Sentences with word empty

empty — перевод на русский


«He wants a very nice, empty house..!»

«Он хочет красивый, пустой дом…»

Hey, hey, do you know that suitcase is empty? That’s all right.

— Вы знаете, что у вас пустой чемодан?

If the house is empty again…. I don’t know.

Если зал снова будет пустой… я не знаю.

One purse, empty.

Один кошелек, пустой.

On an empty street we see a girl.

На пустой улице мы обнаруживаем девочку.

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Everything empty, the street deserted…

Кругом пустота, улицы безлюдны…

Yes, everything’s empty.

Да, кругом пустота.

Nothing left! Silent, deserted, empty…

— Ничего — пустота, тишина, пустыня.

I want to confess as honestly as I can, but my heart is empty.

Хочу признаться тебе, как на духу, но в моем сердце пустота.

All that out there, …the stars, the planets, …all just an empty void.

Погибнет всё. Звезды, планеты. Вместо них останется лишь мертвая пустота.

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Martinez reconnoitered the pass last night, and he found it was empty.

Мартинес ночью разведал проход, и обнаружил, что там никого нет.

The household is nearly empty, so we can’t welcome you properly.

Никого нет, так что не жди особого гостеприимства.

-He said the hotel’s empty?

— Тогда твой адвокат лгал, когда говорил что здесь никого нет.

The house in the dunes is now empty.

В доме уже никого нет.

Then it’s empty.

Там никого нет.

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They will cut us again and still again, until they have this as empty as their promises.

они будут урезать зарплату снова и снова, пока она не опустеет, как их обещания.

When the signal is given, the ogres burst… and the cesspool empties.

По сигналу чудовища взорвутся и наша выгребная яма опустеет.

The house will seem empty.

Дом как будто опустеет.

Without you this house would be different It will be empty

Без тебя дом станет совсем другим, он опустеет.

The well will be empty in two days.

Она через два дня опустеет!

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I hope they’ve given you a good room. The place is empty, so if you’re uncomfortable, mind you make a fuss.

Надеюсь, вам дали хорошую комнату, ведь сейчас много свободных.

Last night, they had many empty rooms, but they refused me

Вчера у них было полно свободных комнат, но они мне отказали.

There are two empty seats over there.

У них там два свободных места.

In a theater full of empty seats, why did you sit by me?

В кинотеатре было много свободных мест, почему… почему ты села рядом со мной?

Two empty lounge chairs next to her.

Два свободных лежака около нее.

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Empty pot, rinse out…

Опустошить чайник, сполоснуть…

— Want me to empty my pockets?

— Хочешь опустошить мои карманы?

If I don’t see a substantial improvement in things in the next hour, I’m going to ask Mr. Cofell to empty the accounts.

Если я не увижу заметное улучшение в делах за последующий час, я собираюсь попросить Мистера Кофеля опустошить счета.

Empty his lands.

Опустошить его землю.

It definitely won’t stop me from emptying’ out half my mag.

Это совершенно точно не помешает мне опустошить половину магазина.

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I’m empty too, you know?

Я чувствую себя опустошенной.

All of a sudden, I felt totally empty inside… a terrible anguish seized my heart.

Внезапно я почувствовала себя абсолютно опустошённой… ужасная тоска сдавила мне сердце.

She felt empty, useless, unsatisfied… incapable of coping with everyday life.

Она чувствовала себя опустошенной, бесполезной, неудовлетворенной… неспособной следовать повседневной жизни.

If I walk away empty after…

Если даже уйду оттуда опустошенной…

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Watch my language! Empty the drawer out.

«Следите за речью!» Вытряхивай давай.

Empty it out.


Empty out the cash register.

Вытряхивай содержимое кассы.

Empty it the fuck out, come on!

Вытряхивай, блять, шевелись!

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Silent, empty streets with odd names…

Пустынные улицы со странными названиями:

And once again I walked on, alone, down these same corridors, through these same empty rooms. I passed these same colonnades, these same windowless galleries. I crossed these same thresholds, picking my way as if at random through a maze of identical paths.

И еще раз шел я вперед, один, по этим же коридорам, через эти пустынные гостиные, вдоль этих же колоннад, этих же галерей без окон, проходил через эти же порталы, выбирая дорогу, словно наугад, в лабиринте схожих маршрутов.

wide, empty streets, cold lights, faces without mouths that you would look at without seeing.

широкие, пустынные улицы, холодный свет, лица без рта, на которые ты смотрел, не видя их.

If I had money I’d head straight for Greece, the roads are good there, dry, empty and sunny… it’s warm there…

Если бы у меня были деньги, я бы поехал прямиком в Грецию… там дороги хорошие, сухие, пустынные и солнечные… там тепло…

Seems pretty empty without you, though.

Без вас тут так пустынно.

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Empty your pockets out over there.

А ну, выворачивай карманы. Живо.

Get over here and empty your pockets.

— Тебе. Иди сюда и выворачивай карманы.

Empty your pockets, Buddy.

Бадди, выворачивай карманы.

Empty your pockets!

Выворачивай карманы!

Empty your pockets.

Выворачивай карманы.

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Sentences with the word Empty?



  • «We abandoned the old car in the empty parking lot»
  • «The empty house alarmed him»; «We alerted the new neighbors to the high rate of burglaries»
  • «he played baseball in high school»; «there was a baseball game on every empty lot»; «there was a desire for National League ball in the area»; «play ball!»
  • «the coin bank was empty«
  • «the royal box was empty«
  • «a bumbling mechanic»; «a bungling performance»; «ham-handed governmental interference»; «could scarcely empty a scuttle of ashes, so handless was the poor creature»- Mary H. Vorse
  • «the church was empty«
  • «I showed the customer the glove section»; «He pointed to the empty parking space»; «he indicated his opponents»
  • «astronomers say that the empty space between planets actually contains measurable amounts of dust»
  • «an empty glass»; «an empty room»; «full of empty seats»; «empty hours»
  • «after the violent argument he felt empty«
  • «after skipped lunch the men were empty by suppertime»; «empty-bellied children»
  • «empty promises»; «a hollow victory»; «vacuous comments»
  • «empty the box»; «The alarm emptied the building»
  • «empty the water»
  • «the returned from the negotiations empty-handed»
  • «they played word games»; «he thought of his painting as a game that filled his empty time»; «his life was all fun and games»
  • «empty eyes»; «a glassy stare»; «his eyes were glazed over with boredom»
  • «the hollow sound of footsteps in the empty ballroom»
  • «Stalin wanted to people the empty steppes»
  • «The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero»; «The gauge read `empty‘»
  • «upend the box and empty the contents»

Empty is a cult, Australian «creative» magazine, concerned largely with printed design work, photography, illustration and film, created for the professional creative community. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Because of this market being so virgin, I was fearful that I would lose my $ 100 (about a month’s worth of groceries), and possibly suffer from computer viruses at the best, or a stolen identity and empty bank account at the worst.


Believe it or not, if I place a tray of whatever size near the coffee machine, the plate is totally empty before a one hour class is over.


I also have the washer fluid light beeping empty when full


It weighs more than two tons empty but has a short load bed that would have seemed ridiculous to a farmer or a tradesman in 1958.


Now that I have your attention, imagine enjoying them whenever you wanted without worrying about the empty


Hopefully, the mother will hear and/or smell her kittens, and will look through the door of the empty, set trap and see her kittens at the end of the «tunnel.»


However, these papaya enzymes must be taken in between meals on an empty stomach in order to not have any food interfere with their action of destroying the membrane around the cancer cell.


This roiling froth of «virtual» particles adds energy to empty space itself, though so far the theory predicts far more energy than we actually see.


I take them in the morning with breakfast (2 hours after taking Synthroid) because I can’t stand taking them on an empty stomach!


Save a few empty baby food jars (or any other small glass containers) and turn them into sweet little presents for friends!


You can’t write from an empty well and so whenever you can, fill your well.


The world felt empty and dead, not worth exploring.


«They are nurses and moms and empty nesters wanting to be active in their community, and be helpful to neighbors and families who need a hand.


There are almost 3,000 empty seats in the district’s high schools, where enrollment is dropping.


Perhaps the same can be said for the unfortunate state of contemporary partisan politics in the United States, from the congressmen who devote more energy to accepting donations and winning elections than representing their constituents, to the wealthy lobbyists who manipulate the system, to the voters who blindly cater to empty rhetoric.


Cardio on an empty stomach is a lot different from doing fasted cardio.


In any case the main emphasis in the New Testament as a whole, and even in Matthew and Luke, is not on the empty tomb but on the appearances of the risen Lord, again present with his disciples and continuing to instruct them.


Leave the rest of the album empty for you to fill it up as the years go on.


And that’s kind of a shame because I really wish I could have spent more time sitting through more naff movies in empty theaters.


In response, Harrison who is now 91, stood before her colleagues in the Council’s chamber and read an empty apology.


Built by physicists at the Technical University of Munich, the room achieves a millionfold reduction in the intensity of ambient magnetic fields, a 10-fold improvement on any previous man-made structure, registering even less such activity than the vast, empty space between planets.


If they can get that 60 minutes outdoors — climbing trees, chasing fireflies or playing baseball in an empty lot — so much the better.


Sugar provides empty calories and increases the risk of pancreas.


My husband and his mother have eroded who I was and now my husband has made me this lonely empty shell of a person which he seems quite content to continue living like this thinking or believing its ok.


Celebrate the unlimited potential of an empty box!


If you’re just driving around with the bed empty and the hitch receiver unoccupied, though, you won’t confuse the 2017 Ford F-250 with some kind of a drag racer.


This is no empty exercise: your success in winning one of these awards will depend on the seriousness with which you and your mentor approach the planning of your training program.


Although the track suffered from a fair number of empty spaces, I had little problem with the gaps, largely due to the length of the movie itself; at nearly three hours, that’d be a lot of room for Coppola to cover alone.


Outside of these is where it falls a little flat, with too much backtracking and an empty void between key events.


I understand this but an empty stadium is the only way..


The most beneficial way of breathing is to inhale completely by filling your lungs with the breath and then exhale and completely empty them.


Taking your magnesium on an empty stomach before bed can have a pleasant muscle-relaxing effect that makes it easier to move into and stay in deep sleep states.


Check online product reviews to see how many steps are required to empty and clean the pot.


Its «happy» ending is filthy with melancholy and menace, suggesting that whatever’s been exorcised from little Regan MacNeil (Linda Blair) is actually free now (an idea itself exorcised by the extended version’s ending)— that the solution presented in the book of Luke is as empty as its herd of pigs driven into the sea.


Wondering if I didn’t heat up the pot empty, if the recipe would still work?


She’d nod as emphatically as someone can without being hauled off to an institution, start saying «mmm, mmm, mmm» and jamming her finger into her empty plate so hard I thought it…


Widowed empty nester looking for a new friend to spend to spend quality time with, and possibly a new best friend best / partner in life’s endeavors.


By August, I was nearly empty inside, and I began to understand what my father meant when he whispered quietly and harshly to my mother in the stairwell when they both thought I was out, «Gloria, I have lost myself in this marriage.»


When you’re hungry and your stomach is empty, your body produces the hormone ghrelin to tell you it’s time to eat.


Save your cleaned empty bottles and lids in a box for your preschooler to match and screw on and off.


She then went on to make what must be considered an empty threat: «[s] hould that break down, we would have to reflect on this decision».


(I experienced nausea when i tried to drink green tea on an empty stomach, and especially with lemons.


Don’t push her to eat if she isn’t hungry or to clean her plate if she gets full before it’s empty.


They have no legs to stand on, only empty parroting….


Loneliness and longing are beautifully expressed in the simple, poetic narrative and in the pictures of the warm rooms with an empty chair.


Even Tillerson said during his confirmation hearing in January that China had offered «empty promises» to pressure North Korea but had failed to do so, and that it had «proven a willingness to act with abandon in the pursuit of its own goals.»


Because I am in «tank mode» I had mixed feelings when Grabner scored that empty net goal.


Hello Kristin, I would love to snag your crock pot breakfast casserole recipe, but when I click on the link, it sends me to an empty blog post.


It’s so good and fills the empty void I’ve had for cheese lol.


The idea of working out on an empty stomach may sound ludicrous, but it can actually be effective: with your metabolism at its peak fat-burning capacity, you will burn more calories more quickly.


These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


He has empty pockets, empty stomach, and an empty life.

Communism prospers more on empty souls than on empty stomachs.

Коммунизм больше процветает на пустых душах, чем на пустых желудках.

The streets I walked through were empty.

Улицы, по которым мы ехали, были пусты.

Or maybe the house is empty.

Или, может, у него как-то пусто в доме.

Video — An atom is mostly empty space, but empty space is mostly not empty.

Атом представляет собой преимущественно пустое пространство, однако пустое пространство по большей части — не пустое.

Trucks and containers are often half empty at departure and often return empty.

Грузовые автомобили и контейнеры зачастую наполовину пустой при выезде и часто возвращаются пустыми.

Mushin means empty heart, empty mind.

Instead, the empty land is just another reminder of liberation’s empty promises.

Вместо этого пустая земля служит очередным напоминанием о пустых обещаниях партии освобождения.

By trying to fill up this empty void, she was resisting that empty space.

Пытаясь наполнить это пустой вакуум, она сопротивлялась пустому пространству.

In my empty room I stand, and I’m empty too.

И теперь, когда моя комната пустая — на душе тоже пусто.

The empty namespace requires a null or empty prefix.

Пустое пространство имен требует нулевой или пустой префикс.

Nothing at home except an empty fridge and an empty bed.

Дома ничего не ждет, кроме пустого холодильника и пустой постели.

Nothing at home except an empty fridge and an empty bed.

You have to give up the notion that empty space is empty.

Вы должны отказаться от представления, что пустое пространство является пустым.

It was an empty bandage, a bandage properly tied but quite empty.

Это была пустая бинт, бандаж правильно связаны, но довольно пустой.

If we now substitute for this maximum amount of empty space an equivalent amount of empty time, the stellar characteristics are radically changed.

Если теперь заменить это максимальное количество пустого пространства, эквивалентным количеством пустого времени, звездные характеристики изменятся коренным образом.

So that is how empty our local galaxy is, it’s a pretty empty space.

Вот насколько пуста наша галактика, это совершенно пустое пространство.

Space is not «empty;» it only appears empty when someone cannot perceive energies pervading through it.

Пространство на самом деле не «пусто»; оно кажется пустым только тогда, когда кто-то не может воспринимать пронизывающие его энергии.

Light can pass through billions of light-years of empty space, but empty space is a vacuum, devoid of any material.

Свет способен преодолевать миллиарды парсеков пустого пространства, но пустое пространство — это вакуум, в нём нет никакого вещества, колебаться нечему.

A democracy based on empty stomachs is an empty democracy.

Демократия, основанная на пустых желудках, это пустая демократия.

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пустой, голодный, порожний, опорожнять, опорожняться, порожняк, порожняя тара


- пустой, незаполненный, порожний

empty box — пустой ящик
empty combs — сушь (пустые пчелиные соты)
empty goal — гол, забитый в пустые ворота
the room was nearly empty of furniture — в комнате не было почти никакой мебели
a bottle empty of wine — пустая винная бутылка

- необитаемый, нежилой (о доме и т. п.)
- без груза, порожний (о транспорте)
- тех. без нагрузки, холостой

empty weight — собственный вес (автомобиля и т. п.)

- физ. вакантный, незанятый, незаполненный

ещё 4 варианта


- опорожнять; осушать (стакан)

he emptied his pockets of their contents — он вынул всё из карманов

- выливать; высыпать

to empty water out of a glass — вылить воду из стакана
to empty dust out of the dust-pan — высыпать пыль /сор/ из совка
the bag had broken and emptied its contents along the road — мешок лопнул, и содержимое высыпалось на дорогу

- переливать, пересыпать (во что-л.)
- выгружать; сливать (топливо из баков)
- впадать (о реке; тж. to empty oneself)

the St. Lawrence empties (itself) into the Atlantic — река святого Лаврентия впадает в Атлантический океан

- пустеть

the streets soon emptied when the rain began — улицы сразу опустели, когда пошёл дождь


- преим. порожняя тара

returned empties — возвращённые пустые бутылки, банки и т. п.
empties returned — ком. обратная тара
empties to be returned — ком. тара подлежит возврату

- порожний вагон, грузовик
- pl. ж.-д. порожняк

Мои примеры


the way that sound travels in an empty room — то, как звук распространяется в пустой комнате  
a scattering of people in the mostly empty theater — горстка людей в практически пустом театре  
an empty chaffy book by a foolish chaffy fellow — пустая и никчёмная книга, написанная глупым и никчёмным человеком  
empty / idle / vain boast — пустое хвастовство  
to empty a bottle — опустошить бутылку  
empty bucket — пустое ведро  
directory is not empty — каталог не пуст  
empty wine-bottle — пустая винная бутылка  
empty hotels — свободные отели  
empty threat — пустая угроза  
empty house — пустой зал  
empty phrase — пустая фраза  

Примеры с переводом

I found myself empty.

Я обнаружил, что голоден.

The streets were empty.

Улицы были пусты.

The hall was half-empty.

Зал был наполовину пуст.

Did you empty the dishwasher?

Ты освободил посудомоечную машину?

Her life felt empty and meaningless.

Её жизнь казалась пустой и бессмысленной.

My bus just went by the stop empty!

Мой автобус пустым проскочил остановку!

The treasury is almost empty.

Казна почти пуста.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…keeps a hoard of empty yogurt containers in his basement workshop for storing whatnots…

Police patrolling the precincts of sin do not often find the streets empty.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

emptiness  — пустота, бессодержательность
empties  — порожняя тара, порожняк
emptying  — опорожняющий, отстой, осадок
emptied  — опорожненный, опустевший
emptier  — опорожнитель, машина для очистки выгребных ям
emptor  — покупатель

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: empty
he/she/it: empties
ing ф. (present participle): emptying
2-я ф. (past tense): emptied
3-я ф. (past participle): emptied

срав. степ. (comparative): emptier
прев. степ. (superlative): emptiest

Synonym: barren, blank, discharge, drain, eliminate, evacuate, hollow, let out, run out, vacant, void. Antonym: fill, full. Similar words: tempt, exempt, attempt, preempt, exempt from, caveat emptor, prompt, symptom. Meaning: [’emptɪ]  n. a container that has been emptied. v. 1. make void or empty of contents 2. become empty or void of its content 3. leave behind empty; move out of 4. remove 5. excrete or discharge from the body. adj. 1. holding or containing nothing 2. devoid of significance or point 3. having nothing inside 4. needing nourishment 5. emptied of emotion. 

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1. Full belies make empty skulls.

2. The empty vessels make the greatest sound. 

3. Better an empty purse than an empty head. 

4. It’s the empty can that makes the most noise. 

5. He that is full of himself is very empty

6. An empty hand is no lure for a hawk. 

7. An empty purse frightens many friends. 

8. Better half an egg than empty shell. 

9. Empty vessels make the greatest sound. 

9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

10. Empty hands no hawk allure.

11. An empty sack cannot stand upright. 

12. Empty vessels make the most noise. 

13. Better are small fish than an empty dish. 

14. An empty bad cannot stand upright. 

15. As empty vessels make the loudest sound, so they that have least wit are the greatest babblers. 

16. An empty barrel makes more noise than a full one. 

17. The house stands desolate and empty.

18. The empty desk suggested she had already gone home.

19. That drunkard flung out the empty bottle.

20. The fuel tank’s almost empty.

21. Would you please sling out these empty bottles.

22. Shall I take the empty bottles for recycling?

23. As it got later(, the streets became empty.

24. An empty bottle will float.

25. Life seemed on a sudden empty and meaningless.

26. There were no empty seats left in the hall.

27. It wastes energy to run the dishwasher half empty.

28. His voice sounded oddly resonant in the empty room.

29. His wordy and empty speech was a frost.

30. He that is full of himself is very [quite] empty

More similar words: tempt, exempt, attempt, preempt, exempt from, caveat emptor, prompt, symptom, bumptious, sumptuous, assumption, consumption, presumptuous, employ, temple, empire, emperor, empathy, empower, emphasis, temporal, empathic, employee, emphasize, employer, empathetic, empathize, temporary, temperature, employment.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word empty, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use empty in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «empty».

Empty in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word empty in a sentence.

  1. This was not an empty phrase.

  2. The treasury was all but empty.

  3. One night he takes shelter in an empty cave.

  4. It was empty apart from a sink and lavatory.

  5. He located Koga’s grave, but found it empty.

  6. The duster lies opened and empty in her paws.

  7. In an empty world, negligence would not exist.

  8. Bony, empty face that wore its emptiness openly.

  9. Chris finds Valentine’s capsule, but it is empty.

  10. Finding Pandora’s Box empty, Kratos attacks Zeus.

  11. Mackay attempted to fire but his magazine was empty.

  12. The empty pagodas were ringed by troops and armored cars.

  13. Twelve tributaries empty into the river in the lower basin.

  14. You walk in, and the pot dealer’s got an empty terrarium ..

  15. Since the bunkers were half empty, the fire burned merrily.

  16. Despite this, Punisher tries to kill Lugman, only to realize his weapon is empty.

  17. Quay F-2 (the southernmost), which usually berthed an aircraft carrier, was empty.

  18. There was a lot of empty space in the xx’s music, even then, in the ‘Early Demos’.

  19. Laverdure’s force surprised the Zaian camp, mostly empty of fighting men, at dawn.

  20. An empty coal barge was grounded upon Thompson Island, carried by wind-driven seas.

  21. Friedländer observes that George’s head is slightly inclined, his face «twisted into an empty smile».

  22. A cavity resonator is an empty (or sometimes dielectric-filled) space surrounded by conducting walls.

  23. On 15 June, the convoy passed six empty lifeboats from the torpedoed transport USS President Lincoln.

  24. Scully and the Lone Gunmen find Queen Anne and board it, only to find that it is an empty ghost ship.

  25. His bones were lost during the Reformation, but he is commemorated by an empty fifteenth-century tomb.

  26. How should he answer those who ask why the pope does not simply empty purgatory if it is in his power?

  27. The caravan park was largely empty at the time, and closed for winter several days after filming ended.

  28. The spooky, inexplicably empty feel of the Hotel Earle was central to the Coens’ conception of the film.

  29. At the supercluster scale, galaxies are arranged into sheets and filaments surrounding vast empty voids.

  30. He flees with a carrying case he presumes contains the stones, but returns when he discovers it is empty.

  31. The two-storey tower to the left of the Gatehouse contains garderobes, which empty directly into the moat.

  32. Biddle described the series as «utterly empty at its soul» underneath its «over the top in slick visuals».

  33. The empty set contains zero groups of two, and no object is left over from this grouping, so zero is even.

  34. The site of the lower terminus was cleared and became an empty site surrounded by a construction hoarding.

  35. It was usual for the latrines to empty down the external walls of a castle and into the surrounding ditch.

  36. By 17 March 1917, the trenches in front of Bapaume were empty and the 6th Infantry Brigade occupied its northern suburbs.

  37. The harbor was empty, but Indiana and the rest of the squadron bombarded it for two hours before realizing their mistake.

  38. Despite the Ponticelli family’s hard work, they were impoverished and the children often went to bed on an empty stomach.

  39. The video, intercut with clips from the film, shows Earle and his band performing the song on the empty ballpark’s field.

  40. The salvage party found the Alder Creek tents empty except for the body of George Donner, who had died only days earlier.

  41. Sir, pay no attention to the people who say the glass is half empty, […] because 32 percent means it’s two-thirds empty.

  42. Swinging a weapon causes the gauge to empty and then quickly recharge, allowing that character to attack at full strength.

  43. Rictus flushes them into empty space; the High Council of Democratus restores the planet to its original size to save them.

  44. At Bryan’s words, he threw his hat into the air, slapped the empty seat in front of him with his coat, and shouted, «My God!

  45. In one instance, a pair came to breed at Lake Albacutya in northwestern Victoria after the lake had been empty for 30 years.

  46. Its operating empty weight with Rolls-Royce engines in typical tri-class layout is 343,300 lb (155.72 t) compared to 307,300 lb (139.38 t) for a similarly configured -200.

  47. On the book’s cover, otherwise a copy of the North American box art, the kunai held in Ryu’s front hand was airbrushed out, leaving him prodding the air with an empty fist.

  48. The resulting Helium Privatization Act of 1996 (Public Law 104–273) directed the United States Department of the Interior to empty the reserve, with sales starting by 2005.

  49. As the smoke cleared, Teach led his men aboard, buoyant at the sight of Maynard’s apparently empty ship, his men firing at the small group of men with Maynard at the stern.

  50. The operation followed the standard procedure for raising ships in shallow waters: strong cables were attached to the sunken ship and fastened to two empty ships, or hulks.

Synonyms for empty

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word empty has the following synonyms: bare, stripped, barren, destitute, devoid, innocent, blank, clean, white, empty-handed, glassy, glazed, lifeless, looted, pillaged, plundered, ransacked, vacant, vacuous, void, drained, empty-bellied, hungry, hollow, meaningless, nonmeaningful, , discharge, evacuate, vacate and abandon.

General information about «empty» example sentences

The example sentences for the word empty that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «empty» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «empty».

Sentences with Empty, Past and Past Participle Form Of Empty V1 V2 V3


Base Past Past Participle 
empty emptied emptied

Sentences with Empty

1.Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strengths.

2.Should I bring the car back with a empty tank?

3.I am very hungry, but the fridge is empty.

4.An empty stomach is not a good political adviser.

5.They’re both empty.

6.Our house is empty.

7.Samuel was alone on an empty beach.

8.The box is almost empty.

9.Hell is empty and all the devils are here.

10.Samuel emptied the trash.

11.Please empty your pockets!

12.The boy emptied his glass.

13.Your account is empty.

14.I want a few empty glasses.

15.Empty your pockets!

16.What’s worse: to be idle while someone dies, or to be exiled and empty-handed?

17.I felt dumb and subdued. Every time I tried to concentrate, my mind glided off, like a skater, into a large empty space, and pirouetted there, absently.

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