Sentences with word depressed

If you are feeling depressed or anxious during the winter months, or anytime, talk to someone.


There’s a moment in Christine — Antonio Campos’s clinical character study of «70s on-air reporter Christine Chubbuck — when a violently depressed Christine chastises her mother’s parenting.


Back then, Barrick was not a bloated organization that had lost investor confidence, nor was it facing a mountainous $ 13-billion debt in a depressed gold market.


Film Review by Kam Williams Headline: Revealing Documentary Chronicles Semester at Striptease School in Seattle On the few occasions I’ve been to strip clubs to attend bachelor’s parties, I’ve always left depressed over how unappetizing the dancers were.


Children in joint custody are more disturbed and depressed than children in sole custody, even when the parents choose joint custody voluntarily.


On Friday she’d received a call from Germany announcing she had won her first ever prize, then celebrated at Wolfgang Tillmans» opening until 4 am, before returning home to snooze on the sofa, feeling «terrible and depressed» until 3 pm.


The present study compared children of postpartum depressed mothers (n = 29) with children from a community sample (n = 113) in terms of a broad range of developmental outcomes in the early school period.


Medications versus cognitive behavior therapy for severely depressed outpatients: meta-analysis of four randomized comparisons.


They may be lethargic or severely depressed, Alexander said.


«If you think your teen is more stressed, anxious, and depressed than you were back in your teen day, you’re right.


What makes him special: Megie’s taken a perennially depressed market just east of Flint, Mich., and turned it into a profitable niche, specializing in bank foreclosures.


This can be extremely frustrating to those in divorce because most are hurt, angry, sad, depressed, devastated, the list goes on, and they just want to be heard and understood.


I think it’s good that people don’t come out depressed.


Men and women may become depressed or frenetic.


When he gets a crazed letter from someone who self-identifies as the «perk» and threatens an even more diabolical attack, Hodges wakes up from his depressed and vacant retirement, hell-bent on preventing another tragedy.


This can lead to depressed passivity or angry rebellion, but mostly it just feeds the fear of never figuring out who they are.


«Depression among young teens linked to cannabis use at 18: Seattle-focused study suggests earlier intervention with depressed youths could reduce rate of cannabis-use disorder.»


Why do some children of depressed mothers develop symptoms of psychopathology or impaired functioning, whereas others do not?


They also tended to post more frequently and use more Instagram filters, the most popular one for depressed participants being Inkwell, which turns a photo black and white.


A number of individuals would prefer to avoid the use of synthetic testosterone when attempting to increase testosterone, and instead raise the body’s depressed blood level through the use of natural testosterone.


Whether you are feeling depressed, overwhelmed, anxious, or stuck, you do not have to experience this alone.


Formulate ways to bring mindfulness approaches to your work with chronically depressed individuals.


Well I’m a bit depressed cos after fall comes the winter.


It’s not good for the mom, and it’s not good for the baby, who may have more trouble forming a secure bond with a depressed, unresponsive mother.


While the rest of the trading world is mired in a seemingly «riskless» environment, with implied volatility offered at historically depressed levels across most all asset classes, the cryptocurrency space is a beacon of light for the thrill seekers.


Are depressed individuals more susceptible to cognitive dissonance?


As odd as it sounds, I always enjoyed the query letter portion… something about narrowing so much into so little always felt liberating and exciting, especially when that send button is depressed!


Instead of enjoying my baby, I was depressed and angry.


A sovereign fund would have two distinct advantages over other investors — the depressed value of the US dollar makes the homes a bargain, and sovereign funds have deeper pockets.


I was depressed and suicidal, and wondering how to get out.


Several studies have shown that those on a low fat diet with low cholesterol are linked to a depressed mood


Investors are buying up this real estate at depressed prices and turning them into rentals.


This stuff does make me a little angry, but it really just makes me depressed, upset, and heartbroken that people can be so ruthless towards someone’s beliefs.


A recent visit to the McLaren facility in Woking, a billion-dollar space pad that makes the humble Lotus HQ look like a middle school in a depressed Ohio suburb, reminded me how high the stakes can be.


My skin is still bad… I want to just let it all go, tired of spending money on specialists, and still here sad, depressed and obese… I used to weight 62 kilos… went to 76/77 and have not lost it yet.


1Thess5: 14 tells us to speak consolingly to the depressed souls and support the weak.


Because she didn’t feel depressed, however, Kavulla didn’t know what was happening.


Often a depressed spouse withdraws or cheats.


If, after getting over the initial shock of the event, you don’t feel like yourself, are exhibiting strange behaviours, or feel nervous, depressed or fearful, contact your doctor.


Depression is contagious, but it’s not as if you get infected when your depressed friend cries on your shoulder.


I used to be sad, depressed, and insecure.


Both siblings left their mark on her life, and when they both died prematurely, Melanie became seriously depressed, something that remained a characteristic of her personality throughout her life.


Just know that you might get even more depressed if you can’t deliver your project.


The adults in the children’s hospital dramedy tell TheWrap that they were «depressed» during pilot season until they read the «page turner»


That is about the stupidest thing one could ever say to a depressed person.


When I was 26 years old, I learned my HBsAg was reactive when I was required to undergo medical exam for an employment (so depressed I wasn’t hired and the doctor had to write in big words, «not fit to work» on my medical result clearance).


Children of depressed parents are at greater risk than others for academic and behavioral problems and for developing depression themselves.


«We don’t just focus on depressed economies,» Watson told CPE.


Low self-efficacy, poor levels of family functioning, high levels of self-reported anxiety, and depressed and irritable mood predicted depression at the six-month follow-up.


This technique can also be used when you feel stressed, depressed or anxious and can help oxygenate your brain, bloodstream and heart.


These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


He feels guilty and possibly even depressed after he drinks.

Он чувствует себя виноватым и, возможно, даже подавленным после того, как он выпивает.

Soon after he left me I became even more depressed.

Вскоре после того, как он меня покинул, я сделался еще более подавленным.

We often treated depressed patients by motivating them.

Мы часто лечили депрессивных пациентов тем, что мотивировали их.

I got clinically depressed in 1988.

Я присоединился к Анонимным Депрессивным в 1988 году.

More and more students report feeling depressed.

Все больше первокурсников из колледжей сообщают о том, что чувствуют себя подавленными.

A psychologist primarily aids the depressed patient through counseling and psychotherapy.

Разница между ними заключается в том, что психолог в первую очередь помогает депрессивному пациенту путем консультирования и психотерапии.

Carole started counseling with me because she was depressed.

Carole начала советоваться со мной, потому что она была подавлена.

You feel depressed and wonder how you will integrate into society.

Вы чувствуете себя подавленным и удивляетесь, как вы сможете интегрироваться в это общество.

He was so depressed that friends worried he was suicidal.

Он был так подавлен, что его друзья боялись, как бы он не покончил с собой.

Too many are becoming anxious and depressed because they are overwhelmed and disappointed.

«Слишком много [женщин] становятся тревожными и подавленными, потому что они переполнены и разочарованы.

Both studies provide evidence that Facebook users felt depressed when comparing themselves to others.

Оба исследования обеспечили доказательства того, что пользователи социальных сетей чувствуют себя подавленными, когда сравнивают себя с друзьями.

In American productivity, restored quickly, while labor remained depressed for a decade.

В американской производительности, восстановленной быстро, в то время как рабочая сила осталась подавленной в течение десятилетия.

Thus, the idea is that less RGS8 means increased depressed behavior.

Таким образом, идея состоит в том, что меньшее количество RGS8 означает повышенное депрессивное поведение.

Kyoto was shocked and depressed after the capital was moved to Tokyo.

Киото был потрясен и подавлен после того, как столица была перенесена в Токио.

Probably Gauss was too depressed even to look at the paper.

Вероятно, Гаусс был слишком подавлен даже для того, чтобы взглянуть на статью.

The extract is useful in depressed and depressed conditions.

Frank became depressed and he eventually committed suicide.

Фрэнк впал в депрессию, и, в конце концов, покончил жизнь самоубийством.

Sometimes people who are depressed have trouble concentrating.

Таким образом, у людей, которые испытывают скуку, имеются проблемы с концентрацией внимания.

I mean, I know I suffer from depression periodically and take antidepressants, but I’m not depressed depressed.

Я имею в виду, я знаю, что страдаю от депрессии и периодически принимаю антидепрессанты, но у меня не депрессивная депрессия.

Maybe you’re depressed because you feel guilty.

Возможно, Ваша депрессия связана с тем, что Вы чувствуете себя виноватой за что-то.

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Suggestions that contain depressed

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This further depressed Chinese exports.
Это ещё больше снизило объём китайского экспорта.

I grew discouraged and depressed.
Я была обескуражена и подавлена.

Like any Indian, today I am angry, frustrated, and depressed.
Как и любой индиец, сегодня я зол, разочарован и угнетен.

You look depressed. Did something happen?
Ты выглядишь удручённым. Что-то случилось?

Meanwhile, Germany benefited from the euro crisis, which depressed the exchange rate and boosted its competitiveness further.
Тем временем, Германия получила выгоду от кризиса евро, который понизил обменный курс евро и еще больше увеличил ее конкурентное преимущество.

Button color while buttons are in a depressed state
Цвет кнопок в нажатом состоянии

For example, high unemployment has depressed wages and increased poverty.
Например, высокий уровень безработицы вызвал снижение заработной платы и увеличение масштабов нищеты.

I was faster but just as depressed.
Я был быстрее, но все такой же подавленный.

With demand relentlessly squeezed, not even depressed wages can generate adequate employment.
Но при неуклонно сжимающемся спросе даже «угнетенные» заработные платы не могут сгенерировать достаточную занятость.

At least it doesn’t make you morbidly depressed; instead, it makes your life a little easier, more bearable and less depressing, by filling your head with beautiful, if ipso facto impossible, dreams.
Она, по крайней мере, не вгоняет вас в страшную депрессию; даже наоборот — немного облегчает жизнь, делая ее более сносной и менее удручающей, забивая ваши головы красивыми, по определению невозможными мечтами.

Growth and FDI inflows are still depressed, but, overall, the region has weathered the crisis in relatively good shape.
Рост и приток ПИИ по-прежнему понижены, но в целом регион пережил кризис в относительно хорошем порядке.

Button text while buttons are in a depressed state
Цвет текста кнопок в нажатом состоянии

Five years of declining GDP have depressed tax receipts and increased transfer payments.
Пять лет снижения ВВП привели к снижению налоговых поступлений и увеличению трансфертных платежей.

Just feeling really sad and depressed right now.
Я сейчас ужасно расстроена и подавлена.

And I am depressed at the damage being done to the idea of India.
И я угнетен тем ущербом, который был нанесен образу Индии.

Depressed consumption and higher savings have affected all age groups, but the relatively old have been more prone to the trend than the relatively young.
Пониженные расходы и более высокие сбережения затронули все возрастные группы, но сравнительно пожилое население было более подвержено этой тенденции, чем сравнительно молодое.

Button border color while buttons are in a depressed state
Цвет границ кнопок в нажатом состоянии

Growth in the textile industry and exports and increased remittances were offset by depressed coffee prices.
Рост текстильного производства, экспорта и денежных переводов уравновесило общее снижение цен на кофе.

The Democrats were defeated and depressed in November.
В ноябре демократы были разбиты и подавлены.

Faced with depressed private investment and consumption, rising fiscal deficits can play a useful role, offsetting the deflationary effects.
При угнетенных частных инвестициях и потреблении рост налогово-бюджетного дефицита может сыграть полезную роль, компенсируя дефляционные воздействия.


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Sentences with the word Depressed?



  • «economic assistance to depressed areas»
  • «to him the antonym of `gay’ was `depressed‘»
  • «gloomy at the thought of what he had to face»; «gloomy predictions»; «a gloomy silence»; «took a grim view of the economy»; «the darkening mood»; «lonely and blue in a strange city»; «depressed by the loss of his job»; «a dispirited and resigned expression on her face»; «downcast after his defeat»; «feeling discouraged and downhearted»
  • «These news depressed her»; «The bad state of her child’s health demoralizes her»
  • «the crudeness of frontier dwellings depressed her»
  • «The glut of oil depressed gas prices»
  • «The rising inflation depressed the economy»
  • «The lack of rain had depressed the water level in the reservoir»
  • «the market is depressed«; «prices are down»
  • «depressed and desolate of soul»; «a low desolate wail»
  • «she became increasingly depressed«
  • «my father’s words had left me jaded and depressed«- William Styron
  • «he felt depressed and miserable»; «a message of hope for suffering humanity»; «wretched prisoners huddled in stinking cages»
  • «She talks a lot of nonsense»; «This depressed patient does not verbalize»
  • «Grandmother always treated us to the circus»; «I like to treat myself to a day at a spa when I am depressed«

depressed — перевод на русский


I’m depressed, too.

У меня тоже депрессия.

Had your husband been depressed or moody lately, Mrs. Dietrichson?

У вашего мужа в последнее время была депрессия?

Then I get tired and depressed.

Потом приходят усталость и депрессия.

I’m too depressed to work.

Я уже несколько дней не слышу твою машинку. У меня депрессия.

Well, Igor’s very depressed.

У Игоря депрессия.

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The old man was depressed at the opening last night.

Старик вчера, на открытии, был очень подавлен.

I’m depressed.

Я подавлен.

I’m so depressed.

— Я так подавлен.

He was a little depressed, but that was about it.

Он был немного подавлен, но все же на ногах.

I tried, but it’s very depressing.

Я пытался, на я очень подавлен.

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You and Wagner… It was a little too depressing.

Ты и Вагнер — это чересчур депрессивно.

It’s too depressing.

Это слишком депрессивно.

The other way is depressing.

«Под другим углом» — депрессивно.

A little depressing, but I understand why, considering your mood.

Немного депрессивно, но я понимаю почему, учитывая ваше настроение.

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Very depressing having your own daughter married, and not be there.

Угнетает, когда дочь выходит замуж без тебя.

— This place is very depressing.

— Эта медлительность очень угнетает.

It has its depressing moments.

Это угнетает.

— Doesn’t depress me.

— Меня не угнетает.

Painting depresses me.

Живопись меня угнетает.

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I don’t know but it’s depressing. Well nobody says you have to look. Something tells me it’s time for me to show off my tenor.

не знаю но это грустно ну… никто не просит смотреть что то подсказывает мне, что пора похвастаться своим пением вы знаете «Желе мягче Джема»?

No, it’s depressing, but it’s not my fault.

Это грустно, но я в этом не виновата.

Bart, you are the closest thing to a man in my life and that’s so depressing I think I’m to cry.

Ты больше всех похож на мужчину. Это так грустно, сейчас заплачу.

ALLY: When I’m depressed, Renee makes me go dancing, I guess to cheer me up.

Когда мне грустно, Рене заставляет меня танцевать.

I was really depressed one Saturday night about 9:00…

Как-то вечером, часов в 9, мне было грустно и я—

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I’m feeling very depressed, and I would like to talk about what’s happening here.

Я ужасно расстроен и хотел бы поговорить о том, что здесь происходит.

— What are you feeling depressed about?

Чем ты расстроен?

I’m so depressed I’m going to slash my prices!

Я так расстроен что собираюсь порубить свои цены!

No wonder you’ve been so depressed, Bobby.

Понятно, почему ты так расстроен.

We were hanging out the other day, and he was kinda depressed, and we kissed.

Ну, мы недавно тусовались вместе, он был расстроен и я его поцеловала.

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Oh, how depressing.

Как уныло.

One girl talking about how much it sucked? Depressing and wrong.

А когда девчонка грузит на тему как ей все не нравится это уныло и неправильно.

Oh, Mum, this is so depressing.

Ну, мам, тут так уныло.

Sober’s depressing.

Уныло быть трезвым.

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— It’s really depressing, you know.

— Очень удручает, знаете ли.

It must be depressing for you when that sort of thing happens, eh, Poirot?

Вас, должно быть, удручает все это, Пуаро? А что именно?

It is so depressing to work alongside someone of your calibre. — When did you come up with this?

Это так удручает, работать рядом с профессионалом твоего калибра.

Sir, you’re really depressing everybody.

Сэр, вы ‘ RE действительно удручает всех.

It’s depressing all right.

Это удручает порядком.

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You got us both so depressed she asked me to drive her home after dinner.

«ы нагнал такую тоску что сразу после ужина она попросила отвезти еЄ домой.

Or are you keen on depressing the examiners to death?

Или ты хочешь вогнать экзаменаторов в тоску до смерти?

It’s too depressing.

Они нагнетают тоску.

Good, ’cause you were starting to depress the band.

Хорошо, потому что вы начинаете нагонять тоску на группу.

— The school paper is edging on depressing.

— Школьная газета тоску нагоняет.

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How depressing.


Must be depressing to be a bird… and know the hunting season is on.

Должно быть печально быть птицей… и знать, что сейчас охотничий сезон.

Pretty depressing.


And extremely depressing.

И чрезвычайно печально.

It’s not as bad as some, which is depressing all by itself.

Хотя не настолько дерьмова, как у некоторых, что само по себе печально.

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Отправить комментарий

подавленный, угнетенный, сниженный, пониженный, унылый, вогнутый, ослабленный


- подавленный, угнетённый; унылый

depressed spirits — подавленное настроение
to look depressed — выглядеть подавленным
to feel depressed — быть в подавленном настроении

- ослабленный; уменьшенный
- пониженный, сниженный
- вогнутый; сдавленный, сплющенный

depressed arch — вогнутая арка
depressed fracture — мед. вдавленный перелом
depressed areas — районы хронической безработицы (в Англии)
depressed classes — эвф. «обездоленные» (о «неприкасаемых» в Индии)

Мои примеры


to feel depressed about the future — не ждать от будущего ничего хорошего  
economically depressed area — регион с неблагополучной экономикой  
to become depressed — становиться унылым  
depressed economy — экономика, находящаяся в упадке  
depressed trade — застойная торговля  
depressed inflation — подавленная инфляция  
depressed kerb inlet — дождеприёмник с заглублением лотка проезжей части  
depressed key — нажатая кнопка; нажатый ключ  
depressed leaf — лист, потерявший тургор; повислый лист  
depressed line — вдавленная линия; линия депрессии  

Примеры с переводом

He began to feel depressed and helpless.

Он начал чувствовать себя подавленным и беспомощным.

She felt lonely and depressed.

Она чувствовала себя одинокой и подавленной.

These news depressed her.

Эти новости расстроили её.

The market is depressed.

Рыночные цены снижены.

His wife seemed depressed, and he feared for his children.

Его жена казалась подавленной, и он опасался за своих детей.

Britain’s depressed housing market

вялый британский рынок жилья

Don’t get depressed about it.

Не переживай по этому поводу.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The rainy weather had her feeling lonely and depressed.

Come to think of it, George did seem a bit depressed yesterday.

She’s depressed and believes that she’s worthless.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

depress  — подавлять, угнетать, нажимать, ослаблять, опускать, огорчать, понижать цену
undepressed  — неугнетенный, неподавленный, твердый, устойчивый, несдавленный, несплющенный

Synonym: blue, dispirited, down in the mouth, down, downcast, downhearted, indented, low, low-spirited. Similar words: depression, represent, for the present, press, impress, press for, representation, representative. Meaning: [dɪ’prest]  adj. 1. lower than previously 2. flattened downward as if pressed from above or flattened along the dorsal and ventral surfaces 3. low in spirits 4. having the central portion lower than the margin. 

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1. She became severely depressed after her mother’s death.

2. She felt lonely and depressed .

3. I realised I was becoming increasingly depressed and apathetic.

4. He began to feel depressed and helpless.

5. The thought of taking the exam again depressed him.

6. This failure leaves the child depressed and frustrated.

7. It makes me feel depressed.

8. The threat of war has depressed business activity.

9. The little girl depressed the button.

10. When he’s depressed he sits brooding for hours.

11. Try not to get depressed.

12. She was depressed and almost suicidal.

13. The sad story depressed me.

14. His sad news depressed us all day.

15. You mustn’t let yourself get depressed.

16. He was uncharacteristically depressed and ruminative.

17. He became very depressed and even got suicidal at one point.

18. Jackson said her boss became increasingly depressed and reverted to smoking heavily.

19. i will make you happy when you are depressed. i will make you delighted when you are in great sorrow!

20. He looked depressed but perked up when his friends arrived.

21. He was depressed and in a confused state of mind.

22. ‘I’m feeling really depressed.’ ‘The winter here has that effect sometimes.’

23. Crouch down(Sentencedict)(,hold your knees when you are depressed.Forgive others and yourself.

24. He was depressed because he had not passed the examinations.

25. I miss you when I am depressed, just as I miss the sunlight in winter; I miss you when I feel happy, just as I miss the shade in the hot sun.

26. Expect to feel angry, depressed and confused. It’s all part of the mourning process.

27. I was a bit depressed by our apparent lack of progress.

28. The soldier depressed the muzzle of a gun.

29. When she’s depressed she binges on chocolate.

30. She walked through the city centre with its drab, grey buildings and felt depressed.

More similar words: depression, represent, for the present, press, impress, press for, representation, representative, impression, impressive, embarrassed, assess, vessel, dessert, essence, entrepreneur, essentially, assessment, stress, dress up, preserve, address, actress, president, at present, Congress, distress, presumably, presidency, omnipresent. 


noun существительное



  1. подавленное состояние

adjective прилагательное















  1. унылый

  2. депрессивный

  3. понурый

adverb наречие

  1. в состоянии депрессии

participle причастие

















  1. подавленный

  2. сплющенный

  3. отжатый

  4. сниженный

  5. ослабленный

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений depressed на 1 миллион слов: 4.

Примеры предложений

I’m too depressed to eat.
Я слишком подавлена, чтобы поесть.

I feel depressed often.
Я часто чувствую себя подавленным.

The news depressed him very much.
Новости сильно огорчили его.

I get depressed at times.
Иногда на меня накатывает депрессия.

His pessimism depressed those around him.
Его пессимизм угнетал тех, кто находились вокруг него.

He’s depressed and lonely.
Он подавлен и одинок.

Tom is depressed and lonely.
Том подавлен и одинок.

Do you really think Tom is depressed?
Ты действительно думаешь, что у Тома депрессия?

Tom is depressed because his wife has left him.
Том в депрессии, потому что от него ушла жена.

Tom is depressed because his wife left him.
Том в депрессии, потому что от него ушла жена.

Tom got very depressed.
Том впал в жуткую депрессию.

Tom got very depressed after that.
После этого Том впал в жуткую депрессию.

I suspect that Tom is depressed.
Подозреваю, что у Тома депрессия.

I feel depressed because there are a lot of things I have to do.
Я чувствую себя подавленным, потому что мне ещё много всего надо сделать.

You’re not depressed, are you?
Ты не подавлен, нет?

Why are you depressed?
Почему ты расстроена?

Tom is depressed because his girlfriend left him.
Том в депрессии, потому что его бросила девушка.

Everyone’s depressed.
Все в депрессии.

I think that Tom is depressed.
По-моему, у Тома депрессия.

I don’t think that Tom is depressed.
Не думаю, что у Тома депрессия.

Your dog may be really depressed.
Видимо, у твоей собаки действительно депрессия.

Rainy days make me depressed.
Дождливые дни вызывают у меня депрессию.

Tom is depressed.
Том в депрессии.

Tom said that Mary was depressed.
Том сказал, что у Мэри депрессия.

Tom knew that I was depressed.
Том знал, что я в депрессии.

Because of Tom, Mary has become depressed.
Из-за Тома Мэри впала в депрессию.

I’m depressed.
У меня депрессия.

He is very depressed.
Он очень подавлен.

He is depressed.
Он расстроен.

She’s depressed.
Она в депрессии.

Children who are not motivated are down, depressed,

Always remember to share both sides with them, so they don’t get too uppity or too depressed

when you as a kid were having a sad and depressed look

automotive empire splashed disconsolately towards the rear of the vehicle, depressed

I occasionally meet Mandy (aunt Hermione’s extremely boring niece: the only thing she does is answer »yes» or »no» to my questions), Lena (an incredibly dull, married hen: I visit her once a week, and as soon as I get there she starts helping her sons with their homework; she won’t stop until I leave) or Persephone (rather depressed, yet she is the only one with whom I have something to discuss)

The driver of this last example of a long since fallen British automotive empire splashed disconsolately towards the rear of the vehicle, depressed the already sticking boot release with the heel of his right hand, and heaved at the tailgate with his left

I’ve been trying not to act too depressed and irritable

She was very depressed and he knew that the only reason she was still alive was out of a sense of duty to him

That evening the heavens opened upon the world and, depressed by the rain and the generally gloomy outlook, the young man all but gave up hope of ever finding true happiness

He pressed it and watched as the door depressed a few inches and silently slid to the left

Being a woman there was nothing she could do and so she felt betrayed and sank into a deeply depressed state

It was a terrible blow, he felt a complete fool; and he was depressed for months

depressed for almost twenty years

Nine Years Old, and Depressed

review – they concluded that my son was depressed

That evening the heavens opened upon the world and, depressed

He had been too depressed all the while she was with him this time

and depressed than on their last visit

The bar looks like a waiting room for the terminally depressed, somewhere that the Grim Reaper might park his latest charges while he goes off to collect the rest of the damned

» He sounded so depressed she couldn’t just let him stand there

After a while I was too depressed to even try

This is a depressed time for me because people I loaned money to have not paid it back and I don’t have a job yet

All these things bug me and make me depressed

She was so tired and probably depressed by the lunch hour situation that she took Thursday and Friday off

Manny knew that Ming was depressed but was devastated by his decision to end his life

Klowa was getting quite depressed by what he was hearing about Luray

Taking into account the previous, could you go on as always, without feeling dumped on, angry, distressed, depressed, or whatever negative, violent, or other emotions that might pop up in your mind? Would this affect you just a little, somewhat, or perhaps a lot? In other words, how dependent are you on these things to have a rich and fulfilling life? More specifically, how dependent are you on external factors, as opposed to being internally centered and in tune with yourself and your loved ones to be able to feel whole, relaxed, and satisfied with your Earthly existence?

His face had a dark, depressed appearance

He therefore also knew that Phil was chronically depressed and had an addiction to chips and mayonnaise — a favoured dish in the area

However, when people fail to secure the coveted high ranking posts, they end up feeling inferior and depressed

During the session, the host got a caller who seemed extremely depressed and could be heard crying, during the conversation

On the other hand, if we were to focus too much attention on the drama, we may feel utterly depressed and or even flare up in temper

The Portuguese carried on the trade both to Africa and the East Indies, without any exclusive companies; and their settlements at Congo, Angola, and Benguela, on the coast of Africa, and at Goa in the East Indies though much depressed by superstition and every sort of bad government, yet bear some resemblance to the colonies of America, and are partly inhabited by Portuguese who have been established there for several generations

She reached in a pocket on her sleeve and pulled out a thin, silver colored card and depressed the edge with her thumb

” I looked at him again and thought fucking hell do Elijah and I look as worn out and depressed as this bloke does if so we must look like we had been dug up from the grave and dumped here for god’s sake he was only twenty but looked as old as time itself

This suited me down to the ground as I had gotten bored and depressed I loved the girls dearly but home had changed and even more so with Ma being gone

was depressed and disappointed

Defeated, empty and depressed

skeleton of the sculpture a depressed artist made with leather stretched over it

Alex was bored and she was depressed

He crushed the beer can, got himself another, popped it open and said, “it was like he was depressed or something

Esther could see that there was no point in discussing anything further with Nathan, he was done-in and depressed, better to leave it for now

Suddenly, I was depressed

At chest level on the left side, she found a crease in the mortar that depressed when touched

Some, the Rooinekke specifically, did not appreciate the above though, and were fairly depressed at being abnormally bald at age eighteen

My feelings made me depressed about someone making me think mine and Dorothy‘s life had been invaded the same if someone had broke into your house putting you in a position where you can‘t‘ defend yourself

I walked all the way home so depressed and crying so bad because this was not the picture I had always carried around for the day I would retire

Jack saw that I was depressed and down in the dumps

The old badger exhaled heavily as he rose, weary and depressed

If you consistently disappoint your children then they can get depressed about it

Why they have the need to do this is open for debate but it may let you feel depressed and down

Whatever works for you try it for it is important to keep your mind active and also not to get depressed or overwhelmed

It had been a long night, I was depressed and disillusioned

Disappointed and depressed with all the therapies we had tried, we

However, when he encountered him at the downstairs bar a week earlier, George, woefully depressed over the breakup of his marriage, and drowning his miseries in bourbon, was in no mood to gamble, and far less to listen

 When people are depressed they lose interest in their

Depressed that it was not a dream he closed his curtains

I felt depressed by the knowledge that these good,

Granted one felt worse and depressed and anxious and nervy and pissed-off later—what I would call the chair kicking mood—but the temporary reprieve was worth

“He wasn’t brave! He was depressed and a coward and he almost killed me! Is that the kind of thing we respect here?”

I’m still mildly depressed and have a lot of negative thoughts

” In hindsight, I think he was depressed, but ordinary people didn’t know about this condition in those days

The wounds from my divorce still raw, I was also depressed and angry

The realist in me allows that I might get sometimes get depressed for a few days, but I observe it happens reliably over these three days

I felt sad and depressed listening to this man

Over and over again our experiences prove that it is our mental outlook that is fundamentally responsible for whether we are successful or unsuccessful, healthy or ill, attractive or ugly, happy or depressed

It lifted my spirits rather than depressed me; for I was certain that somehow we would be together again soon

Your spirit can be «depressed» by something you put into your body

“He usually gets depressed when his mother goes

“Oh yes,” I suddenly didn’t feel so depressed

and many others would be depressed, and moan and

When David failed to confess his sin, he found that he felt depressed all day long,

David states that he is depressed, but that the Lord is still with him on the daily path

a depressed mood … it was best they came in slow and quiet

earlier that day and planted a letter on the kitchen table for Derek to see while he was at his most depressed state after losing his job

He was a bit depressed since he had no success with the young ladies

unexpected and alarming manner, was troubled in visage, and depressed in countenance

He felt very depressed as he stepped out of the building to the waiting car

A rather depressed figure sat in the dock and showed no emotion as the statements were read out, Harry didn’t care anymore whether the Jurors were concerned by his passive stance as they stared intently upon him from time to time

John meanwhile was trying to get through to his thoroughly depressed defendant, “Harry, I can’t believe you just did that, despite all my advice, we could have moved for a lesser sentence, the Judge will not be lenient on you now, I can only foresee a terrible outcome”

I was tired, I was cranky, and I was depressed, you’d think Adrinius would have got the hint, apparently not

When I was a teenager, I was so depressed at times

I was depressed

I appreciated her efforts, but I would always come back to an empty bedroom and I’d be depressed all over again

Once they have a predator attack them and leave them with nothing, they lose hope and become depressed

Many women feel depressed after the birth of

into other relationships if you stay depressed

“I just have the feeling that you are depressed

become the most depressed of all

SAD where people could become very depressed in the winter from

that left me depressed and sad until I received the

depressed over on-the-job conflicts is more prone

They say I’m depressed, that I have a dissociative disorder, that

hospital depressed,” and that I was “mental-hospital crying” all day

that I am fat and depressed and have bad skin and ugly hair

He had grown more depressed as each day passed

“I don’t like to use the word depressed in relation to prices, but there are more newspapers available at a fair price right now

ALEX CAME HOME that night, depressed

He came home depressed

33 Hermon being threatened in this unexpected and alarming manner was troubled in visage and depressed in countenance

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