Sentences with word conventional

Synonym: accepted, customary, established, formal, traditional, usual. Similar words: convention, invention, conversation, prevention, intervention, constitutional, convenience, a bone of contention. Meaning: [-ʃənl]  adj. 1. following accepted customs and proprieties 2. conforming with accepted standards 3. (weapons) using energy for propulsion or destruction that is not nuclear energy 4. unimaginative and conformist 5. represented in simplified or symbolic form 6. in accord with or being a tradition or practice accepted from the past 7. rigidly formal or bound by convention. 

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1. She’s very conventional in her views.

2. Months are a conventional subdivision of the year.

3. The chairman made a few conventional remarks.

4. She’s so conventional in her views.

5. Mine was a conventional family upbringing.

6. The disease is totally unresponsive to conventional treatment.

7. Internet connections through conventional phone lines are fairly slow.

8. Conventional wisdom has it that riots only ever happen in cities.

9. He made a few conventional remarks about the weather.

10. He didn’t fit the conventional image of a banker.

11. A conventional war would still cause unacceptable devastation.

12. The printer has several advantages over conventional printers.

13. What a conventional, middle-aged attitude he has to life!

14. All the approaches mentioned so far are fairly conventional.

15. She abandoned the linearity of the conventional novel.

16. Not everybody nowadays lives in the conventional nuclear family.

17. He is conventional in his approach to life.

18. The first movement is a conventional symphonic Allegro.

19. It’s not a hotel, in the conventional sense, but rather a whole village turned into a hotel.

20. As traffic grew, the conventional wisdom was that roads should be widened to make room.

21. His work brought him into conflict with more conventional scientists.

22. She gives the impression of being rather conventional, but under the surface she is wildly eccentric.

23. This remarkable technology provides far greater clarity than conventional x-rays.

24. The other houses are built to a more conventional design.

25. With a conventional repayment mortgage, the repayments consist of both capital and interest.

26. I want to reiterate that our conventional weapons are superior.

27. Relative to atypical antipsychotic use(, conventional antipsychotic use was associated with a higher risk for death at all time points.

28. Die? I should say not, dear fellow. No Barry more would allow such a conventional thing to happen to him. John Barry more, American actor, J. 

29. We must reduce the danger of war by controlling nuclear, chemical and conventional arms.

30. It’s taken a long time to break out of my own conventional training.

More similar words: convention, invention, conversation, prevention, intervention, constitutional, convenience, a bone of contention, conversion, national, additional, functional, educational, conviction, nationalism, traditional, congressional, traditionally, institutional, international, instructional, mention, organizational, attention, not to mention, pay attention to, identification, convey, concentration, convert. 

conventional — перевод на русский


In a community of 855 men and 8 women… conventional one-to-one relationships between men and women..

В обществе, где 855 мужчин и 8 женщин, Обычные отношения между мужчиной и женщиной невозможны.

They believe conventional warp engines damage subspace, so they’ve outlawed warp travel through their territory.

Они верят, что обычные варп двигатели разрушают подпространство, поэтому они объявляют незаконным проход на варпе через их территорию.

They have to crap on conventional things in order to create.

Они должны плевать на обычные вещи, чтобы иметь возможность творить.

And, by law, there has to be a conventional sign next to them, saying the same thing for when it’s dark and not windy.

И по закону, радом с ними должны стоять дублирующие обычные знаки на случай, если будет темно или не ветрено.

Now, this other fragment has conventional rifling.

Теперь, у других фрагментов обычные нарезы.

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And if I’m hard to reach… well, don’t make the conventional assumptions.

И если со мной трудно будет связаться… ну, не делайте традиционных предположений.

That’s why I’ve decided to pursue a more conventional work environment.

Вот почему я решил выполнять работу в более традиционных условиях.

Only if no conventional treatment has been given can a miracle be declared.

Говорить о чуде можно было только тогда, когда не применялось никаких традиционных методов лечения.

— It’s okay. There’s a lot of safe, conventional writers who find success writing textbooks.

Есть много простых, традиционных писателей которые становятся популярными и пишут учебники

To the ignorant or those in conventional industries, the recent Nucleus glitch may seem a failure… purely in the negative sense.

Для представителей традиционных отраслей случай с «Нуклеусом» может показаться провалом.

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You’ll see, with Cottafavi, the perceived magic is filtered through traditional film techniques. He lyrically exacerbates conventional forms.

Вот увидишь, у Коттафави приглушенная магичность наезда камеры ремодулирует чрезмерный лиризм общепринятых шаблонов.

Yet, there are scientists who can expand their thoughts well beyond conventional wisdom, and in doing so, see the bigger picture that is starting to come into focus.

Всё же есть учёные, способные выйти в своих суждениях далеко за пределы общепринятых взглядов. Видя, таким образом, большую картину, которая становится всё более чёткой.

Of course, just because they don’t have an alarm system doesn’t mean you don’t have to worry about less conventional forms of security.

Конечно, факт отсутствия сигнализации не означает, что вам не придётся беспокоиться о менее общепринятых вариантах защиты.

She’s way beyond conventional morality.

— Нет, она выше общепринятой морали.

Well, conventional wisdom is he was demonstrating his own faith.

Ну, по общепринятой версии, он демонстрировал свою веру.

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Conventional internal combustion engine.

Стандартный двигатель внутреннего сгорания.

Conventional wisdom.

Стандартный подход.

— Yeah, it’s dated and conventional.

— Да, на древний и стандартный.

However… conventional investigation of these cases may decrease the rate of success.

Тем не менее стандартное расследование этих дел может уменьшить вышеупомянутый процент.



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In 1946 Timothy Leary was all set for a glittering but conventional career.

В 1946 году Тимоти Лири был готов к началу блестящей, но заурядной карьеры.

Before you came into my life, it was set on a course so dull, so conventional, so unrewarding that it would have been better if I had not lived at all.

Прежде, чем вы вошли в мою жизнь, она обещала быть такой унылой, такой заурядной и бесполезной, что было бы лучше не жить совсем.

He’s making you conventional and skittish.

Он делает вас заурядной и пугливой

But not conventional.

Но не заурядная.

However, the theme is too conventional, so we decided to give it 2nd prize.

Тем не менее, тема заурядна, поэтому мы решили дать ему 2-е место.

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Scrub brush, rocks, an abundance of mineral deposits, but no weapons in the conventional sense.

Жесткие кустарники, камни, обилие полезных ископаемых, но никакого оружия в привычном смысле этого слова.

It’s not stealing in the conventional sense of the word.

И не крала в привычном смысле этого слова.

Turning down conventional modeling jobs, booking sleazy gigs at private parties…

Отрицание привычной работы модели, участие в сомнительных мероприятиях на частных вечеринках…

And that’s why you need me, because I am willing to stare into the abyss beyond conventional morality and do what needs to be done to even that fucking table back up.

Поэтому я и нужен тебе, потому что я нырну в бездну, находящуюся за пределами привычной морали, и сделаю всё, чтобы выровнять этот долбаный стол.

There, our conventional perspectives of space and time strangely change.

Наши привычные взгляды на пространство и время причудливым образом меняются.

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He’s not conventional.

Он необычный.

Well, not conventional blackmail.

Необычный шантаж.

You know I’m not a conventional principal.

Ты ведь знаешь, я необычный директор.

I know it’s not the conventional choice, but it’s just so textured and rich and… and… and exciting.

Я знаю, что это необычный выбор, но эта песня такая текстурная, такая сильная и… и возбуждающая.

That’s why these are not conventional attacks.

Вот почему они атакуют столь необычно.

Wy do you have to be so conventional?

Ну почему ты должен быть таким обыкновенным?

It might amuse you to know that while you were upstairs having moose with me and Liv who, by the way, finds me very conventional I had Irina down here in that cage.

Знаешь, когда ты был наверху и ел стейк из лося со мной и Лив, которая, кстати, находит меня обыкновенным. Здесь, в этой клетке, была Ирина.

I’ve been trying to get your attention with conventional weapons,

Я пытался привлечь твоё внимание, с помощью обыкновенным оружием:

Either we act conventionally, and go home like everyone else,

Или мы поступаем обыкновенно, и едем домой как все остальные,

Having worked on French films of the most conventional and traditional kind,

Проработав на французских фильмах из самого обыкновенного и традиционного вида,

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In the meantime, they suggest that meditation may be a low-cost, low-risk practice that can be used together with conventional strategies like diet, exercise, and other lifestyle modifications.


Even though power racks aren’t the «conventional» or even ideal choice for a home gym, it’s way up on my wish list for a home gym.


When all of this is working properly, the teachers report they get through their conventional math lessons more quickly and with deeper understanding for more students.


In the first case, your objective may be to develop a certain quality or skill that conventional gym equipment can not provide you.


Studies with mice show that specific nerve cells get turned on when they get in their nests — or anything resembling a conventional nest.


In the US, more than 99 % of peanut farms use conventional farming practices including the use of fungicide, as mold is a common affliction among peanut crops.


On the other hand, if you’re having trouble qualifying for a conventional loan, you may want to consider other loan types that are geared towards those with weaker credit.


We don’t use conventional medicine, we think the body has the innate ability to heal itself if you will let it.


I love salsa even though i rarely have it the conventional way… with tortilla chips.


The absorption of conventional Vitamin C diminishes rapidly as the dose increases (e.g. ~ 19 % for oral vitamin C).


There may be thousands of conventional mascaras that check off the first three boxes, but only our natural black mascara ticks off (in our humble opinion) the most important box — clean beauty.


You might or might have not been accustomed to the conventional dating scenes such as bar and pubs.


If the theology of the Hartford Appeal — with its conventional theism, careful political neutrality and total lack of christological content — represents the trend of the «70s, then I’ll be glad to swim against the tide for a while.


Good analysts also need intellectual curiosity, they need the confidence to question conventional thinking, and unless they are only investing their own money, they need great communication skills to give decision-makers the conviction needed to invest in their recommendations.


But even if one grants De Rugy her twin contentions that the SBA financing has reached just 1 percent of small businesses and that no more than 6 percent of small businesses have been unreasonably shut off from conventional credit, the SBA still has many potential customers.


The government launched an altogether new loan type, called the Home Affordable Refinance Program, or HARP, to help mortgage holders with a Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac conventional loan.


It’s made by melting conventional steel — itself a combination of iron and carbon (and sometimes other metals like nickel)— and adding in chromium and molybdenum, which prevent rust and corrosion.


I will never make the conventional ones again!


Although the conventional treatment of plantar fasciitis can be long and difficult, there are many ways to speed up the process of healing the damaged tissue.


That is pretty delicate because you have to make sure you couldn’t possibly have missed anything more conventional.


With thyroid issues, looking from the conventional to the functional medicine realm.


They recognize that this kind of work doesn’t lend itself to conventional 9 to 5 days and can require long, irregular hours out in the community.


The new grille design is a step up from the previous model, especially the more conventional headlight design.


That will provoke anger in Labour circles about Miliband’s heavy strategic reliance on electoral movements quite separate from a conventional swing from blue to red — and, as it transpires, inadequate in comparison.


Bake until a toothpick inserted into the center of a muffin comes out clean, about 20 minutes (if you are using a conventional oven, your baking time will be longer, 25 to 30 minutes).


Russian women value dignity and are faithful to their «conventional» values.


The problem is that conventional treatments address hyperglycemia which is a symptom and do not do anything to treat the cause: the high insulin levels in the blood and the blunting of the insulin receptors.


Organic food is beneficial and gives more nutrition in contrary to the conventional baby foods.


[7] Citroën replaced the conventional steel springs on the rear axle of their top-of-range model, the Traction Avant 15 Hydraulique.


His solution is to — with the help of unprepossessing Peter Brand (Jonah Hill), a geeky numbers-cruncher whose radical ideas are dismissed by every other club in the league — completely throw out the conventional wisdom and apply a whole new set of metrics to measure player skills.


It is possible that conventional canola oils may be rancid on the shelf.


Test of transfer (long-term): There is minimal evidence to support the idea that eccentric training is better than conventional training for improving sprinting, as yet.


So this brings the truck in at a little less than conventional trucks.


Unlike S. aureus and A. baumannii bacteria exposed to conventional antibiotics in the study, the microbes didn’t develop strong resistance to SAAP-148 after at least a couple weeks» exposure to the compound.


As I made an initial batch, experimenting with conventional sour cream and pouring over additional melted butter at the end to serve, and then trying it again with homemade sour cream, I began to wonder if this might be something best left to hands-on instruction, a recipe passed down by one generation teaching the next.


But though it’s got conventional bones, Coco also has — if you’ll pardon the extension of this metaphor — real heart and soul.


Many members who have placed personals for the Oxford area find they do not have the time or opportunity to meet new friends through conventional social activities.


They instead promoted the conventional Bt bacterial spraying technique to ward off ravenous insects, Saletan explains.


The method described in the provisional patent application allows consumers to use the polymer, infused with graphene, together with conventional polymers in the same printing process, thereby fabricating functional electronic devices using 3D printing.


The risk assessed by deCODE BreastCancer ™ is independent of conventional risk factors such as family history of breast cancer in close relatives, age at first menstrual period, pregnancy history, and breast density.


Instead of a conventional speedo, tach, an ancillary gauges, the virtual screen features a single 12.3-inch color display capable of showcasing a combination of engine instruments, navigation maps, phone and media info, and more.


Driving up alongside the 2013 Accord in Honda’s line-up is the new 2014 Accord Plug-in Hybrid Sedan, a model which, according to Honda, will serve as the basis for a conventional hybrid version of the Accord Sedan.


A common mistake that most of the young men make is that they consider dating sugar mummy in Australia is more or less similar to conventional dating.


Patients undergoing CRFA had greater reduction in the use of conventional, non-opioid pain medications.


He was skeptical of the protocol at first but then, after extensive research, discovered that it was the «real deal» and highly effective in helping with cancers and other conditions that conventional treatments are often ineffective on.


As an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids), and manganese, and a good source of vitamin E, collard greens provide us with four core conventional antioxidants.


The hormones naturally found in foods of animal origin may help explain why women who eat conventional diets are five times more likely to give birth to twins than those eating plant-based diets.


A more conventional definition would say that a game is a context with rules among adversaries trying to win objectives».


The company — which Pegula formed in 1983 — had been active in upstate New York over the years, particularly in the early years of the 2000s, when it drilled dozens of conventional natural-gas wells in the Trenton Black River formation in Chemung and Steuben counties.


This twenty-first century sugar daddy sugar baby arrangement can often develop into a powerful union of mind body and soul, leaving the conventional relationship in the dust.


These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Questions related to conventional weapons and forces require growing attention.

Все более пристального внимания требуют вопросы, касающиеся обычных вооружений и вооруженных сил.

These could include the establishment of supplementary subregional registers of conventional arms.

Одной из таких мер по укреплению доверия могло бы стать создание дополнительных субрегиональных регистров обычных вооружений.

Let’s not leave out «conventional» agriculture.

И всё же не можем мы избежать «традиционных» сельскохозяйственных проблем.

Currently conventional lamps are being addressed by two separate EU processes.

В настоящее время традиционные лампы обсуждаются в рамках двух отдельных процессов в ЕС.

In conventional Latin salus meant health, not salvation.

На общепринятой латыни слово salus означало здоровье, а не спасение.

More effective than conventional promotion methods.

Причем, с гораздо большей эффективностью по сравнению с традиционными методами продвижения.

Left, an image made via conventional microscopy.

Слева: изображение, сделанное в «обычной» микроскопии.

Compared with the conventional straight skis new skis glide faster, thus improving maneuverability.

При повороте новый изогнутый край лыжи скользит быстрее по сравнению с обычной прямой лыжей, тем самым улучшается маневренность.

The powder coating production lines produce less hazardous waste than conventional liquid coatings.

Порошковые линии для производства покрытий испаряют меньше опасных отходов, чем обычные линии с жидкой окраской.

It uses 32 percent less energy than a conventional building.

Этот дом потребляет на 32 % меньше энергии, чем обычное строение.

The conventional arguments about what could have been done are wrong.

«Обычные доводы относительно того, что можно было бы сделать, неверны.

You no longer live by conventional rules or wisdom.

Вы больше не живёте в соответствии с традиционными правилами или мудростью.

So the statistical tools we used are not quite conventional either.

Таким образом, статистические инструменты, которые мы использовали, тоже не совсем обычные.

Another possibility is stronger interaction than expected between dark matter and more conventional materials.

Другая возможность — это более сильное взаимодействие, чем ожидалось между темной материей и более обычными материалами.

I don’t think conventional rules and analysis fit this president.

Я не думаю, что обычные правила и анализ применимы к этому президенту».

This in turn means that missile defense systems have become conventional targets.

А это, в свою очередь, значит, что системы противоракетной обороны стали обычными объектами.

The outputs of the model complement conventional observations.

Результаты этой модели дополняют данные наблюдения, полученные обычным путем.

Diversification has been the main conventional remedy for commodity-dependent economies.

Диверсификация является основным обычным инструментом улучшения положения в экономике, зависящей от экспорта сырья.

The lack of norms regulating conventional arms causes serious concern.

Отсутствие норм, регулирующих обычное вооружение, не может не вызывать озабоченность.

A regional initiative towards self-imposed limitations on conventional arms purchases is therefore unjustified.

Таким образом, неоправданной была бы любая региональная инициатива по введению самоограничений на закупки обычного оружия.

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обычный, традиционный, стандартный, условный, общепринятый, обусловленный


- приличный, вежливый, светский

conventional manners — светские манеры

- обычный, привычный, общепринятый; традиционный

conventional conclusion of a letter — традиционное окончание письма
conventional phraseology — избитые фразы
conventional wisdom — общепринятая точка зрения; традиционный образ мыслей

- неодобр. консервативный; чурающийся новизны

Jane is very conventional about food [in the clothes she wears] — Джейн очень консервативна в отношении пищи [в одежде]

- обусловленный, оговорённый, договорённый

conventional rate — ком. условленный курс
conventional tariff — ком. конвенционный тариф

- находящийся в соответствии с договором, соглашением
- нормальный

conventional yield — с.-х. плановая урожайность; нормальный урожай

- спец. стандартный; удовлетворяющий техническим условиям
- условный

conventional sign — условный знак

- воен. обычный (о вооружении); неядерный, неатомный

conventional weapons — обычное оружие
conventional armed forces — обычные вооружённые силы (не оснащённые ядерным оружием)

- идущий в русле традиций; консервативный

conventional art — традиционное /консервативное/ искусство

- условный (об изображении); схематический, упрощённый

conventional design — условное изображение (солнца и т. п.)

Мои примеры


a conventional view of the world — консервативный взгляд на мир  
a lack of concern for conventional morality — безразличие к принятым нормам морали  
conventional obligations — договорные обязательства  
conventional symbols — условные символы  
conventional milling method — метод встречного фрезерования  
conventional mortgage — условная закладная  
conventional prison, ordinary prison — тюрьма общего режима  
conventional submarine — обычная подводная лодка  
conventional arms transfer — передача обычного вооружения  
conventional market — традиционный рынок  
conventional agrochemical market — традиционный агрохимический рынок  
conventional production methods — традиционные методы производства  

Примеры с переводом

Her views are remarkably conventional.

Её взгляды на удивление традиционны.

Jane is very conventional about food

Джейн очень консервативна в отношении пищи

He didn’t fit the conventional image of a banker.

Он не вписывался в традиционный образ банкира.

Most of her books are conventional detective stories.

Большинство её книг — обычные детективы.

Karen was very conventional about her views of marriage.

Карен была очень консервативна в своих взглядах на брак.

You can cook the meat either in a microwave or in a conventional oven.

Мясо можно приготовить как в микроволновой печи, так и в обыкновенной духовке.

He is conventional in his approach to life.

Он придерживается общепринятого подхода к жизни.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The number sign is the conventional symbol for labeling something measured in pounds.

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