Sentences with word committed

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


States primarily claim jurisdiction over crimes committed within their territory (principle of territoriality).

Государства в первую очередь заявляют о своей юрисдикции в отношении преступлений, совершенных на их территории (принцип территориальности).

There are other allegations of atrocities committed against civilians which require further investigation.

Имеются и другие сообщения о якобы совершенных в отношении гражданского населения зверствах, которые требуют дополнительного расследования.

But in 1980, he committed an incredible act.

А вот в 1980 г. он совершил просто невероятный поступок.

Persons who have committed serious crimes, not exempt from punishment.

«Те, кто совершил особо тяжкие преступления, не будут освобождаться от наказания.

Paraguay may criminalize money-laundering offences committed abroad.

Парагвай может криминализировать преступления, связанные с отмыванием денег, совершенные за рубежом.

Crimes committed before 2018 were not classified as domestic violence.

Преступления, совершенные до 2018 года, не оценивались как семейное насилие.

The same accounts for violations committed by individuals.

То же самое касается и нарушений, совершенных отдельными лицами.

The OIOS investigation concluded that the official had committed misconduct and recommended disciplinary action.

УСВН сделало вывод, что указанный сотрудник совершил проступок, и рекомендовало применить к нему меры дисциплинарного воздействия.

They never apologized for the war crimes committed in China.

Они так и не принесли извинений за военные преступления, совершенные в Китае.

Air raids committed against Republican cities were another factor.

Воздушные налеты, совершенные против республиканских городов, были еще одним мотивом.

However, Arthur had unknowingly committed incest because Morgause was actually his half-sister.

Однако Артур неосознанно совершил инцест, потому что Моргоуз на самом деле была его сводной сестрой.

This procedure generally accounts for crimes committed by individuals as well as offences committed by administrative authorities.

Такая процедура обычно соблюдается как в случае правонарушений, совершенных отдельными лицами, так и в случае правонарушений, совершенных административными органами.

They do, but the crimes committed by women vary from those committed by men.

Estonia’s courts have jurisdiction over acts committed within the territory, acts committed against one of its nationals, and acts committed against the State.

Суды Эстонии обладают юрисдикцией в отношении деяний, совершенных на ее территории, деяний, совершенные в отношении одного из ее граждан, и деяний, совершенных против государства.

Many among the rebels may have committed crimes.

Многие из них, возможно, и совершали преступления, когда находились в рядах повстанцев.

Not once in history revolutionaries committed atrocities.

«… еще не было случая в революции, чтобы революционеры творили зверства.

27,000 regime violations committed using prohibited weapons.

Почти 27 тыс. из этих нарушений были совершены с применением запрещенного оружия.

It also describes the programmatic response to violations committed.

В докладе также содержится информация о мерах реагирования на эти действия, осуществляемые в рамках соответствующих программ.

He has committed no crime and should be released immediately.

Я не виновна, не совершала преступления, меня должны немедленно освободить».

These criminal acts are usually committed by persons with fake internet profiles.

Как правило, подобными вещами занимаются лица, которые зарегистрированы в интернете через фальшивые профили.

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Hell, if he actually bothered to talk then he could have maybe even stopped himself being chucked in jail for a crime he never did, but nope, so committed is he to the role of voiceless lead character in a game that he rots in a cell, all in the name of….


Are you looking for a relationship leading to marriage or would you prefer being in a committed relationship or just living together?


I have christian friends who are very passionate committed couple, yet the stereotype is still there.


London Lawyers Feed the Hungry is supported by a group of committed volunteers who have made the issues of homelessness, poverty and hunger in their community a personal mission of action.


The more committed fosters involved in our network, the more lives we can save.


Operating on several levels at once — as fiction, as documentary, as investigation into the documentary form, as historical excavation and as exploration of the process of a talented and committed actor —» Kate Plays Christine» which won Greene the Documentary Writing award, even finds time to be beautiful, with Sean Price Williams «cinematography giving the film an aesthetic that is as unique as its premise.


EliteSingles was founded in order to provide a meeting place for singles who are ready to find that special someone to settle down with, so if you’re looking to enter a loving, committed relationship, we’re the sort of dating agency for you.


attract, develop and maintain healthy, satisfying, long-term committed intimate relationships; and


Indeed, it hardly looks like a work of Lanyon’s at all: he rarely employed this form, being so committed to the textures and depths of pigment; and it is straightforwardly representational in a way that his own landscapes never are.


Despite the challenges in the development of an instrument to measure dispositions, institutions and accreditation agencies remain committed to using dispositions in the evaluation process of prospective teachers.


Lesbian online singles is fashionable lesbian matchmaking services for lesbians with a need for a committed relationship.


They are very devoted and committed life-companions.


«Practitioners here remain committed to the ideals they were taught in law school.»


In committed relationship, but willN to lend helping hand, or give a10tion when/where needed.


Our committed relationship or marriage is often the greatest trigger of stress and anxiety.


Nearly every committed job seeker knows how to write a good 2-page CV, and how to network, and they are all Read more…


I, too, committed adultery and married an unbeliever.


Driven by a committed central performance and borderline-oppressive sensory design, Hellblade is a haunting and at-times unbearably harrowing experience, and one of the most visually-stunning games of the year.


Through our committed equity partners and investors we form special purpose vehicles to quickly deploy project specific equity to take advantage of opportunities.


Luckily, Governor Cuomo has embraced congestion pricing and committed himself to enacting a «real» plan in the upcoming budget session.


She is also a committed donor to the North Carolina State College of Veterinary Medicine, even though neither she nor Prune have ever been to campus.


As befits a production that blends real intelligence with anything-for-a-laugh energy, everyone had something interesting to say to a table full of committed fans and this enthusiastic «Community» newbie.


Having served billions of targeted voter-matched digital ads online, social media, and mobile devices over the past five years and helping to elect scores of Democrats up and down the ballot for offices ranging from senator and governor to state legislator and school board member, DSPolitical has earned a reputation as a progressive ally and committed innovator.


Sure, those few, deeply committed students of rare ability are an unmitigated joy.


The good news is, there are things you can do during this pivotal time to strengthen your committed relationship.


Lawyers are often perceived as being slow to adopt new technology, but the ABA TECHSHOW shows there’s a committed group of technology-loving lawyers keen to prove otherwise.


As a committed member of the community, Mercedes-Benz of Austin has given back to over 100 major organizations, community groups, and charity events throughout the area.


While I remain committed to using the formal office memo as a useful means to teach students how to convey analysis, I recognize that the use of formal office memos has declined in practice as technology has allowed less formal means of communication.


When she develops a loving adult self who is capable of not taking rejection personally and capable of not losing herself in a relationship, then she will be available for a committed relationship with an available man.


One precaution — some «consultants» in our industry are currently so committed to the «bigger, better, best» syndrome that if you aren’t a mega-operation, they tend to expect you to put up the white flag and sell out for pennies on the dollar.


This means only a really committed user will check junk and still continue.


If you’ve experienced infidelity, affairs, and sexual secrets in your long-term and/or committed relationship please don’t make a rash decision, this is not the right time to decide whether to break up your marriage and family.


A. Silent Awakenings is for committed Primordial Sound Meditation practitioners who want to take their meditation and spiritual awareness to a deeper level.


less committed or mature than those who are in monogamous relationships and films,.


Heastie backs a tax increase, meanwhile, on filers making more than $ 5 million, generating billions of dollars in new revenue he would want to see committed toward education.


I think my friends would describe me as kind, considerate, curious, fun loving, committed


Join 4 to 6 other committed couples who are interested in increasing their love and intimacy in order to reach more of their potential in marriage.


Speaking of the 6MT, it’s once again the sole gearbox option for the Civic Type R, which automatically filters out the less committed drivers.


This is juxtaposed with interviews with Haneke and his lead actors, in which Riva and Trintignant both express the novelty of working with a director so committed to fine-tuning and exactitude, whereas Huppert, having worked with Haneke twice before, is more philosophical, contemplative, and in-depth regarding his approach.


When paying driving fines in Kentucky, drivers are actually admitting their guilt for the committed offense.


The idea is to be intentional as we can when we’re ready to go from dating to a committed partnership, monogamous or ethically non-monogamous.


Traditional dating: «one person asks another person to do something together on a date, and this may or may not turn into a committed relationship.»


Presently she works mostly with very young children and their families through the Zero to Five Project, but she remains committed to improving outcomes in families with children of all ages.


oneGoodLove is an online dating site created solely for gays and lesbians seeking committed romances.


I am so impressed with the AHS at both locations, that its hard to remember that the dogs that live there are actually homeless because they are in such great hands between the loving volunteers and committed staff that run both facilities.Thank you for a wonderful experience for Elly and I.


Chicago residents, an integral part of our community, remain committed to supporting children and schools — the lifeblood of our city.


But I also think it has to do with modern committed relationships being absolutely more about the love relationship and perhaps less about social dos and donts.


Anything that violates a committed relationship’s contract of mutual trust, respect, and protection can be disastrous.


I kept coming because I was interested and committed.


Pet ownership is a privilege and requires a committed owner.


преданный идее, идейный


- идейный, преданный идее

committed theatre [writer] — идейный театр [писатель]
a committed nurse — медсестра — энтузиаст своего дела

Мои примеры


a crime committed for monetary gain — преступление, совершённое ради денежной выгоды  
the savageries committed by the soldiers — зверства, совершённые солдатами  
mean revenge, committed underhand — подлая месть, совершённая исподтишка  
committed theatre — идейный театр  
committed cost — обязательные затраты  
committed line of credit — обязательственная кредитная линия  
court-committed inmate — лицо, заключенное под стражу судом  
person having committed an offence — лицо, совершившее преступление  
committed progenitor — коммитированная клетка-предшественник  
committed progeny — потомство коммитированных клеток  
committed appropriation — ассигнованные средства  
suffering the crime to be committed — попустительство  

Примеры с переводом

She is a committed socialist.

Она убежденный социалист.

He committed an act of folly.

Он совершил глупость.

The crime was committed in a fit of passion.

Преступление было совершено в состоянии аффекта /в приступе гнева/.

He committed an infamous crime.

Он совершил позорное преступление.

Brady committed a series of brutal murders.

Брейди совершил серию жестоких убийств.

She committed herself to the work of God.

Она без остатка посвятила себя служению богу.

The party has a core of committed supporters.

У партии есть ядро преданных сторонников.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She committed too many faults to win the match.

She has not committed a criminal offence (=a crime).

His solicitor said he committed the offence because he was heavily in debt.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

commit  — совершать, фиксировать, поручать, предавать, вверять, учинять, помещать
uncommitted  — не находящийся в заключении, не совершенный

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word committed, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use committed in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «committed». In addition, we also show how different variations of committed can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are committed—and. If you click on the variation of committed that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Committed in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word committed in a sentence.

  1. Ranjan had committed to B.

  2. Dyer committed suicide in 1965.

  3. His division was committed to No.

  4. He has committed a mortal offence.

  5. She is committed against her will.

  6. Butler, who committed him for trial.

  7. In response to crimes committed by U.S.

  8. Smith committed suicide on May 30, 1923.

  9. Jeter committed 56 errors, a SAL record.

  10. Oliver committed suicide on 10 July 2006.

  11. It was with this gun that they committed suicide.».

  12. Bird was a committed Christian throughout his life.

  13. He was committed to debtors’ prison and died in 1743.

  14. Funding for the garage was committed in October 2009.

  15. In 1978, Duke became a committed born-again Christian.

  16. Soon afterwards, Joseph Beecham secretly committed his wife to a mental hospital.

  17. On 29 July, Paykull committed to an attack with his Saxons, Poles and Lithuanians.

  18. Jeter committed six errors during the season, his lowest total in 15 full seasons.

  19. He was also a committed opponent of racism and was active in the Anti-Nazi League.

  20. Australia initially committed North American P-51 Mustang fighter-bombers from No.

  21. The Browns also were committed Baptists and Jesse, William, and Julia Brown sang in the church choir.

  22. The Catholic Bishops also stated We are fully committed to the process of healing and reconciliation.

  23. During this time, isolated reports and rumors of war crimes committed by both sides began to surface.

  24. Shelley was «profoundly committed to an ethic of cooperation, mutual dependence, and self-sacrifice».

  25. In 2011, a Serbian court indicted more than 40 Croatians for alleged war crimes committed in Vukovar.

  26. In 1876, Riel is secretly committed by a friend to a lunatic asylum near Montréal under a false name.

  27. Arnold Schwarzenegger committed to star as scientist Will Robinson and Philip Noyce agreed to direct.

  28. His father was especially frustrated and advised that his son be committed to the lunatic asylum Geel.

  29. One of Lila’s two older brothers died in Copenhagen in 1905, and her father committed suicide in 1908.

  30. Relations worsened in 1870, however, as an army expedition committed a massacre against the Blackfeet.

  31. Jace committed to the University of Michigan on January 20, 2020 and currently plays under his father.

  32. This resulted in all three of its brigades being committed to the frontline, to hold the entire sector.

  33. In late December, the Kampfgruppe’s assault gun battery was committed to the Syrmian Front at Vinkovci.

  34. The company committed to full development of the game in early 1993, and production commenced in March.

  35. Who would believe in this age that such atrocities could be committed in a Christian civilized country?

  36. Her mother, whom Marjory characterized as «high-strung», was committed to a mental sanitarium in Providence several times.

  37. In the aftermath of the massacre, Union soldiers committed several revenge killings of Confederate-sympathizing civilians.

  38. Taylor’s response was that Britain remained committed to upholding its ultimate purview over Rhodesian overseas relations.

  39. Veronica Lucan committed suicide in 2017, and she believed that her husband had killed himself «like the nobleman he was».

  40. However, atrocities committed by the Japanese against Papuan and New Guinea civilians proved a persuasive recruiting tool.

  41. Squires and Wells were committed, the former for removing Canning’s stays and the latter for «keeping a disorderly House».

  42. Throughout his life Tsereteli remained a committed internationalist, adopting this view during his first exile in Siberia.

  43. Tuke was a psychiatric doctor with whom Druitt played cricket, and Druitt’s mother was committed to Tuke’s asylum in 1890.

  44. His mother had committed suicide in May 1968, and he was plagued with guilt that his fame after Gemini 12 had contributed.

  45. On the first play of the quarter, Cincinnati committed an offsides penalty, giving the Hokies five yards and a first down.

  46. Although many of his contemporaries agreed that Smart was «mad», accounts of his condition and its ramifications varied, and some felt that he had been committed unfairly.

  47. He sent four regiments of Latour-Maubourg’s dragoons to charge the Portuguese section of Cole’s line, and committed the whole of Werlé’s reserve to protect V Corps’ flank.

  48. The local ILP leadership was committed by an electoral pact to support the Liberal candidate, and could not endorse Lansbury, who secured less than 9 per cent of the vote.

  49. Upon his release he returned to Pinnacle, but the police continued with their raids and shut down the community in 1954; Howell himself was committed to a mental hospital.

  50. Actions committed against enemies outside of battle affects them in combat; the player or opponent who strikes first to trigger a fight will have the first turn in battle.

Committed—and in a sentence

Committed—and is a variation of committed, below you can find example sentences for committed—and.

  1. After his psychotherapy he enjoyed several committed—and sometimes overlapping—same-sex relationships.

Synonyms for committed

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word committed has the following synonyms: attached, affianced, bespoken, betrothed, engaged, pledged, intended, involved, loving, bound up, wrapped up and sworn.

General information about «committed» example sentences

The example sentences for the word committed that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «committed» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «committed».

Sentences with the word Committed?



  • «Lashkar-e-Toiba has committed mass murders of civilian Hindus»
  • «After the second episode, she had to be committed«; «he was committed to prison»
  • «She committed herself to the work of God»; «give one’s talents to a good cause»; «consecrate your life to the church»
  • «committed church members»; «a committed Marxist»
  • «the fundamental revolution in human values that has occurred»; «the book underwent fundamental changes»; «committed the fundamental error of confusing spending with extravagance»; «profound social changes»
  • «Today the United States is the only country in the world not totally committed to the Systeme International d’Unites»
  • «Adam and Eve committed the original sin when they ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden»
  • «Mean revenge, committed underhand»- John Donne; «oldline aristocratic diplomats underhandedly undermined the attempt…to align Germany with the Western democracies»- C.G.Bowers

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