Sentences with word currency

A currency (from Middle English: curraunt, «in circulation», from Latin: currens, -entis), in the most specific use of the word, refers to money in any form when in actual use or circulation as a medium of exchange, especially circulating banknotes and coins. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Failing that, there are other international currencies to consider, such as the yen and Swiss franc.


Other things equal, most people prefer a currency that better holds its value, but that doesn’t mean that government should try to stabilize the price level.


The board said the qualifications of Welsh teenagers ought to have «the same currency» as those in the rest of the UK.


While numerous countries have shown their support for Bitcoin, and begun measures such as eliminating taxation, or giving incentives to blockchain-based businesses, there are still regions which take the currency with a grain of salt.


With rates at near zero in the United States, and negative in Japan and Europe, the differential is a powerful lure for carry trades, in which investors borrow at ultra-low rates in currencies such as yen or sterling and buy high-yielding assets such as the kiwi.


With this revolutionary financial technology, hotel properties have the ability to reach new customers in emerging markets, as bitcoin is a borderless digital currency.


Embracing the relatively new phenomenon of digital currencies and blockchain has become a sure-fire and controversial way for companies to remake their images — and boost their share prices.


Otherwise, those bridges to nowhere ominously gracing our common currency will finally lead us into a labyrinth — and this time Theseus might not be around.


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) mentioned on Thursday that it’s contemplating the introduction of a «central bank digital currency,» stating that technological improvements, together with cryptocurrencies and blockchain, have the potential to enhance the effectivity and inclusiveness of the monetary system.


Indeed, it appears the days of the dollar as world reserve currency are numbered!


Several researchers, including an official of the National Tax Agency, have discussed income taxation on virtual currency and not one of them opposes the taxation.


The fiat currency money system era was accompanied by the erroneous notion that a general increase in the price of goods and services is «inflation.»


Gold bugs look at gold as a currency, but it is not one and unlikely to be one in our lifetime.


In such economies, cryptocurrencies with a capped amount of coins become a much better store of value than wantonly printed fiat currency because they hold their value better.»


These high margins provide insulation from adverse operating conditions, especially global uncertainty or fluctuating currency exchange rates.


The Venezuelan Petro’s alleged astronomical success could be under threat as US President Trump puts plans in process to prohibit American citizens from purchasing the digital currency.


For those who already understand crypto and want a crypto-friendly platform including currency accounts and debit cards.


If you don’t factor in China’s renminbi using purchasing power parity, the dollar is the world’s strongest currency.


All of the post launch gameplay content, such as the DLC characters in Street Fighter V, is earnable completely free of charge through completing various in-game challenges and receiving earned in-game currency, called Fight Money.


The introduction of online transactions and digital currencies, coupled with inadequate cybersecurity, has opened the doors to North Korea for illicitly acquiring funds by new means.


A new Silk Road like marketplace called Atlantis had come online, exchange MtGox had expressed interest in listing the currency, and a growing number of merchants had announced acceptance of Litecoin.


(They never have to worry about a currency crisis again!)


These are the major competing currencies for global dairy producers.


Therefore, if the Company pays back the Security in Tokens, instead of cash, this may prove to be an illiquid and potentially worthless repayment currency.


Adverse changes in currency exchange rates may erode or reverse any potential gains from the Funds investments.


So for me the easiest, quickest way of getting some value or currency in her hand in 10 minutes or less would be to move bitcoins.»


At one point, virtual currencies were just viewed as something to be consumed by underground actors like hackers and those on the dark web.


Unleashing the currency on the entire Android family of smartphone and tablet devices is no doubt a step in the right direction in achieving much higher levels of transactions.


To answer your question: as per Step 1 in the blog post above, you should set your wallet currency to USD if you want to receive $ 100 in your Abra wallet.


For having come to intervene in the currency, bond, precious metals, commodity, and even equity markets on an hourly basis, governments today would sooner publish the plans for the construction of nuclear weapons than disclose the actual disposition of their gold reserves.


This is because the Japanese currency is very sensitive to any stock market changes in Tokyo.


The market value of a portfolio may decline as a result of a number of factors, including interest rate risk, credit risk, inflation/deflation risk, currency risk, mortgage and asset-backed securities risk, U.S. Government securities risk, foreign investment risk and derivatives risk.


«In response to client interest in digital currencies, we are exploring how best to serve them,» the bank told Bloomberg in a statement.


Withdrawing cryptocurrencies from HitBTC is free, minus the typical network fee for the respective currency.


Two events roiled the currency market this morning.


The forex broker has been supporting virtual currencies such as Bitcoin and Namecoin since 2014, making it the first forex to welcome cryptocurrency trading.


Ethereum — This is another cryptocurrency and a lot of people see it as a currency that beats Bitcoin as a dominant coin on the virtual market.


Yes, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1,000 points at the opening bell Monday, and it has already erased most of its gains for the year, in reaction to China’s devaluation of its currency the renminbi.


If we think of attention as currency, it represents something of a commodity — highly valuable but limited in supply.


An Alberta estate agent hopes that by accepting payment in the Bitcoin virtual currency for her CAN$ 1million home and development land, she will attract Chinese investors


It combined its fixed-income and currency operations and established a platform for cross-asset flow trading.


As consumers become aware of the high environmental impact of meat & seafood products, these products are expected to gain currency.


Kurt explains why and considers the question of whether to hedge or not hedge an internationally-diversified portfolio’s currency exposure.


The Brexit vote itself produced unparalleled levels of volatility in some key markets, most notably sterling currency pairs and UK shares.


The ECB argued that cross-border interbank trading in the 19-member currency bloc remains relatively low, cross-border equity or bond holdings are not increasing, and retail banking integration is limited.


The diverging fates of our two currencies, though, have made for a large reversal of fortune so far this year.


Memo to the US Mint: It’s about time we had another woman join Susan B. Anthony and Pocahontas on our currency.


Of course, for most that will only push the dollar higher, as it becomes the only currency to benefit from higher interest rates.


And since there is no great cause for which to suffer and labor, words like «duty» and «moral obligation» have simply lost valid currency for large numbers of people.


But it’s been a catastrophic 2014 for Bitcoin, the virtual currency.


Random good picture Not show

1 The bank will supply and buy back foreign currency.

2 His ideas enjoyed wide currency during the last century.

3 She commuted some foreign currency to domestic.

4 There was a thriving black market in foreign currency.

5 He admitted possessing and delivering counterfeit currency.

6 Britain converted to a decimal currency system in 1971.

7 Nigeria has just devalued its currency .

8 Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation.

9 Runaway inflation has depreciated the Russian currency.

10 The bank can supply you with foreign currency .

11 The report gives an update on the currency crisis.

12 They don’t have access to a convertible currency.

13 He bamboozled me into exchanging the foreign currency.

14 The government is running short of hard currency to pay for imports.

15 Investors and currency dealers were caught completely unawares by the Bundesbank’s action.

16 Communism enjoyed considerable currency in the U.S. between the World Wars.

17 The Central Bank intervened in the currency markets today to try to stabilize the exchange rate.

18 You’ll need some cash in local currency but you can also use your credit card.

19 The government devalued the currency to try to revive the flagging economy.

20 She says she will resist a single European currency being imposed.

21 The currency was tied to the gold standard.

22 The dollar has been revalued against all world currency.

23 Don’t mention the single currency?it’s political dynamite.

24 The country devalued its currency by 5 percent.

25 Send £20 or the equivalent in your own currency.

26 British currency went metric in 1971.

27 You can convert sterling into the local currency.

28 This belief has general currency.

29 Many countries charge departure tax in US dollars rather than local currency.

30 You pay for the car by banker’s draft in the local currency.

More similar words: current, currently, agency, curriculum, frequency, tendency, blackcurrant, emergency, efficiency, presidency, reference, conference, difference, preference, make a difference, arrest, barrel, hurry up, pregnancy, occur, curve, in a hurry, hurricane, surround, curtain, curious, correctly, accuracy, security, accurate. 

Sentences with the word Currency?



  • «the problem was to match receivables and payables in the same currency«
  • «the currency of ideas»
  • «the currency of a slang term»
  • «the dollar is low»; «a debased currency«
  • «deflate the currency«
  • «a depreciating currency«; «depreciatory effects on prices»
  • «American divisional (fractional) coins include the dime and the nickel»; «fractional currency is currency in denominations less than the basic monetary unit»
  • «he earns his living from the interchange of currency«
  • «the countries agreed to conduct their bilateral trade in hard currency, replacing previous barter arrangements»; «Germany once had a solid economy, good fiscal and monetary policies, and a hard currency«
  • «inflate the currency«
  • «The weak currency was pegged to the US Dollar»
  • «Prices tumbled after the devaluation of the currency«
  • «the dollar is the United States unit of currency«; «a unit of wheat is a bushel»; «change per unit volume»
  • «utter counterfeit currency«
  • «wildcat currency issued by irresponsible banks»; «wildcat stock speculation»; «a wildcat airline»; «wildcat life insurance schemes»

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No currency is completely set or floating.

На самом деле, ни одна валюта не является полностью фиксированной или плавающей.

Others maintain their currency within a range.

Тем не менее, некоторые государства сохранили свою валюту в пределах узкого диапазона.

It is used to describe Gold currency.

Правда, там оно, как правило, использовалось для обозначения золотой монеты.

A foreign currency current account maintained with another bank.

Буквально, «наш» счет. Счет в иностранной валюте, ведущийся с другим банком.

Carry transactions in any currency and gold or silver and foreign currency trade.

Осуществлять операции в любой валюте, а также участвовать в торговле золотом или серебром и иностранной валютой.

There is also currency translation fee is charged if the default currency does not match the transaction currency.

Также взимается комиссия за перевод валюты, если валюта по умолчанию не соответствует валюте транзакции…

Special rules apply for translating the results and financial position of an entity whose functional currency is the currency of a hyperinflationary economy into a different presentation currency.

Специальные правила применяются для перевода результатов и финансового положения организации, чья функциональная валюта является валютой гиперинфляционной экономики в другую валюту представления.

Dollarization takes place when a nation determines not to distribute its individual currency and employs an overseas currency like its nationalized currency.

Это событие происходит, когда страна решает не выдавать свои собственные валюты и принимает иностранную валюту в качестве национальной валюты.

Repatriation of currency is when foreign currency is converted back to the currency of the home country.

Репатриация валюты происходит, когда иностранная валюта возвращается обратно в валюту страны происхождения.

U.S. currency was now effectively the world currency, the standard to which every other currency was pegged.

Валюта США была эффективной мировой валютой, стандартом, к которому привязывались все остальные валюты.

Currency (currency) is always a pair or pairs for each forex transaction means you buy a currency and simultaneously selling another currency.

Валюта (валюта) всегда пары или пар для каждого форекс сделки означает, что вы купить валюту, и одновременно продажи другой валюте.

Sometimes the term base currency may also refer to the functional currency of a bank or company; usually their domestic currency.

Иногда термин базовая валюта может также относиться к функциональной валюте банка или компании; обычно это их национальная валюта.

Hard currency is also known as the strong currency and is the most valued form of currency in trading internationally.

Твердая валюта также известна как сильная валюта и является наиболее ценной формой валюты при международной торговле.

Foreign currency spot contracts are more commonly used in combination with other types of foreign currency hedging vehicles when implementing a foreign currency hedging strategy.

Механические контракты в иностранной валюте чаще используются в сочетании с другими видами автомобилей хеджирования иностранной валюты при внедрении стратегии хеджирования иностранной валюты.

The level of currency internationalization for a currency is determined by the demand other countries have for that currency.

Уровень интернационализации валюты на валюту определяется по требованию других стран для этой валюты.

If the presentation currency differs from the entity’s functional currency, it translates its results and financial position into the presentation currency.

Если валюта представления отличается от функциональной валюты организации, она производит пересчет своих результатов и финансовых показателей в валюту представления.

An online currency converter could be used to determine how much base currency would be required to buy a predetermined about of the foreign currency.

Интернет конвертер валют может быть использована для определения сколько базовой валюты необходимо будет купить заранее примерно в иностранной валюте.

Electronic currency trading involves converting base currency to a foreign currency at the market exchange rates through an online brokerage account

Торговля электронной валютой включает конвертацию базовой валюты в иностранную валюту по доступному рыночному курсу через онлайн-брокерские счета.

Electronic currency trading encompasses the conversion of the base currency to a foreign currency, at the available market exchange rate, through online brokerage accounts.

Торговля электронной валютой включает конвертацию базовой валюты в иностранную валюту по доступному рыночному курсу через онлайн-брокерские счета.

On the other hand, a government may peg its currency to a certain amount in another currency or currency basket.

С другой стороны, правительство может привязать свою валюту к определенному количеству в другой валюте или корзине валюты.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат currency

Результатов: 90087. Точных совпадений: 90087. Затраченное время: 301 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

валюта, деньги, денежное обращение, употребительность


- употребительность, распространённость

words in common currency — весьма употребительные /распространённые/ слова
to gain /to acquire, to obtain/ currency — получить известность, распространиться
to give currency to smth. — пускать что-л. в обращение /в оборот/; распространять что-л.
don’t give currency to idle gossip — не повторяйте вздорных сплетен
many slang words have short currency — многие жаргонные словечки недолговечны

- денежное обращение
- валюта, деньги

paper currency — бумажные деньги
gold [silver] currency — золотая [серебряная] валюта
foreign currency — иностранная валюта
hard currency — а) свободно конвертируемая валюта; б) дефицитная валюта (для данной страны)
soft currency — неконвертируемая валюта
payable in currency — подлежащий оплате наличными

- продолжительность, срок действия (чего-л.)

during the currency of the contract — в течение срока действия контракта

- (Currency) австрал. арх. белый уроженец Австралии

Мои примеры


the currency of a slang term — распространённость жаргонного выражения  
wildcat currency issued by irresponsible banks — нелегальные денежные знаки, выпущенные безответственными банками  
counterfeit currency — поддельная валюта  
free currency — свободно конвертируемая валюта  
currency devaluation — девальвация денег  
gold currency — золотая валюта  
silver currency — серебряные деньги  
sound currency — твёрдая (устойчивая) валюта  
speculative currency trading — игра на колебаниях курса валют  
stabilization of currency, stabilization of exchange — стабилизация валюты  
weak currency — слабая валюта  
internationalization of a currency — интернационализация валюты  

Примеры с переводом

The bank can supply you with foreign currency.

Банк может обеспечить вас иностранной валютой.

The dollar was a strong currency.

Доллар был сильной валютой.

The local currency is the Swiss franc.

Местной валютой является швейцарский франк.

European Currency Unit

Европейская валютная единица, экю

The currency is allowed to fluctuate within the 6% band.

Валютный курс может колебаться в пределах 6%.

There are moves towards a single currency in Europe.

Предпринимаются шаги по формированию единой европейской валюты.

Since the Gulf war, the term has gained new currency.

После войны в Персидском заливе данный термин вновь обрел частотность.

ещё 22 примера свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

concurrency  — совпадение, согласованность, согласие, стечение обстоятельств
xenocurrency  — валюта, имеющая обращение на международном кредитном рынке

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): currency
мн. ч.(plural): currencies

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