Sentences with word cooperation

cooperation — перевод на русский


Mr. Mayor, we are ready to give our cooperation in any way that you can use.

√осподин мэр, мы всегда можем предоставить вам наше сотрудничество.

And real cooperation in providing S.I.U. support for those who want the benefits of S.I.U. membership.

И настоящее сотрудничество в обеспечении поддержки МПМ для тех, кто хочет выгоды от членства в МПМ.

Up to now we’ve been bending over backwards trying to be helpful to the management, but the cooperation’s been all one-sided.

До сих пор мы старались изо всех сил, пытаясь помочь администрации, но сотрудничество было полностью односторонним.

I want to help you, John, but I need your cooperation.

Я хочу вам помочь, Джон, но мне нужно ваше сотрудничество.

Garin offers you his cooperation.

Гарин предлагает вам сотрудничество.

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Gentlemen, thanks for your cooperation.

Сеньоры, благодарю за содействие.

We would appreciate your cooperation on following the same procedure.

Мы будем очень признательны, если вы окажите нам содействие и сделаете то же самое.

We’ll give you every cooperation.

Мы окажем содействие.

I told you to give the Doctor full cooperation, see that he gets it.

— Я говорил вам, оказать Доктору полное содействие — Он его получит?

So I expect you two to give her your full cooperation.

Так что я ожидаю, что вы окажете ей всяческое содействие.

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I need your cooperation, gentlemen.

С этого момента вы будете сотрудничать со мной.

We can rely on the Doctor to give us all cooperation.

Мы можем положиться на Доктора, он будет сотрудничать.

Did someone mention the word cooperation?

Кто-то упомянул тут слово сотрудничать?

How did you get their cooperation without violating your oath of silence?

Как ты смог сотрудничать с ними, не нарушая Обет Молчания?

You and your staff must giveMajor Kemmer full cooperation.

Вы и Ваша команда должны сотрудничать с майором Кеммер, а не вставлять ей палки в колеса.

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Thank you for your cooperation, Foster.

Ѕлагодарю вас за помощь, ‘остер.

I direct our artisans and craftsmen in particular to give Dr. Galbraithe and his men their complete cooperation.

Я направлю наших архитекторов и мастеров в помощь доктору Галбрайту и его людям.

Pick up many more of these, I won’t need your cooperation.

Наберу этих штуковин, и помощь ваша не понадобится.

Well, I’m sure that Sargon appreciated your cooperation, Dr. Mulhall.

Я уверен, что Саргон благодарен вам за помощь, д-р Малхолл.

I called you because I wanted to conduct some research, and for that I’ll need your cooperation.

Я позвонил вам, чтобы провести интересненькое расследование. И мне для этого нужна ваша помощь

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History will show that cooperation between different species is impossible.

История показывает, что взаимодействие между различными разновидностями невозможно.

The police forces and interpol are giving theirfulIest cooperation.

Полиция и Интерпол приведены в полное взаимодействие.

Cooperation and coordination between you will be paramount.

Взаимодействие и координация — вот ключ к успеху.

And I’m sure they’re expecting full interagency cooperation.

Я уверен, что ожидают полное межведомственное взаимодействие.

Interagency cooperation only goes so far, you see.

Видите ли, взаимодействие не заходит так далеко

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— I assure you all cooperation.

— Я обещаю вам поддержку во всем.

Remind the Minister that Dr Haddad was promised your full cooperation.

Вы обещали доктору Хададу полную поддержку.

Make sure my man has your full cooperation.

Мой человек должен получить поддержку.

Gain their trust, secure their cooperation, and the rest will follow.

Вотрись в их доверие, обеспечь их поддержку, и остальное появится.

And I expect the full cooperation of your staff.

А я рассчитываю на полную поддержку вашего руководства.

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OK, the show is about to start, sir… and your cooperation is appreciated.

Хорошо, шоу вот-вот начнется, сэр… и мы высоко ценим ваше участие.

We ask your cooperation.

Просим вас принять участие.

They’d let her skate on charges of promoting prostitution in exchange for her cooperation snaring the johns in a sting.

Они сняли с неё обвинения в проституции в обмен на участие в операции по завлечению клиентов.

So you’re saying that the video’s a fake. You think it was made without his cooperation?

Так вы говорите, что видео — фальшивка, сделанная без его участия?

— It means he wants to find something to bust Boyd on that doesn’t require your cooperation … toss you back in prison.

Это значит, что он хочет найти что-нибудь, чтобы взять Бойда без твоего участия, а тебя снова запереть в тюрьме.

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You’re the champion of bipartisan cooperation…

Я думала ты борец двухпартийной кооперации, и в тебе дух—

Occasionally, through twinning or another form of cooperation, it can come about.

Это происходит на базе совершенно иных форм кооперации.

We’re spearheading what will be the model effort of joint American liberated Iraq cooperation.

Мы возглавим то, что станет, образцом кооперации объединенных Американских сил и сил Освобождения Ирака.

My readings indicate the need for cooperation.

Мои индикаторы указывают на необходимость кооперации.

The first chapter in a proud history of cooperation.

Первая глава истории о кооперации, которой мы гордимся.

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The Taelons also work in cooperation with humanity on various joint ventures.

Тейлоны и люди совместно работали над многими научными проектами.

In cooperation with the county police, we have begun investigating the cause of the flooding and our suspects include several of our own students.

Совместно с окружной полицией начато активное расследование причин, приведших к затоплению. И в число подозреваемых входят несколько наших учащихся —

Five-O acted in cooperation with Customs,

5-0 действовали совместно с Таможенным контролем,

A sting operation, being conducted in cooperation with the Essex County prosecutor’s office.

Операции с внедрение гражданского, которая проводилась совместно с прокуратурой округа Эссекс.

I’d like to thank all of you for your cooperation.

Сейчас хочу официально сообщить коллегам Ну, первым делом, поблагодарить за нашу, как говорится, совместную работу

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There’s no current cooperation between the fbi and lapd at all.

В настоящее время нет вообще никаких программ по совместной работе ФБР и полиции Лос-Анджелеса.

No, it’s a, it’s like an obstacle course with rope ladders and bridges, and… it says, «promotes cooperation, team work and trust.»

Нет, это как полоса препятствий, конечно с веревочными мостами и ловушками,и.. написано «способствует развитию работе в команде и доверию»

Well, forget about her cooperation.

Вы забыли о ее работе.

Good cooperation.

Хорошая работа.

For your incredible valor within this community, and for your uncompromising cooperation with this agency, I present to you the keys to the city, a symbol of our appreciation, respect, and for our continued partnership.

В награду за вашу отвагу и неоценимый вклад в работу нашего ведомства я вручаю вам ключи от города как символ нашей благодарности уважения и сотрудничества в будущем.

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Today we discussed continuing our cooperation on transit.

Мы, конечно, говорили о том, что мы продолжим сотрудничество в области транзита.

They tend to prefer compromise and cooperation.

Это свидетельствует о том, что они предпочтут пойти на компромисс и сотрудничество.

Genetic cooperation, which is good scientific poetry whereas universal cooperation is not, will be the subject of this chapter.

Кооперация генов, которая представляет собой хорошую научную поэзию, тогда как всеобщее кооперация — нет, будет предметом этой главы.

Facilitate closer cooperation among non-governmental organizations on ageing.

Содействие налаживанию более тесного сотрудничества между неправительственными организациями в деятельности, связанной с проблемами старения.

Some extradition treaties also include provisions on international legal cooperation.

Кроме того, существуют договоры о выдаче, которые включают положения, предусматривающие осуществление международного сотрудничества в судебной области.

Concerning cooperation, see answer to question 64.

Что касается сотрудничества, то информация по этому аспекту содержится в ответе на вопрос 64.

Early involvement and cooperation with stakeholders is sought.

Предпринимаются усилия для обеспечения на раннем этапе деятельности участия заинтересованных субъектов и сотрудничества с ними.

The subprogramme continued successful backstopping of technical cooperation projects.

Как и прежде, в рамках подпрограммы оказывалась поддержка усилиям по осуществлению проектов в области технического сотрудничества.

Playing games requiring cooperation and collaboration.

Предлагать детям игры и ситуации, в которых необходимо сотрудничество и взаимопомощь.

Border cooperation was essential to promote stability.

Сотрудничество в вопросах, связанных с границей, является непременным условием укрепления стабильности.

Approaches to development cooperation must reflect realities.

При разработке подходов к обеспечению сотрудничества в области развития необходимо учитывать реальные условия.

Development cooperation focuses on poverty reduction.

Сотрудничество в целях развития в первую очередь направлено на сокращение масштабов бедности.

Maintaining and strengthening existing cooperation was supported.

Было поддержано мнение о том, что необходимо продолжать и одновременно укреплять существующее сотрудничество.

TCCs are offering their utmost cooperation.

Страны, предоставляющие войска, заявляют о своей готовности обеспечить максимальный уровень сотрудничества.

Raymond Baker focused on international tax cooperation.

Реймонд Бейкер сосредоточил внимание в своем выступлении на международном сотрудничестве с области налогообложения.

Moreover, Belgium engages in bilateral cooperation.

В этой области Бельгия также взяла на себя обязательства в рамках двустороннего сотрудничества.

Metinvest Group and Lemtrans signed a three-year cooperation agreement.

Группа «Метинвест» и компания «Лемтранс» подписали соглашение о сотрудничестве на три года.

She said Germany supports stronger EU-China cooperation.

По его словам, Германия выступает за более тесное сотрудничество ЕС и Украины.

Non-UNDP-financed technical cooperation expenditure (NFTCE).

З. Расходы на техническое сотрудничество, не финансируемые ПРООН (НФРТС).

Improve sea-related dialogue and cooperation mechanisms with neighboring countries and boost pragmatic maritime cooperation.

Улучшить диалог и механизмы сотрудничества по морским вопросам с соседними странами и содействовать прагматичному взаимодействию на море.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

сотрудничество, взаимодействие, кооперация, кооперирование


- кооперация, сотрудничество, взаимодействие; объединение усилий, совместные действия; совместное действие
- товарищество, общество, объединение (как группа людей, разделяющих одинаковые интересы и цели)

Мои примеры


draw up an international cooperation program — вырабатывать программу международного сотрудничества  
mutually advantageous cooperation — взаимовыгодное сотрудничество  
your cooperation in… will be greatly appreciated — ваше содействие в… будет весьма ценным  
growing cooperation — растущее сотрудничество  
civil-military cooperation handbook — справочник по вопросам взаимодействия военных и гражданских органов  
cooperation in agriculture — сельскохозяйственная кооперация  
intensify cooperation — интенсифицировать сотрудничество; расширять сотрудничество  
inter-firm cooperation — межфирменная кооперация  
international cooperation — международное сотрудничество; международная кооперация  
interstate cooperation — межгосударственное сотрудничество  

Примеры с переводом

Thank you for your cooperation.

Благодарим вас за сотрудничество.

They agreed on a policy of cooperation.

Они договорились о политике сотрудничества.

He pledged his cooperation.

Он пообещал сотрудничать.

I hope that you’ll give us your fullest cooperation.

Надеюсь, что вы окажете нам полное содействие.

There is a spirit of cooperation at / in our university

В нашем университете присутствует дух единения.

Economic Cooperation Organization

Организация экономического сотрудничества

Martial arts teach respect, discipline, and cooperation.

Боевые искусства учат (взаимному) уважению, дисциплине и командному взаимодействию.

ещё 18 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We want cooperation, not confrontation.

Caldwell, in his remarks, emphasized the need for cooperation.

What we need now is closer cooperation between the club and supporters.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

cooperating  — сотрудничающий, взаимодействующий

Cooperation (sometimes written as co-operation) is the process of groups of organisms working or acting together for common, mutual, or some underlying benefit, as opposed to working in competition for selfish benefit. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

By learning the cooperation skills presented in this article, you’re essentially administering CPR to the parenting relationship.


We have a list of rock solid guarantees to make your cooperation with us fruitful and riskless.


As for the second condition, the CJEU specified that the establishment of such forms of «limited cooperation» shall serve «the full implementation of the objectives of the Schengen acquis» (§ 54).


«While we wait to see the action of the government in giving justice to all Nigerians, not least the Pastoralist community, we want to assure the president of our support and cooperation in his efforts to restore peace and normalcy across Nigeria.


Huitong’s cooperation with Vestas began in 2010 when Vestas provided 24 V80-2.0 MW turbines for the Bayinzile phase I project.


The idea of forced cooperation between players is exciting and makes for a… [Read More]


Things like aggressiveness, cooperation?


The SNAP program is operated in cooperation with participating local veterinarians.


In an interview on Accra-based Happy FM where he was commenting on the controversial Ghana-US defence cooperation agreement, Mr. Anyidoho warned that President Nana Akufo-Addo could be overthrown, stating that the overthrow will be in the form of a «civilian coup d’etat».


Hanwha employees were set to «build a cooperation system through sharing education programs and exchanging research manpower» at an artificial intelligence research centre at a leading Korean university, sparking controversy.


Bruges City Guide by Sophie Allegaert, compiled and published with the cooperation of the Bruges Tourist Board.


When he pushes the point, Boyland says he often gets little cooperation from the salespeople or lenders.


Greenhouse gas emissions are a global phenomenon that requires international cooperation and coordination to address.


The school identified five character goals on which to concentrate: cooperation, assert oneself positively, take responsibility, empathize, and show self-respect (CARES).


«Issues bordering on legal technicalities, lack of cooperation from States and local governments and public attitude towards corruption keep undermining our efforts to tame the menace,» he said.


We are condemned to cooperation, if not integration, and we have to improve on the way we have done it over the course of the past decade.


Consequently Freud was not interested in developing an ecological ethic based on the awareness that, in the long run, the real good of individuals requires cooperation, not conflict and competition.


«We are happy about the cooperation with Elopak and excited to introduce the new unbleached liquid packaging board Natura Life by Stora Enso,» said Annica Bresky, executive VP, Consumer Board division, Stora Enso.


Written by Caleb Taylor, December 18, 2016, at 1:18 a.m. DEATH SQUARED is multiplayer puzzle game about cooperation, communication, and robot explosions.


Inspired by the Yaris WRC rally car built in cooperation with Gazoo Racing, the Yaris GRMN is the Volkswagen Polo GTi and Ford Fiesta ST competitor that Toyota enthusiasts have been requesting for years.


, ideal makeup, ideal location, cooperation with a company in my city, promo codes and giveaway for you and also internationally!


The success of the LLD lies in the group’s spirit of cooperation and sharing, and the power of many rather than the interests of a few.


With Stock Connect and Bond Connect, cooperation increasing between Hong Kong and Chinese regulators on market manipulation


Naturally, you’ll need your future advisor’s full cooperation.


«I hired Donna as a consultant on social media and was very happy both with the process of cooperation with Donna and with her performance.»


During the current term, Task II has intensified cooperation with other international organizations to leverage technical expertise, benefit from synergism, and avoid duplication of efforts.


Focused team leader who encourages creative problem solving and inter-discipline cooperation.


Whereas dominance focuses on the teacher as the driving force in the classroom, cooperation focuses on the students and teacher functioning as a team.


develop cooperation and partnerships between individuals and organisations in post-Soviet countries


Transparency and cooperation during the application process is key not only to facilitating a smooth transaction, but also ensuring that a reverse mortgage is the right solution for the right homeowner.


The study was led by Professor J. Elliott Campbell from the University of California, Merced and it was carried out in cooperation with the Finnish Meteorological Institute and several American and French research institutes.


This goes back to the first topic, cooperation.


Bringing parents and teachers — and sometimes students — together in a book discussion group has enhanced communication, understanding, and cooperation among parents and staff members at one Illinois elementary school.


Inspired by Talanoa, an approach used in Fiji and the Pacific, these multi-stakeholder consultations are designed to be participatory and transparent, promote cooperation and ultimately raise the level of ambition in national climate action plans.


It will require the cooperation of schools and the availability of accurate, real-time data.


During this period, we have had the cooperation of this house in passing a number of bills in our determined efforts to put the economy back on a sound footing.


Evolutionary biologists use this and similar mathematical formulas to explain how cooperation among related animals evolved.


Matthew Kirk, external affairs director at Vodafone, said his group was preparing to release the first multi-country disclosure of the extent of its cooperation with national governments.


With your cooperation we can then use that time to see someone else’s pet.


Chihuly in the Garden is organized by The Chrysler Museum of Art in cooperation with the Chihuly Studio.


Maintenance tasks related to worker-management relations primarily entail: working with labor unions; handling grievances related to misconduct, such as theft or sexual harassment; and devising communication systems to foster cooperation and a shared sense of mission among employees.


Michael Gove’s ill-starred leadership campaign — and the man himself — got a roasting on Twitter for a surely pretty innocuous tweet: «We need to renegotiate a new relationship with the EU, based on free trade and friendly cooperation


The development of prosocial actions include several classes of behavior, including: (a) positive social interaction skills such as cooperation, sharing, kindness, helping, showing affection, and verbalizing feelings; (b) self-regulation and achievement behaviors such as persistence, independence, responsibility, and a willingness to tolerate minor delays; and (c) creative fantasy and imaginative play.


International watch, specific data and indicators on scientific mobility for cooperation with France.


In summer 2012, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, in cooperation with the MacArthur Foundation, made a significant investment to establish the Games Learning and Assessment Lab (GlassLab), which includes top game developers, assessment experts, and researchers from multiple fields and disciplines.


Notably, this public-domain database will come about with the cooperation of a for-profit legal research company.


The Electronic conference «Appropriate methods for urban agriculture research, policy development, planning, implementation and evaluation (February 4-16, 2002) was organised by RUAF Foundation in cooperation with the SIUPA and Urban Harvest Programmes of the CGIAR (the International Agriculture Research Centers).


Improve cross-sectoral outreach and cooperation within Global Affairs Canada and Canadian missions abroad,


In response, Côte D’Ivoire Vice-President Daniel Kablan Duncan praised Hershey’s cooperation with his nation’s cocoa industry, saying: «Cocoa is a tremendous part of the livelihoods for the people of Côte D’Ivoire and public-private partnerships are critical to improving the lives of people living in cocoa communities and protecting our precious natural resources.


And sometimes a child’s fears can look like a lack of cooperation, and a teacher’s response to that can only reinforce the fears.


1, Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondly on institutions such as courts of justice and police. 

2, We thank u for your cooperation and…

3, There is a tendency towards regional cooperation.

4, Thank you very much for your cooperation.

5, I require cooperation of you.

6, Your kind cooperation on this issue is greatly appreciated.

7, She called for closer cooperation on drugs control.

8, We appreciate your cooperation and..

9, Your kind cooperation in this respect is greatly appreciated.

10, Such policies would require unprecedented cooperation between nations.

11, Thank you for your cooperation.

12, We hope we can count on your continued cooperation and support.

13, The agreement on cultural cooperation between the two countries was rescinded on 30 April,[] 2002.

14, There is the strong possibility that such cooperation will prove unworkable.

15, The charter should serve as a blueprint for cooperation.

16, We acted in a spirit of cooperation.

17, We are counting on your cooperation.

18, She stressed the need for cooperation with the authorities.

19, They are seeking the cooperation of senior medical staff.

20, The Mexican president expressed hope for cooperation on trade.

21, He emphasised the wider issue of superpower cooperation.

22, You can’t enforce cooperation between the players.

23, They sealed their cooperation by an agreement.

24, The two countries signed a basic treaty of cooperation.

25, There is a need for greater economic cooperation.

26, There’s very little cooperation between the two countries.

27, They offered their cooperation on the project.

28, The two leaders have laid the foundations of a new era in cooperation between their countries.

29, We all agreed on a treaty to strengthen the cooperation between our two parties.

30, The meeting ended with a pledge to step up cooperation between the six states of the region.

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