Sentences with word cursing

cursing — перевод на русский

Let your pants remain on them and earn their gratitude. — Refuse and take their curse.

А если отберёшь, нашлёшь на них проклятие.

— I think I’ll take both the curse and the pants. — Oh.

Я рискну получить и проклятие, и штаны.

And Maule’s curse?

А проклятие Моула?

— It’s a terrible strong curse.

— Это ужасно сильное проклятие.

There’s the curse… carved in stone on the ramparts.

Это проклятие высечено на камне на крепостном валу.

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It would seem that this island were cursed.

Кажется, этот остров проклят.

It only shuts ya off more from the world… and this is only a cursed town if ya make it so.

Это только еще больше оттолкнет тебя от мира… и этот город проклят только, раз ты его таким считаешь.

A curse that that he will never forget me.

Он проклят никогда меня не забывать.

A curse until the grave.

Проклят до самой смерти.

Some of your engineers are saying that the Blaidd Drwg Project is cursed.

— Кэти Солт. Так поговаривают некоторые ваши инженеры, что проект «Blaidd Drwg» проклят.

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In season one, Scott thought that the bite was definitely a curse.

Заставьте папочку гордиться. В первом сезоне, Скотт точно думал что укус — проклятье.

Then may you also inherit Maule’s curse.

Так унаследуй же проклятье Моула!

That’s my curse.

Это мое проклятье.

That’s one of the greatest curses ever inflicted on the human race: Memory.

Память — самое страшное проклятье рода человеческого.

— What sort of curse?

— Что за проклятье?

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«My curse on MacNeil of Kiloran… «and every MacNeil after him.

Я проклинаю МакНила из рода Килоран и всякого МакНила из потомства его.

— I’m cursing you, Morakeb!

— Я проклинаю тебя, Моракеб !

— And you were glad about that! I cursed myself for the idea coming into my mind …

Я проклинаю себя за то, что мне в голову пришла такая мысль.

In keeping with our conscience and for the sake of our bright future, I curse you!

Согласно нашей совести, и для основания светлого будущего, проклинаю тебя!

I curse you!

Я проклинаю тебя! Нет!

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Sometimes when she talks to me like that, I feel I’d like to go up there and curse her and leave her forever.

Иногда, когда она говорит мне так… я чувствую, что пошел бы и проклял ее, и оставил бы ее навсегда.

He cursed her with some horrible oath and she died.

Он проклял ее каким-то ужасным проклятием, и она умерла.

When I was a little boy I cursed my mother because of some milk.

В раннем детстве я проклял мать из-за стакана молока.

Your father, Aslak, has died I have no father he cursed me

Твой отец, Аслак, умер. У меня нет отца. Он проклял меня.

You cursed the devil that day, who not accepted the highness of the men.

Ты проклял дьявола, в тот день, который не признал величие людей.

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At first you want to yell and curse, then it gets funny.

Сперва кричать хочется, ругаться, а потом уж смешно.

I wantyou to stop cursing.

Я хочу чтобы ты прекратила ругаться.

You start cursing and screaming.

Вы начинаете ругаться и кричать

-Don’t curse at me.

-Не смей ругаться на меня.

Not very well, but you’re a monk. You shouldn’t curse at all.

Не грубо, но не забывай — ты монах и не должен ругаться.

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I will not yield, to kiss the ground before young Malcolm’s feet, and to be baited with the rabble’s curse.

Нет! Не сдамся я, чтобы у ног Малькольма Дорожный прах смиренно лобызать, Выслушивать проклятья буйной черни.

Gold don’t carry any curse with it.

На золоте нет никакого проклятья.

If you try to take me from him, he will give you very bad curses.

Если вы отнимете меня у него, он нашлёт на вас проклятья.

He can curse as well as bless.

Он хорошо умеет не только благословлять, но и наводить проклятья.

But in their stead, curses not loud, but deep.

Проклятья, прикрытые трусливой лестью,

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«Cursed fate that gave thee to the Moor!»

«Будь проклят рок, тебя связавший с мавром!»

And I raise a royal curse upon the man who slew Richard, our noble king!

За наш триумф. И будь проклят тот человек, который убил нашего благородного короля!

I curse the day I took you into my home.

Будь проклят тот день, когда я взяла тебя к себе!

Curse my natural showmanship!

Будь проклят мой природный артистизм!

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal

Будь проклят ты, внезапный, но неминуемый предатель

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As long as he has at least one organ functioning, he keeps crawling/ He’s cursing, yet he’s crawling/

У него пока хоть один орган цел, он ползет, матерится, а ползет.

No sirens, no car alarms, nobody honking at you, No madman cursing or pissing on the streets.

Ни сирен, ни машин, никто не сигналит тебе, никто не матерится и не мочится прямо на асфальт.

The only thing I don’t get is why he doesn’t curse in French.

Я только одного не пойму почему он не матерится по французски.

Why is he cursing in English?

Почему он матерится по английски?

— He curses.

— Он матерится.

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For almost two centuries the Pyncheons have lived in fear of my ancestor’s curse.

Видите ли, вот уже два столетия Пинчены живут в страхе перед проклятьем моего предка.

The way I see it… gold can be as much of a blessing as a curse.

Я думаю, золото может стать как проклятьем, так и благословением.

If you refuse our curse and Manda’s, our deity’s messenger, will be on you.

Но, если Вы отказываете нам в возвращении на поверхность наш бог Манта проклянет черным проклятьем весь мир и всех вас уничтожит!

There is no more curse upon the Marakeets!

Народ Маракита не поражён проклятьем!

The priests call it the Curse of Cygnus, and no one is immune.

Священники называют это Проклятьем Сигнуса, и ни кто не может его избежать.

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

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проклятие n

ругань f














The theme of blessing and cursing is continued in chapters 27-30.

Тема благословения и проклятия продолжается в главах 27-30.

I stood there unaffected by his cursing.

Я стояла там, не реагируя на его ругань.

The film built on conflicts and cursing which realistically shows family relationships.

Кинокартина построена на постоянных конфликтах и ругани, что реалистично и точно повествует о внутрисемейных проблемах.

Others have stayed forever, no one time cursing this decision, living in poverty and seeking solace in alcohol.

Другие остаются навсегда, не раз проклиная свое решение, так как живут в нищете и находят утешение в алкоголе.

He once ran through here cursing and throwing candles at the curtains.

Однажды, проклиная все на свете, он швырял свечи на этот тент.

None of that cursing was directed at you.

Ни одно из его проклятий, не было направлено на тебя.

His mouth is full of cursing, deceit, and oppression.

Его уста полны проклятий, обмана и притеснения.

Across the street a sentry ran cursing through the puddles to open a gate for a mounted officer.

По улице прямо по лужам с проклятиями бежал часовой открывать ворота для офицера.

I feel like you’re a Gypsy, cursing me with it.

Я чувствую, что вы цыганка, проклиная меня с ним.

Come on, Wilkie, it’s cursing class.

Да ладно тебе, Уилки, у нас же урок ругани.

Matt refuses and Isaac, cursing his son, splits her in half with Jesse’s blade.

Мэтт отказывается и Айзек, проклиная своего сына, сам убивает её мачете Джесси.

Argentinean people are notorious for the amount of cursing they do, so if they are talking to you don’t pay attention to the cursing.

Аргентинцы печально известны количеством проклятий, которые они делают, поэтому, если они разговаривают с вами, не обращайте внимания на проклятие.

Instead of cursing the darkness try to fix the lamp.

Мнение: вместо того, чтобы ругать темноту, попытайся починить лампочку.

Try not cursing at all for 7 days.

Старайтесь не жаловаться ни на что в течение 7 дней.

You come back stinking, cursing.

They lied because I was cursing a week.

Они солгали, потому что я все проклинал уже через неделю.

Thousands of people online are cursing at her.

Rather than cursing social channels, use them to your advantage.

Вместо того, чтобы уклоняться от социальных сетей, используйте это в своих интересах.

I am cursing myself for not wearing gloves.

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You will be cursing at the screen and the cars and questioning why they control so horribly, until you slowly but surely start the steep learning curve and realize that this game isn’t meant to be easy.


The right touchpad is the primary pad you will be interacting with and cursing whoever decided to mandate its inclusion.


Here at Massively Overpowered, we generally try to avoid cursing, but there really are no two ways to put the Cliff Bleszinski quote from his latest interview on LawBreakers» post-launch struggles.


The District Head of Wakama in Nasarawa State, Mr Peter Angbazo, has appealed to Nigerians to pray for leaders and stop cursing them for the prosperity…


Paul knows, or thinks, that his mother treated Stan as the favored son, that his wife looks down upon him, and must face the contempt of his teen son Michael (Charlie Plummer) who stands up to him, having no problem with cursing his dad out.


It centered in Luther’s discovery of the meaning of justification or forgiveness, and its symbol proved to be Luther, storming about his room in Wittenberg, cursing the God who demands righteousness of men.


This time I was cursing a blue streak when I cut into the pie that had a perfect golden crust on top but a filling that looked to be made with glue.


If the MTM R8 GT3-2 excites you, but you’re cursing the regular R8 that’s already laid claim to your savings, then fear not: as well as piecing together complete cars, MTM can convert existing V8-engined R8s into GT3-2s.


Enemies will also damage you with various elemental status effects, from freezing and burning to cursing and dazing.


At the medal ceremony, he stood off to the side glaring at the international wrestling officials, gesturing and cursing until he was pushed to the podium by his coach.


Bullet Hell types are rightfully hard to balance, and I’m sure there’s a sub-set of people out there that couldn’t pass the first stage and are cursing your name as I type this.


I find myself getting very frustrated during the night shift when I feed him for an hour (he’s bottle fed), to the point where I am cursing in frustration.


— will have you cursing the low assist in close quarters.


The share price quickly dropped a couple of pence to # 9.40 and I was instantly cursing my rashness and stupidity for investing in such an expensive player.


Legislator Schoenberger, when he was not cursing at one of his colleagues, had this to offer: the building should be retained so government can grow.


Such as cursing slaming doors and aggression.


As it sounds from the title, it was a more unofficial port of the classic Nintendo game from way back in the day many of us used to play all the time while cursing the laughing dog.


I’m nowhere near the end of the levels available, and oftentimes I’ve found myself ignoring the timer in the top right of the screen and just plain wanting to explore everywhere and collect everything on the level; then cursing that my progress has been lost.


Valesky has that same homespun, Ned Flanders charm; you feel bad cursing in front of him.


But before you begin cursing me and planning my ritual sacrifice to the fire gods, it should be made clear that I think it’s a very, very good game.


Perhaps the most shocking for me was the recreation of the evil underwater level from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles NES game, which had me cursing the name Brian Provinciano!


Whether engaging in a disco danceoff in a gay bar, acting like a square in an attempt to bed Michelle’s virginal younger sister Cadence (January Jones), eating an unusually unappetizing «chocolate truffle,» or just cursing up a storm, Scott shows why, out of all the Pie cast members, he’s gone on to have the biggest career.


It’s been equal parts grinning and loud cursing.


— Frequent use of scatological slang, cursing, profanity and vulgar expressions.


I would often find my wife cursing and poking the Kindle with her stylus trying to browse the web.


Halley was a trash-talking, smoking and cursing machine of disrespect and resentment, even towards those who tried to help her.


«My bosses were worried cursing would be a profound turnoff to our audience,» he says.


cursing and swearing in a manner so horrid as to convey… an idea of hell.»


Thank you for being so honest about everything… cursing & all!


The new owners won’t care about how you listened to the chirping of the cute little Chickadees as you fed them from right out of your hand off the second floor back porch that you proudly built (without a permit) when that same said porch collapses during their house warming party with all of your former neighbours thereon, and thence, thereunder, in an alcohol-fuelled heap of cursing humanity.


I was hating my body right about then and cursing the discomfort that came along with my midwife center-aligning my cervix.


If a tense series of standoffs punctuated by chaotic outbursts and some light * cursing sounds like your kind of Friday night, clear this gut-busting space shooter for landing in your digital libraries.


The sin of Adam was nothing compared to the sin of God in cursing creation.


He was delighted to read «the story about Lynton cursing one of my appearances on the Today programme, which I had done deliberately just because it wasn’t on the grid».


He said nothing about cursing the day Gabriel told Mary she would bear the Christ child.


When people get 2 indies a month for 4 $ (50 $ / 12 PS +) they start crying and cursing Sony.


I guess I have seen people «cursing» God/Jesus as well, for their — cancer, loss of job, bankruptcy, and all kinds of horrors and disasters.


BEFORE cursing the indolence of today’s youth, absorbed in the ever-more intricate virtual realities of video games rather than scrumping the ripe fruits of real reality outside, consider this.


Gone are the days of me cursing my phone for not holding a charge.


I have some stories and projects in the works, but nothing that I feel comfortable talking about right now, for fear of cursing myself.


Outwardly I may be cursing a lot, but in the back of my mind I’m telling myself, «You can do this,» and giving myself little pick-me-ups to control the situation.


So you basically spend the whole day cursing your decision to wear that Lilly Pulitzer sundress while scrambling around trying to find patches of sunlight in the lawn you can stand in.


It has violence but no cursing that I can remember.


It is scene as a way of cursing yourself so that you will never win it.


Yeah, I’m getting around to the movie with the cursing raccoon tonight.


It’s hard to introduce characters like that within the confines of a PG-13-rated story, but in Deadpool’s R-rated world, it’s significantly easier since there are less restrictions on gore, cursing, etc..


«Oh, the cursing you’d have heard if you’d been in the office when we saw that E3 conference!»


As I was making these I was cursing the amount of work they were taking.


The premiere of Friday Night Tykes this week provided a terrifying look at the world of extreme youth football where abusive coaches reign — cursing, berating and humiliating their players.


My death was to take place through cursing and the application of charms.


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word cursing, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use cursing in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «cursing».

Cursing in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word cursing in a sentence.

  1. He had pleasure in cracking a convention or cursing an enemy ..

  2. Goldstein regarded Deathrow’s profanity as the «best use of endless cursing in a game..

  3. He provided some examples of language games: «Asking, thanking, greeting, cursing, praying».

  4. Private rituals invoked the gods’ power to accomplish personal goals, from healing sickness to cursing enemies.

  5. Despite the victory, Ryan was seen cursing at an unidentified person and was subsequently fined $100,000 by the league.

  6. Two stories describe Dali cursing a hunter’s family such that his sons, and later the hunter himself, died as a result.

  7. Ulysses awakes, cursing the Phaecians for abandoning him: «To your sails, falsest Phaeacians, may Boreas be ever hostile!

  8. But MacGrigor outwitted the creature by tossing the bridle through a window, so the kelpie accepted its fate and left, cursing and swearing.

  9. Hough describes the scene: «Everyone was, more or less, making a noise, either cursing, jeering or just shouting for the reassurance it gave them to do so».

  10. There were several crimes that carried the death penalty: treason, murder, witchcraft, arson, sodomy, rape, bestiality, adultery, and cursing or smiting one’s parents.

  11. The latter are often perceived as acting out of envy, utilising cursing techniques from Palo, for which they have employed material, such as hair or nail clippings, taken from their victim.

  12. Although met with applause and shouts of his name, he «spoke in the same manner that had won him success in South Carolina, cursing, haranguing his enemies, and raising the specter of sectionalism.

  13. He claimed that Poe often wandered the streets, either in «madness or melancholy», mumbling and cursing to himself, was easily irritated, was envious of others, and that he «regarded society as composed of villains».

General information about «cursing» example sentences

The example sentences for the word cursing that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «cursing» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «cursing».



- проклятие
- бранное слово, брань, ругательство
- беда, напасть, бедствие
- отлучение от церкви; предание анафеме
- великая мука, мучение


- сквернословить; ругаться; проклинать
- кощунствовать, богохульствовать
- отлучать от церкви
- (curse with) обычно страд. причинять боль, причинять страдания, изводить, мучить
- (with) обыкн. pass обрекать на страдания, причинять зло

Мои примеры

Примеры с переводом

Gilbert was cursing under his breath.

Гилберт тихонько выругался.

He could not well ease himself by cursing and swearing at Harry.

Ругань и проклятья по адресу Гарри не могли его успокоить.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He ran an extremely unhappy headquarters. He tended to berate subordinates, frequently shouting and cursing at them.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

cursed  — проклятый, окаянный, отвратительный, ужасный

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