Sentences with word fame

Sentences with the word Fame?



  • «his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty»; «the artist’s gifts are at their acme»; «at the height of her career»; «the peak of perfection»; «summer was at its peak»; «…catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame«; «the summit of his ambition»; «so many highest superlatives achieved by man»; «at the top of his profession»
  • «avid for adventure»; «an avid ambition to succeed»; «fierce devouring affection»; «the esurient eyes of an avid curiosity»; «greedy for fame«
  • «She relished her fame and basked in her glory»
  • «his claim on her attentions»; «his title to fame«
  • «his undying fame«
  • «slight evidence»; «a tenuous argument»; «a thin plot»; «a fragile claim to fame«
  • «Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth were 1936 inductees in the National Baseball Hall of fame«
  • «his initiation into the club»; «he was ordered to report for induction into the army»; «he gave a speech as part of his installation into the hall of fame«
  • «leap into fame«; «jump to a conclusion»; «jump from one thing to another»
  • «a meteoric rise to fame«
  • «his rage for fame destroyed him»
  • «The new results were promising»; «The results promised fame and glory»
  • «The sudden fame puffed her ego»
  • «the pursuit of love»; «life is more than the pursuance of fame«; «a quest for wealth»
  • «fame redounds to the heroes»
  • «the road to fame«
  • «the job was just a stepping stone on his way to fame and riches»

Fame was a Swedish duo consisting of Jessica Andersson (born 27 October 1973 in Stockholm) and Magnus Bäcklund (born 16 November 1965 in Kristinehamn, Värmland County). (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Football star Chuck Fairlane was expelled from the sport for fighting, but he finds unlikely fame when mascots track him down for revenge.


Tarragona is a wonderful city, which often gets overlooked because of the fame of Barcelona.


The actor-comedian made his Comic-Con International debut with a panel for the new FX comedy about a washed-up rocker given another shot at fame.


Red Herring has an interesting take on Blinkx and its 15-minutes of fame.


A few developers have already jumped on board, Amazon says, including Eden Games (developers of Gear Club, pictured up top), Vector Unit (developers of Beach Buggy Racing) and Lima Sky (of Doodle Jump fame).


Gameplay is also a major element of that fame, though that is largely the same in the two modes.


But the kind of fame that he had to endure — or, I guess at times, got to enjoy — isnt the norm.


It would be easy to blame the new director, Gregory Jacobs, whose main claim to fame is working as a second-unit director to Soderbergh, including on Magic Mike.


In contrast to prevailing wisdom, perhaps some of the currently unknown directors of 2020’s big movies aren’t in film school or slaving away on a small film that will earn them fame.


The life of celebrated but reclusive author, J.D. Salinger, who gained worldwide fame with the publication of his novel, The Catcher in the Rye.


Sadly, when this unexpected Wii remake launched in 2009, the same thing happened and this lovely wee cat mascot once again missed out on fame and fortune.


(Cam Link) One of the historical claims to fame for this…


Before entering Congress, Gowdy worked for six years as a federal prosecutor, where he gained fame for the successful prosecution of J. Mark Allen, one of «America’s Most Wanted» suspects.


The last part of the book is about how she wrestles with fame and she offers a giant put down of her fans who pay to spend time with her at comic cons.


Kahanamoku attempted to cash in on his fame by appearing in such Hollywood potboilers as Lord Jim (1926) and the Mascot serial The Isle of Sunken Gold (1927), but screen producers saw him mostly as an exotic villain or the odd South Seas Island native and true stardom eluded him.


«A passenger vehicle burns between 0.15 gallons of gasoline (in small cars) and 0.4 gallon (in pickups) per hour of idling, according to estimates by the Argonne National Laboratory, and car gurus «Click and Clack» of National Public Radio fame


Sheen will star alongside Jason Schwartzman in the piece, which focuses on a graphic designer whose fame and earnings help him win over the ladies.


Although we email each other on a near-daily basis, it was the first time we had all met each other — Jenn Savedge of The Green Parent, Jennifer Taggert, aka SmartMama, Diane MacEachern of Big Green Purse fame, Jess, formerly of SurelyYouNest and late of Green Phone Booth, and Sommer.


If the wicked die in health, wealth and fame, they do not escape judgment.


Vogt found new fame on «America’s Got Talent» last year.


There was suddenly nothing I wanted more than to succeed at this basic human chore: not fame, not wealth, not immortality.


Winners get their meal for free, a picture on the wall of fame, and a free T-shirt.


Daniel Dae Kim of Buffy and Lost fame is jumping on board along with Buffy costar Eliza Dushku, meaning a solid chunk of this cast has worked with Joss Whedon in one manner or another.


Edge defender Leonard Williams made his claim to fame by recording seven or more pressures from five different alignment techniques along the defensive front for the Jets — en route to being placed on our top players under age 25.


ANYONE using their Christian faith for power, money or fame is not using it in the way God intended.


When I first became interested in natural foods, I turned to Adelle Davis and D. C. Jarvis of Folk Medicine fame.


However, he… Although Benedict Cumberbatch’s warm, resonant voice makes him a very fine narrator, he has recorded little since his fame as Sherlock.


His new boss (Nick Searcy, a sharp leader with a laid-back manner) isn’t exactly thrilled with his arrival — Raylan’s daddy (Raymond J. Barry) is a local hood and his old buddy Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins of The Shield fame), a former coal miner turned explosive expert and gun runner, is currently masterminding a reign of terror in town (no wonder he left home)— but he has a wary affection for Raylan.


Dozens described it as a toxic workplace fueled by fame and fear.


Former Cuzco resident Fiona shares her choice of her adopted country’s lesser-known Inca ruins, which share Machu Picchu’s geography but not its fame.


A couple months ago one of my good friends, of Edith Hart fame, started a fashion blog and I am loving it.


These licensing and marketing deals have not only generated revenue, but rather brilliantly extended the fame and value of the Trump brand in the process.


Picking up the story towards the middle of Turner’s life, and after he has gained fame, fortune, and both critical and public acclaim, it delves into the contradictions of a man who is moved almost to tears by music, and who delights in publically belittling a fellow artist, whose personal life is a mix of distance and desire.


Miller continues to treat his pre-Olympic fame like sour milk — «Do you think I’m having fun now?»


Ferrari has become one of the most recognized trade names in the world, and with that fame comes increased collectibility — and cost.


Love the iPad app by Richard Mason for his book History of a Pleasure Seeker, which allows seemless switching from the text to the audio (read by Dan Stevens of Downton Abbey fame), plus supplemental photo, history, music content.


While promoting the films upcoming NYC appearance Lipnicki spoke to Media Mikes about his new career and dealing with fame at such a young age.


(This might be the Outlander’s claim to fame.)


You are the latest explorer arriving in Tharsis to seek your fame and fortune.


One thing is clear, even with a conservative definition of «scientist»: The top of the fame ranking is dominated by social scientists such as Chomsky — by far the most famous living scientist, as measured by mD..


Red Johnson, one of the best private investigators in Metropolis City has recently gained a fame that turns out to be deadly.


University of Massachusetts Boston mathematics professor and former University of New Hampshire’s mathematics department chair Eric Grinberg said Zhang has always been a humble faculty member, despite his worldwide fame.


You can say that some people are born for fame, and some people just can’t handle it.


Even casual fans of White know none of his fame is owing to how down-to-earth and chill he is.


What to expect: The movie explores how Walter Keane (Christoph Waltz) gained fame by passing off as his own the art that was actually created by his wife, Margaret (Amy Adams, pictured with Waltz).


He gained fame during the Japanese film boom directing horror films like The Cure and Pulse and crime thrillers such as Serpent’s Path and Eyes of the Spider.


In my on-going search for increasing my knowledge about all things finance, I recently came across Kevin O’Leary of the Shark Tank fame.


My 3 seconds of fame is about 43 seconds into this video.


Before, Williams said, he felt trapped by fame.


The long ribbon of baked Tarmac with rich red earth on each side, with the odd stray donkey, has taken us to the town where army commander Robert Baden-Powell first won fame for withstanding a siege in the Boer War.


слава, известность, молва, репутация, прославлять


- слава, известность

love of fame — тщеславие
to win fame — добиться известности; стать знаменитым
his fame as a poet was great — он был прославленным поэтом

- репутация

house of ill fame — публичный дом

- арх. молва, слух

as the fame runs — как гласит молва


- редк. делать известным, прославлять

Мои примеры


a politician’s rise to fame — восхождение политика к славе  
an author who craved deathless fame — автор, который жаждал вечной славы  
international fame — международная известность  
undying fame — неувядаемая слава  
at the height of one’s fame — на вершине славы, на пике популярности  
to achieve / attain / win fame — достигать известности, славы  
to seek fame — стремиться к славе  
imperishable fame — вечная слава  
meteoric rise to fame — головокружительный прыжок к славе  
an avenue to wealth / fame — путь к богатству, славе  
a rage for fame — погоня за славой  
buy fame with life — приобрести славу ценою жизни  

Примеры с переводом

She is uninterested in fame.

Она равнодушна к славе.

Her body died, her fame survives.

Её тело умерло, а слава живёт и поныне.

Fame was the prize.

Наградой была слава.

He died at the height of his fame.

Он умер на вершине своей славы.

I follow fame.

Я жаден до славы.

He was satiated with fame.

Он пресытился славой.

He gained fame as an actor.

Он приобрел известность как актёр.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Hugh Grant, of ‘Notting Hill’ fame

The results promised fame and glory

His fame has spread around the globe.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

famed  — знаменитый, известный, прославленный
family  — семья, семейство, род, содружество, семейный, фамильный, родовой
famish  — голодать, морить голодом
famous  — известный, знаменитый, прославленный, славный, замечательный, отличный, отменный
fameful  — известный, прославленный
fameless  — неизвестный, незначительный

fame — перевод на русский


The king’s a bawcock, and a heart of gold, a lad of life, an imp of fame;

Король — миляга, золотое сердце, Проворный парень и любимец славы;

But that’s one of the penalties of fame, I suppose.

Полагаю это издержки славы.

But I’ve never actually known anyone… who came to New York to seek fame and fortune.

Но я не знакома ни с кем, кто… приехал в Нью-Йорк в поисках славы и богатства.

I shall get the fame too.

Я дождусь славы .

I could embody all the expressions that the public expects from an Idol at the height of fame.

Я мог олицетворять… Все выражения, которые публика… Ожидает от Идола на пике славы.

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You quickly leapt into fame, name, money and…

Вы быстро обрели известность и деньги и…

Once the Idol has acquired fame, he must behave and talk like anybody would imagine he would behave if he had been a success.

Как только Идол приобретает известность… Он должен вести себя… И разговаривать так, чтобы никто не мог предположить, что он на самом деле другой…

I soon became expert in that difficult task and my fame spread throughout Italy

Я скоро стала многоопытной в этой трудной задаче … и моя известность распространилась по всей Италии

For her, fame and recognition are empty rewards… and do not live up to the adolescent fantasies… that prompted her ambition.

Для нее известность и признание — пустые награды… не похожие на фантазии юности… пробудившие амбиции.

Profit, fame, power.

Прибыль, известность, власть.

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He’s so desperate for fame.

Ему так нужно быть знаменитым.

— That’s my new claim to fame.

Теперь это делает меня знаменитым.

When I was a rookie, you used any means necessary to put me on the rise to fame.

Когда я был новичком, ты использовал любые средства, чтобы сделать меня знаменитым.

I don’t think that my life’s gonna take some sudden upswing into fame and fortune by taking some shiny, brand-new designer drug. Gant.

Не думаю, что моя жизнь резко улучшится и я стану богатым и знаменитым, всего лишь приняв блестящую модную таблетку.

— Yeah, there’s some good things and some bad things about fame.

Есть хорошие и Плохие вещи в том, чтобы быть знаменитым.

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Talking about my grandpa’s restaurant in Guilin no one there would deny its fame

Если речь заходила о закусочной моего дедушки в Гуйлине, никому не приходило в голову отрицать её популярность

How about a drink to celebrate our fame?

Кита-сан, а может выпьем, чтобы отметить нашу популярность?

And this woman’s fame certainly doesn’t change the rules, nor does the fact that she may have a relationship with another A.D.A.

Это международная торговля наркотиками. И популярность этой женщины правил не меняет, кроме того факта что у нее возможны отношения с помощником окружного прокурора нашего департамента.

For the very same fame that had all summer… been a source of satisfaction to Jay Gatsby… had become a threat.

Ведь популярность, что все лето была причиной удовольствия для Джея Гэтсби стала угрозой.

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Do you still feel like saying things about gaining fame like some heretical devil?

что хочешь прославиться?

My first chance at fame, and the computer catches fire.

Мой первый шанс прославиться и компьютер загорелся.

No, Bonnie and Clydie— they wanted fame.

Нет, Бонни и Клайди хотели прославиться.

Well,celebrity stalkers who kill are driven by an overwhelming desire to achieve fame by murdering someone who’s famous.

Убийц звёзд ведёт огромное желание прославиться убийством знаменитости.

maybe he’s stealing to get fame.

Он оставил свою визитку, может он ворует, чтобы прославиться.

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With all the wealth and fame of Paris in attendance.

Все богачи и знаменитости Парижа на твоей свадьбе.

The price of fame.

Это крест каждой знаменитости.

This is the ante-room of fame;

— Привет. — Это приемная знаменитостей.

We’re doing a scavenger hunt, and we need you to put his picture on your celebrity wall of fame.

У нас квест и первое задание, повесить его портрет на вашей стене знаменитостей.

You brought me fame!

Я же тогда стала знаменитостью!

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His claim to fame came later…

Он стал известным позднее…

You could even risk your life for achieving fame in the past

ты рисковал своей жизнью что бы стать известным.

Well, entering a celebrity’s home, touching their personal items is a brush with fame.

Проникнуть в дом знаменитости, потрогать ее личные вещи — быстрый путь стать известным.

Something similar happened to William Burke of Burke and Hare fame but I wasn’t sure if it was just a myth.

Что-то похожее случилось с Уильямом Берком из известной парочки Берк и Хэир, но я не уверен, что это не миф.

His claim to fame is that he discovered an unusual comet.

Известен тем что открыл какую-то необычную комету.

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For not caring about the fame.

За то, что тебя не волновала слава.

Money and fame are used to entice them.

Деньги и слава используются, чтобы побудить людей на это.

I never wanted money, or fame.

И мне никогда не нужны были деньги или известность.

Despite his fame, he was respectful to all.

Несмотря на свою известность, он с уважением относился ко всем.

Young kids across this country dream about success and fame.

Масса юношей и девушек по всему миру мечтает о славе и популярности.

It earns them money, fame and reputation.

С ее помощью они зарабатывают деньги, славу и репутацию.

Also most mediums do this for money and/or fame.

Кроме того, большинство медиумов делают это за деньги и/ или славу.

It can only give someone five years-or fifteen minutes-of fame.

Он может дать только пять лет — или пятнадцать минут — славы.

Not to mention the publicity and fame that catapulted his career.

Не говоря уже о признании и славе, которые здорово подтолкнут его карьеру.

I would renounce fame and fortune.

Я откажусь… от славы… и почестей.

Just think… wealth and fame for being a physicist.

Только подумай… богатство и слава за то, что ты физик.

I thought fame was the drug.

Думаю, что слава была, как наркотик.

But he tried to play expressively that later brought him worldwide fame.

Но все же он старался выразительно играть, что потом принесло ему всемирную славу.

Ulysses, published in 1922, brought him international fame.

Денисовича’, опубликованное в 1962 г., принесло ему всемирную славу.

Neither privilege nor fame will keep violence away.

Ни привилегии, ни слава не помогут отгородиться от насилия.

Besides, they never much cared for fame or money.

Кроме того, они никогда сильно не заботились о славе и деньгах.

It preserves and multiplies wealth brings fame and recognition, strengthens courage and self-confidence.

Он оберегает и приумножает богатство, дарует известность и славу, укрепляет мужество и уверенность в себе.

Eventually it brought him happiness, fortune and fame.

Именно это принесло ему в итоге удачу, богатство и славу.

Money, fame and accolades are insignificant in comparison.

По сравнению с ними деньги и слава — незначительные мелочи».

Never forget that fame and money like brave and enthusiastic people.

Никогда не забывайте, что слава и деньги любят смелых и увлеченных людей.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат fame

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: glory, name, notoriety, popularity, renown, reputation. Similar words: famed, defame, far-famed, family, famine, famous, famished, familial. Meaning: [feɪm]  n. 1. the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimed 2. favorable public reputation. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Fame is a magnifying glass.

2. A good fame is better than a good face. 

3. He that soweth virtue shall reap fame

4. Good fame is better than a good face. 

5. Of all the possessions of this life fame is the noblest; when the body has sunk into the dust the great name still lives. 

6. Fame like a river is narrowest at its source and broadest afar off. 

7. Nor fame I slight, nor for her favours call; she come unlooked for, if she comes at all. 

8. I believe that fame and celebrity, influence and power, success and failure, reality and illusion are all somehow neatly woven into a seamless fabric we laughingly call reality. 

9. The fame of great men ought to be judged always by the means they used to acquirde it. 

10. Fame usually comes to those who are thinking something else. 

11. Fame turns all the lights on and while it gives power and prestige, it takes the you out of you; you must be what the public thinks you are.not what you really are or could be. 

12. Fame hasn’t torn her away from her beloved Liverpool.

13. Don’t let fame/success go to your head.

14. For him fame does not count for much.

15. Chinese porcelain enjoys worldwide fame.

16. The reformer’s fame spread all over the country.

17. He endeavored after more fame and wealth.

17. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

18. Her chief fame rests on her several films.

19. The politician was at the pinnacle of his fame.

20. He never reaches after personal fame and gain.

21. The scandal will not detract from her fame.

22. The writer’s fame spread all over the country.

23. The pressure of fame can take a terrible toll.

24. She gained international fame as a dancer.

25. The book catapulted the author into fame overnight.

26. He has aspirations to fame and greatness.

27. The actor achieved fame at the age of 22.

28. Such roles are small beer compared with the fame she once enjoyed.

29. The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame

30. No artist of performer can entirely escape the lure of fame and its promise of endless admiration and respect, but there is a heavy price one must pay for it. 

More similar words: famed, defame, far-famed, family, famine, famous, famished, familial, familiar, defamatory, unfamiliar, defamation, paterfamilias, extended family, be familiar with, same, game, name, came, lame, blame, camel, frame, flame, amend, shame, by name, lament, byname, gamete. 

Sentences with Fame, Sentences about Fame

1. The architect achieved worldwide fame.

2. Fame, I have already. Now I need the money.

3. Do good by stealth, and blush to find it fame.

4. Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.

5. Fame usually comes to those who are thinking about something else.

6. Money and fame made me believe I was entitled. I was wrong and foolish.

7. To copy beauty forfeits all pretense to fame to copy faults is want of sense.

8. Fame is a vapor, popularity an accident; the only earthly certainty is oblivion.

9. Neither genius, fame, nor love show the greatness of the soul. Only kindness can do that.

10. Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful.

11. Talent is God-given; be humble. Fame is man-given; be thankful. Conceit is self-given; be careful.

12. Wealth, beauty, and fame are transient. When those are gone, little is left except the need to be useful.

13. Don’t cling to fame. You’re just borrowing it. It’s like money. You’re going to die, and somebody else is going to get it.

14. Some artists are working to buy the mansion or whatever the element of fame must bear, but I spend all my money on my show.

15. The fame that goes with wealth and beauty is fleeting and fragile intellectual superiority is a possession glorious and eternal.

16. Fame is a vapor, popularity is an accident, riches take wings, those who cheer today may curse tomorrow and only one thing endures – character.

17. A man must love a thing very much if he not only practices it without any hope of fame and money, but even… without any hope of doing it well.

18. Fame and power are the objects of all men. Even their partial fruition is gained by very few and that, too, at the expense of social pleasure, health, conscience, life.

19. Great men, unknown to their generation, have their fame among the great who have preceded them, and all true worldly fame subsides from their high estimate beyond the stars.

20. Fame can be just so annoying because people are so critical of you. You can’t just say, ‘hi’. You say hi and people whisper’ man did you see the way she said hi? What an attitude.

21. I felt that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. I felt I was entitled, and thanks to money and fame, I didn’t have to go far to find them.

22. One thing that people keep on saying to me is that the wealth and the fame must have made up for missing out on my childhood. But the idea of money – putting a price on your childhood – is ridiculous. You will never get those years back and you can’t put a price on them.

About The Author


noun существительное

















  1. слава

    hall of fame
    зал славы

  2. известность

    international fame
    международная известность

  3. репутация

  4. молва

  5. знаменитость

verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple):


причастие прошедшего времени (past participle):


  1. прославиться

participle причастие

  1. прославившийся

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений fame на 1 миллион слов: 68.

Примеры предложений

Fame and success don’t always walk hand in hand.
Слава и успех не всегда идут рука об руку.

YouTube is the source of fame of brand new stupid singers like Justin Bieber.
Youtube — источник славы новых тупых певцов вроде Джастина Бибера.

Tolstoy achieved worldwide fame.
Толстой добился мировой известности.

The architect achieved worldwide fame.
Архитектор добился всемирной известности.

Tom had a meteoric rise to fame.
Том стремительно прорвался к славе.

They want sex, wealth and fame.
Они хотят секса, богатства и славы.

The downside of fame is scrutiny.
Обратная сторона славы – пристальное внимание публики.

Christopher Columbus did not find fame. It was fame that found Christopher Columbus.
Христофор Колумб не нашёл славы. Это слава его нашла.

He hoped to find fame as a poet.
Он надеялся прославиться как поэт.

He is thirsty for fame.
Он жаждет славы.

Fame is not always an accompaniment of success.
Слава не всегда сопровождается успехом.

Don’t chase after fame.
Не гоняйся за славой.

He is always going after fame.
Он всегда гонится за славой.

Talent is God-given; be humble. Fame is man-given; be thankful. Conceit is self-given; be careful.
Талант даётся Богом — будь скромен. Славой награждают люди — будь благодарен. Самодовольство исходит от тебя самого — будь осторожен.

Even with all his wealth and fame, he’s unhappy.
Даже при всей его славе и богатстве он несчастлив.

He doesn’t dare to reach for fame.
Он не осмеливается становиться известным.

Despite all his fame, he is not happy.
Несмотря на всю его славу, его нельзя назвать счастливым.

Fame is fleeting.
Слава мимолётна.

How to use fame in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «fame» and check conjugation/comparative form for «fame«. Mastering all the usages of «fame» from sentence examples published by news publications.

He was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, NWA Hall of Fame and Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame.
«Crime fame / I only had crime fame,» he raps.
Above all, Cavendish ­coveted fame, and her fame was fleeting.
However, with exposure comes fame, and, unfortunately, with fame comes trolls.
Fame is very funny, you know, because you can have great fame, but when I get in a taxi, nobody cares about my fame.
They’re two Hall of Fame football players, two Hall of Fame people.
He was elected to the National Weightlifting Hall of Fame, the National Polish-American Sports Hall of Fame and the Michigan Sports Hall of Fame.
He was elected to six halls of fame, including the National Track and Field Hall of Fame and the United States Olympic Hall of Fame.
Enberg was honored with awards from the National Baseball Hall of Fame, Pro Football Hall of Fame and the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame.
Ashton: I think having fame as a musician is different to ‘regular’ fame.
He’s also been honored by the Pro Football Hall of Fame, the Basketball Hall of Fame and has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. R.I.P.
In this scenario, Lopez’s eternal fame has made her into someone who has graduated Fame High School, gone to Fame College, and returned to Fameville, her hometown.
Mike Lopresti is a member of the US Basketball Writers Hall of Fame, Ball State journalism Hall of Fame and Indiana Sportswriters and Sportscasters Hall of Fame.
Everybody thinks fame is the answer and for most people, fame is totally destructive.
» A warped loop of «Fame» soundtracks EPMD’s «It Wasn’t Me, It was the Fame.
He was later inducted into numerous state Halls of Fame, including the Michigan High School Coaches Association Hall of Fame and the Olivet College Athletic Hall of Fame.
In 2007, Dr. John was inducted into the Louisiana Music of Fame and Blues Hall of Fame and 2011 he was inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
The other message is, maybe I’m not a Hall of Fame player, but I get a chance to be a Hall of Fame dad, a Hall of Fame friend.
«There’s social media fame, and then there’s Justin Bieber fame,» Ms. Knox said at VidCon.
Willis was well on his way to cult fame; cult fame would have suited him.
TikTok fame is different from fame on other social platforms like YouTube, Twitter or Instagram.
Inductee of the Canadian Music Hall of Fame and American Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
The former MLB ace was a Hall of Fame prankster during his Hall of Fame career.
He’s reached a strata of fame where fame itself is his primary reason for being famous.
Ahead of this year’s Pro Football Hall of Fame vote, Pro Football Reference tried to reduce the mystery of Hall of Fame elections by creating a Hall of Fame monitor, a system similar to Jay Jaffe’s JAWS system in baseball and Basketball Reference’s Hall of Fame probability.
It’s a fine line between this coveting of fame and fanning those flames of certain people’s fame.
Again, fame had got in the way of justice—but even fame couldn’t free Simpson in 2008.
TWO: This weekend, The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame inducted their 2018 Hall of Fame class.
Mr. Hall also started FAME Publishing, which would amass a substantial catalog of hits, and FAME Records.
For years, they’ve seemed to understand each other as fellow practitioners of fame — not just fame as a tool for increased wealth, but fame as an ideology, an end in and of itself.
«I thought about my own experiences of abuse, assault, and harassment, pre-fame and post-fame,» she wrote.
Somehow, after years of modest fame but Hall of Fame play, it’s all starting to feel more… real?
Fame that he was able to leverage, over time, into more fame that he leveraged into more money.
The initial FAME partnership fractured, and Mr. Hall restarted FAME Studios across the Tennessee River in Muscle Shoals.
Like other artists before him — Colette comes to mind — Handke turned scandal into fame and fame into scandal.
A Star Is Born is a meaningful look not simply at fame but how fame comes with a price.
It seems like giving up fame could one day be as groundbreaking as getting fame in the first place.
He is a member of the International Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame and the Country Music Hall of Fame.
He’s beginning to enter the part where there’s a distinct line dividing his pre-fame and post-fame life.
He was inducted into the Guitar Hall of Fame in 2001 and the Rockabilly Hall of Fame in 2005.
He also earned honors from the Pro Football Hall of Fame and the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame.
She was inducted into L.P.G.A. Hall of Fame in 1964 and the World Golf Hall of Fame in 22012.
«The people I know who have fame would rather just take the money and leave the fame,» she said.
And because fame is so unpredictable and something that one can’t control, I think there is a fear, and because so much of your livelihood can depend on it, I do think that for some people talking about fame or leaving fame or being around people for whom fame has faded, is uncomfortable.
There is no hall yet, but Lincoln Center’s nascent performing arts hall of fame now has the fame part down.
He’s a Dance Music Hall of Fame Inductee, a Rock ‘N’ Roll Hall of Fame Inductee, and a Grammy winner.
Mikhail Baryshnikov, a dancer of equal fame and legend, had also garnered fame for his charisma, stage presence, and jump.
He leveraged his fame and power to protect me at a time when I didn’t have fame or power yet.
Walk of Fame Some celebrities, such as TV’s Florence Henderson, achieved huge fame without winning an Emmy, Oscar or Grammy.
He can be known for what he did with his fame and accomplishments instead of the fame and accomplishments themselves.
There are those who have fame thrust upon them, and those who thrust themselves upon fame like an invasion force.
A member of the Songwriters Hall of Fame, he was elected to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 1991.
Garcia was inducted into the Surfing Walk of Fame in 2010 and the Hawaii Sports Hall of Fame in 2015.
«His partner got in the Hall of Fame,» said Tommy Lasorda, the Dodgers’ Hall of Fame manager, whom Cárdenas covered.
He was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 1977 and the Country Music Hall of Fame in 1994.
For his career achievements, Garcia was inducted into the Hawaii Sports Hall of Fame and the Surfing Walk of Fame.
He was inducted into UCLA’s Athletics Hall of Fame in 1996 and into the National Soccer Hall of Fame in 2015.
Don’t even try to utter something about everyone getting their 15 minutes of fame, because Leo craves a lifetime of fame!
Donald Trump really is the product of our obsession with reality TV, celebrity and fame for the sake of fame. 22.
He was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1988 and the United States Hockey Hall of Fame in 2011.
Then, Thursday, Mark Hamill, of «Star Wars» fame, will be honored with the 2,630th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
In 2015, the Hall of Fame unveiled an expanded plan for what had become a $476 million Hall of Fame Village.
He was a member of the United Soccer Coaches Hall of Fame as well as the National Soccer Hall of Fame.
He was elected to the College Football Hall of Fame in 1985 and the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1998.
He was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1993 and the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2001.
Ramos was inducted into the World Boxing Hall of Fame in 1992 and the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 2001.
He was inducted into the Satellite Hall of Fame in Washington and the International Astronautical Federation’s Hall of Fame in Paris.
There’s no monetary reward, and unlike the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the Internet Hall of Fame exists only online.
Leo might be a sign that loves fame—but the more fame you have, the more important your private spaces become.
In recognition of his career achievements, Garcia was inducted into the Hawaii Sports Hall of Fame and the Surfing Walk of Fame.
«I joked this is worst kind of fame you can have—it’s a lot of fame, but not much fortune,» she said.
The 2016 National Baseball Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony will be held on July 24, according to the Hall of Fame website.
He was inducted into both the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame and the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame in 2006. 4.
The game was the annual Hall of Fame game leading to the induction ceremony for the Hockey Hall of Fame on Monday.
Mr. Ditko was inducted into the Jack Kirby Hall of Fame in 1990 and the Will Eisner Hall of Fame in 1994.
Wolcott writes: There are those who have fame thrust upon them, and those who thrust themselves upon fame like an invasion force.
That left these three musicians vulnerable in circumstances that their fame might have created, but from which fame could not protect them.
FINALISTS FOR HALL OF FAME SELECTED Chris Webber and Rollie Massimino are one step from the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame.
She was inducted into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 1995, was part of the inaugural class of the Women&aposs Basketball Hall of Fame in 1999 and was inducted in the FIBA Hall of Fame in 19973.
In her new book, Fame: The Hijacking of Reality, Bateman writes about that experience, as well as the topic of fame in general.
Fame is one thing, but when you start to lose certain life’s precious moments because of fame, I think I’d do without it.
River had a love/hate relationship with fame — if fame could push the greater good or a good idea, he was in 1000%.
He was elected to the National Track Hall of Fame in 1992 and the United States Track Coaches Hall of Fame in 2002.
He was inducted into the United States Hockey Hall of Fame in 1980 and the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto in 2000.
They were inducted into the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame in 1969 and the Canadian Ski Hall of Fame in 1982.
Bianchi was inducted into the New York City Basketball Hall of Fame in 2007 and the Ohio Basketball Hall of Fame in 2016.
A man coaches a national champion past the age of 70 That’s your cue, Coach K. Mike Lopresti is a member of the US Basketball Writers Hall of Fame, Ball State journalism Hall of Fame and Indiana Sportswriters and Sportscasters Hall of Fame.
Fame was always aspirational, but today, fame is also viewed as an extension of humanity in a way that it wasn’t in the past.
He was inducted into the National Museum of Racing’s Hall of Fame in 1999 and the Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame in 2012.
But understanding that fame can come from this and being open to both fame and love is not only OK, it’s just plain realistic.
He was also inducted into the Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame that year and elected to the Country Music Hall of Fame in 2007.
Its clients, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and the National Radio Hall of Fame, deployed Votem’s mobile voting applications successfully in selecting inductees.
He was named to the New Jersey Boxing Hall of Fame in 2014 and to the Pennsylvania Boxing Hall of Fame three years later.
A Hall of Fame Yankee: Derek Jeter fell one vote shy of becoming the second player elected unanimously to the Baseball Hall of Fame.
The newly formed players-only Hall of Fame Board, made up of Pro Football Hall of Fame players, are threatening a boycott of induction ceremonies unless Hall of Fame members receive health insurance and an annual salary that includes a share of NFL revenues.
For her pioneering career, Jemison has been inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame, as well as the National Medical Association Hall of Fame.
Beware of the miscreant hall of fame One of Facebook’s security teams supposedly had a hall of fame for the messed up stuff they found.
In 1989 he was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame and was inducted into the St. Louis Cardinals Hall of Fame Museum in 2014.
The WWE Hall of Fame has become, by dint of the promotion’s scale and its capture of competitors’ tape libraries, pro wrestling’s hall of fame.
Yes, I have fame and wealth and talent, but I certainly don’t consider myself any better than anyone who has no fame, wealth or talent.
He was inducted into the Sports Australia Hall of Fame in 1985 and was added to the Surfing Walk of Fame in Huntington Beach, Calif.
She was inducted into the International Jewish Sports Hall of Fame in 1981 and the International Association of Athletics Federations’ Hall of Fame in 2012.
Known for «Willie and the Hand Jive,» he is a member of both the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and the Blues Hall of Fame.
Stefani Germanotta, known to most as Lady Gaga, has been no stranger to fame since her aptly named debut album, The Fame, was released in 2008.
For his work, he was inducted into the Texas Business Hall of Fame in 1997 and the Houston Hall of Fame in 2010, the Texans reported.
But NWA doesn’t belong in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame in the same way Kiss doesn’t belong in the hip-hop hall of fame.
Lady Gaga has sung about being addicted to fame before (see her first album, «The Fame«), and she’s dallied with turning herself into a rock star.
Kenny was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame in 2013, and in 2017 he was inducted into the Texas Country Music Hall of Fame.
Howard propels Hoffman to fame after seeing her perform in a small club, creating a snowball effect of fame, jealousy, fear, and all-around juicy drama.
That group includes 216 Hall of Famers, three players (Trout, Harper and Machado) on a Hall of Fame track, and Alex Rodriguez, a player who will have a complicated Hall of Fame case when he becomes eligible, but who certainly put up Hall of Fame numbers.
Almost every time I thought I had one — WICKERBACKED for Wicked, or FACETIME for Fame, for example — something wouldn’t work; Jeff’s wife insisted (correctly) that the correct word is actually wicker back, and an internet search revealed that the title of Fame is really Fame: The Musical.
» Sheeran spits verses about the inconveniences of fame over a a folksy acoustic guitar: «I think money is the root of all evil and fame is hell.
Is it a Hall of Fame for what people do on the field, or is it a Hall of Fame for how people behave off of it?
Miss Fame is currently on a national tour known by the hashtag #paintedbyfame; the video of Fame making over Jeffree Star has garnered nearly 600,000 YouTube views.
There’s no star for Prince on the Hollywood Walk of Fame Donald Trump may have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, but Prince does not.
Few performers make the transition from YouTube fame to real-world fame, and most who do are in music: Karmin, Alessia Cara, Bo Burnham, the Weekend, Biebs.
Taylor, who was elected into the Pro Football Hall of Fame this year, addressed the crowd at halftime and received his Hall of Fame Ring of Excellence.
The roster featured three future Hall of Fame players (Jordan, Scottie Pippen, and Dennis Rodman), a future Hall of Fame coach (Phil Jackson), and numerous All-Stars.
The Hall of Fame jockey Smith will have him running from the get-go and will meet the Hall of Fame trainer Baffert in the winner’s circle.
With his debut on the Hall of Fame ballot this year, Ramirez has become the first serious Hall of Fame candidate who was suspended for steroid use.
Joe Morgan sent a letter to Hall of Fame voters on Tuesday saying that any players who took steroids should not go into the Hall of Fame.
In 1998, he was named to the Country Radio Broadcasters Hall of Fame and he became a member of the National Radio Hall of Fame in 2016.
Neither was entirely comfortable with fame, even though Ms. Fisher, as the daughter of Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher, was born with fame virtually in her bloodstream.
Paracho soon gained fame as Mexico’s capital for the manufacture of stringed instruments, and «Coco» has now brought its craftsmen global fame and booming sales, artisans said.

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