Sentences with word delicious

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Moreover, this delicious «woodcutter» is never poisonous.

К тому же этот вкусный «лесожитель» никогда не бывает ядовитым.

My bakery’s bread is really delicious.

Хлеб из моей пекарни, и правда, очень вкусный.

I missed… your delicious ironed toast.

Я так соскучился… по твоим восхитительным глаженым тостам.

As Sebastian promised, they were delicious together.

Как и сулил Себастьян, с земляникой оно оказалось восхитительным.

We thoroughly enjoyed the delicious meal.

Мы были в полном восторге от вкуснейшего блюда.

We continue this list with another delicious fruit.

Но этот список продолжает постоянно пополняться и другими вкусными плодами.

Maybe that explains why it is so delicious.

Возможно, тем самым можно объяснить, почему она нам кажется такой вкусной.

Try this healthy and delicious alternative.

И мы хотим предложить здоровую и вкусную альтернативу этому.

The beer is unique and delicious.

Тем не менее, пиво довольно уникальное и вкусное.

Make healthy delicious choices wherever and whenever you eat.

Наслаждайтесь вкусной и здоровой пищей где угодно и когда вам захочется.

We also offer delicious meals and use our own products.

Также мы предлагаем вкусные обеды и ужины, приготовленные из продуктов, которые производятся на нашей ферме.

Recipes for delicious potato dishes and many interesting facts about potatoes.

Рецепты приготовления вкусных блюд из картофеля и много интересного и познавательного по теме картофель.

Sure will not miss delicious desserts.

Конечно, не забыли и о вкусных десертах.

Autumn is when food is especially delicious.

Осень — это время, когда еда особенно вкусная.

We usually take words for things that we like, like delicious food.

Мы обычно берём слова, обозначающие то, что нам нравится, например, вкусную еду.

Inside there’s delicious fruit which’ll fill our bellies.

Плюс в нем есть вкусные фрукты, что заполнят наши животики едой.

Some lemon and salt, delicious.

Это не противно; добавить соли, лимона и будет вкусно.

Actually, the biscuits you gave me were really delicious.

Кстати, те печеньки, что ты принесла, были очень вкусные.

Maybe that’s what makes it so delicious.

А может и то, что делает ее такой вкусной.

They’re low cholesterol and delicious.

В них мало холестерола и они так вкусны.

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delicious — перевод на русский


-Oh, they do look delicious. -Yes!

Наверное, будет вкусно?

Delicious, huh?

Вкусно, правда?

Well, that’s delicious!

М-м-м! Как вкусно!


Но это так вкусно!

It’s delicious!

Всё очень вкусно!

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Delicious and delightful. But tomorrow we must be on our way, eh, Charles?

Восхитительно и очаровательно, но завтра мы должны уезжать.

NAOMI: Lt was perfectly delicious.

Это было восхитительно.

Oh, I say. That smells delicious.

— О, это пахнет восхитительно.

— I’ve heard of it. — It looks delicious. — Yes.

Выглядит восхитительно.

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The food is delicious, isn’t it, Professor?

Очень вкусно, правда, профессор?

Of course! Delicious!

— Конечно, это очень вкусно!

Karusumi is delicious.

Карусуми — это очень вкусно.

It is delicious!

Очень вкусно.


Очень вкусно. — Восхитительно.

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These look delicious.

Выглядит аппетитно.

Oh, you look delicious.

А выглядишь ты аппетитно…

— Looks delicious, doesn’t it?

Аппетитно выглядит, не так ли?

Those look delicious, my dear.

Выглядит аппетитно, дорогая.

Doesn’t that sound delicious at the last minute?

Разве не аппетитно звучит в последнюю минуту?

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Mm, delicious.

М-м, вкуснятина.

Ooh, delicious!


-This is delicious.


It’s delicious

Какая вкуснятина!

— Parfaits are delicious.

— Это — вкуснятина.

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This is delicious.


I promise it’s delicious.

Я обещаю, будет великолепно.

It’s delicious.


It’s delicious!


— Which smells delicious.

— И он пахнет великолепно.

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It’s delicious.


Delicious. — Yes.


It’s a beauty, delicious… and it’s from Italy.

Оно прекрасно, удивительно и оно из Италии.

He asked to bring something delicious later on.

Он ему прекрасно подходит, да?

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How’s this? A batch of your wife’s delicious blueberry muffins against one of my wife’s homemade wind chimes.

Давай так: вкуснейшие черничные кексы твоей жены против одной из самодельных музыкальных подвесок моей.

I made such delicious sandwiches, Elaine.

Я сделал такие вкуснейшие бутерброды, Элейн.

Delicious delicacy?

Вкуснейшие деликатесы?

Now check out the Streck sisters’table, they made delicious krepels for your mate.

А теперь подойдите к столику сестер Штрек, они приготовили вкуснейшие крепфеля для вашего матэ.

Delicious meat substitude hotdogs.

Вкуснейшие хот-доги с заменителем мяса.

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So is his kitchen, delicious.


Oh, delicious.


It’s delicious.

— Это превосходно.

[Chuckles] Delicious.


Sounds delicious.


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It looks delicious.

Выглядит замечательно.

You know this does look delicious.

Ты знаешь, Райбек, это выглядит замечательно.

It smells delicious.

Пахнет замечательно!

The smell is so delicious.

Так замечательно пахнет.

This is gonna be delicious.

Это будет замечательно.

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«Delicious» is a song by English Britpop band Sleeper, written by the band’s vocalist and guitarist Louise Wener along with guitarist Jon Stewart. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Look out for the «Deluxe» range; the Lidl version of «Taste the Difference» essentially, with some surprisingly posh-looking products / * Nes mentions the «Greek style platter» in the comments which sounds delicious.


They are both unique and delicious, and we feel that they’ve got a lot of legs.


This was such a delicious chocolate bar!


That’s because this Easy Vegan Vanilla Cake may taste delicious, but it should be eaten in moderation.


Layers of delicious oatmeal and fresh strawberries baked and cut into bars are a great for a grab and go breakfast.


Combine cooked lentils, and chopped sweet peppers to make a delicious cold salad.


I probably didn’t need to use the olive oil, but it tasted delicious, so I will be making this recipe again using these modifications.


Submit your best tips on how to create a delicious meal in under 30 minutes for a chance to win a grand prize trip to wine country or hundreds of other great prizes!


Pyynikin Brewing Company is Finland’s most delicious, innovative and probably most internationally award-winning brewery with strong growth potential, last year reaching over 140 % growth and $ 1.7 M in net sales.


And second they are incredibly delicious.


It’s not as much fun as passing out my wife’s delicious Chanukah cookies to my colleagues, another year-end ritual, but it has its uses.


Apple Coffee Cake that’s quick, easy, and delicious!


The rice base used in the unsweetened Rice DREAM is made by special processing conditions and formula that allow us to make a delicious beverage without generating significant amount of sugars.


The very first cornbread muffins I tasted was at Dan’s Ryan Chicago Grill restaurant, Singapore: they serve some of the most delicious muffins in town.


Instead, I have a full day of delicious eats to share.


So anyway, I have nattered on more than usual with my blog post, this could be because I’ve had a glass of the most amazing organic Cabernet Sauvignon, or maybe just because I got to eat a couple of uber delicious chocolate-y crumpets (I’m a self professed chocolate addict), or possibly the two combined.


Wholesome, healthy, but still equally delicious!


With beautifully plated dishes and a welcoming ambiance, It’s Tabu Sushi ranks as one of Old Town Temecula’s best restaurants to share great wines and delicious food.


This Christmas tree cookies recipe is easy, pretty, and most importantly, delicious.


Seriously a symphony of ingredients to create one delicious bite!


Such a delicious, crunchy, fresh, aromatic salad!


These are simple everyday cookies, easy to make and simply melt-in-your-mouth delicious!!


HI Kaila, Wow these all look so delicious and are so healthy too.


What a clever soup, so many delicious flavors.


I had some gorgeous raspberries just begging to be made into a delicious breakfast, and this recipe seemed like the perfect way to use them up and try out a new pastry!


After the delicious pizza I made topped with their herb style creamy goodness, I decided to have a go at stuffed shells.


They didn’t rise very well, but their taste were still amazingly delicious!!


Feed your body a beta-carotene-rich dinner that’s creamy and delicious.


Kristy from Keepin» it Kind is an amazing blogger with heartfelt writings to pair with her delicious dishes and her husband’s gorgeous photography.


These look delicious and I couldn’t like the ingredient list any better.


everything looks delicious and nutritious as usual.


Heidi, I’m SO glad to have found yours as well, it is absolutely beautiful and I feel like we’re on the same page when it comes to how simple, delicious, but still decadent being plant-based can be!


Red Lentil gazpacho is a one of the delicious & healthiest recipe.


But now I feel as though they stack up in the fridge, almost black, waiting for us to take the time to transform them into some delicious baked good.


I even brought a container of these cookies to a Mexican restaurant with my family and for the first time, ever, we SKIPPED getting our favorite dessert of sopapillas and instead shared these delicious paleo treats.


this looks hearty and delicious — I’d have trouble not eating the whole loaf!


It was rare that he did any cooking, but when he did he always made the most delicious rice in the classic Persian way, complete with tahdig.


Chef Asif’s delicious homemade chutneys accompany many of its courses.


Coconut, being so delicious, helps with this.


I’ve recently been cooking more with coconut milk and it makes everything delicious!!


Hi Erin, Your homemade Cream of Chicken Soup looks delicious, I am looking forward to tasting it.


Top with green onions, cilantro, some sliced avocados or tomatoes for a simple, delicious dinner!


I am not sure its a good thing or a delicious thing that I figured out how to make a two minute peanut brittle?


We took our favorite winter veggies (click on the links to learn about their health benefits), beets, butternut squash, Brussels sprouts, and kale, and mixed them up with chewy brown rice and a delicious and bright maple mustard dressing.


I’ve been on a roasted chicken roll lately and this one looks so delicious!


And finally, the tang of delicious blue brie.


This little rubdown turns the kale into a tender and delicious salad green!


Looks like I know have to go buy some peppermint oil so I can try these, they look delicious!!


But really, its delicious any time, even as breakfast with some warm milk tea.


The blend of the Vega Sport protein powder and cacao powder (or cocoa powder) with milk and little bit of sweetener made for not only a delicious hot chocolate, but one that could actually replace my daily smoothie.


Synonym: luscious, savory, tasty. Antonym: distasteful, tasteless. Similar words: malicious, vicious, officious, delirious, pernicious, judicious, capricious, suspicious. Meaning: [dɪ’lɪʃəs]  n. variety of sweet eating apples. adj. 1. greatly pleasing or entertaining 2. extremely pleasing to the sense of taste. 

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1. They all look so delicious, don’t they?

2. Delicious smells were emanating from the kitchen.

3. Yes, it’s delicious. Try it.

4. Who cooked this? It’s delicious.

5. It was very delicious. Thank you.

6. This dish is delicious with cream.

7. These mushrooms would make a delicious side dish.

8. Chick peas have a distinctive, delicious and nutty flavour.

9. She served us a delicious lunch.

10. This dish is very delicious.

11. Wow! Did you make that cake? It looks delicious!

12. The steak is so delicious that he’s licking his lips.

12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

13. He is thoroughly domesticated and cooks a delicious chicken casserole.

14. Ann makes delicious pastry — you should try her apple pie.

15. This delicious variation on an omelette is quick and easy to prepare.

16. The pear is a delicious fruit and I like it very much.

17. His hot pancakes are delicious, you buy them straight from the kitchen to eat in your hands.

18. The soup is delicious.

19. There’s always a wide selection of delicious meals to choose from.

20. After a delicious meal we finished off with coffee and mints.

21. The recipe sounds delicious.

22. He goes for its full,delicious flavors. I go for its economy.

23. The delicious smell of freshly-made coffee came from the kitchen.

24. Traditional Spanish food is delicious and its specialities are worth searching out.

25. Here, try some of this — it’s delicious!

26. I enjoy eating oyster; it’s really delicious.

27. You’ve got to try this new recipe it’s delicious.

28. It was the policy of the good old gentlemen to make his chileren feel that home was the happiest place in the world; and I value this delicious home—feeling as one of the choicest gifts a parent can bestow. 

29. In half an hour she had managed to cook up some delicious chilli.

30. I can recommend the chicken in mushroom sauce — it’s delicious.

More similar words: malicious, vicious, officious, delirious, pernicious, judicious, capricious, suspicious, judiciously, avariciously, delicacy, delicate, delicatessen, elicitation, felicitation, precious, specious, spacious, salacious, rapacious, capacious, fallacious, voracious, vivacious, conscious, ferocious, sagacious, audacious, atrocious, pugnacious.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word delicious, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use delicious in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «delicious». In addition, we also show how different variations of delicious can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are deliciously. If you click on the variation of delicious that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Delicious in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word delicious in a sentence.

  1. From the great mandarin of the theatre, a delicious comic creation.».

  2. Cooking something delicious is really more satisfactory than painting pictures or throwing pots.

  3. Some hunted dodos only for their gizzards, as this was considered the most delicious part of the bird.

  4. Another explanation from Welsh, Peraidd, meaning the sweet or delicious river, has also been suggested.

  5. It was soft and delicious.When you have been through such hard times you never forget events like this.

  6.’s staff found the pizza to be delicious, but its connection to the Halo franchise tenuous.

  7. He was great-hearted and most understanding, with an underlying poetry of fancy that made him the most delicious companion.

  8. The Finnish name is herkkutatti, herkku from herkullinen, which means delicious, and tatti, describing the type of mushroom.

  9. Terry Lawson of the Detroit Free Press concluded, «Jolie, while always delicious to look at, is simply and woefully miscast.».

  10. Carrie Rickey of The Philadelphia Inquirer thought the film was «as delicious as French cuisine» and found Adams to be «at her most winsome».

  11. It was well-remembered by the indigenous peoples, and stories of the delicious ground-dwelling pigeon were passed down by local elders after its extinction.

  12. They are dressed like the Woodcock, with their intestines; and, when killed at the critical time, say the Epicures, are reckoned the most delicious of all morsels.

  13. The east-wind which had carried us so far, was entirely vanished, and a faint breeze only wafted a delicious perfume from the land, and curled the surface of the sea.

  14. The actress was a Gaiety favourite, «not only in respect of her voice but also her delicious French accent and, of course, her figure.» Others recalled «the charm of Mlle.

  15. Ed Bumgardner of the Winston-Salem Journal shared this opinion as well, specifically singling out the restaurant’s roast beef sandwich as a ripoff, despite calling it delicious.

  16. Wolters regarded his mother as «a highly practical woman, full of zest for life, who in hard times thought nothing of serving a delicious roast without letting on it was horsemeat».

  17. Ed Bumgardner of the Winston-Salem Journal wrote that the food is more expensive than it is worth, specifically calling the restaurant’s roast beef sandwich both delicious and a ripoff.

  18. Le Ménestrel called the cast «thoroughbreds» who did full justice to «all the charming jokes, all the delicious originalities, all the farcical oddities thrown in profusion into Offenbach’s music».

Deliciously in a sentence

Deliciously is a variation of delicious, below you can find example sentences for deliciously.

  1. How deliciously [his lines] prick the bubble of sentiment.

  2. Rajeev Masand described it as «a deliciously camp performance,» played «with utmost sincerity».

  3. Critic Jim Emerson called Barton Fink «the Coen brothers’ most deliciously, provocatively indescribable picture yet».

  4. For Crowther, «the charm and distinction of this film reside in the wonderfully dry way it spins a deliciously wet tale».

  5. The magazine added that Howarth «has given Todd such a deliciously frightening edge we hope he wreaks more havoc in Llanview».

  6. This time Waugh (to whom the book was dedicated) had no criticism; he found the book «admirable, deliciously funny, consistent and complete, by far the best of your writings».

Synonyms for delicious

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word delicious has the following synonyms: delectable, luscious, pleasant-tasting, scrumptious, toothsome, yummy, tasty, delightful and pleasing.

General information about «delicious» example sentences

The example sentences for the word delicious that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «delicious» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «delicious».

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