didn’t like that he was going after a killer, and sometimes they would fight about it while I was in the other room, playing with Legos

When they said ‘I Do’ they were in a mood, once they get into a fight and they continue to have more challenges in life, that mood is gone

Also, because much stress is now psychological or emotional, there’s nothing obvious to run away from or fight and so the stress hormones build up in the body with damaging effects

Everyone was focused on the fight except for Ackers, who turned his head and looked at the sword sticking out of the wall

This was the type of fight he lived for

His head was turned away from it as he was watching Scar fight Nancy and Silence

‘Okay, so I didn’t fight over Dan, but I at least kept my self-respect

“We better get out of here,” Nancy said as the guards continued their fight with Big Petey and the rest of the team

Johnny brought up his hand to the earpiece, it must have broken during the fight because he couldn’t hear Ackers whining and yelling at him

Even so, he would fight back until he died, and she would probably expect no less

Was he willing to risk an all out fight?

Termites and most ants are enemies and will fight each other

himself might say it was faith in his loving God of all mankind and all the good Karma accrued from fighting the good fight

between the wars to be able to fight in neither one of them, I watched most of the

Once again there was no sign of a fight

» In spite of knowing she was totally illegal and would be erased if found out, she would fight for survival if she had to wouldn’t she? That survival instinct had certainly been cloned with her hadn’t it?

Melinda had followed Theo’s rise to stardom in the fight against international crime, but this was all he had? He expected her to take a giant professional risk that could blight her career while he nosed around the tattoo parlors of Darklow town?

Let’s go start a fight

taught to fight and win

‘Don’t fight it

I might have to fight her over that

«We may have to fight them for it,» she said, as she used her android to hand Alfred’s android a projectile weapon

fears that lie within, you have to fight against that and I’m here

Schools of spiritual development are no different to the army: They teach you how to fight but never for your personal interest; it is always for a supposedly superior authority

As I already know, Henry was too young to be called up and, from what he’d told me before, I knew he wasn’t happy about this at the time but, Maureen for one, tells me how glad she was that he couldn’t go and fight

The Staas Privateers and the UN fleet have brought the fight to the Squidies’ home system

I had to fight back

If you eat them, you will have to fight hard in order to resist certain temptations

fight the current as it carried him away but the river only grew stronger as it

“I have taken a vow never to fight again

It is you who wishes to fight

the wolf because he did not have the strength to fight through the night

One of the best ways to release resistance isn’t to fight it or try

into the stands above the stadium floor to watch the fight

The announcer stopped the fight and told Son to come forward

ordered the top ranking officers in his army to join the fight to kill Son

history of our fight for liberty

«Fight with what? A hakken perhaps? That would get pretty violent, but there are probably places where they do

The OAAU was an organization rivaled Thanksgiving feasts, or how we held our elders in focused on the fight for human rights of Afro-Americans and such high regard—the highest in fact, or how arriving on promoting cooperation among Africans and people of African time to an event was never as important as showing up in descent in the Americas

A little pulse started beating in her head as the adrenalin prepared her body for flight or fight

And wished he had the strength to fight

He has a very strong will- that should help him fight the infection

He knew he had no chance, but he would put up a fight anyway

Now that he was in it, he was very aware that he was nothing like the heroes he used to read about, courageous, mighty of thew, able to fight on in spite of grievous injuries and with an endless supply of knowledge of whatever enemy they faced

The concern in her voice nearly sets off the tears again … I fight them back and try for a positive tone of voice as I reply

The good news is, a hyadune is smart enough to know when it can and when it can’t win the fight with a human

He’s a good man to have about you in a fight … and you never know what you might meet with

Only that you were at school with Berndt and are a good man to have around in a fight

I want the same thing, and I will fight to get it if I have to, yes Kate

JOYCE: Is it correct that you were faced with a predicament — if you fight him, you run the risk of being beaten up, and if you don’t fight him, you have consented to having sex with him?

Vitamin C has long been proven to fight and prevent wrinkles

They want an army of dragons to fight you

The dragons and riders were uneasy, itching for a fight

It put up a terrible fight biting and tearing at the ‘twins,’ but they would not let up or give it any reprieve

First Tabs fell wounded, and they continued the fight

He could hear the battle below; they were putting up a fierce fight

Jake tried to fight his way thru them, but there were just too many

He gave Jake much information; he also informed Jake about the existence of 22 dragons in Oregon on the West coast who had agreed to join in the fight against the dark devils

She has never met another human being, she thinks and acts like a dragon! She and they fight the dark ones on a regular basis

The White contacted their lead dragon, Wolf, after he observed a particularly nasty fight, and saluted them for their valor

They know of the First of the Ancients, and they consented to join our fight with one stipulation; that we find a mate for their ‘sister’

She didn’t really try to fight that, but didn’t make a big show of herself either, just walked with him up the beach til they were in about knee deep water

They began to fight back with a vengeance, but Jackson and Sarah’s group outmatched them

He doubled his attack, and this particular fight took on a fevered pitch

Wolf came up to Ichor, “can you use some help my friend? My brothers and sisters are itching for a fight

“Alan, I need to know how it really is, I’m an old friend of Thom’s, I have to protect him, not fight his battles, but protect him

It was amazing to watch these dragons fight; they were all singing as they battled! It was some kind of a war chant, but it was very effective

The Queen and Kate and Emily were watching the fight below when they were suddenly attacked and flamed

In a fight you want to actively clarify the other person’s

Bringing others into a fight is not a fair way to fight

It is important that the fight take place between those directly involved and that neither party elicits the help of friends or family

In a fair fight it is also important to not bring up old issues

A fair fight will remain focused and bringing up the past distracts from the current issues and also sends the message that the past

both able to progress and leave the fight in the past

A fair fight however incorporates the key elements of focus,

listening and resolution without involving third parties in the fight

A fair fight is also left in the past after resolution

The smaller ones fell first, and the older ones tried to fight back

My clothes are heavy to swim in and the flow of the water strong as I try to fight my way across to the bank

He started to laugh heartily, “I do believe that you are looking forward to a fight

After twenty minutes of driving, during which the fisherman’s wife gradually lost the will to fight and bawl, the car pulled up at the head of the cliffs that rose up above the beach where the fisherman, his wife and their mutual friend had first bumped into one another

Your forward thinking is what is needed to fight the dragons of Europe

“You’re trying to pick a fight aren’t you my dear?” he said as mildly as he could

What would you like to fight about?”

His goal scoring reached ever-greater levels of perfection and he was instrumental in helping his country fight their way to third place in the next World Cup

«Call them whatever you want, I still say the only reason you came in here was to pick a fight and the only reason you’re not as engrossed in this as I am is because it’s something I found first

He was magnificent, scoring goal after goal and inspiring his countrymen in their fight to win a place in the World Cup final

“Very interesting,” murmured Rayne, her eyes darting about the arena; “but who do they fight?”

He had to be careful he didn’t fight against the crew coming to some of the same conclusions, but he would look upon whatever this dark matter contained as more of a new enemy than an act of God

‘Once a fight is created, it leads to another and so on

‘Yes, male chimpanzees of the same pack fight violently with each other — for

When you have a bad day at work, do you come home to fight with your spouse so you can have more stress? Most people don’t

Ali sat up on the ground and sucked his breath to fight tears

Again, Jim suggests that he should ring Alastair and this time I don’t fight it

You brother Ike died in a bar fight with a biker, his sleeves were wired

urgent and irresistible need to fight

she lurched forward into the thick of the fight and started to lash

Poorly trained, they were dropped on the planet two weeks later and told to fight or they would die horrible deaths

He’s a military man but he’s afraid to fight

She kept her fight or flight instinct under control and began walking down the hill, ashamed of how she was perspiring

Fighting the pull of gravity becomes more challenging with age

Aiko’s father blows a reed whistle and the fighting stops

Thousands of generations ago, fleeing or fighting in stressful situations was not a good option for a female who was pregnant or taking care of offspring, and women who developed and maintained social alliances were better able to care for offspring in stressful times

Her mother thought Violet was the most adorable thing in the world, even more adorable than three white kittens fighting over jelly beans

Scar advanced on Silence who was watching him in a ready fighting stance

None of the nearby stores were open yet and there was a soft morning mist that added to the eerie calm that contrasted strongly with all the fighting and explosions they had just left behind

but I can’t prove I went over to the coast and not down to Bridgwater? What if no-one remembers seeing me? Fighting down the panic this thought sets off, I try to find of something safer to think about

Spray this on the plants leaves, this increases the energy level of the plants, assisting them in fighting off pests

After sleeping penniless on the roof of a YMCA with the pigeons, he finally earned some money fighting forest fires as a volunteer

himself might say it was faith in his loving God of all mankind and all the good Karma accrued from fighting the good fight

One of the few unarmed forces in the world, they had the utmost regard of the European superstar policeman; fighting a tidal wave of international organized crime with only their bare hands, hopelessly outnumbered, out-gunned and underfunded, technology from the stone age, forensics from the middle ages

» She was exaggerating obviously, but metaphorically I could see where she was coming from and I could see she was fighting back the tears as well

MacKenzie was a lawyer, a friend of the Barcs, and he defended them, fighting class

We are fighting a war, not just between civilizations, the mortal and the Angelic, but between stages of evolution

I gasped, fighting the constriction in my throat, feeling the pain of tightening metal hoops across my chest

Fighting for air I could only manage the faintest of whispers in reply to his question

Still, so many of Talstan had died fighting the technology of the Americans, Chinese and Brazilians over the years

A few hours later Josef, my nephew, holds two similar sticks and acts as if he were fighting with them

“You mean they’re fighting? Fighting close to us here? Do you think it’s possible? Is the army, the real army, on its way?” For the first time in nearly a year I began to feel hope rekindled from the ashes of this otherwise cold and sterile life

And as I started to explain how the spirits were fighting, a strange look came over the other’s faces

Closing her eyes, fighting against the sharp disinfectant smell of the hospital, she forced herself to picture the interior of the bus … nauseating diesel fumes … a dingy, well used fabric covering the seats, chipped and faded paint on the accoutrements of metal … or was it plastic? She found it hard to tell sometimes … she heard again the chatter and laughter of the young people as they swayed along the aisle towards the door as the vehicle approached the bus stop

explained that the only way to speak to the king was to win a fighting

resistance to whatever you may be struggling with or fighting

MacKenzie was a lawyer, a friend of the Barcs, and he defended them, fighting class actions and helping them to formulate their ideas

He was fighting the infection that had engulfed his body

The acid from Jake’s saliva had destroyed most of the bacteria, but some had entered his bloodstream and this was what he was fighting

“Be gracious to me, O God, for man has trampled upon me; fighting all day long he oppresses me (Psalm 56:1)

’ She replied, scepticism fighting with humour in her voice

But the others were still there, still fighting over the leese

Daniel explained his thoughts to the riders concluding with the fact that he knew, ‘we can’t penetrate their hide, but if we could get a lucky shot and take out one of their eyes, then we would stand a better chance fighting them

It was then that he saw something fly by him and incinerate all the dragons he was fighting with

It seems that five years ago, in your state of Oregon, the burning and fighting was at its peak

He is 6’4”, 300 lbs of the meanest, fiercest fighting machine on this earth

As the eulogy issued forth, my eyes met with those of the bishop and he looked at me with such an expression of sympathy I found myself swallowing and gulping and fighting to gain control

you nor the person you are fighting with will have a clear understanding of what the issue is or

Fair fighting leads to resolution in most cases

We have come from across the sea to ask for your aid in fighting the black menace on our shores

She and her dragon, Lady Ursula, promised they would not engage in any fighting

In the galleries up above the assembled politicians there was a veritable host of media reporters, who were all fighting and scrapping for the best vantage points

James was starting to think that maybe they had stumbled upon another large force of blacks that had been kept hidden till they were up to fighting strength

Across from where I sat one of them flopped onto the bench, breathless, sipping a fizzy diet drink from a can, panting beneath the weight of her robes and fighting in vain to keep her eyes open and to keep her mouth from drooping but her personal enthusiasm cowed before the pressures and the stresses and the strains

If she wanted to avoid fighting, she would have to answer some questions

He and Kai were back to back, holding their own; the fighting was savage and brutal

«I followed her,» he said, fighting back tears, «at least a week before she filed

The warriors inside the house were fighting a very large Scather barring the way

fighting wars, electing the same control freaks who did nothing for the country

She knew with a certainty that she wanted him to touch her, and she was fighting against the overwhelming urge to touch him

Now that they were working together instead of fighting, she was inspiring to be around once again

There were stories circulating around from Lord Tarak’s men about her fighting ability and upon finally seeing her, Altera seriously doubted them

I’ve had to stop him fighting off boyfriends in the past

“Why is it so important to you that we are fighting the Curitiba?” Heymon asked

“See,” he said, “what lovely fighting boots they are”

“What are we fighting in this war?” he wondered

There were other scenarios that would keep him from fighting his mother besides the letter being coerced from her while she was still alive

His mother might be in a heaven in the dark bodies out here, but that wasn’t what they were fighting

On and on the fighting went, with bodies lying broken on the

voters that they were all fighting for the same ideals

“We could be fighting the immune response of a single organism millions of cubic light-years in extent

Kelvin didn’t really care about the technology of it, that sentence was enough to tell him the true extent of what they were fighting

could not remember her parents ever fighting, and the

The worst bit is fighting with the duvet cover … those things were really designed badly

“In a thousand years there will be, but remember, your mortal ancestors at this time were living in caves and fighting bears with spears

They were drilled ten hours a day in fighting techniques

In the end, the Admiral produced exactly what he promised he would; 600 dedicated fighting robots intent on killing every Ogatu in sight

He watched as the young men he had trained for so long were cut down by a superior fighting force

Then he went from fighting it to going with it

Ningla stood swiftly in a fighting posture

As it was, Ava was fighting back tears

Her dinner threatened to come up; she stood by the sink, eyes staring out into the blackness beyond and took a deep breath, fighting down the nausea

The establishment still ran on old fashioned lines; notably, there was little incidence of the super-bugs which appeared to afflict the majority of hospitals and the locals appreciated it accordingly, fighting tooth and nail to keep the place open every time there was a rumour that it might be closed

Yes, this place was worth fighting for

He swallows twice, desperately fighting the burn of reflux, but he has no choice

At two weeks old Roman was holding his head up and fighting to use the

‘Dad saved a little boy’s life,’ she told the doctor and sniffed, fighting back the tears

It wasn’t as if they were really fighting

To his surprise, the dogs had stopped fighting and

More than once, she found herself with tongue in check, fighting the hurtful word that lay waiting, on the tip of her tongue

The only thing that happened was the two of them were fighting constantly

He was still fighting with whatever was inside his head

with his current fighting tactic

Since she still wasn’t sure what they were fighting about, they may not have wanted her to know

tomb that I was fighting in

They were fighting over a girl

«What were they fighting about?»

«They were fighting over Lizzy – No they were fighting about who was going to get the stone – That was what they were fighting about – the STONE

» She declared, «They were fighting about the STONE or at least who was going to be with Grandma, the one guy said almost the same thing Mr

Grandmothers name all over it, she stopped worrying and started fighting

«Have they been fighting a lot?»

the bed, with Roman telling her that this particular fighting style would be an

She could have taken the easy way out but decided that Tom was worth fighting for

She hadn’t heard the voices, before but the minute he said it she could suddenly hear two people fighting

The words were familiar, but they couldn’t see who was fighting

«He’s fighting with a girl

It soared across the universe, sometimes meeting objects of unknown sound, sometimes playing with them, sometimes fighting with them and sometimes merging with them

Lizzy was fighting with him not to pull the trigger, screaming at the top of her lungs «James»

Fighting back the tears she simple dropped to her knees and stroked her mother’s village

The fighting was so fast and ferocious that the tide could shift in an

If it had not been, I still would be fighting

The atmosphere – despite the constant fighting

At least here he would die quickly, fighting and not drifting through space

But their fights had always ended, after the screaming in three languages and sometimes attacks of paralysis and the taunting that caused

I feel great, like being born again! Sandra Anderson is a revolutionary cosmonaut, who fights against evil all over the universe

Her stories are structured in a very unusual way: I have written down in a separate notebook memories, fantasies, as well as dreams of mine and I have classified them in certain categories: Start of story – Main events – Secondary events – Cosmic truths – Fights – Dialogues – Space and time – End of story

The contacts I noticed were few and they were all in the second story: a) I write and illustrate a scene where Sandra fights with gigong sticks

Her eyes flick open as she fights the end of the day

Fights off foreign invaders in the body

There were no fights, no disagreements, nor was there any petulant posturing, but nonetheless, during their long dawn conversations they became aware of a doubt nagging away at them beneath their true, true love

about chimpanzee fights that may be relevant here

Honesty fights with sense, and sense loses, ‘Much the same as you, actually

As he reaches the end of each line of the song Billy fights back tears, fights back images of artificial ventilation and a hand hovering over an electrical switch

Again, Chrissie tenses as her stomach revolts to the sound of his voice, her knuckles white, gripping on the sheet of the bed in which she is lying, she fights for control

Collingston had no security staff, so when fights broke out, (and they did on a daily

She herself broke up too many fights to count over the years, and her reputation

“She was his sex pet, and she kept him well supplied, everyone on the block as well as everyone in the house could hear that just as well as their fights

There were fights over garden boundaries and neighborhood sentries and raids by the constables

The madness of it suddenly strikes Davie as funny and he fights to hold back the laughter

These fights were

3Then the LORD will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights on

Besides, who he fights with was his business, she just wanted to know what he meant by that last remark

The Spirit of God will bring people together as a strong army that fights together with a single purpose

«She fights the infection like few can

the Lord who fights the battle

wants contented villagers, and to that end fights as best

spouse and he is starting the fights because of his own

She fights tears as she works

A farmer fights the elements, the heat, the hail, the dearth of rain or sometimes too much rain, a late thaw, or wind storms

well, which makes the fights more interesting

The result were exciting fights with varying results

Fighters also fought in a tournament style as well, which took 3 fights to win the

The fights would

Don’t start a business that fights

I’ve heard you also start fights, spread it through blood

They quarreled, picked fights, stomped out of the house in anger

“The Battalion is to leave immediately for France what do you think of my news now then worth waiting for wasn’t it?” There was now sheer pandemonium and delight in our hut lads were cheering slapping each other on the back play fights had broken out and now people from other huts were packing into ours to see what was going on

After an assortment of injuries to his legs and his stomach and having had both sides of his face opened and drained from fights in battle, we knew we had to face this dilemma

Many of his fights were with a nearby cat called Sylvester

He’d seen fights in Salverford before, and of course he’d been in one, but this was different

And in the female fights especially, looking good meant everything

She didn’t like the fights themselves, but she observed the spectators

He knew that he wasn’t exactly a paragon of virtue in the arena, but at least he tried to keep his fights short

It would ruin the foundations of the Phoenix Project if anyone found out that they allowed weapons into fights

A montage of images from Raven’s fights played as the coarse narration continued

“Don’t drag your fights out, Millicent

“He supervises the fights

All prisoners had their terms shortened to five years and they started to introduce fights to create prison space and to placate the public

Without allocated space for fights, they had to clear away dinner tables and hold other prisoners back without ropes or barriers

Rumour has it that despite the fights being so brutal there, the living conditions at West Belsen are far better than at Salverford

It was Abbott who started the whole celebrity culture of the Phoenix Project, publicising fights, et cetera

Whether they go into the fights or not, those prisoners need disposing of

These people are not believed to have died in the well-publicised fights, but in underground ‘death chambers’ and crematoria

And, although she is faced with knowing how difficult her future will be, bravely, she keeps her spirits high and fights back with humor and self-banter

Coal, from her years as a barmaid at the Sea Dog, eschewed weaponry and simply used her fists and feet, as she had in many bar fights over the years

“I’m hoping to find a pair of invitations to Larocka Myll’s pit fights tonight,” Amaranthe said

“Not yet,” came the response, a female voice, “but before long, this place will be ready for two fights at a time and it’ll hold five times as many spectators

Arbitan viewed the fights with detached boredom

If he was hosting the fights for profit, Amaranthe would have expected enthusiasm for the success of the event or at least calculation as he contemplated the money his guests were spending

She waited for two more fights to pass, so Arbitan would forget about her, and then tugged on Maldynado’s arm

She turned back toward the fights and waited for them to leave

The rest of the fights I won, but was disqualified unfairly every time because my opponents would not stand still long enough for me to hit them cleanly, unless I managed to corner them

She forced herself not to leap down the flights of stairs in her rush to return to the anonymity of the fights

I believe, and it is only my opinion, for which I am constantly criticised, that the current US President (Mr Obama) is much more successful than his predecessor because of the way he fights the so called “War on Terror

Amongst men, fist fights are not a big thing and there were no hard feelings

He never seems to get in fights

Frank swallowed hard, hurt by her attack, but doing his best to keep his temper, because this had been the way their fights had always started — first one making hurtful gibes, then the other, until it finally exploded in a fully fledge battle

Or, was she remembering what Gene Frazer said about her fights with her son? She wasn’t sure but, in a confusing whirl of knife blades, ceiling beams, fat cheeks waggling with laughter, squinty-eyed grimaces while his cock befouled her, taut shoulder muscles, angry shrieking, a dagger penetrating the soft flesh below her chin as she contorted her neck to escape it, blood trickling along her neck, the color red, a wash of green, a snickering cockroach crawling over her, red again, the ceiling, black, all black, it ended

He related stories of gangs, fights, stolen cars and the hijacking of a truck, as he tried to impart a sense of how it had been, growing up as Boston ‘Southies’

What is more relevant is her history of picking fights when she did not need to, alienating people who did not have an opinion of her before

Gordon Edward fights the lonely battle for his people

But as a virgin, and a strong, independent woman, she fights the attraction

That translated into avoiding the usual hotspots in the gathered crowd, namely blind drinking contests (named so because the winner usually ends up with optic nerve damage), prostitutes (sex workers is a more catchy term, but in Memphis they still call them whores), and alligator fights (popular opinion is that the losing ’gator is turned into women’s accessories, but some local news outlets circulated some rather more sinister rumors about zombie assasin ’gators)

One of the fiercest fights occurred at Chateau-Thierry

Any animal fights to protect their home and family

Unlike bull fighting in Spain where a matador fights with a bull, the bull fighting of Thailand features a bull fighting another bull

Besides, it lives at the expense of sinecures of the State; it fights for pharaonic contracts; it struggles for tax incentives or subsidies to be competitive; it makes political agreements to obtain public concessions; it uses lobby to generate casuistical laws that benefit its interests; it applies the terror of the unemployment to obtain the worker’s productivity and the support of the governmental authorities in the trade questions and work to satisfy its revindications

He told about the eight brothers who after a long childhood and youth with daily arguments and fights had moved to each their part of Karawia and begun what turned into centuries of battle and hate between eight families

14, where Christ fights against those who possess the earth

How are you really doing, Beatrice? How have the fights been? How are you ranked?”

I told him he was always in fights with Abbey and bullying Lucas, and I didn‘t like that

There were no particular rules in the fights of the Glen school boys

They had seen schoolboy fights before, but nothing like Walter as he had grappled with Dan

13 Give me eloquent speech in my mouth before the lion; turn his heart to hate him who fights against us, so that there may be an end

We found out in our fights with them that not even staves can generate enough power to overcome this ability of theirs,” he replied

Atot’ain broke up a few more fights and we started off

“How about his relationship with Delitah? Did that cause any friction or fights?”

17 For, which is most to be wondered at, the fire had more force in the water, that quenches all things, for the world fights for the

28 The smith also sitting by the anvil, and considering the iron work, the vapour of the fire wastes his flesh, and he fights with the

Sure, I witnessed many fights and abuse perpetrated on other people, but I had never lived through death

AFD fights fires and responds to life threatening medical emergencies, as well as responding to HAZMAT incidents

of protection over the Jews so as to preserve them, and that he fought for them as a father always fights for his sons; 7 and taking into

think a hooked child fights harder than any fish

Sure, we’ve had our share of fights, but never anything earth shattering

Thinking about it now, I did remember some of the fights and yelling between my parents, days before he left

In all our fights, I had never touched her in anger

Upon his return in May, Roger was troubled by that disturbing arrangement, mainly because of the effects on Chad and Manuel as a result of Agatha’s interference in their lives and constant fights with their mother

Fortunately for them, Josie and Agatha were having severe problems that resulted in many fights, including a frightening one in which the police had to intervene

Fist fights broke out, and the cops were called

In the second case, he fights DOMA so that he won’t offend ‘Gay Supporters’ and lose their financial backing

He cringed remembering some of the fights he’d had with

After that, we read that God fought with two different

They had fought even over that hypothetical case

They had fought over children the most

Many a brothers have fought court battles for it

Travis fought back tears

fought the Turk and the Christian, drinking their blood in his fury after battle, they,

front end as the tyres fought for grip, and then, amid a sea of spray, she bit hard into

He fought like crazy

They told me that The Kid even sat with me during the dark hours, watching blood pound through the artery in my thin skinned neck as my body fought for oxygen under the onslaught of fever and infection

Over those first grinding miles I fought against the bonds, twisting my arms and wrists against the tape, but all that I did was make the tape coil tighter and tighter so that it cut into my skin

The truck would idle for a moment, waiting for traffic to clear or for lights to change, and as the truck moved off I spat oaths of vengeance in my head, while I fought for breath through my clogged nose

They were about to execute her when Apollo stormed in and fought the guards, yelling over and over how he wouldn’t let them hurt her

Some fought back, but eventually they grew weary and resigned

The car kicked once and lifted at the front end as the tyres fought for grip, and then, amid a sea of spray, she bit hard into the tarmac and hauled her graceful weight forward at an ever increasing rate of knots

Standing in front of him was a man he had once known as a brother, a man for whose freedom he had fought, but who now visited upon him the solitude of imprisonment and Citizen Marat’s never ending, reedy, mechanical voice

Generation after generation has fought to continue their rule

They have fought to continue to stay in power

has fought her way through jobs for the boys,

They fought a mighty mutant bear that had been sent to destroy my eggs

He had indeed fought a fierce battle

The girl fought her way out of the clutches of the black; and she fell as it passed over a mountain range

I try to take my mind off it by focussing on the countryside flowing past us … on the conversations we had yesterday … on what I have learned of Errd … anything … time passes in an agony of gritted teeth and fought back tears

All the Dragons of Light fought with carefully planned strikes on the dark devils

They fought valiantly, even tho they were out numbered 10 to 1

Jackson feared he would loose Sarah and he fought like a madman trying to get to her side

They fought with a ferocity that startled him, taking out 9 of his dragons within minutes

They fought like mad but the battle was beginning to take a toll even on them

The bastards had grown bold, and smart; they had another camp we knew nothing about and they attacked without warning, Valotin and I fought thru 20 of the beasts, but they were everywhere

They fought to the very end, valiantly trying to turn the tide

James gave them detailed descriptions of their base camp and the strength of the beasts they fought

As they fought, James thought he saw some more dragons coming to their aid

Sarah and Jackson were fierce in their attacks; they gave no quarter, and fought skillfully

They were the best players in the Belrampur Municipal School and had fought

The intensity of these feelings surprised and scared her; and she too fought for control

Watching her movements as she fought the Scathers stirred him deeply; he found her enticing; almost erotic to watch

‘I wasted my studies, fought with my parents, threw away my career

She is a fighter and a very formidable one I might add; I have fought by her side on many occasions

He applied his strong will and fought to control his emotions

It was the young man who had fought at Rayne’s side during the incursion, Tarak noted

waste of money because the children had fought

They fought fiercely for at least five minutes when suddenly the Scather rushed forward swinging his sword wildly

She let him think she hadn’t seen what was happening, and fought off his attempts to find out the details of where she had been and what she had seen

’ He announced with the air of a man who has fought and killed a dragon for his beloved

“What happened that you fought for extinction? This is very difficult to believe

But, gritting his teeth, he fought back tears and battled on like a soldier on the front line

Lying in the bed, Chrissie muffles a scream as she feels again the smarting of the cuts he inflicted to her arms and hands as she fought to defend herself

Bram handed over the pendant as Tom fought the car along the

fought with Roman, even though it was futile

‘But she’s so tiny! How could she possibly have fought him off?’ Williams protested

I fought off the sensation of gagging

The kitchen is quiet and empty of teenagers, but it’s clear that the battle of the washing up had been hard fought

She wore her hair pulled back but a few wild strands had fought their way

seize the muscles in his calves, but Roman fought back, wiggling his toes

time, she had fought less and less

Staring straight into her eyes, so close he could’ve kissed her, he said through deep breaths «When can we talk?» She fought off the temptations gnawing at her lips, and told him, later that evening

She squirmed and fought but Bobby had his arm

Birds squawked as they fought each other for their

John had fought off the urges to fantasize about his victims

I have to admit, that once Mike came out swinging they fought back, but what else could be expected from someone related to you

He had fought, chased, and killed

If it were any other time John would have fought her, but he was injured

It was obvious in the way he fought, and the way he had trained his body to become a weapon

Desperately, he fought to maintain his grip on the orchid blade, but it slipped from his limp grip, falling with a clatter to the field of grey stones that was their chosen fighting grounds

He took it as an insult to be sent to the edge of the city, when the war was being fought at its heart

All night, husband and wife fought and at dawn, the woodcutter led the children out into the forest

Our ancestors fought them from world to world, all the while fleeing before them, never once halting their momentum

But Solo Ki fought with prescience as though blessed with a foresight of her actions, fighting without form, forsaking knowledge to move by instinct alone

These beings controlled the Hunger, existed by their own will, and — according to those who had lived to see them — they fought with a skill that was beyond even that of the elves, leaving many of those ageless beings to rot upon the Red Wall

To Brice’s surprise, the Gray Mage had fought more fiercely and with greater courage than all the rest

Several feet away, the hooded figure and the demon fought, a pair of silhouettes dancing against the backdrop of a red horizon

Covered in a whirlwind of blue, Emily fought to repel it with every bit of strength she had left

But never before had a champion fought so valiantly, and fiercely, as the Elven Prince

Besides, now he fought with Anon and the power of the Maker at his side, with that, Imorbis had learned anything was possible

Data streamed and fought

The giants fought in a berserk rage, crushing and hacking anything with dead flesh

Mostly he wished she remembered what she had lost, and that when she fought, it was out of love for her God-king and fallen companions, and not purely out of hate

The Dead Gods fought amongst themselves, and in such a reckless abandon that their actions seemed akin to suicidal

they had fought well together in the opening moments

The Makii fought back, often scoring viscous, fatal blows, but nothing stopped the undead Chosen and Elders

Adros fought on, pruning his way through the giant’s limbs

Nerissa fought off the urge to turn her palm and lace

He fought with other

Jakkar had to admit, lacking the Oneness, the elves fought incredibly well – more so than even the Elders had

Andrastus fought on, stabbing his spear into her ear

I fought to escape

As she lead Kallias on down the main path, a burning kindled in her eyes — a sharp, familiar pain that she fought at every turn

He was a scholar, not the sort of great beguiler that Goddesses fought over

He fought me back and I ended up punching him in the face in order to escape

He had sympathy for the Nords who fought most vigorously against what they and others regarded as the injustice of the treaty

And the men who fought alongside him appreciated that he shared their disdain

As much as she had fought it, Penelope found herself silently mourning the past she had taken for granted

He could handle one on his own but having one splattering him with that ghastly poison as he fought would be decidedly less than ideal

And as much as she fought them once more, the tears swelled in her eyes and threatened to breach

Something told her that the beast she and Mercer had fought out in the wilderness and hidden from until it sealed them in the cave was just vindictive enough to still be seeking them

Frog fought the morphing force

He fought against the darkness, reaching into the stillness of his core, searching for his dragon fire

Fighters also fought in a tournament style as well, which took 3 fights to win the

He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think but still he fought

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