Sentences with word determined

Synonym: convinced, firm, resolute, resolved, serious, sure. Similar words: undermine, interminable, terminological, vermin, never mind, intermit, deteriorate, intermittent. Meaning: [-mɪnd]  adj. 1. characterized by great determination 2. having been learned or found or determined especially by investigation 3. devoting full strength and concentrated attention to 4. determined or decided upon as by an authority 5. strongly motivated to succeed. 

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1 A wanderer who is determined to reach his destination does not fear the rain. 

2 I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation.

3 He launched a determined attack on academic criticism.

4 She has determined on going this afternoon.

5 She determined to go at once.

6 Organizers of the strike are determined to press on.

7 He was determined to retrieve his honor.

8 The government is determined to tackle inflation.

9 He determined to travel no further that night.

10 They are determined to carry forward the enterprise.

11 We are determined to boycott them.

12 We are determined to get at the truth.

13 Determined to be tired heartless indifference.

14 The government is determined to protect its tobacco monopoly.

15 We determined on a new method.

16 Their nuptial day hasn’t been determined.

17 I determined upon a course of action.

18 Determined to not firm, with nothing.

19 His enemies are determined to ruin him.

20 She was determined to marry well .

21 The President is determined to face down his critics.

22 Gwen is a very determined woman.

23 She was determined to prove everyone wrong.

24 She’s determined to put her new ideas into practice.

25 The government was determined to proceed with the election.

26 England’s World Cup hero is determined to play through the pain barrier.

27 She was determined to avenge herself on the man who had betrayed her.

28 A person’s character isn’t determined by how he or she enjoys victory,[] but rather how he or she endures defeat.

29 They are determined to erase the bad memories of last year’s defeats.

30 Some people succeed because they are destined to, but most people succeed because they are determined to.

More similar words: undermine, interminable, terminological, vermin, never mind, intermit, deteriorate, intermittent, detect, permit, detente, detective, permission, permissible, grained, combined, purloined, meter, term, mine, terms, et cetera, veteran, cemetery, kilometer, mineral, nominee, examine, long-term, inveterate. 

«Determined» is the first single from American band Mudvayne’s third studio album, Lost and Found. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Incentives can be used for pupils who build up «healthy eating» points and prizes can be given for those with the most points in a particular determined period.


Considering how expensive these dogs are and how determined people are to own them, prospective owners should not expect to find one of these pups at the local shelter.


In what he describes as «an imagined biography,» Allen Say humanizes the troubled and determined American artist James Castle.


I would suggest she take a time out from her determined battle, go to Ottawa’s Confederation Square and read some of the names inscribed along with my grandfather’s.


Tenacious and determined children can eventually learn how to open even the most confusing lock in your home.


Stellan Skarsgard delivers a tour de force as he moves from stolid and solid «citizen of the year» to a revengeful but determined killer.


As an ambitious and determined future medical assistant, students will have access to some of the top universities and colleges in the nation, albeit at fairly expensive tuition rates.


The paucity of essential resources that a sizeable number of Americans endure testifies to difficulty of solving many of society’s problems — even in the face of the most determined government endeavors.


Bishop Hill writes: As it becomes clear that there will be a determined step by bureaucrats to neuter the FOI Act by introducing charges, it is increasingly important that the public take steps to nip this activity in the bud.


That in turn means more funding for research, and a more determined effort to control aging through medicine, one step at a time.


Elimination Period — A pre determined period of time that a policy holder must make payments before they become eligible for benefits.


And given that the Italian champions are looking to launch an assault on the Champions League next season, they could well make a more determined attempt this time.


Now we take a determined step to make organic dairy products more available to UK consumers as we believe that organic milk has a key role to play as consumers increasingly look for ways to make their diets healthier and more natural,» says Peter Giørtz-Carlsen.


Beginning Reader Narrator Laura Hamilton captures the spunky, determined voice of Lilly who has her heart set on being the flower girl at her teacher’s wedding in this work written and illustrated by Kevin Henkes.


Our study demonstrates this is achievable, but will require determined action and significant investment — starting at just under US$ 1 billion annually 2020s,» said Professor Scott.


in a very stern, determined voice, so I asked her if she wanted to meet him.


Since the design lifetime of most fossil fuel plants is of order 40 years, the world would be wise to opt for another generation of fossil fuels to continue the improvement of the lot of mankind, while making a more determined effort over a longer time to develop real workarounds to the currently perceived problem of carbon dioxide emissions.


The implication, too, is that the world’s governments still have time to launch determined programmes to sharply reduce fossil fuel use, and switch to wind, solar and other renewable energy sources before climate change disrupts the planet’s food security and exacts what could be a devastating toll on the biosphere.


hopefully we will see a more determined performance from the team on Sunday.


The frames are so flexible and seem to be impossible to break even for little determined hands.


Giving up would be easy, but a man who decides to straighten out his teeth with braces at the age of 34 is a determined son of a gun.


Whether they need to recover compensation for their own injuries or need assistance with a wrongful death lawsuit, individuals or families affected by DWI accidents can rely on our law firm for compassionate and determined legal assistance.


What the world witnessed in February this year when Mubarak stepped down from power was not a successful revolution, but the first determined step in what might be best described as a «slow coup».


In this lightly edited conversation, he discusses her legacy, her very determined character and the unpopular political move that made her a controversial art world figure.


The most rewarding part of the job is seeing students enjoy their studies and, through their very determined efforts graduate, and move on to a career they love.


From his very first month of life, your baby will show determined interest in human voices, particularly those of his parents.


It’s also smart enough to know that both Mills and Somerset would be far out of their elements when dealing with a killer so determined and thoughtful.


Now Michael McClelland, the brilliant, determined killer introduced in White’s first novel, has left the Colorado State Mental Hospital — and he’s coming after Alan Gregory’s family.


We are looking for a dynamic, confident, enthusiastic and determined candidate to help take the practice forward.


[22] Note Jacques Derrida’s densely-packed understanding of the term «theological»: «The «theological» is a determined moment in the total movement of the trace.


Also, neither mature single men nor mature single women, who went through this, do not have a determined period for healing.


A more determined group armed with a more lethal weapon — nuclear, biological, nanotechnological even — could have done far more damage.


My painting tries to represent movement, vibration, light, space, time, things that exist but which do not have a determined form, and the only way I have found to do this is to attempt to represent the relationships between them.


In the desire to take a bold and determined step into the future, Windows 8 eliminates some of the touchstones of the Windows 7 desktop interface, while still leaving most of that desktop intact.


The car understeers more emphatically, it takes a more determined effort to make the hot and grippy rear tires come unstuck, and the wide road suddenly narrows at the exit of the corner.


Wenger on the defensive discipline at Chelsea… «We needed to respond in a very united, compact and determined way, and that’s what we did.


97 seconds later Pogba connected with Alexis Sanchez’s cross from deep in a more determined effort than Nicolas Otamendi, to equalise.


But the Bank has run up against a determined international resistance to its most controversial project to date — a pair of coal mega mine and export terminals that would ship millions of tons of coal through the Great Barrier Reef near Australia.


I think you’re long and determined responses speak for themselves.


Antibody titers are measures of a concentration of antibody in the blood stream for which there are determined levels that are considered «protective» for a given infectious disease.


Despite the difficult task, Carl put in a solid performance, and the fans immediately warmed to his passionate & determined style of play.


She, naturally, brushes him off and escapes his determined approach by crawling out through the bathroom window.


According to Screen Daily, Blunt is set to star as Raylene Jackson, a stubborn but vulnerable and determined American woman with a chip on her shoulder who dreams of becoming a champion bull-rider.


Haneke’s grip on his characters is so tight, his aesthetic so determined and claustrophobic, and his art-shock tactics so pronounced that when he occasionally indulges in symbolism it comes across as incongruous.


It wasn’t that I had become more determined than during my previous tries; I had simply found something that, for me, wasn’t that hard.


Achieving this goal will require a more determined and more directive approach from the highest levels of government and industry.


Punta Arenas is a departure point for many wishing to experience the region called Patagonia, and you’re as apt to find determined German back-packers as you are to encounter hunters, fishermen, kayakers, bicyclists, and nature-loving photographers.


As I write this, I can hear far off rumbles of thunder and a steady and determined rain hitting the metal roof of the beach house we rented along the Gulf Coast of Port Aransas, Texas.


Much like Kidnap where Halle Berry goes berserk because her son gets taken when her car is stolen, here Gabrielle Union turns into a determined killer mom to get her children free from robbers.


He tries his hand at Thomas Hart Benton and his determined American scenes, but the landscape sits too still.


Sentences with the word Determined?



  • «this can be experimentally determined«
  • «he determined unique mechanisms for the photochemical reactions»
  • «a struggle against a determined enemy»
  • «made continued and determined efforts to find and destroy enemy headquarters»
  • «date and place are already determined«; «the dictated terms of surrender»; «the time set for the launching»
  • «I couldn’t follow the direction of his thoughts»; «his ideals determined the direction of his career»; «they proposed a new direction for the firm»
  • «the distance from New York to Chicago»; «he determined the length of the shortest line segment joining the two points»
  • «a number of factors determined the outcome»
  • «he determined the upper bound with Descartes’ rule of signs»; «he gave us a general formula for attacking polynomials»
  • «to the last measure of human endurance»; «whether they were accomplices in the last degree or a lesser one was…to be determined individually»
  • «the federal government replaced the powerfully pro-settler Sir Godfrey Huggins with the even tougher and more determined ex-trade unionist»
  • «a magistrate determined that there was probable cause to search the house»
  • «pugnacious spirits…lamented that there was so little prospect of an exhilarating disturbance»- Herman Melville; «they were rough and determined fighting men»
  • «his salary was determined by his rank and seniority»
  • «determined who was the responsible party»; «termites were responsible for the damage»
  • «the sites are determined by highly specific sequences of nucleotides»
  • «the water was a glassy smoothness»; «the weather system of the Pacific is determined by the uninterrupted smoothness of the ocean»
  • «he is determined to bring down the Iraqi strongman»
  • «not worth his salt»; «worth her weight in gold»; «an appraisal determined the antique carved chair was worth $900″

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Relief needs, priorities for action determined and donor contributions sought.

Определены потребности по оказанию чрезвычайной помощи, установлены первоочередные направления деятельности и предприняты шаги для изыскания взносов от доноров.

Our republic has determined ten sports that receive significant state support.

В нашей республике определено 10 видов спорта, развитие которых получает значительную государственную поддержку.

A determined Richard Burton convinced Cartier to sell him the stone.

Решительный Ричард Бертон, супруг Элизабет Тейлон, убедил ювелирный дом продать ему камень.

They grow more daring and determined every day.

С каждым днем они ведут себя все более дерзко и решительно.

But the winners are those determined to develop relations despite problems.

А победителями являются те, кто, несмотря на трудности, все равно намерен развивать отношения.

And determined to find out everything she knew.

И он был намерен выяснить все, что она знала.

This woman attracts men desperate and determined, like her.

Эта женщина привлекает к себе мужчин отчаянных и решительных, как она.

I feel more motivated and determined than ever to win this battle.

Я чувствую себя более мотивированным и решительным, чем когда-либо, чтобы выиграть эту битву.

But after everything they went through, he became even more determined.

Но после всего, через что они прошли, он стал еще более решительным.

They deserve greater financial support and more determined political backing.

Они заслуживают выделения большего объема финансовых ресурсов и более решительной политической поддержки.

It was later determined that they were probably small ice crystals venting from onboard spacecraft systems.

Позже было определено, что это были, вероятно, маленькие ледяные кристаллы, отделившиеся от бортовых систем космического корабля.

I’d forgot how determined he gets.

Я и забыл каким решительным он становится, если что в голову засест.

Already determined which positions have efektivnostiof practical importance.

Уже определено, какие должности не имеют ефективного практического значения.

My nonexistent green-eyed counterpart is completely determined and nevertheless does not exist.

Мой несуществующий зеленоглазый двойник полностью определен, и, тем не менее, его не существует.

The situation confronting Africa deserves special mention and determined action.

Сложности, с которыми сталкивается Африка, заслуживают особого упоминания и решительных действий.

The determined 308 threshold pressure may vary based on the determined 302 ground speed, whether a steering command has been determined 304, and various other factors.

Определенное 308 пороговое давление может варьировать на основании определенной 302 скорости относительно земли, была ли определена 304 управляющая команда и различных других факторов.

The measurement of the conductivity and of the permeability is carried out by putting determined amounts of proppant in a cell under a determined confinement pressure and for a determined time.

Измерение проводимости и проницаемости осуществляют, помещая определенные количества расклинивающего наполнителя в камеру под определенным ограничивающим давлением и на определенное время.

Investigators quickly determined it was no accident.

Подключенные к делу следователи быстро определяют, что произошедшее не является несчастным случаем.

I determined that it certainly was possible.

Я придерживаюсь той точки зрения, что это, безусловно, было возможно.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат determined

Результатов: 39133. Точных совпадений: 39133. Затраченное время: 570 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word determined, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use determined in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «determined». In addition, we also show how different variations of determined can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are determinedly. If you click on the variation of determined that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Determined in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word determined in a sentence.

  1. They also determined that P.

  2. This we are determined to do.

  3. Jackson determined to veto it.

  4. He was determined to bounce back.

  5. But he is also very determined ..

  6. He became determined to marry her.

  7. The clade of R1b was not determined.

  8. Rice determined that James Parsons Jr.

  9. They were determined to install an Umayyad.

  10. However, he was determined to care for them.

  11. I was determined to continue making silent films ..

  12. It has not been determined with certainty whether S.

  13. McDaniel in 1954 over Howey’s determined opposition.

  14. This was determined to be the most promising method.

  15. After initial anger, Chamberlain determined to fight.

  16. This allowed the chemical composition of the stellar atmosphere to be determined.

  17. The signals were intercepted by the British, from which bearings were determined.

  18. Gomułka, however, was determined to impose a forceful resolution of the conflict.

  19. Soon after Percy Shelley’s death, Mary Shelley determined to write his biography.

  20. The chemical characteristics of nihonium have yet to be determined unambiguously.

  21. Starting in the primary, the Nixon campaign made determined efforts to woo the district’s newspapers.

  22. The final part of qualifying determined the positions from first to tenth, and decided pole position.

  23. Following the match, Dallas coach Schellas Hyndman complained about how hosts are determined for U.S.

  24. Meanwhile, Sombor was captured against determined Chetnik resistance, and Subotica was also captured.

  25. By that time, Kertész was determined to photograph the sights in Paris and join its artistic culture.

  26. Following the outbreak of the Second World War, Saunders was determined to serve in the armed forces.

  27. Wrestle Kingdom 9’s other main event was determined at the November 8, 2014, NJPW Power Struggle show.

  28. Buttressed by what was left of the legacy from his grandmother, Richardson determined to learn to act.

  29. Once the highest bidding MLB team was determined, the player could then only negotiate with that team.

  30. The attack was initially successful, but soon bogged down in the face of determined Soviet resistance.

  31. The Justice Department determined that the firm had violated Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

  32. A laser can then be locked to the frequency, and its wavelength can be determined using interferometry.

  33. Anthony, who was determined to show that women could successfully assist in the management of the fair.

  34. If enough players determined that the messages were a violation, an automated system would punish them.

  35. After the ship had been raised it was determined that about 40% of the original structure had survived.

  36. The cause of her early death was never determined, and while murder was suspected at the time, no culprit was identified.

  37. He joined the board of directors and was again used for publicity, but he was never a hard worker or determined salesman.

  38. He was described by his teachers as a determined youth, who would repeat any activity he failed at until he got it right.

  39. Pradeep Sarkar’s drama Lafangey Parindey (2010) starred Padukone as a blind girl determined to win a skating competition.

  40. Ocean sunfish may live up to ten years in captivity, but their lifespan in a natural habitat has not yet been determined.

  41. The sex of birds is determined by the Z and W sex chromosomes, rather than by the X and Y chromosomes present in mammals.

  42. The practice can also be determined with a DNA-based method that is sensitive enough to detect the addition of 1–2% of S.

  43. This was determined by measuring the disk of cold dust orbiting the star produced by collisions between such small bodies.

  44. The subsquamosal fenestra, an opening at the back of the skull determined by the shape of the squamosal, is almost absent.

  45. The relative ages of the different surface units on Callisto can be determined from the density of impact craters on them.

  46. Hugh Hudson took on the Education portfolio, an important role in a government that was determined to bring about profound change to the South Australian education system.

  47. Gazetted on 2 November, the citation for the award declared that «The success of these two raids was largely due to the determined and skilful leadership of this officer».

  48. The Mediterranean subspecies has longer wings and a heavier bill on average than the nominate form, but neither sex nor subspecies can be determined by observation at sea.

  49. By adjusting the path length while observing the interference pattern and carefully measuring the change in path length, the wavelength of the light (λ) can be determined.

  50. After much hard work and many discoveries, they determined that what they were observing was fission, and that the new elements that Fermi had found were fission products.

Determinedly in a sentence

Determinedly is a variation of determined, below you can find example sentences for determinedly.

  1. The UFA MLAs came from a determinedly independent and non-partisan background and proved nearly impossible to whip.

  2. The retiarius was also seen as water to the secutor’s fire, one constantly moving and escaping, the other determinedly inescapable.

  3. These stories are not fueled by witchcraft, but by secularism.» The Harry Potter books have been lauded by atheists and secularists for their determinedly non-religious outlook.

  4. Jepko, who had run a telephone talk show out of KSL in Salt Lake City for years, so determinedly avoided controversial topics, that some callers simply talked about the weather where they lived.

Synonyms for determined

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word determined has the following synonyms: ascertained, discovered, observed, compulsive, driven, ambitious, dictated, set, settled, resolute, stubborn, obstinate and unregenerate.

General information about «determined» example sentences

The example sentences for the word determined that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «determined» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «determined».

determined — перевод на русский


To determine if the volunteers’ experiences were spiritually valid, Walter Pahnke submitted their written accounts to a panel of theologians.

«тобы определить был ли опыт добровольцев духовно подлинным, «олтер ѕанки отослал их письменные отчеты коммисиии богословов.

I’m a skilled healer. I can determine her illness, by looking at her nails.

Я искусный лекарь, я могу по цвету ногтей определить ее болезнь.

Determine extent of damage.

Определить размер повреждений.

So it would be hard to determine time of death.

Так труднее было бы определить время смерти.

And will you be able to determine if that beam is harming me in the slightest?

Вы сможете определить, если возникнет опасность повреждения?

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He’s quite determined I shan’t do anything that interferes with his plans.

Он полностью решил, что я не буду делать ничего, что нарушит его планы.

And he was determined to get a better look.

И он решил разглядеть объект получше.

Professor Stahlman seems determined to blow us all to kingdom come, the Doctor has vanished into thin air and I have a number of unsolved murders on my hands.

Профессор Столмэн похоже решил отправить всех нас в загробный мир, Доктор растворился в воздухе и у меня на руках группа нераскрытых убийств.

Especially when that student’s determined to become a forest ranger.

Особенно, если этот студент решил стать лесничим.

Since you’re determined, I will give you the name of a person who will try and help you.

Раз ты всё для себя решил, я знаю человека который может тебе помочь.

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That often determines the whole course of subsequent proceedings.

Порой это определяет весь ход дела.

It’s what determines

Это то, что определяет…

Even Juliet will realize that the social existence of women determines their thought.

Даже Джульетт поймет, что социальное существование женщин определяет их мышление.

It’s a number. It’s a letter… but it determines salaries and futures.

Это число, буква… но она определяет зарплату и будущее.

It is the international system of currency… which determines the totality of life on this planet.

Международная валютная система… определяет совокупность жизни на этой планете.

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«Mimi came out for the second half, with the score nothing-nothing, determined to protect her goal line against the prince and his team.

«Мими вышла во второй тайм со счетом ноль, ноль Решительно встав на защиту своей линии, против принца и его команды

You’re determined not to let me share in this, aren’t you?

Вы решительно не хотите, чтобы я в этом участвовал?

They grow more daring and determined every day.

С каждым днем они ведут себя все более дерзко и решительно.

I see… you’re very determined.

Я вижу… вы настроены очень решительно.

Since Major Sharpe is so determined we will not demean ourselves by begging for your wife

Раз майор Шарп настроен так решительно, не будем унижаться и просить у него вашу жену.

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Until now it could not be determined when and how this exchange happened. And also the perpetrators are still entirely unknown.

До сих пор не удалось точно установить, когда и как это произошло, и никаких следов преступников до сих пор не найдено.

Unfortunately, it cannot be determined, whether you are alive or dead.

— Увы, не получилось установить, живой вы или мертвый

First of all, we have to fully examine the brain, and determine the form of the disorder,… and clean the wound on the brain.

Для начала, необходимо провести детальное обследование мозга, и установить вид расстройства… а затем очистить мозг.

She changed men every day, so it’s very difficult to determine who is Petar’s father.

Mужчин она меняла ежедневнo, так что очень тяжело установить, кто отец Петра.

Your guilt or innocence is what we are here to determine.

Ваша вина или невиновность — то, чего мы собираемся здесь установить.

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Your Honor, this suit was brought to determine whether or not Mr. Tyler married me.

Ваша честь, нашей целью было выяснить, женат мистер Тайлер на мне или нет.

Excuse me, sir, but our purpose is to determine whether the Hachiro army is there.

Простите, господин, но наша цель — выяснить, есть там армия Хатиро или нет.

Do you think that Orta would cooperate with us to determine the truth here?

Как вы думаете, Орта будет сотрудничать с нами, чтобы выяснить подоплеку происходящего?

Then perhaps you should venture forth and determine their whereabouts.

Ну, тогда бы Вам хорошо сходить на рaзведку и выяснить, где они.

Yes, but the challenge is determining who is guilty of what.

Да. Но в этом-то и задача — выяснить, кто именно виновен и в чем.

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He seemed determined to show me everything.

Казалось, он был полон решимости показать мне все.

So you’re determined to preach Christ to the Saracen, hmm?

Итак, ты полон решимости проповедовать Христа среди сарацинов?

I was determined to get back to Japan, and somehow I managed to make it back.

Я был полон решимости вернуться обратно в Японию, и каким-то образом мне это удалось.

He seems pretty determined to discourage people from coming here.

Кажется, он полон решимости не дать людям сюда приезжать.

We had made the championships, and I was determined to win.

Мы участвовали в чемпионате, и я был полон решимости победить.

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I’m afraid he’s determined to take us with him, even if it means force.

Боюсь, он намерен вернуть нас, хотя бы и силой.

I’m determined to fit in.

Я намерен вписаться.

I’m determined to confront that eventuality well protected.

И я намерен встретить это обвинение во всеоружии.

Yes, Mr Flanagan is determined… to revolutionize the bar business… by franchising his version of the local New York tavern… to every suburban shopping mall in America.

Да, мистер Флениген намерен преобразовать сеть баров, во всех торговьiх центрах Америки, используя свой вариант системьi управления местньiм баром в Нью-Йорке.

I have no great desire to die, Doctor, but I am determined to carry out the will of the Prophets as long as I am able.

Мне совсем не хочется умирать, доктор, но я намерен выполнять волю Пророков столько, сколько могу.

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At any rate, the experience of meeting you again… is a little more than he can take all at one time… and he is determined not to show it.

В любом случае, пережить встречу с вами… ему несколько трудновато… а он не хочет это показывать.

I tell you, Tlotoxl is determined to destroy me.

Тлотоксол хочет уничтожить меня.

Why is Pressman so determined to find your ship 12 years later?

Почему Прессман так хочет найти Ваш корабль — 12 лет спустя?

But my mother is determined to see me distinguished.

Но моя матушка хочет видеть мои успехи на общественном поприще.

She’s determined both he and Robert will marry well.

Она хочет, чтоб он и Роберт нашли себе подходящие пары.

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But I assure you, I’m determined to study that place.

Но я уверяю вас, Я настроен изучить это место.

Oh, yes, he’s determined to get it.

О, да, он настроен получить его.

But no one is more determined to find out who is responsible.

Но никто, более чем я, не настроен, я не успокоюсь, пока не выясню, кто ответственный.

But your father is determined to be cruel.

Но ваш отец настроен быть жестоким.

I tried to use all possible arguments to make him desist from his intentions but he came determined to kill me

Я использовал все возможные аргументы, чтобы он отказался от своих намерений, но он был настроен на убийство.

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Отправить комментарий

определенный, установленный, решительный, полный решимости, непреклонный


- решительный, полный решимости; непреклонный

determined character — а) твёрдый характер; б) решительный человек
determined chin — волевой подбородок
he is more determined than ever — он настроен более решительно, чем когда-либо раньше
determined attack — решительный удар

- определённый, установленный

determined price — определённая /твёрдая/ цена

Мои примеры


a struggle against a determined enemy — борьба против решительно настроенного противника  
Whether they were accomplices in the last degree or a lesser one was to be determined individually. — Были ли они сообщниками в высшей степени, или же в меньшей, должно было определяться индивидуально.  
determined who was the responsible party — определили, кто же был виновной стороной  
determined resolution — твёрдая решимость  
determined foes — непримиримые враги  
determined / fierce / stiff / strong / vehement opposition — сильное, яростное сопротивление  
to be determined by a quadrature — определяться квадратурой  
determined / fierce / stiff resistance — решительное сопротивление  
determined delinquent — признанный (по суду) делинквентом  
ambiguously determined лог. — неоднозначно определенный  
uniquely determined лог. — однозначно определенный  
determined weight — определенный вес  
ambiguously determined — неоднозначно определенный  

Примеры с переводом

She was determined to win.

Она была настроена на победу.

She is a very determined woman.

Она очень решительная женщина.

I was determined to get at the truth.

Я был полон решимости докопаться до истины.

They determined to leave immediately.

Они решили немедленно уехать.

She was making a determined effort to give up smoking.

Она предпринимала решительные действия, для того чтобы бросить курить.

We determined on lying by for a day.

Мы решили денёчек отдохнуть.

She is determined to finish law school.

Она полна решимости получить юридическое образование.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The library was closed down despite determined opposition.

She’s determined to get the deadwood out of the company.

She was determined to browbeat everyone into believing her.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

determinism  — детерминизм
undetermined  — неопределенный, нерешенный, нерешительный
determiner  — определяющее слово
determining  — определять, устанавливать, решать, решаться, измерять, детерминировать
determinable  — определимый, устанавливаемый, истекающий, подлежащий прекращению

Examples of how to use the word “determined” in a sentence. How to connect “determined” with other words to make correct English sentences.

determined (adj): wanting to do something very much and not allowing anyone or any difficulties to stop you

Use “determined” in a sentence

I am determined to give up smoking.
“The path to success is to take massive, determined action”.
The government is determined to tackle inflation.
She is determined to leave the company.
She’s a determined woman.

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Definition of Determined

strong-minded; set on getting something done

Examples of Determined in a sentence

Determined to beat his cancer, the man sought medical treatment for several months.


People told Judy that she couldn’t be a cop, but she was determined to prove them wrong.


Lionel is determined to finish college and keeps holding on even when the going gets tough.


Anna was determined to be a doctor, refusing to give up even though no one in her family had a medical degree.


The police officers are determined to find the killer and will not give up on the case until it is closed.


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