Sentences with word fascinate

fascinate — перевод на русский


This is fascinating.

Как увлекательно.

I didn’t mean to be impolite, but it’s so new to me. I just mean, it’s just all so new… and so fascinating!

Я не хотела быть невежливой, но для меня все это ново, все, все так ново, и так увлекательно.

It all sounds so fascinating and uncouth.

Это так увлекательно.

Ha! It’s fascinating, Chesterton.

Это увлекательно, Честертон.

Yes, it’s interesting, it’s fascinating.

Да, как интересно, как увлекательно.

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Oh, fascinating.


It’s a little primitive, of course, but it’s still very fascinating, hmm!

Это немного примитивно, конечно, но все еще очаровательно, хм!

That’s very interesting, I might even say fascinating, but back to your mission.

Очень интересно. Можно даже сказать очаровательно, но вернемся к вашей миссии.

— Oh, yes, it was fascinating.

— О, да, это было очаровательно.

This is fascinating.

Это очаровательно.

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I find it fascinating.

Мне интересно.

It sounds fascinating.

Звучит интересно.

How fascinating!

Как интересно.

Why, I’d be fascinated.

Мне будет интересно.

I’ve been trying, Papa, but they’re so fascinating.

Я старалась, папа, но это так интересно.

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Testing you see, sir — this is fascinating!

Тестирование, видите ли, сэр — это захватывающе!

They’re fascinating.

Это так захватывающе.

Yes… yes, it’s fascinating.

Да… да, это захватывающе.

Well, that’s fascinating.

Это захватывающе.

To actually be this close… to a pop culture explosion has been really fascinating.

Что действительно быть так близко… к экспансии поп-культуры это очень захватывающе.

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It confuses me, frightens me. But it fascinates me.

Я смущен, напуган… и при этом очарован.

He was fascinated by watches.

Он был очарован часами.

He looked so fascinated by death.

Он был так очарован смертью .

I now understand why my father was fascinated by that woman.

Теперь я понимаю, почему мой отец был так очарован этой женщиной.

I’m not! I’m fascinated, but I know the dangers.

Я не.я очарован, Но я знаю опасности.

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«When I say it sounds fascinating, I want you to believe me.»

Это звучит потрясающе, и я хочу, чтобы ты мне поверил.

Horrible, but fascinating.

Ужасно, но потрясающе.



Fascinating, but quite impossible.

Потрясающе. Но невозможно.

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I think that’s fascinating.

Я думаю — это удивительно.






Этим. — Удивительно.

Fascinating, isn’t it?

Удивительно, не так ли?

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— Sounds fascinating, princess.

Звучит восхитительно, принцесса.

— This is fascinating.

— Это восхитительно.

But giving birth in itself is fascinating…

Но давать жизнь само по себе восхитительно…

I’m also a fascinating shot.

А я еще и восхитительно стреляю.

— It’s fascinating.

— Это восхитительно.

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Sounds simply fascinating.

Опера завораживает.

It’s fascinating, but only to me.

Он завораживает, но только меня.

It fascinates me.

Он завораживает меня.

There is something about this game that fascinates you, perhaps even more than the game with the water under the bridges, or the imperfectly opaque twigs which drift slowly across the surface of your cornea.

Что-то в этой игре завораживает тебя, возможно, даже сильнее, чем игра воды под мостом, чем трещины на потолке или те полупрозрачные волокна, которые порой медленно перемещаются по поверхности твоей роговицы.

The swan is pretty and it fascinates the people.

Лебедь красивый и это завораживает людей.

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Most fascinating.






Captain, this is fascinating.

Капитан, это поразительно.

To coin a phrase, fascinating.

Как кто-то бы сказал, поразительно.

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Teacher Asked Her Class To Use The Word ‘Fascinate‘ In A Sentence.

Она попросила ее класс использовать слово «очаровывать» в предложении.

I think this number will fascinate every investors.

Я думаю, что это число будет очаровывать каждые инвесторов.

Raging ocean waves fascinate and attract attention.

Бушующие океанские волны завораживают и привлекают к себе внимание.

We love original things that fascinate.

Мы любим оригинальные вещи, которые завораживают.

Fascinate your audience in nine seconds or less.

или Как очаровать собеседника за 9 секунд

It is capable to admire and fascinate the most skilled many seeing on the earth of different beauty and rarities of the nature.

Оно способно восхитить и очаровать самых бывалых, много видевших на земле разных красот и редкостей природы.

Siret if you know how to really penetrate, Fascinate!

Сирет, если вы знаете, как на самом деле проникнуть, Очаровывать!

Fascinate tourists sights and sounds of a rich cultural and religious history of the city.

Туристов очаровывают виды и звуки этого богатого культурной и религиозной историей города.

In Evening, Multicolored Fountains And Special Lighting Of The Imposing Building Fascinate Everyone.

XVI век и далее Вечером многоцветные фонтаны и особое освещение внушительного здания очаровывают всех.

Next article Apart From The Usual Mundane Ones Such As Painting, Gardening, Baking, And Writing, There Are A Lot Of Other Recreational Activities Which Fascinate Us.-

Помимо обычных приземленных, таких как живопись, садоводство, выпечка, и писать, есть много других развлекательных мероприятий, которые очаровывают нас.

Which Places Will Fascinate You in Portugal, Morocco, and Spain

Какие места очаруют вас в Португалии, Марокко и Испании

These facts still fascinate many people.

Эти факты до сих пор очаровывают многих людей.

There will surely be something to fascinate you.

И там уж точно найдется что-то, что вас очарует.

This riddle can fascinate any gentleman.

Этот огромный мегаполис может очаровать любого.

A good website should also be able to understand the needs of customers and how to fascinate them in a satisfying manner.

Хороший сайт должен также быть в состоянии понять потребности клиентов и как очаровать их удовлетворяющим способом.

Below are 10 little-known cats that will fascinate all of us.

Ниже представлены 10 малоизвестных кошек, которые очаруют всех нас.

Monsters captivated the imagination of medieval men and women, just as they continue to fascinate us today.

Монстры очаровали воображение средневековых мужчин и женщин так же, как они продолжают очаровывать нас сегодня.

The building itself and its interiors still fascinate visitors in the 21st century.

Само здание и его интерьеры по-прежнему очаровывают посетителей в 21 веке.

Automated machine learning comes to mind, but many other aspects fascinate me.

Автоматизированное машинное обучение приходит на ум, но и многие другие аспекты завораживают меня.

No matter what it really is, it still draws us to these amazing places and continues to fascinate us.

Независимо от того, что это, оно все равно привлекает нас к этим поразительным местам и продолжает очаровывать нас.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

очаровывать, зачаровывать, пленять, зачаровывать взглядом


- очаровывать, приводить в восхищение, пленять

the idea of going on a sea-voyage fascinated him — мысль о морском путешествии привела его в восторг

- увлекать, вызывать острый или глубокий интерес

space exploration fascinates mankind — человечество увлечено освоением космоса
to be fascinated by /with/ smth. — увлекаться чем-л.

- зачаровывать; оказывать гипнотическое влияние, гипнотизировать взглядом

a serpent fascinates its prey — змея гипнотизирует свою жертву

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Her paintings never fail to fascinate.

Её картины не перестают восхищать.

The idea of travelling through time fascinates me.

Идея путешествия во времени захватывает меня.

His eloquence fascinates and astonishes.

Его красноречие завораживает и изумляет.

People were standing fascinated at the spectacle of a rocket launching.

Люди стояли зачарованные видом взлетающей ракеты.

The snake charmer fascinates the cobra.

Заклинатель змей завораживает кобру.

Возможные однокоренные слова

fascinating  — очаровательный, пленительный, обворожительный
fascination  — очарование, обаяние, прелесть, обворожительность
fascinator  — чародей
fascinated  — очарованный, зачарованный

Формы слова

Fascinate is a graffiti painting at an industrial park in Bromsten, Stockholm. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

TheS 65 AMG Coupé features forged wheels in a multi-spoke design, size 8.5 x 20 at the front and 9.5 x 20 at the rear, with 255/40 R 20 and 285/35 R 20 tyres.The exclusive forged wheels of the V12 Coupé fascinate with their exceptional design which represents a contemporary interpretation of the classic sports car rims: each of the 16 spokes twists so that the light-catching contours radiate to the centre of the wheel hub.


In order to avoid it and in order to keep Mediterranean’s fascinate we have to control our population.


Still, the sleeping giant fascinates visitors with its lava fields and occasional emissions of water vapor and gases


Talented people in general fascinate and inspire me.


I idea that you can create worlds just by drawing them both fascinates and horrifies my children.


And now the genre that most fascinates me is wisdom.


The scrunching sound it makes fascinates and because it’s greaseproof, if won’t disintegrate in his mouth if chewed, and let’s face it, everything ends up in their mouths.


And anything paranormal and mystical fascinates me.


Anything horror, alien, or unexplained fascinates me.


Filed under All Stories, Mobile · Tagged with galaxy S fascinate, smarphone, telus 4G, telus mobility


The methane discussion above fascinates, I dont think we know everything about it, since a lot of it is under sea ice at bottom of arctic ocean.


How to use fascinate in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «fascinate» and check conjugation/comparative form for «fascinate«. Mastering all the usages of «fascinate» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Why does the act of screaming fascinate viewers and audiences?
But few subjects fascinate us as much as human origins.
Almost 2,500 years after his death, Socrates continues to fascinate.
What is it about his songs that continues to fascinate?
In these podcasts, celebrities go deep on issues that fascinate them.
There are two things that terrify and fascinate me about Carlson.
The majority of the exhibits, however, fail to delight, fascinate, or inform.
There wasn’t a single moment in that class that didn’t fascinate him.
«Quite simply, Jackie’s power was to fascinate,» fashion designer Valentino once said.
What is it about these two deep expanses that fascinate O’Rourke now?
But for whatever the reason, it’s a topic that continues to fascinate.
Captivity tales fascinate us because they challenge our fantasy of self-determination.
One day, they will again show their power to astound and fascinate.
» It’s kind of … it would just fascinate, and they’re all like, «What?
The «Manson girls» and his other followers have continued to fascinate us.
The committee’s selections fascinate and often baffle literature lovers the world over.
Antwan Williams: The things that are normal to us sometimes fascinate Nigel.
Desperately did I try to fascinate that night; dismally did I fail.
The marrow-deep hopes, fears and grievances of their own citizens fascinate them.
Whatever your interests, there’s something here to fascinate and inspire you in 2017.
The question of how many people Earth can support will continue to fascinate.
The sinking of the Titanic continues to fascinate a surprising number of people.
LONDON — UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s «humming-gate» continues to fascinate the nation.
Even the existential questions that fascinate me have begun to yield their secrets.
But William Shakespeare continues to fascinate new generations with the legacy of his works.
Germany is sprinkled with innovative early modernist housing projects that will fascinate architecture obsessives.
«Sharks continually fascinate humans, and they hold so many mysteries and superpowers,» Gruber said.
Authors with a sweeping vision of human nature and society seem to fascinate him.
Documentaries about artists’ processes fascinate me, and that’s a huge part of this movie.
Everything they said or did fascinated me, and Arabella continued to fascinate me, too.
The work was designed for a purpose, but its primary function is to fascinate.
Nirvana’s lasting influence A quarter century later, Cobain’s career continues to fascinate and inspire.
As public figures, the Chainsmokers fascinate in their odd disparity between art and persona.
Broadcasters are still making the bet that live sports will continue to fascinate TV audiences.
There are too few women exploring the spaces, just outside mainstream pop, that fascinate Rihanna.
After reading it, you can plunge further into the thinkers who fascinate you the most.
Bridgeman Images Even Soutine’s failures fascinate, as evidence of the artistic risks that he ran.
There was much in Ms. Taymor’s exotic staging to fascinate a young newcomer to opera.
«To be honest, the daily details of running the conference don’t fascinate me,» Boren said.
Since they were discovered centuries ago, these oversized creatures continue to fascinate kids and adults alike.
And yet the Russian classics continue to fascinate abroad, despite, or, perhaps because of, their unfathomability.
His position affords him an up-close view of the celebrity forces that so fascinate him.
Now, twenty years later, the crime, often called a «national tragedy,» continues to fascinate and disturb.
As a structural engineer and functional morphologist, these questions of shapes connected to behaviors fascinate me.
But there are still some that I’ve not experienced and that continue to surprise and fascinate.
I think people should write the things that fascinate them because that’s what makes good journalism.
The Queen’s beloved sister left behind a legacy that has continued to fascinate generations of royal fans.
Casey was tried and acquitted of her daughter’s murder, but her case continues to fascinate crime buffs.
The pair’s tragic story continues to fascinate the country, as seemingly all «lost at sea» stories do.
It’s the questions wine raises that fascinate him and inform his conversation with what’s in the glass.
«I thought it was the thing that would surprise and fascinate Fleabag the most,» Waller-Bridge said.
Above her head, as a joke, someone had pasted a thought bubble: «You fascinate me!» it said.
They faced real-life responsibilities and challenges that thrill, fascinate and sometimes terrify young readers of today.
But they fascinate us because they seem to appear out of nowhere, and often in unusual places.
One of her most famous images, «Portrait of Space,» used to mystify and fascinate me as a kid.
While scary stories continue to fascinate children today, the internet has transformed the way young audiences experience them.
«Sharks continually fascinate humans, and they hold so many mysteries and superpowers,» said co-corresponding author David Gruber.
Incidents of parricide—the killing of one’s own parents—continue to fascinate psychologists, criminologists, and the public alike.
I don’t fault artists for empty formalist constructions — Carly Rae Jepsen and Red Velvet fascinate for similar reasons.
Going forward, power would continue to fascinate us, but we would have to reevaluate who actually wields it.
Maybe she was making up Melinda, fabulizing to fascinate the doctor, and to claim erotic power for herself.
Rather than understand Meehan, Bana’s aim was to create a compelling character that would both fascinate and repel audiences.
It’s good to see them taking each tentative step into the IoT future in ways that fascinate and delight.
It’s about helping other people develop the tools they need to understand the things that haunt or fascinate them.
The images fascinate and appall us, unless it’s our own lives and homes being flooded, burned down and destroyed.
She’s an interwar forebear of today’s manic pixie dream girls, quirky and quixotic enough to fascinate everyone around her.
Pluto also continues to fascinate astronomers because of its small size, distance from Earth, unusual orbit, and synchronous moons.
The Etan Patz case continued to fascinate the public long after the little boy went missing from Manhattan’s SoHo neighborhood.
The only difference between the world we’re living in and the post-apocalyptic stories that fascinate us are our choices.
Rihanna is exceptional at being famous, and she needs very little in the way of help to fascinate a room.
All times ET. The moon is in fellow air sign Aquarius today, inspiring you to study topics that fascinate you.
It is not the carefully contoured women themselves which fascinate Maple, but rather society’s fascination of reality TV’s first family.
Simonson uses abstraction and anthropomorphization to fascinate viewers, and adds fluorescent and UV-reactive glazes to make her paintings glow.
«Because if there’s nothing else, you can look out the window, which would absolutely fascinate me for weeks on end.»
It’s hard to think of another competitive shooter that could fascinate players with a slowly rolling cube or a brief snowstorm.
At night, the lights and music work together to create a jaw-dropping experience that should fascinate visitors of all ages.
If Bach’s suites fascinate him, it is partly because they exploit the cello’s capacities more satisfyingly than any other music has.
The disappearance of Lord Richard Lucan, the Seventh Earl of Lucan, has continued to fascinate Britons and cause endless media speculation.
Cole continues to fascinate and inspire Stephen Hannock and his own interpretation of The Oxbow has become the artist’s signature motif.
The question never ceases to fascinate, and despite the myriad horrors of our time, the Nazis continue to provide its touchstone.
The last two-thirds of the book are a compendium of rants on topics that both fascinate and confound the author.
A memorial to those who lost their lives in 2019 «Theaters didn’t fascinate me, but production and distribution did,» he wrote.
The Bellagio, a huge hotel and casino on the strip, features an array of dancing water fountains that routinely fascinate tourists.
It was another sign, if one were needed, that the French emperor continues to fascinate collectors and curators across the globe.
We’re curious and intelligent and make amazing discoveries that fascinate and thrill us—and we value science to make those discoveries happen.
Far From the Tree is a revelatory book about families using compassion to cope with difference, and it will fascinate any parent.
As true crime podcasts continue to fascinate mass audiences, we can likely expect other TV shows like Dirty John to pop up.
«They fascinate us because they’re caught in the middle of many different forces: political, moral, ethical, and even religious,» the Matteses said.
But what it’s meant for Monaco, for people around the world, and, how their story continues to fascinate people, that’s something unimaginable.
At its core, though, a project like «Dark» sheds light on the commonality of themes that fascinate and perplex, frighten and entertain.
The greatest appeal rests in the singer Caroline Polachek’s jazz-inflected vocals, which fascinate in their agile leaps and slightly mechanical serration.
He simply loves those thick, black, smelly permanent markers, and whenever he uses one it never fails to fascinate the American people.
Coinbase continues to fascinate outsiders and journalists who see the company as the startup at the heart of the current cryptocurrency craze.
There are many more questions that will fascinate historians, including some that are not simply about the game-change dynamics of the race.
«We use the phrase ‘destination cities’… we want those magical cities and magical countries that really intrigue and fascinate the world,» said Carey.
School meals in other countries fascinate us because they reflect a society’s true food culture, as well as its regard for its children.
Illusions like this fascinate us because they reveal there is a gap between what we perceive to be true and what actually exists.
Despite the gruesome nature of the exhibits, which were arranged with the help of Vietnamese and Soviet advisers, Tuol Sleng continues to fascinate.
With a fresh pedicure and a new raison d’être, Lucy will surely continue to fascinate beachgoers young and old for generations to come. 
Vampires fascinate because when I started touring a lot, or traveling a lot, I watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer when I came home.
But in the last few decades, contemporary artists have turned back to the diorama, propelled by its endless ability to fascinate the curious eye.
Perhaps these complexities, combined with the sheer beauty of his images, are why his work continues to fascinate and inspire almost a century later.
» During his time with the family, Berlinger says, he learned they are «terrific people who don’t understand why this story continues to fascinate people.
But it played host to one of London&aposs most high-profile unsolved crimes, which has continued to fascinate more than 30 years on.
The Zodiac case, which remains unsolved and continues to fascinate crime buffs, involved a string of murders in Northern California in 323 and 232.
He is from Australia, where snakes are often more likely to kill than fascinate, but he was delighted by the wriggling in the den.
«After all these years, the mysteries surrounding Chappaquiddick and the Kennedy family continue to fascinate the public,» says Jess Cagle, editor-in-chief of PEOPLE.
I sincerely hope that through this show, tech became more accessible and less mysterious, without losing its fun and that special power to fascinate us.
So those dynamics just fascinate me, whether it’s a disease with people trapped in a house, or a relative coming home for Thanksgiving, or whatever.
«After all these years, the mysteries surrounding Chappaquiddick and the Kennedy family continue to fascinate the public,» says Jess Cagle, editor in chief of PEOPLE.
The Rorschach Test, conceived 100 years ago by a young psychiatrist at a Swiss asylum, continues to divide the scientific community and fascinate the public.
Breakups fascinate me in part because they can affect each of us very differently, and leave their mark on so many aspects of our lives.
Two teenage girls — high on desire and low on inhibition — make a plan to fascinate some men in Erica Schmidt’s play for the New Group.
With time, his talent won him contracts with international comic book companies like Marvel and DC. What began to fascinate him, however, was Singapore’s history.
You’d think we’d have learned our lesson by now, but there’s something about the mysteries of color and perception that continue to fascinate our collective conscious.
They grew to fascinate the romantic imagination, offering a sense of the sublime, hence visits by Lord Byron and the Shelleys in the early 1003th century.
Mr. Cortis and Mr. Sonderegger’s images fascinate partly because of the interplay between what we see in front of us and how we remember the original.
The Boivin ruby and amethyst starfish fascinate us today because of their bold sheer beauty and the fine workmanship that cannot be replicated with modern methods.
The question of how it got so far — more than 800 employees and a paper valuation of $9 billion — will fascinate business school classes for years.
None of them survived, but the question of exactly how, and when, and why they died has continued to fascinate amateur and professional historians ever since.
«The Universe has always fascinated me and now with this hugely monumental series, I get a chance to fascinate it back,» Martin said in a statement.
Candy-O and Panorama fascinate partially because their effort-to-content ratio is so skewed; by the standards of empty pop product, these albums are quite intricate.
Page has reached a point where he takes on only rare projects that deeply fascinate him, like the sci-fi pursuits at X, Alphabet’s secretive research lab.
The second-by-second change of individual waves passing is most interesting to surfers, but it’s the longer duration changes over weeks and years that fascinate scientists.
«The Stowaway,» then, is like an intriguing photo album brought out from the bottom drawer: If the gaps between images sometimes frustrate, the granular detail can fascinate.
Both islands have rich histories that will likely fascinate war buffs — a dilemma in 1204 required residents to choose between staying loyal to England or switching to France.
Twenty years ago a 22012 call reporting a missing and possibly kidnapped 21992-year-old girl launched a murder mystery — one that continues to endure, fascinate and perplex.
Despite his sudden departure from China, Missal still hopes to keep conducting research on China, emphasizing that China remains an interesting country with many aspects that fascinate him.
It started to fascinate me how we feel freer to say things or to show things on the internet that we aren’t as comfortable doing in real life.
I’m so excited to talk about this but first I wanna go into your history, because you’ve written a couple of books that really rivet and fascinate me.
Welcome back to MTF & DTF, a sex, love, and dating column in which Sessi Kuwabara Blanchard chronicles the amorous goings-on that most fascinate her (particularly, her own).
Weather, water supply, population, housing, incomes and assets, social welfare, trade, hunting and fishing, records of important life events — births, deaths, marriages, divorces, immigration, emigration — all fascinate me.
Twenty years ago, a 6 call to the emergency dispatch center in Boulder, Colorado, launched a mystery that continues to perplex, confound and fascinate: What happened to JonBenét Ramsey?
Unquestionably one of the most influential games of the past decade, From Software’s brutal classic has lost none of its powers to frustrate and fascinate since its 2011 release.
Cults fascinate you, Scorpio, but steer clear of them this week—even watching a documentary about them could be too much with all the paranoid energy in the air.
In doing so, Meese forces a confrontation that draws out affinities, if not between the subjects themselves then between those aspects of their lives and personae that fascinate us.
But then come discussions of topics that fascinate and entertain me — ancient aliens, remote viewing, ghosts, monsters, life after death, shadow people, assassination conspiracies, the lost island of Atlantis.
It makes sense that any great dancer, perhaps especially one of the most renowned of the 20th century, would fascinate when he’s leaping and nearly levitating across a stage.
While the Pacific Northwest childhood chapters might not hold up to the swelter, triangulation and plotted mystery of the Athens chapters, Milo’s New York chapters both fascinate and bemuse.
While her defiance of gender stereotypes and norms continues to fascinate, Sand’s work—the reason she adopted a male identity in the first place—remains largely unread beyond academic circles.
Though there is only one episode in the biblical story, the legend of the Queen of Sheba holds such magnetism that it has continued to fascinate for nearly 3,000 years.
Lit gorgeously by Mimi Jordan Sherin, they slide and twirl about the huge space in various combinations that fascinate and appall the eye, like de Chirico paintings come to life.
The movie follows teen California transplant Max (Omri Katz) as he navigates his first autumn in New England, not believing the spooky legends that fascinate his new, Halloween-obsessed neighbors.
While the majority of the so-called «Dare stones» are widely acknowledged to be fakes, the first stone, which supposedly bears a message from Eleanor White Dare, continues to fascinate historians.
Nancy Kerrigan’s shattered knee, O.J. Simpson’s infamous white Bronco, and JonBenét Ramsey’s macabre glamor shots plastered tabloid covers for much of the decade and continue to darkly fascinate through modern retellings.
From Ridley Scott’s Gladiator, to HBO’s short-lived, Rome, and STARZ Spartacus, Roman history, or at least, Hollywood’s version of Roman history, continues to fascinate people, long after the empire’s fall.
Three hundred years later, the story of how the Massachusetts Bay Colony once hunted for maleficent witches continues to fascinate, resurfacing whenever fear and prejudice threaten the moral decency of our societies.
Scott Adams, «Influence» author Robert Cialdini, veteran FBI hostage negotiator Chris Voss, «Payoff» author Dan Ariely and «Fascinate» author Sally Hogshead were among many guests who taught me the secrets of persuasion.
While most people may not be familiar with alexithymia, there is a different disorder involving flat emotions and poor empathy that seems to fascinate us, even more than it repels us: psychopathy.
» As to why Mafia stories in particular continue to fascinate, the New York-born-and-raised grandson of Italian immigrants says: «I can’t speak for others, and I’m not in show business.
«(Young audiences) don’t want advertising to be too overt … but rather they want it to intrigue them, fascinate them, capture their imagination, and they want to take it from there,» said Ellinghaus.
But it’s the individual stories that fascinate Clark Burnett and J. Joseph, rising seniors at Yale, who last month launched the second season of a documentary series exploring the perception of blackness.
They included the first iterations of Ray Gun, a mutable symbol for himself roughly in the shape of a toy laser pistol, a form that continues to fascinate him to this day.
After his imprisonment, Beausoleil continued to fascinate the public; Truman Capote interviewed him from prison, and he continued to make and release music and art, even gaining permission to hold live performances.
Here are some others: Amelia Earhart vanished during her attempt to become the first woman to pilot a plane around the world in the late 2990s, a case that continues to fascinate.
She was a major interpreter of Cole Porter and the team of Cy Coleman and Carolyn Leigh, whose mischievously sexy come-on «You Fascinate Me So» was one of her signature songs.
Of all the dimensions of Elon Musk that fascinate his fans—his intellect, his work ethic, his rockets, his dating life—there’s one that hasn’t been definitively explained: his seemingly self-restoring hairline.
» He observes, «I can’t be certain that my witticism will make a girl laugh, or that my gaze will fascinate her, but for sure, a slap or a punch will make her cry.
Original, audacious, funny and perceptive — a sequence involving the murdered women is unexpectedly haunting — «London Road» (adapted by the director, Rufus Norris, from his successful London stage musical) will either fascinate or alienate.
That kind of detail — that a multinational corporation like Nestlé gets its milk from cows like Carlos’s — is enough to fascinate me, so I was happy to hear my father enjoyed it as well.
Credit…Alexis Armanet PRODIGIES FASCINATE: We are riveted by the 22004-year-old violinist ripping through Beethoven’s «Kreutzer» sonata and the 22008-year-old Oxford University graduate breaking new ground in mathematical knot theory.
Steyerlisms like «circulationism» (the more an image moves through the digital or real world, the more power it accrues), or «junktime» (the fragmented, distracted experience of the harried freelancer) fascinate undergrads and professors alike.
Yoo creatively cuts between images that fascinate with their bombast and ones that offer something more tender, interspersing slices of a country as it wants to be viewed with times when that facade crumbles.
Qualities that would repel in an Anglophone or Francophone singer fascinate in her: her choices in stylistic sources position her as the final link in a chain denoting moments of self-conscious self-differentiation.
These questions are at the root of why actual history and imagined futures fascinate us, or at least those of us who find a perverse sort of joy in forcing ourselves to imagine dreadful scenarios.
False prophets clearly fascinate Lindelof; «Lost» ‘s best arc, the life story of the wannabe prophet John Locke, was all about whether being conned by your dad set you up to be conned by God.
Although he’s languishing in legal limbo with Birdman over Tha Carter V, supposedly unable to move forward with his career, he’s still been able to fascinate us and release great music and capture our attention.
They also recently acquired an ongoing event series and record fair, where the world’s best selectors play amidst buyers and sellers, and continue to fascinate music lovers with a variety of awe-inspiring sales numbers.
While Victorians hoped to use these more spiritual scientific strategies to answer some of man’s biggest questions, they also used the techniques to explore the topics that continue to fascinate us today: love, sex, and romance.
The scandals have threatened to undermine the credibility of the award and attracted unprecedented scrutiny of the Academy, a highly secretive body whose choices of prize winner fascinate and often baffle literature lovers the world over.
The 9.7-inch iPad As someone who once worked for a publication that was natively designed for the iPad because tablets were the future, the iPad and its role in Apple’s lineup continues to fascinate me.
The ongoing heated debates over whether the investigation into possible collusive relationships between the Trump team and the Kremlin is akin to Watergate or the Salem witch trials present conflicting «certainties» and continue to fascinate us.
The staggering brutality of ISIS, what the terrorists called the «management of savagery,» was meticulously recorded and posted on the internet to morbidly fascinate the world and ensure absolute obedience in the regions under its control.
The initial singles, «Ch-Ching» and «Romeo,» have lush synth orchestration and hum-along hooks; the greatest appeal rests in the singer Caroline Polachek’s jazz-inflected vocals, which fascinate in their agile leaps and slightly mechanical serration.
Browne was a Seattle criminal defense attorney almost exactly the same age as Bundy, and initially seemed to fascinate his client, who had just finished his first year of law school, more than his client fascinated him.
But LeRoy’s story, in large part thanks to Jeff Feuerzeig’s excellent documentary Author: The JT LeRoy Story, which came out on Friday, continues to fascinate and to infuriate many who were tricked by Albert and her comrades.
What happens to a central bank that has been buying equity exchange-traded funds since 2013 will fascinate peers who are resorting to ever more extreme measures to dig their economies out of a coronavirus-created hole.
Brexit has largely vanished from the front pages, replaced by the saga of Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, whose decision to leave Britain seems to fascinate people more than Britain’s decision to leave the European Union.
There are things that fascinate me about the images themselves, but I also see this series as an investigation of images that have a lot of associations for a lot of people, including associations with money and power.
«What you used to think were the smallest things, you are afraid may now be pieces of the biggest things,» Roberge writes, of his progressively fading memories; both the smallest and the biggest pieces of his memoir fascinate.
» In the comic illustration, we see poor Archikens on trial for a murder he did not commit, with the caption below reading: «Here is a gripping courtroom drama… involving Archie’s honor… and a startling denouement that will fascinate you!
One of the reasons bridge continues to fascinate players all over the world is that, in order to become even sort of good at it, you have to be willing to be bad at it for a long time.
We have a huge amount of readers that visit us monthly, weekly and even daily because they know that we’re pushing out a real-time feed of the things that fascinate us about tech inside and outside of Silicon Valley.
I’m reading something right now about the history of Rome during the 53 years when they really came into power, and this idea of the Roman state growing, the Greek state growing, and the differences therein fascinate me beyond belief.
«Although I have witnessed the birth and rearing of many animals during my time as a veterinarian, the relationship between mother bears and their cubs never fails to fascinate me,» Zoo and Tierpark Director Dr. Andreas Knieriem said in a statement.
Clearly, the main thing keeping her alive was the showrunners’ determination to fascinate us with the process of her maturation, but from our own lives we know that the wish to see someone grow and thrive can be thwarted by chance.
It belongs to a genre of gross-out video that never fails to upset and fascinate me in equal measure: one that features creatures of the sea that still show signs of life as they’re being prepared to be stuffed down human gullets.
With so much contentious history behind the estate tax, this presumed final battle over its continued existence will be of great interest to not only economists, academics, estate planning attorneys, and the affluent society, but it should also completely fascinate the general public.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads LOS ANGELES — More than two decades after his acquittal for the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, O.J. Simpson continues to fascinate the public and inspire attempts to make sense of his 1995 criminal trial.
No disrespect to Westworld,which undoubtedly captured the zeitgeist over the past few months, but no cultural event was as unexpected or all-consuming as Stranger Things, which burst out of nowhere like a Demogorgon this summer and has continued to fascinate us ever since.
Yet despite a domestic fall in their numbers, internationally, the yakuza continue to fascinate observers, with gangster films such as «Kill Bill» by US director Quentin Tarantino, «Outrage» by Japanese director Takeshi Kitano and video game series like «Yakuza» contributing to their cult appeal.
This batch of jangly riffs, her crispest and sharpest, would sound dandy if played over conventional rock backing, but electronically treated they fascinate — for the overwhelming immediacy of their aural crunch and swirl as much as for what the blend means in the abstract.
» Read Our Review No. 44 Hong Kong Mo’s grand-scale historical novel set in 523th-century Hong Kong «fascinates much as a great, highly illustrated encyclopedia will fascinate, with odd bits of information competing with long, sustained passages of action, description and pure narrative.
«In the end, Monroe is one of the most complex female public figures in American history, and that real complexity plays a role in her continuing ability to fascinate us,» Lois Banner, the author of «Marilyn: The Passion and the Paradox,» wrote for The  Los Angeles Times .
Lottery winners fascinate us because of how accessible their luck seems — it’s not about a talent we don’t possess or a family history that we don’t benefit from; they just happened to be in the right place at the right time, and draw the right numbers.
A different way of thinking about the drive to render soccer scientific may be as a kind of compliment to the game’s inherent instability, its capacity for generating anomalies, springing surprises, outwitting plans—the very things that fascinate the neutrals and break the hearts of the tribalists.
But something similar was true of the Irish nationalists who fascinate him, the intellectuals and poets associated with the 1916 Easter Rising, who strove not only to free their country politically but also to revive its language and impose a specifically Irish vision on its culture.
Hura first set out to depict the country’s extreme weather (another series documents the snow and phases of winter in Kashmir) as a metaphor for its socioeconomic and political extremes, but soon Savariyapani’s heat, and the reactions to it, came to fascinate Hura in their own rights.
Inspired by my Black Trademarked Photo Editing Software History segments on VICELAND, Torres reached out to me, hoping that I could help him correct the narrative of the LA protests, a story that continues to fascinate and serve as a cautionary tale of the unfinished business of race relations in America.
Gauging the impact of the medieval bestiary relies in part on seeing how the illuminations influenced art, media, and texts today: Animals especially associated with the Middle Ages, like unicorns, dragons, and griffins, continue to fascinate contemporary audiences, especially seen in pop culture icons like Harry Potter and Game of Thrones.
At the same time, it is about a rigorously modernist practice that walks the bridge between the 1960s — when Kawata moved to New York and began working with the safety pins prominently featured here — and now, where the strategy of accumulative aggregation still continues to fascinate artists, fans, and writers.
If I decide a book’s appeal is a question of taste, not art (for instance, Faulkner isn’t to blame if «As I Lay Dying» leaves me cold), I ask myself what the book achieves that might fascinate readers other than myself, and explore the author’s distinctive ideas, imagery and voice.
Celebrities fascinate us because they embody certain cultural preoccupations — Jennifer Lawrence is cool in the way we think girls should be cool; Tom Hanks is an ideal white middle-class dad — so by taking apart the way a celebrity performs a persona, Petersen can analyze what about that persona is most compelling to us.
No matter where one stands in terms of faith, Jesus — be he God or man or, in the view of the church, both — was perhaps the most important figure who ever drew breath, and he will fascinate, enthrall and confound us to the end of time — and, if believers have it right, even beyond.
People like Anna Delvey, New York City’s fake heiress; Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos; or Fyre Festival architect Billy McFarland fascinate us because they’re presented as lone, often freakishly charismatic masterminds — it’s why all three stories have become or are in the process of becoming major documentaries (or in the case of Fyre Festival, two dueling documentaries).
Types of holy orders, the breviary, the differences between saints and martyrs — these topics are an unusual addition to the canon of graphic novels for young readers, but Margaret’s wry descriptions of everything from hand signs used during the nuns’ silent meals, to types of needles and stitches used in their embroidery, to holy relics and even a recipe for really terrible gruel, fascinate.
The sequence of the selections grows increasingly more complicated and abstract: number 10, «fear» (an ominous granite burial chamber); number 22, «love» (a jade bead meant to attract spirits); number 41, «improve» (a Merino sheep, evolved in Spain by careful breeding); number 49, «think» (a manuscript of the poem «L’Infinito,» handwritten by Giacomo Leopardi); number 68, «fascinate» (a 1950 bottle of Chanel No. 5); number 74, «trend» (a 1979 Sony Walkman); number 96, «rely» (a 2008 iPhone 3GS)… The hundredth object, chosen to symbolize «regenerate,» is the visualization of a reproduced human heart, circling back to the origin of life itself.

Bunty was one of those women who fascinate men

Trains and stations always fascinate me

Sheila continued to fascinate them, more so than ever with her new pose as man-killer and hardy warrior

I love art and artists always fascinate me,» Eva said as she turned back to the artwork

He had been reading books about Irish Archaeology, a subject that began to fascinate him

Art does fascinate him, but not to buy it

several of your books and I have to say they fascinate

‘’Could you tell me more about you, John? You truly fascinate me

Such a trip through Arctic waters would normally fascinate him but his mind was on much uglier things than killer whales and polar bears

God says: “If only they had remained [straightened] on the right way, We should certainly have supplied them with water in abundance, that We might fascinate them by it

I believe that the elegance and the beauty of my alternative proposal can fascinate many readers that are trying to give meaning to their lives

Deserts fascinate me

It has obliged her to hide all her beauties and all that could fascinate the male heart and tarnish it with forbidden lusts, so that she must be serious in her choice of words and strict and earnest in her speech, without speaking softly, or using gentle phrases, or turning aside from speaking about anything other than essential subjects

He used the Montmartre and the Futurist to fascinate her, but still she was not his

Women like her fascinate me for the way they weave in and out of marriages and the lives of men spawning, in the process, as is a woman»s destiny, a good number of children

“Well, there wasn»t much to fascinate me in the cephalic regions

Two scenes of real life fascinate me much because they remind me about the greater scheme plan of the life

More than twelve hundred years have now passed since the days of Boniface, and ‘the horns,’ or civil Powers, have at length begun, according to the prediction, to ‘hate the Whore’; but those baleful eyes of the Man of Sin still fascinate the nations with their soulconsuming beams

“I hope the thickness of the mountains will not fascinate the illegal loggers,” she added, sardonically

Playful wit and abstract arguments fascinate you and that’s for all the world like the old Austrian _Hof-kriegsrath_, as far as I can judge of military matters, that is: on paper they’d beaten Napoleon and taken him prisoner, and there in their study they worked it all out in the cleverest fashion, but look you, General Mack surrendered with all his army, he-he-he! I see, I see, Rodion Romanovitch, you are laughing at a civilian like me, taking examples out of military history!

—and other verses and burdens of the same sort, such as enchant when sung and fascinate when written

«You’re examining my shells, professor? They’re indeed able to fascinate a naturalist; but for me they have an added charm, since I’ve collected every one of them with my own two hands, and not a sea on the globe has escaped my investigations

This incident seemed to fascinate Ned Land intensely

Ralph had always envied men who could fascinate women

Suellen, embroidering on what she gigglingly called her “hope chest,” was silent tears of enjoyment oozing from her eyes, was pleasurably picturing herself in a wondering if she could possibly detach Stuart Tarleton from her sister’s side at the barbecue tomorrow and fascinate him with the sweet womanly qualities which she possessed and Scarlett did not

Playful wit and abstract arguments fascinate you and that’s for all the world like the old Austrian Hof­kriegsrath, as far as I can judge of military matters, that is: on paper they’d beaten Napoleon and taken him prisoner, and there in their study they worked it all out in the cleverest fashion, but look you, General Mack surrendered with all his army, he‐he‐he! I see, I see, Rodion Romanovitch, you are laughing at a civilian like me, taking examples out of military history! But I can’t help it, it’s my weakness

As to Will, though until his last defiant letter he had nothing definite which he would choose formally to allege against him, he felt himself warranted in believing that he was capable of any design which could fascinate a rebellious temper and an undisciplined impulsiveness

Natasha did not follow the golden rule advocated by clever folk, especially by the French, which says that a girl should not let herself go when she marries, should not neglect her accomplishments, should be even more careful of her appearance than when she was unmarried, and should fascinate her husband as much as she did before he became her

Like a cat that wants time to consider its next move, old-young Hopwood turned his tanned backside toward me, a signal that was supposed to fascinate

Two lovers hide themselves in the evening, in the twilight, in the invisible, with the birds, with the roses; they fascinate each other in the darkness with their hearts which they throw into their eyes, they murmur, they whisper, and in the meantime, immense librations of the planets fill the infinite universe

However, at the very beginning of this project, I sat down with my researchers and investigators and posed the very important question: What is there about Marilyn Monroe that has not been reported in about a hundred other books about her? It took us some time to answer that question, and we had a few false starts over the years—as my publisher well knows! However, it was the relationship between Marilyn and her mother, Gladys Baker, that began to most fascinate me as we continued our research, and I soon realized that it was one of the stories I most wanted to tell on these pages—because it had never before been told

She smiled to fascinate me, she fawned upon me ; I was sorry, but I began to feel repulsion

Oh ! ai i in historical form it is possible to depict a multitude of extremely attractive and consolatory details ! It is possible so to fascinate the reader indeed that he will take the historical picture for the possible and the actual

What have you done to fascinate him?” he added to Ivan

“There’s no pleasing you! And I thought I should fascinate you by my literary style

She sent for me, offered me chocolate, tried to fascinate me

Varvara was a girl of some twenty-three summers, of middle height, thin, but possessing a face which, without being actually beautiful, had the rare quality of charm, and might fascinate even to the extent of passionate regard

They were to make clear what was their banner (what was it? I don’t mind betting that the poor dear composed nothing after all), they were to get into the Petersburg and Moscow papers, to touch and fascinate the higher powers and then to spread the idea over all the provinces of Russia, rousing people to wonder and imitation

Natásha did not follow the golden rule advocated by clever folk, especially by the French, which says that a girl should not let herself go when she marries, should not neglect her accomplishments, should be even more careful of her appearance than when she was unmarried, and should fascinate her husband as much as she did before he became her husband

A man can always be plain in appearance, yet fascinate by his intelligence, his strong feelings and his agreeable manners

Children are fascinated with computers, and teens use email to communicate with friends next door! If you keep tabs on their lives via email, you will be a modern grandparent

During lunch she met his current partner, a lithe, orchre-skinned Elf woman who was fascinated with his alien culture

Probably the same intensity that fascinated all those teenage girls on our estate

Bolt watches, fascinated

flesh, as she watched, fascinated by the bending of his neck and felt the first exquisite

Glenelle really shouldn’t be listening in on this family gossip but she was fascinated

Jubei —> (Fascinated) I’m surprised that life put us in the

I was utterly fascinated by the simplest of gifts

What I’m fascinated with is that there is any connection at all to God and darkness

As Lucy felt the waters of the wolf rising above her head, entombing her in his flesh, as she watched, fascinated by the bending of his neck and felt the first exquisite piercing of his canines within her flesh, she whispered one last question

Alan was fascinated by the fact that the public space of the courtyard was a place where travelers met to partner up for a trip

few of them and watched fascinated as they

So many would rather run a mile than contemplate this topic, while others are fascinated by it

They were fascinated with that, but didn’t say anything

‘How many people live here?’ I asked, fascinated by the recent exchange and what it says about monastic life

The musicians were magicians and completely mesmerised the fascinated children at their feet

I picked up some soil and smelled it — resin and eucalyptus! My soil-collector friend would be fascinated

It’s very interesting; he’s clearly fascinated by the ins and outs of the business and explains it all very clearly

She listened to him describe the beginnings of this Hold, all that it embodied, and was fascinated

Abi was fascinated and asked exactly what a solicitor does

“We weren’t looking, we were too fascinated with his antics on the surface

Rayne was fascinated by his description of the structure

The captain would probably want it to remain confidential, but if this was an encapsulation in Gordon’s Lamp or Curitiba, they already knew it and wouldn’t be sitting here so fascinated

asked, fascinated by the story

up one, fascinated by the cracked green hull and the shiny brown

“What are these ghosts?” Venna asked, picking at the horror like one fascinated with a deadly predator

Tom was fascinated by the whole experience

Bex is fascinated

Tom was also fascinated to learn that, in the Lyndesfarne

Tom was fascinated by the differences between the two sides

He’d been fascinated by her for decades and had dreamed at times of encountering her socially

Chrissie stood at the top of the steps, fascinated by the movement and stirred by the force of the water

This was something that had fascinated Tom since the very first time

Brunno was fascinated by storms, but instead of watching them from inside

Davie is aware of time, aware of the slow dripping down of fragile existence, aware of the need to make himself scarce, but he is fascinated by this montage, by this still life

She was fascinated by the approaching starship, she might have been drawn to it because of that also

It fascinated them

I’d never have the nerve to do that myself, and am fascinated to hear about their latest foray – if nothing else, it takes my mind off Simon

If he had never seen pictures before that could explain why he was so fascinated by the pictures in the books

“And as long as your not offended by my prying, what prompted that field for your consideration?” Harry became more and more fascinated by his new friend

That is why I mentioned at the beginning that it would be interesting to you as students in a number of ways, maybe you were a Napie? All I can say is I am fascinated to find out if my robot nanny is still in existence, Yes, even after all that time there is a real chance that she will still be around, how? You say

more and more fascinated by the God of Heaven, and always be

He watched fascinated for a few moments, but

His mother, Mary, was an avid story teller and many a time she would spin tales that fascinated her young son

Needless to say the sketching had turned out to be a success and the girls had been fascinated with him

as a dead hamster, the other half was simply fascinated

As a prefect of the royal court Zarko had been to the palace many times and every time the throne hall fascinated him

Unlike her, he wasn’t fascinated with the world’s origins, either

“You are so easily fascinated, it’s appalling

fascinated with the scales, as the spice merchant weighed out grains of pepper

Denalin was fascinated

Even with its ruin and bleakness, the marvelous tales originating from the province had always fascinated her

” The icy waves that so fascinated him threatened to send up a new onslaught of vivid recollections, of shadows and specters of years gone by

She was absolutely fascinated by the fully erect cock now dangling before her eyes

“Many times! As I said, Fallingwater always fascinated me as well

“What happened after that?” I was fascinated, and forgot we were eating

Others as fascinated as we stared at people conducting businesses in this most holy place of worship

» He was also fascinated with the apocalypse and believed that the Bible contained histories of future events yet to occur

I was so fascinated by all this I couldn»t speak

Still fascinated by the bizarre camera,

Jack was fascinated by the power of those young eyes

Paw, was fascinated with the power of the Confederate cruiser

Raven found himself watching, fascinated, engrossed in the way she swam through the air with ease

She wasn’t sure what it was, but there was something in him that fascinated her

She’d seen him around for about four months now and was fascinated by those intense dark eyes

She found herself grimly fascinated by his injuries; they were a stark portrait of his soul

She’d been interested in him, but in the way one is fascinated by dangerous animals or death, with fear and caution ever present

The prisoners watched in fascinated silence, waiting with held breath

Zolla was fascinated, perhaps to him the view of a decadent society

I’m fascinated by it, but I’m neither pro nor anti

He was fascinated by it, probably because it was more epic, more dramatic than Christianity, and that’s what Khan loved best – drama

Yet he mused over what was comparatively trivial, fascinated by what that was she was wearing, what kind of material? Jimmy wanted to call out to her, was about to, he was sure, but she now turned to face him

She had been to a service here many years ago as a small child, fascinated by the grandeur of the church

The psychiatrist appeared fascinated on seeing this kind of recognition – the concentration of Jimmy to listen to his instructions

watched, somewhat fascinated, as a salvo of antimatter torpedoes shot forth from the bow, tiny

He watched fascinated as she tore bread apart in her teeth, her shoulder length brunette hair swishing freely in counter-action

Dorro was particularly fascinated by the honeybees, which were busy seeking nectar in the flower heads, inadvertently picking up pollen on the heads and bodies and then spreading it to the next flower

Anti-Heroes have always fascinated our imaginations symbolizing, as many of them do, wayward lifestyles and manners in contrast with conventional customs (seemingly) common and lacking spontaneity and originality

Stumbling forward, repelled and fascinated at the same time, Grindel tentatively reached out a trembling paw towards the severed head

The stump was full of rainwater and the reflection shimmering in its depths fascinated him

I was always fascinated by her unusual combination of black eyes and red hair

Quickly though, he managed to push his fears aside and became fascinated by the bizarre configurations the tunnels took

She was becoming fascinated with Galeron’s machinations

Fascinated by old tales, which France &

People walked by, patients, nursing staff, doctors, cleaning staff; it was an endless flow of movement which, on a normal day would have fascinated me but not today

Only Nixon and Kissinger, two men whose giant egos led them to be mesmerized by delusions about their diplomatic skill, fascinated by the juvenile game playing for foreign misadventures of the nineteenth century, would make such a disastrous mistake

Fascinated, I lent closer still

The professor was fascinated by the discovery

He was fascinated by the map, and by the possibilities

He watched, fascinated, sure his buddy had it all figured out

Carefully picking one of the delicate eggs up, he balanced it in his palm, fascinated by the pattern of spots covering its surface

“Very skeletal looking,” Nadir was fascinated by the look of them

In Odyssey Fulfilled, Fernández sketches once again a pleasant painting of each region he visits and presents the culture through the keen eye of an attentive and fascinated traveler

He was fascinated by the Valley of Silence, the Castle of Ponferrada… and the Médulas emplacement or land mass whose scenery reminded him of panoramas of Western United States, and whose posters glowingly decorated his office in Hollywood

The men often seemed to stare fascinated by my performance as a lecturer

Primitive societies, fascinated with the birth canal, seem to have missed the import of the feminine head, covered or not

Fascinated, he wondered what on earth or in heaven she was doing

What could she have brought up from the lake bottom, he puzzled, utterly fascinated

Alfredo translated for the fascinated sailors and, when understanding came, they beamed and exposed their own markings

Our culture fascinates me

The tone of his voice, the subtle foreignness of it fascinates Helen

butterflies or restoring Model A Fords are crashing bores, but if they are what fascinates a client, listen to their stories in a friendly way

“Your tenacity fascinates me sister”, Adrinius taunted me, as he came across to my side standing behind his once mortal brother

While alive, it attracts attention and fascinates so com-

It’s not only what he’s saying that fascinates me, but also the way he speaks

“If there»s one word that totally fascinates

It fascinates me

“It fascinates me

It is the power of money that fascinates them

in time fascinates the whole pursuit of pleasures impact with value and supreme repose

Your species fascinates me

Those Wise Women of our past could sit just as I do now, watching the ever-changing forms of water and vapor, and as the mysterious nature of their movement fascinates me, to the oracles, secrets would be revealed within

«Miss Soraya, your sarcasm fascinates me

Really, though, there is a mystery about that place that fascinates me

“Because history fascinates me

It’s blood that fascinates him

It is said that sometimes he fascinates them, as the weasel does, by rolling and playing in the open, coming closer little by little until he can make a grab

But when she is hired by a security firm to investigate him, her report on his life reveals an integrity that fascinates her

There is something in it which fascinates me extremely

If they had stalked their grandchildren they might have seen it coming because weird stuff that fascinates kids often turns mainstream later

For a while we play video games on my computer and fool around with a hacking program that fascinates both of us

There was something fascinating about watching

I love listening to them talking about how things were when they were younger … some of them have seen tremendous changes in the way even the simplest things are done and their stories about the village are fascinating

He is fascinating and makes me laugh – it is refreshingly enjoyable

Some of the stories they relate give me a fascinating insight into village life

He was a fascinating old man and who had worked on the grounds for nearly forty years

He was fascinating as always, yet he looked more elfin in his light azure uniform

There was something fascinating about watching these creatures eat, something sordidly gratifying about the way that little dribbles of sauce might run down their chins

She has in her possession a fascinating diary written by her grandmother who came across during the Troubles

It was fascinating … she’d read about these seaside resorts but never visited one

In Romans 10, there is a fascinating verse that says, “Anyone who will confess with their mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in their heart that God has raised Him from the dead, then you shall be saved

Astride a couple of motor bikes sat a couple of other visitors, rather obvious in matching wraparound sunglasses, identical maroon shorts and gaudy waterproofs; I couldn’t help but wonder why they found our van so fascinating

It was fascinating

This vengeful, this fascinating series of events held them in total thrall

that you will become angry, because in a fascinating

In a literal and fascinating way, part of her

This fascinating, yet simple test has

Another fascinating thing to determine is exactly

with an animal is a fascinating experience that is

This woman is fascinating … but what is there about her that doesn’t quite add up? I refer to my pad where I have listed the topics I want to talk to her about

This vengeful, this fascinating series of events held them in

We had some fascinating discussions – the process of birth is a great leveller, Sarah

He said she was a fascinating woman

He took her out to a beautiful gymnastic event that she actually found fascinating and she found herself getting cozy and comfortable with him as he told her of the fine points of the competition

It’s fascinating watching the water drops being chased down the window by the hot air

The fascinating but useless information he spouted—facts

Architecture was as challenging and fascinating as he’d hoped it should be, and the Waterhouse firm encouraged his input and creativity, though in moderation

I found it fascinating to watch Dan as Deeny, playing and being loved by a Robot! What use will it be to watch Dan as a Napie, you ask? I just want to observe the consciousness of Dan

It is fascinating to discuss all this with

most fascinating story, I would have phoned you personally

spectacle of the streets is fascinating, but this

” He went on to explain the ordeal in fascinating

And a most fascinating creature it appears to be too

Delia had never been much of a supporter of oral sex but now she was thinking about it as being a most fascinating affair

To Kurt, Fallingwater was the most fascinating architecture he had ever experienced and in a setting that was dreamlike

But to listen to their conversation was perplexing yet fascinating

She gave him the history of her family that Kurt found fascinating

He’d been running from Security one moment, and now he was following this fascinating woman

What makes this code fascinating is the fact that it wraps around the entire Tanakh 9 times

The sea connections were the most fascinating, and

He lost himself in her presence, wrapped himself body and soul in her fascinating self

She was fascinating, tantalising

Eric was a fascinating guy

“Really? At West Belsen? That must be fascinating

‘Yes, fascinating you should point that out

He said after a while, ‘entering TIAR and communicating with its controller would surely have been a fascinating experience, however the Temporal Directive prevents such action

The history of all these arts were fascinating as well as the actual designs and fabrication

Amaranthe was not sure she found the information as fascinating as Avery did, but at least he had an interest in the topic

It made the fight fascinating as the shorter cadet normally had the speed advantage and could stay out of trouble…until the bigger cadet was able to land a punch

who was the most fascinating person, with knowledge of the most

‘It’s a fascinating event

It was so fascinating to see what incredible trickery the hairstylists used and what they could do with a simple head of hair

It was fascinating to see Dena’s belly increase and transform into the shape of a ball

No man could possibly be that fascinating

He had a way of instruction that made Beth feel it was she who, each day, unraveled another fascinating mystery

In that fascinating city, English and Malaysian are the two main languages spoken, the latter representing the national and official language of the country

That fascinating section of Singapore stands out for its Chinese architecture of traditional character in its temples and commercial stores

…That wonder of geological treasures is an inexhaustible source of impressionist paints that make the sightseer sigh: “I wish I was a painter!” As in Alaska, that is a fascinating landscape, a feast for the senses, a true natural scenic orgy, a peaceful and tranquil refuge where to escape from the earthly problems that constantly besiege human beings

Usually at this hour on a Tuesday, he would be eating, but his very dearest friend who found Edgar’s occupation fascinating mentioned that he would join him

“That’s a fascinating story, Richard,” she replied with honest admiration for the quality and sturdiness of the canoe

Wall Drug was actually pretty amusing, with a fascinating collection of western-themed paintings and other museum-like exhibits

I’ve heard they’re fascinating

Yes, Hartle was glad to be off the interstellar cruise ship, which should have been fascinating, but it wasn’t

It was fascinating to witness an ancient relic wielded like a common utensil, nothing more than a tool, when it’s value to knowledge and the unlocking of hitherto unexplainable mysteries could prove to be incalculable

[48] I commend a fascinating book None of these Diseases (S I McMillen, 1966 and subsequent editions which looks at the health benefits of following certain Old Testament practices

All in all, it was a fascinating game, whether you ever won a race or not

are more fascinating than life, your eyes

love, referred to as Bhakti, forms the very essence of the fascinating

It put her in contact with the mix of emotions and range of conversation of one of most fascinating and frustrating creatures on the planet—the evolving adolescent

His past life vision was incredibly perfect and totally unique in terms of sequences, and this was more than fascinating, but I felt him trapped in a world of isolation with a deep sense of shame

In private, she was comic and fascinating, her speech often earthy and outrageous

That’s how I began a fascinating six months at the best-known Special School in Pretoria

Among his several anticipations was hearing this fascinating woman play her guitar

awe, the memory fascinating him, even now as he retold it

VERONICA: It’s those two definitions (“fearless” and “undaunted”) that I found so fascinating

hidden, the more fascinating it will become when

“A fascinating debut- this novel takes the reader to the darkest places in the human soul,

I have found myself gravitating towards this fascinating area of narrow and congested streets, again almost by instinct

I arrived in Marseilles yesterday and again, as if drawn by some instinct, made my way to the oldest and most congested area of this fascinating and teeming city

Lisa smiled and followed the man mysterious and fascinating

“However, the more I read of this fascinating report on the

up a conversation with strangers, a fascinating thing to do when you are in

This is a very fascinating job with better than average pay

Fascinating operation of the Canal

Fascinating and astonishing are, indeed, the design and construction of the Gatun, Pedro Miguel and

That traditional form of transportation is still painted by hand since 1903 at the Joaquín Chaverrí’s Factory in that fascinating locality

The Bay is simply fascinating

It was in 1920, however, that its clear waters, its shining white sand beaches and its fascinating sunsets started to attract thousands of tourists

Thomas proves to be an idyllic resort, the island relates a history of a fascinating, quite turbulent and somewhat legendary beginning

There is no doubt that it has become one of the cities with the most intense flavor and charm in the western hemisphere, from its fascinating history and culture to its enrapturing salsa rhythm and

Many spend time fishing the big marlin or adventuring deep or shallow snorkeling to observe closely hundreds of fish of various colors, coral forms and other fascinating marine formations

Before starting navigating new seas towards Tauranga in the south, it would be fitting to somewhat explore Auckland’s fascinating history

It was a fascinating concept

It represents a testimony to the prisoners brought from England to be jailed in Port Arthur, the famous prison that constitutes one of the most fascinating tourist attractions of the region

They constitute the most appropriate place for visitors to imbue themselves of the exquisite floral beauty and fascinating world of the plants

previously noted, to the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery where he could appreciate, calmly and at ease, the fascinating cultural and natural world which the museum’s collections show visitors, something truly singular and curious

As of today, the Heritage Foundation protects the main university building for its fascinating architectural style

As evidence of the large Chinese population in the province of Cebu, in one of the mountains known as “Beverly Hills”, tourists can admire the immense, fascinating structure of the Taoist temple

silkworm and silk tree have been traced to that stunning and fascinating nation

Awesome in its magnitude and resplendent in its beauty, the interminable Forbidden City leaves the sightseer marveling at its art, captivated by its glorious monotony, confounded by its majestic immensity and, it is worth saying, physically exhausted when leaving that fascinating compound through a cooling royal garden

All carved throughout the hill, ten thousand of them can be seen, however, in the most impressive cave of that imposing configuration of caverns in that fascinating rocky mountain

1. Snakes are said to fascinate small animals.

2. Would it continue to fascinate for a lifetime?

3. Cats fascinate me — I don’t know why.

4. Diplomacy and realpolitik continue to fascinate him.

5. Fossils fascinate him too, and he says that he might even look to a career in palaeontology.

6. But what seemed to fascinate the youngsters most was this unexpected moment from an unexpected visitor.

7. Posters continue to fascinate and so often depict one-off, rare or even imaginary aircraft.

8. It seemed to fascinate him, as the South in general did.

9. Sequoias fascinate people by their size and age.

10. Cats nevet fail to fascinate human beings.

11. I be extremely fascinate by the story.

12. Snakes are said to fascinate small birds.

13. Cats never fail to fascinate human beings.

14. The place continues to fascinate visitors(, cloaked in its mystery.

15. Sequoias fascinate people . They fascinate people by their size and age . They simply exceed human dimensions.

16. I believed devoutly in her power to fascinate him, in her dazzling loveliness.

17. It seems that the private lives of movie stars never fail to fascinate.

18. So the hedges which most interest the historian are those which most fascinate the botanist.

19. It is masculinity at its most macho that seems to fascinate men.

20. His illustrations have stood the test of time and for ever continue to fascinate and inspire the children, of all ages.

21. They go there in sound health and it seems to fascinate them with its grandeur and rainbow beauty.

22. These things never get old , and always manage to fascinate.

23. There is none of the affections, which has been noted to fascinate or bewitch, but love and envy.

23. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

24. I kind of wanted to know about about veterinary school and how one starts their our practice (other professions fascinate me to no end), but I don’t think that’s what she wants to talk about.

25. Oshio returned to Montreux Jazz Festival in July 2003 to fascinate more crowds.

26. Eleven institutions and companies from across Europe are contributing to FascinatE, including the BBC, Technicolor, the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute and Salford University.

27. And actually, there is nothing strange about it, as the main feature and goal of surrealism is to surprise, catch the audience, and fascinate people with obscurity, incomprehensibility, and mystery.

28. Natural and also unreal at the same time, they bewilder, fascinate and cause disconcertment.

29. What is the stimulating message of this creature specifically designed to fascinate small children?

30. Two of the many aspects of this problem increasingly fascinate and provoke the writer.

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