Sentences with word evaluate

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

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It will help you evaluate yourself.

Это, кстати, поможет вам оценить себя.

Unfortunately, few could evaluate it.

Лишь немногие, наверное, могли бы оценить её.

Individuals immersed in identifying enemy targets cannot simultaneously evaluate their own judgments.

Однако люди, занимающиеся идентификацией вражеских целей, не могут одновременно оценивать свои собственные суждения.

Everything you should know and evaluate to choose the one that best suits your needs.

Все, что вам нужно знать и оценивать, чтобы выбрать тот, который наилучшим образом соответствует вашим потребностям.

Look around your home and evaluate your style.

Во-вторых, оглянитесь вокруг вашего дома и определить свой стиль.

Moreover it helps you evaluate yourself.

Это, кстати, поможет вам оценить себя.

Ultimately, all business owners should evaluate their wants and needs before contacting a lender.

В конечном счете, все владельцы бизнеса должны оценить свои желания и потребности, прежде чем связаться с кредитором.

People have a bias in how they evaluate your work schedule.

«У людей есть предвзятость в том, как они оценивают ваш график работы.

Man cannot realistically and objectively evaluate what was happening to him.

Человек не может реально и объективно оценить то, что с ним происходило.

Agencies should carefully evaluate new features and technologies before enabling them for use.

Федеральные органы исполнительной власти должны тщательно оценивать новые функциональные возможности и технологии, прежде чем допустить их использование.

In general, evaluate what has begun several years ago.

В общем, оценить все то, что начиналось несколько лет назад.

Introduced last year, the measure would help ensure that companies evaluate and remunerate jobs similarly.

Внедренная в прошлом году, эта мера помогла бы обеспечить, чтобы компании оценивали и оплачивали рабочие места аналогичным образом.

Some rankings evaluate institutions within a single country, while others assess institutions worldwide.

Некоторые рейтинги оценивают учебные заведения в пределах одной страны, в то время как другие проводят оценку университетов по всему миру.

Mentors evaluate practical skills development and demonstrate problem-solving skills.

Преподаватели оценивают навыки слушателей и дают рекомендации по решению конкретных проблем.

Our color palette is something that we constantly evaluate.

Наша цветовая палитра — это то, что мы постоянно оцениваем.

Probably, there is no jury that could evaluate this.

Наверное, нет еще того жюри, которое могло бы это оценить.

This can help students evaluate issues that can affect populations globally.

Это поможет студентам оценить проблемы, которые могут повлиять на население во всем мире.

Response assessments identify and evaluate measures that might reduce human contributions or vulnerabilities to environmental changes.

Такие оценки выявляют и оценивают меры, которые способны снижать воздействие человека или его уязвимость по отношению к экологическим изменениям.

Please evaluate it based on substance.

И оценить предложение, исходя из его сути.

Sadly, there aren’t examples to really evaluate the situation.

К сожалению, нет примеров этих самых фотографий, чтобы реально оценить ситуацию.

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оценивать, определять количество, иметь значение, определять качество


- оценивать, устанавливать стоимость
- определять количество
- оценивать, давать оценку; определять качество, важность и т. п.

to evaluate the full significance — оценить всё значение
to evaluate a new antibiotic — проверить действенность нового антибиотика
to evaluate arguments — взвесить аргументы

- мат. вычислять; выражать (численно)

to evaluate the altitude of a star — вычислить высоту звезды

Мои примеры


evaluate a training program as effective — оценить учебную программу как эффективную  
to evaluate data — оценивать данные  
to evaluate the root — находить корень  
to evaluate an indeterminate form — раскрыть неопределённость  
to evaluate / interpret facts — оценивать факты  
to evaluate a programme — делать расчёты для какой-л. программы  
to evaluate / measure results — оценить результаты  
to evaluate [to measure] results — оценить результаты  
to evaluate [to estimate] risk — оценивать риск  
evaluate a document — оценить документ  
cost optimizing system to evaluate reliability — система оптимизации затрат для оценки надёжности  

Примеры с переводом

We need to evaluate our options.

Мы должны оценить свои возможности.

You should be able to evaluate your own work.

Нужно самому уметь оценивать качество своей работы.

He was evaluated as unfit for military service.

Его признали негодным для военной службы.

It can be difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of different treatments.

Иногда бывает трудно оценить эффективность различных методов лечения.

We need to evaluate the success of the campaign.

Нам нужно оценить успешность данной избирательной кампании.

A supervisor will evaluate each employee’s performance.

Контролёры будут оценивать эффективность работы каждого сотрудника.

How do you evaluate this grant proposal?

Как вы оцениваете эту заявку на получение гранта?

There’s a real dissimilitude between literature and film, and a critic shouldn’t evaluate one in terms of the other.

Литература и кино — абсолютно разные вещи, так что критикам не следует оценивать одно с позиций другого.

Возможные однокоренные слова

evaluation  — оценка, определение качества, определение количества
evaluated  — оцененный
evaluative  — оценочный
evaluator  — оценщик, вычислитель, блок вычислений, блок оценивания, блок оценки, эксперт по…

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: evaluate
he/she/it: evaluates
ing ф. (present participle): evaluating
2-я ф. (past tense): evaluated
3-я ф. (past participle): evaluated

evaluate — перевод на русский


Mr. Raynal, owner of a nearby mill, inspected the building every month to evaluate needed repairs.

Райна, владелец местной мельницы, каждый месяц осматривал здание, чтобы оценить, какой нужен ремонт.

Each of you must evaluate the loss in the privacy of your own thoughts.

Каждый из вас должен сам оценить для себя эту потерю.

We’ll have a chance to evaluate its impact.

У нас будет возможность оценить эффект.

A social worker had to evaluate me, so…

Меня должен был оценить социальный работник, так что…

A good pilot is compelled to evaluate what’s happened… so he can apply what he’s learned.

Хороший пилот способен объективно оценить все случившееся… и вынести из этого для себя еще один урок.

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To reflect, to evaluate, to judge before acting.

Размышлять, оценивать, судить, прежде чем действовать.

You’ll also be trained and evaluated… by a few civilian specialists.

Джестер: Также Вас будут обучать и оценивать… несколько гражданских специалистов.

‘As your ability to evaluate poems in this manner grows so will— — so will your enjoyment and understanding of poetry.»

По мере того, как будет расти ваше умение оценивать стихи, будет расти ваш интерес и понимание поэзии.

You want me to argue it’s okay to evaluate somebody based on looks?

Ты пытаешься убедить меня в том, что правильно оценивать людей по их внешности?

There’s a doctor in my office who’d like to come in and have a little chat with you. Does he wanna have a little chat or is he employed by city to evaluate the mental state of violent detainees?

который хотел бы с вами немного поговорить. чтобы оценивать душевное состояние буйных задержанных?

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After evaluating millions of pieces of data… in the blink of an eye… the Gamble-Tron 2000 says the winner is…

После оценки миллионов данных в мгновение ока Азартотрон 2000 говорит, что победитель:

Several Senate committees in Earth Dome will hold closed hearings to discuss the issue and urge the appointment of a special prosecutor to evaluate the evidence.

Тем временем некоторые сенатские комитеты в Земном Куполе проводят закрытые заседания, на которых обсудят этот вопрос и назначат официального обвинителя для оценки улик.»

The FBI hires me to evaluate agents.

ФБР наняло меня для оценки агентов.

— Yes, uh… but that’s why we hire independent medical consultants, uh, retired doctors who are contracted to evaluate medical records and make a determination.

— Да, а… но вот почему мы нанимаем независимых медицинских консультантов, а, докторов в отставке, которые заключают контракт для оценки медицинских записей и делают заключение.

And I was called as an expert in assessing the images to evaluate the effectiveness of his treatment.

И я был выбран как эксперт по анализу снимков для оценки эффективности его метода лечения.

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— Let’s get her evaluated.

— Нужно её обследовать.

I know, but you can evaluate her.

Знаю, но вы можете ее обследовать.

They need to be evaluated.

Их нужно обследовать.

They need to evaluate you to see if you’re fit to stand trial.

Вас нужно обследовать, чтобы понять, можете ли предстать перед судом.

You have an affidavit from three independent psychiatrists who evaluated her.

У вас есть показания трёх независимых психиатров, которые её обследовали.

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They called me to evaluate a «Jane Doe» the park rangers found wandering near a camp ground.

Меня вызвали оценить состояние неизвестной, которую спасатели нашли рядом с кемпингом.

Federal agents moved quickly to evaluate a drone that has entered the airspace over Boston.

Федеральные агенты уже выдвинулись, чтобы оценить состояние дронов над Бостоном.

So, you have no real basis to evaluate. Gina’s capacity to consent.

Значит, у вас нет спецобразования, чтобы верно оценить состояние Джины.

Dr. Baxter evaluated Samir and prescribed medication.

Доктор Бакстер оценил состояние Самира и выписал лекарства.

— Listen, gary evaluated charlie, okay?

Слушай, Гари оценил состояние Чарли, ок?

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I evaluated Mrs. Ashland.

Я осмотрел мисис Ашланд.

We’d like you to evaluate the paddock for vulnerabilities.

Мы бы хотели, чтобы ты осмотрел загон и указал слабые места.

Skylar’s school insisted I have him evaluated.

В школе Скайлара настояли чтобы его осмотрели.

They’ll be evaluated and treated.

Их осмотрят и вылечат.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word evaluate, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use evaluate in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «evaluate».

Evaluate in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word evaluate in a sentence.

  1. Paulinus’s missionary efforts are difficult to evaluate.

  2. Nonetheless, OTA agreed to evaluate the city’s proposals.

  3. Eisenhower, met with Groves on 30 January 1948 to evaluate his performance.

  4. In March 1996, Sega of Japan representatives visited STI to evaluate progress.

  5. Experiments were also done to evaluate how much sway occupants could tolerate.

  6. There may or may not be choices of x, which make this polynomial evaluate to zero.

  7. Akagi and Kaga were given different solutions to evaluate in real-world conditions.

  8. Cardus justified this: «Do I add up the notes of a Mozart «Vivace» to evaluate the music?

  9. Ygrumov and also to evaluate the proper dimensions for anti-torpedo nets and their booms.

  10. This was done to properly evaluate the various different proposals which would come forward.

  11. This was a test conducted at Bikini Atoll to evaluate the effect of the atomic bomb on ships.

  12. The King tells her that the British are sending an envoy to Bangkok to evaluate the situation.

  13. Clinical trials are underway to evaluate how well these drugs kill lung cancer cells in humans.

  14. In mid-1936, the ship was used to evaluate a dozen Aichi D1A dive bombers and dive-bombing tactics.

  15. Wilson from MIT, to evaluate the research being carried out there and the prospects for cooperation.

  16. As a result, Akagi and Kaga were given different exhaust systems to evaluate in real-world conditions.

  17. They went on to quantitatively evaluate the mechanical behavior of dromaeosaur claws and their function.

  18. People generate and evaluate evidence in arguments that are biased towards their own beliefs and opinions.

  19. The cruise was used to evaluate the ship on long-distance voyages for use in future light cruiser designs.

  20. Myside bias can cause an inability to effectively and logically evaluate the opposite side of an argument.

  21. In this case, it would be rational to seek, evaluate or remember evidence of their honesty in a biased way.

  22. He was sent to evaluate the need for reinforcements by Colonel James McCay’s 2nd Brigade on the 400 Plateau.

  23. She was paid off in April 1945 and used to evaluate the effects of aircraft explosives on the ship’s structure.

  24. General managers, managers, and baseball scouts use statistics to evaluate players and make strategic decisions.

  25. In March 1999, Caltrans agreed to delay the construction for several years to evaluate the environmental impact.

  26. Campbell also established an officer training school, as well as an assessment centre to evaluate new prisoners.

  27. Its three specialized scores are used to evaluate SAH; in each, a higher number is associated with a worse outcome.

  28. Monte Carlo methods, which evaluate the results of multiple random trials, can be used to create approximations of π.

  29. One of Kidder’s jobs in 1962 had been to evaluate designs of the 29 thermonuclear devices tested in Operation Dominic.

  30. The party pledged to eliminate university tuition fees and establish a schools commission to evaluate educational needs.

  31. The Air Board rejected Raw’s report, which it judged «somewhat confusing», and asked Read to also evaluate the two types.

  32. In 1897, he was given command of USS Newport to sail to Nicaragua to evaluate the progress of the isthmus canal commission.

  33. Their job, flying a T-33, was to evaluate Smith Ranch Dry Lake in Nevada for use as an emergency landing site for the X-15.

  34. As Van der Stoel emphasized, this was distinct from the Commission’s work as he did not evaluate if the ECHR had been violated.

  35. The federal district court denied her request to convene a three-judge statutory court to evaluate the constitutional questions.

  36. Detzner’s mission was also to be the first serious attempt to explore the hinterland and to evaluate and describe its resources.

  37. By October, the Post was worried about Rockwell’s progress on the Four Freedoms and sent their art editor to Arlington to evaluate.

  38. The stated aim of the pilot was to evaluate the contributions to economic growth and sustainable development by Combined Authorities.

  39. Babcock to evaluate the islands’ resources, local conditions, and Báez’s terms for annexation, but was given no diplomatic authority.

  40. Research into schizophrenia has used animal models, in particular rats, to evaluate different aspects of its development and pathology.

  41. In addition, the RAAF officers travelled to the United Kingdom and France to evaluate the BAC TSR-2 and Dassault Mirage IV, respectively.

  42. One experiment designed to evaluate insight and problem-solving ability involved a piece of meat attached to a string hanging from a perch.

  43. Therefore, there is a need for people to evaluate and identify reliable health information, competencies commonly known as health literacy.

  44. Before nightfall the 1st Battalion began a reconnaissance mission to evaluate the former missions around San Antonio as potential campsites.

  45. These can include tests to evaluate blood flow and gas exchange in the body, or to assess the function of organs such as the heart and lungs.

  46. The objective of Project Mercury was to launch a man into Earth orbit, return him safely to the Earth, and evaluate his capabilities in space.

  47. The first steps in managing sleep disorders are to evaluate the use of medications that impact sleep and provide education about sleep hygiene.

  48. This was Project Mercury, which aimed to launch a man into Earth orbit, return him safely to the Earth, and evaluate his capabilities in space.

  49. Wallace’s 1904 book Man’s Place in the Universe was the first serious attempt by a biologist to evaluate the likelihood of life on other planets.

  50. Eisenhower considered asking retired Supreme Court Justice Owen Roberts to evaluate the legality of the Fund, but time constraints ruled him out.

Synonyms for evaluate

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word evaluate has the following synonyms: measure, valuate, assess, appraise, value, pass judgment and judge.

General information about «evaluate» example sentences

The example sentences for the word evaluate that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «evaluate» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «evaluate».

Sentences with Evaluate, Sentences about Evaluate

1. We want a complete evaluation.

2. We need to evaluate these data.

3. It is necessary to evaluate the event from wide angles.

4. Relationship is a process of self evaluation and self revelation.

5. I’m offering you a golden opportunity, I hope you will evaluate it well.

6. The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.

7. Anger is the demand of accountability, It is evaluation, judgment, and refutation.

8. The best evaluation I can make of a player is to look in his eyes and see how scared they are.

9. A woman who does not know herself has no choice other than to live with other people’s evaluations.

10. I teach a class on the evaluation of evidence and the relative unreliability of eyewitness testimony.

11. Clinical trials are research studies performed in people that are aimed at evaluating a medical, surgical, or behavioral intervention.

12. That evaluation, ongoing and unadulterated by politics, may be the one thing a country absolutely owes the soldiers who defend its borders.

13. I make a lot of mistakes, too, and I’m constantly re-evaluating how I’m doing things and trying to be better every day, whether it’s as a mom or taking care of myself.

14. Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.

15. As a medical doctor, it is my duty to evaluate the situation with as much data as I can gather and as much expertise as I have and as much experience as I have to determine whether or not the wish of the patient is medically justified.

16. Very often when you see families it’s all perfect and neat, and parenting isn’t like that. You do have constant negotiations. Things are ever developing and ever changing, and you constantly have to evaluate how you deal with your kids.

17. But this Veterans Day, I believe we should do more than sing the praises of the bravery and patriotism that our veterans have embodied in the past. We should take this opportunity to re-evaluate how we are treating our veterans in the present.

About The Author

  • Dictionary
  • E
  • Evaluate
  • Sentences
  • They will first send in trained nurses to evaluate the needs of the individual situation. [VERB noun]
  • It will take several years to evaluate the material gathered in the survey.
  • Teachers at 22 city schools will evaluate their principals through PROSE.
  • City plans to test, evaluate students in the arts, despite looming budget cuts and criticism.
  • Evaluate this polynomial.
  • Ny Jets coach Rex Ryan sits top draft pick Quinton Coples at mini-camp to evaluate other rookies.
  • To evaluate the Prime Minister’s proposals, we need to consider these potential costs as well as their potential benefits.

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