Sentences with word factor

On Unix-like computer systems, factor is a utility for factoring an integer into its prime factors. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

VIDI allocates to countries based on their perceived ability to withstand economic shocks as determined by multiple factors, an approach that can produce significant and unusual differences from market-weighted country exposure, including a bias to emerging countries.


Despite these new factors, the younger generation is still subject to the same powerful force as their parents: growing up.


UWdad, Corey Luciano is a definite «X» factor.


It is difficult to measure the overall food miles of products brought to us by UNFI, as the details of the miles traveled by various foods can change from delivery to delivery, and is dependent an a complex host of factors.


SONDERS: The uncertainty factor lifted, and you just can’t help but wonder whether that uncertainty was such a weight that regardless of who won, the fact that at least we knew who the ultimate victor was would have been enough to incite a rally.


Revolut’s CEO Nikolay Storonsky said that access to capital and London’s financial regulation were among the factors that made it possible to scale his business.


Arrin e-mails its factor a weekly list of each background report completed and billed to a client.


There are only certain factors that can affect your credit score.


«Ultimately, this is just a psychological factor,» said Jeff Carbone, managing partner of Cornerstone Financial Partners.


Other contributing factors include low unemployment rates, favorable demographics and a tight supply of existing home inventory.


The final factor, according to Leibowitz, has been the ACA, which afforded health coverage to many more consumers and expanded protections for all.


«There are several factors at play in this boom of computing.


Perception of color can change based on a person’s age, gender, personality, income and other factors, which means marketers must understand who their target audience is and how they wish the brand to be perceived.


When you’re bisexual, gender isn’t a deciding factor in romantic attraction.


«There is an element of our customer base who would care about foreign ownership but for most people it would be any change in quality or price that is the major factor


Research points to more time in Baby Holding Devices as a contributing factor.


There are different factors that go into that.


That can be a bigger factor than meeting daily peak electricity demand, especially given the flexibility of the New England fleet.


If I want to substitute the apricots with a different dried fruit, are there any factors that would prevent a fruit from being used?


However for those independents that want to compete on price the wholesale price at which they can buy packaged groceries is a significant factor holding them back.


The article itself, by national writer David Crary of the AP, mentioned the fact that «sharing chores» had moved ahead of «children» as a factor in making for a good marriage.


There are many theories including genetics, prenatal and socio-cultural influences, and psychosocial factors, as well as a combination of all of these.


Here are a few factors to consider when deciding how to earn the most gas rewards, and therefore, find the best gas credit card for you.


Yet, the summary report continues, «Many of the factors needed for effectiveness in Christian education are not currently operating in large numbers of congregations.»


The interview is a bit of pure madness, but it brings up an interesting point about the financial media’s continued inability to understand the difference between a trend and three or four deals involving oil sand projects and how assets factor into individual balance sheets.


Using monthly returns for 3,292 actively managed mutual funds focused on U.S. stocks and contemporaneous market, size, book-to-market and momentum factor returns during March 1993 to December 2014, they find that: Keep Reading


«While surgery still may be the best option for many ACL injuries, it brings to light the important factors physicians must consider when treating the younger population,» Roe said.


One of the main objectives has been to find the nesting grounds and learn whether there are any factors there which are limiting the increase.


Such forward-looking statements should therefore be construed in light of such factors, and Icahn is under no obligation, and expressly disclaims any intention or obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.


There’s too much of a feel good factor out there — the result of investors crushing the worries of permabears for several straight years, and repeatedly winning.


Misuse of images, boring pages, bad language or other distracting factors can lead to failure.


To be fair, evolutionary psychologists acknowledge that cultural factors and local customs can affect how people choose their partners.


In his latest Gold Monitor, Dundee Wealth Economics Chief Economist Martin Murenbeeld lists eight factors in support of the bear argument.


Of course, a major factor in their thinking will be the extent to which the tighter market pushes up wages and prices.


While geopolitical and economic factors are pushing the price of gold higher, the extreme dislocation between the western Central Bank short position in gold via several different forms of paper gold and the amount of available physical gold to deliver into buyers» hands is going to move gold in a way that will shock and awe everyone except maybe the hardiest gold «bugs.»


Here are the factors you should look for when opening a savings account.


Either way, the nutty factor will remain!


A final factor worth pointing out is the apparently-criminogenic nature of corporate workplaces.


There really are a ton of geographical factors to take into account.


In the Annual Financial Report, one-time factors could amount to as much as $ 4 billion.


Instead, factors such as inflation, interest rates and global growth are much more important to markets.


The protein acts to repair damaged muscle tissue and provide growth factors that improve muscle fiber growth and rejuvenation (1).


In the many thousands of articles advising entrepreneurs on what they have to focus on to build successful startups, much has been written about three key factors: team, product and market, with particular focus on the importance of product/market fit.


There are products that do incorporate an inflation factor, but the buyer pays dearly for this.


And there are factors involved that no one will ever know or understand.


Many factors will influence Bitcoin’s evolution, including regulation, technological innovation, and economic conditions.


Trade specialists agree that it has proven difficult to separate the deal’s direct effects on trade and investment from other factors, including rapid improvements in technology, expanded trade with other countries such as China and unrelated domestic developments in each of the countries.


Now although Ozil hasn’t been the most consistent of players himself and has the reputation of not showing up on the big occasions, I believe that a lack of support is a big factor in that as well.


What Mr. Assadourian does not seem to understand is the great breadth of factors that might conspire to lead someone to choose formula over breastfeeding.


We build proofs of concept using reference designs and quickly move to form factor prototypes.


Phrases with «factor»:

  • factor
  • risk factors
  • other factors
  • of factors
  • form factor
  • risk factor for heart disease
  • major risk factor for heart disease
  • significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures
  • factor such as
  • risk factor for breast cancer
  • (see

Synonym: basis, cause, element, ingredient, part. Similar words: factory, facto, actor, contractor, act on, act out, fact, doctor. Meaning: [‘fæktə(r)]  n. 1. anything that contributes causally to a result 2. an abstract part of something 3. any of the numbers (or symbols) that form a product when multiplied together 4. one of two or more integers that can be exactly divided into another integer 5. a businessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commission 6. an independent variable in statistics 7. (genetics) a segment of DNA that is involved in producing a polypeptide chain; it can include regions preceding and following the coding DNA as well as introns between the exons; it is considered a unit of heredity. v. resolve into factors. 

Random good picture Not show

1. His manner is a factor in his success.

2. Man is a decisive factor in doing everything.

3. The environmental argument was a deciding factor.

4. Alcohol is a contributory factor in 10% of all road accidents.

5. I think the historical factor is overplayed, that it really doesn’t mean much.

6. A limiting factor in health care is the way resources are distributed.

7. Poor organization was certainly a contributory factor to the crisis.

8. Climate was a decisive factor in establishing where the tournament should be held.

9. This is regarded as the crucial factor in deciding who should get priority.

10. Stress is often a factor in the development of long-term sickness.

11. He had one potentially decisive factor in his favour: the element of surprise.

12. Take the wind-chill factor into account.

13. Look for the common factor in all these cases.

14. He’s keen, but his youth is a minus factor.

15. Heavy snow was a contributing factor in the accident.

16. Smoking is a causative factor in several major diseases.

17. Human error may have been a contributing factor.

18. The wind-chill factor will make it seem colder.

19. Lack of cash is a limiting factor.

20. Even in July the windchill factor can be intense.

21. Luck is certainly one deciding factor.

22. 3 is a factor of 15.

23. Cigarette smoking is a risk factor for this disease.

24. Age is not a factor in cataract surgery.

25. Stress is a contributing factor in many illnesses.

26. The might of the army could prove a decisive factor.

27. When you estimated the cost of the repairs(,(Sentence dictionary) you forgot to factor in the labour.

28. The closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town’s decline.

29. In our task at the beginning of mind decided finally had much success, which is more than any other factor is very important.

30. The injury to their key player could be a decisive factor in the game.

More similar words: factory, facto, actor, contractor, act on, act out, fact, doctor, sector, in fact, director, inspector, collector, artifact, instructor, manufacturer, manufacturing, the private sector, as a matter of fact, face to face, face, facies, faculty, surface, facility, face up to, make a face, facilitate, facilities, story. 

Examples of how to use the word “factor” in a sentence. How to connect “factor” with other words to make correct English sentences.

factor (n): a fact or situation that influences the result of something

Use “factor” in a sentence

Health is an important factor of happiness.
“Poverty was the greatest motivating factor in my life.”
His great leadership skill is a factor in his success.

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  • Use the word FACTOR in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Ms. Haller, when you first read Zygolife’s brochure offering state-of-the-Art genetic screening, were you aware of a test that would have caught a mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3?

You’ve become an important factor in this case, Brown.

The most important factor is the policeman you did not see.

Hertzman, d’Orsay, factor, DeSano.

Either we’ll find a common factor or we’ll go crazy.

A regular fighting time factor.

It looks as if that lady is going to become a mighty important factor in this case.

That’s often a big factor in cases like this. — A big what?

What’s happened to the factor?

And here is the big factor I’ve been telling you about. The sulpha compound. Big?

She is the big unknown factor in this whole problem.

But I’m staying with a factor.

I say, Joan, Major Foster, MacNeil’s factor is here beside me.

If bravery was the only factor, we’d have died several times already.

The percentage of cockerels is a vital factor in determining the cost of each pullet.

Pressure is a powerful factor.

What was the most influential factor.

I’ve always been of the opinion that the blowing of that bugle at Gettysburg was the main factor in the Union victory.

Another very important factor is once you get into the saddle, you gotta stay there.

The condition of the dog found in the greenhouse indicated blood was a primal factor in the cultivation of the seeds. At 2:00 A.M…

Then Mort Geary and Jess factor, wanted in Texas for a train robbery, were reported heading this way.

The posse was looking for you, Vern, Geary and factor.

I thought it was Wilson, factor, Frenchy, or somebody who’d gone.

Let’s send it out to Max factor in Hollywood.

Never forget the time factor, gentlemen.

Time factor has entered the picture again.

If that happened, the factor would close and you’d be out of work.

Apart from reproduction, a man is a negligible factor in the woman’s world.

Ah, that’s the third factor that I’m afraid requires absolute accuracy.

About that nuclear decay factor, Ruth.

You know children are the strongest factor.

Oh, I don’t blame you for looking down at the apes, …but you overlook one important factor.

Not as protector, steward, substitute… or lowly factor for another’s gain… but as successively from blood to blood… your right ofbirth, your heritage,your own.

I am the controlling factor aboard the Belinda.

Age is a factor calls for recognition.

No, Doctor, not even though I were the mad scientist of the tape thrillers… because, you see, there happens to be a built-in safety factor.

The purpose for which it’s used is the determining factor.

Now, wait a minute, I’m gonna see right now we’ll have to get rid of this disrupting factor in our recovery program.

I’ll have the pressure pouring in, but Kyne keeps harping on this murder thing, as if solving it could be a factor… now, do you suppose that

It’s my personal opinion that this was a contributing factor to his death.

Well, perhaps it was a causative factor that…

Sir, we were talking about a causative factor.

Yeah, but there’s a limiting factor, planes and crews.

That’s the limiting factor.

But, Anne, there’s a time factor involved here.

Definition of Factor

an element that contributes to a circumstance or situation

Examples of Factor in a sentence

The high fuel consumption is the main factor that deters me from buying the vehicle.


According to the police, road rage was the key factor behind the accident.


Location is usually the deciding factor when I choose a hotel.


Eating properly is an essential factor in any weight loss program.


Did you think race was a factor when the man denied your rental application?


Other words in the Neutral category:

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There were several factors contributing to their recent decline.

Poor planning was a major factor in the company’s failure.

6, 4, 3, and 2 are factors of 12.

Recent Examples on the Web

Republican leadership has denied that race was a factor in the matter.

Julia Musto, Fox News, 8 Apr. 2023

Republican leadership denied that race was a factor, however.

Kimberlee Kruesi And Jonathan Mattise, Chicago Tribune, 7 Apr. 2023

Republican leadership denied that race was a factor, however.

Verne Kopytoff, Fortune, 7 Apr. 2023

Fentanyl was a factor in 316 overdose deaths in Jefferson County in 2021.

Mike Cason |, al, 7 Apr. 2023

Republican leadership denied that race was a factor, however.

Kimberlee Kruesi And Jonathan Mattise, Anchorage Daily News, 7 Apr. 2023

Republican leadership denied that race was a factor.

CBS News, 7 Apr. 2023

So that was a factor.

Rachel Seo, Variety, 7 Apr. 2023

Republican leadership denied that race was a factor, however.

Kimberlee Kruesi And Jonathan Mattise,, 6 Apr. 2023

Seton factored in other variables and arrived at a density of 30,000 squirrels per square mile.

John Kelly, Washington Post, 8 Apr. 2023

When factoring in a statistic found in the American Journal of Psychology, the data is damning: for every death by suicide, the risk of another suicide in the family doubles.

Sandra L. Rostirolla, Good Housekeeping, 5 Apr. 2023

But the California Hospital Assn. argues that the president makes more than that when factoring in travel expenses, residency at the White House and other discretionary funds.

Ryan Fonseca, Los Angeles Times, 3 Apr. 2023

But once research factored in that the state has a relatively young population with a low prevalence of conditions that make people vulnerable to severe cases of COVID-19, the mortality rate rose to 418 deaths per 100,000 residents.

Melissa Healy, Anchorage Daily News, 29 Mar. 2023

But that’s a pay cut from what minimums were during the last negotiation, when factoring in inflation.

Gene Maddaus, Variety, 28 Mar. 2023

Were snack or pastry options factored in?

Sam Stone, Bon Appétit, 22 Mar. 2023

Private sector union membership in 2021, compared to 50.1% membership in the public sector 3%: The decline in wages in 2022, when inflation is factored in, according to the Trade Union Congress.

Diego Lasarte, Quartz, 17 Mar. 2023

Customer satisfaction index ranking The J.D. Power report also ranks U.S. auto brands on service experience, factoring in service quality, service advisor, vehicle pick up, service facility and service initiation.

Bailey Schulz, USA TODAY, 9 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘factor.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

 Meanings and Examples of FACTOR


 n.  number, except 1, by which a large number can be divided exactly

 n.  fact, circumstance

Classic Sentence: (22 in 2 pages)

1  Here the factor who had been walking on the barin’s other side put in a word.

Dead Souls By Nikolai Gogol
Context  Highlight   In PART 2: CHAPTER III

2  «Quite so, Constantine Thedorovitch,» replied the factor.

Dead Souls By Nikolai Gogol
Context  Highlight   In PART 2: CHAPTER III

3  But the assignment of these various meanings to the factor does not yield results which accord with the historic facts.

War and Peace(V5) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 14: CHAPTER II

4  The spirit of an army is the factor which multiplied by the mass gives the resulting force.

War and Peace(V5) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 14: CHAPTER II

5  Only then, expressing known historic facts by equations and comparing the relative significance of this factor, can we hope to define the unknown.

War and Peace(V5) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 14: CHAPTER II

6  This equation does not give us the value of the unknown factor but gives us a ratio between two unknowns.

War and Peace(V5) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 14: CHAPTER II

7  But for the trained reasoner to admit such intrusions into his own delicate and finely adjusted temperament was to introduce a distracting factor which might throw a doubt upon all his mental results.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle
Context  Highlight   In I. A Scandal in Bohemia

8  There is Mr. Frankland, of Lafter Hall, who is also an unknown factor, and there are one or two other neighbours.

The Hound of the Baskervilles By Arthur Conan Doyle
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 6. Baskerville Hall

9  And yet this new factor must surely arrest his attention and renew his interest.

The Hound of the Baskervilles By Arthur Conan Doyle
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 10. Extract from the Diary of Dr. Watson

10  We have this Beppo as a common factor, both in Kennington and in Kensington, so that is worth a ten-mile drive.

The Return of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle

11  He knew she had accepted without afterthought: he could never be a factor in her calculations, and there was a surprise, a refreshment almost, in the spontaneity of her consent.

House of Mirth By Edith Wharton
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: Chapter 1

12  The Negro as a political factor can be controlled.

13  By the right exercise of his power as the industrial factor of the South, the Afro-American can demand and secure his rights, the punishment of lynchers, and a fair trial for accused rapists.

14  A marvellous deal of style their factor put on, with his servants and coach-and-six; so much so that the concern soon landed in inextricable bankruptcy.

The Souls of Black Folk By W. E. B. Du Bois
Context  Highlight   In VII

15  Some had the feeling that in proportion as the Negro received education, in the same proportion would his value decrease as an economic factor in the state.

Up From Slavery: An Autobiography By Booker T. Washington
Context  Highlight   In Chapter VIII.

Example Sentence: (128 in 9 pages)

16  Take the wind-chill factor into account.

17  Look for the common factor in all these cases.

18  The major factor in the decision to stay or to leave was usually professional.

19  Whether diet is an important factor in this illness is still uncertain.

20  The single most important factor that separates ordinary photographs from good photographs is the lighting.

21  Heavy snow was a contributing factor in the accident.

22  Smoking is a causative factor in several major diseases.

23  One factor thought to have worked in his favour is his working class image.

24  There were obvious signs of the feel-good factor in the last survey taken in the wake of the election result.

25  The might of the army could prove a decisive factor.

26  The closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town’s decline.

27  The injury to their key player could be a decisive factor in the game.

28  Cases of leukaemia in the area near the nuclear reactor have risen by a factor of four.

29  The house is near the sea, which is a plus factor for us.

30  The vaccination program has been a major factor in the improvement of health standards.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

In draft article 13 (2), the word «parameters» should be replaced with the word «factors«.

В проекте статьи 13(2) слово «параметры» следует заменить словом «факторы».

It was also agreed that the drafting group would consider whether to use the word «factors» or the word «criteria» throughout article 39 bis.

Было также решено передать на рассмотрение редакционной группы вопрос о выборе между словами «факторы» и «критерии» во всем тексте статьи 39 бис.

His delegation proposed that the words «if and to the extent generally applied in commercial practice for the level of service provided» should be added after the word «factors» in the first sentence of article 10.

Его делегация предлагает добавить слова «если и в той степени, в какой они обычно применяются в коммерческой практике в отношении уровня предоставляемых услуг» в первое предложение текста статьи 10 после слова «факторы«.

replace»;»after the word «factors» with», «.

Другие результаты

Denoted by the first letter of the word «factor» — affecting, influence.

Обозначается по первой букве лат. слова «factor» — воздействующий, влияющий.

It was suggested that the words «factors to be taken into account» should be replaced by the words «factors that may be taken into account».

Mr. THORNBERRY said the word «on» should be inserted before the words «what factors» in the last sentence.

Г-н ТОРНБЕРРИ говорит, что в последнем предложении перед словами «какие факторы» следует включить слова «о том,».

In addition, we propose that the words «a factor which shall be taken into account when the evidence is assessed» should be added in paragraph (b).

Кроме того, предлагается внести дополнение в пункт (Ь), включив в него выражение «обстоятельства, которые будут постоянно учитываться при оценке доказательства».

In the first sentence, after the words «better results achieved», insert the words «determining all factors affecting the efficient and effective implementation of programmes».

В первом предложении после слов «достижение более высоких результатов» включить слова «определяющих все факторы, которые влияют на эффективное и результативное осуществление программ».

(a) In the second preambular paragraph, before the word «factor», the word «major» was replaced by the word «significant», so that the paragraph would read:

а) в четвертой строке второго пункта преамбулы слово «важнейших» было заменено словом «значительных», и этот пункт стал гласить:

in the third paragraph, the words «federal law in the amount of the minimum wage paid in the light of the district» were replaced with the words «factor in the amount not exceeding 100 roubles, increases in the size of the district» factor

в абзаце третьем слова «федеральным законом в размере минимального размера оплаты труда, выплачивается с учетом районного коэффициента» заменить словами «в размере не выше 100 рублей, увеличивается на величину районного коэффициента»

In paragraph 2 of article 10, entitled «Relationship between different kinds of uses», the words «the principles and factors set out in» had been deleted before the words «articles 5 to 7».

В пункте 2 статьи 10, озаглавленной «Взаимосвязь между различными видами использования», перед словами «статьях 5-7» была опущена фраза «принципов и факторов, содержащихся».

The best food, clothing, rest, and so forth, in other words factors that our analogy considers as representing human goodness and good will, are practically of no value to resist such diseases or prevent their propagation.

Лучшая пища, одежды, отдых и т.д., то есть аналоги доброты и благожелательности, не имеют практически никакого значения для противостояния этим болезням или предотвращении их распространения.

Key words: factor analysis, rating, electronic government, information technology in management.

Ключевые слова: факторный анализ, рейтинг, электронное правительство, информационные технологии в управлении.

In the use and consolidation in the language of a word multiple factors are involved.

В употреблении и закреплении в языке того или иного слова участвует множество факторов.

The words and factors that you use to track the success of your product or business might not always align with what customers find most important.

Слова и факторы, которые вы используете для отслеживания успеха вашего продукта или бизнеса, могут не всегда совпадать с тем, что клиенты считают наиболее важными.

In other words, the factor of external influence played a decisive role in escalating internal confrontation in Tajikistan.

Другими словами, фактор внешнего воздействия сыграл определяющую роль в эскалации внутреннего противостояния в Таджикистане.

In other words, these factors cannot be divorced from human rights.

Key words: geopolitical factor, Russia, geopolitical theory of the antagonism.

Ключевые слова: геополитический фактор, Россия, геополитическая теория противоборства.

Key words: risk factors, riskometry, prognosis, causality, mortality, pharmacological prevention, mathematical modelling.

Ключевые слова: факторы риска, рискометрия, прогноз, причин-ность, смертность, медикаментозная профилактика, математиче-ское моделирование.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 712. Точных совпадений: 4. Затраченное время: 397 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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